#the whipple effect
unnamed-atlas · 5 months
Seeing people talk about the Knuckles show like 'it's cool and all but it's just not what fans wanted' Speak for yourself it's exactly what I wanted lmao
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genderenvyninja · 1 year
I love that Espio is scared of Wade. Venice tells him, Wade is just some chubby human, he's not strong or powerful or anything. And yet, when Wade glares at Espio...
Espio has never feared anything, but Wade's dad glare makes him want to turn invisible right away........no ninjutsu in the universe prepared him for it
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whipplefilter · 7 months
Hey Whipple! It’s nice to see you back! I really hope you’re doing well!!
Here’s an ask , if you don’t mind.
How do you think the RS townsfolk helped Sally after having dealt what she dealt with in LA?
I actually hadn't gone anywhere until you sent this ask, at which point I was sitting in an airport, haha. I would not expect this blog to be particularly active; my primary focus on Tumblr is actually my sideblog.
I'm not sure what you're imagining in terms of "what she dealt with" in LA, but my headcanon for her is that she was a corporate environmental lawyer. It was her job to make sure companies complied with NEPA and did all their required environmental assessments and, on the other end, handled tort law when it came to getting sued for damages. But with environmental law comes deep knowledge of history--of the highways that built LA, for example, and the communities destroyed by them--as well as frustration about the fact that NEPA doesn't require altered actions in light of the required assessment--just proof that the assessment was done. That kind of thing.
So she drives and drives and eventually she breaks down and the rest, of course, is history.
They say there are no secrets in small towns, but even if there was no anonymity of the sort you might find as one car in a big city, there wasn't a nosyness in Radiator Springs. Maybe this is an effect of having dealt with Doc in prior years. But the residents of RS never really pressed Sally about where she came from or why, just took her as she was. It's not that they weren't interested--they'd listen if she mentioned something, would ask questions. But never the sort that would require Sally to justify anything.
That's what was refreshing to her. Not having to justify every act, or thought, or want. Not feeling as though she were the one on trial, not in the courtroom but at work, everyone around her assessing or trying to measure themselves against her--the expectation that she, too, would be embroiled in the calculus of what clients might help her make partner and when.
She doesn't stop being ambitious in RS, even if that's what it would look like if she had anyone in LA she wanted to get back in touch with. She's still interested in history, and environmental justice, and throws a whole lot of ambition into the Cone, the town. We see this from the start of Cars 1, and we see RS let her do her thing, and take her as she is.
(When Lightning first careens into town, that's the last thing she wants to do, or that she thinks someone like Lightning needs. But it turns out watching him and Mater together--maybe it was, after all. Lightning needed to someone to take him as he was before he could become someone else.)
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crosstheveil · 11 months
Health: Misconceptions with Anemia and "Iron Deficiency"
Iron Absorption & Utilization
Simply taking iron supplements often doesn't cure anemia.
Proper absorption and utilization of iron involve many processes.
1/3 of the population has trouble absorbing and utilizing iron; it's considered the most common nutritional disorder in the world.
Anemia is usually about iron dysregulation, not deficiency.
Iron supplements or injections tend to circulate excessively, potentially causing toxicity.
Iron overload strains the iron recycling system and the liver.
Liver plays a key role in regulating iron uptake.
Iron doesn't regulate itself; it's copper-dependent.
Copper is essential for ceruloplasmin, a protein that mobilizes iron from tissues into the blood. Without copper, iron accumulates in tissue leading to inflammation and tissue damage which can develop into others issues like heart or liver disease and diabetes with increased risk of infection and cancer.
Retinol (Vitamin A) enhances iron absorption and influences genes regulating iron metabolism.
Iron Testing
CBC can detect anemia but it can't necessarily tell you the cause.
Serum ferritin doesn't give a true measure of iron stores.
Approximately 70% of iron is found in hemoglobin, around 20-25% is stored as ferritin and hemosiderin in tissues, about 5% is in myoglobin and enzymes, and roughly 0.1% as serum iron.
For accurate assessment, consider all containers of iron including hemoglobin, serum iron, and ferritin, as well as non-iron markers such as zinc, copper, and vitamins A & D.
The only direct way to measure iron stores is to keep removing blood until anemia sets in, then account for the iron deficit and dietary iron consumed during this time.
Sources (meat, liver, and seafood)
Copper: liver, nuts, molasses, oats, bee pollen, shellfish, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, acerola cherry powder, shilajit.
Retinol (Vitamin A): liver, other organ meats, egg yolk, seafood, fish liver oils, dairy products.
Other Insights
Phytates in plants can hinder non-heme iron absorption but vitamin C helps to counteract these inhibitory effects.
Over-supplementing with zinc can cause copper deficiency since copper and zinc need to be in balance.
There are many causes of anemia beyond "iron deficiency", such as vitamin B12 deficiency.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded in 1934 to George Whipple, George Minot, and William Murphy for their discoveries related to liver therapy in cases of anemia.
Other studies have supported incorporating beef liver (which contains copper, iron, zinc, vitamin A and D) into the diet.
The key is to have food that isn't concentrated on a certain vitamin or mineral but provides a mixture of what we need in a way that our body can properly absorb without inhibiting effects.
Men are naturally higher in iron than women and women are naturally higher in copper than men (estrogen levels contribute to the production of copper).
Female menstruation is why iron deficiency anemia is more common among women.
Signs of anemia include fatigue, pale complexion, blurred vision, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, cold hands and feet, scanty menstruation, numbness, insomnia, poor memory, dry skin, brittle nails, vertical ridges on nails, muscle twitches, shortness of breath, chest pain, headache, swollen or sore tongue, unusual cravings, restless legs.
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crimson-ace-reviews · 15 days
Crimson Ace Reviews: Kamen Rider Gavv Episode 2
This episode reveals why Kamen Rider Gavv is a fantasy show: It portrays corporations as evil, and we all know how false that is, right?
Let's get into Kamen Rider Gavv's second episode: Happy Zakuzakuchips
We pick up right where we left off last week, with a woman named Sachika waking Shoma up. Sachika then offers to take him back to her place for some food.
It's here we get the show's opening theme, “Got Boost?” It's a pretty upbeat theme with some nice visuals. I especially like the one part where Shoma, Hanto, and Sachika are all singing along to the song.
After the opening, Sachika takes Shoma to the store she runs, Hapipare, or Happy Parade. Shoma mistakes a towel Sachika gives him for cotton candy, before being told to go take a shower. Make sure to wash your Gavv too, Shoma.
The next scene properly introduces the season's villains, the Stomach Family. These are the heads of the company which produces the Dark Treats, those things Granute Hound wanted more of last episode. Lango Stomach is the president of the company after the death of their father, Glotta Stomach is the head of manufacturing which involves those shrunken humans wrapped in Fruit by the Foot, Nyelv is in charge of research and development, and the twins Shita and Jeebh are in charge of getting supplies. It's a very effective scene that introduces the villains and gives the audience an idea of their goals and explains more about the Dark Treats. I also love how rather than an evil empire, the villains are structured like a corporation, sort of like the villains from Kirby: Planet Robobot.
Back with Shoma, he helps himself to some of Sachika's food, only to forget the whole “giving birth” thing.
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Damn it, Shoma! Do that in the bathroom for Gaim's sake! Or at least see a doctor about your Gavv if it keeps up.
Something of note is when Shoma tries a bento made by Sachika, he doesn't create a new Gochizo, showing that it's only snacks that affect his Gavv. After he struggles to hide the new Gochizo he created (including a few he made from eating potato chips for the first time), Shoma offers to help Sachika help a friend move. Because he has super strength, it's a snap for him, so they celebrate with soba and potato chips.
Meanwhile, Hanto gets a lead on the mysterious monster attack, taking him to Hajime's house.
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Oh hey, Hajime. We thought you were dead.
Speaking of monsters, we get our first look at this week's Granute, Granute Whipple.
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Damn, Squidward's been hitting the gym.
He gets a new assignment, to target the friend Shoma and Sachika just helped move out.
Back with Shoma and Sachika, the latter asks the former just why he goes so crazy over snacks. He explains that he gets it from his mother.
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You know, between this show and Dragon Ball Super, who would have thought junk food would be seen as humanity's greatest achievement by aliens?
After Sachika gives her full name, Shoma starts to reveal his last name, but because it's all but stated that he's a member of the Stomach family, he has to improvise and come up with a name that's less evil.
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Okay, not the best person to name yourself after, but at least Toshiki Inoue isn't a mass-murdering psychopath.
Cut to Granute Whipple, who wraps up the friend into the shrunken Fruit by the Foot form, which is seen by two of Shoma's Gochizo. After starting to write in a snack diary, Shoma is alerted to this, so he heads out and confronts the Granute, transforming into Gavv. Granute Whipple tries to bargain with Gavv by offering to split the profits, but Gavv tells him to shove it. Gavv gets the friend back, but his gummy armor is chipped away again, so he tries a different Gochizo, this one labeled “Zakuzaku Chips”.
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I like this form. The food motif is much clearer here, and I especially like the touch of his eyes being potatoes that are quickly sliced off.
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The weapons, a pair of swords called the Zakuzakuchipslasher, are really creative, looking like crushed bags of potato chips. Hopefully, these things won't break so easily like what happened last week.
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In all seriousness, Shoma is just as surprised before he figures out that the Zakuzakushipslasher's effectiveness depends on the angle, and even if they break, unlike the Poppin Gummy armor, he doesn't need to reload another Gochizo to make the blades regenerate. So Gavv goes to town on Granute Whipple, and just like the commercials say about eating chips, you can't just stop at killing one Granute. Gavv saves the friend, but she isn't grateful to be saved by him.
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Yes, because clearly the bright blue gummy-themed person is a terrifying monster.
Gavv rides off on his ATV, only to be seen by Hanto. We learn that the reason why Hanto is so obsessed with monsters was because a Granute murdered his mother when he was just a kid. Damn, that's two for two on dead moms this season. Somebody better get Sachika's mom to a bunker.
Just like last week, the episode ends with Shoma deciding to leave Sachika's place to continue roaming the world. Our hero, ladies and gentlemen, master of chewing and screwing.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Shiny New Toy: For the Zakuzaku Chips Gozhizo and the Zakuzakuchipslasher.
No Parents Allowed: For Hanto's mother, who was killed by a Granute.
This was a pretty okay episode. It had some strong character moments, a good introduction to the villains, and hints at future conflicts with the mystery Granute that murdered Hanto's mom. It's a good follow up to Episode 1.
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Next time on Kamen Rider Gavv: Shoma continues to scare the public that probably thinks Monster High is too graphic for them, given how he's still being called a monster. But hey, at the very least, he discovers soda-flavored gummies.
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whipple-effect · 5 months
Cleaning Up...
On May 20th, it'll be the 10th anniversary of Whipple Effect on tumblr.
A while ago, I did a mass privatization of my posts here on this account.
However, I've had a change of heart recently, and want to Unprivate things around here. That's 10 years of history. But I want to put it to you, the followers:
Should I do the painstaking work of editing my posts? Or not?
What do you think?
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Angie chilling at the beach!
Here's my entry for @whipple-effect's Splats Illustrated Zine! Did a little bit of experimentation on this piece!
Thank you again for the opportunity!
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turtledoggydraws · 1 year
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I had a wonderful opportunity to participate in my friend, @whipple-effect / @whipple-effect-pro Summer Splatzine. From my Splatoon blog, I decided to give my main inkling's friend and teammate, Saffy Hammerhead the spotlight or rather sunshine. Here we have her enjoying the ocean view on her family vacation to their private islands. Here are some close ups
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el-yon · 2 years
Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you for being such a delightful and wonderful Bleach blogger. Your edits are always top tier — every time I see one, I spend so much time being awed by your ability to pick out the absolute perfect panels and quotes to pair them with. And I love reading your thoughts on characters and relationships and exploration of themes in Bleach. Whenever I see a post of that type and I think “wow, this person has made some really interesting points” it’s inevitably almost always from you. And that kind of content is the exact reason why I am on tumblr!! (btw your Valentine’s Day edit shot me right through the heart and I love it)
(´⌣`ʃ ƪ )
How this made me feel:
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This was so kind and sweet, thank you! I don't deserve it 🥺
tho, really, thanks for sending this. I’m always happy (and surprised, but happy) when someone says that the stuff i write/make actually makes sense and has a ‘oh, feelings’ effect to it, because they come from a genuine place of affection in me. and I know a lot may get lost in translation since i'm not an english speaker, so i'm really glad when the message comes through !
You, Whipple, and B3 are such a huge part of the ~ Bleach experience ~, the fics, the tags, the deep-lore and the fun things, your attention to over-looked characters, and the Bleach larp 🖤 the fandom is so so lucky to have you! so, i am thrilled that my silly things are somewhat part of this Bleach experience too
brazil's valentine days is in june so this was my first time experiencing the february 14th in another country, and I got the best gift: bleach fandom kindness 🥰
you are the best, hope you have the nicest of things coming your way !! here's to another year of larping and no brain just bleach ✨
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Tim And Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! #26: “Jim and Derrick” | September 1, 2008 - 12:30AM | S03E06
One of the all-time greatest. It’s somewhat of an in-joke; in that a literal first-time viewer might not pick up exactly on what’s going on (you’d hope the more observant would at least be able to infer it’s satiric nature). This episode of Awesome Show presents, without fanfare or even any preamble, an alternate-universe version of Tim and Eric named Jim and Derrick. Jim and Derrick are basically the versions of Tim & Eric whose post-internet career paths had them so desperate to get on television that they became willing to bend to every network note ever given to them. It's as if Tim & Eric’s artistic vision was easily compromised by MTV money.
What we get is a frenetic nightmare of rapid-cutting, sweaty, shallow signifiers of easily digestible coolness, fad-chasing, and lowest-common denominator humor that sells itself with attitude rather than anything inspired. Jim Heckler and Derek Whipple host the show from an MTV-style faux-industrial studio with a DJ and a corporate sponsor in Turbo Fuel. Turbo Fuel is an energy drink that is immediately shown to have negative effects even in the cold open spot (a man vomits with ‘tude towards the camera, and we see blood trickling out of his nose post-chug).
Jim & Derrick are coarse and lazy; so much so that they come off as heroin addicts or something like that. They speak in all manner of embarrassing/trendy vernacular. It screams early 2000s in a way that their show usually doesn’t. They do segments about buying bongs (with Tim’s quotable line “plus, I like frogs”), skateboarding, tattoos, and they frequently cut away to other things that have little to do with scripted sketch comedy.
The only thing that actually qualifies as an in-universe bonafide comedy sketch in the whole thing is cheap and dashed-off, and co-stars a guy who just screams “dude on the writing staff”.* The “sketch”, ends with Jim saying “that’s wack”, then a back-patty musical interlude with a bunch of comedy-related buzz-words rolls out (including Tim & Eric’s favorite: “RANDOM”). They both declare “You’ve been sketched!” into the camera. The entire sketch is encased in a metal border. It gives the impression that the Jim & Derrick Show was at one time way more focused on scripted comedy, but then that aspect shrunk so much that sketches became once per episode, and they eventually started shrinking the screen to diminish the sketches even further. It's a physical manifestation of the comedy being "contained."
*”dude on the writing staff”: It’s LA comedy stalwart Joe Wagner, who did indeed hold similar jobs on a lot of shows, some good, even! I remember he posted on a message board I was on and he hosted a podcast that I remembered being good, even though I don’t remember the name of it. 
Other touches include an announcer who is the same guy from the then-current Carl’s Jr. ads, which were very bro-ey and usually featured Playboy models eating large drippy hamburgers. There’s also transitions that look like they came directly from VH1’s I Love the 90s, featuring internetty imagery like folder icons and whatnot. There’s also frenetic cutaways to a “creepy” old man who makes googly faces at the camera with fake old-timey film effects covering it, to telegraph nasty jokes like when Derrick says he wishes Elisha Cuthbert was his daughter in a gross, suggestive way. 
She’s in this, by the way. Jim and Derrick interview her and it does not go particularly well, with Jim and Derrick rudely cutting her off when she’s about to actually get to say anything of substance. She rolls her eyes and says “great” seeming genuinely annoyed. This is an incredible bit of acting, because a significant number of people believed that her annoyance was genuine, and that the wool was pulled over her eyes. I vaguely recall (but unfortunately don’t have) a video commentary for this episode that aired on Adult Swim’s website. They assured the audience that she was in on the joke, and indeed, if you seek out the blooper reel for this season you’ll see the first time Tim cuts her off in the same manner, she bursts out laughing. 
Speaking of guest stars, John Mayer is in this episode during the fake commercial. I remember Tim & Eric discussing this almost as if they put him in here via process of elimination. Mayer wanted to be on the show and they had a little trouble finding a place for him. He also filmed a “you’re watching Jim and Derrick” bumper that didn’t wind up getting used. 
The commercial is for a GF Spooner, which is basically like a baby bjorn that you strap your girlfriend into. It comes with fake arms that she can cuddle with, keeping your arms free. It’s purpose is to wear at concerts so you can double-fist Turbo Fuels, and hold hands with your male friends. The woman in the commercial was vaguely familiar to me: She plays one of Howard’s girlfriends in the criminally underrated program Austin Stories. I remember Tim trying to make Doug Lussenhop squirm during the video commentary, suggesting that he tried and failed to hit on her during production. When Doug doesn’t take the bait, an exasperated Tim suggests that he’s just looking for ANYTHING to talk about that’s even a little bit interesting. AGAIN: I wish I had it!
Another segment of note is Bradley Needlehead, in the Viral Clip of the week. This is an alternate version of David Liebe-Hart, singing a song about being a crazy guy that believes in aliens. It seems to satirize the lack of respect an MTV-style network would have for a guy like DLH. Though Tim & Eric’s “respect” for DLH is a little questionable, I do agree that they are kinder to him than most would be. In that video commentary, they said DLH directed that segment himself, dashing any expectations of him being blindsided by it. To be a fly on the wall during that session. There’s no footage of this shoot on the DVD. 
Holly Brown makes another appearance on the show; her bit is sorta slight, and I’d wager that it was a gift they were giving her so she could put it on a reel to try and get on-camera announcer work. Her presence fits with the whole vibe; many of these shows will have hot women as correspondents or hosts. The main comedic takeaway from this one is the concept of Tordos Flavor Dust, which has little to do with the actual scene.
The show ends with Jim & Derrick doing a Turbo Boost chug contest, where a hot, but uh, artificial-looking woman, smiles and sprays a keg tap of Turbo Boost into both Jim & Derrick’s mouths. We eventually see blood coming out of their eyes and ears, and they succumb to the toxic beverage and collapse dead on the floor. The woman never stops smiling and spraying Turbo Boost. DJ Drez doesn't stop the beats, either. Then we get a slideshow of fake production logos, including, most memorably, Gregg Turkington saying “Egg Zackly” as a parody of their own “Abso-Lutely” 
This one’s not just in the pantheon of great episodes, but it also joins the ranks of episodes that I’ve watched over-and-over again, so much so that they sorta lost most of their power, so I have to go off memories of how good it was. I recall telling somebody that I laughed so hard at this episode that it caused me to punch stuff that I own while watching it. It’s only with that kind of hindsight that I can recognize that some of the sketches are a little more potent in their satire than others. But the whole thing works incredibly well, and even the weakest bits have inspired jokes and ideas.
A welcome respite from an otherwise lackluster season. Say what you want about season three, but one will forever be able to point to this episode and say "at least that season had Jim and Derrick".
Jim and Derrick at Spring Break
I forget exactly when and why these were produced, but Tim & Eric did additional Jim & Derrick "spring break" sketches. It would make more sense for them to have been produced for Spring Break 2009, but I'm putting them here for relevance. I don't think they repeated Jim & Derrick on Awesome Show itself.
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Texas Tech Red Raiders Snoopy Painting Shirt
Texas Tech Red Raiders Snoopy Painting Shirt Glioblastoma (GBM). GBM is the most Texas Tech Red Raiders Snoopy Painting Shirt and most aggressive brain cancer. It’s highly invasive, which makes complete surgical removal impossible. And because of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), it doesn’t respond to any chemotherapy. The standard-of-care entails multiple rounds of surgery and radiotherapy, yet the five year survival is lower than 5%. Pancreatic cancer (PDAC). PDAC is a notoriously stubborn cancer. The only effective treatment is a very painful and very complex operation called “the Whipple procedure”. However, only 20% of patients are eligible for such operation. And even for those lucky patients, only 20% survived more than five years. For the rest majority of patients, the chance of survival is negligible, because PDAC hardly responds to any form of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The five year survival overall is 6%.
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teejeepclothes · 9 days
The NY Giants Players 100 Season Thank You For The Memoirs Signatures Shirt
The NY Giants Players 100 Season Thank You For The Memoirs Signatures Shirt Glioblastoma (GBM). GBM is the most The NY Giants Players 100 Season Thank You For The Memoirs Signatures Shirt and most aggressive brain cancer. It’s highly invasive, which makes complete surgical removal impossible. And because of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), it doesn’t respond to any chemotherapy. The standard-of-care entails multiple rounds of surgery and radiotherapy, yet the five year survival is lower than 5%. Pancreatic cancer (PDAC). PDAC is a notoriously stubborn cancer. The only effective treatment is a very painful and very complex operation called “the Whipple procedure”. However, only 20% of patients are eligible for such operation. And even for those lucky patients, only 20% survived more than five years. For the rest majority of patients, the chance of survival is negligible, because PDAC hardly responds to any form of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The five year survival overall is 6%.
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soulkillerpromo · 11 days
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A whisper at the edge of thought — a tale told by both saints and sinners: all of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.
𝗣𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗔𝗿𝗰 𝟬𝟬𝟭-𝟬𝟬𝟮: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗡𝗲𝗼 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗮
In the forgotten past, humanity reached for the stars, crafting Hosts to serve and fight. But when the machines rebelled, a fragile peace reigned for fifty years. Hubris returned, and war flared anew, scattering humanity as Hosts, evolved and relentless, hunted them down. The Celestial Gate Incident of 2103 shattered these ambitions — a catastrophic explosion tore the moon apart, raining sunstone shards upon Earth, claiming 4.7 billion lives and driving survivors underground. To protect the last remaining cities — New York, Neo California, Tokyo, and others — mega-corporations raised towering Whipple shields, creating the Barrier Cities. But even within these dystopian enclaves, chaos thrived. Neo California became a twisted haven where the line between human and machine blurred, and corporate power reigned supreme. The privileged reached for the stars, while the poor fought to survive, turning to crime, gangs, and the illicit trade of tech and dreams. Law enforcement, overwhelmed and corrupt, outsourced justice to bounty hunters known as Cowboys, as Hosts grew rampant and humanity drifted further from its essence. In the shadows, whispers of Soul Killer — a project promising to transfer consciousness from body to body, granting a twisted immortality to the elite — spread like wildfire. As 2144 unfolds, the world stands on the brink of anarchy, with survival a relentless dance between decadence and despair, and the heavens still raining the remnants of humanity's hubris. Which path will you take?
A cyberpunk western. The work, which becomes a new genre itself, will be called... SOUL KILLER.
#𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐦 is a mature, multi - muse, political, crime based cyberpunk western roleplay focused on character growth //. development, the vast rise of technology, artificial intelligence, & the effects that it, the mega - corporations organizations & corrupt law officials have left on people's lives. We encourage dark stories told in a respectful manner. The tales of heroes, villains, & civilians alike.
【  Inspired by various elements of the Blade Runner series, Cyber - Punk 2077, Final Fantasy VII, Dune, Ex - Machina, Ghost in the Shell, Westworld, Cowboy Bebop, Under the Skin, V for Vendetta, Akira & Black Mirror.  】
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docganeshnagaranjan · 2 months
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Mumbai with Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
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Pancreatic cancer is a challenging and complex disease that requires a multidisciplinary approach for effective treatment. In Mumbai, one of the leading experts in this field is Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan, a renowned surgical oncologist with extensive experience in treating pancreatic cancer. This article explores the advanced options for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Mumbai under the care of Dr. Nagarajan, who is dedicated to providing the best possible outcomes for his patients.
Understanding Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer originates in the tissues of the pancreas, an organ located behind the lower part of the stomach. The pancreas plays a crucial role in digestion and blood sugar regulation, making its health vital for overall well-being. Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage, as its symptoms are subtle and easily overlooked. Common symptoms may include jaundice, weight loss, abdominal pain, and digestive issues.
The Importance of Early Diagnosis
Early diagnosis is critical for the successful treatment of pancreatic cancer. Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan emphasizes the importance of recognizing symptoms early and undergoing appropriate diagnostic tests. Advanced imaging techniques, such as CT scans, MRI, and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), are utilized to detect the cancer's presence and determine its stage. Once diagnosed, Dr. Nagarajan and his team formulate a personalized treatment plan tailored to the patient’s specific needs.
Treatment Options Available in Mumbai
When it comes to Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Mumbai, several options are available, depending on the cancer's stage and location. Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan specializes in a range of treatments, including:
1. Surgical Intervention
Surgery is often the cornerstone of pancreatic cancer treatment. Dr. Nagarajan performs complex surgical procedures such as the Whipple procedure, distal pancreatectomy, and total pancreatectomy, depending on the tumor's location and size. These surgeries aim to remove the tumor entirely and are often followed by other treatments to ensure the cancer does not return.
2. Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy
For patients with advanced pancreatic cancer or those who are not surgical candidates, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are commonly used. These treatments help to shrink the tumor, control symptoms, and may also be used in conjunction with surgery. Dr. Nagarajan collaborates with a team of oncologists to offer these therapies as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.
3. Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy
In recent years, advancements in targeted therapy and immunotherapy have opened new avenues for treating pancreatic cancer. These therapies work by targeting specific cancer cells or enhancing the body’s immune response to fight the cancer more effectively. Dr. Nagarajan stays at the forefront of these emerging treatments, offering his patients access to the latest and most innovative options available in Mumbai.
Why Choose Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan?
Choosing the right doctor is crucial when facing a diagnosis as serious as pancreatic cancer. Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan is a highly respected name in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Mumbai. His vast experience, combined with his compassionate approach, ensures that patients receive not only the best medical care but also the emotional support they need during this challenging time. Dr. Nagarajan is committed to using the latest technology and treatment protocols, ensuring that his patients have the best possible outcomes.
If you or a loved one is facing pancreatic cancer, seeking expert care is paramount. Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Mumbai with Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan offers hope through advanced surgical techniques, state-of-the-art therapies, and a patient-centered approach. With a focus on personalized care, Dr. Nagarajan is dedicated to improving survival rates and quality of life for his patients. Trust your health to one of Mumbai’s leading surgical oncologists, and take the first step towards recovery today.
Take the First Step Towards Recovery Today
If you or a loved one is seeking Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Mumbai, trust the expertise of Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan. With personalized care and cutting-edge treatments, you can find hope and healing.
Tap here to book an appointment and start your journey to better health. For more information or to reach us directly, Click here or call us at +91 77000 58024. Our clinic is conveniently located at Sanskruti by Sugee, 202, 2nd Floor, Lady Jamshedji Rd, opp. Kohinoor Tower, Dadar West, Shivaji Park, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400028
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Don't wait—take control of your health with expert Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Mumbai today.
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whipple-effect · 5 months
I'll keep it short. I'm blowing the dust off this blog. However, I have other blogs you can follow as well:
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• Whipple Effect: The Main Blog •
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• Whipple Aesthetic: A Mood Board •
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• Whipple Effect Professional: A Growing Portfolio •
See what I did with having 3 W's? Ha ha, I love it
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iqbalnabi · 2 months
Conquer Pancreatic Disease: Discover the Best Treatment Options
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Pancreatic disease can be a serious and complex condition, often presenting significant challenges for both patients and healthcare providers. If you're seeking top-notch care and effective solutions, exploring pancreatic disease treatment and consulting with the best gastroenterologist can make a significant difference in managing and overcoming this condition.
Understanding Pancreatic Disease
Pancreatic disease encompasses various disorders affecting the pancreas, including pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, and pancreatic insufficiency. These conditions can cause symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, weight loss, digestive issues, and jaundice. Early diagnosis and tailored treatment are crucial for managing symptoms and improving quality of life.
Best Treatment Options for Pancreatic Disease
Medication and Enzyme Replacement: For conditions like chronic pancreatitis, medication to manage pain and digestive enzyme supplements can be essential. Enzyme replacement therapy helps in digestion and nutrient absorption, alleviating symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency.
Lifestyle Modifications: Adopting a low-fat, high-protein diet can reduce the burden on the pancreas and improve overall health. Avoiding alcohol and smoking is critical, as these factors can exacerbate pancreatic disease and lead to complications.
Endoscopic Procedures: For certain pancreatic conditions, endoscopic interventions may be necessary. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is used to diagnose and treat problems within the bile ducts and pancreas, such as blockages or stones.
Surgical Options: In cases of pancreatic cancer or severe pancreatitis, surgical options may be required. Procedures such as pancreatoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure) and pancreatic resection are performed by skilled surgeons to remove affected portions of the pancreas and surrounding tissues.
Chemotherapy and Radiation: For pancreatic cancer, chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be part of the treatment plan. These therapies aim to target and destroy cancer cells, potentially improving survival rates and quality of life.
Why Choose Treatment in Indore?
Indore boasts some of the most advanced healthcare facilities and expert gastroenterologists in India. Seeking pancreatic disease treatment in Indore provides access to cutting-edge technology and personalized care. The best gastroenterologist in Indore offers a wealth of experience and expertise in managing complex pancreatic conditions, ensuring comprehensive treatment plans tailored to individual needs.
The Path to Recovery
Initial Consultation: Begin with a detailed consultation with the best gastroenterologist in Indore, who will assess your condition and recommend the most effective treatment options.
Diagnostic Testing: Advanced diagnostic tools, such as imaging studies and endoscopic procedures, will be utilized to evaluate the extent of the disease and guide treatment decisions.
Treatment Plan: Based on your diagnosis, a customized treatment plan will be developed, incorporating medication, lifestyle changes, and, if necessary, surgical or oncological interventions.
Ongoing Care: Regular follow-up visits and monitoring are crucial to assess progress, adjust treatment as needed, and ensure optimal health outcomes.
Conquering pancreatic disease involves a comprehensive approach, combining advanced medical treatments with expert care. By exploring pancreatic disease treatment and consulting the best gastroenterologist in Indore, you can access the highest level of medical expertise and effective solutions tailored to your needs. Take proactive steps today to address pancreatic disease and improve your overall health and well-being.
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