#mojo does art
itbmojojoejo · 3 days
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something something that one episode of the shibuya arc haunts me.
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acrobattack · 6 months
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this would fix them trust me
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crescentfool · 11 months
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dingoat · 29 days
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I am the proud new owner of a much more powerful tablet than I've been using for the last few years! I've got a lot to work out before I can get the most out of it but I'm so pumped to get stuck in and see how much I can do! Naturally these two get to be my training wheels subjects~
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I meant to post these yesterday but I was exceptionally busy, so here are the characters from the Woodcutter Life.
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CEDAR (Shares model with Al Majik Man)
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frog4278art · 1 year
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These are incredibly fun to do (don't worry wenclair fans I'll be posting more of them soon)
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charlesoberonn · 1 year
Phineas and Ferb episode idea: After Candace shows her photos of all of her brothers’ creations, Linda thinks that her daughter is a talented graphic artist and signs her up for a competition. Candace is frustrated and about to tell her mom the truth but then Jeremy shows up and he’s like “Wow, Candace, I didn’t know you were a graphic designer. That’s so cool. Btw, my little sister is also gonna be at the graphic design competition.”
Long story short, Candace asks her brothers to help her become a graphic artist for real so she could beat Suzie.
Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz has gotten tired of designing -Inators so he designed the Comes-Up-With-Inators-Inator to design them for him. The Inator’s creation are a hit among other Evil Scientists who buy them in droves. Doofenshmirtz is then signed by Vanessa to an Evil Contracption Designing competition (held in the same building at the same time as the graphic design competition, of course).
Desperate, he asks Perry the Platypus to help him get his mojo back so he could design -Inators again.
Cue musical montage of Doof and Candace training to learn/relearn their respective art form.
It’s the competition(s). Candace is a nervous wreck, but Jeremy believes in her. Doof is all self-assured and ego-boosted by everyone thinking he’ll win, but then he sees his Comes-Up-With-Inators-Inator (who looks like a robotic him) also signed up for the competition.
While getting ready for the competition, Perry is accidentally almost spotted by Phineas and Ferb. He sneaks behind the curtain to the behind the scenes. That’s when he discovers that the goal of the competition is to design a doomsday weapon. Nervous, he swaps the cards with those of the graphic design competition.
The competition begins. The graphic artists are assigned to design a doomsday weapon while the Evil Scientists are assigned to design a cool band poster.
The scientists are baffled, but they do their best. The Comes-Up-With-Inators-Inator is stuck because it’s physically incapable of drawing anything but Inators.
Meanwhile in the graphic design competition Candace does her best but her brain goes blank. Suzie meanwhile is trying to sabotage her by switching her card back with the card from the other tournament. Unfortunately it’s the card of the Comes-Up-With-Inators-Inator, who now goes to task designing a Doomsday weapon.
The competition is finished. Candace’s work is mediocre, but she wins by technicality for being the only one who drew the correct thing.
Meanwhile at the Evil Scientists competition, the scientists all drew terrible posters except Doof whose poster is beautiful. He’s about to be declared the winner but then the Comes-Up-With-Inators-Inator reveals what it’s been working on, a doomsday machine. Everyone panics, and Perry the Platypus tries to stop the machine, but fails. Then the machine ticks down to 0, and nothing happens.
Turns out the Comes-Up-With-Inators-Inator is terrible at coming up with machines. All of its Inators don’t work. Which unfortunately for Doof results in all of his previously happy customers showing up to complain because their Inators didn’t work either. He asks Perry to help him again, but Perry is already gone.
“There you are, Perry.” “Curse you, Perry the Platypus!”
Despite winning, Candace feels hollow because she only won by technicality and all of the other designers were much better than her. She feels like a fraud. But then Jeremy shows up and asks to buy the rights for her poster, because he thinks it’s really cool. Candace is happy.
The End.
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howldean · 6 days
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no spill blood
story by @howldean | art by @witchy-worm created for @deancashorrorfest
rated: explicit | warnings/tags: graphic depictions of violence, stanford era, creature!cas, case fic, dean is so sick of witches, identity porn, angst
summary: A witch hunt becomes far more than that when Dean rescues an unassuming, innocent, harmless stranger. But Castiel is more than he seems, and as the lines of their unlikely connection blur, so does the truth.
Revenge, plain and simple. Surviving to see it through, not so simple.
teaser: Dean had to figure out what to do with this Castiel guy. Sooner or later, he was going to start asking questions– honestly, he was surprised they hadn’t started already, the usual 'what the fuck's and 'what the hell was that's that tended to come with the job.
But he had questions of his own. He hadn’t seen an altar like that before. Nor had he seen that kind of bad mojo propped up on a shitty set-up, either. Maybe she was rushed, assuming the witch that caught him was working alone.
He doubted he was that lucky.
So what the hell kinds of plans did she have? Why go through the trouble of killing this many to begin with? Just what kind of vendetta did she have? And against who. Rifling through his journal and picking apart newspapers, he sought out whatever the hell he was missing. This was the kind of shit that should click, come to him clearly. Sam had a knack for it. Spotting the pattern.
Dean pushed the thought aside, and pushed the clippings off of his lap. That didn’t matter, he wasn’t here, and they hadn’t talked in– they weren’t talking. Dad knew he could get shit done on his own. That’s why he was on his own. So he just had to take care of this, focus. There was something here, a connection between them all, a reason they were targets. They went missing before they were found dead, that was worthwhile.
Glancing up, he hoped Castiel could be the key. He was still alive. Whatever the witch wanted him for, she hadn’t been done with him. Maybe he knew why.
this october, ask yourself: who makes the rules?
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zee-rambles · 1 year
With the official confirmation from Paramount that there IS going to be an official TV series based on Mutant Mayhem, Tales of the TMNT, that will bridge the gap between MM and it’s sequel(two seasons long), what’re your thoughts? Do you think this’ll hamper any hope for a potential third season of Rise, or do you feel that people shouldn’t be harsh on it and appreciate it for being it’s own thing(I’m very much the latter lol)?
LONG post is LONG, but I really wanted to drive home the importance of this.
I don’t really have an opinion on the Mutant Mayhem show, TBH. I knew it was coming, because Nickelodeon is banking on MM to be a big hit, and it’s not that weird for them to try and squeeze as much money as they can from a new IP. The fact that this new series is going straight to paramount plus and not on Nickelodeon’s main channel is…confusing (Unless it’s actually going to Nickelodeon, in which case, so what? If Nickelodeon can have THREE different versions of SpongeBob airing on their channel, then I don’t see what excuse they can make for not having two versions of the TMNT out simultaneously. They’ve done it before too. 2012 and the Bay films were happening at the same time).
As for Rise, I don’t think hating on Mutant Mayhem or on its related shows is going to do much good. If anything, it’s going to create a divide between incoming fans of Mutant Mayhem, older Rise fans, and Rise fans that are looking forward to more TMNT content. If the show does air on Nickelodeon, it’s not like the kids watching it are going to know the discourse surrounding Rise. Review bombing, hating, and leaving bad faith reviews on anything Mutant Mayhem related isn’t going to bring Rise back. And it’s going to give Rise fans a bad rep, which will end up hurting Rise more, because no one would want to give a show a chance if its fan base is seen as toxic.
Trust me, no one wants Rise of the TMNT to come back more then I do, but I’m not going to go around discouraging or hating on on anyone that is excited for Mutant Mayhem. It’s one thing if you watch and don’t enjoy it, or choose not to support it, I’m not here to force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do, and it’s normal for people not to like something sometimes. If it isn’t for you, it isn’t for you. That happens. But hating it with a passion and posting that everywhere does nothing helpful for Rise.
The best thing would be if new TMNT fans and Rise fans came together to save the show. If more people knew about Rise, the movie, and if enough content keeps the fandom alive, raises interest in the show online, and keeps the show/movie from being fading away into the background, there’s a chance. The bigger the following Rise has, the more people asking for its return, the higher the chances. The more alive it is across social media, the better. What we need more then anything really, is visibility. Not enough people know about Rise. Danny Phantom still has a big following to this day, still has more people giving it a chance because the fans love it enough to keep it going. And people are seeing that. Watch Mojo released a video recently about shows that deserve to come back and Danny was on that list. Spectacular Spider-Man still gets new videos made of it all the time, and the fans STILL, even after all these years, ask for more.
We’re in an interesting position. I don’t think ANY other fandom has ever said, “Heck it! We’ll make our OWN season! Ya JERKS!” So support each other, keep asking for more Rise, keep making art, social media posts, videos, ask Cinema Wins and Cinema Therapy to review the movie, keep sharing and signing the petitions, recommend it to people, anime fans, non TMNT fans (I wasn’t a fan of TMNT until Rise), animation fans and so on. Always ask for the original producers, Ant Ward, Andy Suriano, writers, cast and crew to come back. Word of mouth is a powerful thing. The more people make an effort, the better. And don’t give up. Giving up is the one true for Rise fade away.
TLDR: No, hating on MM will NOT help Rise. BUT! Continuously making efforts to bring back Rise, support each other, raise awareness/visibility, will.
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ineffablyruined · 22 days
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Thank you to everyone who continues to participate! I'm having so much fun seeing what you all come up with, and we're getting some amazing fic, poetry, art, and even LEGOs. This is so much fun.
Prompt for Week Five:
Mistaken Identity.
Do we have a Crowley doppelgänger? Is the Metatron concealing his identity? Does someone think they are talking to someone else? You all know the drill at this point - you get to interpret this however you want!
The Rules Are Simple:
Every Friday until the Season 3 premiere, I'll post a prompt.
You will have a week to write, draw, paper craft, record, completely scrap and start from the beginning after a crisis of confidence (oh, is that just me?), and post your interpretation of the prompt.
Tag your post #IneffablePromptAThon, #IneffablePAT #Ineffable Prompt-A-Thon, and/or #IPAT. Make sure to use them on Tumblr, X, IG, and AO3 so everyone can easily find your works!
Also tag your posts and AO3 with the Week Number and the Prompt, so we can all tell which prompt your creation accompanies.
Tag me @ineffablyruined in all of your posts, too, so I can reblog!
Add your contribution to the Ineffable Prompt-A-Thon collection on AO3 for this week. Link is below!
Look for the next prompt. Rinse. Repeat.
This is meant to be zero stress. If you can't do a week, that's completely fine! Prompt not working for you? Skip it. Going to be late? No worries at all!
It is just meant to be a fun outlet to get your creative juices flowing and keep the fandom well-fed with copious amounts of fic and fun until our Ineffable Duo makes their return to our screens (whenever that may be).
There is no length requirement, no rating requirement, no timeline requirement. It can be canon-compliant, AU, crossover, whatever tickles your fancy, as long as it's Good Omens related and incorporates the prompt. It's all Tickety-Boo!
If you want to be tagged in the posts, let me know!
SHOUTOUT to @interesting-egg who takes my inability to make decisions in stride and helps me pick which of my pile of prompts to use for the week.
Link to this week's collection:
Tags under the cut:
@naturallyteal @bumblee27 @czitara @martinsharmony @ineffable-xenanigans @dierama-mojo @lickthecowhappy @ineffably-queer-book-lover @eybefioro
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sev-arts · 1 year
What the webcomic is and why YOU should be reading...
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(i.e. a promotional post by the Author @sev-wildfang/@sev-arts herself)
The story of how vampires used Christianity ahem, The Church to enslave humans and steal their Souls, and one sexy Devil's quest to reclaim them... repossess them in a way... if only there was a catchy two-word phrase for that
Starring two trans women who put on the horns and skin of Demons to fight the power - homophobes get pummeled, transphobes get zapped, fascists are blown to smithereens, and at least one alpha male grifter gets his mojo permanently turned off.
Your new blorbos: Reah, orphanage escapee and former nun on a quest for revenge, and Tabitha, ex-cop drag queen on the path of atonement
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Will they? Won't they? Can they settle their differences and work as a team? Will the past they thought they had left behind come back to haunt them?
Tasteful amounts of graphic nudity and bloody violence, language that does not sugarcoat social stigmas around gender diversity, and frequent use of hateful language by characters who would say those kinds of things IRL too - this is a comic for readers 18+ ONLY *
Rendered in gorgeous black and white ink and select splashes of color, entirely hand-lettered, with labyrinthine detailing that make every single page worth dwelling on, with hidden extras to find - the Devil's in the Details!
Alluring nonstandard panel layouts inspired by stained glass windows, photo collages, fever dreams, art nouveau advertisements, underground comix, etc.
An astonishing archive of over 750 pages as of now (JUN 2024)
Seriously, look at them:
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Where can YOU read this comic right now?
On its ComicFury site
On its tumblr mirror @souls-foreclosed
On its own website
Technically you could buy the physical books off of me, but you wouldn't be reading a web-comic then
Paging @readwebcomicsgdi for some extra eyes on this!
* You'd be surprised how difficult this comic is to host online with any sort of reach these days. Tapas (mobile app) and WebToon don't want it. And that's not even getting into the fact a lot of platforms treat ANY kind of trans content as sexual and unwanted in the first place.
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buggywiththefolkmagic · 2 months
Buggy's Book Reviews: The Old Mountain Spellbook
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Well well well, look who has returned after a long hiatus while life kicked my ass from here to Sunday. Let's get started with a bang shall we? TW: Slavery mentions, appropriation, generalized frustration at the writing space currently with the rise of ghost writers and AI.
This is: The Old Mountain Spellbook by Alda Dagny
Rating: 1/10 
Buckle up. This is gonna be a bumpy ride. Prepare to be shocked, horrified, and gobsmacked.
For context the cover art of this book caught my eye and then I read the small blurb of a subtitle for it and cringed so incredibly hard that the moment it showed up in my Spotify audio book list, I had to give it a listen for a measly 3 and a half hours of my life while at work. 
I regret this decision so very hard.
For further context:
This “author” Alda Dagny has also written books on…”The Secrets of the Nile” a three part series called “The Old Norse Spellbook:”, and “Secrets of Mesoamerica”. 
My head hurts from thinking about the gall to “write” on such a wide variety of topics in a seniority form. But before I get ahead of myself let me go back into my proper format for these reviews.
Pros: SOME of the information is right. The mentions of planting by the signs and how the signs works was very accurate. The generalized description of grannies, while very surface level and focused far too heavily on the midwife aspect, which don’t get me wrong is super mega ulta important! Was right if not very generalized. That’s about all I’ve got. 
It does mention that Hoodoo is a closed practice that stems from African Dispora/the Trans-Atlantic slave trade which good for this “author”. You will understand why that term is in parenthesis later! 
This book also included a Bell Witch mention twice which made my Tennessee heart hopeful for like two seconds.
Cons: Gods help me. For starters, I know this was likely not a choice this “author” made, but why in the seven hells did the publisher pick an AUSTRALIAN PERSON to do the narration for this book? The mispronunciation of Appalachia and Asfidy are now burned into my brain for life. I do not appreciate it. The MINIMUM a narrator should do is glance through for proper pronunciations. 
My gripes with the audiobook out of the way let’s get into the meat of this review: The book’s contents and why I believe this was ghost written/stolen from other places and put forward by an ai generated “author”. 
The second entire chapter of this book, a whopping 40 minutes of the audiobook, is all about Hoodoo. The real thing that got me was it SAYS that Hoodoo is a CLOSED PRACTICE stemming from Africa Diaspora. And what does this book do anyway? Break Hoodoo down into stupid candle magic and mojo bags and tell you how to do “it”. I was surprised it got the origin of Hoodoo right! It was RIGHT! And then it shits on itself. 
Examples: Hoodoo shares similarities with wicca. Tarot is incredibly important to the practice. And it is a religion and not a practice. The practice is “rootwork”. Did I mention that Hoodoo focuses on “doing no harm”? Oh and the third eye is important too, especially to Hoodoo despite it being a Hindu concept. I cannot make this up.
The wording of this book is also incredibly strange. I don’t have a ebook version to double check but I am positive the words Furthermore and However are included at least 50 times. EACH. The book also repeats itself numerous times. A good example is with the Furnace Ghost story it tells in the 4th chapter I believe? Where it repeats the same end of sentence with just slightly different beginnings within the same paragraph. There’s also other phrases used at the end of chapters to usher in the next that just read…weirdly? Examples: “Let me set the stage” “You are not going to want to miss this.” What are you writing a script or a book? 
Now for the proper “Appalachian Magic” side of the book. It consistently uses the term Granny Witch, and states numerous times that witchcraft was just fine! Appalachia did not care and the “fear” of witches never penetrated the mountains. But yet a “granny witch” would use faith not as a proper form of healing, oh no! It was “to keep doubters at bay”. So faith healing was a cover up and not the actual practice itself. 
This book also has two whole chapters on legends and myths, which is fine, if it didn’t focus on the ones everyone knows like Bigfoot and Mothman only. Like it doesn’t cover any of the smaller localized things or spirits at all. Just the things you could easily find if you googled “appalachia spooky”. Hmmmmmm. Strange isn’t it? 
This book also stated that tarot and black tourmaline was ULTRA important to Appalachian magic. Like where does that come from? There’s another chapter dedicated to the phases of the moon and “spells”  which they mean in a modern new-age witchcraft way and definitely not Appalachian, although I will give it props for saying the moon phases and astrology are different here. Because they are.
Tiktok was mentioned twice; it appropriates dreamcatchers and other Hoodoo items in the “non-Hoodoo” sections of the book. Hell, it even said, accurately mind you, that Mothman has even “spawned fanfiction”. It even got the information on where Roanoke was…wrong.  Roanoke is in Virginia. This book claims it is in North Carolina. 
The most damning thing however, and I use that however in a very sarcastic tone, is the “author” herself. I painstakingly typed in some text from the book and was surprised to see it come back as “human written”. I don’t think that’s quite true, if it is then they text portions must be stolen from other sources and shoved into a book form. Because this author? A bot.
Her profile image used on Amazon, which is the ONLY SOURCE of information on her, no socials, no google, nothing. Is AI generated. Proof is here: 
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And a blurb from the book I wanted to include as well. The first of many furthermores used.
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The author's Biography, which again is the ONLY SOURCE OF INFORMATION on this supposed person, says as follows: "Alda Dagny has always been drawn to history. Growing up in Scandinavia, history has always been all around her, gods and goddesses, pagan rituals and spells. Ancient ruins that dot her homeland captivated her from an early age, giving her a lifelong love of all things history. " That's all I can find. That's it. Just AI and or ghost writing/theft has officially found itself in the AFM space. I hate this society.
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dingoat · 8 months
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"I think it's time you left."
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racketballz · 4 months
I just realized buttercup has green hair (I always thought it was black). What shade of green did you use for her hair tho? It looks nice.
Does her hair gets greener when light shines on it (like your trio art of mojo attacking at an ungodly hour of the night) does that still apply to her?
So buttercups hair is green like how in comics blue is black! Youre supposed to read it as black! actually do this a lot with characters tho it adds more color diversity and honestly kinda like a unrealistic whimsy to it ~
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there are very few times will use black to color black hair which honestly is probably why my art looks so saturated…………(which is an issue I have lol) but this is because i wanted butch to have a darker hair color than she has but if I made hers lighter it would be like too ashy and gray and her skin is very orange so the only option was to add a tint so I made it dark green! Yes it changes depending on the light and all that not because it’s green tho but because it’s hair :P
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idsb · 8 months
the Taylor Swift fandom literally becoming a football fandom 3-6 months after, you know, the plot of the Barbie movie, is showstopping incredible iconic beautiful,,,,, life imitates art and apparently that does not exclude the concept of a mojo dojo casa house invasion 💖
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indieyuugure · 1 year
This is going to be kind of a long question.
Are you going to add more 2012 characters? Like Karai or Shinigami or Mona or Chompy or Renet.
Or some of the Rise characters? Like Big Mama or Draxum or RepoMantis.
Also, are you going to add original characters, like your own Usagi or your own Mona.
I love your crossover comic, it's so good!
This is a good question! (I don’t mind long questions ^v^)
For the 2012 characters, I don’t think I’ll put them in since I think I have enough characters to deal with already 😅 lol. However Mona and Chompy, in some of the earlier drafts of ROTP, were supposed to show up on a phone call.
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This is the concept art for her designs plus Chompy being adorable!
As for the Rise characters, Draxum actually does show up in Colliding Worlds (chapter 5, part 2), that’s how Raph and Mikey get mystic weapons that help enhance their ninpo/mystic-magic-mojo or whatever.
And on original characters, I really try not to diverge from the canon since I want ROTP to be more of a fan sequel than a fan fiction, if you know what I mean. I do have original characters, but I wouldn’t add them to the ROTP story.
Thank you for the questions! Always appreciate it! :]
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