dailydemonspotlight · 2 months
Mokoi - Day 80
Race: Night
Arcana: Death
Alignment: Neutral-Chaos
July 26th, 2024
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During my research about this topic, I found myself finding out about an ongoing health crisis relating to the yolngu people, and this post is dedicated to spreading awareness. Please remember to treat all of these topics with respect.
Aboriginal folklore is very separated from itself, oddly enough- In spite of Australia being the smallest continent, several beliefs are spread throughout in specific areas, making for a colorful tapestry where you can never be sure what the next area will believe in, in spite of the general overarching themes of Dreamtime. Case in point, the Yolngu people residing in northeastern Arnhem Land, an aboriginal tribe living in the Northern Territory who believe in systems of kinship and a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Important to this culture as well is conceptions of magic, and, more importantly, what to avoid- the deep, dark underbelly of said world of magic. If one is to partake in the dark arts, after all, they would meet with a fate most undeserving- to be cursed by today's Demon of the Day, Mokoi.
As with a lot of Aboriginal folklore, Mokoi are relatively obscure in many respects. Most of the time, sources only state a line or two going over this monster, whose name literally translates to 'Evil Spirit,' describing it as a monster who would eat naughty children and devour sorcerers who dared to step into the realm of the dark. This is strange, though, as Mokoi appear to be an incredibly important fixture in Yolngu tradition, being described as the main source of death throughout the people-group... so today's gonna be another deep dive. And so soon after Arahabaki, too... ah, well. Thank you again to @eirikrjs for providing a very good rundown on this demon in this post. How do you keep coming through for me in the most random ways? Whatever, let's get into this.
As attested to in the 1970 article Myth as Language in Aboriginal Arnhem Land, the book Mortuary customs of northeast Arnhem Land, as well as... an Australian tonic blog, no I'm not kidding, an ancient tradition of the Yolngu people states that there are two different parts of the soul- one of the good, another of the bad. These parts of the soul are referred to as Birrimbirr and Mokuy, and when someone within the tribe passes away, their soul may take either of these forms based on their actions in life. However, while a birrimbirr will typically head back to its place of origin and pass peacefully, a mokuy will stick around, generally being a nuisance with asocial and unpredictable behaviors while haunting the deceased's belongings. This plays into a common tradition in Yolngu folklore, that being of the avoidance of uttering the deceased's name- not only will saying the name of a dead person possibly bring more grief to their family members and friends, but it may also bring their spirit back restlessly into the form of none other than a Mokoi, which appears to be an alternate spelling of Mokuy.
The Mokoi are dangerous spirits that appear frequently as a sort of boogeyman, attacking those who don't go out of their way to avoid them. It's to the point that the Yolngu people frequently make sculptures of the Mokoi, likely to alleviate the threat of them getting upset with them (or maybe they just wanted to sculpt them, I dunno). These spirits attack any who defile their graves, or even get too close to said graves, and those who do so or invoke the name of the dead long after their death may risk a sort of 'Spiritual Pollution' wherein they and their family suffer illness and eventual death. The consequences of speaking the names of the dead will lead to eventual death of oneself, after all. It's said, though I can't find a direct source for it so take this with a pinch of salt, that more people in Yolngu culture die of a Mokoi's attack than old age.
The importance of the mokuy and the birrimbirr cannot go understated, as well as the love and respect the Yolngu people feel for the dead. It's to the point that mentioning the name of a deceased person, even if one isn't afraid of an attack by the mokuy, is still frowned upon, and honestly, I find that beautiful. The amount of love and importance these people put on their ancestors is incredibly high and the love and respect everyone in their community shows that they are still people, deserving of love and respect. With that, though, how does a Japanese franchise portray a being from a completely different and closed-off tribe? Well, it's mixed.
Mokoi doesn't seem to take much inspiration from the Mokuy sculptures that typically depict it, though I can see them being hard to adapt.
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Instead, it seems to primarily base itself off of the patterning of the sculptures, looking more like a green being loosely based on them carved out of wood and carrying with it a kylie to likely tie it even more with Australia, given that, well, boomerangs are the Australian stereotype. It's a bit stereotypical as a result of that, but I still do enjoy how it looks, being a funky and iconic design for a demon that still seems to carry some weight behind it.
However, through my research I came to learn that a lot of the yolngu people are in need of help, and I'd like to take a moment to rectify a mistake I made in my lwa analysis and actually speak on this. I don't have much room to actually speak on a still thriving community of people that I'm not a part of, but the yolngu people are currently going through a health crisis and I'd like to use this post as a way to spread awareness about this. As a still living people-group who are experiencing damages, and had their areas of worship ruined by various policy changes in Australia, I'd like to ask you to try and help them in any way that you can. While I'm not sure if this one has been vetted, please try to use any charity possible to assist these people in need, as they have gone through a lot.
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sealedsanctuary · 1 year
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霹靂圖騰 Pili: Totem · 2001 - White Prince kills Mokui.
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radiophd · 10 months
hand to earth -- mokuy
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vinsbicoart · 2 years
First post! Dawrika Mokuy, Jedi Master during the clone wars
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She is a half-human half-twi'lek Jedi, leader of the 130st clone squadron during the war. She was really loved by all her team and had a great relationship with them, but especially with her commander Flash👀
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Breath of Life
La vie n’est qu’un souffle
Georges Petitjean
5 Continents, Milano 2021, 148 pagine,  158 illustrazioni a colori,  brossura con alette, lingua francese, 22,5 x 27 cm,  ISBN: 978-88-7439-962-8
euro 29,00
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Lo yidaki, meglio conosciuto come didgeridoo, è l’iconico strumento musicale degli aborigeni. Una volta giunto in Europa ha guadagnato un’enorme popolarità, al punto da diventare quasi sinonimo dell’Australia aborigena. Nonostante questa ampia risonanza, si hanno pochissime informazioni sullo yidaki. Questa pubblicazione, e la mostra collegata presso la Fondation Opale (Lens-Crans Montana), si propongono di far conoscere al pubblico questo originale strumento musicale, nonché la cultura che l’ha prodotto e la terra in cui ha avuto origine. Lo yidaki non è solo uno strumento musicale in legno, ma anche un simbolo culturale e spirituale che rappresenta la complessa storia di una regione e di un popolo, ed è legato alle cerimonie di guarigione.
Gli Yolngu, una tribù aborigena australiana residente nel nord-est della terra di Arnhem, sono custodi dello yidakifin dai tempi più remoti. Djalu Gurruwiwi è un’autorità intrinsecamente collegata a questo strumento sacro e ne offre una prospettiva coinvolgente. Partendo dal suono archetipico dello yidaki, il “bruit originaire” – per riprendere le parole di Rainer Maria Rilke –l’attenzione si sposta verso una visione più ampia della cultura e dell’arte degli Yolngu. Attraverso le opere di tre importanti artisti Yolngu – Gunybi Ganambarr, Malaluba Gumana e Bulthirrirri Wunungmurra – tutti originari della remota comunità di Gangan, il lettore potrà scoprire diversi luoghi ancestrali di grande significato, e conoscere le storie legate ad essi (lo spirito Mokuy o di Wititj, il Serpente Arcobaleno). Radicata in una profonda tradizione culturale, la vivace e innovativa produzione di questi artisti stabilisce un legame tra passato e presente.
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eirikrjs · 3 years
So I've been researching the Yolngu people of northern Australia, and I learned that Mokoi (or Mokuy) and Yurlungur specifically come from their religious beliefs. Information is scant, so I was wondering if you could answer whether Yurlungur had two heads in Yolngu beliefs/art, or if that was just Kaneko's idea. (Also, I learned that Mokoi aren't just spirits of the Dead, but can be creator deities as well, but that's unrelated.)
Mokuy.. this brings me back to the mystery demon days.
Yeah, that seems to be it considering a lot of what Mizuki saw at the Osaka Museum of Ethnology was from Arnhem Land, and then Kaneko saw from Mizuki.
The mystery demons article could use an update then, since I don't think we covered the Mokuy spelling (actually we linked to the second article above but didn't mention the correct spelling, oops). Also never updated Raksha Lango!
And I honestly don't know about Yurlungur. I just don't have any sources that cover it. If you find them, send them to me!
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dekkopachi · 6 years
Rewatching Thunderbolt Fantasy s1 with my bf was a very fun experience, but now it makes me think about my own thunderbolt fantasy oc i made a few years ago so uhhhh Here He Is. His name is yincang de houzi (隐藏的猴子/hidden monkey) he's a craftsman with a tendency to swindle people for poorly made baskets, and also is a bitch
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Lipundja (circa 1912-1968)
Pair of Mokuy Figures, c.1964
natural earth pigments on wood
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newguineatribalart · 6 years
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MOKUY FIGURE aboriginal sculpture
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Cameroun : Yaoundé joue les bons offices entre la RCA et la Guinée équatoriale
Michal Mamadou YAOUNDÉ  [LNC] – La grosse colère du vieux dictateur équato-guinéen ne retombe toujours pas depuis le coup raté de Malabo. Du coup, les relations entre le Centrafrique et la Guinée Equatoriale se sont terriblement refroidies depuis le début de l’année. Elles sont même glaciales. Aussi, c’est le Cameroun qui officie en tant que diplomate, afin d’apaiser les vives tensions et éviter…
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iblackvoices-blog · 8 years
‘Sins’ of the past hindering Amina Mohamed’s bid for AU’s top job
‘Sins’ of the past hindering Amina Mohamed’s bid for AU’s top job
Kenyans on Twitter have launched an online campaign against Ambassador Amina Mohamed’s quest for African Union Chairperson office.
And it has seems to have everything to do with perceived ‘sins’ that the Kenyan Foreign Affairs cabinet secretary committed in the past, particularly her negligence and lack of commitment in handling the affairs of Kenyans who are in trouble abroad.
Cases of Kenyan…
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afroinsider · 6 years
El Viceprimer Ministro Tercero interviene en el Foro Internacional Crans Montana 2019
El Viceprimer Ministro Tercero interviene en el Foro Internacional Crans Montana 2019
“Con la presencia del Viceprimer Ministro Tercero, Encargado de Derechos Humanos, Alfonso Nsue Mokuy, se ha realizado el 16 de marzo la partida del Foro Internacional Crans Montana 2019.” Fuente: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com  Leer más
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westsahara · 6 years
Mexiko: internationale Experten beleuchten Marokkos Bemühungen, seine südlichen Provinzen zu entwickeln
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Auf einer internationalen Menschenrechtskonferenz in Nordafrika, die in Puerto Escondido (Südmexiko) stattfand, wurden die Bemühungen Marokkos um eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in seinen südlichen Provinzen in den Mittelpunkt gestellt.
Die Redner dieser Konferenz, die am Montag, den 09. Juli 2018 etwa zwanzig internationale Experten versammelte, betonten, dass Marokko zugunsten eines "integrierten und nachhaltigen" Modells der sozioökonomischen Entwicklung zugunsten der Sahara kolossale Anstrengungen zur Förderung seiner südlichen Provinzen unternommen hat und eine Autonomie-Initiative unterbreitet hat, die weitgehend von der internationalen Gemeinschaft unterstützt wird.
"Marokko hat einen umfassenden Ansatz zur Lösung des künstlichen Konflikts um die Sahara durch die Annahme eines auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Region gestützten Ansatzes geschaffen", sagte der mexikanische Experte Antonio Yelpi, feststellend, dass diese "erneuerte Regierungsführung" "sicherlich ein wichtiger Schritt zur Konsolidierung des Regionalisierungsprozesses" sei.
Der Präsident der Global Africa Latina Foundation, die kulturelle und akademische Akteure aus verschiedenen lateinamerikanischen Ländern zusammenbringt, erinnerte in diesem Zusammenhang an die königliche Rede anlässlich des 38. Jahrestages des grünen Marsches, worin seine Majestät der König Mohammed VI betonte: "Wir beabsichtigen nicht, die Zukunft unserer südlichen Provinzen zu verpfänden und sie der Entwicklung der Sahara-Frage auf UNO-Ebene unterzuordnen. Im Gegenteil, wir werden unsere umfassende integrierte Entwicklungsaktion fortsetzen."
Er bedauerte die Verschlechterung der Menschenrechtslage in den Lagern von Tindouf und die schwierigen Bedingungen für Tausende von Frauen und Kindern, die von der Polisario "weit entfernt jeglicher Kontrolle der internationalen Gemeinschaft" entführt wurden. Der mexikanische Experte verurteilte die Hinterziehung durch die Führer der Polisario der humanitären Hilfe, die für die Bevölkerung bestimmt ist, die in den Lagern von Tindouf auf algerischem Territorium festgefangen ist.
Der stellvertretende Ministerpräsident für Menschenrechte Äquatorialguineas, Alfonso Nsue Mokuy, der an dieser internationalen Konferenz während seines Besuchs in Mexiko teilnahm, hob den "ernsthaften und realistischen" Charakter "des marokkanischen Autonomieplans hervor, betonend, dass das integrierte Projekt der nachhaltigen Entwicklung, das Marokko adoptiert hat, ein Vorbild für die übrigen Länder des afrikanischen Kontinents ist.
Der mexikanische Menschenrechtsaktivist Anais Urban gab seinerseits aussagekräftige Aussagen über die Grausamkeit der Repressionen der Polisario-Milizen gegen die Sahraouis in Tindouf und über die tragische sowie  unmenschliche Situation in den Lagern und in den Gefängnissen der Polisario.
Die Teilnehmer wiesen außerdem darauf hin, dass Marokko in seinen Südprovinzen eine umfassende Entwicklungspolitik durch die Durchführung mehrerer nachhaltiger Entwicklungsprojekte in der Region eingeleitet hat.
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Mba Mokuy receives United States Ambassador
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lemasney · 7 years
Ceremonial figure (Mokuy) by Luluna, c. 1963 (at Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection)
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