Various gender terms with no known flags (part 26)
Modogender: A gender identity that is constantly changing; can be understood as somewhat of an intersection of genderfluid and genderflux identities in that the changes may encompass both identity and perceived “strength” of one’s gender (i.e., one moment I might be Very Much a Girl, the next I might be somewhat agender, etc.).
Musegender: A gender coined with artists/writers/roleplayers/actors etc in mind. A fluid gender influenced by the gender(s) of the characters you are drawing/writing/roleplaying/etc.
Namegender or (Name)gender: A gender that is best described by one’s name, good for those who aren't sure what they identify as yet but definitely know that they aren't cis [cisgender]. it can be used as a catch-all term or a specific identifier, e.g. johngender, janegender, (your name here)gender, etc. See also: Skelogender, Egoisgender, Narkissigender, Autogender.
Negagender: An umbrella term for demigenders, genders which are part one thing and part something else (hemigender, subgender, magigender, etc.)
Nōlōgender: A term for neurodivergent people who have difficulty grasping the concept of gender. Distinct from nesciōgender in that the individual has no particular desire to investigate their gender, as doing so is overly difficult due to their inability to understand the concept of gender. From latin nōlō, ((i) do not want).
[Full list of terms are in the google docs if you don’t want to wait for the next posts]
[Link for A-K] and [Link for L-Z] and [Link for text only]
If any of you know if there’s flags for any of these already, please send a link to it so we can add it to the gallery! And if you know who coined it so we can properly credit them (and that includes if it was anonymously posted or the blog deactivated).
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Modogender - a gender identity that is constantly changing; can be understood as somewhat of an intersection of genderfluid and genderflux identities in that the changes may encompass both identity and perceived “strength” of one’s gender (i.e., one moment I might be very much a girl, the next I might be somewhat agender, etc.). from latin modo (modo…modo = at one time…at another).
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