#mogami souta
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robowilofficial · 10 months ago
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I see Masumi's doing the "sword over shoulder" thing, but with a hammer instead. Even still it's a cool pose overall because yea
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just-whump-and-suffering · 11 months ago
boonboom anon again post-episode 5
i got to add my first taiya / jou / chashiro whump entry to the list
we won this week lol
Episode 5 was amazing in terms of whump. All of the boonboomgers (except Genba) got whumped.
I'm actually quite impressed with Jou. In the previous episode, he is made out to be the unlucky person that bad things keep happening to. But he is actually very smart, like when playing the darts, he threw the dart at the MoTW's eyes as a distraction so he can bring the people to safety then leading the MoTW and goons away from them. Then, try to fight off the MoTW despite not being a boonboomger yet. Jou probably knew he didn't stand a chance against the Hashilien, but still face them to protect others. Very whumpy I like. I hope this part of him will remain in the future episode where they face off more powerful and dangerous enemies. And Jou is just charging in and then gets hurt 🤭
As for Chasshiro, another smart one. Instead of playing the MoTW's game, he just straight up shoots at him. I predict him getting whumped due to his backstory. Him being a former spy reminds me of Mogami Souta/ Boukenblue. What exactly was his mission that involved Taiya? 🤔 And why was Taiya pointing his boonboom handle gun mode at him? So many questions, I just hope Chasshiro character arc will live up to my whumpy expectations.
As for Taiya, I know he would hit bullseye because so far, he seems to be perfect . But getting tied to the chair and getting electrocuted was a nice whumpy touch.
Taiya reminds me of Anthony Lockwood; both exuded confidence and are orphans (I assume Taiya is one since it is mentioned that he inherited his wealth at a young age). Lockwood turned out to be a traumatised teenage. I hope the same will be revealed about Taiya. Like about how his parents died, perhaps they were killed by the Hashiliens. I'm keeping my fingers crossed 🤞
To more whump in the future.
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tokusongs · 1 year ago
"Blue for You", from Gogo Sentai Boukenger (2006). Performed by Bouken Blue/Mogami Sota (Mikami Masashi).
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dangerouscommiesubversive · 2 years ago
I see smut prompts 👀 I will 100% understand if you don't want to do this one but honestly I think Luka should be like Marvelous but with the gorls so Luka and anyone else you wish
Hon, I need you to understand that you have the biggest brain on Earth. You'll have to accept my apology, because this is not smut in the least, but in my defense I thought of something very funny. It took all of my self-control to keep from titling this story "is ntr feminist?"
"Mm. So do you like being a treasure hunter?"
"I wouldn't call myself a treasure hunter, that implies I do it for profit. I'm a Precious recovery specialist."
Luka raises an eyebrow, leaning on the bar with her chin in her hand. "Ok, sure, recovery specialist, is it fun?"
Sakura looks thoughtful for a moment and then says, "I enjoy my work, yes. Why?"
Something is happening over at the bar. Marvelous can't quite tell what yet, but whatever it is, it's definitely entertaining. Luka goes on a charm offensive once in a comet's orbit, and seeing her pull out all the stops for Bouken Pink of all people is fascinating.
At the bar, Luka leans forward and rests her fingertips on Sakura's wrist, just above the band of her changer, and at Marvelous' elbow, Akashi makes a faint distressed noise before gritting out, "I'm glad they're getting along."
Eiji pats him on the arm. "So she hasn't forgiven you yet."
"I'm not entirely clear on what she's angry about, so no."
Marvelous eyes Akashi. "You and Pink are actually together?"
"I thought we were."
Luka's eyes light up. "Oh, so you're a rich girl."
"Despite myself, yes." Sakura tilts her head to the side thoughtfully, sips her drink. "Does that bother you?"
"Nah, I like rich girls. I thought you were a special ops type before you went into...recovery work, though."
"I like to have useful ways to spend my time. Staying at the family home and sitting on my hands never struck me as especially productive."
"Fair enough." A slow sip of golden brandy, and then Luka grins again, eyes flicking to one side briefly to take in their audience. "So what about special ops? You like that? Get any interesting scars out of it?"
Sakura's eyebrows shoot up. "So you're the kind of girl who's interested in scars."
"If they're cool, yeah."
Eiji's hand, Marvelous is fascinated to note, is still resting on Akashi's forearm, with the casual possessiveness that Marvelous has seen other people direct at their wallets, jewelry, and expensive firearms. He doesn't seemed bothered by the flirtation happening over at the bar--or at least, he hasn't been. Now he's sort of choking a little, and Marvelous turns to see that Sakura has grabbed Luka's chin and is inspecting her face closely.
"Luka must really like your Pink," Joe says, as Souta is reaching out to clap Eiji's shoulder comfortingly, "I saw her cut a guy's hand off once for touching her face like that."
"She's very likeable, really, once you get past the intimidation factor." Souta flashes Joe a grin. "We've been working together for years, and I don't think I've ever met anyone else who's so."
Joe waits a long moment for an answer before prompting, "So?"
"So. So. Uh. So."
Joe follows his wide-eyed line of sight to--Luka, having freed herself, leaning in close to whisper in Sakura's ear.
"Sooo, do I actually get to kiss you, or did you just want to get Bouken Red's attention?"
"You know, at first I was just irritated with Akashi, but I'll admit that after such an interesting conversation I'm reconsidering my plans for the evening."
Masumi reaches over and pinches Souta on the ear, hard. "Snap out of it."
Souta does not snap out of it. He's too distracted.
Marvelous looks from the daisy chain of agonized Boukengers at their table over to Masumi. "You don't seem distracted by the ladies at all."
"I'm gay." Masumi shrugs and drains half of his soda in one long sip. "Like, Sakura's a hell of a woman, if she asked I wouldn't say no, but mostly that's curiosity."
Nearby, Natsuki looks up from where she and Ahim are roundly beating Doc and Gai in pool and beams. "They do look nice together, don't they?"
Muted sounds of agony from Akashi, Eiji, and Souta. Gai just nods. "Yeah, it's nice seeing Luka really click with someone."
"Hm. What kind of plans did you have for the rest of the evening?"
Luka smiles a tiny, pleased smile. "I think that's for us to know and them to wonder about, don't you?"
"She is a bit abrasive usually, isn't she?" Ahim lines up her cue, shoots, and sinks two balls at once. "I wonder where they're going--oh, dear, are the gentlemen all right?"
"They'll be fine." Marvelous slings one arm around Akashi's back and the other around Eiji's, resting his chin comfortably on Akashi's shoulder. "I figure it's a learning experience."
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magicalmiracleenthusiast · 2 years ago
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autthemanfghter · 2 years ago
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Satoru Akashi/Bouken Red
Masumi Inou/Bouken Black
Souta Mogami/Bouken Blue
Natsuki Mamiya/Bouken Yellow
Sakura Nishihori/Bouken Pink
Eiji Takaoka/Bouken Silver
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GoGo Sentai Boukenger
Satoru Akashi/Bouken Red
Masumi Inou/Bouken Black
Souta Mogami/Bouken Blue
Natsuki Mamiya/Bouken Yellow
Sakura Nishihori/Bouken Pink
Eiji Takaoka/Bouken Silver
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mo-ok · 2 years ago
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What's a Red without their Blue?
GoGo Sentai Boukenger
Satoru "Chief" Akashi & Souta Mogami
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r1ch1e-the-killer · 3 years ago
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i love men
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choassataniccrystal · 2 years ago
What I like & dislike about the 6 Boukenger Characters?
Sakura Nishihori
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What I like about Sakura Nishihori is that yes she has courage and always has the eye on the Preciouses. She will do anything to find or save the Precious or her friends. She was a former self-defence force, and she was raised as ab elite of combat. She doesn't stop or let anything happen she keeps on going till she solves it. I also like her friendship with Satoru Akashi.
What I dislike about her? Well it's hard to say because she is very talented in her own ways. So I pretty much got nothing to dislike about her.
Natsuki Mamiya
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What I like about Natsuki is that she very joyful and loves to make everyone happy. She is your sort of Kawaii Yellow girl. She sort of like your Little Miss Sunshine but more of a jumpy one. Always smiling at everything and will fight with her friends against the enemies. She also loves helping her friends and everyone else when they are in a struggle, I also like doing that as well to make the situation much easier it's like we like to problem solve with out maths lol.
What I don't like about Natsuki? This may sound harsh but she can get into trouble without thinking straight which I used to have that problem when I was young so we can relate to that. But she falls into way too many traps and I think that's a struggle with someone who has a very open personality like Natsuki.
Satoru Akashi
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What I like about Satoru Akashi? Satoru is a brilliant Chief who never gives up and keeps trying. He is also known as The Fiery Adventurer always loves to go adventuring for treasures (Preciouses). Satoru is an amazing leader for the team and has a calm expression to the team. He was once a Treasure-hunter known as the "Immortal Fang". But the tragic deaths of his partners Kyoko and Shirou in a blaze and trapped made him retired but only to hired by SGS.
What I dislike about him? Well I can't say because he has such a bold heart and a steel soul to all his team mates.
Souta Mogami
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What I like about Souta Mogami? Souta has a very soft spot. An solid heart and a brilliant mindset. He is amazing at technology and does a lot of coding like I did in college, so he specialist in personal computers and digital technology. He is an ex spy, so in the team he is the information expert of the team. He has a love postion on some of the women and is pretty much has a thing where he has a lot of romantic love inside his blood.
What I dislike about Souta? I didn't like the evil version to him. He nearly killed Natsuki and he was disrespectful. But that was an episode where there was the good Souta and the evil Souta.
Masumi Inou
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What I like about Masumi Inou?
It's hard to describe Masumi Inou is pretty much makes me think of a metal head by style but he's pretty much someone who will be friends to anyone but kind of have two personality.
What I dislike about Masumi Inou. He can be very cocky and selfish. He also can be very Jealous sometimes.
Eiji Takaoka
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What I like about Eiji Takaoka? I don't just like him I love him. He has brave personality and always fighting for his life. He may not be able to ignore the past straight away but then he does at the end. I love his hair with the mix of the brown and while makes it so lush. The way he eats as well it totally me with chocolate bar sometimes.
No bother saying what I dislike about him because he is amazing and love Eiji a lot. The only thing I didn't like is him faking his death once scares me.
Out all the Team I have my top 3 favourite members.
Satoru Akashi - Bouken Red
Soya Mogami - Bouken Blue
Eiji Takaoka - Bouken Silver
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robowilofficial · 8 months ago
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I think I like Zubaan already but it's too early to tell. But his design is nice-
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best-match · 3 years ago
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Souta Mogami / Bouken Blue from GoGo Sentai Boukenger 💙
Old GIFS I made awhile back ago. like or reblog if you use or enjoy! :)
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tokuboyoftheday · 6 years ago
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The cute tokuboy of the day is: Souta Mogami from GoGo Sentai Boukenger
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thevvking · 4 years ago
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Actors with multiple roles in toku: Mikami Masashi
Mogami Souta/Bouken Blue (Gogo Sentai Boukenger, 2006-2007)
Nagamine Kenshin/Kamen Rider Blades (Kamen Rider Saber, 2020-2021)
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magicalmiracleenthusiast · 2 years ago
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zerounitrgb · 7 years ago
Goodbye 2017!
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Goodbye 2016!
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mo-ok · 2 years ago
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I've started watching Boukenger and like-
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