#mohammad nizar
letterboxd-loggd · 3 months
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The Red Sea Makes Me Wanna Cry (2023) Faris Alrjoob
June 28th 2024
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moviemosaics · 4 months
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The Red Sea Makes Me Wanna Cry
directed by Faris Alrjoob, 2023
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fairuzfan · 9 months
hello!! firstly, you have an amazing blog. i have been able to learn a lot (and be introduced to a lot of resources) thanks to you as well as other palestinians!
out of curiousity, do you happen to have any favorite songs made my palestinian musicians? im not sure if you've already answered this, but i would like to learn some songs so i can sing them :)
hello, thanks for sending this and for your kind words. I've actually received a few questions on this.
Something in arab music culture in general (like Fairuz) is that sometimes there are writers different than singers who are sought out by singers and vice versa. This isn't always the case, of course, but something to consider is if you like a song by a specific singer, I'd suggest looking into who the composer/writer of the song is.
A well known example is Egyptian singer Abdel Halim Hafez who sung Nizar Qabbani's (widely considered the Syrian National Poet) poem, the song titled "Qariat El Fengan" or "The Cup Reading". This was a whole concert. My dad said whenever it snowed in his town, they would play the entire concert on the radio and everyone would sit around and listen to it, even if it was an hour long.
But you did ask about Palestinian singers! So I will provide some singers who are Palestinian as well as those who aren't Palestinian but their songs are written for/by Palestinians.
Sol Band in Gaza
They're currently located in Gaza and if you visit their facebook, you can see that they hold singalongs for the kids of Gaza amongst the rubble. Right now, they're holding a campaign to help rebuild their band which you can take a look and donate to here (click).
Reem Albanna is Palestinian (the singer) and the writer is Tawfik Ziad who was a Palestinian:
"Min Sijin Akkah" by Firqat Al-Ashiqeen
The backstory to this is really important — back during British colonization, there were three Palestinian revolutionary fighters who were hung by the British. Their names were Fouad Hijazi, Mohammad Jamjoum, and Attah Azeer. Apparently, they were discussing amongst themselves in their prison cells before they were hung about what they would say to their loved ones and if any of them saw their loved ones to tell them not to worry. The conversation was written on the walls of the prison cell and we don't know who wrote it... but people have been singing it ever since.
"Ya Falestiniyah" by Sheikh Imam
Sheikh Imam is not Palestinian but he is Egyptian. Palestinians really love him, though, and he has a lot of political music that many, many people love. I recommend checking out all of Sheikh Imam's songs tbh.
"Sheikh Assafeenah" sung by Palestinian singer Abdel Fattah Owainat and written by Palestinian Poet Miriam Alammoori:
I would check out both singer and songwriter for more of their songs.
Dammi Falestini by Mohammed Assaf
I don't think it requires an explanation LOL
"Taralelli" by Ens O Jam
It's a fun song, a love song. I usually sing this with my family on long car rides.
if anyone else has any recommendations, feel free to add on to this post by reblogging!
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straight-from-gaza · 5 months
Hamed Al Mansi recounts the devastating incident involving his nephew, Nizar Al Mansi, who fell into a coma following an occupation force's bombardment. During the same attack, Nizar's brother Mohammad was martyred. To prevent further damage to his body, doctors were forced to amputate both of Nizar's legs. However, Nizar is still in a coma for the tenth day in a row. Nizar and other children in Gaza, who suffer the same fate, need immediate help and treatment abroad.
(source: eye on palestine)
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61) Remember these names 🇮🇩; Mahendra Astu Sanggha Pawitra, Anny Farichah Fathony, Abdul Halim Hasmar(Haji Abdus Samad Umar), Wikan Haryo Rahmantyo, Wagiman Noto Wiyono, Idad Akbar, Mohammad Bekti Hendrie Anto, Ari Wahyudi, Aris Munandar, Abiyoga Gibran, Wildan Salsabila, Nu'aim Hammad Ausi, Yudha Maulana Ahmad, Abikusno Subagyo Subandi Wartoraharjo, Akbar Perdana Putra, Muhammad Salsabil Lasarik, Ghifari Abdus Salam-Moh Abdul Rizak, Rio Maretzky-Hanum Fitriana, Nahal Fathir, Adientya Nur Prihantara, Tsuga Wissangeni, Abdullah Zaky, Kevin Octavian Dendra-Bagaskara Widi Nugroho-Afriza Animawan Arifin-M Afkar Armani, Amin Pratomo Septo Pambudi, Oktavianto Nugroho, Yudhistira Candra Kurniawan, Didie Kusuma Suwardi, Hario Wibowo, Chrysaeta Filian Doni, Sonia Ammar, Fadhilah Ghassani-Aditya Toni Saputra, Dzikra Ramiza Akram, Muhammad Ikmal, Firman Hidayat, Muhammad Hafidz Jo Faesal, Anggi Laksmita Dewi-Mayasari Setyaningrum Suroto-Saviera Yonita, Olivia Rizki Egawati, Pingky Gita Ayuningtyas, Prasasya Kirana, Putri Cahyaningtyas, Ramadhea Laila Afifa Annur Willya Saputri, Khariz Fahrurrozi, Moch Yan Pandu Akbar, Afra Hatim, Wibisono Sulistyo, Aditya Bayu Pratama, Dian Amalia Kahfi, Jatmiko Herjati, Putri Cahyaning Prabandoro Pamungkas, Ratih Sanjaya Wahyuningrum, Diny Aulia Pradiza, Afifah Khoiru Nisa, Damar Adi Prabowo, Nurkholis Majid, Muhammad Noor Ridho Aji, Sidiq Nur Cahyo, Adnan Hendrawan, Imam Nur Kholis, Fadhil Rizky Harenda, Aditya Yudhakusuma, Amalia Dian Utami, Amalia Ichsani, Muhammad Hanif, Sri Widowati Anjarsari, Ganesha Ilham Adhityatama, Cahyarum Ludiana, Lukman Ardhiono, Verly Fazlurrahman, Muhammad Sholikhin, Diky Septa Nugroho, Gilar Ichtiari Mukti, Dina Aulia Nurfiana-Erwina Safitri, Khadafi Ikhsan Muttaqien, Farah Azzahra, Anas Mufid Nurrochman, Syatira Fikriani Azizah, Rizka Islami Ratnasari, Luthfi Hannan, Ricahyo Priyo Utomo, Syaifullah Rangga Haryo Nugroho, Ilham Taufik Akbar, Arvian Raka Pradana, Rizka Aulia Hakmi, Tri Suci Hidayati, Raihan Irsyadi, Alifah Elfmi Fajrina, Salma Karimah, Fakhri Dhia, Yahya Shafiyuddin Hilmi, Nesyamia Yala Widhasuna, Amelia Nugrahaningrum, Arviyan Dendi Mahendra, Putra Anggita, Gana Adikara Yusron, Iskandar Mustofa, Zinda Rahma Ilfana, Avina Alawya, Nooringtyas Damayanti, Satria Taru Winursita, Rizky Fadilla Fitriyanti, Fendy Andra Fahreza, Karina Umma, Mufti Khuzaimah Al Azizah, Meita Candra Sekar Sari, Dedy Kurniawan, Harimurti Yogatama HP, Vidiah Vebrinasari, Teja Aryana Maulana, Ibnu Hudaya Panggrahita, Aulia Azka Januartrika, Gessa Firman Febrian, Ahid Prihanta, Rahman Adianto, Frida Nurrochman, Muhammad Hashfy Habieb Rahardjo, Nur Rahmantyo Aryadi, Muliawan Canggih Arofahna, Putera Yazil Ikram, Zahratul Iftikar Jadna Masyhida, Billy Ibnu Hilman Taqwa, Kalam Majid Biruni, Bernardia Vitri Arumsari, Nurhuda Sarjono Mukti, Riana Desi Putri Ratmawati, Vanelly Rahutami Santosa, Gregorius Bagus Prasetyo, Muhammad Nashrul Malik, Hemas Malia Pangestika, Herditama Galih Firmansyah, Novianda Aditya Istiqomah, Mayang Kirana Candra, Retyan Suci Arthasani, Nizar Caraka Trihanasia-Raka Affa Arasya Maharika, Reza Rully Kusuma, Khusnuli Amalia Nurrafingah, Putri Anjaweni, Sandira Ultra Utami, Muhammad Aliya Imaduddin→Aliya Imadudeen→Imadudeen Muhammad-Ali→Imadudeen August-Husayn→İmadudeen August-Sarva-Husayn, Harimas Shofi Mahatma, Andria Eko Nugroho, Denni Fariz Subekti, Villa Noorlita Marianna, Mutiara Nur Isnaini, Shinta Dewi, Firdausi Farhana, Bella Lailatus Saadah, Zwista Dimas Haryanto, MH Amin Mardhatillah, Ridho Dwi Dharmawan, Afiani Muslikhah, Hanifah Nurkhasanah, Imma Priyansari, Marini, Ezzat Chamudi, Krisnanto Wibowo, Angela Gusti Aprilia, Aryaningtyas Widya Pamungkas, Qanita Qamarani, Lisa Almira, Hilarisa Adriyani, Panduaji Panditatwa, Laurensia Nita Kustanto, Rifka Annisa Pranata, Shafa Intishar, Nabila Hajar Aflaha, Faiq Muhammad Sani, Haidar Muhammad Tilmitsani, Ahmad Alvin Muttaqin, Muhammad Dalton Fisabilillah, Isnan Hidayat, Luthfi Alfikri Kustiyo-Adnan Rifa'i.
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jinnonnetflix · 5 years
Jinn | Global Teaser
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jinngifs · 5 years
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click the tag you wanna go to below the post
Characters                                                     Actors
mira                                                       salma malhas
keras                                                     hamzeh okab
hassan                                                  zaid zoubi
yassin                                                    sultan alkhail
vera                                                       aysha shahaltough
layla                                                       ban halaweh
nasser                                                    mohammad nizar
omar                                                      mohammad hindieh
jameel                                                    karam tabbaa
miss ola                                                 hana chamoun
naji                                                         faris al bahri
fahed                                                      yasser al hadi
season 1
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theworkprint · 5 years
Jinn is a rushed production that uses basic tropes as a way to simply just get something out there. Once I heard that Netflix released a horror show called Djinn, specifically one that was done by a Jordanian production, I was ecstatic.
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tasksweekly · 5 years
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In celebration of Arab American Heritage Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 420+ Bahraini faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Zakia El Ghanjy (1943) Bahraini - actress.
Amina Al Qafaas (1954) Bahraini - actress.
Fatima Ismail (1955) Bahraini - actress.
Latifa Al Megren (1956) Bahraini - actress.
Ahlaam Muhammed (1957) Bahraini - actress.
Maryam Zeman (1957) Bahraini - actress.
Shafeqa Youssef (1958) Bahraini - actress.
Souad Ali (1961) Bahraini - actress.
Samira Abed (1967) Bahraini - actress.
Ahlam / Ahlam Ali Al Shamsi (1968) Bahraini / Emirati - singer.
Zahra Arafat (1969) Bahraini - actress.
Noura Al Balushi (1969) Bahraini - actress.
Roaya Saleh (1969) Bahraini - chef and instagrammer (roayasalehxoxo).
Houria Arafat / Hourya Arafat (1972) Bahraini - actress.
Farah Ali (1972) Bahraini - actress.
Fadila El-Mobasher (1973) Bahraini - actress.
Zainab Al Askari (1974) Bahraini - actress, model, and spokesmodel.
Sumaya El Khenna (1974) Bahraini - actress.
Dina El Khengy (1974) Bahraini - actress.
Fatima Abdul Raheem (1975) Bahraini - actress.
Fay Al Sharqawi (1975) Bahraini - actress.
Shaima Sabt (1977) Bahraini / Indian - actress.
Sian Townson (1977) Bahraini, Welsh, English - filmmaker.
Ghada Al Faihani (1978) Bahraini - actress.
Haifa Hussein (1979) Bahraini - actress and singer.
Zohour Hussein (1979) Bahraini - actress.
Hind / Hend / Suhair (1979) Bahraini - singer-songwriter.
Ebtesam El Atwai (1980) Bahraini - actress.
Wijdan (1980) Bahraini - actress.
Shatha Sabt (1981) Bahraini / Indian - actress.
Amira Mohammed / Amira Mohammed Abdullah (1981) Bahraini - actress.
Wafaa Mekky (1981) Bahraini - actress.
Azhar Elhalwagy (1981) Bahraini - actress.
Al-Mohra (1981) Bahraini - actress.
Aamna Sharif (1982) Bahraini, Persian / Marathi Indian - actress and fashion designer.
Shaikha Albader (1982) Bahraini - actress.
Hessa Al Khalifa (1982) Bahraini / Emirati - instagrammer (hk_alkhalifa).
Sheikha Zowayed (1982) Bahraini - actress.
Yazz Ahmed (1983) Bahraini / British - trumpeter and flugelhorn player.
Mariam Bukamal (1984) Bahraini - tv personality, radio personality, sports commentator, and anchor.
Mashael (1984) Bahraini, Saudi Arabian, Lebanese - singer.
Sabrin Burshaid (1985) Bahraini - actress and tv host.
Ameera Al-Kooheji (1985) Bahraini - tv personality, director, and producer.
May El Calamawy (1986) Bahraini - actress.
Salwa Aljarrash / Salwa Al Jarrash (1986) Bahraini / Saudi Arabian - actress.
Reem Arhama (1986) Bahraini - actress.
Esra'a Al Shafei (1986) Bahraini - blogger.
Shaila Sabt (1989) Bahraini / Indian - actress, model, and Miss Middle East 2013.
Shaima Janahi (1989) Bahraini - actress.
Haya Ahmed (1990) Bahraini - singer and instagrammer (hayaahmed_official).
Fatima Aymen (1990) Bahraini - makeup artist and instagrammer (fatimamakeup).
Hanan Redha (1991) Bahraini - singer.
Samar El Zaaky (1991) Bahraini - actress.
Abrar Sabt (1992) Bahraini / Indian - actress.
Dana Al Salem (1992) Bahraini - actress.
Maria Christina Fernandes (1994) Bahraini / Ugandan, Portuguese - actress, singer, and dancer.
Zainab Mohd / Zainab Mohammad (1995) Bahraini - actress and model.
Eman Sebt (1995) Bahraini - actress.
Rania Abdulla (1996) Bahraini / Lebanese - instagrammer (raniaabdulla9).
Eman Alhussaini (1998) Bahraini - actress.
Fajr El Majed (1998) Bahraini - actress.
Hala Al Turk (2002) Bahraini, Jordanian / Syrian - actress and singer.
Sarah El Bloshy (?) Bahraini - actress.
Jona (?) Bahraini - actress and model (instagram: jona.bh).
Samawa Al-Shaikh (?) Bahraini - actress and singer.
Aya Hamdan (?) Bahraini, Jordanian, Palestinian, Unspecified White - filmmaker.
Sana Saleh (?) Bahraini - actress.
Muneera Muhammad (?) Bahraini - actress.
Lamia (?) Bahraini - actress.
Rita Qassem (?) Bahraini - actress.
Fatma Al-Dosry (?) Bahraini - actress.
Sameera Salman (?) Bahraini - actress.
Eissa Al Khanna (?) Bahraini - actress.
Hania Sulaiman (?) Bahraini - actress.
Faiza Jameel (?) Bahraini - actress.
Rana El Shuwikh (?) Bahraini - actress.
Fatma Zakry (?) Bahraini - actress.
Louloua Saleh (?) Bahraini - actress.
Jasmine Nasr (?) Bahraini - actress.
Zeinat Mahdy (?) Bahraini - actress.
Lamia Al-Shuwaikh (?) Bahraini - actress.
Farah Abdallah (?) Bahraini - actress.
Samah Atteya (?) Bahraini - actress.
Nouf Bahr (?) Bahraini - actress.
Zeinab Kelwan (?) Bahraini - actress.
Fatheya Abdallah (?) Bahraini - actress.
Mariam Youssef Al Kuhji (?) Bahraini - actress.
Fathiya Ajllan (?) Bahraini - musician.
Nahid Al-Shaykh (?) Bahraini - actress.
Amina Salman (?) Bahraini - actress.
Eman Hassan (?) Bahraini - actress.
Mona Hakeem (?) Bahraini - actress.
Nadia Mohammed (?) Bahraini - actress.
Nadia Youssef (?) Bahraini - actress.
Fatima Aziz (?) Bahraini - model (instagram: fatima.aziz36).
Adeela Khan (?) Bahraini - model (instagram: adeela_khan9).
Ayisha Adel (?) Bahraini - model (Instagram: ayishadel).
Aldana (?) Bahraini - model (instagram: aldana__bh).
Fatema Alseni (?) Bahraini - model (instagram: fatema_alseni1).
Um Zayan (?) Bahraini - model (instagram: qadisa_z).
Eliazy Alkhowely (?) Bahraini - model (instagram: eliazy_).
Crisxy (?) Bahraini - model (instagram: __crisxy__).
F - Athletes:
Ruqaya Al-Ghasra (1982) Bahraini - sprinter.
Mariam Mohamed Hadi Al Hilli (1984) Bahraini - sprinter.
Azza Al-Qasmi (1985) Bahraini - sports shooter.
Fatema Hameed Gerashi (1987 or 1988) Bahraini - swimmer.
Sameera Al-Bitar / Samira Al Bitar (1990) Bahraini - swimmer.
Rehana Sunder (1990) Bahraini - badminton player.
Sara Al-Flaij / Sarah Alfalaij (1995) Bahraini - swimmer.
Fatema Almahmeed (1999) Bahraini - swimmer.
Ahmad Jumairi (1947) Bahraini - musician.
Ali Al Shargawi (1948) Bahraini - lyricist and playwright.
Mohammed Yasin (1949) Bahraini - actor.
Ibrahim El-Panki (1949) Bahraini - actor.
Qahtan El Qahtany (1954) Bahraini - actor.
Abdallah Malek (1957) Bahraini - actor.
Ahmed Eissa (1957) Bahraini - actor.
Khaled El Sheikh / Khalid Al-Shaikh (1958) Bahraini - singer-songwriter and composer.
Anwar Ahmed (1959) Bahraini - actor.
Bassam Al-Thawadi (1960) Bahraini - filmmaker.
Hameed Karimi (1960) Bahraini - actor.
Mostafa Rashid (1968) Bahraini - actor and director.
Khaled El Rowaie (1968) Bahraini - actor.
Rashed Al-Majed (1969) Bahraini / Saudi Arabian - singer-songwriter and producer.
Jamaan El Rowiei (1969) Bahraini - actor.
Taher Mohsin (1970) Bahraini - actor.
Ali El Ghreer (1972) Bahraini - actor.
Gamal El Ghilan (1973) Bahraini - actor.
Hussain AlRiffaei (1973) Bahraini - actor, director, and producer.
Nizar Abdulla / Nizar Abdullah (1973) Bahraini - actor.
Mansour El Gedawy (1974) Bahraini - actor.
Mohammed Haddad (1975) Bahraini - keyboardist, pianist, oud player, and composer.
Ahmed Al Hermi (1975) Bahraini - singer.
Khalid Mandi (1975) Bahraini - musician.
Mohammed Sharafi (1976) Bahraini - actor.
Khalil Al-Rumaithi / Khalil El Romethi (1979) Bahraini - actor.
Rudy Jahchan (1979) Bahraini - internet personality and producer.
Amir Dasmal (1980) Bahraini - actor.
Ala Ghawas (1981) Bahraini - singer-songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, pianist, accordionist, and producer.
Fahad Mandi (1981) Bahraini - actor.
Hassan Mohamed (1982) Bahraini - actor.
Ayad Al Adhamy (1985) Bahraini - singer, guitarist, bassist, keyboardist, percussionist, remixer, and producer.
Niflick (1985) Bahraini - youtuber (Niflick).
Alee Alamm (1987) Bahraini - model and tv personality.
Hamad Al Fardan (1987) Bahraini - rapper and race driver.
Khaled El-Shaer (1987) Bahraini - actor.
Yonis Attiya (1987) Bahraini - filmmaker.
Zeyad Khalifa Zaiman (1987) Bahraini - actor.
Mohammed Turaif (1988) Bahraini - actor.
Bovlix (1988) Bahraini - dancer, artist, and instagrammer (bovlix).
Hamad A. Ali (1988) Bahraini - actor and filmmaker.
Hasan Abdulla (1989) Bahraini - filmmaker.
Majid Al Maskati (1990) Bahraini - singer.
Hisham Janahy (1991) Bahraini - actor.
Ahmed Sharif (1992) Bahraini - comedian and instagrammer (a.sharif92).
Ibrahim El Beraoy (1992) Bahraini - actor.
Abdulla Aldarzi (1992) Bahraini - actor.
Mohamed Zainal (1993) Bahraini - actor.
AK (1993) Bahraini - instagrammer (kmbs_almajed).
Omar Farooq (1994) Bahraini - youtuber (عمر فاروق Omar Farooq).
Bassam Sabt (1997) Bahraini / Indian - actor.
Khalid Laith (?) Bahraini - actor.
Essam Kamal (?) Bahraini - singer.
Ali Esbai (?) Bahraini - actor, comedian, director, and writer.
Sami Rashdan (?) Bahraini - actor.
Hussain Faisal (?) Bahraini - musician.
Kamal Rasool (?) Bahraini - singer (Flamingods).
Mohamed Buali (?) Bahraini - filmmaker.
Sawsan El Bosta (?) Bahraini - actor.
Waddah Swar (?) Bahraini - actor, comedian, and writer.
Adel Shams (?) Bahraini - actor.
Douglas Tilley (?) Bahraini / Unspecified White - actor and producer.
Badr Hassan (?) Bahraini - singer.
Ahmed Yacoub Al-Muqla / Ahmed Yacoub Al Moqla (?) Bahraini - director.
Saad Al Bouanin (?) Bahraini - actor.
Ahmed Alsaeg (?) Bahraini - actor and director.
Mohamed Al Qafas (?) Bahraini - filmmaker.
Abdallah El Saadwe (?) Bahraini - actor.
Thekryat Mosa (?) Bahraini - actor.
Jassim Al-Sayegh (?) Bahraini - actor.
Ali Adel / Ali Adel Hasan (?) Bahraini - filmmaker.
Peter Fernandes (?) Bahraini / Ugandan, Portuguese - actor and singer.
Aly Al.Aly (?) Bahraini - actor.
Hussein El Haliby (?) Bahraini - actor and director.
Ahmad Salahuddin (?) Bahraini - tv personality.
Mohammed Awad (?) Bahraini - actor.
Mohannad Mahdy (?) Bahraini - actor.
Ali Shaheen (?) Bahraini - actor.
Youssef AbdelKareem (?) Bahraini - actor.
Mamdouh Hassan (?) Bahraini - actor.
AbdelAzizi Saleh Dawood (?) Bahraini - actor.
Moudy Fahd (?) Bahraini - actor.
Faisal Alboori (?) Bahraini - actor.
Eissa Jassem (?) Bahraini - actor.
Hussein Othman (?) Bahraini - actor.
Sami Al Quoz (?) Bahraini - actor.
Mohammed Aljowder (?) Bahraini - actor.
Hameed Jaafar (?) Bahraini - actor.
Mahmoud Al Saffar (?) Bahraini - actor.
AbdelJaleel Ramadan (?) Bahraini - actor.
Moen Ali Ahmed (?) Bahraini - actor.
Mahdi AlQassap (?) Bahraini - actor.
Youssef Ibrahim Al Hessany (?) Bahraini - actor.
Ali Abdallah Eissa (?) Bahraini - actor.
Mokhtar Al Sefar (?) Bahraini - actor.
Hassan Al Eskafi (?) Bahraini - filmmaker.
Sayed Ali Sayed (?) Bahraini - actor.
Mohammed Hussein Al Sheikh (?) Bahraini - actor.
Abdallah Yakoub (?) Bahraini - actor.
Khaled Jnahy (?) Bahraini - actor.
Al Bassam Ali (?) Bahraini - actor.
Mohammed Abdallah Haram (?) Bahraini - actor.
Abla Abdallah (?) Bahraini - actor.
Sayed Hashem Ibrahim (?) Bahraini - actor.
AbdelNaby Attia (?) Bahraini - actor.
Ibrahim Bo Edrees (?) Bahraini - actor.
Ahmed El Sada (?) Bahraini - actor.
Ibrahim Mahdy (?) Bahraini - actor.
Hany Al Moussa (?) Bahraini - actor.
Salman Bokhari (?) Bahraini - actor.
Afnan Al-Murbaty (?) Bahraini - director.
Khaljan Jalal Al Balloushy (?) Bahraini - actor.
Abdallah Rashdan (?) Bahraini - actor.
Youssef Bader Al Saibaee (?) Bahraini - actor.
Mubarak Khaleefa (?) Bahraini - actor.
Ahmed Asadi (?) Bahraini - musician (instagram: ahmedasadiofficial).
Younis Alsayegh (?) Bahraini - singer and actor.
Hashem Al Qallaf (?) Bahraini - actor.
Talal Al Areefy (?) Bahraini - actor.
Younes Abdallah (?) Bahraini - actor.
Ali Abdallah Badou (?) Bahraini - actor.
Ali Bader Al Saibaee (?) Bahraini - actor.
Mohammed Ihsan Ramadan (?) Bahraini - actor.
Abdallah Eissa Abbas (?) Bahraini - actor.
Hussein Ali Al Motawie (?) Bahraini - actor.
Hussein AbdelNaby Thabet (?) Bahraini - actor.
Bader Mohammed (?) Bahraini - actor.
Seif Ali Al Ghurair (?) Bahraini - actor.
Habeeb Hilal Naseeb (?) Bahraini - actor.
Mohammed Fouad Mohammed (?) Bahraini - actor.
Hesham Youssef Abdallah (?) Bahraini - actor.
Jassem Al Damen actor (?) Bahraini - actor.
Cielo (?) Bahraini - actor.
Isa Alhamer (?) Bahraini - filmmaker.
Ahmad Najem (?) Bahraini - musician.
Nidal Badr (?) Bahraini - filmmaker.
Ibraheem Al-Tememy (?) Bahraini - filmmaker.
Ali Abdulemam (?) Bahraini - blogger.
Jassim (?) Bahraini - model (instagram: jasoom_333).
Ahsnoo (?) Bahraini - model (instagram: ahsnoo_bh).
A_al3rabii (?) Bahraini - model (instagram: a_al3rabii).
Waqas Mughal (?) Bahraini - model (instagram: waq_as_4).
Cesc Hussain (?) Bahraini - model (instagram: cesc_hussain).
M - Athletes:
Saad Mubarak Ali (1960) Bahraini - long-distance runner.
Hamood Sultan (1960) Bahraini - footballer.
Ahmed Hamada (1961) Bahraini - hurdler.
Khalid Ibrahim Jouma (1962) Bahraini - sprinter.
Saleh Sultan Faraj (1963) Bahraini - fencer.
Abdullah Al-Dosari (1965) Bahraini -  long-distance runner.
Taj Mohammad (1965) Bahraini - cricketer.
Abdulrahman Khaled (1966) Bahraini - fencer.
Khaled Abdullah Hassan (1966) Bahraini - hurdler.
Khalifa Hamad Khamis (1966) Bahraini - fencer.
Ahmed Al-Doseri (1966) Bahraini - fencer.
Rashid Riyadh Al-Ameeri (1967) Bahraini - hammer thrower.
Saber Mohamed Hasan (1967) Bahraini - cyclist.
Salman Sharida (1968) Bahraini - footballer.
Hamed Al-Jazaf (1969) Bahraini - footballer.
Youssef Ali Nesaif Boukhamas (1969) Bahraini - javelin thrower.
Jamal Ahmed Al-Doseri (1970) Bahraini - cyclist.
Abdulla Saleh (1970) Bahraini - footballer.
Mamdooh Al-Doseri (1971) Bahraini - cyclist.
Qamar Saeed (1971) Bahraini - cricketer,
Jameel Kadhem (1971) Bahraini - cyclist.
Mohammad Al-Shamlan (1972) Bahraini - footballer.
Ali Al Thani (1972) Bahraini - footballer.
Mohamed Saleh Hadj Haidara (1974) Bahraini - middle-distance runner.
Mirza Yaqoob (1974) Bahraini - cricketer.
Zafar Zaheer (1974) Bahraini - cricketer.
Talal Yousif / Talal Yousef Mohammed (1975) Bahraini - footballer.
Tareq Al-Farsani (1975) Bahraini - bodybuilder.
Mohammad Dar (1975) Bahraini - cricketer,
Shihara Perera (1975) Bahraini - cricketer,
Yaser Sadeq (1975) Bahraini - cricketer,
Mirza Baig (1975) Bahraini - cricketer,
Fawaz Ismail Johar (1976) Bahraini - hurdler.
Adnan Butt (1976) Bahraini - cricketer,
Hisham Abdulqader Abdulla (1976) Bahraini - volleyball player.
Salman Isa (1977) Bahraini - footballer.
Ali Aamer (1977) Bahraini - footballer.
Ghazi Al Kuwari (1977) Bahraini - footballer.
Salem Nasser Bakheet (1977) Bahraini - high jumper.
Shahzad Ahmed (1978) Bahraini - cricketer.
Muhammad Hanif (1978) Bahraini - cricketer.
Ahmed Al Hujairi (1978) Bahraini - footballer.
Rashad Jamal Salem (1979) Bahraini - footballer.
Mohamed Salmeen (1980) Bahraini - footballer.
Ebrahim Al Mishkhas (1980) Bahraini - footballer.
Rashid Al-Dosari (1980) Bahraini - footballer.
Vasantha Kunder (1980) Bahraini - cricketer.
Mohamed Husain (1980) Bahraini - footballer.
Ahmed Hassan Taleb (1980) Bahraini - footballer.
Imran Ghulam (1980) Bahraini - cricketer.
Abdulla Al-Marzooqi (1980) Bahraini - footballer.
Sayed Mahmood Jalal (1980) Bahraini - footballer.
Abdulrahman Abdulkarim (1980) Bahraini - footballer.
Husain Pete / Husain Ali (1981) Bahraini - footballer.
Mohamed Hubail (1981) Bahraini - footballer.
Mohamed Duaij Mahorfi (1981) Bahraini - footballer.
Hussain Ali Baba (1982) Bahraini - footballer.
Saleh Abdulhameed (1982) Bahraini - footballer.
A’ala Hubail (1982) Bahraini - footballer.
Hussain Salman (1982) Bahraini - footballer.
Hussain Karimi (1983) Bahraini - footballer.
Abbas Ahmed Khamis (1983) Bahraini - footballer.
Mahmood Abdulqader (1983) Bahraini - handball player.
Sayed Mohamed Adnan (1983) Bahraini - footballer.
Duaij Naser Abdulla (1983) Bahraini - footballer.
Hassan Al-Mosawi (1984) Bahraini - footballer.
Abdulwahab Al-Safi (1984) Bahraini - footballer.
Mahmood Abdulrahman (1984) Bahraini - footballer.
Hamad Rakea Al-Anezi (1984) Bahraini - footballer.
Dawood Youssef (1985) Bahraini - footballer.
Sayed Shubbar Alawi (1985) Bahraini - footballer.
Abdulla Al-Dakeel (1985) Bahraini - footballer.
Sayed Mohammed Jaffer (1985) Bahraini - footballer.
C. J. Giles (1985) Bahraini - basketball player.
Husain Al-Qaidoom (1986) Bahraini - handball player.
Ismail Abdullatif (1986) Bahraini - footballer.
Ahillen Beadle (1986) Bahraini - cricketer.
Ali Khamis (1986) Bahraini - handball player.
Shahzad Siddique (1987) Bahraini - cricketer.
Heri Setiawan (1987) Bahraini - badminton player.
Mohamed Merza (1987) Bahraini - handball player.
Reem Al-Hashmi (1987) Bahraini - footballer.
Mahmood Abdulla (1987) Bahraini - footballer.
Mahmood Al-Ajmi (1987) Bahraini - footballer.
James Love (1987) Bahraini - footballer.
Abbas Ayyad (1987) Bahraini - footballer.
Ahmed Abdulla Ali (1987) Bahraini - footballer.
Jamal Rashid (1988) Bahraini - footballer.
Abo Baker Adam (1988) Bahraini - footballer.
Husain Al-Sayyad (1988) Bahraini - handball player.
Hesham Shehab (1988) Bahraini - swimmer.
Ahmed Al Khattal (1988) Bahraini - footballer.
Ali Haram (1988) Bahraini - footballer.
Mohamed Al-Maqabi (1988) Bahraini - handball player.
Hasan Al-Fardan (1988) Bahraini - handball player.
Hassan Chani (1988) Bahraini - long-distance runner.
Ali Merza (1988) Bahraini - handball player.
Faisal Bodahoom (1988) Bahraini - footballer.
Abdulla Yaser (1988) Bahraini - footballer.
Dawood Saad (1988) Bahraini - footballer.
Mahdi Saad (1989) Bahraini - handball player.
Sami Al-Husaini (1989) Bahraini - footballer.
Rashed Al-Hooti (1989) Bahraini - footballer.
Jasim Al-Salatna (1989) Bahraini - handball player.
Zouhair Aouad (1989) Bahraini - long-distance runner.
Mohamed Abdulredha (1989) Bahraini - handball player.
Hamed Al-Doseri (1989) Bahraini - footballer.
Mohamed Abdulhusain (1989) Bahraini - handball player.
Mohammed Tayeb Al Alawi (1989) Bahraini - footballer.
The Hawk / Mohammed Shahid (1989) Bahraini - mixed martial artist.
Abdulrahim Abdulhameed (1990) Bahraini - Taekwondo practitioner.
Mohamed Al Romaihi (1990) Bahraini - footballer.
Abdulla Al-Haza'a (1990) Bahraini - footballer.
Abdulwahab Al-Malood (1990) Bahraini - footballer.
Menasheh Idafar (1991) Bahraini / Iraqi Jewish - race driver.
Ahmed Merza (1991) Bahraini - footballer.
Sayed Jaafar Ahmed (1991) Bahraini - footballer.
Ashraf Waheed Al Sebaie (1991) Bahraini - footballer.
Hasan Al-Samahiji (1991) Bahraini - handball player.
Ali Abdulla Eid (1991) Bahraini - handball player.
Bilal Basham (1991) Bahraini - handball player.
Waleed Al Hayam (1991) Bahraini - footballer.
Mahdi Abduljabbar (1991) Bahraini - footballer.
Ahmed Juma (1992) Bahraini - footballer.
Abdulkarim Fardan (1992) Bahraini - footballer.
Sayed Dhiya Saeed (1992) Bahraini - footballer.
Komail Mahfoodh (1992) Bahraini - handball player.
Mahdi Al-Humaidan (1993) Bahraini - footballer.
Mohamed Habib (1993) Bahraini - handball player.
Abdulla Yusuf Helal (1993) Bahraini - footballer.
Abdulla Shallal (1993) Bahraini - footballer.
Ahmed Al-Maqabi (1994) Bahraini - handball player.
Kamil Al Aswad (1994) Bahraini - footballer.
Sayed Redha Isa (1994) Bahraini - footballer.
Sayed Baqer (1994) Bahraini - footballer.
Ali Khamis (1995) Bahraini - hurdler.
Ali Madan (1995) Bahraini - footballer.
Khalid Baba (1996) Bahraini - swimmer.
Farhan Farhan (1996) Bahraini - swimmer.
Hasan Madan (1996) Bahraini - handball player.
Jasim Al-Shaikh (1996) Bahraini - footballer.
Hamad Al-Shamsan (1997) Bahraini - footballer.
Ahmed Bughammar (1997) Bahraini - footballer.
Mohammed Al-Hardan (1997) Bahraini - footballer.
Sayed Hashim Isa (1998) Bahraini - footballer.
Mohamed Marhoon (1998) Bahraini - footballer.
Ahmed Jalal (1998) Bahraini - handball player.
Abdulla Yaseen (1998) Bahraini - handball player.
Ahmed Husain (1999) Bahraini - handball player.
Ahmed Al-Sherooqi (2000) Bahraini - footballer.
Husain Mahfoodh (2001) Bahraini - handball player.
Ahmed Meshaima (?) Bahraini - paralympic track and field athlete.
Hamad Bader (?) Bahraini - swimmer.
Esa Fadel (?) Bahraini - swimmer.
Omar Jasim (?) Bahraini - swimmer.
Husain Habib (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Ahmed Mushaima (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Hassan Al Mosawi (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Mohamed Jaffar (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Nabeel Saleh Mubarak (?) Bahraini - swimmer.
Adnan Ali Daif (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Abdul Rahman Jassim (?) Bahraini - modern pentathlete.
Khamis Eid Rafe Thani (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Mohamed Juma (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Ali Saeed Abdulla (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Faisal Abdulaziz (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Abdul Rahman Ahmed (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Juma Hilal Faraj (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Adel Abbas (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Saad Al Amer (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Fayad Mahmoud Hissain (?) Bahraini - footballer.
Mahmood AlMaghrabi (?) Bahraini - bodybuilder (instagram: mamoo95).
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wionews · 7 years
IPL auction: Complete players' list and their base price
The IPL 2018 auction will take place in Bengaluru on January 27 and 28 where a total of 578 players will go under the hammer.
A fierce bidding war is expected as Indian stars Gautam Gambhir, off-spinners Ravichandran Ashwin and Harbhajan Singh, Ajinkya Rahane, mystery spinner Kuldeep Yadav and openers KL Rahul and Murali Vijay will be on the franchises’ radar.
The list also includes the overseas players, including Glenn Maxwell, Chris Gayle, Shane Watson, Rashid Khan and Eoin Morgan. 
In the 10th season, Mumbai Indians led by Rohit Sharma defeated Pune to lift the IPL trophy for the third time.
The 11th season of the much-awaited Indian Premier League will begin on 6th April 2018.  
The opening ceremony of the tournament will take place on April 6 in Mumbai while the first match of the new season will be played at the same venue on April 7.
He further informed that the tournament will continue until May 27 with Mumbai once again hosting the final match.
Here is the complete list of players and their base price.
Base Price ₹2,00,00,000
Batsman KL Rahul, Murali Vijay, Brendon McCullum, Eoin Morgan, Cameron White, Chris Lynn, Colin Ingram
Bowler  Josh Hazlewood, Rashid Khan Arman, Karn Sharma, Yuzvendra Singh Chahal, Mitchell Johnson, Liam Plunkett, Pat Cummins
Wicket Keeper Quinton De Kock, Dinesh Karthik, Robin Uthappa
All-Rounder James Faulkner, Marcus Stoinis, Chris Woakes, Angelo Mathews, David Willey, Corey Anderson, Kedar Jadhav
Base Price ₹1,50,00,000
Batsman Aaron Finch, Jason Roy, Hashim Amla, Evin Lewis, Travis Head, Shaun Marsh, Michael Klinger, Lendl Simmons, David Miller
Bowler  Kagiso Rabada, Trent Boult, Kyle Abbott, Kuldeep Singh Yadav, Nathan Coulter-Nile, Amit Mishra, Mohit Sharma, Nathan Lyon, Steven Finn, Harry Gurney, Mark Wood, Jaydev Unadkat
Wicket Keeper Jonny Bairstow, Jos Buttler, Peter Handscomb
All-Rounder Moises Henriques, Ravi Bopara, Jason Holder, Moeen Ali, M.S. Washington Sundar
Base Price ₹1,00,00,000
Batsman Manish Pandey, Dwayne Smith, Alex Hales
Bowler  Tymal Mills, Andrew Tye, Mohammed Siraj, Adam Zampa, Mohammad Shami, Dale Steyn, Mustafizur Rahman, Samuel Badree, Imran Tahir, Tim Southee, Jason Behrendorff, Mitchell McClenaghan, Lasith Malinga, Ranganath Vinay Kumar, Umesh Yadav, Piyush Chawla
Wicket Keeper Parthiv Patel, Wriddhiman Saha, Sanju Samson, Sam Billings   
All-Rounder Daniel Christian, Carlos Brathwaite, Ben Cutting, Jean-Paul Duminy, Shane Watson, Chris Jordan, Tom Curran
Base Price ₹75,00,000
Batsman Martin Guptill, Darren Bravo, Cheteshwar Pujara, Ross Taylor, Usman Khawaja   
Bowler  Peter Siddle, Jerome Taylor, Lockie Ferguson, Morne Morkel, Ishant Sharma, Shardul Narendra Thakur, Adam Milne, Marchant De Lange   
Wicket Keeper Naman Ojha, Johnson Charles, Luke Ronchi    
All-Rounder Darren Sammy, Colin De Grandhomme, Yusuf Pathan, Adil Rashid, Joe Denly, Samit Patel, Wayne Parnell
Base Price ₹50,00,000
Batsman Reeza Hendricks, Mandeep Hardev Singh, Anton Devcich, Upul Tharanga, Karun Nair, Billy Stanlake, Joe Burns, Manoj Tiwary, Saurabh Tiwary, Tamim Khan, Aiden Markram, Faiz Fazal, Abhinav Mukund, Venugopal Rao, Dean Elgar, Najibullah Zadran   
Bowler  Ben Laughlin, Ronsford Beaton, Dhawal Kulkarni, Sandeep Sharma, Gulbadin Naib, Ish Sodhi, Duanne Olivier, Michael Beer, Sachithra Senanayaka, Dawlat Zadran, Aaron Phangiso, Beuran Hendricks, Lakshan Sandakan, Aravind Sreenath, Barinder Singh Sran, Sean Abbott, Ben Wheeler, Kesrick Williams, Lungisani Ngidi, Ashoke Dinda, Praveen Kumar, Mujeeb Zadran, Pragyan Ojha, Jhye Richardson, Rahul Sharma, Joel Paris, Varun Aaron, Parvinder Awana, Munaf Patel, Scott Boland, Dushmantha Chameera, Shannon Gabriel, Akila Dhananjaya, Keshav Maharaj, Dane Paterson, Ben Hilfenhaus, Seth Rance, Fawad Ahmed, Tabrez Shamsi, Neil Wagner, Shapoor Zadran, Abhimanyu Mithun, Sheldon Cottrell, Matt Henry, Nuwan Kulasekara, Suranga Lakmal, Manpreet Gony, Pankaj Singh, Sudeep Tyagi   
Wicket Keeper Glenn Phillips, Denesh Ramdin, Niroshan Dickwella, Kusal Janith Perera, Nicolas Pooran, Alex Carey, Chadwick Walton, Tom Latham, M Shahzad Mohammadi, Shafiqullah Shafaq, Ambati Rayudu   
All-Rounder Gurkeerat Singh Mann, John Hastings, Sikandar Butt, Graeme Cremer, Rishi Dhawan, Solomon Mire, Ryan McLaren, Parveez Rasool, Shabbir Rahaman, Vernon Philander, Abul Raju, Paul Stirling, Malcolm Waller, Dilshan Munaweera, Thisara Perera, Pawan Negi, Seekkuge Prasanna, Ashton Agar, Mohammad Nabi, Rahmat Shah Zarmatai, Dwaine Pretorius, David Wiese, Asela Gunarathna, Dhananjaya Silva, Andile Phehlukwayo, Jonathan Carter, Rovman Powell, Mitchell Santner, Jayant Yadav, Irfan Pathan, Marlon Samuels, Andre Fletcher, Stuart Binny, Hilton Cartwright, Dasun Shanka, Dawid Malan, Farhaan Behardien, Jon-Jon Trevor Smuts, Ashley Nurse, Scott Kuggeleijn, Robbie Frylinck, Wiaan Mulder, Colin Munro, Vaughn Van Jaarsveld, Rayad Emrit, Mohammad Mahmudullah, Isuru Udana
Base Price ₹40,00,000
Batsman Tom Cooper
Bowler  Thomas Helm, Mitchell Swepson, Shahbaz Nadeem, T Natarajan   
Wicket Keeper Ishan Kishan
All-Rounder Rajat Bhatia, Kevon Cooper, Vijay Shankar, Krunal Pandya, Deepak Hooda, Michael Neser, Jofra Archer
Base Price ₹30,00,000
Batsman Suryakumar Yadav, Christiaan Jonker, Vishnu Solanki, Alex Ross, Daniel Hughes   
Bowler  Iqbal Abdullah, Siddarth Kaul, Anureet Singh, Pradeep Sangwan, Basil Thampi, Gurvinder Singh, Aniket Choudhary, Ankit Singh Rajpoot    
Wicket Keeper Ben McDermott  
All-Rounder Cameron Delport, Javon Searless, Roshon Primus   
Base Price ₹20,00,000
Batsman Manprit Juneja, Mayank Siddana, Armaan Jaffer, Shivam Chauhan, Sachin Baby, Prithvi Shaw, Ankeet Bawane, Siddhesh Dinesh Lad, Apoorv Vijay Wankhade, Virat Singh, Marcus Harris, Ricky Bhui, Rassie Van der Dussen, Rajesh Bishnoi Sr, Paras Dogra, D.B Ravi Teja, Paul Valthaty, Amandeep Khare, Rinku Singh, Tanmay Agarwal, Ankit Lamba, Sarthak Ranjan, Priyank Panchal, Pratham Singh, Ishank Jaggi, Manjot Kalra, Anmolpreet Singh, Ruturaj Gaikwad, Sharad Lumba, Shubham Singh Rohilla, Himanshu Rana, Akshath Reddy, R Samarth, Mohammed Asaduddin, Abhinav Manohar, Rohan Marwaha, Rajat Patidar, Yash Sehrawat, Ravi Chauhan, Samit Gohil, Ramandeep Singh, Abhijeet Tomar, Jiwanjot Singh Chauhan, Abhimanyu Easwaran, Chirag Gandhi, Shubman Gill, Rahul Tripathi, Manan Vohra, Mayank Agarwal, Unmukt Chand       Bowler  Syed Khaleel Ahmed, Nidheesh M D Dinesan, Junior Dala, Karan Thakur, Anurag Verma, Lizaad Williams, Tanveer Ulhaq, Kushang Patel, Shelly Shaurya, A. Aswin Crist, Aaron Summers, Royston Dias, Kartik Tyagi, Tejas Singh Baroka, Abu Nechim Ahmed, Rahul Shukla, Bhargav Bhatt, Shadab Jakati, Sarabjit Ladda, Pravin Tambe, Ben Dwarshuis, Ajit Chahal, Deepak Chaudhary, Pradeep Dadhe, Domnic Joseph Muthuswamy, Babasafi Pathan, Monu Singh, Pradeep Thippeswamy, Kuldip Yadav, Krishnappa Gowtham, K.C. Cariappa, Mihir Hirwani, Akshay Wakhare, Manjeetkumar Chaudhary, Kulwant Khejroliya, Lukman Iqbal Meriwala, Navdeep Saini, Vikas Tokas, Yuvraj Chudasama, Rahul Chahar, Ronit More, Veer Pratap Singh, Varun Khanna, Pawan Suyal, Sandeep Warrier, J Suchith, Ashish Hooda, R. Sai Kishore, Rahil S Shah, Harmeet Singh, Ishwar Chaudhary, Parikshit Valsangkar, Avesh Khan, Amit Mishra, Cheepurupalli Stephen, Rajwinder Singh, Shubek Gill, Vinay Choudhary, Mayank Markande, Zahir Khan Pakteen, Ankit Soni, Lalit Yadav, Pardeep Sahu, Chama Milind, Umar Nazir Mir, Yarra Raj, Oshane Thomas, Athisayaraj V, Zeeshan Ansari, Siddharth Desai, Jiyas K, Alexandar Rama Doss, Nathu Singh, M. Ashwin, Shivil Kaushik, Baltej Dhanda, Armaan Jain, Mohsin Khan, Mukesh Kumar Singh, Arshdeep Singh, Rishi Arothe, Asif K M, Ravi Kiran Majeti, Ishan Porel, Aditya Thakare, Sandeep Lamichhane, Subodh Bhati, Mohan Prasath, Abhishek Sakuja, Javed Khan, Ashok Sandhu, Tushar Deshpande, Sayan Ghosh, Jaskaran Singh, Prasidh Krishna, Rajneesh Gurbani  
Wicket Keeper
Ankush Bains, C.M. Gautam, Aditya Tare, N Jagadeesan, Nikhil Shankar Naik, Smit Patel, K.B Arun Karthik, Kona Srikar Bharat, Shreevats Goswami, Mahesh Rawat, Gitansh Khera, Jitesh Sharma, Vishnu Vinod, Sheldon Jackson, Kedar Devdhar, Prashant Chopra, Anuj Rawat, Harvik Desai, Anmol Malhotra, Dhruv Raval, Rohith Ravikumar, Mohammad Nazim Siddiqui, Mayank Sidhu, Sandeep Kumar Tomar, Sadiq Hassan Kirmani, Jaskaranvir Singh Sohi, Abhishek Gupta, Hamza Tariq, Rahul Yadav, Kyle Mayers    
Vyshak Vijay Kumar, Jaydev Shah, Shashank Singh, Manzoor Dar, Aman Khan, Diwesh Pathania, Shamss Mulani, Salman Nizar, Dafedar, Khizar Anwar, Mandeep Singh, Shubham Ranjane, Sidhant Dobal, Vinod Kumar C.V., Thomas Kaber, Midhun S, Akhil Arvind Herwadkar, Shamar Springer, Ashok Menaria, Jack Wildermuth, Odean Smith, Yogesh Nagar, Milind Kumar, Shubham Agrawal, Akshdeep Nath, Yomahesh Kumar, Vivek Singh, Mohammed Bilal, Arun Chaprana, Rajat Paliwal, Abhimanyu Rana, Sarang Rawat, Fabid, Farook Ahmed, Arjun Sharma, Shreyas Gopal, Akash Sudan, Sandeep Bavanaka, Karan Kaila, Aryaman Vikram Birla, Gaurav Gambir, Ankit Kaushik, Patrick Kruger, Sohraab Dhaliwal, Aditya Sarvate, Amish Sidhu, Shadley Van Schalkwyk, Vignesh Moorthy, Arjun Nair, Kanishk Seth, Shivam Dubey, Hanuma Vihari, Puneet Datey, Ninad Rathva, Siddhant Sharma, Mrinank Singh, Manan Sharma, Chintan Gaja, Amit Mishra, Jalaj Saxena, Bipul Sharma, Shreekant Wagh, Syed, Mehdi Hasan, Harshal Patel, Sumit Ruikar, Ashish Reddy, Kuldeep Hooda, Shaurya Sanandia, Vaibhav Rawal, Pankaj Jaswal, Anustup Majumdar, Dhruv Shorey, Kshitiz Sharma, Swapnil Singh, Himmat Singh, Writtick Chatterjee, Chris Green, Ryan Ninan, Rohan Prem, Rahul Tewatia, Puneed Datey, R. Sanjay Yadav, Imtiaz Ahmed, Atit Sheth, Dinesh Salunkhe, Pavan Deshpande, Shivam Sharma, Chaitanya Bishnoi, Indrajith Baba, Jatin Saxena, Shivam Mavi, Sagar Trivedi, Amit Verma, Akash Parkar, Nitish Rana, Anukul Roy, Akash Bhandari, Pratyush Singh, Ankit Sharma, Anirudha Ashok Joshi, Saurabh Kumar, Praveen Dubey, Kunal Chandela, Aamir Gani, Pulkit Narang, Riyan Parag, Karanveer Singh, Sumeet Verma, Cameron Gannon, Akshay Karnewar, Tajinder Dhillon, Govinda Poddar, Rajesh Sharma, Deepak Chahar, Antony Dhas, Kishore Pramod Kamath, Nikhil Gangta, Jay Gokul Bista, Sumanth Bodapati, Mahipal Lomror, Deepak Punia, Mayank Dagar, Kamlesh Nagarkoti, Darcy Short, Baba Aparajith, Abhishek Sharma, Milind Tandon.
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ebisss-my · 5 years
Uganda berusaha menggoda rakyat Malaysia di Afrika Selatan untuk mengalihkan pangkalan | Malaysia
Uganda berusaha menggoda rakyat Malaysia di Afrika Selatan untuk mengalihkan pangkalan | Malaysia
2019-09-04 14:01:19 [ad_1]
Menteri Pembangunan Tanah, Perumahan dan Pembangunan Bandar Isaac Musumba dan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Pelaburan, Perindustrian dan Wilayah Negeri Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin semasa Forum Perdagangan Gateway Perak-Uganda di Ipoh 4 September 2019. – Gambar oleh Farhan Najib
IPOH, 4 September – Seorang menteri Uganda mencadangkan negaranya sebagai…
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mensrightsff · 5 years
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Naeem Sabir s/o Mohammad Sabir, a school going child abducted by Pakistani army from Bazdad Awaran. The brutalities of Pakistani forces are at its peak in Balochistan. It is high time for world powers and human rights Orgs to hold Pakistan accountable for these heinous crimes. pic.twitter.com/Ru2YLqmVgB
��� Dr Allah Nizar (@DrAllahNizar_) August 16, 2019
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upshotre · 5 years
Iran Releases Lebanese man Held on Spying Charges
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Tehran has released Nizar Zaka, a Lebanese citizen and U.S. resident who has been detained in Iran on spying charges since 2015.   According to the ISNA news agency, a Justice Ministry spokesman confirmed the release on Tuesday. The justice ministry had agreed to the release of Nizar Zaka at the request of Hezbollah, added spokesman Gholam-Hussein Ismaeili.     The Shiite Lebanese Hezbollah movement is financed and trained by Iran. In February, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri called for the release of Zaka during a meeting with visiting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Zaka was sentenced in 2016 to 10 years in prison for allegedly spying for the U.S. He is an advocate for internet freedom and was arrested in Tehran while attending a state-sponsored conference. Zaka went on a hunger strike in 2017 to put pressure on the Iranian authorities to release him. Read the full article
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hokalohnews · 6 years
Nizar: Amanah Perak sedia kosong kerusi untuk pimpinan PH
Nazir berkata, menjadi dasar Amanah untuk memberi laluan di mana-mana tempat dihajati pimpinan, lebih-lebih lagi pimpinan tertinggi PH.
Nizar berkata, adalah hak Anwar untuk bertanding di mana-mana tempat dan terpulang kepada Ahli Parlimen berkenaan untuk memberi ruang kepadanya. (Gambar myBerita Hokaloh News)
IPOH: Amanah Perak sedia memberi mana-mana tempat kepada mana-mana pimpinan tertinggi Pakatan Harapan (PH) untuk bertanding di kerusi milik parti itu.
Timbalan Pengerusi Amanah Perak Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin berkata bagaimanapun Amanah masih belum mengadakan perbincangan mengenai hal itu sama ada di peringkat negeri atau pusat.
“Bagi Amanah mana-mana tempat yang dihajati pihak pimpinan lebih-lebih lagi pimpinan tertinggi, kita akan beri laluan dan keutamaan kepada mereka, itu dasar daripada dulu lagi.
“Namun ia masih belum dibincangkan di peringkat Amanah sama ada di negeri-negeri dan pusat,” katanya pada sidang media selepas program Sehari Bersama Adun di Kampung Changkat Larang di sini hari ini.
Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Sungai Rapat itu berkata demikian ketika ditanya pemberita mengenai desas-desus berhubung Presiden PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim akan bertanding di kerusi Parlimen Bagan Serai atau Bukit Gantang di negeri itu.
Katanya, ia juga adalah hak beliau (Anwar) untuk bertanding di mana-mana tempat dan ia terpulang kepada Ahli Parlimen berkenaan untuk memberi ruang kepadanya.
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izon9 · 6 years
Nizar: Amanah Perak sedia kosong kerusi untuk pimpinan PH
Nizar: Amanah Perak sedia kosong kerusi untuk pimpinan PH
Nazir berkata, menjadi dasar Amanah untuk memberi laluan di mana-mana tempat dihajati pimpinan, lebih-lebih lagi pimpinan tertinggi PH.
Nizar berkata, adalah hak Anwar untuk bertanding di mana-mana tempat dan terpulang kepada Ahli Parlimen berkenaan untuk memberi ruang kepadanya. (Gambar Bernama)
IPOH: Amanah Perak sedia memberi mana-mana tempat kepada mana-mana pimpinan tertinggi Pakatan…
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kerahlekung · 5 years
ADAKAH BUBAR PARLIMEN DIUMUMKAN PETANG INI ?. Kenyataan Tun M kelmarin  agak mengejutkan iaitu sidang khas Parlimen minggu depan diadakan bagi memilih PM. Diketika semua Rakyat lebih tertumpu kepada keputusan dari Istana Negara , PM Interim dilihat seolah olah mendahului Istana. Adakah Tun M semakin terdesak ?  Jika dilihat tindak tanduknya  memang jelas malah secara tiba tiba setuju kalau Tan Sri Muhyiddin dicalonkan PM  gabungan baru. Adakah Tun u turn mahu  kembali terima kerjasama dengan Umno seperti Langkah Sheraton sebelum ini  dan mengetepikan politik dendamnya demi negara ? Muafakat Nasional mahukan penyelesaian krisis politik ini melalui PRU15 manakala Tun M mahu kekal berkuasa melalui unity goverment dan kini mahu meletakkan TS Muhyiddin calon PM pulak .
1. Ini kerana saya telah membaca berita sebelumnya yg Majlis Raja-Raja Melayu akan bersidang di Istana Negara esok berkaitan kemelut politik negara. 2. Berdasarkan kenyataan Tun M bahawa YDPA tidak menemui mana-mana ahli parlimen yg mempunyai majoriti mudah untuk dilantik sbgi PM maka satu sidang khas pada 2 Mac 2020, isnin depan akan diadakan bagi memilih PM. 3. Kenyataan Tun M ini sebenarnya bercanggah dengan Perkara 43(2)(a), (4) dan Perkara 55 (1)&(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes DS Ir Hj Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin v DS Zambry Abdul Kadir; Peguam Negara (Pencelah) [2012] 6 MLRA 259. 4. Peruntukan2 Perlembagaan di atas memberikan kuasa kepada YDPA utk terus membubarkan Parlimen apabila tiada mana2 ahli parlimen yg mempunyai majoriti mudah untuk dilantik sbgi PM. Ini sangat jelas. 5. Malah Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes yg dinyatakan di atas telah memutuskan: Persoalan sokongan majoriti mudah ke atas mana2 ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (di dalam kes ini Ahli Parlimen) boleh ditentukan di Istana dan tidak semestinya di Dewan Undangan Negeri (di dlm kes ini Dewan Rakyat). 6. Maka setelah YDPA menentukan tiada mana2 ahli Parlimen mempunyai sokongan majoriti mudah di Istana Negara dengan menemui seorang demi seorang ahli Parlimen TIADA LAGI KEPERLUAN di sisi undang2 utk satu persidangan khas Dewan Rakyat bagi tujuan itu. 7. Majlis Raja-Raja belum lagi bersidang esok maka tindakan mengeluarkan kenyataan sebegini adalah tidak wajar sama sekali. Adnan Seman Peguam Sumber asal: ADAKAH BUBAR PARLIMEN DIUMUMKAN PETANG INI ? Baca selebihnya di ADAKAH BUBAR PARLIMEN DIUMUMKAN PETANG INI ?
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