#momo and kairi had already been through enough!!
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edenfire · 2 months ago
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🌸💗 LOVER 💗🌸
I was feeling nostalgic, so i decided to doodle my darlings from Peach Girl to relax a little🥰💗🌸💞
this was my favorite anime when I was a freshman in highschool (tho it's absolutely insane,,, I love it anyway💗💗💗)
but it's been ages since I've drawn them,, idk if I could even find my old art of these two.... it was about time to draw them again🥰💗💞
outfits inspired by one of the official arts from the manga, I think?
reference under the cut:
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atomic-taco-muffin · 4 years ago
Can you make a part 13 to the “MHA x Fem!Reader: Kingdom Hearts”
Kingdom Hearts Part 13
Warnings: Angst?
Rating: SFW
(A/N: this took forever!)
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After Sora was able to save you and everyone else's hearts, he stood on the wasteland, his right hand clasped firmly in Kairi's left and your right hand in his left.
"You okay?" Kairi asked.
"Yeah. Thanks, Kairi," Sora said.
You and Kairi smiled back at him. When Sora looked around you all, he saw that all the others were there, too.
"it did work," he said. He felt the tight knot of emotions within him slowly coming undone. The despair had threatened to consume him--but it was thanks to all those he saw here now that he had made it back, including you and Class 1-A. Sora slowly released his grip on your and Kairi's hand. Everything was going to be okay. Donald and Goofy smiled valiantly.
"Of course!"
"Now point us back at those bad guys!"
The enthusiasm of you and everyone else filled Sora with relief, and he faced forward again.
"Right!" he said.
You all quickly agreed and got moving. Master Xehanort and his cohorts--the Real Organization XIII--awaited you all across the wastes.
Ventus was the first to catch sight of the figure up ahead amid the whirling dust.
“Terra!” he shouted, running off before you all could get a word in.
Aqua started after him, calling his name with a hint of apprehension. Ventus was unaware that Terra’s body was under Xehanort’s control. 
“That’s not him, is it?” Sero asked Denki, who nodded in response.
“Terra! We found you!” Ventus exclaimed as he took his friend’s hand. 
“Terra, please say you’re in there,” Aqua said in a more cautious voice. 
Instead of replying, Terra observed her quietly. His blue eyes seemed to stare right through her, and she placed a hand on Ventus’s shoulder to draw him away. 
“What gives, Aqua?” Ventus asked. 
“I know that you’re not him,” Aqua said as he placed herself before Ventus protectively. “Now, let our friend go!”
That was when Terra’s hair turned white, and his blue eyes turned to gold. 
“He is their thirteenth,” Mickey said softly. 
“Today is the day you all lose,” Terranort quietly told you all. 
“What?!” Aqua cried. A dark fog began to congeal behind Terranort.
“Before you even face the thirteen, every last one of you will be torn to heart from body. But fear not. The χ-blade will still be forged,” he said. 
He called his Keyblade to his hand. Beyond the dark fog, atop the cliffs looming above the wasteland, countless Keyblades stood thrust into the terrain like grave markers. 
“We’re not gonna lose to you,” you said. 
With a smirk at your challenge, Terranort launched himself at Ventus, closing the distance in a single moment, and dealt the boy with a devastating blow with his Keyblade--or he would’ve, if someone didn’t intercept the attack. 
“Who are you?” Terranort asked. The one who blocked and knocked away Terranort’s Keyblade was a man clad in armor. 
“Got you, Xehanort,” he said, forcing the possessed figure back. 
“Who is that?” Ochako asked. 
“Terra?” Aqua asked softly. That armor had once belonged to her friend. And what lay within it now...was Terra’s lingering will. Though there was no one physically in the armor now, the thoughts and desires dwelling within it were still fighting to protect everyone. 
“That’s Terra’s lingering will. After Xehanort possessed Terra, he was separated from his armor and that created the Lingering Will,” Denki said. 
“This is impossible!” Terranort said as he seemed panicked as the Lingering Will strode ominously toward him. 
“How I’ve waited for this moment.” 
Its Keyblade lashed like a whip and wrapped around Terranort’s weapon, and the Lingering Will yanked back its Keyblade with enough force to fling Terranort into the air. 
“Woah! That is so manly!” Kirishima said. 
“Stop saying manly, shitty hair! It’s getting annoying!” Bakugou said. 
“I ain’t gonna stop, Bakubro!” 
Terranort quickly let go of his ensnared Keyblade and adjusted his trajectory in midair so he could attack his armored foe head-on. But the Lingering Will’s Keyblade transformed into what looked like a giant cannon and released a blast of light. 
“Okay...That’s cool!” Sero said. 
“I need something like that!” Bakugou said. 
“You already have gauntlets, Kacchan,” Izuku said. 
“Shut up, you damn nerd!”
Terranort let out a cry of anguish as the beam sent him hurtling back. As soon as he had recovered his Keyblade, he was forced to fend off a furious assault. 
“Terra!” Ventus shouted. 
“No, Ven!” Aqua stopped Ventus as he tried to join the fray. 
“Them first,” Aqua said as she turned around. Ventus followed her line of sight to a vast throng of Nobodies, Heartless, and Unversed that practically filled the sky--and was coming right at you all. The ground shook as an inky darkness spread--and from it emerged the Demon Tide. 
“We’ll hold off the others.” Aqua and Ven charged toward the advancing army. 
“Okay. We got this!” Izuku replied, and then he, Class 1-A, you, Sora, Donald, and Goofy turned to take down the Demon Tide. Riku, Mickey, Kairi, and Axel readied their Keyblades for battle. 
Sora hacked away at the Demon Tide, which was like a tsunami composed of hundreds of thousands of Shadows. Goofy did his best to fend off any attacks on Sora, but whenever the Heartless managed to land a hit, you were right there to patch him up with your quirk. (Take some notes, Donald!)
Meanwhile, Riku and the king fought the horde of Heartless, Nobodies, and Unversed while getting help from most of Class 1-A. 
“You two hanging in there?” Todoroki asked. 
“We’re fine! What about you guys?” 
“Eh, can’t complain. We’ve dealt with stuff like this before,” Kirishima said. Riku risked a quick glance on Kairi, who was fighting along side Axel. Ochako and Momo were also there with them. 
“I’ve got this!” Kairi called out as she parried an attack from a Nobody. 
“Nice one, Kairi!” Ochako said.
“Glad I got you girls in my corner!” Axel said. 
“Right back at you, Axel!” Momo said. Axel threw his Keyblade at the enemy. 
“I just wish I felt better about all this.” Across the battlefield, Ventus, Aqua, Iida, and Denki were going head-to-head with a giant Heartless. 
“Aqua!” Ven shouted as he dashed over to his friend to protect her from a punch by a huge Heartless that sent her to her knees. He caught the follow-up attack that was intended for her with his Keyblade. He took advantage of the recoil to rush in close and help Iida and Denki finish it off.
“Thanks, Ven! You’re my favorite!” Denki said. 
“Huh?” Ven asked 
“It’s a long story,” Iida said. 
“Now isn’t the time to talk,” Aqua said as she got to her feet and moved off to confront more Heartless. 
The Heartless, Nobodies, and Unversed kept coming--no matter how many times you all struck them down, there were always more to take down. It seemed like the darkness was blotting out the sky itself. All the same, you all wouldn’t give up. 
“Let’s end this!” you shouted as you dealt the Demon Tide an attack so fierce that the whole shape of the mass shifted. 
“C’mon...” As you came back to the ground, you and Sora watched as the Demon Tide began swirling around itself in a vortex. 
“Something’s wrong,” Mineta said. 
“Look out!” Tokoyami shouted.
All the Heartless, Nobodies, and Unversed were sucked into the winds it had stirred up, forming a colossal hurricane of Darkness. 
Soon, Riku, the king, Kairi, Axel, Aqua, Ventus, and Class 1-A were staring in awe as well. 
“What now?” Goofy asked as he edged backward, using his shield. 
“Sora?” you and Donald asked with an uncertain glance. 
“I’ll stop it!” Sora broke into a run, knocking aside any Heartless that got in his way as he made a beeline for the Demon Tide. 
“Sora!” you all shouted behind him.
Just as Sora sprang into the air and was about to come down on the Demon Tide with his Keyblade, a blinding light engulfed him. 
“Need some help?” Standing within the light was a boy Sora had never even seen before, let alone met. The boy had silver hair and a red scarf around his neck. 
“Huh?” Sora gasped, then found himself back on the ground again. When he opened his eyes, thousands of Keyblades were flashing through the air above him. You and Sora leaped onto the swarm of Keyblades and rode it straight toward the dark vortex. The Keyblades plunged into the Demon Tide and scattered it. 
The surviving Heartless of the Demon Tide came back together to form what resembled a black comet heading for you and Sora. But the Keyblades fanned out to shielded the two of you from the onslaught, and together with all of them, you and Sora became a ray of light and sliced the dark mass apart. 
Once you and Sora landed back on the ground, the two of you looked up at the thousands of Keyblades. Their purpose served, the proud weapons burst apart into glimmering shards. 
“Sora! (Y/N)! Are you okay?” Izuku called, running over. 
“Yeah,” Sora replied with a smile. You smiled too and gave Izuku a hug. 
“What the hell was that?” Bakugou asked, looking up to where the Keyblades had been a moment ago.
“Keyblade wielders...from long ago,” Aqua said. 
“It’s the light of the past,” Ven added as he, too, looked up at the sky. 
“Look,” Kairi said as she spotted someone and pointed. 
“Just send out the Big Bad,” Axel grumbled. 
“I can just tell that you and I would make good friends,” Bakugou said.
The one strolling towards you all across the empty battlefield...was Riku--a Riku that as a little younger than the one with you now. He snickered at you all. 
“You!” Riku shouted, taking a step forward. Mickey quickly stepped over to hold him back. 
“The Organization’s been using hearts. Ones Xehanort got to in the past and has influence over. So that must be you from when Ansem has control over your heart,” he said.
“Yeah. How could I forget?” Riku said half to himself, lowering his head for a moment. Amused by his chagrin, Repliku opened his eyes, bared his teeth, and laughed loudly. 
“I’d say that was our finest hour,” he said. Riku returned his gaze of his younger self.
“Wrong. My hour of weakness,” he said. 
“You sure? How about we find out?!” 
A black miasma billowed up from Repliku, and then, from behind him, a gigantic shadow shaped like Xehanort rose ominously. It extended its arms to the sides, filling the sky. 
“What is that?!” Mineta cried. 
“A real test for the Mark of Mastery!” Repliku cried. Xigbar chose that moment to make his entrance. 
“Dude, who the hell is that?” Sero asked Denki. 
“That’s Xigbar,” Denki replied. 
“We gotta make sure you’re not blundering your way toward a second failure,” Xigbar sneered. 
“Blundering? I’ll have you know we failed with style, chief,” Axel replied. 
“At least you admit it. Well, if you guardians think you brought the goods, you’ll have to prove it to the old guy one last time. Kid, take it away.” 
Repliku let out a bellow, causing the dark figure looming behind him to swell even larger. Several Demon Towers burst from the ground around you and the others. Repliku made a shadowy exit of his own, leaving the world shrouded in darkness. 
The Shadows were so great in number that it was hard to tell if they were a tower, a tide, or even individuals at all. One thing was certain: There were enough of them to consume the world. The creatures attacked haphazardly, and while you and the others dispatched any that came your way, there was no end in sight. It wasn’t just Shadows--or even Heartless--that threatened you all, either. There were also Nobodies and Unversed among the throng. 
“Form up! Now!” Izuku shouted. 
You all gathered in a circle, but you were all pressed back in on one another. Within the defensive ring, Mickey looked down at his Keyblade. He started to raise it--only to be stopped by Riku. Mickey looked up at him, but Riku shook his head quietly. 
“If you try to use time magic against these numbers, you won’t have enough strength for the final battle,” Riku said. Mickey lowered his eyes sadly. 
“I’ll try and break through,” Aqua called. “Everyone, get ready!”
“Alone? That’s crazy! I’ll help!” Ven said. Both of them struck at the Heartless, but no more than that.
“Two is no better,” Kairi said. 
“Yeah, splitting up is a bad idea!” Axel added, punctuating the statement with a swing of his Keyblade. 
“I agree with flamsi-locks there!” Bakugou said.
“Are you always like this?” 
“Hell yeah!” Even as you all argued, more and more Shadows were fallen from the sky like black rain. 
“There’s way too many!” Goofy yelped, dropping into a fearful crouch. 
“We’re finished!” Donald said as he quickly joined Goofy. Just as you were all about to give up, a feather like sword landed in front of Sora, taking down a Heartless. (you know I had to add our favorite bird man)
“Is that a...” he asked. Suddenly, an orb of light lanced through the gloom overhead and fell upon your foes. 
“Hey! Did we just missed the party?” someone asked. You and Class 1-A recognized the voice and saw Hawks swoop down to you all. 
“Hawks!” you and Class 1-A exclaimed. From behind him, pro heroes from back home arrived, including...
“Dad!” you exclaimed as you ran up to Aizawa. From next to Aizawa you saw Present Mic. “Where’s Eri?”
“Don’t worry. Shinsou’s watching over her,” Aizawa said. You smiled and watched as the light grew into a radiant column that sent the Shadows flying every which way, and you all has to shield your eyes against it. When you all opened them again to see what happened, there was Master Yen Sid, standing there in the flesh!
“Master Yen Sid!” you and the others exclaimed. 
The sorcerer, who was also a Keyblade Master, clapped his glowing hands together, then quickly held you all aloft, releasing a burst of light that destroyed any Shadow it touched and created a pathway straight through the horde.
“Go, my champions. I will hold them all here for as long as I can,” MYS said. 
“We’re not leaving you behind!” Mickey cried. Donald and Goofy looked at each other and then, with a nod, ran over to Yen Sid’s side. 
“You guys go on!” 
“Me and Donald will stay here. The two of us’ll back up Master Yen Sid!” The two of them readied their weapons to protect the sorcerer’s back. 
“Donald...Goofy...” Sadness filled Sora’s voice. They had stuck by his side through all his adventures thus far, and he hated to leave them. You ran up to Sora and gave him a comforting hug. 
“You’re a whole pint by yourself, Sora,” you said. 
“Don’t worry. We’ll catch up with ya in just a bit!” Goofy added. Sora and Mickey looked at their friends. 
“We’ll regroup later!”
“Make haste!” MYS shouted. You and the others, including the pro heroes, ran down the glowing path the sorcerer had cleared. 
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vulturehound · 5 years ago
Hi, and welcome to SteelChair’s Top 50 Tag Teams of the year. In previous years, we’d given you only the Top 10 teams but tag wrestling has just been so damn good this year, that we had to expand the list by five times (five times, five times, five times, five times). Here, we count down the 50-11 positions, covering the best talent that male and female tag team divisions around the world have to offer. When you’re done here, do check out the Top 10, when it’s live, to see if your favourite made it. Without further ado, let’s get started.
Words by Laura Mauro, Steph Franchomme, Humza Hussain, Tom Mimnagh, Tom Beasley, Joe Raczka, John Dinsdale, Dave Adamson, Bradley Tiernan, Stephen Goodman, and James Truepenny.
From 50 to 26
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50 – Bea Priestley & Jamie Hayter (STARDOM)
49 – Boys II Men/Crashboat (Pop Punk Kid & Jack Bandicoot) – UK Wrestling
48 – Erick Rowan & Daniel Bryan (WWE)
47 – Cody & Dustin Rhodes (AEW)
46- Diamond Vogue Collective (Jinny & Mercedez Blaze) – EVE
45 – Pretty Deadly (Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley) – UK Wrestling
44 – Mei Suruga & Mei Hochizuki (SEAdLINNING)
43- Mercedes Martinez & Cheerleader Melissa (SHIMMER)
42 – Stronghearts (El Lindaman & T-Hawk) OWE/AEW
41 – Los Ingobernables de Japon (EVIL & SANADA) – NJPW
40 – Yuu & Chihiro Hashimoto (Sendai)
39 – Crazy Lovers (Masashi Takeda & Takumi Tsukamoto) – BJW / Japan Wrestling
38 – The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) – Impact Wrestling
37 – The Young Guns (Luke Jacobs & Ethan Allen) – Futureshock Wrestling
36 – Bullet Club (El Phantasmo & Taiji Ishimori) – NJPW
35 – Birds of Prey (Will Ospreay & Robbie Eagles) – NJPW
34 – The Briscoes (Jay & Mark Briscoe) – ROH
33- Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) – AEW
32 – The Rascalz (Dezmond Xavier, Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) – Impact Wrestling
31- The IIconics (Peyton Royce & Billie Kay) – WWE
30 – Heavy Machinery (Otis Dozovic & Tucker Knight) – WWE
29 – More Than Hype (LJ Cleary, Nathan Martin & Darren Kearney) – OTT Wrestling
28 – Club Tropicana (Captain Sexsea & Aidan) – OTT Wrestling
27 – South Wales Subculture (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster) – NXT UK
26- Tokyo Cyber Squad (Jungle Kyona & Konami) – STARDOM
From 25 to 11
25 – Queen’s Quest (Momo Watanabe & Utami Hayashishita) – STARDOM
One of Stardom’s most dominant stables, Queen’s Quest have been no stranger to championship gold this year. Momo Watanabe and Utami Hayashishita held the Goddess of Stardom Championship until July when they were divested of their gold by Tokyo Cyber Squad. But fear not! With the help of stablemate AZM, Queen’s Quest went on to claim the Artist of Stardom Championship.
24 – The New Day (Big E, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) – WWE – Were #3 last year
The New Day’s inclusion in the list of best tag teams may partly be due to their tenure, but despite Kofi’s singles run taking up most of New Day’s time in 2019, when called upon, they have continued to deliver in the WWE tag team scene. A perfect example being their great PPV outing with The Revival at Clash of Champions.
23 – Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) – WWE
The booking of the Viking Raiders has been questionable, and that dates back to their debut under the name ‘The Viking Experience’. But since consistently performing on Monday nights, Erik and Ivar have won over the crowd with their unique and breathtaking style (nicknamed “305 Live”), and this was clear for all to see in their fantastic title victory on RAW.
22 – Grizzled Young Veterans (Zack Gibson & James Drake) – NXT UK
Zack Gibson has always been one of the best antagonists on the microphone and NXT UK has rewarded the fans in spades! James Drake is a consistently strong performer and has become the perfect wingman to Gibson. Intense in-ring ability, a naturally dislikeable temperament and supreme confidence, Grizzled Young Vets have come to define NXT UK’s tag team division.
21- Woke Queens ( Debbie Keitel & Valkyrie) – EVE
You have to love Debbie Keitel and Valkyrie. Ireland’s enormously entertaining Woke Queens have only been operating as a dedicated duo since the beginning of the year, but they’ve made quite an impression already. Making their Pro Wrestling: EVE debut in June, the popular coffee-chugging, ABBA-loving pair fought off stiff competition to become the second-ever EVE Tag Team Champions.
20 – Santana & Ortiz (Impact Wrestling/AEW)
What is there to say about Santana and Ortiz? The former LAX have done it all in Impact Wrestling. They dominated Impact as a top draw and held the tag titles in several high-class feuds. Now they have branched out into AEW as Proud N Powerful and look set to do it all again going straight for the Young Bucks.
19 – Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) – WWE
It has been a hell of a year for this high-energy duo, who won gold for the first time on the developmental brand before making the step up to the main roster. After several weeks as an enjoyable Greek Chorus on Monday Night RAW, Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins have finally got in the ring, where they’re tearing it up.
18 – Anti-Fun Police (Chief Deputy Dunne & Los Federales Santos Jr) – UK Wrestling
Chief Deputy Damien Dunne, Los Federales Santos Jr, James & Leigh Obstruction (aka The Hunter Brothers, a team who could top this list on their own) and Cadet Joe Nelson have upheld the law in 2019 making sure there’s been no fun (aah) while easily stealing shows up and down the UK and Ireland. But never having fun, no fun, nada.
17 – Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane) – WWE
The formation of the Kabuki Warriors was rough at best but now they look set to be a dominant force in the Women’s Tag Division. A vicious streak and ignorance of the rules have made them a threat to any woman on any show. They have rid themselves of Paige and are carving their own path of carnage through RAW.
16 – Villain Enterprises (PCO & Brody King)
This somewhat unlikely pairing has become one of the hottest teams in the US Indy scene. Winners of the ROH tag titles, the returning Crockett Cup and the NWA tag titles, Brody King and PCO have gone from strength to strength. And that doesn’t even take into account their success as the ROH 6-man champs along with Marty Scurll.
15 –  Reiwa Ultima Powers (DASH Chisako & Hiroyo Matsumoto)
DASH and Matsumoto are a true force of nature. Between them, Mika Iwata & Chihiro Hashimoto and Medusa Complex, 2019 has seen a resurgence in Sendai Girls’ tag division. The capper to this has been Reiwa Ultimate Powers claiming those Sendai Tag-Team titles. A fitting reward for a team that has pushed the art of tag wrestling like few others.
14 – The Revival (Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson) – WWE
The Top Guys were NXT darlings. They had promo skills, a classic style and the ability to put on excellent matches. Now they can finally do that on the main roster too as they were trusted with Tag Titles and some proper usage. They aren’t quite the joke they had been and should continue to be pushed as top guys.
13 – Best Friends (Chuckie T & Trent?) – AEW
Best Friends, Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor (and sometimes Orange Cassidy), have a friendship so powerful it has encapsulated the love of many AEW fans. Their patented hug alone is a force strong enough to make any hard cam zoom backwards. Whilst they were unable to progress in AEW’s tag team tournament, they have captured many hearts this year.
12 – Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy & Marko Stunt) – AEW
Take Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy, and add Marko Stunt to the equation. It’s divided some AEW fans, yet it works! The wise guardian Luchasaurus is an impressive combination of hard-hitting and high-flying, Jungle Boy with a marketable look and talent to match and Marko Stunt as the annoyingly talented little guy who everyone remembers. Wrestling fans, get on board the Jurassic Express.
11- Guerrillas of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) – NJPW
That Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa perennial IWGP champions and contenders had another banner year. They took the IWGP titles in February and moved on to the ROH/IWGP title match at MSG as double champions. While that may have been an artistic disaster, they’ve been power players ever since. World Tag League will define their 2020.
All pics courtesy of WWE, NJPW, OTT, ICW, Beyond Gorilla, Sendai Pro Wrestling, Stardom, SHIMMER, ROH, NWA, AEW, Grapple Wrestling, Progress Wrestling, EVE, SEAdLINNING, OWE, Machida Pro-Wrestling Festival, Laura Mauro, and Oli Sandler
SteelChair Magazine's Top 50 Tag Teams of The Year 2019 - Part 1
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