percivalias · 10 months
Hello! Ive been reading your beta timeline!Hal fic for the billionth time [im in love with the concept], and I'd love to know: are there any fanfictions youd reccomend with the same concept? thank you ^_^
Oh, goodness, it's been a hot minute since I read much Homestuck fanfiction, but I remember being inspired by You Say That I'm Better, Why Don't I Feel Better? by Canarianyellow back when I first started plotting out 12:56. (One of the reasons I wanted to write it at all was the utter lack of fic exploring the premise, lmao).
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percivalias · 3 years
hi i instantly fell in love when i first saw pyco and going through your blog and seeing trans dave gives me big love as a trans guy who loves dave
i do want to ask how much of the untitled fanventure cast is trans? i really adore what youve done so far and im excited to see more!!
I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the comic so far! Writing & drawing trans characters is very important to me and I'm so glad to see others connect with that as well :D Of the characters introduced so far, both Pyco & Chitok are/will be explicitly trans/nonbinary, and there are a few more characters who haven't shown up yet that are as well. None of the characters are necessarily cis, those are just the ones I'm specifically planning on exploring gender through / making stuff explicit with.
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percivalias · 3 years
AHHH ANON I’M SO HAPPY YOU’RE SO ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT THIS PROJECT OMG!! I love seeing people excited about my stuff, I didn’t know people were still interested in MW since I haven’t done much with it in a while so this ask makes me so happy omg omg 
(answer under the cut because it’s a bit of a wall)
The main big change is that I’ve introduced some supernatural/magic elements to bring MW solidly into the urban fantasy realm. I’ve tried to integrate a magic system before but I could never find anything that felt thematically cohesive that also jived with the main plot. I’m still early in development with my current concept, but it works a lot better than anything else I’ve come up with before. I’m hesitant to talk a lot about it because a lot of details are still up in the air but know that it’s thematically relevant to land ownership rights and capitalism and those sorts of things. Oh, and the magic periodically manifests into a scary eldritch monster, so that’s pretty neat.
I’m really excited about the magical elements because it lets me get a solid motivation in place for the Dantescorp characters and really focus in on them as antagonists. In past drafts their motivation as antagonists has been either mind numbingly boring or just plain nonexistent. The magic stuff also lets me reincorporate a few cool plot moments that had previously been cut when I decided MW wouldn’t have magic in earlier drafts, and give the whole project a stronger ideological backbone than it used to have.
Um, other things... I’ve axed a lot of the cast to cut down to the interesting subplots. Vince/Nathan don’t really exist anymore beyond as background characters and Igor is totally gone because he doesn’t fit with the new premise and I had a bunch of issues with him anyway. I feel a bit bad because I know he was rather popular among people who were familiar with MW’s cast but he just... wasn’t working for a variety of reasons. I had been trying to fix those issues by tweaking things about him / his motivations / etc. but I sorta realized it would have to be a “throw out the whole suitcase” kinda deal sadly. On the other hand, a few characters who had really been sidelined in my previous drafts have a lot more development in this draft, including Selene. Irvine’s gotten some development that makes her more morally dubious that I personally really like; her existing character was relevant to the themes I’ve decided to pursue and I just needed to push her more in certain directions. Hartwell’s probably gonna get a complete overhaul and hopefully will become a lot more interesting — she had previously only been around to jumpstart the inciting incident and help with development for Basil and Freddie which was not at all ideal. Basil’s backstory has been retooled a bit with the removal of Igor and introduction of the magic stuff but the main beats are still the same; the same goes for most of the rest of the cast. Also, not something I’ve ever talked much about, but the ending should be a lot more cathartic than it used to be; previous drafts ended on a bittersweet downer kinda note that wasn’t really what I wanted.
If you have any more specific questions let me know ! I’m still planning on doing something with this project eventually so I’m gonna avoid major spoilers, but I have the feeling that I really skimmed/vagued most of my points here and I’m happy to elaborate on whatever, I love talking about my projects, lmao.
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percivalias · 3 years
They’re backlit, framed by the entrance of the cave — the only entrance — but their skin seems to be glowing a strange green.
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percivalias · 4 years
you 🤝 me: fanart of our own fics
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percivalias · 4 years
you're pretty poggers
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percivalias · 4 years
I love the lighting and colors in your art, but I feel a bit weird about the face shapes? It's often a bit long
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percivalias · 4 years
half the time i really like your art and its cool, especially the shading and lighting, but the other half of the time i'm kinda bleh about it because the shapes look stilted
Hm, I think I see what you’re getting at about the shape thing. Thanks! 
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percivalias · 4 years
rose lalonde is canonically lesbian hussie confirmed it in book 6 commentary 😊
I didn’t know that, that’s really awesome! I’m still gonna HC her as bi, because I vibe with that and she reminds me of a friend of mine who’s bi, but that’s good to know!
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percivalias · 4 years
i just wanna say i love your art style :D i like the way you draw the trolls especially. like sollux's striped undershirt is awesome
:0 Thank you so much!! I have a lot of fun drawing the trolls and adding those sorts of little details aha
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percivalias · 4 years
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percivalias · 4 years
happy birthday! 🎉🎉
:00 thank you!!
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percivalias · 5 years
3, 16, 20, 21, 25 for the oc meme :p
3. how many ocs do you have?There are 70 characters on my Toyhouse, but that’s definitely a big underestimate because I have a lot of characters who don’t have designs, need to be revamped, etc that aren’t in there. I would say 130-150 would be a solid estimate across all my projects? I really need to get designs down for a lot more of them. 
16. who is your oldest oc (age-wise)?I have a number of characters who are immortal thousands-of-years-old gods, but as far as more mortal characters go I would say maybe Morana from my alt canon, who’s a bit above 100. 
20. which oc do you think has changed the most since you made them?Cedric, definitely. He was one of my very first OCs ever, actually! He started off as like a cute crybaby kid who liked planes, and then a few years ago I decided to age him up and make him a repressed war deserter of all things. I’ve shelved his story for now, but he’ll definitely change a lot more again in the future as well.
21. who is your newest oc? optional- doodle them to show!Vidafi! I’ve been really into making & developing fantrolls lately.
25. do you have any ocs that you havent drawn/written as/talked about in a long time? if so, who?Pretty much everyone from my Tuiverse project (TH folder). Most of them are older characters and don’t all have humanoid designs. I know generally what the plot of the project is but I haven’t been able to develop the world fully, and it’s been on the backburner in favor of my other projects for the last few years.
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percivalias · 5 years
Kyo 👀
Tumblr media
kyo laughs at me and threatens my job security asmr
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percivalias · 5 years
1 and 23 for the OC ask meme?
1. who’s your favorite oc?This changes pretty frequently for me, but right now I’d have to say Kennedy, the surv/GA from my alt canon! I don’t draw him much (he doesn’t have a design yet lol), but he’s a very positive & resilient character despite what he goes through and I really admire that.
23. which oc do you think has affected you the most as youve grown with them?Hmm, probably Basil? He’s a major muse for me & developing him and the story of Monkeywrench through him have been major stepping stones for me creatively speaking. I periodically will lose interest in many of my other characters, but I always come back to Basil.
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percivalias · 6 years
Food for thought: Amnesiac Blue could be considered similar to Serial Killer Blue and Survivor Yellow is very similar to Arsonist Orange. You know what this means, right?
hey you know what? this is the worst ask I’ve ever gotten
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