#monat hair
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#long hair#healthy hair#vegan haircare#clean hair#vip#monat vip#monat market partner#monat#monat hair#curly#curly hair
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Oil treatments are key to healthy hair and a happy scalp. How can your plants (hair) grow if your garden (scalp) is not taken care of? Monat’s rejuvenique oil is the perfect fertilizer! Get started with it today!!
#monat#hair#haircare#curly hair#cali girl#curlynaturalhair#hairtransformation#oil treatment#garden#plants#growth#oil#rejuvenique#monat oil
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Website: https://www.cleanlivingwithfrance.com/
Address: Victoria, British Columbiam Canada
Clean Living With France, spearheaded by a dedicated individual, offers a range of Monat haircare and skincare products, emphasizing their natural, anti-aging properties. The business not only provides access to premium haircare products but also presents an opportunity for others to join as Market Partners, enabling them to build their own business in the field of social marketing. The founder, having experienced the transformative effects of Monat products herself, now strives to share these benefits with others, while also building a community that supports and uplifts its members.
Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/cleanlivingwithfrance
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So get this. Last night I was supposed to be researching this possible witches coven (lots of people in area w hair falling out) turned out to be this company called “monat” looks like a pyramid scheme. Lots of stuff on reddit. Anyway I have been watching all these youtube videos and I think we may have been killing the wrong monsters
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Chris talking about his new haircut and tattoos in his latest Q&A. Here's what he said in German, with the English translation below, I tried my very best to write down everything he said.
German Original:
Q: Mich würde interessieren, warum du dich für ein Blast-Over deines Lord Tattoos entschieden hast.
A: Blast-Over, ganz wichtig: Blast Over heißt, man sieht das alte Tattoo noch durch, es ist kein Cover Up.
Q: Hängen alle kürzlichen Veränderungen, Haarschnitt, neue Tattoos irgendwie zusammen, gab es einen speziellen "Jetzt mache ich's"-Moment?
A: Nee, das hängt nicht wirklich zusammmen. Also, es ist jetzt nicht so dass… man denkt ja immer, Menschen schneiden sich die Haare ab und machen krasse Veränderung nach irgendwelchen Schicksalsschlägen, das typische Ding in irgendeinem Film. Pärchen trennt sich, am nächsten Tag geht die Frau zum Friseur und er kauft sich ein Motorrad oder so. Es gab keine Schicksalsschläge, die mich dazu bewegt haben, aber natürlich gab es Dinge, die passiert sind. Und bei den Haaren ist maßgeblich passiert, die sahen einfach scheiße aus und alle Haare die länger waren als das hier (zieht seine Haare nach vorne) sind zu 80% abgebrochen, das heißt ich hatte diese Haarpracht und dann hinten so ein kleines, dünnes Schwänzchen, so eine Zündschnur und das sah einfach dumm aus. Es ist einfach so, durch das Bleichen, die fallen ja nicht aus, man hat den einen chemischen Haarschnitt, die brechen dann hier irgendwo ab. Also habe ich folgendes gemacht, ich habe meinen geilen DuPuFiZu gemacht, das ist mein Dusch-, Putz- und Fickzopf, das ist dieser hier, ihr kennt ihn und habe ihn hier oben hingemacht, so dass ich immer noch die Haare zumachen kann und dann habe ich eine Schere angesetzt und abgeschnitten und fertig war die Frisur. Und ich finde das eigentlich ganz geil, wenn die hinten ein bißchen kürzer sind, dann kann man die so lustig hochdrapieren und hinten so ein bißchen fukuhila (vorne kurz hinten lang) mäßig hängen und vorne lang. Ich glaube, ich lasse sie ganz vorne und ganz hinten grad mal langwachsen und lass die in der Mitte ein bißchen kurz, das finde ich eigentlich ganz geil. Das ist so ein bißchen End-Neunziger, aber stehe ich irgendwie drauf und ich lass die jetzt erstmal rauswachsen, vielleicht mache ich die mal dunkelsilber oder so Ende des Monats, die haben wir Lord Of The Lost Fotoshoots und Videodrehs fürs nächste Album.
Und das mit den Tattoos: Ich will das seit Jahren machen. Einfach mal was neues, was neues sehen, aber es ist nicht so, dass ich mich hiervon (dem LORD Tattoo) trennen möchte, oder auch das Blood & Glitter Symbol, das ist ja auch hier drunter, da wollte ich mich auch nicht von trennen, aber ich habe halt nicht wirklich mehr viel Fläche, also ist die einzige Möglichkeit für mich etwas Neues zu machen, indem ich über den alten Kram rübergehe und das ist auch noch lange nicht fertig, also da passiert noch viel, hier (Hals) kommen noch Schattierungen rein, dann mache ich den ganzen Oberkörper dicht und ich mache die ganzen Arme bis unten auch fast noch mal alles neu, dann mache ich meine Disney-Prinzessin auf den Rücken. Also ich plane jetzt dieses Jahr alle zwei Wochen mich tätowieren zu lassen bis ich nicht mehr kann, weil ich gerade Bock drauf habe und auch irgendwie gerade die Zeit ist, diese Jahr ist endlich mal ein bißchen ruhiger als die letzten zweieinhalb Jahre.
English translation:
Q: I'm interested to know why you decided to blast over your Lord tattoo.
A: Blast over, very important: Blast over means that you can still see the old tattoo, it's not a cover up.
Q: Are all the recent changes, haircut, new tattoos somehow connected, was there a special "now I'm doing it" moment?
A: No, they're not really connected. Well, it's not like... you always think that people cut their hair and make drastic changes after some kind of stroke of fate, the typical thing in some film. A couple splits up, the next day the woman goes to the hairdresser and he buys a motorbike or something. There were no strokes of fate that prompted me to do it, but of course there were things that happened. And a lot happened to my hair, it just looked crap and 80% of the hair that was longer than this (pulls his hair forward) had broken off, which means I had this magnificent head of hair and then a small, thin tail at the back, like a fuse, and it just looked stupid. It's just that because of the bleaching, it doesn't fall out, you get a chemical haircut and it breaks off somewhere here. So I did the following, I made my awesome DuPuFiZu, that's my shower, cleaning and fuck braid, it's this one, you know it, and I put it up here so that I can still tie my hair up and then I took a pair of scissors and cut it off and the hairstyle was done. And I actually think it's really cool when they're a bit shorter at the back, then you can drape them up in a funny way and have them hang a bit fukuhila (short at the front, long at the back) at the back and long at the front. I think I'll just let them grow long at the front and back and leave them a bit short in the middle, I actually think that's really cool. It's a bit late 90s, but I kind of like it and I'm letting them grow out for now, maybe I'll make them dark silver or something at the end of the month, we have Lord Of The Lost photo shoots and video shoots for the next album.
And the thing about the tattoos: I've wanted to do that for years. Just something new, something new to see, but it's not like I want to part with this (the LORD tattoo), or the Blood & Glitter symbol, which is also under here, I didn't want to part with that either, but I just don't really have much space left, so the only way for me to do something new is to go over the old stuff and it's far from finished, so a lot is still happening, I'm going to add shading here (neck), then I'm going to cover up the whole upper body and I'm going to redo almost everything on the arms down to the bottom, then I'm going to do my Disney princess on my back. So I'm planning to get a tattoo every two weeks this year until I can't anymore, because I feel like it right now and it's just the right time, this year is finally a bit quieter than the last two and a half years.
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New: "Eddie Redmayne in COSMO interview: "I was never a dreamer".
Cosmopolitan Deutschland, October 8th , 2024, November Issue.
📸 Photo by Dana Scruggs/The NewYorkTimes/Redux/laif
[Translated with Google Translate]
Cosmo is very close to the man. Every month we meet a cool guy for an interview. This time: the British actor who has recently started defending himself with his mobile phone.
Eddie Redmayne is sitting in a plain office on the outskirts of Budapest, a little sun is shining through the window. One floor down is the film studio where he has just finished filming. Known for his versatile roles, such as as a trans woman in "The Danish Girl" or as physicist Stephen Hawking in "The Theory of Everything" (which won him an Oscar!), something new is coming up again. The nighttime car ride scene for his series "The Day of the Jackal" (available to stream from November) is in the can at the time of our meeting, and he has to go back to the set soon. In between, the Brit has time for a decaffeinated coffee and a chat. Considering that we are meeting him in the middle of the working day, he is surprisingly relaxed and in a chatty mood. And there is no need to worry about the large plaster on his right hand: it is part of the costume, just like his dark wool sweater and gold wedding ring...
Interview: Patrick Heidmann in the current November issue of Cosmopolitan (11/24).
Eddie Redmayne in the COSMO interview:
In your new series "The Day of the Jackal" you play a contract killer who is hunted all over Europe. We don't know you like that yet...
I wanted to do something different because I felt like I had spent my entire career up to that point in tweed suits and other historical costumes. It was time for me to arrive in the 20th century. Also, the first film version of "The Jackal" from 1973 is my father's absolute favorite film, we used to watch it together.
What are the strangest things you have learned from your new life as an action hero?
Apparently you should always have a cell phone in your hand that you can use as a weapon if necessary, and a few coins in your pocket that you can throw in someone's face to distract them. A neon yellow safety vest is apparently the best camouflage because people hardly notice you despite the bright color. And what's particularly funny is that all action heroes carry tampons with them. Because if you do get shot, you can use them to stop the bleeding...
Hopefully nothing you need in your everyday life.
But I could tail someone now! I also learned how to use shop windows, car mirrors or reflections on cell phone screens to follow and shake off others. I even had to practice it properly. In the middle of the hustle and bustle of Covent Garden in London, my coach sent me a photo of a person I had to find and tail. Until he then sent me a second photo of someone who was on my tail and who I had to get rid of.
Maybe a good skill to get rid of the paparazzi. Your kids often visit you on set. Do they understand how famous their dad is and what his job is?
Partly. But sometimes it is very confusing for them. They visited me once in Budapest when I was dressed as an old man chain-smoking. The children recognized my voice, but didn't understand that I was actually in the costume and under the make-up prosthetics. I should have thought about how disturbing that must be for them. In the end they just watched the make-up artist remove everything and reveal me underneath. That helped to calm them down.
Speaking of changes, you were already keen to experiment with your look as a teenager, right?
For my very first series, when I was 14, I really wanted to dye my hair peroxide blonde because that's what all my friends were doing at the time. But I'm colorblind - and I sprayed so much of the stuff into my hair that it turned orange. I still remember that in this half-hour TV show, my hair changed color every few minutes because every day of filming I tried in vain to save something from my hair.
Would you have imagined back then that you would have such a career today?
Not necessarily because I never had any ambition for that particular goal, I was never a dreamer. I want to do every job I take on as well as I possibly can - I always work incredibly hard to achieve that. It's all the nicer that it's paid off.
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🌸 ℙℂ𝕆𝕊 𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕞𝕦𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕤 for your sims 🌸
September is PCOS awareness month
To help raise awareness, I've created some beautiful murals for the game The Sims, perfect for your gynaecologist's office or maybe a hospital!
👉 Download Link below
🩺What is PCOS?
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal disorder that is common in women of childbearing age. It can cause irregular menstrual cycles, excessive hair growth, acne and fertility problems. It's important to talk about PCOS and raise awareness!
Let's raise PCOS awareness together! 💜
ℙℂ𝕆𝕊-𝔸𝕦𝕗𝕜𝕝ä𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕘𝕤𝕓𝕚𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣 für deine Sims
September ist PCOS Awareness Monat!
Um auf das Thema aufmerksam zu machen, habe ich einige wunderschöne Wandbilder für das Spiel Die Sims erstellt, perfekt für deine gynäkologische Praxis oder vielleicht ein Krankenhaus?!.
🩺 Was ist PCOS?
Das polyzystische Ovarialsyndrom ist eine hormonelle Störung, die bei Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter häufig vorkommt. Sie kann zu unregelmäßigen Menstruationszyklen, übermäßigem Haarwachstum, Akne und Fruchtbarkeitsproblemen führen. Es ist wichtig, über PCOS zu sprechen und das Bewusstsein dafür zu schärfen!
Lasst uns gemeinsam das Bewusstsein für PCOS stärken! 💜
📁𝔻𝕠𝕨𝕟𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕖 on my Patreon!
Terms Of Use:
link back to original post if you recolor/convert
do not put my content behind Patreon or adfly
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Abby doesn’t scream Plexus girlie to me. I 100% agree it’s an MLM but I would lean more toward Monat or Young Living
Yeah my first instinct was Young Living and then I thought maybe Monat because she’s “known” for her hair if that makes sense. I mean obviously it could be something completely different than MLM and or MLM adjacent stuff but, y’know fundies.
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Inktober 1. Mythology
Yeah so I'm actually doing inktober (only 10 prompts though cuz mental illness and pain), I just forgot to take the photo
I drew her more monater-like cuz she's supposed to be ugly and a monster, and I'm kinda sick of everyone just drawing her as a hot lady with snake hair all the time
#no shade to people drawing hot medusa#i just want variety#medusa#inktober#inktober 2024#artynecho#greek mythology#greek myth art#id needed#drawtober#manga artist#snake
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Hi hallo und schönen guten Tag! Wie wär's denn mit 🎨, ❣️ und/ oder ❔?
Oh! Yo, dann lass doch mal schauen:
🎨 What is the exact shade of their favorite color?
Himmelblau! So ein richtiges Hatsune Miku Haarfarbenblau, die Art Blau bei der man bei einer Person IRL mit der Haarfarbe instinktiv und unweigerlich an "Of course you have blue hair and pronouns" denkt.
❣️ What’s their favorite Pokéball?
❔Give us a random fun fact!
Ähh... nachdem ich jetzt seit einigen Jahren schon generell schreibe, stehe ich jetzt zum ersten Mal kurz davor, eine Geschichte von romanlänge zumindest als ersten Draft fertig zu stellen. Dürfte zwar immer noch ein, zwei Monate dauern, ist aber trotzdem Wild™ sich das vor Augen zu führen. Is that anything?
Danke fürs fragen!
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the telegraph uk, 2021 p1
"Ich habe mir kurz vor der Pandemie sechs Monate frei genommen. Ich dachte, ich hätte den Luxus, Zeit zu haben...während des Lockdowns rasierte ich meinen Kopf viermal, maß die Tage am Wachstum meiner Haare und benutzte meine Kopfhaut als Uhr. Ich wurde so aufgeregt, als mir einfiel, wenn das meine letzten Monate auf Erden gewesen wären...." In frühen Jahren feierte er auch hart, rauchte sich eine heiseren Stimme an und datete seine Schauspielkollegen Helen McCrory, Kate Winslet und Helena Bonham Carter. Sein Privatleben, räumt er ein, sei immer so etwas wie ein "steiniger Weg" gewesen.
PressReader.com - Zeitungen aus der ganzen Welt
Rufus/Twitter '20: " I shaved my head and am now using my hair as a clock."
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Love what these products have done for my hair!
Do you wanna make money just by sharing your beauty routine? Send me a message!
#make money#beauty routine#beauty#Monat#monat haircare#haircare#Monat gear#curly hair#Cali girl#market partner
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Have we thought about the possibilities of slutty hairstylist Geto? All the gossip and the “accidental” boob touches as he styles your hair?
SLIMEBALL SLUTTY HAIRDRESSER GETOU IS SO PERFECT GJFKFDL CAN YOU IMAGINE sitting in his chair and he's dancing around you all seductive like you're getting a lap dance, except instead of fishing for tips, he's pushing fuckin monat on you. you end up leaving with hundreds of dollars worth of hair products that will make you go bald and when u come back to complain, the salon disappeared without a trace.
#u said accidental and i just imagined this dude not so subtly giving them a squeeze LOL#HE'S PERFECT FOR IT HE'S GOT THE LONG SILKY HAIR#miamisa101#slutty hair stylist getou#stepdaddy merc#repeat offenders
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Haircare recommendations?
Ok so I'm pretty sensitive to a lot of stuff, and so are several of my family members.
My old shampoo/conditioner (Not Your Mother's) got discontinued and I've been using a flavor of Aveeno oatmilk stuff that, while I like it, sets off my mom's allergies. I've tried a different flavor in the same line, but this one's fragrance is really bothering ME.
I used NYM's for years and now all their new lines are sketchy... bigger bottles, lower prices, emphasis on scent instead of hair type.
Is there anything that's sulfate-free, lightly scented, and NOT going to cost an arm and a leg??? (Anybody who mentions Monat will be blocked.)
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Une image d’album c’est si important.
Elle dit ce que le disque EST. Elle est son reflet le plus juste et le premier contact que l’on a avec la musique.
La barre est haute, car j’ai eu la chance d’avoir des rencontres artistiques fantastiques avec des photographes, illustrateurs et graphistes tels que Nick Knight, Ines & Vinood, Pierre et Gilles, Richard Dumas, Guy Peellaert, Pari Dukovic, Antoine Le Grand, Donald Christie, Frédérique Veysset, Janusz Kawa, Karim Sadli, Antoine Giacomoni….le corse.
Un autre corse magnifique, Pierre Ange Carlotti. Une autre belle rencontre. Sur la même longueur d’ondes.
Dans une journée glaciale et en tenue chic cuir et pailletée, nous avons shooté cette image qui semble sortie d’un film.
Ovniesque, nocturne, captant un moment de surprise. Pierre Ange a réalisé l’image que j’avais en tête depuis le début de l’écriture de cet album. Merci à lui et aux figurants ( Julia, Margueritte, Paul et Soel ) qui ont eux aussi bravé le froid pour m’accompagner dans cette belle aventure qui ne peut qu’être belle, puisque les planètes sont alignées.
Rendez-vous à 18h30 …
Pierre-Ange Carlotti
Nouvel album « Tirer la nuit sur les étoiles », disponible en précommande 👉https://bio.to/EtienneDahoTirerlanuitsurlesetoiles
Photographe : Pierre-Ange Carlotti
Producteur exécutif : Boris Berger
Assistante de production : Lauranne Da Silva
Director : Sarah Mahini
Photos coordinator : Dominique Jean
1ère assistante photo : Aline Blocman
2e assistant photo : Bastien Tonaceto
3e assistant photo : Mohamed Ali Ghouayel
Hair & Make Up : Gil Lesage
Stylist : Barbara Loison
Models : Julia Coma, Soel Kobayashi, Marguerite Monat, Paul Mulocher
Maire de Paris
Mission Cinéma Paris Films : Michel Gomez, Julien Duco
Territoire du bois de Vincennes : Patrice Baudry, Romain Mathieu
Mairie de Charenton Le Pont
Maire adjoint : Pascal Turano
Secrétariat voirie : Patricia Mourrut-Perinelle
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https://www.ebay.com/itm/364143686951?hash=item54c8a7b527:g:Zr8AAOSwYkBj5~3M Link in my bio Monat Studio One Frizz Fix Smoothing Hair Primer 4.3 oz/New/Free Shipping! #us #usa #usa❤️ #uslife #madeinusa #usatravel #american #ustrip #america #hiphop #discoverusa #godblessamerica #amazingusa #usaculture #loveusa #beautifulusa #myusa #usafood #usalifestyle #usareviewer #usacitizen #usalover #usareview https://www.instagram.com/p/ColznhvtGiB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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