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rabidbatboy ¡ 10 months ago
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MONALOSER: a gender in the genderloser system when one is a monachoric loser
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MONAWEIRDO: a gender in the genderweirdo system when one is a monachoric weirdo
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MONAFREAK: a gender in the genderfreak system when one is a monachoric freak
TAGGING: @obscurian @radiomogai
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losergendered ¡ 9 months ago
Haiii some saw rq Lawrence gordon is a gay transsexual medgoregender hadtodotropic sedaelexic lenisen medcoric eroderegender monachoric genderfag serudoric mourningdovegender redstringic transman hes also a bear and ambiamorus ND4ND and Experiences Studial and Biostudial Attraction along with experistudial + he has autism (w/ Low empathy) Depression and PTSD 
Mark Hoffman is a homoromantic bisexual greyaroace pigfreak pigbitch maimthing sexthing gorotic gorturebitch gortureslut gorturelexic slasherlexic pyrophoilentic rotboy boydykelexic bloodcovic angral gorturegender monachoric bear hes also ambiamorus and experiences studial Attraction and he has autism (w/ low empathy) depression and PTSD 
Peter Strahm is Bisexual demiromantic acespec bitehandic borderlinelexic feraldogthing rotboy muttlexic patheticfreak burniangender monaweirdo boyfail BPDthing parilix hes also contramasc Weirdo 4 Weirdo and experiences Studial Attraction he has autism (w/ low empathy), Bipolar, Depression, Paranoid Personality Disorder, OCD, BPD and PTSD 
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight is a bisexual acespec muttgender freakboy frankenboy grossboy barette transman whos ambiamorus and T4T he has ADHD BPD Depression and PTSD 
John Kramer is a unlabled cis man who experiences studial attraction and experistudial he also has Autism (w/ low empathy) NPD PTSD and Depression 
Amanda Young is a omni lesbian arospec lesbimantex pigbitch pigfreak girlmutt goregirl horrorgirl girlfreak girlfag lovicomfic monafreak slaughtergirlf vampfreak weapongirl frankengirl cariadore fearkinkic gorturegender sadibodiment barette BPDthing Transwoman shes also futch and contrafem and experiences studial and autostudial attraction and she has autism BPD psychosis bipolar C-PTSD and Deppression 
Xavier Chavez is a bisexual Arospec monafreak goreboy slaughterboyf weaponboy gorturegender punkpresentic weirdo 4 weirdo fagthing and he has NPD and ASPD 
Daniel Matthews is a bisexual monaloser loserboy crittermaxxed pathetiromantic boyfail grossboy boyrevived boycringe boymutt bitehandic corpsething rotboy rotgender boyscdmoandro stinkboy emopresentic boything transman hes also a bat and he has depression ADHD PTSD and Cotards 
Lynn Denlon is a hetbian intersex whimsjellic nurseaffic pathetiromantic girlfail mourningdovegender girlrevived bloodecorated losergirl medcoric transwoman and shes femme and experiences studial attraction and has depression GAD and PTSD 
Zeke Banks is a bisexual weaponboy who has depression and PTSD 
William Schenk is a gay arospec cisnt goreboy monachoric slaughterboyf gorturegender boyfreak cariadore fagthing whos weirdo 4 weirdo and experiences studial and autostudial attraction and experistudial and he has BPD NPD and PTSD 
Logan Nelson is a gay acespec GNC cisman+ girlfaglexic girlfag binary Genderqueer girlboy hes also a futch otter and contramasc contrafem he also experiences Biostudial and Autostudial attraction and she has autism PTSD and Depression 
William Easton is a Aroallo Homosexual cis otter with NPD he also experiences Studial and Autostudial Attraction 
"Sorry for the second ask but could I add Allaboutmetropic to my lawrence gordon rq obvi fine if you dont want to but yeah"
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obscurian ¡ 8 months ago
monachoric: an umbrella term/label based on the emotion ‘monachopsis’, which is the ‘subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place’.
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MONALOSER: a gender in the genderloser system when one is a monachoric loser
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MONAWEIRDO: a gender in the genderweirdo system when one is a monachoric weirdo
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MONAFREAK: a gender in the genderfreak system when one is a monachoric freak
TAGGING: @obscurian @radiomogai
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