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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 2 days ago
You remember that one scene from the sleepover episode where Molly tried to dress up like a grown up for Libby and Andrea and she ended up looking like a hot mess?
Well, how would they react decades later where Molly manages to dress up like that in a way that's less "hot mess" and just "hot"?
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(She's learned how to properly apply make up since then)
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random-bi-writer · 2 years ago
My Emotions right now about the current Tgamm s2 episodes
Molly and Scratch being twins.
Molly’s murder being swept under the rug.
Molly and Scratch angst.
Scratch backstory.
It’s angst season.
Get Molly a therapist.
Pretending that “Wanna Dance With Some-Ollie” never happened and imagining the school having a ship war between Andrea, Libby, and Ollie for Molly’s affection. P.S: Molly would have a polycule.
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serenityquest · 7 months ago
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yoshimickster · 1 year ago
I'ma headcanon that Molly in the future dates both Ollie AND Libby in the future and NOBODY CAN STOP ME!
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mxwhore · 11 months ago
couple weeks ago my neighbours were like “there’s a kitten stuck between our fences” and obvi my wife and i were like well we shan’t allow this to continue.
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first pic and most recent pic of the unnamed kitty (we have been calling her bean and the top contender for her actual name currently is molly short for molecule) (we are gonna keep her) (we have three cat now)
EVERYONE CLAP AND CHEER FOR Molly (Short For Mollycule) Bleeding Jones ❗❗❗
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yaboirezzy · 1 year ago
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Oh damn...I forgot I had an inbox
Okay so let me remember how many:
-Sashannarcy/Calamity Trio (Anne x Sasha x Marcy)
-Spraddivy/Chaos Trio (Sprig x Ivy x Maddie)
-MechanicFighter (Polly x Pearl)
-Yulivia/Gown n' Dagger (Olivia x Yunnan)
-IT Romance (Ally x Jess)
-Grimesylvipop/Old Timer Trio (Hop Pop x Grime x Sylvia)
-Barrelleifdrias/Divorce Trio (Leif x Andrias x Barrel)
The Owl House
-Lumity/Sweet Potatoes (Luz x Amity)
-Huntlow/GoldenFlora (Willow x Hunter)
-Raeda/HarpyMelody (Eda x Raine) + Camilraeda/Mom Trio (Eda x Raine x Camila)
-Veesha/RavenSlug (Vee x Masha)
-Gustholomule/GusMatt (Gus x Mattholomule)
-Skarney/Melody and The Beast (Skara x Viney
The Ghost and Molly McGee
-Mollycule/MollyPoly (Molly x Oliver x Libby x Andrea)
-Scrinx/Ghostly Exes (Scratch x Jinx)
-Frilda/AdventureWitch (Hilda x Frida) + Frildavid/Trollberg Trio (Hilda x Frida x David)
-Kaisanna/Sketchbook Ship (Johanna x Kaisa) + Kaigerdanna/Trollberg's Mom Trio (Johanna x Kaisa x Gerda)
The Loud House + Casagrandes
-Ronniecoln/OrangePurple (Lincoln x Ronnie Anne)
-Slyde/Bestie-to-Main Duo (Clyde x Sid)
-Clidonniecoln/Chaos Squad (Lincoln x Ronnie Anne x Clyde x Sid)
-Lobby/Eldest Duo (Lori x Bobby)
-Chazni/Mall Duo (Leni x Chaz)
-Saluna/Rockstars Duo(Luna x Sam)
-Lubenny/Comedy Duo(Luan x Benny)
-Lynncisco/Athlete Duo (Lynn x Francisco)
-Lucky/GingerRaven (Lucy x Rocky)
-Skiana/Toolbox Duo (Lana x Skippy)
-Lolinston/Majesty Duo (Lola x Winston)
-Livid/Science Duo (Lisa x David)
-Carldelaide/Double Trouble (Carl x Adelaide)
Little Witch Academia
-Diakko/Starlight Magic (Akko x Diana)
-Sulotte/SpiritMushroom (Sucy x Lotte)
-Hamanda/Her Rebel (Amanda x Hannah)
-Barblotte/Nightfall (Lotte x Barbara)
-Consucy/Shroombot (Sucy x Constanze)
-HannahBarbara/Diana's Emotional Support Witches (Hannah x Barbara)
-Poly New Nine/RGB Team
-Poly Konoha 12/The Leaf Pile
My Hero Academia
-Poly Class 1-A/Fam 1-A
Spooky Month
-Goldenlavender (Lila x Jaune)
-Candybats (Kevin x Streber)
-Sketchhatz (Susie x Robert)
-Connerma/GingerYokai (Erma x Connor) + Connsiderma/GingerRatYokai (Erma x Connor x Sidney)
-Terramy/Amerry (Amy x Terry)
-Samiko/YokaiBooks (Emiko x Sam)
-FumiHaru/The Princess and The Kappa (Fumiko x Haru)
-EnaKenji/FloatingCyclops (Ena x Kenji)
-Amitsu/Amomo/GoldenYokai (Amy x Mitsu/Momo)
-Sonadow/'See Sonic Prime' (Sonic x Shadow)
-Knuxouge/All Because of An Emerald (Knuckles x Rouge)
-Tailsmo/Wholesomeness in 'X' (Tails x Cosmo)
Yes I am perfectly fine why do you ask?
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tousey-mousey · 1 year ago
Doing MDMA off my girlfriend's tits while her other girlfriend uses a pill press to compare the next dose, call that a mollycule, send post
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castorochiaro · 2 years ago
Molly McGee for the ship thing
boy this'll be difficult because she's like 13 so i don't think a tonnnn about ships for her? BUT YEAH let's try it!
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my notp for them: can't say i have one, outside of the obvious mentions! i guess i'm glad the show swerved away from putting her with ollie, at least for now. their initial dynamic with each other didn't interest me much, but i like that we're getting more time to see oliver develop as a character. my brotp for them: MOLLY AND SCRAAAAATCH. my otp for them: not really an otp per se, but i like molldrea a lot. their dynamic is a lotta fun to me, esp in s2. my second choice pairing for them: SHRUG. admittedly molly/libby doesn't really click for me outside of very specific instances of it, so i'm not sure who else i'd wanna see her with. my fluffy pairing for them: anything, molly is a big goober and would be soft on any partner she had. my angsty pairing for them: n / a my favorite poly ship for them: UHH idk, the mollycule i guess? my weirdest pairing for them: always thought her and steven from steven universe could be cute!
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yakketymax · 2 years ago
✨ for Eugene (if that's who you're talking these for)
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
At first, before I came to the concept for him I have now, Eugene's name was going to be something that specifically resulted in the initials "T.A." like Teacher's Assistant. Once I got to the version of him that I'm at now, I first settled on the name Eugene itself and wanted a smart-sounding word to be his surname, like Eugene Universe or Eugene Mollycule- just something cute and fun but still themed. It was by chance that I remembered the word igneous (a type of rock!) and immediately I fell in love with "Eugene Igneous" it was perfect.
The name itself is also wordplay! It's supposed to sound kind of like "genius" being pronounced like "gene-E-ous", which he is~
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sithlich · 1 month ago
When u ship mollymauk in some form (romantic, queerplatonic, Some epic third thing) with every other member of the nein thats called a Mollycule
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 3 months ago
To Libby; have you ever thought about raising a child with Molly?
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random-bi-writer · 2 years ago
My Reaction to I Wanna Dance With Some-Ollie/Davenport’s on Demand
Molly has two hands and a short body; so she can have a piggyback ride with one tall person while holding hands with two other people.
I Wanna Dance With Some-Ollie
Welp, Ollie has wormed his way into my heart. Anyone who hates him will be facing a punch of joy.
I really hate the swoon thing.
Remember that episode with the Bad Boy Bobby Daniels? Yeah, I knew that last scene quote was gonna come back somehow.
Overprotective Dad/Uncle/Twin Brother
A+ song. Also now, I’m imagining the school being in a ship war; Libby, Andrea, and Ollie. Who would win? The answer is Molly-cule (I kinda took the mollycule thing from an art I saw yesterday, I can’t remember the blog but it should still be in the tags.)
Mollie? That’s kind of unoriginal.
Not the pose I would recommend, Libby.
I’m just gonna admit even though my oldest followers know already; I’m watching this for the angst.
Davenport’s on Demand
Geodes and Coding, I like how much personality Andrea has outside the “Rich Girl” personality.
Lmao, the slow head turn.
Why does this song sound familiar?
Scracht, you really are a sibling. I would also point to my sister and brother if my parents found a problem and vice versa. Is this also twin behavior? I’m not sure.
Therapy. Both of you need therapy.
Molly is really rocking that wig.
You’ve got to be kidding, a business man is going to be the final boss?
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rain-element · 11 months ago
I know this super smart gal who keeps telling me all this sciency stuff about something called a Mollycule. I don't really get it, but I think it's some kind of weird diagram to plot out the polycule of this Molly person I've never heard of.
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respectanimalrights · 6 years ago
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Beautiful by © 📷🖋 @_captain_andrew another frame from 65A4 surfacing a few weeks ago. _______________ #surfacetension #mollycule #brak #orcas #killerwhales #blackfish #biggskillerwhales #biggsarethebalance #dolphins #cetaceans #orcasisland #washingtonstate #britishcolumbia #pnw #pacificnorthbest #upperleftusa #salishsea #nofishnoblackfish #anticap #captivitykills #emptythetanks #thanksbutnotanks #nikon #nikonphotography #wildlifephotography #protectwhatyoulove #climatechangeisreal #thereisnoplanetb https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EnctnCSzR/?igshid=9gfgjzc0j7z5
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concernedhobbits · 3 years ago
if the mighty nein had taken as long as the c3 gang to name themselves they could have been called the mollycule and i’m almost sad about that
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falconaut326 · 1 year ago
I choose "D. all of the above".
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Molly ships
I like drawing her she's a fun character
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