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thepersonalwords · 3 months ago
Good and Bad are like God and Devil. It's up to you, who do you want to summon.
Mohith Agadi
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quotelr · 2 months ago
By worrying about the future, We will convolute our present lives.
Mohith Agadi
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wenurturethenature · 2 years ago
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The environment is not everyone's property to destroy it is our responsibility to protect.
- Mohith Agadi
Everyone complains that the earth's disasters and hurricanes are the worst scenario and an unmerciful effect on our lives. However, looking at this picture that a mining corporation made, making me think that man made disasters are the effects why our planet has disasters, and hurricanes.
I'm currently working for an environmental organization that advocates for the protection and conservation of nature, and I 'am here to speak up that this mining corporation has all the documents and has secured all their permits necessary for its operation, but the things is, the chance has been given for them, was being too much, and uncontrolled. I found out that they are doing the activities that can destroy our environment. While destroying the environment, they are also destroying the agricultural livelihood of nearby communities, people's lives, and animals shelter without noticing
In terms of business, mining has a great impact and opportunity to make the money grow and make everyone satisfied when it comes to a product. Mined materials are needed to construct roads and hospitals, to build automobiles and houses, to make computers and satellites, to generate electricity, and to provide the many other goods and services that consumers enjoy. Mining is often a source of local employment and may contribute to local and regional economies, big opportunities for new economic activities. But looking on the effects, mining was much more worse.
Mine exploration, construction, operation, and maintenance may result in land-use change, and may have associated negative impacts on environments, including deforestation, erosion, contamination and alteration of soil profiles, contamination of local streams and wetlands, and an increase in noise level, dust and emissions.
Mining is also known to affect traditional practices of Indigenous peoples living in nearby communities and conflicts in land use are also often present, as are other social impacts including those related to public health and human wellbeing. The effects can result in erosion, sinkholes, loss of biodiversity, or the contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface water by the chemicals emitted from mining processes.
and mining effects includes: loss of mineral revenue through smuggling, food insecurity, destruction to surface and underground water through toxic contamination and pollution caused by mud and sediments, air and noise pollution and destruction of biodiversity
People should have found mining can negatively affect people by: forcing them from their homes and land. Preventing them from accessing clean land and water.
By stating these facts, I hope that people would take an action for these. We only have one responsibility for our environment, and it is to take care of it and give its value, because we only have one planet wherein we can live, and wherein we can breathe. We have more chances to save our environment and let's it all make it before it's too late. Mining activities may one of the ways to make opportunities and make money grow, but looking on it's effects may ruin everything. So we have to choose a path wherein was right, and a path that chooses our environment over the work that can make the money be easy.
- Mohith Agadi
Everyone complains that the earth's disasters and hurricanes are the worst scenarios and have an unmerciful effect on our lives. However, looking at this picture that a mining corporation made, makes me think that man-made disasters are the effects of why our planet has disasters, and hurricanes.
I'm currently working for an environmental organization that advocates for the protection and conservation of nature, and I 'am here to speak up that this mining corporation has all the documents and has secured all the permits necessary for its operation, but thing is, the chance has been given for them, was being too much, and uncontrolled. I found out that they are doing activities that can destroy our environment. While destroying the environment, they are also destroying the agricultural livelihood of nearby communities, people's lives and animals shelter without noticing
In terms of business, mining has a great impact and opportunity to make the money grow and make everyone satisfied when it comes to a product. Mining is often a source of local employment and may contribute to local and regional economies, big opportunities for new economic activities. But looking at the effects, mining was much worse.
Mine exploration, construction, operation, and maintenance may result in land-use change and may have associated negative impacts on environments, including deforestation, erosion, contamination and alteration of soil profiles, contamination of local streams and wetlands, and an increase in noise level, dust, and emissions.
Mining is also known to affect the traditional practices of Indigenous peoples living in nearby communities and conflicts in land use are also often present, as are other social impacts including those related to public health and human wellbeing. The effects can result in erosion, sinkholes, loss of biodiversity, or the contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface water by the chemicals emitted from mining processes.
And also loss of mineral revenue through smuggling, food insecurity, destruction to surface and underground water through toxic contamination and pollution caused by mud and sediments, air and noise pollution, and destruction of biodiversity
People should have found mining can negatively affect people by forcing them from their homes and land. Preventing them from accessing clean land and water.
By stating these facts, I hope that people would take an action for these. We only have one responsible for our environment, and it is to take care of it and give its value, because we only have one planet wherein we can live, and wherein we can breathe. We have more chances to save our environment and let's all make it before it's too late. Mining activities may one of the ways to make opportunities and make money grow, but looking at its effects may ruin everything. So we have to choose a path wherein was right, and a path that chooses our environment over the work that can make the money get easily.
We should not abuse but we shouldn't overuse. So we don't have to lose, but to make a choose. 
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liatriz-reads · 16 days ago
"Motivate yourself to inspire others."
-Mohith Agadi
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jackyoung0012 · 2 years ago
The divine line “Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency is for criminals” is a cunning defensive strategy created by so called traditional financial services sector. – Mohith Agadi
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embracingspirit · 2 years ago
Creating a Ripple Effect
When you do some good work and if it inspires others, then you have just created the ripple effect. -Mohith Agadi If you have been reading and watching awhile you know I have chosen a single word for my year for 19 years. This word acts as a compass for my thoughts, words and actions throughout the year. I create graphics, post notes, make screen savers, buy bracelets with the word embedded on…
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amitk971 · 5 years ago
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If we can #Learn anything 🤘 from #Lord #Ganesha 🐘 It is : #Be #Sincere 😇 and #Care NO #One 🦀 in the #Line of #Duty - #Mohith #Agadi #roadtrip #friends #nightphotography #NIKONd3300 #tamron70300 #lens #fristrain #2020 #INSTAsnap #AMITkumarsCHITRAkala #amyDAYbook (at Ahmadnagar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9WR5AyjvOh/?igshid=9l6tnlw3l3k8
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thinkingimages · 3 years ago
Butterflies don't know their wings' Colors, but others see their Splendor. ~ Mohith Agadi
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212travel · 4 years ago
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“You will meet great beings when you come out of the well and see the world.” ― Mohith Agadi
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donotbetrashy · 4 years ago
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‘Environment is no one's property to destroy; It's everyone's responsibility to protect" - Mohith Agadi - Louie Andrei Babila quote source: https://www.birthdaywishes.expert/environment-quotes/ image source: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/plastic+pollution+posters...
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officialcryptoblog · 5 years ago
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Let's Get Motivated By what Mohith Agadi.!!
Let's read out some interesting fun facts
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thepersonalwords · 6 months ago
Things you Do to live a Happy life, shouldn't ruin others'.
Mohith Agadi
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quotelr · 9 months ago
What others say about you in front of you is not always veracious, find out what they are saying behind you.
Mohith Agadi
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mlaggarwalsolutions · 2 years ago
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globaltalentexchange · 2 years ago
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It’s been a long 75 years since India gained independence from its colonizers. We commemorate this historical event each year, as we also remember the sacrifices and loss of lives of the many freedom fighters who led our country to independence.  
From then to now – 2022 – India has come a long way! The country has risen and moved forward with dynamism, resilience, and a sense of purpose while imbuing its freedom to accelerate economic and social progress.  
‘Starting Up’
If we look at the current time, India seems to be the cynosure of 'global eyes,' with the surge of Founders and Creators leading over 75000 start-ups. Innovative ideas and products and employment for over 7.46 lakh individuals (an annual increase of 110% over the last six years), roughly 80 start-ups are 'recognized' every day, with about 10000 recognized in 156 days – more than anywhere in the world! The start-ups belong to IT services (12%), healthcare and life sciences (9%), education (7%), professional services (5%), and agriculture (5%).
  The exciting thing about these 'budding' ventures is that about 49% of them have emerged from Tier II and III cities, further highlighting the immense potential and resilience of our country's people, youth in particular. The future seems immensely encouraging, as more people take control of the reins of their career and professional destiny, and the stage is set for India to become the start-up center of the world
. GDP Growth
India and the world have been severely upended, first by the pandemic and then the Ukrainian conflict. In light of this, as of May this year (2022), the projected growth of India's GDP is 6.4% (compared to 8.8% last year), but it is still one of the fastest-growing major economies.  
With its increasing population, India has a bigger challenge and needs to expend more resources to combat the rising food and commodity prices and exacerbating inflation. Needless to say, the country rose to the challenge and battled its way through the upheavals. India has also taken several steps and initiatives to increase integration with the world economy and labor market reforms. 
What Lies Ahead 
While fundamentals and reserves are sufficient, India needs to maintain external stability and consistently use the exchange rate flexibility to absorb economic shock. The main challenge lies in managing the workforce, tackling "brain-drain," and driving talent to the country for sustained economic growth.  
Further, India must continue synthesizing and learning from information and maintain its data-driven culture.  
Enterprises are actively seeking to invest in projects and initiatives that involve enterprise intelligence, which in turn would enable decision-makers to gain more knowledge, become more efficient, and make better decisions, thus leading to better operational, service level, strategic, and financial results. 
The pandemic has exacerbated the importance of resilience, and our country seems to have passed the test with flying colors. Our journey is no less than miraculous with the expansion of agricultural production, affordable healthcare, developments in quality education, and more- India is now a global IT power and the third-largest ecosystem in the world.  
There’s no denying that we have a long way to go from here, which will require effort from every citizen and industry to mobilize and strive toward greatness together.  
“We celebrate Independence Day in India to remind us, that our country and its freedom is the result of sweat, patience, persistence, and sacrifice of those with the courage to dream freedom and make it a reality for their future generations”- Mohith Agadi 
It’s our turn now- Are we up for it? India is growing, and it's a great time for all – 75 years and counting. 
Happy Independence Day and beyond!
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hydrewcoin · 3 years ago
I like the concept of not spending more money to spend money Lets scale it by Mohith Agadi
Inventive news Multitudinous marketplace Ronaldinho's departure and a mind-boggling 4800 NFT sale
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