#moho 14
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nightmaresyrup · 1 year ago
Busy, busy, busy!
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flowersonya · 9 months ago
🇷🇺: Полноценная (почти) анимация с моделькой Великобритании, которую я сделала в Moho 14
🇬🇧: (almost) Full animation with a model of Great Britain, which I made in Moho 14
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mochi-chan-2006 · 11 months ago
My first animation program! : D
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dorkusnme · 3 months ago
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Odd, I don't feel my legs.
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omamervt · 9 months ago
Genuinely wild to me that Moho (formerly Anime Studio) remains the top recommended alternative to Adobe Flash/Animate because the other big name software with similar toolsets aren't vector-based at their core, and yet Moho 14 Pro is just as bad at importing SVGs as Anime Studio 9.5 was.
Like, just unbelievably bad. Doesn't matter if they're exported from Illustrator, Inkscape, Affinity, it's GONNA fuck it up somehow.
And I know on the one hand this is only going to bother a specific subset of users, since it's quite possible that many people using it for a professional workflow aren't going to be USING other software in conjunction, but it just SEEMS bad that however Moho calculates vectors is fundamentally different from how every other vector editor does it.
This program could rival After Effects for specific use cases if its tools were a bit more robust.
Hell, if they were just a little more compatible with the software it claims to be compatible with, I could probably throw out Davinci Resolve for a video editor that doesn't slow my computer to a crawl.
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heck-theo · 10 months ago
TMayNT Day 14: Favourite turtle movie.
The Rise one :P
Ok SO I disappeared because when I saw this prompt I wanted to finish this. Now to try and catch up, or at least continue TMayNT. If anyone would like to guess at themes and motifs I'd love to hear it because I remember putting a lot of thought into the initial concept ^^
More info about the creation of the video below:
So a lot of this isn't up to my personal standards BUT I'm proud of it because: I have started dozens of projects like this and almost never finished any. I am fighting my perfectionism and sporadic ADHD motivation. I believe I conceptualised this at the end of 2022 or early 2023 and reanimated/redrew the storyboard at least 3 times over the first half of 2023 before it was abandoned. Until now. Also I've never had a "camera" to play with before so I'm very inexperience with that.
It's a bit inconsistent: 1. because it was partially an experiment using Moho. It was my first time properly using it and I definitely need to look at some tutorials because I' strong armed it and made things a lot harder than I'm pretty sure I am not making the most of the features lol. Its also a vector program, which I'm not used to. 2. because I redrew the storyboard multiple times (and kept various aspects of it for the final ver) and then redrew it a final time after like a year.
So I credited those artists for popularising the meme but I actually have no idea where specifically I got the idea. I do not remember referencing any other "Is It Cold Outside" memes. I'm like 99% sure I sat down and wrote out a plan/script in word but it's possible I was inspired by or referenced someone specific and don't remember, so if anything is ringing any familiar bells please let me know.
I can't find the original sped up audio used in these memes but I believe this was the original original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KorGLK9VXcU (If anyone can tell me more info about the audio used in this meme, let me know). Storyboarded on Clip Studio, animated on Moho, minor editing on Kdenlive.
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emptygoldstudio · 2 months ago
Merry Weirdmageddon- i mean Christmas! ✨✨✨
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elizas-hard-drive · 3 months ago
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A lil sketch from an ongoing project!!! I wanted to keep it a secret but I can't lol I'm terrible at secrets. I'm trying to make the first meetup scene from TSTBA into an animation or maybe like... an animatic of some kind.
THIS ANGLE WAS SO HARD TO DRAW I DREW IT LIKE 5 TIMES BEFORE I WAS SATISFIED. 😭 Any tips on drawing this angle would be helpful, I used as many references as I could lol, hopefully it doesn't look too bad.
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farispc · 18 days ago
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thatweirddolldude · 7 months ago
I am still trying to figure out Moho! was having trouble with the program but now I got it working again. LEt's gooooo! Still don't know how the rendering setting work and its clearly causing problems
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Idk why the lips wont show up in the GIF version, who fuckings know but the mp4 wont upload! I hate this!
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cypherdecypher · 1 year ago
Animal of the Day!
Kauai O'o A'a (Moho braccatus)
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(Photo by Robert Shallenberger)
Extinction Date- 2000
Habitat- Kaua’i Island
Size (Weight/Length)- 20 cm
Diet- Snails; Fruits; Flower nectar; Insects
Cool Facts- The Kauai O’o A’a was a honeycreeper native to the Hawai’ian island of Kaua’i. These small birds nested in the thick forests of the island and licked flowers for nectar. Kauai O’o A’a relied on tree hollows in old trees to create their nests and as these forests were destroyed to make room for houses, the honeycreepers were rapidly declining. Introduction of invasive predators like the Polynesian rat and small Indian mongoose began to wipe out Hawai’i’s native birds. Mosquitos carrying avian malaria and hurricanes ended up wiping the rest of the population out. The last living bird was spotted in 1985 and the last singing male was recorded in 1987. Out of the original 50 species of Hawai’ian honeycreepers, only 17 species remain today and all are endangered. Efforts to reduce avian malaria, reduce invasive predator populations, and captive breeding efforts hope to increase the populations of the remaining honeycreepers.
Rating- 14/10 (The last recorded call: https://youtu.be/x2KH5AoyeBc?si=9TFYp7R2NKR-rXlB)
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nightmaresyrup · 1 year ago
Moho 14's blob brush feels like Macromedia Flash 4's brush. Picking color and filling shapes is different, yet it's close. That and using F6 shortcut to add frames. It has that random flat edge or crinklyness I can't replicate in Clip Studio, and I cant afford toonboom or tv paint.
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flowersonya · 8 months ago
🇷🇺: Очередная короткая анимация с этой моделькой. Он сел на шпагат, а встать не смог
🇬🇧: Another short animation with this model. He did the splits but couldn't get up
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sleepygallows · 2 months ago
This year, I will work on my social media presence, finish my animated short, The Elusive Green Elephant, and start a newsletter.
In 2024, I had hoped to finish all the animation for The Elusive Green Elephant short, but I ended up adding new software to the pipeline (Moho Animation 14 Pro) and spent about 3 months learning new techniques in Blender, which is good -- but learning can slow down progress.
Now, I have around 50% of all shots completed, and the remaining 50% has various levels of completion, with approximately 20% still needing a lot of animation work. In 2025, I'll get it done!
I've started a newsletter! The 1st issue was on New Year's Day. The Sleepy Gallows Animation newsletter will give more details on my projects and the journey to completion. Additionally, there is an artist spotlight, an indie animation spotlight, and an art tutorial I like and have saved. If any of that sounds interesting, sign up!
Lastly, I've also opened an art shop on Ko-fi. Check it out, and think of me when you need to give art gifts!
What are your goals for 2025?
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pachamama-radio · 8 days ago
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Lluvias al atardecer afectarán a la mayoría de provincias de Puno
Las provincias de Carabaya, Sandia, Melgar, Azángaro, San Antonio de Putina, Lampa, Huancané, Moho, San Román, Puno, El Collao, Chucuito-Juli y Yunguyo experimentarán precipitaciones al atardecer de este viernes 21 de febrero, según el boletín meteorológico de SENAMHI. La mayoría de las localidades mantendrán el cielo nublado durante todo el día.
Carabaya registrará la temperatura más alta con 28°C de máxima y 19°C de mínima, mientras que Yunguyo presentará la temperatura más baja con apenas 2°C como mínima y 14°C como máxima. El Collao es la única provincia donde se pronostican lluvias nocturnas, además de cielo nublado durante el día.
Las zonas de Azángaro, San Antonio de Putina, Huancané, Moho, San Román, Puno y Yunguyo tendrán cielo parcialmente nublado durante la jornada. Melgar presenta una de las mayores variaciones térmicas del día con una máxima de 14°C y mínima de 7°C.
Finalmente, SENAMHI recomienda a la población estar atenta a los cambios meteorológicos, especialmente en las zonas altas donde las temperaturas descenderán considerablemente. Las precipitaciones serán generalizadas en toda la región al finalizar la tarde.
via https://pachamamaradio.org/lluvias-al-atardecer-afectaran-a-la-mayoria-de-provincias-de-puno/
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dorkusnme · 1 month ago
Smart Bones . . . Moho 14
After watching quite a few videos on Moho Smart Bones, here’s a simple head turn. Next, 360 turn . . . Yikes!
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