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allthingseurope · 5 years ago
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Mondonedo Cathedral, Spain (by Cesar Vielba)
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lastnews-espana · 3 years ago
quiénes son los desconocidos que cuidan la ruta jacobea
quiénes son los desconocidos que cuidan la ruta jacobea
«Nuestro trabajo está dedicado a los peregrinos y al Camino. No solo cuidamos a los peregrinos – el factor humano es la base de todo y ahí el trabajo lo hace de forma excepcional Juan Ramón-, sino también la conservación de las sendas que recorren. De forma institucional el Concello trabaja en conjunto, en equipo, con la Xunta y Xacobeo, para que los caminos estén impecables, bien acondicionados…
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dosperegrinos · 6 years ago
29. nap
Vilela -> Mondoñedo (28km)
Ma szokasos reggeli 6-6.30as keles utan nekivagtunk egy hosszabb szakasznak, es vegul egesz koran beertunk a szallasra. Foleg kisebb falvak voltak utkozben, kb. 4km-enkent megalltunk pihenni, de amugy sok erdekes nem tortent ma :)
Galiciaban kb minden utkeresztezodesnel van egy iranyjelzo ko, ahova ezred pontossaggal kiirjak, hogy mennyi van hatra Santiagoig - ha hihetunk a pontossagaban, akkor ma este mar csak 152km-re vagyunk. Ez mar csak egy ropke het ha minden jol megy :)
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bookloversofbath · 5 years ago
Silk Hats and No Breakfast: Notes on a Spanish Journey (Honor Tracy)
Silk Hats and No Breakfast: Notes on a Spanish Journey (Honor Tracy)
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Silk Hats and No Breakfast: Notes on a Spanish Journey (Honor Tracy) lands on the shelves of my shop.
London: Methuen & Co., 1957, Hardback in dust wrapper.
2nd printing, first published 1957. Contains: Maps [1];
From the cover: This is the account of a journey through parts of Spain curiously neglected by English travellers. Setting out from Algeciras the author slowly made her way by provincial…
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fejese-camino · 7 years ago
Day 24 - The one with the heat
I left around 8 after having to get back my towel and baseball cup from fellow pilgrims thinking they were for take ...
I was hoping to see the sunrise but the clouds started right above the buildings. The weather turned nice slowly from the morning gloom and so I got to go without a sweater finally.
The way lead through forests in most parts and although often laid with concrete it was still pleasant to go on.
Late in the morning I caught up with Maria and we went together from then on. Had a break around noon at Vilamartin Grande that I really needed as I left Ribadeo without a breakfast hoping to have it in a bar around 10am but that place was closed. So finally I got to eat and also to rest after 17km.
We met a Holland guy who was walking the Camino to arrive at Santiago now for the 22nd time, this time for the redemption of a friend of his late wife who has very bad cancer. Apart from his motivation, dedication, and belief, his preparedness was also impressive: he had a backpack with the same weight as mine but his including a tent and cooking equipment.
In the afternoon the weather was more than nice, we actually started to struggle with the heat so when we stopped for our last break in Lourenza the icecream was an obvious choice :) (also the pain aux chocolate that I was craving all morning)
Boosted with sugar we went on to arrive in Mondonedo after almost 38k and close to 10 hours.
Since by now walking in slippers and without a backpack felt like flying we went a bit around the city and did some shopping for dinner and for Sunday.
Dinner was nice, we got some extra from other pilgrims eating close to us and we talked with them a bit.
The albergue had quite strict policies to prevent bedbugs and we did laundry too so the night started hopeful after dinner.
Today I also started to formulate plans for the end of the trip as well. It was now more than hopeful to get to Finisterra ... :)
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felipeandletizia · 2 years ago
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Felipe and Letizia retrospective: October 4th
2004: Arrival in Alburquerque, New Mexico, USA, ahead of their five-day official visit. & Dinner at the residence of New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson on the first day of their first official visit to the United States, Santa Fe, New Mexico.  
2005: 50th anniversary of the 801 Air Force Squadron at Son San Joan Air Base in Palma de Mallorca
2006: ‘Spain in the Twenty-First Century: Achievements and Challenges’ at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
2010: Visited Albacete (1, 2)
2011: Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Virtual Library Foundation “Miguel de Cervantes”
2012: Visited Panama & Visited Ecuador
2013: Visited Telefónica SA
2016: Opening of 2016-2017 training course at Secondary School “San Rosendo” in Mondonedo, Spain. (1, 2)
2018: Meeting on Initiatives for Training and Employment for young people on Red Cross World Day in Madrid; Opening of the 2018 Red Cross Fundraising Campaign in Madrid; Ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of Petronor and the start of the construction work of its new facilities (1, 2); Audience with a representation of the Pablo VI Foundation and the Spanish Episcopal Conference, organizers of the congress “The Church in the Democratic Society” & Visited the Museum of Fine Arts of Bilbao, on the occasion of its remodeling and exhibition on its 110th anniversary (1, 2)
2019: Visited Orihuela (Alicante) and Los Alcázares (Murcia), that were affected by the recent floods.
2021: Received the credentials of new ambassadors; Opening of the International Congress On Health And Nutrition “FAO-Conxemar” & Inauguration of the “Tornaviaje. Arte iberoamericano en España” exhibition.
F&L Through the Years: 842/??
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ifreakingloveroyals · 3 years ago
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4 October 2016 | Queen Letizia of Spain attends the opening of 2016-2017 training course at Secondary School "San Rosendo" in Mondonedo, Spain. (c) Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images
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michaelamondonedo · 4 years ago
Hajimemashte. Watashi no namaewa
mikaera nikoreu mondoñedo desu.
Nikuneemu wa michaela desu.Juu kyuu sai desu. Sit no gaku sei desu
Good day everyone!My name is michaela
nicole mondonedo, I'm 19 years old student from STI Caloocan .
Studying in New Normal
- As a student its new for all of us to study online in this pandemic cause it's not used to, we used to go to school to study face to face its very different from what we used to.
The Japanese language is hard at first for me to learn cause it does not use to communicate with others, but with the help of the teacher and lessons that are made little by little I understand the basic Japanese language that I found helpful in the future.
Learning the Japanese language is a great essential for people to understand more about their culture and traditions. It may help you to expand your knowledge about it and gives you the courage to communicate with them without any hesitation that the cause of the language barrier is one of the hindrance that may people see to communicate with each other.
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marvistamike · 5 years ago
Feast of San Lucas
Mary had heard that Mondonedo was having a festival to celebrate San Lucas and Mike’s injury meant she could enjoy one day of the festivities. The next video requires a little explanation as it is 7 minutes long or something. The feast lasts four days and we were there the first day only. On the first day tradition has that all the wild horses are rounded up from the different mountain tops. The horse are then guided through the streets of Mondoñedo (in three separate groups) to the Cathedral Square. The horse are forced to mill around for a couple minutes for the towns people. After that the cabelleros take the horses through the remainder of the streets of the city to a pasture outside of town. Once this is done a big party starts! Here is a pictures Mary with a front row seat for the horses. Here is a video of one of the three groups of horses were brought to the square (tumblr crashed everytime I tried to upload the video ... so no video). Instead here are some pictures...not quite the same.
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unofficialgoogleearth · 3 years ago
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Mariano M. Mondonedo Ave
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newsupdate12 · 3 years ago
News 8911
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infopantailunci · 4 years ago
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21 November diperingati sebagai Hari Pohon Sedunia. Hari Pohon Sedunia ini juga sebagai tanda penghormatan untuk J.Sterling Morton, seorang pecinta alam asal Amerika yang mengkampanyekan gerakan menanam pohon. Hari peringatan pohon sedunia juga untuk mengingatkan manusia akan pentingnya pohon sebagai mahluk hidup. Pokok dasar pohon adalah menjadi sumber kehidupan bagi manusia dan sangat berperan penting kelangsungan alam. Sehingga tugas kita yang utama adalah menjaga dan merawat pohon dari penebangan liar. Pohon memberikan banyak manfaat bagi manusia yang paling penting selalu menyediakan oksigen. Karena pohonlah, manusia tidak pernah kekurangan oksigen. Sejarah Hari Pohon Sedunia Julius Sterling Morton, aktivitis lingkungan. Lahir 22 April 1832. Dulunya editor koran kemudian menjadi sekretaris agrikultur di masa Presiden Grover Cleveland. Sempat juga menjadi Gubernur Nebraska selama beberapa saat. Dia menanam berbagai macam pohon apel yang langka. Juga berjasa memberikan pelayanan yang terkoordinasi kepada para petani dan mendukung reservasi hutan. Pencapaian terbesarnya adalah usulnya untuk memperingati hari pohon pada tahun 1872. Hari pohon sedunia dikenal juga arbor day. Kata arbor diambil dari bahasa latin yang berarti pohon. Biasanya peringatan hari pohon di hari-hari musim semi dan tiap negara tanggalnya bervariasi tergantung iklim dan musim tanam di tiap negara. Hari Pohon Sedunia Pertama di Dunia Perayaan hari pohon pertama tercatat di sebuah desa di Spanyol bernama Mondonedo. Instagram : @infopantailunci Twitter : @pantailunci2006 Facebook : Kecamatan P Lunci . _____________________________________________ Tag @infopantailunci #pantailunci untuk berbagi informasi seputaran pantai. Atau hastag ________________________________________________ #pantailunci #pantaicitra #pantaianugerah #pantaitanjungnipah #sukamara (di Kecamatan Pantai Lunci) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH1zWjcLaYW/?igshid=spgf916onom7
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hugochamberblog · 4 years ago
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Cyl Travel Blogger Mondoñedo 4 5 2017 Mónica Ferreiro, autora del blog "El v... #hugochamber #tour #travel #travelblogger Source: https://hugochamber.org/cyl-travel-blogger-mondonedo-4-5-2017/?feed_id=40315&_unique_id=5f696b1890843
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kiro-anarka · 5 years ago
El colectivo Memoria da Mariña ha organizado recientemente un homenaje en Mondoñedo a todos los demócratas asesinados en la ciudad por la dictadura franquista. El objetivo es “restaurar la memoria de un tiempo histórico que nos ha sido negado sistemáticamente, y hacer justicia a los residentes de Ribadeo, Viveiro y Mondoñedo asesinados injustamente”. El comité organizador del homenaje señala que la dura represión que Mondoñedo experimentó después de 1936 con asesinatos, encarcelamiento, sanciones y purgas suma más de 76 personas. Xesús Verdeal Maseda, líder de la CNT en O Barqueiro, fue fusilado en Ferrol el 16 de abril de 1937. En la madrugada del 11 de enero de 1938 fueron “paseados” por un piquete de guardias civiles y falangistas en la Travesía dos Remedios, Siervo González Rivas, funcionario municipal, candidato a Cortes por la Unión Socialista Gallega y secretario local de la CNT; Graciano Paz Amieiro, hojalatero y dirigente de la Unión Socialista Galega, y Manuel Rodríguez Núñez, comerciante y militante de la CNT. El labrador del barrio de San Lázaro Pedro Marful Fernández, condenado a cadena perpetua, falleció en su cautiverio en el campo de concentración de la Illa d
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dearwall · 5 years ago
Creativity And Innovation in Entrepreneurship With Billy Mondonedo
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felipeandletizia · 4 years ago
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Letizia recycling a cream coat by Carolina Herrera
July 1, 2015: State Visit to Mexico  (1, 2)
October 4, 2016: Opening of 2016-2017 training course at Secondary School “San Rosendo” in Mondonedo, Spain. (1, 2)
Letizia Recycling 421/??
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