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kantorberita · 2 months ago
Desa Sungai Petai Jadi Lokasi Perdana Monev Talo Kecil 2024: Evaluasi Pembangunan dan Sinergi Pasca-Pilkada
Desa Sungai Petai Jadi Lokasi Perdana Monev Talo Kecil 2024: Evaluasi Pembangunan dan Sinergi Pasca-Pilkada KANTOR-BERITA.COM, SELUMA|| Menutup tahun 2024, Kecamatan Talo Kecil Kabupaten Seluma melaksanakan kegiatan Monitoring dan Evaluasi (Monev) yang dimulai dari Desa Sungai Petai pada Senin, (09/12/24), Acara yang digelar di Kantor Desa Sungai Petai ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi capaian…
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madurapost · 6 months ago
Pemkab Sumenep Pastikan Stok dan Penyaluran Pupuk Bersubsidi Aman
SUMENEP, MaduraPost – Asisten II Sekretaris Daerah Kabupaten (Sekdakab) Sumenep, Abdul Madjid, bersama Tim Pengawasan Pupuk dan Pestisida (KP3) melakukan kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi (Monev) langsung ke distributor dan gudang penyangga pupuk. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa stok pupuk bersubsidi di Kabupaten Sumenep, Madura, Jawa Timur, didistribusikan secara tepat dan…
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Kemenkominfo RI Lakukan Monev pada Daerah Blankspot di Buleleng
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BULELENG - Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia (Kemenkominfo RI) bersama Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfosanti) Kabupaten Buleleng serta provider Telkomsel melakukan langkah konkret dalam menyikapi masalah blankspot sinyal telekomunikasi di daerah ini. Pada Kamis (21/9/2023) mereka melaksanakan monitoring dan evaluasi (Monev) di beberapa titik kritis. Menurut Analis Kebijakan Kemenkominfo RI, Muhammad Ridwan, pelaksanaan survei lapangan merupakan respons terhadap usulan-usulan dari pemerintah daerah. "Kami melihat ada beberapa hal yang sebelumnya telah dianalisis oleh operator, tetapi hasilnya berbeda setelah kami lakukan survei lapangan. Hasil monitoring ini adalah hasil final, dan kami telah mengidentifikasi sekitar 6 titik lokasi yang berada di Kecamatan Seririt dan Gerokgak yang memerlukan penguatan sinyal dan penambahan infrastruktur," ungkapnya. Sementara itu, Engineering Productivity Bench Telkomsel, Nungky Kurniawan, mengapresiasi upaya ini dan mengungkapkan kebanggaannya dalam memberikan layanan telekomunikasi yang baik untuk Kabupaten Buleleng. "Alhamdulillah, kami bisa memberikan layanan telekomunikasi yang baik di Kabupaten Buleleng. Sebagian besar titik yang kami sambangi menunjukkan layanan Telkomsel yang sangat baik, baik untuk komunikasi suara maupun data internet, dengan kecepatan rata-rata di atas 5 Mbps," katanya. Upaya ini diharapkan akan meningkatkan konektivitas telekomunikasi di Kabupaten Buleleng dan memastikan bahwa masyarakat dapat menikmati layanan yang handal dan berkualitas. (adv/bpn) Read the full article
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gosulsel · 2 years ago
Kepala Dinas PU Makassar ke Tim Ahli Wali Kota: Kami Optimis Selesaikan Program Strategis - Gosulsel
MAKASSAR, GOSULSEL.COM - Tim Ahli Wali Kota Makassar bertandang ke kantor Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) di Gabungan Dinas Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, dalam rangka rapat monev (monitoring dan evaluasi) program strategis Dinas PU Makassar, Rabu (02/08/2023). Monev digelar di Ruang Rapat Kepala Dinas PU...
#DinasPUMakassar #Monev
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natade-art · 11 months ago
if tristamp gave me anything it was at least the determination to make a fun amv with it. did my best
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tristamp-gunpede · 1 year ago
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It's been ages and I wasn't gonna make more of these but....
Tristamp as text posts HOZIER EDITION 34/?
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mine-loves · 2 years ago
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Trigun Stampede | s01e05
“Thank goodness.”
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andr0nap · 2 years ago
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+ a very rough size chart
just for estimates, i cannot be bothered to do the height calculations
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evershifting · 2 years ago
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rubbing my hands together like a fly it was bitch to fit all the gung hos
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feverdreamsandlucidnightmares · 11 months ago
I keep thinking about moral vs ethical authorities and actions in the Trigun animes. I hope this ramble about it makes sense.
I think most of us will agree that morality is perfectly capable of secular development and is unbeholden to religion in general, though religions can certainly serve as a moral authority and inform specifics. But they are not, or at least not the only, source of morals.
And while ethics and morals are often used as synonyms, they do actually have different meanings. The short version is that ethics are the rules and standards of a social system/culture/etc and morals determine what a person individually thinks is wrong or right. Often, people’s morals and ethics follow the same principles and authorities. They don’t have to, though.
Functionally, let’s say that ethical choices are social goods, and thus social authorities are the ethical authorities within a given society or culture. Much like laws and power structures are meant to protect and benefit the people they govern, a social or common good is something that benefits the largest number of people within a society. In Trigun, these authorities include the Bernardelli Insurance Society (in a limited capacity), the JuLai/July military police, the Eye of Michael, and (notably, but discretely) Millions Knives.
There’s plenty of speculation on and textual implication within Trigun Stampede that Knives and Conrad having their hands in a lot of JuLai’s governance and polices. This is where the moral value of the ethical systems in place becomes questionable.
There are a lot of implications to unpack within an ethical system potentially developed and controlled by a genocidal semi-immortal being using it as a shadow government. The abridged, most important point is that there is no reason for Knives to be a part of a system that allows humans to flourish, build community, and grow. There is every reason for him to convince/allow everyone to think that he is.
A social good is one with the support of those in authority. It has no innate moral value. Laws and orders from unjust governments do not absolve anyone of the weight of their actions. But they determine who is punished.
So, the Eye. The church of No Man’s Land. A social authority for people in Hopeland, at least to some extent. Enough so that the orphanage cannot stop the Eye from taking its children. And Windmill Village to a much larger extent. So much so that its people volunteer their children as sacrifices. And it’s implied to have a much wider reach than just that. The Eye of Michael is a cult that preys upon the planet’s most desperate. Rollo - sick and poor and unlucky. Blessed. Made new, made whole (everything down to his emotions tampered with). Monev the Gale. Wolfwood and Livio - orphans and poor. Wolfwood, the handpicked Child of Blessing. The perfect candidate to be a child soldier. Nicholas the Punisher. Livio, the volunteer. The good and faithful brother follower. Livio the Double Fang. The other Gung-Ho-Guns. Dominique the Cyclops, Midvalley the Hornfreak, Rai-Dei the Blade, E. G. Mine, Leonof the Puppet-Master, Hoppered the Gauntlet, Caine the Longshot — volunteers? Desperate people doing desperate things? Or violent people playing at divine intervention? Social authorities in their own right, in the sense that they can do what they want without repercussions from the masses. They answer to Legato, to Knives, not to the traditional governments of No Man’s Land.
And Legato has been desperate. He would kill almost anyone before suffering that again. He would die to escape it, too. Life holds so little meaning to him. The end is near and he is both hierophant and harbinger. He lays no claim to justice, only ruin, but it’s all in Knives’ name.
Knives, who plays god. Who puts a bounty on his brother’s head to drive him back to him. All that power, he gets to determine what is wrong or right and people can either agree or die. It’s easy to see where his morals fail, but there isn’t a higher power to enact justice. So, he has the authority, what goods does he perform with it?
It’s also important to note that Zazie does not perform moral or social goods. Zazie serves themself, for their own betterment. And this is not a moral failing because applying human morals to a multi-consciousness conglomerated hivemind controlled collective of bugs can’t make sense. Zazie is all of the wams on No Man’s Land. All of their collective experiences in the species’ existence. All of their lives, all of their loss. It’s all Zazie. And Zazie believes that the needs of the many (themself in all their facets) outweigh the needs of the interlocutor few (humanity, Plants). Tentatively willing to coexist and adapt, unwilling to accept their own destruction. Allies or enemies. They work with Knives until it no longer benefits them. Very utilitarian.
Nonetheless, the Eye of Michael and its chosen crusaders, its sychophants, its priests are a definitive social and tentative moral authority within No Man’s Land. So, who can tell Conrad that he is performing anything other than a social good by doing his experiments? He claims he’s trying to save humanity and the only authority over him wants humanity dead. A flawed system. The Gung-Ho-Guns perform social goods by killing whoever they are sent to exterminate. This, of course, includes Vash without regard to whoever might be caught in the crossfire. Vash, who unwittingly takes the blame for his brother over and over. Vash, who has a bounty placed on his head by his brother and his misguided puppet government. Vash, who is being mocked and chided, his bounty the same as the cost of a new Plant. Vash, the Humanoid Typhoon, legally an act of God, the first “human” natural disaster. Destruction in his wake.
Wolfwood performs a social good by betraying Vash. He has the authority to justify his actions through his ordainment.
And Wolfwood performs a moral good by saving Meryl. It’s the first unilaterally moral good he performs in Trigun Stampede. That’s important. The thing about Wolfwood is that he knows the difference between moral and social goods. He knows whatever values he’d like to act on don’t align with his orders, but there’s always other lives at stake. Wolfwood doesn’t kill because he’s particularly bloodthirsty. He’s pragmatic. Other people have to die to keep the orphanage safe. An unfortunate, but necessary cost that he’s willing to pay. Until he isn’t anymore. Monsters don’t need morals, but if Vash can afford them maybe he can, too.
And normal, everyday people perform social goods, too, by trying to stop bank robbers and bandits and the Nebraska Family. And Vash. Those are ethical decisions, stopping criminals threatening your home is ethical. You just have to remember who determines who the criminals are and why.
Your moral and ethical authorities, ideally, should be in alignment. This is not a utopia, so they aren’t. And these random people living on the planet he forced them onto are continuously subjected to the so-called social good of Knives enacting his divine plan in order to force Vash’s hand. They are a necessary sacrifice for his greater good. The greater good that is Knives’ Eden, that is a world remade in his image. Vash remade in his image.
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fave-trigun-mangacaps · 3 months ago
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Trigun Vol 2 Ch 3
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goldenteaset · 1 year ago
Episode 5 of Trigun Stampede is probably one of my favorites for the sheer number of ideas it presents re: cults in and out of this setting. But to focus on one in particular: I love that we see Rollo as a child listening to the Eye of Michael's doctrines in front of that old radio...and then when Meryl and Roberto stumble across Rollo/Monev's hideout, the ruins of his home, the radio is still on, still full of doctrine, and there's a huge furrow in the ground in front of it (either obscured or enhanced by the lighting).
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It's in remarkable condition, considering the circumstances.
When Rollo/Monev killed his mother, did he look at the corpse first, or the radio? Did he realize what he'd done in that moment? Or did he take the radio in his massive, too-powerful hands and set it back in place with the last remnants of love and reverence in him? Maybe he lay down then, exhausted and miserable down to his science-warped bones, and stayed that way for years and years and years. Ample time for local parables to give way to ghost stories.
The Child of Blessing sought out the only source of comfort he'd ever known, and listened helplessly for salvation until the end of his days.
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Antari Jaya Negara Hadiri Monev di SD 2 Negeri Tonja, Komunikasi Orang Tua dan Pendidik Jadi Modal Utama Suksesnya Transisi PAUD-SD
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Bunda PAUD Kota Denpasar, Ny. Sagung Antari Jaya Negara menghadiri kegiatan Monitoring dan Evaluasi (Monev) Program Transisi PAUD-SD yang Menyenangkan di SD Negeri 2 Tonja, pada Senin (18/9/2023) pagi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini merupakan upaya untuk memastikan transisi PAUD-SD dapat berlangsung baik. Di hadapan para tenaga pendidik di SD Negeri 2 Tonja, Ny. Antari Jaya Negara menjelaskan terkait pentingnya komunikasi maupun interaksi antara pihak sekolah, murid, dan para orang tua untuk menyukseskan transisi PAUD ke SD. "Saat ini selain pendidikan materi formal, pengajaran tentang fondasi perilaku kepada anak-anak kita juga adalah hal penting yang harus kita utamakan. Terlebih mengenai budi pekerti yang mendasari banyak hal di kehidupan, dan interaksi sosial anak. Sehingga nantinya proses transisi PAUD ke SD juga akan semakin optimal," tutur Ny. Antari Jaya Negara. Ny. Antari Jaya Negara mengatakan, transisi PAUD ke SD merupakan sebuah proses perpindahan peran anak sebagai peserta didik PAUD menjadi peserta didik SD, dimana terdapat penyesuaian diri anak dengan lingkungan belajar yang baru. Pihaknya menambahkan, kesiapan  bersekolah sebaiknya didasari dari tujuan pembelajaran yang sesungguhnya, yaitu memastikan setiap anak bisa mendapatkan haknya untuk menjadi pembelajar di sepanjang hidupnya. "Berdasarkan hal di atas, baik tenaga pendidik, ataupun orang tua harus berkomitmen untuk bersama menerapkan pola didik yang seimbang dan sejalan, baik di sekolah maupun di rumah," imbuh Ny. Antari Jaya Negara. Kepala SD Negeri 2 Tonja, I Kadek Tediana Saputra mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Bunda PAUD Kota Denpasar atas kunjungannya guna melakukan monev transisi PAUD ke SD yang menyenangkan. "Terima kasih Bunda PAUD Kota Denpasar atas dukungan kepada kami dan anak didik kami, terkait transisi PAUD-SD. Hal ini tentu menambah pengetahuan dan semangat kami mendidik anak bangsa," katanya. Tediana Saputra mengungkapkan, pihaknya sangat mendukung  pelaksanaan implementasi program Transisi PAUD ke SD yang Menyenangkan yang saat ini tengah digaungkan. "Sebagai pihak sekolah dan tenaga pendidik, kami sangat siap untuk mendukung suksesnya program ini. Pendidikan pekerti, keterampilan sosial dan bahasa, kematangan emosi, keterampilan motorik dan perawatan diri, serta kematangan kognitif untuk mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran adalah hal yang kami utamakan di sini," jelas Tediana Saputra.(bpn) Read the full article
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gosulsel · 2 years ago
Hingga Juni 2023 Hanya Merugi, Komisi B DPRD Makassar: Dirut Parkir Kerja Apa? - Gosulsel
MAKASSAR, GOSULSEL.COM - Komisi B DPRD Kota Makassar telah melaksanakan monitoring dan evaluasi (Monev) Triwulan II 2023 untuk Perusahaan Daerah (PD) Pasar Makassar Raya. Hasilnya, selama periode hingga Juni mengalami kerugian sekira Rp700 juta atau tepatnya Rp730.494.062. Rinciannya, Triwulan...
#DPRDMakassar #KomisiBDPRDMakassar #Monev
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shatterdome-underscore · 1 year ago
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Oh boy I sure do hope Vash telling a poor child that doesn't believe in god and is about to be tortured, experimented on, and deeply dehumanized by a cult that he (Vash) will save him (the kid), and then can't, all while in front of a big wrapped up cross that looks like the one Wolfwood carries isn't foreshadowing!
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tristamp-gunpede · 2 years ago
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Tristamp as text posts 13/?
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