#modern beatles au
johnlennonyaoi · 1 year
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do you guys like them. chronically online Beatles
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crepesuzette2023 · 6 months
do you have any modern AUs you like where the characterization is really on point? Like they’re different but still the same if that makes sense
Ooh, interesting question. Ask ten different people and you'll get ten different answers, is my guess—and every AU picks up different parts of the John/Paul relationship, right?
That said, here are some favorites of mine:
the great motorbike chase of 1992 (flightofthebluealiens): for the 'fuck everyone else, we're out of here'/'Paris '61 re-imagined as quest for John's father'-factor.
we push and pull like a magnet do (toppermost of the poppermost): for love at first sight, praise for Paul's body hair, and the 'it's just handy to fuck your best friend' dilemma. "Shit, John is in a complicated friends-who-shag relationship with an exotic woodland creature and he’s so worn out he can’t even be arsed to worry about it right now." <- say no more
Double Fantasy Series (a.k.a., flowershop AU) (@javelinbk): For shared eccentricity and sweet domestic vibes.
You Might Well Arsk (snugglesweaters): for writing together and the escape to Scotland; also: 'it takes a village' to bring these two together; MVP (shared): Ivan Vaughan, George Harrison.
The long and winding weekend (that takes me to your profile) (whereveryouaramir). For instant bonding over music, exclusive whisper conferences, and the texting & nicknaming that should have happened.
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dizzzyondreams · 2 months
in the vein of my last post:
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So I am kinda writing a Beatles Modern College AU for funsies
Also if y'all could give me tips on how to write Ringo that would be so helpful. I have never actually seriously written Ringo as a main character so any help would be nice. Also I might have add in starrison and I don't know how I get to write it. So please help.
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prommytheus · 9 months
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this is still the best tweet ever to me
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waveofahand · 21 days
The Silliest "Paul is Dead" Story!
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One of my favorite "George-and-Paul-at-odds" stories, and it's completely true -- wherein Ringo relates a test of wills between Paul and George fighting about who gets to drive. Ringo says everyone sat in a car parking lot for two hours, until it was settled. I figured that deserved a fanfic, right? Except THIS time, they're modern AU college boys, and idiots, and John is waiting to be picked up from somewhere. And he's hungry and angry. He's whangry. And there is thunder and lightning. And Paul and Geo are STILL fighting. Everyone is texting. And John... oh, John is very bad at texting. Very, very bad. It's just a one-shot, but pretty entertaining:
Modern TEXTING AU; they’re all in college and they’re all idiots. Everybody's gay.
LENNONBALLS: DUDES? I’m ready to be ticked up now. You know, like I said 20 mens ago?
LENNONBALLS: Gays? Li’l help here?
BABYRICHMAN: Hey, John. Sorry. Not sure when we’ll be picking you up, darlin’
LENNONBALLS: What do you bean you’re not sure? Why not sure? WTF not sure? You said you’d be rite uber to pick me up when I was Finnish with the %$#@ doctor,
LENNONBALLS: %$# finished, I mean!
BABYRICHMAN: Aye, we did, but…
LENNONBALLS: … ? WTF is … ? Is there a pablum?
LENNONBALLS: You hvnt had an accident, hv you? Is everyone ok?
LENNONBALLS: OMG PAUL IS DEAD, ISNT HE?  I’m gonna die! Where are you? Has anyone called emergent?
LENNONBALLS: Don’t make me cry! I’m frying!
BABYRICHMAN: Mate, I was just answering your first question, that NO there wasn’t a problem. But there kind of is.
BABYRICHMAN: No, mate, it’s not an accident. It’s so stupid I don’t even want to tell you.
LENNONBALLS: Well what is it then? When I see you I’m going to kick your arse bald for making me worry like this!
BABYRICHMAN: I didn’t worry you, lad, you did that all by yourself, didn’t you? And my arse is pretty bald already. Or did you mean arseballs? I don’t have them!.
BABYRICHMAN: Wait, did you mean kick or lick? You type bad.
LENNONBALLS: I hate you. What has happened?
Read it at A03!
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econhomework · 1 year
One Day at a Time
Paul's struggling to come to terms with everything life has suddenly dealt him, and just when he thinks he's getting the hang of it, John gets thrown into the mix. John's not exactly slap happy about the situation either.
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(The lovely drawing of George and Paul taking a selfie in the bottom right is not mine or @stupidbloodytuesday 's art. It was found on Pinterest and we were unable to determine the original artist. If anyone knows who it is, please let me know so I can tag and credit appropriately!) Chapter 1: Doctor My Back
Chapter 2: Bad News on the Doorstep
Chapter 3: So This is How it Is
Chapter 4: Doctor My Eyes
Chapter 5: Odd New World
Chapter 6: Winston
Chapter 7: Everything But the Bus
Chapter 8: Life's a Piece of Shit, When You Look at It
Chapter 9: Memory Lane
Chapter 10: Back Again
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tenitchyfingers · 6 months
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ilovedig · 2 years
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This SCREAMS modern-day AU.
Even though it's real.
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shippingmclennon · 2 months
Fic update:
*Chapter 1 will be posted this week*
Uni is a great place for starting over. It's like the place you go from a boy to a man, a new identity if you will, where you sort of “find yourself”.
And John knows a thing or two about finding himself. As a troubled, neglected, and bitter teen, John was toxic by definition. He was a dick. He was cruel. His life was a mess. So you could say he knows a thing or two about change. Especially when the absolute worst heartbreak of his life; the end of a relationship he thought would kill him; caused him to take a good look at himself, and, well… change.
This new John is “healed”, as they say. He got his life on track, he's a good person now (really!), and now, he's using every opportunity to make the best of his life. Unbelievably, he's moved on. But even more importantly, he's changed.
However, no amount of “moved on” could've prepared him for what he stumbled upon here. The absolute last thing he expected to see in his uni halls… the very man himself; his ex-boyfriend. Paul McCartney.
*Title coming shortly*
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tocrackerboxpalace · 4 months
fuck it, sports au. in my boy arc. whatever
third and final chapter expected to be posted... tomorrow? I already have most of it written, so... yeah!
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johnlennonyaoi · 1 year
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he is shit talking
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beatleshalloween · 5 months
I just finished this cute little creative alternative universe story.
I hope you will enjoy it!
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dizzzyondreams · 4 months
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He wonders if, had he had a taste of friendship with all those things before returning to his reality, if he would feel quieter, and lonelier, and more sad, now that he wasn’t friends with them.
The answer is probably yes.
Wilbur tries not to think about this very often; it just makes him hungry for all the things he’ll never have. An insatiable hunger.
Wilbur wonders if Phil ever feels like this.
Finally, Wilbur settles on something, because he taps the screen once before lowering his hands, keeping hold of the phone and letting a song play from it.
Guitar. That’s what starts this song off.
Tommy tilts his head. He’s never heard this before. It’s a new song to him.
But it’s… pretty. As far as the first bit goes, at least; all gentle guitar and soft singing, all that. It sounds like something Ghostbur would like.
And then the chorus comes around, and Tommy’s eyes widen a little bit as the lyrics hit his ears.
“Jesus, my heart, your home. Jesus.”
Tommy flicks his gaze to Wilbur, inquisitive.
Wilbur gazes back, even and calm.
The song continues playing, and after a few seconds, Tommy turns his attention back to it. He’s paying more attention to the lyrics now.
“I will sing for you, all my days. Always quick to give you praise. When I was in sin, you saved my soul. No greater love will I ever know.”
“Do you go to church?” Tommy asks, because he couldn’t keep the question inside his chest any longer.
“No,” Wilbur answers, quick but sure. “Not really, no. I don’t even believe in most of the things this song talks about.”
“Oh. Then…” Tommy furrows his brow. “Then why do you listen to it?”
The song turns loud, strong guitar strums and almost yell-y singing, and Wilbur turns thoughtful, tilting his head ever so slightly as he looks off into the distance.
For a moment, he doesn’t say anything.
The song keeps playing.
“You tried to revive Wilbur,” Ghostbur said, hoping that the king would understand what so few seemed to. “You tried to kill me."
Wilbur hums, and with a quick prayer to whoever is listening, Niki starts to drive.
Ranboo’s heart drops. Oh no.
“Hey, hey, um… W-Wilbur? What… what uh, what’s wrong?” Ranboo hurriedly kneels down, as close to Wilbur as he dares.
(Another one for heart because I wanted to share :)
No. Everything is warm and hazy, drifting in and out of focus with each beat of his heart—a heart which, as far as Wilbur can tell, is slow, lazy, irregular. Irregular. A wobbling spotlight that shines in the wrong places, doesn’t follow the cues.
Wilbur blinks, peering up from his phone to see Ghostbur walking into the kitchen, blinking the sleepiness from his eyes. “Hey. I got, um…” He gestures vaguely to the island. “McDonald’s.”
“McDonald’s,” Ghostbur repeats, sounding inquisitive and amazed at the same time.
Wilbur blinks.
Ghostbur comes to a stop in front of the island, looking around at the paper bags filled with breakfast food. He blinks hard, as if trying to will away any leftover wisps of unconsciousness. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had McDonald’s.”
“You can sleep after this,” Tommy assures, hovering in case the cup spills from Ghostbur’s hands. “Just- make sure you drink enough, y’know. I don’t want you getting diehydrated or anything.”
Ghostbur doesn’t smile at Tommy’s joke, and Tommy suddenly feels lonely. Which is weird, because Ghostbur is right here. He’s not lonely.
His heart just gave a proper pang though, didn’t it?
“You’re not ever yourself after doctor visits,” Tommy says softly, watching as Ghostbur sips at the straw with nearly-closed eyes.
(Couldn’t find one for gentleness so I went with gentle instead!)
He hopes that his voice sounds gentle. He wonders if it’s possible to bend his voice in such a way that sounds gentle.
When they get inside, the song isn’t finished, so they stay in the living room and Ghostbur sways the both of them back and forth, back and forth, all the way until they finish na-na-na-na-ing. It doesn’t matter that they can’t see very well, with all the lights off; they know they’re both here. They can hear each other. Tommy can feel the soft wool of Ghostbur’s sweater sleeves.
They finish the last lyric, and for a few seconds, the whole house is quiet.
Ghostbur leans forward, pressing a kiss onto Tommy’s head. Tommy blinks as he pulls back.
Ghostbur smiles. “I think of you whenever I hear that song."
Tommy doesn’t know what to say to that, so he doesn’t say anything.
As they both lay in bed, facing each other, Tommy moves a little closer than usual. Ghostbur keeps his eyes closed, but he rubs his thumb along Tommy’s arm until they both fall asleep, and that makes Tommy feel better.
When Tommy wakes up, the first thing he does is check to make sure Ghostbur’s still here. He is.
Ghostbur’s thumb is still resting against Tommy’s arm.
Tommy moves a little bit closer, and he falls back asleep.
“You could’ve been trying to pull a prank on me, or a joke.”
Wilbur’s heart twinges, just a bit. “I wouldn’t do that.”
Ghostbur says nothing.
“I’ll help you, alright?” Wilbur takes a step closer, water sloshing up his legs. “I’ll make sure nothing… bad happens, or anything.”
Ghostbur finally looks up, meeting Wilbur’s eyes. He looks skeptical.
Wilbur raises his brows. “Promise. Y’know, we’ll be like… we’ll be like brothers, right? This is the sort of thing brothers do!”
Ghostbur tilts his head thoughtfully. “Perhaps.”
“Look, I don’t wanna stay out here all day, man. Just try it. Look, you suck in a breath and hold it, so your body stays buoyant. See?” Wilbur breathes in to demonstrate, but Ghostbur wrinkles his nose.
“I know how to hold my breath.”
“Then do it, man! Come on!” Wilbur gestures at the water, grinning. “I’ll make sure you don’t sink. I’ll grab you if things go south, alright?”
Ghostbur looks at the water again, nodding after a few moments. “Okay.”
“It’s just fl-“ Wilbur cuts himself off, eyes widening with surprise as Ghostbur lowers himself down and takes a deep breath, shutting his eyes.
And Ghostbur freaking floats. He lays there in the water with his eyes shut and his freaking shirt on and he floats. He barely even moves, actually; just floats there, like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
For a minute, he stays like that, and for a minute, Wilbur stares, not quite sure how to react to this.
I didn’t know he was going to do it that quickly.
After a minute, Ghostbur blinks his eyes open, quickly widening them as he tries to right himself.
“You’re fine,” Wilbur assures, stepping forward and letting Ghostbur cling to his arm and get pulled up. “See? Right here, just like I said.”
Ghostbur says absolutely nothing, squeezing Wilbur’s arm with both hands and breathing hard. His hair sticks to his forehead in a dark mess.
Wilbur realizes that his own hair probably looks the same.
“You did it, man.” Wilbur laughs, because there’s really nothing else to do. “You floated! Y’know? And I didn’t even have to do anything! Man, are you sure you don’t know how to swim? I’m being serious. Because that was fantastic, right there.”
Ghostbur stares at his hands, wrapped around Wilbur’s arm, and then he slowly brings his gaze upward, until they meet his brother’s. His eyes are wide. “That water is cold!”
Wilbur laughs again, louder. His feet nearly trip over themselves, but he manages to stay upright and not fall into the river. “Yeah, I suppose it is.”
“And… I floated.”
Wilbur smiles. “I suppose you did.”
“Oh.” Ghostbur glances at the water again, eyes dancing. He looks back to his hands, holding onto Wilbur, and blinks. He pulls his hands away. “I think I hurt you.”
Wilbur looks down, noticing how his skin is white where Ghostbur had held onto it. “Nah, I’m fine.”
“That might bruise.”
“It won’t.”
“I was just a little nervous.”
“I know. But you floated anyway.” Wilbur raises his brows. “Yeah?”
Ghostbur looses a breath through his mouth, nodding. “Yeah. I did, I did.”
Then he brightens. “Oh. I really did, didn’t I?”
“Heck yeah, man.”
“Oh.” Ghostbur slowly runs his fingers through the river, creating small waves. He smiles—a flickering sort of thing. “I did. I did.”
Wilbur grins. His arm probably will bruise—Ghostbur has a hard grip, man—but he can’t bring himself to care. He doesn’t care.
There’s birds chirping everywhere.
He glances at the window, watching orange light bleed through the closed blinds. Is it too early? He planned to do it tonight, after the sun set and the world grew cold.
But there’s nothing else to do.
Wilbur huffs a laugh that sounds more like a sickness. Might as well. The timing won’t change anything; it’s inevitable either way.
He grunts as he rises to his feet, wandering towards his dresser. The slivers of sunlight that worm their way between the blinds cast lines on the wall. Wilbur blocks them with his shadow.
“But,” Tommy continues, dipping a fry into some ketchup. “This makes it better.”
“What does?”
“Food. Five Guys. Even you.” He holds up the ketchup-dipped fry, waving it about with a glint in his eye. “I love salt!”
Wilbur huffs a smile, gazing at the table.
(Another one for love just because)
Ghostbur smiles, huffing quietly to himself. Tommy is very funny. He does such strange things. Ghostbur loves him more than he loves anything else.
(Annnnd another one)
Niki shakes her head. “My bakery is gone.”
“Wh… gone?”
“I burned it.”
He stops walking, and some of the leaves go quiet.
Niki walks ahead of him. After a second or two, she hears leaves again.
“Oh. Okay!” He comes up alongside her, and he’s taller than her, because he’s always been taller than her. “That seems like a strange thing to do to something you love. Why did you burn it?”
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mallowedheart · 1 year
My interpretation of a beatles modern au
Let's set the scene: The au would take place right now in the 2020s- or as far back as the 2010s to now. The boys meet and sign with brian, then move from liverpool to london before they debut as an official band to the public. brian is 28, john and ringo are both 20, paul is 18 and george is 17.
birthday: june 18 2005
favorite food: mashed potatoes
resident pintrest girlie
semi-popular tiktoker
aesthetic: light academia
zodiac: gemini
the biggest perfectionist of the group
very, very protective of george
has a 10 step routine
is a part of the online kpop scene/stan twitter
plays bass and piano
birthday: october 9th 2003
favorite food: chocolate everything
an infamous redditer and overall shitposter
gets in petty arguments with random people on twitter
scrolls tags like booktok when on tiktok
zodiac sign: libra
aesthetic: retrocore
loves the hunger games trilogy and alice in wonderland
big book nerd in general
closeted bisexual
has a very obvious, big fat crush on paul
both a part time insomniac and part time narcolept
plays guitar and harmonica
birthday: february 24th/25th 2006
he likes to celebrate his birthday on both days
favorite food: biscuits
your average redditer
scrolls tiktok but doesn't make any himself
zodiac sign: pisces
aesthetic: hippie
has a giant crystal collection
introvert who meditates in his alone time
highly spiritual and intuitive
has social anxiety
plays guitar as well
birthday: july 8th 2003
favorite food: baked beans
tweets almost daily
low key the only positive person on twitter
highest paid ms paint artist at $380
zodiac sign: cancer
aesthetic: softcore
sensitive and sweet to literally everyone he meets
honestly too wholesome for this world
he's the friend everyone needs
plays drums and is an absolute god when playing them
birthday: september 19th 1995
favorite food: scones and muffins
zodiac sign: virgo
uses older social media like facebook
he does have his own separate twitter account though
is trying to give the band a social media presence
he contacted companies to audition them through social media
aesthetic: ? he doesn't identify with any specific one
closeted homosexual to everyone except the band
genuinely loves the boys and wants them to succeed for their own sakes
has become a father figure to them all
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