#modern swap
toxiccrybabyart · 2 years
@ask-modern-verse I drew the boy! For you!
And I am now posting it, super late, because queue is the only way I have strength to post imma be honest.
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doloneia · 16 days
hector and teucer are the funniest cousin duo ever to me. hector’s ride or die for his family EXCEPT that greek guy who keeps shooting at him. that guy can get hit with fuckass big rock. meanwhile teucer’s so determined to kill hector he shoots like 9 people in the crossfire and when ajax dies teucer immediately sees he used hector’s sword and shakes his fist at the clouds
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rune-06 · 11 months
Truce AU🤝Modern Family
I feel like this is the last time Dream babysits for Nightmare-
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transmascsimonriley · 5 months
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Au where Simon died instead of Tommy
(this is from november last year I just forgot to post this here)
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horse-head-farms · 9 months
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au where hypno is a demon!
the human xb summons him not to sell his soul but with a business deal, see, demonic deals work that its a soul in exchange for whatever you want, not necessarily your own soul, but a soul. hypno cannot interact with people except his summoner, but xb can run a business where he asks for “harmless” IOUs from people, getting them to sign a piece of paper which is actually a contract for possession of your soul. since xb is a regular human, it would mean nothing, but with hypno’s help it’s magically binding and they enter a mutually beneficial deal where hypno gets a ridiculous amount of souls and xb is given what he wants by hypno.
their partnership starts off solely as a business one, but as time goes on, they grow closer and also begin to care about the business that was just supposed to be a front for them to gain souls, and once xb gets the power and wealth he originally wanted, they focus their efforts on growing Horsehead Farms as a company. they advertise themselves as a “safer” alternative than dealing directly with demons, giving people whatever they want in exchange for an IOU - not a real soul (it is their real soul, but they don’t tell them that). they manage to become a major competitor to all of hell. since it has a human head of the company, people assume it is more trustworthy. xb and hypno engage in all sorts of evil capitalistic ventures
eventually hypno gets kicked out of hell, a feat no-one thought possible, for ruining every other demons’ livelihood, and is reincarnated into a regular human. xb is investigated by officials due to the scammy and dangerous nature of Horsehead Farms, and in an epic car chase where xb tries to escape, he crashes and dies. for all the human lives he’s ruined by stealing souls, he is sent to hell and becomes a demon. they find eachother, and seeing how there’s still one human and one demon overall, they see no reason to not start their business again
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whirlpool-blogs · 4 months
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Masters of the Air behind-the-scenes
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
Are you dating Eddie Munson?
I haven't stopped thinking about this AU idea so I decided to write a little bit more! I have other stuff in mind so I might write other scenes too, we'll see. A little summary for you:
Eddie and Steve have been dating for a few months now, and things couldn't go better between them. Being a popular kid and all, Eddie's love life is the talk of the campus, and everybody seems to wonder: what does Eddie Munson see in that ordinary freshman?
Steve doesn’t how it’s possible, but he's pretty sure words are moving around the page in front of him; some are blurry, others have a messed up order and a few are totally jumping out.
It wouldn't be the first time that happens to him, either. Sometimes it's impossible to focus, and the more he tries the fastest the words escape from him.
There's no solution for this either. Steve would never admit out loud how stupid he is, not over his dead body, so he'd rather stare at the same paragraph for hours than admit he doesn't understand. Robin is sitting across from him, eyes focused on the same book but a different paragraph, she looks deep in thought and Steve would bet she is far ahead of him. Steve shifts in his seat, pulling the book closer so she won't see he's still at the beginning of the chapter.
He looks back at the page, determined to at least finish reading it - the bare minimum - before they have to go to class.
«Hi, sorry to bother you but I have to ask - are you and Eddie Munson dating?»
Steve grips his book, because of course, as if his morning isn't going shits already, he also has to deal with this. Again. He gives one last glance at the paragraph before looking up «sorry, didn’t catch your name…?» he says instead, giving the girl the fakest smile he can master.
He is sure Robin is containing a laugh behind her book.
«Uhm, I’m Stacy» she’s taken aback, and a little annoyed «so, are you? dating.»
«I don't know for how much longer,» he says, teeth clenched. And really, he knows he's being dramatic and he knows that it's just an innocent question. Hell, he'd rather have them blatantly ask him than flirt with his boyfriend behind his back, but when you get asked the same question a million times over, you're bound to get a little pissed.
«Excuse me?»
«I mean, isn't that what you wanted to hear? You would be happy if I did, wouldn’t you? How about I do you a favor and write it down so you also have proof to show! Hell, I could make a fucking poster and hang it somewhere, so you and the rest of the student body will know for sure and will leave me the fuck alone.»
The girl - Stacy - takes a step back, her eyes fixed on Steve in a comical expression of shock and disbelief. She then turns to look at someone, probably mouthing something about Steve to her friends, like "can you believe this guy?" or "Munson must be crazy".
«Are we done?»
Stacy doesn't even bother to answer, she gives him a look of "you are insane" and walks away.
«I know okay?» he interrupts Robin, not wanting to hear it «it’s stupid and I should let it go, but it pisses me off.»
«Then talk to Eddie! he could do something» she suggests, closing her book. It’s time for their first lecture. Steve hasn't even managed to finish the paragraph in two hours. Shit.
Talking with Eddie would be the better choice, it doesn’t make it any easier.
Steve is finally done with his last lecture and he's cutting through the inner courtyard to reach Robin at the entrance Hall. People have been whispering around him all day so he knows not only that the Stacy girl has no shame in pursuing taken men, she also has a big mouth.
Someone catches up with him and puts an arm around his middle.
«So, what is this thing about you breaking up with me with a billboard? Let me tell you it won’t work - I’m a sucker for drama and attention» Eddie presses on his side, his face only a few inches from Steve's. His smile is an amused one.
From the start, Eddie never shied away from physical touch: once he was sure Steve was comfortable with it - and not only he was, he loved it - there was always a part of Eddie in contact with him, whether it was an arm over his shoulders, fingers in his hair, hand on his back. Accordingly, they rarely did more than that in public, because even tho they were not hiding their relationship, homophobes still exist in 2022 and they live in Indiana.
Steve rolls his eyes and looks the other way, clenching the books he's carrying in his arms. Eddie's presence is enough to make him feel better, but he wants to stay mad «your groupies are delusional. And drop that grin or I might actually take on that billboard idea. I’ll make a giant one, over the main entrance» his tone is deadly serious but Eddie knows him better than to believe anything he's saying. He covers his grin with one hand, just in case.
«I know you're still smiling, Munson. I have a huge sheet and red paint at home and I'm not afraid to use it! It will look like that scene in Harry Potter, with the bloody writing on the wall and everything.»
Eddie can't believe that his boyfriend - who barely knew what Lord of the Rings was before they started dating - has just laid out a Harry Potter reference for him like it was a daily occurrence. He wants to kiss the daylight out of him, but that would make him actually mad.
So he puts his other arm around his stomach, caging him. They're forced to a stop.
«I'm sorry baby, you're just so cute all worked up,» Eddie says, containing himself from gushing all over him. Steve still avoids his gaze, but he's clearly melting under Eddie's attention. Pet names and physical touch always get through him.
«I'm glad one of us is having fun» Steve deadpans.
Eddie keeps one of his arms around his waist and lifts Steve's chin up with his free hand «I'm not gonna lie, it is kinda funny. And you are very cute and hot at the same time - somehow - but» he emphasizes the last word, dramatically, « I don't want you to be upset so, talk to me.»
Steve is a little embarrassed. He knows it doesn't matter, he's been through this before. People love gossiping, and he really doesn't care what they say. But also, he used to be the one on the other side, no one has ever questioned him being with anybody, or has given him that look of disgust he got from Eddie's most loyal fans.
Even so, Eddie has nothing to do with it.
«I'm sorry. I get you're some sort of rock star here, and I love that for you, I really do, but...» he's struggling to find the right words «... I don't know, I guess I'm a little jealous.»
«of the groupies?»
«No! Well, I don’t enjoy their presence, for sure. It’s more-» he’s trying to find the right words, Eddie rubs his palms on his back to encourage him «it’s about you. But not you - you, it's the way you carry yourself, like you were made for college! And everyone here can tell, as much as they can tell that I wasn't. I barely know which class I’m taking when, I don't understand what I'm studying and I feel like everyone here already knows what they’re doing, like they went to college before going to college, if this even makes any sense… and, I don’t know, it’s hard already when you know that you’re fucking up, but when everyone else knows and wonders why the great Eddie Munson is dating you of all people- it’s not great. But also, I can't even read a simple introductive chapter without getting a headache, so I get why people might have some reservations against me, I just wish they would keep it for themselves instead of bugging me every second of my life!»
While he was talking, Eddie had made them both sit at one of the picnic tables scattered around the court, he realizes.
It's clear to both of them that Steve's outburst isn't just about the gossip.
«I had no idea this was bothering you this much,» Eddie says, earnestly.
Steve starts fidgeting with Eddie's rings on his right hand, his left arm is still on Steve's back. He feels pathetic, bothering his boyfriend with trivial matters and his stupidity.
«It's not a big deal» he tries to take back some of his words, but Eddie interrupts him immediately.
«It is a huge deal if it bothers you this much. Plus, I get some curiosity about us, but asking you almost every day is just, fucked up.»
«Well, that's popularity for you. I thought you had figured this out by now» Steve jokes.
«Well, I was supposed to learn how to manage it from an expert, but somehow I always get distracted when he lectures me» he manages to make Steve chuckle. «But let's talk about college for a second. It flatters me that you think of me as a perfect social butterfly, but do I need to remind you that I came to you a couple of months ago because I couldn't take it anymore? Also» he shifts in his seat, taking Steve's hands in his «you're not giving yourself enough credit. College is fucking hard, man, especially first year. Everything is so big and serious and different compared to high school, you think I was this confident in my first year? it takes time to adjust, maybe even more for you since - well - you used to have the school at your feet. So trust your gorgeous, perfect-»
«I never said you were perfect.»
Eddie ignores him «-super famous boyfriend: you're doing great, you'll get there and even if you don't, there's no shame in failing. Okay?»
Steve stares at him for a few seconds, then nods «okay. But I don't think I can stand more people questioning your sanity for dating me.»
«Honestly, I'm pretty sure you misread the whole thing. They're totally thinking “why is Eddie Munson dating this hottie of all people? I don’t stand a chance”» Steve laughs, Eddie gets up «but just to be sure they won't bother you anymore...» he jumps on the picnic table, and Steve's eyes widen comically.
«Eddie what are you doing?? Come down!» he knows his boyfriend and his love for big grand speeches too well to not guess what he has in mind.
Eddie blows him a kiss «Attention everyone! Your favorite music department student has an announcement to make!» some people from said department immediately cheer and he thanks them with an exaggerated bow. Steve hides his face in his palm, knowing there's no way he can stop him now.
«I've heard there has been some confusion so let me clear the air: I, Eddie Munson, have been involved in a consensual, very sexual» Steve makes a strangled noise and a few people whistle «but also romantic relationship with this hot piece of ass right here» he puts his hands on Steve’s shoulders, leaving him no way to escape «Steve Harrington» he bends forward, Steve looks up at him and Eddie gives him a quick upside-down peck, as to reinforce the concept «who isn’t going to break up with me today, tomorrow or never. So, it’s none of your fucking business but if any of you shitheads has any concerns on this matter, you know where to find me. Thank you for your attention» he jumps off the table, the curious students who had stopped to witness the scene are giving a mix of incredulous, baffled and admiring reactions. Eddie barely cares, his eyes are on Steve.
«I fucking hate you» Steve immediately tells him.
«No you don’t» he's smirking.
«I'm breaking up with you right now.»
«No, you aren't, Stevie» his smile is somehow even bigger.
«I really, actually, genuinely hate you,» Steve says, hugging him. Eddie hugs him back, tight.
«How are you feeling?» Eddie whispers in his ear.
«I wanna say better but then I'm validating you putting up a show every time we have a problem.»
«I am nothing but a humble knight serving his Majesty the King,» he says, using a pompous tone for his character.
«I need no man saving my regal ass, thank you very much.»
When they reach the main Hall, Eddie's arm once again around his middle, Robin is waiting for them, a mischievous grin on her face «Excuse me» she addresses Steve, loudly «are you the famous Hot-Piece-of-Ass engaged in a consensual and very sexual relationship with Eddie Munson?»
Steve flips her off as Eddie laughs and high-fives her.
Let's just say, the nickname will stick with Steve for a while.
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vasyandii · 7 months
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Outfit Swap
"Kneepads? Are you afraid of hurting your little legs?"
"They just feel comfortable."
"Uh huh.."
"Your gear is so itchy.. especially the scrim net."
"You get used to it."
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sapphire-drawings · 1 year
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Tablet doodles I enjoyed
Some Beauty and the Beast fluff. Hand practice and difference between Maxwell's and Wilson's. Modern Maxwil thingy and My adult Webber being cute asjdasljfsa I love him so much <3
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waterfire1848 · 18 days
An AU where Azula and Katara switch bodies and shenanigans ensue? Or one where Aang and Azula switch?
Hello, @wingchunwaterbender !!! Shout out to @emluckyowl and @akiizayoi4869 for their assistance!
1. The Gaang encounter Team Azula in a trickster spirit’s forest. While Katara and Azula are fighting, the spirit swaps their bodies. Both are awake and know what’s going on so they’re able to see the body swap clear as day. Needless to say, they freak out and their teams are alerted to the problem. (Aang: Katara! What’s wrong? Are you okay? Azula: Get away from me, Avatar! Sokka: Katara? Azula: I will fry you both! Get away from me! Aang: Did you hit your head or…?) However, as quickly as it happens the two swap back. Azula and Katara swear that they swapped bodies but at the same time are desperate for it to have been fake so they assume that they just imagined it. Later that night, Katara lights their campfire and Azula takes a sip of water and they’ve switched again. (Katara, in Azula’s body: Aang, whats going on? Aang: Can I start by saying that it is kinda terrifying to see Azula acting kind? Katara: Aang. Aang: Right! I talked with the spirit and…there’s good news and bad news. Azula, in Katara’s body: Spill it, Avatar. Aang: The good news is it isn’t permanent! You’ll stop swapping bodies eventually! Katara: Thank the spirits. I do not want to be stuck in this body forever. Azula: You think I want to be in your body any longer than I have to? Aang: But! From now until the end of the year, whenever you’re around each other’s elements, you’ll swap bodies and stay that way for 24 hours. Azula & Katara: WHAT?!?!)
2. Azula has no choice really but to travel with the Gaang and, of course, Mai and Ty Lee come along for the ride. For a while, Azula and Katara are constantly in each other’s bodies because Azula needs water and Katara is constantly fighting firebenders. One day, Azula and Katara manage to make it the 24 hours and return to their own bodies. (Azula: How I’ve missed bending a proper element! Katara: I’d waterbend at you but I want to be in my body for a few minutes. Azula: If I were you I’d be clawing to get out of that body and into this one. Katara: If that’s what you want… Azula: No!) That night, the two get to talking and Katara realizes that Azula actually doesn’t know how to do hair which is why Katara’s hair was never done. Katara shows Azula how to do it, making sure to not use her bending, and tells Azula that when they swap, Azula can try practicing on her own head. Later that night, Azula notices Katara shivering because she’s away from the fire and sleeps next to her (Katara: Warm. Azula: Don’t get used to it. I’m only doing this to make sure you don’t freeze to death and- Katara: Shhhhhhh. Warm blanket. Azula: Yeah. I’m the warm blanket.)
3. While the two do grow slightly more civil, there’s still a lot of fighting and when that fighting happens the two get creative with how to handle it. Katara decided to give Azula’s body a Water Tribe tattoo on her back. Azula decided to cut off Katara’s hair loopies. Katara times it perfectly when they’ll switch back and gets Azula a date with a local guy in the village. Azula throws herself into the mud (not fun for her but watching Katara try and drag her out and yell about getting mud on her hair makes it all worth it). When they meet Zuko, Katara starts saying Zuko is the better firebender, the one deserving of the throne, the better sibling, etc and Ty Lee and Mai have to hold Azula back. (Azula: I’ll kill you! Katara: You’d be killing your own body. Azula: I don’t care! You would be dead! Katara: Very harsh words considering you were so nice to your brother two seconds ago. What did you call him? The superior bender? Maybe we should talk the spirit into letting you two swap bodies next. I- Azula: I’M GONNA KILL YOU! *Mai and Ty Lee hold her back*) As revenge against that, Azula decides to flirt with literally every guy in town in the most obvious and embarrassing way possible (Azula decides not to tell anyone that one or two of the lines she used she thought were good pick up lines).
4. Over the next few months, Katara and Azula actually get good at swapping when they need to and staying in their own bodies when need be. That’s not to say there isn’t the occasional…prank (Toph pouring water on Azula, Mai lighting a torch next to Katara and Aang accidentally launching Azula into the ocean) but all in all they start to get a handle on things. The problem comes in when they’re in Ba Sing Se. Azula gets kidnapped by Long Feng and Katara switches their bodies on purpose. (Aang: Katara! Stop! What are you doing? Katara: If I switch with Azula then you guys can find her because she’ll know where her body is. Sokka: Yeah, but you’ll be down there….with Long Feng. Katara: I know, but Azula needs our help). Safe to say that after that, Katara and Azula’s relationship turns from something of a friendship to the two of them having massive crushes on the other. This is very weird when you’re swapping bodies with your crush and technically have a crush on yourself. (Mai once saw Azula practicing pick up lines in front of a mirror while in Katara’s body and Aang saw Katara admiring Azula’s arms while in Azula’s body) (Mai: This madness has to stop. Aang: Agreed).
5. The journey in the Fire Nation is still weird because Azula and Katara are still dancing around their feelings for one another. At the beach and in some villages, Katara gets hit on a lot in Azula’s body. It’s a weird split between being kind of flattered but also pissed because Katara doesn’t want some random guys hitting on Azula. During the party, the two manage to get their own bodies for the night. (Katara: Ready for a night of fun in our own bodies. Azula: I can’t go near any liquid here but other than that, it’ll be a blast. Katara: Sorry. I didn’t choose to be a waterbender. Azula: It’s okay. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something and it’s probably best to do it in my own body. Katara: Hmmm? Azula: I…I want us to, well- Chan: Azula! Over here! Katara: Ah, your boyfriend is calling. Talk later, Zula. Azula: Yeah. Later.) Less than an hour later, Chan gets Azula a drink and the two swap bodies. Katara, now in Azula’s body, has to finish Azula’s date for her which is very weird to Chan because he started the date with Azula talking about world domination and how sharp his outfit was and ended the date with Katara being pretty calm and easy to talk to. (Katara: Guess we’re stuck like this for another 24 hours. I’m sorry your date got messed up. I wish- Azula: I LIKE YOU! *Katara looking at the party which stopped to look at them for a second* Katara, grabbing Azula’s hand and walking away: Maybe we do this talk in private. Azula: I wanted to wait until we were in our own bodies but I can’t and I know it’s weird because in a way I’m saying this to myself but I like you. Katara: Azula- Azula: I know I’m Fire Nation and we’re not even if the right bodies but I- Katara: Azula! I like you too! Azula: Oh. Katara: Oh?? Azula: I can’t help it! My own body and voice just told me it likes me. This is why I wanted to wait until we were in our own bodies!) Maybe it’s not that surprising to the Gaang that Azutara officially stops swapping bodies when the two kiss for the first time (which, once again, feels very weird not only to be kissing themselves but to then open their eyes and be kissing the other person)
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stardust948 · 3 months
ATLA Wife Swap AU
The Fire family and Water family agree to do a Reality T.V. show where the wives switch families for two weeks. The first week they live by the host families' rules; the second week the wives get to enforce their own rules.
It goes as well as you expect.
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i-give-u--art · 7 days
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Swap Ghost Simon anyone?
He is swapped with Soap (lmao)
New call-sign is “angel” (I spelt it wrong on the drawing 🥲)
He’s a little taller than original ghost because he doesn’t have the weight of his sins on his shoulders :D
@superstxrsworld :3
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akirakirxaa · 3 months
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𝑀𝑦 𝑐ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑛𝑜 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑠 𝑚𝑒, "𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚" 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝐼'𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝐼𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝐼'𝑚 𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢
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transmascsimonriley · 5 months
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part 2 to this
(from december last year)
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alastor-simp-page · 2 months
Charlastor AUs: Poll
In the spirit of Charlastor week it only seems fair and I know damn well I haven't really posted anything Charlastor this week. I'll get to it...eventually.
Devil Charlie & Pathetic Alastor - (https://www.tumblr.com/murmurmurena/752938 & https://www.tumblr.com/murmurmurena/757825472979746816/memes-only?source=share)
Penace - (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53581501/chapters/135631375)
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quesophiladelphia · 1 year
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A-NING AND MO LAOSHI!! i love them sm a-ning is just so shy but he wants to touch his laoshi so bad!! also mr is doing everything in his power so no adults get close to his not yet baobei ☝️
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