#mohammad shaikh
laf-outloud · 2 years
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Jocelyn's IG stories
What adorable photos of Jocelyn, Jared, and Katie! (Plus the WIndy cast and crew,)
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beststartupstory · 1 year
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forgotten-bharat · 10 months
Let's talk about the idolized Aurangzeb. What he did and why is he considered great?
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We will be focusing on the destruction of temples and hindu genocide done by him to debunk claims deny that this.
By the order of Aurangzeb (1645 AD) according to Mirãt-i-Ahmadî, Temple of Chintaman situated close to Sarashpur (Gujarat) and built by Sitaldas jeweller was converted into a mosque named Quwwat-ul-lslam (might of Islam) (1645 AD.) A cow was slaughtered to 'solemnize' the 'ceremony'.
Slaughtering a cow was a heinous choice, cow being one of the holiest animal in Hinduism. As well as, Hinduism prohibits animal slaughter, to do it right where their place of worship used to be where now stands a Mosque was simply to mock and destroy the souls of the indigenous population. The Pandits and Cows were always their main targets.
This was done before he even became the king, he was just a prince at this point.
When he became the king he sent Mir Jumla on an expedition to Cooch Bihar. Mir Jumla demolished ALL temples in that city and erected mosques in their stead. The general himself wielded a battle-axe to break the image of Narayana.
Mirãt-i-Ahmadî continues, In 1666 AD, he ordered the faujdar of Mathura to remove a stone railing which had been presented by Dara Shukoh to the temples of Keshav Rai. He explained: “In the Muslim faith it is a sin even to look at a temple and this Dara had restored a railing in a temple!”
You can still argue that Islamic Colonization simply had a political motif and not a religious one, if that would have been the case, none of the indigenous people would have been harmed, none of them would have been forcefully converted, their heritage would not have been destroyed right in front of their eyes, their schools and texts would have been burned. This is downright evil and was done in the name of Allah by all the Mughal tyrants.
“The richly jewelled idols taken from the infidel temples were transferred to Agra and placed beneath the steps leading to the Nawab Begum Sahib's (Jahanara's) mosque in order that they might be “pressed under foot by the true believers”. Mathura changed its name into Islamabad and was thus called in all official documents.”
In the same year, Sita Ram ji temple at Soron was destroyed as also the shrine of Devi Patan at Gonda. News came from Malwa also that the local governor had sent 400 troopers to destroy all temples around Ujjain.
According to Muraqat-i-Abul Hasan, civil officers, agents of jagirdars, karoris and amlas from Cuttack in Orissa to Medinipur in Bengal were instructed as follows:
“Every idol house built during the last 10 or 12 years' should be demolished without delay. Also, do not allow the crushed Hindus and despicable infidels to repair their old temples. Reports of the destruction of temples should be sent to the court under the seal of the qazis and attested by pious Shaikhs.”
(1672 AD) several thousand Satnamis were slaughtered near Narnaul in Mewat for which act of 'heroism' Radandaz Khan was tided Shuja'at Khan with the mansab of 3000 and 2000 horse.
(1675 AD) Guru Tegh Bahadur was tortured to death for his resistance against the forcible conversion of the Hindus of Kashmir. The destruction of gurudwaras thereafter is a well-known story which our secularists have succeeded in suppressing because the Akali brand Sikhs have been forging ties of friendship with Islam as against their parent faith, Hindu Dharma.
Mirãt-i-Ahmadî goes ahead: “On 6th January 1680 A.D. Prince Mohammad Azam and Khan Jahan Bahadur obtained permission to visit Udaipur. Ruhullah Khan and Yakkattaz Khan also proceeded thither to effect the destruction of the temples of the idolators. These edifices situated in the vicinity of the Rana's palace were among the wonders of the age, and had been erected by the infidels to the ruin of their souls and the loss of their wealth”. Pioneers destroyed the images. On 24th January the king visited the tank of Udayasagar.
His Majesty ordered all three of the Hindu temples to be levelled with the ground. On 29th January Hasan AN Khan made his appearance' and stated that “172 temples in the neighbouring districts had been destroyed.” His Majesty proceeded to Chitor on 22nd February.
Temples to the number of 63 were destroyed. Abu Tarab who had been commissioned to effect the destruction of idol temples of Amber, reported in person on 10th August that 66 temples had been levelled to the ground.’ The temple of Someshwar in western Mewar was also destroyed at a later date in the same year. It may be mentioned that unlike Jodhpur and Udaipur, Amber was the capital of a state loyal to the Mughal emperor.
Khafi Khan records in his Muntakhab-ul-Lubab: ‘On the capture of Golconda, the Emperor appointed Abdur Rahim Khan as censor of the city of Haiderabad with orders to put down infidel practices and innovations, and destroy the temples and build mosques on the sites.’ That was in 1687 AD. In 1690 AD, he ordered destruction of temples at Ellora, Trimbakeshwar, Narasinghpur, and Pandharpur.
Aurangzeb also destroyed, Kashi Vishwanath Temple in Kashi, Uttar Pradesh - which considered as the most scared hindu temple and land.
In 1698 AD, the story was repeated at Bijapur. According to Mirat-i-AhmadT: 'Hamidud-din Khan Bahadur who had been deputed to destroy the temples of Bijapur and build mosques there, returned to court after carrying out the order and was praised by the Emperor.' As late as 1705 AD, two years before he died, 'the emperor, summoning Muhammad Khalil and Khidmat Rai, the darogha of hatchet-men' ordered them to demolish the temple of Pandharpur, and to take the butchers of the camp there and slaughter cows in the temple.' Cow-slaughter at a temple site was a safeguard against Hindus rebuilding it on the same spot.
The saddest part is, all of this information, the bloodiest part of Indian History is never shown to the people, they grow up learning, Mughals were great emperors that built great things. When none of that holds any ounce of truth. It should be said without any censorship, these tyrants destroyed the culture, tradition and religions of India.
With all this information, if you're still defending these tyrants, if you still "want them around", if you still insist "it wasn't that bad", you absolutely do not care about "human rights", every activism you take part in is just performative. And I do not respect you or your opinion on any social issue.
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jeannepompadour · 2 years
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"Shaikh San'an and the Christian maiden" by Mohammad Hossein Mosavvar-ol-Molki (1889 - 1977)
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mariacallous · 2 months
A plea deal reached this week with the alleged mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, along with two of his alleged accomplices, has been retracted, the Pentagon announced Friday.
In a memo, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that the "three pre-trial agreements" approved with Khalid Shaikh Mohammad — the man accused of planning the attacks — and Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin 'Attash and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi, had been rescinded.
The memo was addressed to retired Brigadier Gen. Susan Escallier, the convening authority for military commissions who oversaw the deal. Austin wrote that he was withdrawing her "authority" in the case and reserving "such authority to myself."
The military commission at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on Wednesday sent letters sent to families of the nearly 3,000 people killed in the al-Qaida attacks said the plea agreement stipulated the three would serve life sentences.
Some families of the attacks' victims condemned the deal for cutting off any possibility of full trials and possible death penalties. Republicans were quick to fault the Biden administration for the deal, although the White House said after it was announced it had no knowledge of it.
In nullifying the plea agreement, Austin wrote in the order that "in light of the significance of the decision," he had decided that the authority to make a decision on accepting the plea agreements was his.
Mohammed and the other defendants had been expected to formally enter their pleas under the deal as soon as next week.
The U.S. military commission overseeing the cases of five defendants in the Sept. 11 attacks have been stuck in pre-trial hearings and other preliminary court action since 2008. The torture that the defendants underwent while in CIA custody has slowed the cases and left the prospect of full trials and verdicts still uncertain, in part because of the inadmissibility of evidence linked to the torture.
Earlier Friday, the Republican-led House Oversight and Accountability Committee announced it was launching an investigation into whether the White House was involved in the plea deal. 
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dertaglichedan · 2 months
Biden-Harris Government Gifts Plea Deal to 9/11 Mastermind, Death Penalty Off the Table.
The Joe Biden-Kamala Harris government has reached a plea deal agreement with alleged September 11, 2001, terrorist attack mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) and several other accused plotters held at Guantanamo Bay. Under the agreement, none of the accused plotters, including KSM, will face the death penalty for perpetrating the deadliest terrorist attack in American history.
“The Convening Authority for Military Commissions has entered into pretrial agreements with Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin ‘Attash, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi, three of the co-accused in the 9/11 case,” an Office of Military Commissions (OMC) spokesman stated on Wednesday.
According to family members of 9/11 victims, the OMC has informed them the terrorists will not face the death penalty.
KSM and the other 9/11 plotters, held at the special U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, face charges of providing training, financial support, and other assistance to the al-Qaeda terrorists who perpetrated the attack.
Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives when al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four U.S. airliners and flew two of them into the World Trade Center Buildings in New York City. A third plane flew into the Pentagon, which houses the U.S. Department of Defense in Washington, D.C.
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Khalid Shaikh Mohammad among September 11th defendants to reach plea deal
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3linaturabi · 2 years
The veil of Allah (S.W.T)!!
From" Kitab al-Turf" of Sayed ibn Taoos quoting from Kitab al-Wassiyah of Shaikh Isa bin al-Mustafaad al-Zareer from Imam Kazim (A.S) from his Father (A.S): "When Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) was about to die, He called the companions and said: "Indeed the door of Fatima (S.A) is my door, and Her house is my house. So whoever disgraces it, has disgraced the veil/covering (Hijaab) of Allah (S.W.T)."
The narrator Isa then says, "Abu al-Hassan Imam Kazim (A.S) then cried for long and cut of rest of his speech and said, "By Allah (S.W.T) the veil of Allah (S.W.T) was disgraced, By Allah (S.W.T) the veil of Allah (S.W.T) was disgraced, By Allah (S.W.T) the veil of Allah (S.W.T) was disgraced, O My Mother (S.A)..."
Reference :
Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 22, Pg. 476-477
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-ahlulbayt stories
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msadiq007 · 2 years
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3acesnews · 2 months
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U.S. Defense Department Revokes Plea Deal With Khalid Shaikh Mohammad
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labelleperfumery · 2 months
U.S. Defense Department Revokes Plea Deal With Khalid Shaikh Mohammad
The U.S. Department of Defense pulled the rug out from under 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammad — rescinding his plea deal that would have spared his life. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin axed the plea agreement that was put in place earlier… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2024/08/03/us-defense-department-revokes-plea-deal-khalid-shaikh-mohammad/
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laf-outloud · 2 years
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@damangoshake survived a western without getting Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2'd in the face!
There are some great behind-the-scenes photos here, especially that one with Kat and her horse!
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radioshiga · 2 months
EUA fecham acordo com três réus dos ataques de 11/9
Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos, 2 de agosto de 2024 (Agência de Notícias Associated Press) – O Departamento de Defesa dos Estados Unidos anunciou que chegou a acordos de confissão com três réus acusados de envolvimento nos ataques terroristas de 11 de setembro de 2001. O Pentágono informou na quarta-feira (31) que o suposto mentor Khalid Shaikh Mohammad e outros dois acusados firmaram acordos…
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indiaepost · 2 months
9/11 mastermind, two other defendants agreed to plead guilty: Pentagon
 The mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks on US soil, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and two of his accomplices have agreed to plead guilty, the Pentagon said in a statement. They are held at the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The Pentagon said that the Convening Authority for Military Commissions, Susan Escallier, has entered into pretrial agreements with Khalid Shaikh Mohammad,…
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andronetalks · 2 months
Families of 9/11 victims rip plea deal allowing mastermind KSM to avoid death penalty
New York Post By Larry Celona and Katherine DonlevyPublished July 31, 2024, 6:03 p.m. ET The grieving families of the heroic first responders killed in the Sept. 11 attacks slammed a plea deal struck Wednesday that allows three alleged terrorists — including accused mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammad — to avoid the death penalty. ”I feel like I was kicked,” said retired NYPD officer Jim Smith,…
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mongowheelie · 2 months
I found this on NewsBreak: 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and 2 others reach plea deal
I found this on NewsBreak: 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and 2 others reach plea deal
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