tatalitat · 4 years
Edit done by @mon12key2312
Absolutely made my day. Unmute, I promise you won’t be disappointed.
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splatatattat · 5 years
Shenanigans ensue.
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davionstreams · 6 years
Playing some Dragon Ball FighterZ with Mon12key tonight. Starting soon
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sylverkitsune · 7 years
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Testing out the nintendo screen cap site. also, bomb rush blush because @mon12key
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splatatattat · 5 years
Ah memories. Edit from a two year old LSS stream. Hosted by @whipple-effect and edited by @mon12key2312
I ran up on the forklift with my brush and glitched.
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splatatattat · 7 years
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Tat’s LSS highlights #3
Warsaw used his beacons to trap me in a baby pin, Monkey tried to save me...
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It didn’t go as planned.
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splatatattat · 7 years
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My favorite moment from @davionstar ‘s latest stream Monkey and I spent the last five minutes singing “Final Countdown” in woomy. XD
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splatatattat · 7 years
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Another LSS funny moment. With @mon12key2312 and @davionstar
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splatatattat · 7 years
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Echoling Encounter Pages 6 & 7! Darn, just a few inches short! Who’s shadow is that? Are they friend or foe? Will Tat make it home in one piece?
In celebration of the Splatoon 2 launch I’m giving you guys a double page update! Thanks to @mon12key2312 for being the best motivational lil’bro ever. Love you dude!
Previous & Next (Not yet)
I’m willing to give out two pages today for the price of one! Just donate a dollar to my Paypal for another double update!
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splatatattat · 7 years
Tot, the Octarian Created Clone
(Disclaimer: Tot, the clone, is my representation of how i imagine a more evil version of Splatatattat’s character, Tat, might not be official to Tot’s personality as a character, Tot could be completely opposite from Tat, also warning, story contains things that Tat would never ever do, enjoy, side note, Decided to make Tot in part 3 more than just an evil clone, a brother to Tat, with her permission)
Tat blinked “How can you be me? I’m me!” she cried, pinching her cheeks to make sure. 
“I was created from your DNA, thanks to a few octoling scientists. Well… before i took care of them.” He chuckled. “Octolings are so weak.. One shout and they flew, off the platforms into the water..”
Tat’s eyes widened “A-A clone?” she asked, backing off a bit, “Well if you’re a clone, then you’re nice….. Right?” 
Tot swam in close to her and threw a punch straight to her stomach.
“Answer your question!?” he shouted as he swung again.
Tat moved out of the way and looked at him.
“I was created with octoling DNA as well, their hatred towards inklings interests me… But, I need not to worry about that…  I was commanded to exterminate you,” He turned his head towards her, revealing a sinister smile across his face. “You are my next victim, CLONE.”
He charged at her again. Tat quickly swam to the side and grabbed his tail as he zipped past and yanked it, “I don’t think Siblings should fight, Little Brother” She said to him, Tot looked back at her, not feeling a lot of pain from her pulling his tail.
“Sorry, s.i.s.t.e.r, But.. I choose to be the one to get rid of you.” He pulled her in as she grabbed his tail and sent his foot flying to her side.
“Oof!” Tat recoiled from the kick. “I’m serious! I don’t wanna fight! And if you really like me at all, I’m sure there’s something in there telling you to stop!”
Tot’s grin grew, he started laughing, grabbing Tat by the neck.
“Why not fight? After all, once i’m done with you… Everyone else is next, C.D, Autumn, Vert..” he paused for a moment “And even our dear father…”
Tat’s instincts were screaming for her to run away as she pried Tot’s fingers from her throat. But she didn’t and instead swam behind Tot, wrapping him in a warm hug. 
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“Nobody is made to fight..” She mumbled, “Not even you. Sure there’s hate, but it’s not yours..” 
Tot thrashed about, trying to shake her off “Let. Go. Of.. ME!!” he shouted. 
“No.” Tat said, as calm as could be. “I’m not gonna let go until you let go of the hate.” 
Tot’s struggle to break free of the hug began to slow.
“Cod.. Damn it… Let……. Go…” he growled, more of Tat’s memories flew around in his head, he tried to block them out as he struggled. Tat didn’t say anything, she just kept her grip, praying that he would stop. After a few minutes of silence, Tot stopped struggling and just floated, not saying a word, his body, motionless as more memories flooded into his head.
“…. Why…?” he asked quietly. “…. Why are you so….. Nice….?”
Tat flinched.
“I guess it’s because i know how you feel, to be full of hatred.” Tot’s eyes looked to the side, she continued “And it’s sad to see that again. It’s like i’ looking back at when i was like that. Never happy…”
A flashback of a younger Tat being bullied by echolings popped into both of their heads,
“I wasn’t happy that way, and i don’t want to see you that way..”
Nothing was said after that, nothing could be said, Tot slowly turned around and hugged her back, tears started to slowly roll down his face, as he hid his face in her shoulder, he made no sudden moves. Tat smiled when she felt him finally hug back.
“It’s okay little brother. I’m here now.”
Tot’s tears streamed down his face,
“………. I’m sorry……” he quietly said. He sobbed as his hug slowly tightened.
Tat’s smile grew. 
“C’mon bro, let’s go home.”
Tot nodded, his grin now a genuine smile. 
“O-Okay..” he hiccuped. 
They separated and swam to the ladder hanging beside the pier, climbing out of the water. Tat noticed his smile, it wasn’t sinister, it was happy, it made her happy,
“Oh. My. Gosh… I have a little brother!!” She thought to herself, “Best day ever!!”
Tot stopped halfway up the ladder, noticing something in his peripheral vision and looks down at Tat.
“Watch out!” he cried dropping down, grabbing her as a octo sniper shot zipped over their heads. They both land in the water with a loud splash. Tat was shocked.
“Where did that come from..? What’s going on!?” She cried.
Tot looked at her worry written across his face.
“I think the octarians followed me..” He mumbled.
Another shot whizzed over both of them, he pulled both of them into the water before another shot could be fired. Tat grabbed Tot’s hand and pulled him deeper into the water hoping Tot understood sonar.
“We need to get inside. Can you jump out of the water?” she asked him, Tot looked at her.
“Never tried.. But seems like i’m gonna have to get this in one shot” he replied.
Tat nodded. “If you can swim like me, you can do it.” She said.
Tat swam downward a few more yards, started swimming in circles, faster and faster. After a few moments of this, she swam back up to the surface, and breached the water. Landing on the concrete and running back inside.
Tot wanted to take a deep breath, but .
“Okay Tot….. calm down… you only have one… shot.. At this…”
He did the same thing Tat did, swimming down a few yards and started swimming fast in circles. He shook off any negative thoughts and swam back up to the surface with great speed, his entire body shot out of the water. He made it over the concrete ledge and rolled, keeping any momentum as he ran to the house, diving straight inside.
“Oof!” he grunted as he landed on the floor.
“Yes! I knew you could do it!” Tat cheered and knelt down to hug him, Tot laughed nervously.
“I… Had my doubts..” He said as he felt his adrenaline drain from his body. “Well you made it, now you never have to doubt it again!” Tat smiled. 
Behind them they heard an “Ahem”, they looked over towards the noise. C.D. glared down at them, Tot specifically. 
“So… What? You had a secret twin I never knew about?” C.D asked, glaring at Tot. He stared back at her and laughed nervously.
“H-Hi cous..” He said as he rubbed the back of his head.
C.D. held her intense gaze. “So, everything that happened five minutes ago.. You’re just gonna act like it didn’t even happen?” she growled, taking a step towards him.
Tat stepped in front of her.
“It wasn’t his fault. And I don’t blame him.” 
Before Tat could say anymore, Tot noticed more octotroopers outside, all headed towards the door.
“Sis… I think it’s time to grab something, those guys aren’t going down without a fight.” He said to her as he stood up.
C.D. pushed past him and looked outside.
“Great… Just when I thought things were settling down.” She muttered, turning to Tat. “Tat, get your bucket and stay with Vert and Autumn, I want you to keep them safe.” She turned to Tot. “You too copycat. Now MOVE!!” 
Tat jumped and quickly zipped back to her room to get ready. Tot looked at C.D. then ran to the room after her, running back out to help fight, octoshot in hand. He knew C.D. was more than capable of fending off the troopers, but he had brought them to the house, he wanted to make this right.
“I’m helping out..” He said to C.D.
C.D was about to protest, but was quickly cut off by Lilac’s scream.
“Lilac?!” C.D. shouted, grabbing her inkbrush as she ran into the kitchen, instantly spotting an Octotrooper trying to climb through the broken window. Tot saw this and ran towards the window and quickly shot some ink at it, splatting him.
“Guessing you guys don’t know when to give up..” He muttered and looked at Lilac then at C.D. “I brought this, I should help..”
“Brought this huh?” C.D. growled. “We’re having a serious chat after this later copyboy.”
“I have a name…” Tot muttered to himself, deciding not to say it aloud.
Lilac ran to the pantry and grabbed a frying pan to use as a weapon. Having, once again, misplaced her Octoshot. Tot ran to the door and took cover behind the wall near it, gripping his weapon as he tried to see how many were headed to the house. C.D ran around the house, locking all the doors and checking on Tat and her siblings. Vert was sleeping like a log while Autumn was holding a flashlight. Both were huddled on both sides of Tat, who was squeezing her Tri-Slosher, Her tentacles were glowing, she was ready to use her bubbler when or if she needed too. 
Tot looked outside as a Octosniper shot whizzed right past his face, he ran back around the corner, silently cursing under his breath… It was going to be a long night.
I added a drawing because I forgot to earlier. Sorry ^^;
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tatalitat · 7 years
Tot, The Octarian Created Clone Part 1:
(Disclaimer: Tot, the clone, is my representation of how i imagine a more evil version of Splatatattat’s character, Tat, might not be official to Tot’s personality as a character, Tot could be completely opposite from Tat, also warning, story contains things that Tat would never ever do, enjoy)
  Deep in the caves of Octo Valley, after the most recent raid of the agents, two Octarian scientists wondered around the area. Seeing it in multitudes of two different colors, what remained from the battle were clothes of their splatted soldiers, covered in yellow ink. One of them looks at a set in particular,  different than the rest of the clothes covered in the ink along with a special mask. He knelt down and picked it up. He looked at it, tears forming in his eyes.
 “… Cerina..” he clenched the mask tightly and stood up, his face changing from that of sadness, to one of rage and anger. 
“We’ll get them back for this..” the other scientist said to him. Footsteps behind them is heard as they turn around to see a small octoling wearing a lab coat approach them.
 “Sir, it’s ready.” she said to the scientist, still holding the mask of his splatted daughter. “Collect the ink here.. Time to test out our new clone machine.” he says, the octoling and the other scientist nod and prepared a vacuum like device to extract the yellow ink on the ground. “Don’t worry Cerina… We’ll make them pay for this..” The scientist looks down at his daughter’s mask. “I promise..”
Moments after the yellow ink had been collected, the two scientists and octoling walked back into their cave, deeper and deeper into their underground home, hearing the cries and moans of their collapsing allies. The octoling sighed. 
“Things are getting worse by the day…” she said sadly, the scientist looks at her as the three of them walked. 
“Do we have enough backup electricity to power the machine?” He asked her, the octoling looks at him and nods, “Y-Yes sir, i-it’s enough for only o-one use t-though..” she says, a sinister smile forms on the scientist’s face. “Perfect..”
After several more minutes of walking, they reach the ruins of what once was their lab.
“Put the ink in the machine” The scientist ordered, the octoling and other scientist nod and pour the yellow ink in the machine.
“Start it up..” The octoling flips a switch, turning the machine on.
“Activate it… Now…” The octoling pushes some buttons. The machine makes some noises as it absorbs all the yellow ink, the machine begins to shake violently as smoke starts pouring out around a giant cylinder in the middle of it. The second scientist and the octoling step back as the machine continues to vibrate, shaking the ground a bit.
“Our first, loyal, inkling clone…” the first scientist says as he looks at the machine. The machine continues to shake before confirming the octoling and the second scientist’s fear. The machine exploded as a result of overheating. 
The cylinder remained undamaged. but the rest of the machine was in pieces. The power went out as a result, leaving only emergency lights on. The first scientist looks at the cylinder, it was still filled with smoke. Suddenly it opened up. The smoke pours from the cylinder spreading around the whole room. Something stepped out from inside the cylinder. Short wisps in the front, long tentacles tied in the back. But it didn’t appear to be a normal inkling as it had a dorsal fin on the top of it’s head. The smoke cleared up, revealing that the Inkling was a male.
The scientist grinned. “What is your name?” he asked the clone, the clone didn’t respond. The scientist glared at him. “I asked you what your name is..” He said again, now getting a bit annoyed at the clone. He then walked up the the clone and shouted: “ I ORDER YOU TO GIVE ME YOUR NAME-” 
Before he could finish the sentence, the clone grabbed his neck and held tight, lifting him up off the ground. The octoling and second scientist gasped at the sight. The first scientist tried to pry himself free, only making the clone tighten his grip. The more he struggled the tighter it got, until he finally blacked out from lack of oxygen. The clone releases the scientist, letting him fall to the ground. The clone then starts laughing. A very low, malevolent, laughter. He turned his attention towards the other two huddled on the ground. They both try to crawl away, hoping to escape this… this…. monster. The octoling looks back to see the clone inhale deeply, then release a loud echo shout. The shout sent a massive shockwave through the cave, knocking the two through the window. The shout could be heard throughout the entire valley.
After ensuring that he was now alone, the clone closed his eyes as memories of a female, yellow colored inkling flowed through his head.
“… Tat.. Huh..” He said as he looked around, then he examined  himself. “Tat… Enemy.. Need… New…. Name….” The clone thought for a moment and looked around the room. He saw the letters, T, O, and T in that order a couple of the machines around him.
“… Tot…. New Name… Tot…” he said as he walked out of the cave. He looked around and saw the remaining clothes from the splatted octolings. He closed his eyes again as a scene of his target, Tat, and some other inklings battling them played through his mind. He picked up some clothes as he realized it was probably wise to not be bare skin. He put the clothes on and picked the goggles up off the floor.
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 “Whatever…” he said as he walked off, dropping the goggles back onto the floor. 
“Time to exterminate Tat. Must find Inkopolis..” He said, his inkish getting better by the second. As he walked further from the cave he could see octoling soldiers surrounding the the path. He looked back and found an ink tank and an octoshot.
“Weapon acquired..” he said as he went more towards the exit, the soldiers aim at the empty cave, ready to shoot anything that comes out of it. Tot held out his hand and a splat bomb appeared, his ink a dark shade of yellow. He threw it at the crowd. The octolings saw the bomb coming their way and scattered. Most managed to dodge, some weren’t as lucky and were immediately splatted. Tot ran out and started mercilessly splatting the soldiers with the greatest of ease, without a second thought. After the final octoling was nothing more than a puddle pf purple, he continued on his way, to find his target, the Inkling known as Agent Joy, Tat.
 Tat’s Comments: *Squeals like a baby squiddie* This is so great thank you Mon12key!
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splatatattat · 8 years
Surprise! Happy Birthday @mon12key2312 ! I hope you had a great day!
Sorry this took so long, I’m still working on this animation stuff.
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