#modern romeo & juliet
afurtivecake · 6 days
neil and jean's made-up story about being childhood friends trying to rekindle their friendship that winter at evermore coming out fuels an explosion of jean moreau/neil josten - "childhood friends to enemies to lovers"/"star-crossed lovers" fics in the exy rpf fandom
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skipppppy · 9 months
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Shoutout to this random Seviper and Zangoose who against all odds, design, pokedex entries, and laws of nature, decided to just fuckin. hang out
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Auguste Rodin Romeo et Juliette, 1902
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ink-and-pages · 2 years
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strawberrybyers · 9 months
it’s the way everyone saw oliver’s red flags but felix ignored what everyone said and decided to still be oliver’s friend. like ok yeah i get how felix is used to people being subservient to him and if they’re not then he disposes of them, but what felix felt for oliver was different. I KNOW A PART OF HIM LOVED OLIVER TOO. he enjoyed caring for oliver. he enjoyed his company. he left the fucking bathroom door open so oliver could see him jerking off like bro you don’t just do that with a friend that you don’t have romantic or sexual feelings for. it’s the fact that even after finding out the truth about oliver’s parents—he still let him stay so he could celebrate his birthday. IM SORRY BUT IF I FOUND OUT MY FRIEND WHO HAS BEEN LIVING WITH ME FOR WEEKS LIED ABOUT THEIR ENTIRE UPBRINGING THEY’RE GETTING LEFT RIGHT AT THEIR PARENTS HOUSE. it’s the fact that felix still cared!! he said oliver makes his blood run cold and that’s because finding out the person you love and care for isn’t who they say they are instills a type of fear, sadness, and anger in you that you’ve never felt before!! not to fucking mention that there’s a reference of being cold-blooded made by venetia to oliver. she refers to the entire catton family as being “cold-blooded”. if felix was cold-blooded, meaning he’s filled with cruelty and unsympathetic , then for him to say oliver makes his blood run cold means he was different with oliver. he notices the change oliver had on him!! he loved and cared for him. idc felix and oliver were in love and oliver’s obsession/manipulativeness poisoned (literally and figuratively) felix which is why their relationship had no chance of being anything except a tragedy.
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enbycrip · 9 months
I was discussing with a mate what actively makes a piece of media Queer as opposed to just featuring same-gender attraction.
I am a big fan of Queer being a verb as well as an adjective.
I wouldn’t call Romeo and Juliet queer because while it’s transgressive within the frame of the narrative, it’s *not* transgressive within the wider cultural framing? A young hetero couple from different sides of a conflict being married was so incredibly acceptable that it was a long-established practice for establishing peace - to the extent that the Friar even mentions that within the text as part of his reason for facilitating the marriage outside the strict norms of parental consent and acceptance?
Plus the whole framing of choice-led marriage as a force for societal harmony was such an influential trope at that particular period, particularly within Elizabethan England’s newly Protestant culture? Virginity was no longer prized the way it had been in a more Catholic culture, nor was the remote idealisation of courtly love. Instead you get a young different-gender couple who choose *married love*. In the context this was written, this was almost the *opposite* of Queer.
I’d say that, for a text to be Queer, it needs to not only transgress both norms internal and external to the text, but also flip those norms in a way that actively invites the reader to reconsider those norms in a new light? It’s why I’d call so many of Shakespeare’s comedies queer in a way Romeo and Juliet isn’t, because, even though everything goes hetero at the end to fit theatrical conventions about comedies ending with a marriage, they are this space where gender becomes fluid and playful, and *that’s* what you walk away with the impression of from the play? The hetero endings are so enforced it’s kind of deliberately ridiculous?
It’s why I feel Queerness includes readings and depictions of disability that aren’t any of the standard boxes that it is so often shoved into in media. If a disabled character isn’t “inspiring”, or “pitiable”; if they’re not artificially helpless, or completely unaffected by their disability, and, more than anything, if *they* are the centre of the text, with genuine agency, and the text is about *them*, not about their effect on abled characters, that definitely queers a text to me.
And *more* so if it centres their desires and their desirability as a character. Not that they can’t be asexual; asexuality is *very* queer, but if they are not *artificially* desexualised, as disabled characters so often are.
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lilcetis · 4 months
The tragedy of Jim Lake is something so close to my heart. This poor boy is shoved down a path he didn't ask for, a path he can't escape, and he goes down it willingly! He smiles and tells everyone that its his duty, his purpose, an honor to fight for people who scorn him every time he makes a mistake. He never celebrates when he defeats a foe, just washes his hands, takes a deep breath, and gets ready for the next fight. Over the course of the series you see him lose more and more of himself, of Jim, and is eventually left as The Trollhunter. He's just a legacy by the end of it, the bright eyed boy we started the show with nothing but a fond memory.
His own name isn't even his, he's a Junior.
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serendipnpipity · 4 months
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Paper Faces on Parade (1/?)
Extra sketches & story details under the cut!
I don't know what came over me, but it is now 12:30am on June 1st and I've accidentally started a webcomic phanfic. "Love Story" popped into my head earlier today, and then that turned into "But Daddy I Love Him", and then that turned into the idea for a little story!
The general gist goes as follows:
High society, Victorian-era-ish AU. I don't know time periods well, but that's the vibe.
18-year-old Dan secretly attends a masquerade party, careful to keep his identity completely anonymous until... he meets Phil.
The two hit it off, and when Phil drags him out to the secluded gardens further into the night, they end up revealing their identities to each other.
But Dan slips away Cinderella-style by the end of the night, scared of harboring an attachment like this. (Is it period-typical homophobia? Is it commitment issues? Is it Romeo-and-Juliet-style family feuding because that's my actual source material inspiration? Who knows, cuz I don't.)
Unfortunately for Dan, however, they meet again soon after at another social function. Phil approaches Dan, only for Dan to push him away at first, scared of the reactions if anyone finds out.
They still circle each other throughout the night, though, and to be honest, it's quite ridiculous how many times two people can bump into each other at a sweets table without truly, directly talking.
I'm still figuring it out after that, honestly, hence the question mark...
But I do have some fluffly extra scenes! Dunno if they'll be *canon* eventually, but they're fun nonetheless...
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Ser's Oufits (bedsheets, phouseplant)
danisnotonfire & red-hot-phil
Phire & Ice Outfits
Paper Faces on Parade (Chapter 1)
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hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024: Day 4: Otherworldly
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Forever Destined
Pls reblog I don’t have A03 yet.
Okay Guys, Dare I say best Kylux thing I’ve ever written? Also it takes a bit to get to the otherworldly part so just hang in there.
Warning: There’s like two in appropriate jokes, and there’s nudity but it’s not rly talked about or used in a sexual way. It’s pretty tame.
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Hux grabbed his coat, pulling it over his shoulders, and pushing through his office door. He knew he looked awful. His hair was no longer neatly combed back, he had dark circles under his eyes, and he had lost his reading glasses at some point, which he had been too tired to look for. That was probably a ridiculous idea in hindsight but he just wanted to get home. Rain hit against the widows drowning out the sounds of the city. He didn’t have an umbrella; he'd have to make a dash for the car and hope he wouldn’t ruin his shoes. At least no one was here to see him at this late an hour-
“What the hell are you still doing here?!” 
“SHIT!” Hux nearly jumped out of his skin, he took a second to compose himself before turning to Kylo who was sitting in one of the lobby chairs. “You scared me half to death. I can hardly see you with the lights off!”
“What can I say, I’m a man of mystery.” Kylo said, and even if Hux couldn’t see him he knew he was smirking. 
“No you’re not.” Hux responded bluntly. 
Kylo shook his head and stood up from the chair, checking his phone for the time and stepping towards the exit so Hux could better see him in the light of the office sign that shone through the glass door. “It’s like 4 am why the fuck are you still here?”
4 am? He honestly had not meant to stay there that long, he thought it was midnight or 2 at the latest. He started to say something but stopped himself, raising an eyebrow. “Wait, why are you still here?”
“I was waiting for you.” Kylo said looking down, trying to hide the slight blush on his cheeks.
“Ren, you don’t even have the Night Shift. There’s no way you waited all this time.” Hux commented skeptically. 
“I didn’t want you to walk home alone in the freezing rain.” He insisted, stepping closer to him gently running his fingers though Hux’s hair. 
“Ren, your shift gets off at 4 PM. It wasn’t raining when you left. Are you telling me you waited here for 12 HOURS?!” Hux didn’t believe it in the slightest. 
“Alright Alright you got me. I was doing errands in town and when I was walking home I passed by the office and it was close to when your shift ended so I thought I’d stop by, take you home. But you took forever so I fell asleep and when I woke up it was like 3:30 so I honestly was just gonna crash here. I didn’t even know you were still working.” He explained. 
Hux shook his head dumbfounded. “You were going to sleep here?!”
“Yeah well I have six roommates that all snore, I wasn’t really in a rush to get home.” He shrugged. 
Hux sighed, knowing he had walked right into this. “Did you want to come to my place?”
Kylo smiled wide like a child being given a birthday present. “Yes please!”
“Alright,” He turned to the door realizing he actually did have an umbrella. He had left it in the holder from the last time he went to work. He felt stupid for forgetting it for so long and not thinking of it earlier but at least he had one. He grabbed it and shoved it into Ren’s hands. “You’re holding the umbrella.”
“But of course Monsieur~” Kylo said in a terrible French accent, opening the umbrella and reaching for the door. 
“Never do that again,” Hux said, gagging. 
“Okay okay… Can I drive?” He asked giving that smile toddlers give their parents to guilt them into saying yes to things. 
“But you’re car is so cool.” He whined. 
“Which Is precisely why I’m not letting you drive.” Hux said buttoning up his coat.
“Hey I’m a pretty good driver. My dad had me driving when I was like 10.” Kylo pointed out. 
“Ren, your dad has been arrested for illegal drag racing before, amongst other things. That’s not reassuring.” He crossed his arms. 
“He won the races.” Kylo added trying the face one last time. 
“My point stands.”
Kylo sighed reluctantly, “Alright alright.” He opened the door. “Ladies first.” He joked, but Hux gave him the “I’m going to strangle you” glare so he immediately stopped laughing and stepped out first, holding the umbrella for Hux as they made their way to his car. 
Hux stepped tentatively through the parking lot trying not too get wet while also staying in pace with Kylo. “Are you even watching where you’re going?! You’re leading us straight through the puddles! I’m going to ruin my shoes!”
“Hey you gave me control of the umbrella.” Kylo said as they stepped up to the car. Hux rolled his eyes and quickly got in the driver's seat unbuttoning his wet coat once he was seated but not taking it off. Ren walked around the car and quickly got in the passenger seat, shoving the umbrella in the back. Hux flipped on the windshield wipers and brights then backed out of the parking lot and drove carefully through the rain to his apartment. 
“Man, I kind of wish you didn’t have that umbrella. Your hair looks all cute when it’s all wet.” Kylo mused.
“Ren please, I'm too tired to flirt and I’m trying to focus on the road.” Hux responded almost yawning. 
“I've done a lot more than flirt while you drive and you’ve never crashed~” He said smirking, reaching to place a hand on Hux's thigh as he drove. 
“Yes I have, but right now I don’t want to start something. When we get home we are going to bed, nothing more. It’s too late for anything else.” Hux insisted, not even flinching at Kylo’s touch. 
“Are you sure?” Kylo asked again. 
“Yes, I’m going to bed. You’re welcome to stay up and entertain Millicent, but we both have work in the morning.”
“You can call out. I do it all the time.”
“I’m not calling out.” He said firmly. 
 “Have you ever thought of what we’d be like in other worlds, like would we still know each other? Would we get along?” Kylo asked suddenly. 
A skeptical look crossed Hux’s face. “No? And we don’t get along.”
“We get along pretty well when we’re alone,” he said in a sultry tone rubbing Hux’s thigh gently, kneading his tense muscles. 
Hux ignored him. “You watch too many multiverse movies.”
“Not really, I just like movies, particularly sci-fi. You know they’re making a new Star Wars movie. The force awakens, I think it’s called?” He rambled as Hux continued to drive. 
“Why are they still milking that franchise? Didn’t people hate the last three?” Hux questioned. 
“Eh not really anymore.” Kylo shrugged and moved his hand back to the armrest following the rain drops on the windows with his eyes.
“Well I’m sure these new ones will piss people off all over again.”
“Oh I’m sure they will… do you wanna come?” He asked. 
“Come where?” Hux internally cringed. His mind was far too dirty for that sentence. 
“To see Star Wars?” Kylo clarified. 
“Okay, I’m going to buy you a ticket anyway.”
“I know.”
They sat in awkward silence till Kylo turned on the radio and closed his eyes leaning his head against the headrest. Hux found himself humming the song as he drove, glancing at Ren whenever there was a red light and admiring how peaceful he looked, his raven hair falling down in front of his face, having come loose from the messy bun he wore to work hours ago. Eventually they pulled up to Hux’s apartment and Hux gently nudged him to wake him up as they pulled into the parking spot. 
“Huh? What? I wasn’t sleeping!” Kylo stammered, jolting awake. 
Hux had to hold back a laugh. “We’re here.”
“Oh.” Kylo grabbed the umbrella and got out of the car. “Jeez it’s fuckin cold.” He remarked. The passenger door closed and he walked around the car opening Hux’s door and holding out a hand to him. Hux took it but as he was stepping out of the car a particularly strong gust of wind slammed into them and the umbrella blew from Kylo’s hand. Suddenly they were both getting drenched. “Oh Fuck! Don’t worry I’ll go get it!” Kylo yelled over the storm. Before Hux could say anything Ren was running off chasing the umbrella down the wet street. 
“Ren, wait!” Hux called out. He was about to say “Leave it” but the man had already bolted off. So Hux sighed and chased after him. “Ren slow down! You’re going to sli-“
Kylo jumped and snagged the umbrella from the air. “Got it! Woah!” As soon as his feet came down on the concrete he slipped just as Hux had warned, collapsing onto his stomach with a thud. Hux didn’t have enough time to slow down, in trying to not hit into Kylo he found himself falling too, landing on top of him. 
Kylo gasped. “Oh shit! Hux, are you okay?”
To Kylo’s surprise Hux began laughing. 
“Huh what’s so funny?”
“We’re absolutely drenched aren’t we?” He laughed.
Ren smiled, it was a rare occasion that Hux relaxed like this and just let himself be happy. “Oh good I thought you hit your head or something.”
“On what? Your chest? I’m kind of laying ontop of you,” he continued laughing in a carefree calming manner, his little smile was intoxicating. “If anything I should ask you if you're okay, you were the one who fell on the concrete.”
Kylo pulled himself out from under Hux standing up and pulling the man into his arms smiling at him affectionately as the rain poured down their faces. “I’m okay because you’re here with me.”
“You’re always so cheesy.” Hux said shaking his head smiling. “Should we get out of the freezing rain?” Hux asked, unable to hide his affection for the man in front of him. 
“I don’t know, if you get sick you can call off of work and I can pamper you all I want~” Kylo said nuzzling his nose against Hux’s face, feeling his warmth amongst the cold, and breathing in the smell of rain and vanilla.  
“Oh stop it, you’re not seriously wishing for me to get sick.” Hux joked, unable to hide the heat rising to his cheeks.
“Okay yeah, maybe not, you can get kinda grumpy.” He snickered, scooping Hux up in his arms and running up to the door of the apartment before he could protest.
“Put me down!” Hux yelled, embarrassed.
“No,” Kylo smiled, planting a kiss on his wet hair. 
“Ren, The key is in my pocket you have to put me down so I can unlock the damn door! We’re getting soaked.” He instead, Looking up at him. 
“Alright alright,” He set him down on his feet gently and Hux quickly unlocked the door, taking off his drenched coat as soon as they got inside. 
“Just lay out your clothes on the couch or something. If it’s not dry by morning I’ll put it in the dryer. I’ll see if I have anything big enough to fit you.” He said petting millicent who had rubbed up on him when they got inside. 
“Don’t worry about it, I don’t need to wear anything~” Kylo flirted. 
“Alright then.” Hux said seemingly unphased by the notion of Ren being naked. “I’m going to get dressed for bed, food is in the kitchen, but please do not empty my fridge, Phasma does that enough already.” He started unbuttoning his shirt nonchalantly as he walked towards the bathroom. 
“Hux?” Kylo called out. 
“Hm?” He said quizzically, turning his head. Quickly Ren grabbed him pinning him against the door post running his hands along his chest sliding them under his wet undershirt, hux made a quiet sound of pleasure and Kylo leaned in to kiss him, but Hux pushed his mouth away gently with his hand. “Wait till we get to bed~” He pushed off from Ren who caught him smirking slightly as he exited for the bathroom. 
When Hux had left, Ren undressed, Laying his clothes out on the coffee table to dry, and made his way to Hux’s room, flopping down on his bed, and turning on some soft music on his phone. The street light shown through the blinds casting a soft glow on the sheets. Hux exited the bathroom in a black silk robe drying his hair with a towel, which made it look an absolute mess but Kylo thought it made him look even cuter. He patted the spot of the bed beside him and Hux slid next to him draping himself over Kylo’s chest as Kylo gently petted his still slightly damp hair. 
“Ren, are you tired?” Hux asked, eyes closed, a look of satisfaction on his face. 
“Probably, but not Really, you?” 
“I think I can stay up a bit longer.”
“Good because I think we were in the middle of something.” He pulled Hux further onto him, their chests pressing against each other, the robe sliding down his arms. He gently took his face into his hands and kissed him tenderly. 
Suddenly the both of them were bombarded with visions and sensations as if actual sparks had flared from their kiss. Images, voices, flashed through their minds, as if calling to them.
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“I- I dont know how to love, I don’t know how to be loved”
“Uh I think you dropped something”
“Since we've been together for
a while now-“
“I can’t kill you, I love you to much”
“Careful Ren, That your personal interests does not interfere with orders from leader snoke from leader snoke.”
“I want that map. For your sake I suggest you get it.” 
“Dost though know how mine heart stirs for the? Surely not, as I have guarded it well.” 
“In every reality, in every world, I will always love you.”
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Then just as quickly as it started, they were both jolted back to their own reality, panting and breathless. 
“What the fuck was that?!” Hux said, quickly scrambling up to a sitting position.
“I don’t know… it’s like I was seeing different versions of myself… of us. Wait, Kiss me! But longer!” Kylo ordered, he still seemed winded and his face was definitely flush and hot. 
Normally Hux would have rolled his eyes at the demand but he was curious, quickly he leaned down pulling Kylo into a hot greedy kiss, fingers tangling in his long hair. 
Just as quickly as the last visions came they arrived again but this time it only seemed to shift through a few before settling on one to portray more vividly.
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There was a cobblestone quart yard decorated with greenery, Kylo slunk against the wall to the entrance hiding in the shade. He was wearing some form of fantasy or medieval garb, sword sheathed at his hip. He was watching someone. It was Hux. He was in similar attire and was sitting atop a stone bench back facing Kylo as he picked up a water lilly from the pond in front of him.
“Lord Ren, I canst hear you. Thou art sloppy with acts of secrecy, perhaps thou shalst learneth to be more stealty when meeting one’s love in secret.” Hux said not moving from where he sat or turning his head to face him. 
“Dost thou say thy love me?” Kylo inquired. 
“Nye, I sayist thou love me.” Hux shook his head, back still too him. 
“Dost thou?” Kylo persisted. 
“Love thee?” Laughs “what funny words. Canst thou let me look upon thine face ere I confess.”
“Apologies, mine Prince, I not mean to spy on the from afar.” He stepped out of the shadows and Hux turned to him fiddling with the water Lily in his hands. Ren gently brushed a strand of ginger hair out of his face. “Why thy beauty truly rivals that of the gods~”
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Then the vision faded leaving both of them back in Hux’s apartment winded. They had opened their mouths at some point in the kiss but they couldn’t remember exactly what they’d done. 
“What in the bloody hell is going on!” Hux said, alarmed. 
“I’m not sure… did it feel calming to you?” Kylo asked. 
“As ridiculous as it sounds… yes… This is all so strange… I’ve kissed people before and I’m fairly sure I’d remember if THAT happened.”
“You’ve kissed other people?!” Kylo feigned shock, he of course already knew Hux had prior relationships. 
“Oh shove off, you have too.” Hux said, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. 
Kylo changed the subject back to the visions. “Hux this might sound weird, but I think I’ve heard of this before…”
“You have?” Hux asked genuinely curious. 
“Yeah it was in a book. It said when you kiss your soulmate, you see all of the different lives you have together in different universes. Like a way of showing you that you’re connected in every one of them, in every world.” Kylo explained, the awe and wonder on his face, giving away that he whole heartedly believed in such a tale. 
“And what book was this?” Hux asked skeptically. 
Kylo sounded nervous. “Uhm… uh… a gay romance novel?” 
“That’s ridiculous Ren!”
“Does It matter?”
“Does It matter if We really know what it is? It feels right, and it makes me know I’m meant to be with you. That’s all that matters.” He pulled Hux against his chest again caressing his chin and gently angling his head to look up at him. 
“I- I suppose you’re right.” Hux looked to the side, blushing profusely. 
“I love you Armitage, In every universe.” Kylo said, gently running his hands across his body and nuzzling his face into his neck. 
“I  love you too.” Hux echoed breathlessly. Before he could even think the words had been out of his mouth. 
Kylo smiled against Hux, feeling the warm skin on his face. Hux never said I love you. Kylo had waited so long, but now it finally felt earned and it made him feel so happy. “Will you be my soulmate?” He asked gently, as he laid his head across Hux’s shoulder. 
Hux smiled, wrapping his arms and legs around Kylo’s muscular body into a tender embrace. “I always have been.”
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Just FYI
Song in the Car:
Song on Kylo’s phone:
@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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Hey bab
Where are u from
Wann fuck you. If you are around me😜
I'm sorry. I have this weird kink where I literally am unable to become attracted to people who can't spell or formulate complete sentences.
It sadly limits my opportunities to engage with stunning specimens of the opposite sex, such as yourself.
Sigh. But that is my cross to bear...I shall survive. Somehow.
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if westeros was created to reflect our modern society instead of being loosely based off of western medieval society, then i think people would understand that these political marriages are for alliances, not love, and would agree that the modern lower class sentiments towards marriage are simply not applicable to these arrangements and both bride and groom cannot and should not expect love from their partner.
if our story occurred in a modern westeros very similar to our own modern society, then a lot of the obstacles our characters face would not happen because, simply put, modern society benefits from equality.
as an example, i am quite (100%) certain that the introduction of gender equality and other modern values and advancements to westeros would only be beneficial to rhaegar and elia, which means that this ideology benefits westerosi society on an individual level.
so, in this modern westeros au, if rhaegar and elia still married for a political alliance, and then had two children like they did in asoiaf, they could then peacefully divorce and write out a contract that secures both rhaenys and aegons inheritances. if lyanna and rhaegar met and fell in love while rhaegar and elia were married then the misunderstanding that sparked a war would never have happened. why? because lyanna would have a say in who she marries in this modern au. also, elia would have possibly been seeing others as well. why? because this was a political marriage and love shouldn’t be expected, so why would anyone be concerned about either party finding love outside of their marriage? plus modern westeros would have dna testing so there’s no reason to question the paternity of their children.
also, if elia had a child with someone else (in this hypothetical scenario, perhaps her lover died) and rhaegar decided to claim that child as his own while knowing that he’s not the real father in order to give this child a better life, then this wouldn’t be a problem either. why? because rhaegar’s in the know. (i’m only bringing this up bc of the rhaenyra and laenor situation. guys… laenor is perfectly aware that biologically those kids aren’t his, yet he still claimed them and loved them bc he and rhaenyra had an agreement. i do not understand why real ppl are even concerned about jace, luke, and joffs parentage. in the eyes of the law those boys are legally laenors.)
however, since asoiaf isn’t based off of our modern society and is instead a society riddled with misogyny, xenophobia and other social issues without the progress and advancements that we in the 21st century have benefited from, i will concede one thing to these antis who harp on and on about how selfish rhaenyra and rhaegar were for loving someone who wasn’t their spouse and for having a child(ren) out of wedlock.
because yes, rhaegar and lyanna’s love can be considered an act of selfishness, and rhaenyra loving harwin and having children with him can also be considered selfish.
but guess what? love in general is a very selfish state of being. you are prioritizing your partner and your desires over everything and everyone else in your life.
one of the greatest love stories of all time, romeo and juliet, is a tale of two selfish lovers who seek to be together despite the immense hatred between their families. selfless and dutiful children would never love an enemy. and yet, despite romeo and juliet’s love story ending in tragedy, no one would ever argue that these two lovers were in the wrong for simply trying to be together even though their love caused their families great grief. why? because the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets was stupid. and the story ends with the characters agreeing that this feud went on for long enough and acknowledging the fact that this petty feud between the families was the cause of their misery and the tragedy that befell them.
though the circumstances of all three love stories are different, it’s undeniable that these lovers were selfish for prioritizing their own desires over their duties to their houses.
to end this little spiel, i’d like to mention that the reason i first brought up a modern au was to remind people that the only reason rhaelya and rhaenyra’s relationship with harwin can be so decisively called selfish is because these characters live in westeros. and westeros is a fucked up society rooted in systematic oppression, violence, and abuse and other forms of exploitation in order to further the agenda of the powerful despite the harm it causes. any modern comforts and progressive ideas hinder the control the patriarchs have over their families and put a name to the bigotry expressed against these unconventional relationships. so yes, their love is selfish because being unconventional in such a backwards society is a recipe for disaster, especially since both of these relationships hinge on a woman deciding to take control of her sexual autonomy, which is a big no no in westeros since a woman’s body only belongs to her father and husband. so yes, these love stories are selfish because these characters are prioritizing themselves in a society that benefits from them losing their autonomy and harms them and their loved ones when they try to take back their autonomy.
to finish off, the reason i brought up the tragic love story of romeo and juliet is to remind people that even though rhaegar and lyanna’s love was selfish, other characters still need to be held accountable for their actions that helped to escalate this misunderstanding into a tragedy that consumed all of westeros.
#the only reason any of this shit happened is bc westeros is a fucked up place#their love may be selfish but it’s also commendable#we’re only human~ and we were built for love~#i think some of the rhaegar hate stems from the fact that he can openly love another woman but elia would be scorned for doing the same#but this isn’t rhaegar’s fault. their society just failed them. which sucks#the bodies of nobles in westeros never truly belong to themselves. which is insane. the king belongs to his ppl. a wife to her husband#a son to his father. a daughters body belongs to her father. the common folk belong to the nobles… ughhh#westeros is truly a society built on controlling the autonomy of others in order to gain power/benefits#sorry if all this doesn’t make any sense lol#i haven’t read romeo and juliet recently and just brushed up on it through wiki so im sry if i got something wrong lol#jon snow belonging to the nights watch and getting killed for daring to try to leave to save someone he loves…#hdsjhddhd#nedcat you’ll always be the exception ❤️#political marriages = big business deal#<- nedcat isn’t the exception here tho#me: progressive ideas would be beneficial to the individuals! also me: no shit sherlock#westerosi society escalated a misunderstanding to a tragedy#alicent and robert are arms of the patriarchy#tywin and viserys benefitting from the devestation they caused until they’re dead and the house of cards falls apart#asoiaf#rhaegar targaryen#lyanna stark#pro rhaenyra targaryen#rhaenyra targaryen#harwin strong#laenor velaryon#anti alicent hightower#anti alicent stans#anti elia stans#someone once tried to argue about modern au stuff about westeros to me and it just got me thinking lolo
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Rosaline (2022)
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romeo and juliet modern retelling where instead of poison juliet jumps off a cliff and then romeo follows her but she actually had a hidden parachute so there's the split second where they're looking at each other and then she opens the parachute while he keeps falling. and post.
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sl-vega · 7 months
✧Sticking to the Script✧-08
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⋆。°✩ 08-hollywood here i come
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additional notes:
-okay my update schedule is kinda back guys
-so proud of the romeo and juliet casting ngl
-scara as tybalt has been living in my head rent free
-yes ik i didn't list prince escalus but idrk who should play him
-y'all can headcanon that urself
-oml i made sm screenshots
-accidentally-somewhat-flirty xingqiu is now my favorite
-xingqiu probably doesn't realize the implications of his words
-my sweet child
-once again srry for the slow updates
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✧Sticking to the Script✧
Pairing: Xingqiu x FEM! Reader
Genre: fake dating, strangers to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst (?), high school smau, modern smau
⋆。°✩-Synopsis: Xingqiu just got entered into a special writing contest, the type that's invite only, the theme this year is love, the only problem is that he has zero romantic experience. but he really wants to prove himself as a writer. meanwhile, you just found out that your boyfriend cheated on you, and you need to show him that you're 100% over him, the only problem is that there's no way you can get an actual boyfriend that quickly. clearly, the solution to both of your issues is to fake date each other. it shouldn't be hard for an actor such as yourself, all you need to do is stick to the script.
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(OPEN) Taglist: @freyao7, @thatoneswordgirl, @sn1perz, @latay7, @esmetrees, @nmriki0, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @httpsrenren, @cupid-spams, @aixaingela, @kaitfae, @luvkvni, @danhenglovebot
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mrslatifi · 2 years
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indianmovielinks · 6 months
cannot emphasize enough how much these two have never met before. literally the only interaction they've had prior to the start of the vid is seeing each other from across the party and kinda chasing each other for like maybe thirty seconds. this is their meet-cute. they have never spoken.
lahu manh from goliyon ki raasleela ram leela
watch the full movie free and legal on einthusan:
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