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club-mj · 2 years ago
Trening kada smo prehladjeni-da ili ne?🤧
Zagazili smo u široku temu. Sa dosta oprečnih shvatanja. Ali korak po korak otvaraćemo sloj po sloj ove jako kontroverzne teme oko koje se i profesionalci, mislim na kolege trenere i ljude iz branše, često spore.
Prehlada ili nešto ozbiljnije
E sad, kada pričamo o poljuljanom zdravlju imamo bezbroj varijanti. Pojedinac može biti bolestan od hronične bolesti, akutne bolesti i tinjajuće bolesti koja još nije ispoljila sve simptome, laički rečeno. Hroničnih bolesti je bezbroj zaista i samo ako krenemo od dijabetesa preko alergija možemo debatovati satima. U današnjem pisanju osvrnula bih se na takozvane sezonske prehlade tokom zimskih meseci koje dovode ljude u sumnju šta im je činiti. Pogotovo sa dolaskom korone u naše živote, ova pojava se popularizovala i kao vid društveno odgovornog ponašanja pojedinca i to u stilu: ”Šta ako je u pitanju korona sa blagim simptomima i mi odemo u tu našu teretanu pa zarazimo nekog ko će ispoljiti mnogo ozbiljnije simptome nego mi sami.”  Hajde da se sada bacimo na konkretne činjenice. Za početak, jako je bitno da smo svesni koje simptome imamo. Da li je u pitanju klasična prehlada sa blagim simptomima u smislu kijavice i blagog curenja nosa ili pak kašljemo, imamo bolove u plućima i mišićima, u krajnjoj liniji groznicu i temperaturu???  
Kada je dobro trenirati, a kada ne?
Naučna istraživanja pokazuju da u uslovima kada se simptomi ispoljavaju “do linije vrata” nema potrebe da se uzdržavamo od treninga i možemo slobodno nastaviti da treniramo u okviru svojih mogućnosti.  Međutim, ukoliko se simtomi ispoljavaju tako da zahvataju regije ispod nivoa vrata, dakle bolovi u grudnom košu su prisutni, bolovi u mišićima i zglobovima, kašljanje i gust sekret iz pluća, onda definitivno treba da se držimo podalje od teretane. I pogodite šta.., u ovakvim uslovima definitivno nećemo ni biti u mogućnosti da treniramo jer, ,, red ponavljanja, red kašljanja i nije idealan način za postizanje hipertrofije ili povećanje kardiorespiratorne sposobnosti. 
E sad, ako uzmemo u obzir moderne alergije i njihovu učestalost, moramo imati na umu da neki ljudi ne bi mogli da privire u teretanu veći deo godine, te stoga moramo razmišljati i o uzroku ispoljavanja pojedinih simtoma i kako ih držati pod kontrolom, a tu već zalazimo na temu hroničnih bolesti.  
Jedno je zasigurno, a to i spontano dolazi na svoje mesto, sa temperaturom se moramo držati kreveta, toplog čaja i kvalitetnog odmora, jer će vežbanje biti krajnje kontraproduktivno, čak iako nije u pitanju korona. Dati organizmu vremena da se oporavi ja najbolja stvar koju možemo da učinimo, a ne iscrpljivati ga dodatno, jer u ovim okolnostima nema govora o napretku.
Šta pomaže? 
U svakom konkretnom slučaju moramo biti spremni da koristimo zdrav razum i slušamo svoje telo. Gripozna stanja nas sama uvode u  osećaj malaksalosti i nemoći, pa logično da nećemo moći da damo svoj maksimum na treningu i zato je bolje odmoriti i napuniti baterije. S druge strane, grebuckanje u grlu, kijavica, blago curenje nosa, može biti neprijatno, ali uz adekvatnu suplementaciju i kvalitetne kapi za nos možemo držati pod kontrolom, jer alergije i stanja koja one izazivaju postaju bolest modernog doba, a ukoliko bi nas to držalo van trenaznog procesa onda bismo sebe osudili na nedelje izvan teretane. Na kraju, uvek treba slušati svoje telo, jer ono zna najbolje! Za sva ozbiljna medicinska stanja treba se kao i uvek posavetovati sa lekarom naročito ako osoba prvi put ili posle duže pauze ulazi ponovo u trenažni proces. I ne zaboravite da uživate u treningu! 
Sportski pozdrav!
Milica Jovanović-NASM CPT
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jennifernaylorworld-blog · 7 years ago
HRM 594 Strategic Staffing Entire Course
To Get this Tutorial Copy & Paste above URL Into Your Browser
Hit Us Email for Any Inquiry at: [email protected]
Visit our Site for More Tutorials: (  http://homeworklance.com/ )
 HRM 594 Strategic Staffing Entire Course
 HRM 594 Week 2: Tanglewood Paper Case 1
 HRM 594 Week 4: Tanglewood Paper Case 3
 HRM 594 Week 7 Course Project
 HRM 594 Entire Course All 7 Weeks Discussions
 HRM 594 Week 1 Dq 1 Staffing Strategy & ModelsLegal Compliance
HRM 594 Week 1 dq 2 Staffing Legislation
 HRM 594 Week 2 DQ 1 HR Planning
HRM 594 Week 2 DQ 2 Job Descriptions and Job Analysis
 HRM 594 Week 3 DQ 1 Internal Recruitment
HRM 594 Week 3 DQ 2 External Recruitment
 HRM 594 Week 4 DQ 1 Measurement
HRM 594 Week 4 DQ 2External Selection
 HRM 594 Week 5 DQ 1 Internal & External Selection
HRM 594 Week Week 5 DQ 2 Tanglewood Case Case 4
 HRM 594 Week 6 DQ 1 Decision Making & the Final Match
HRM 594 Week 6 DQ 2 Tanglewood Case Cases 5 & 6
 HRM 594 Week 7 DQ 1 Staffing System Management
HRM 594 Week 7 DQ 2 Retention Strategies
  HRM 594 Final Exam Answers
  (TCO B) Review the 13 strategic staffing decisions that     organizations must make when developing a staffing strategy. Provide     an example of an organizational business strategy, and explain how each     decision might be impacted by the given business goals. (Points: 25)
  (TCO E) You are the staffing manager for your     organization. Fully discuss the administrative issues that you would     address in the planning stage of external recruiting. Explain the     importance of each issue. (Points: 30)
  (TCO G) If you were the HR staffing manager for an     organization, what guidelines might you recommend regarding oral and     written communication with the job applicants by members of the     organization? (Points: 30)
  (TCO C) As an HR leader, how would you try to get     individual managers to be more aware of the legal requirements of staffing     systems and to take steps to ensure that they themselves engage in legal     staffing actions? (Points: 30)
  (TCO F) Assume you gave a general ability test,     measuring both verbal and computational skills, to a group of applicants     for a specific job. Also assume that because of severe hiring pressures,     you hired all of the applicants, regardless of their test scores. How     would you investigate the criterion-related validity of the test? (Points:     25)
  (TCO H) There are numerous negative organizational     consequences to firing employees, including the discomfort of the     supervisor who delivers the termination information, conflict or sabotage     from the departing employee, and the potential for a lawsuit. In response,     many supervisors provide problem employees unpleasant work tasks, reduced     working hours, or otherwise negatively modify their jobs in hopes that the     problem employees will simply quit. What are the ethical issues raised by     this strategy? (Points: 30)
  (TCO A) Imagine an organization that has a staffing     process in which vacancies are filed (a) on a lottery basis from among job     applicants, or (b) on a first-come, first-hired basis among job     applicants. Predict the potential problems associated with these     scenarios. (Points: 30)
  (TCO D) It has been suggested that “ethical conduct” be     formally incorporated as a general competency requirement for any job     within the organization. Debate the pros and cons of this suggestion.     (Points: 30)
  (TCO I) Consider a circumstance where your organization     is doing exit interviews and has promised confidentiality to all who     respond. Your supervisor has asked you to give the name of each respondent     so she can assess the information in conjunction with the person’s     supervisor. What obligation do corporate HR employees have to keep     information confidential in such circumstances? (Points: 20)
 (TCO B) Discuss the 13 strategic staffing decisions one must make when developing an organizational staffing strategy. Do you believe that some of them are more important to an organization than others? Which ones? Fully explain your reasoning, providing clear examples to illustrate your position. (Points: 25)
  (TCO E) You are the staffing manager for your organization. Fully discuss the administrative issues that you would address in the planning stage of external recruiting. Explain the importance of each issue. (Points: 30)
 (TCO G) You are a staffing manager. Recommend the steps your organization should take to develop and implement a policy regarding employment-at-will. Explain the importance of having an employment-at-will policy, and the consequences of not having one. (Points: 30)
 (TCO C) As an HR leader, how would you try to get individual managers to be more aware of the legal requirements of staffing systems and to take steps to ensure that they themselves engage in legal staffing actions? (Points: 30)
 (TCO F) You are a staffing professional. Describe how you might go about determining scores for applicants’ responses to: a. interview questions, b. letters of recommendation, and c. questions about previous work experience. (Points: 25)
 (TCO H) You are an HR Manager for ABC Corporation. Your strategic staffing plan indicates that in the next five years, your 500 Customer Service Representatives will need specific computer skills to utilze a new technology that is planned. None of the reps currently have this skill. Other than terminating all of the employees and hiring new employees with the required skills, discuss two possible alternatives the company might consider. (Points: 30)
 . (TCO A) Imagine an organization that has a staffing process in which vacancies are filed (a) on a lottery basis from among job applicants, or (b) on a first-come, first-hired basis among job applicants. Predict the potential problems associated with these scenarios. (Points: 30)
 . (TCO D) You are the HR Manager of your organization. Your task is to perform job analysis on all of the jobs within your organization. What are the advantages and disadvantages to using multiple methods of job analysis for a particular job? Multiple sources? (Points: 30)
 (TCO I) Which of the costs and benefits of voluntary turnover are most likely to vary according to the type of job? Give specific examples. (Points: 20)
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peggydecker-blog · 8 years ago
HRM 594 Strategic Staffing Entire Course
To Get this Tutorial Copy & Paste above URL Into Your Browser
Hit Us Email for Any Inquiry at: [email protected]
Visit our Site for More Tutorials: (  http://homeworklance.com/ )
 HRM 594 Strategic Staffing Entire Course
 HRM 594 Week 2: Tanglewood Paper Case 1
 HRM 594 Week 4: Tanglewood Paper Case 3
 HRM 594 Week 7 Course Project
 HRM 594 Entire Course All 7 Weeks Discussions
 HRM 594 Week 1 Dq 1 Staffing Strategy & ModelsLegal Compliance
HRM 594 Week 1 dq 2 Staffing Legislation
 HRM 594 Week 2 DQ 1 HR Planning
HRM 594 Week 2 DQ 2 Job Descriptions and Job Analysis
 HRM 594 Week 3 DQ 1 Internal Recruitment
HRM 594 Week 3 DQ 2 External Recruitment
 HRM 594 Week 4 DQ 1 Measurement
HRM 594 Week 4 DQ 2External Selection
 HRM 594 Week 5 DQ 1 Internal & External Selection
HRM 594 Week Week 5 DQ 2 Tanglewood Case Case 4
 HRM 594 Week 6 DQ 1 Decision Making & the Final Match
HRM 594 Week 6 DQ 2 Tanglewood Case Cases 5 & 6
 HRM 594 Week 7 DQ 1 Staffing System Management
HRM 594 Week 7 DQ 2 Retention Strategies
  HRM 594 Final Exam Answers
  (TCO B) Review the 13 strategic staffing decisions that     organizations must make when developing a staffing strategy. Provide     an example of an organizational business strategy, and explain how each     decision might be impacted by the given business goals. (Points: 25)
  (TCO E) You are the staffing manager for your     organization. Fully discuss the administrative issues that you would     address in the planning stage of external recruiting. Explain the     importance of each issue. (Points: 30)
  (TCO G) If you were the HR staffing manager for an     organization, what guidelines might you recommend regarding oral and     written communication with the job applicants by members of the     organization? (Points: 30)
  (TCO C) As an HR leader, how would you try to get     individual managers to be more aware of the legal requirements of staffing     systems and to take steps to ensure that they themselves engage in legal staffing     actions? (Points: 30)
  (TCO F) Assume you gave a general ability test,     measuring both verbal and computational skills, to a group of applicants     for a specific job. Also assume that because of severe hiring pressures,     you hired all of the applicants, regardless of their test scores. How     would you investigate the criterion-related validity of the test? (Points:     25)
  (TCO H) There are numerous negative organizational     consequences to firing employees, including the discomfort of the     supervisor who delivers the termination information, conflict or sabotage     from the departing employee, and the potential for a lawsuit. In response,     many supervisors provide problem employees unpleasant work tasks, reduced     working hours, or otherwise negatively modify their jobs in hopes that the     problem employees will simply quit. What are the ethical issues raised by     this strategy? (Points: 30)
  (TCO A) Imagine an organization that has a staffing     process in which vacancies are filed (a) on a lottery basis from among job     applicants, or (b) on a first-come, first-hired basis among job     applicants. Predict the potential problems associated with these     scenarios. (Points: 30)
  (TCO D) It has been suggested that “ethical conduct” be     formally incorporated as a general competency requirement for any job     within the organization. Debate the pros and cons of this suggestion.     (Points: 30)
  (TCO I) Consider a circumstance where your organization     is doing exit interviews and has promised confidentiality to all who     respond. Your supervisor has asked you to give the name of each respondent     so she can assess the information in conjunction with the person’s     supervisor. What obligation do corporate HR employees have to keep     information confidential in such circumstances? (Points: 20)
 (TCO B) Discuss the 13 strategic staffing decisions one must make when developing an organizational staffing strategy. Do you believe that some of them are more important to an organization than others? Which ones? Fully explain your reasoning, providing clear examples to illustrate your position. (Points: 25)
  (TCO E) You are the staffing manager for your organization. Fully discuss the administrative issues that you would address in the planning stage of external recruiting. Explain the importance of each issue. (Points: 30)
 (TCO G) You are a staffing manager. Recommend the steps your organization should take to develop and implement a policy regarding employment-at-will. Explain the importance of having an employment-at-will policy, and the consequences of not having one. (Points: 30)
 (TCO C) As an HR leader, how would you try to get individual managers to be more aware of the legal requirements of staffing systems and to take steps to ensure that they themselves engage in legal staffing actions? (Points: 30)
 (TCO F) You are a staffing professional. Describe how you might go about determining scores for applicants’ responses to: a. interview questions, b. letters of recommendation, and c. questions about previous work experience. (Points: 25)
 (TCO H) You are an HR Manager for ABC Corporation. Your strategic staffing plan indicates that in the next five years, your 500 Customer Service Representatives will need specific computer skills to utilze a new technology that is planned. None of the reps currently have this skill. Other than terminating all of the employees and hiring new employees with the required skills, discuss two possible alternatives the company might consider. (Points: 30)
 . (TCO A) Imagine an organization that has a staffing process in which vacancies are filed (a) on a lottery basis from among job applicants, or (b) on a first-come, first-hired basis among job applicants. Predict the potential problems associated with these scenarios. (Points: 30)
 . (TCO D) You are the HR Manager of your organization. Your task is to perform job analysis on all of the jobs within your organization. What are the advantages and disadvantages to using multiple methods of job analysis for a particular job? Multiple sources? (Points: 30)
 (TCO I) Which of the costs and benefits of voluntary turnover are most likely to vary according to the type of job? Give specific examples. (Points: 20)
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club-mj · 2 years ago
Modaliteti treninga i ciljevi vežbača
Šta je dobar izbor za mene?🤓📖
Iako naslov zvuči stručno za prosečnog rekreativca, korak po korak ćemo razložiti temu i prodiskutovati najvažnije aspekte. Cilj je da razumete koje sve vrste treninga postoje i kako u moru brojnih opcija izabrati pravu spram svojih potreba. U širem smislu možemo razlikovati trening snage, izdržljivosti, balansa, fleksibilnosti, kardio trening... Ono što je važno da znamo jeste da danas postoji mnogo različitih naziva za ove treninge ili čak grupu treninga a mi smo ih ovde grupisali prema cilju koji se treningom postiže. 
Trening snage- benefiti 🏋️
Danas je bez sumnje veliku popularnost stekao trening snage, a ja ću uz to dodati, i opravdano, s obzirom na benefite koje ima za vežbače. Ovaj trening opet ima svoje varijacije u zavisnosti od rekvizita koje možemo koristiti u radu. Prvenstveno, cilj ovog treninga jeste povećanje opšte forme pojedinca uz postepenu izgradnju mišićne mase odnosno hipertrofiju. Ukoliko pojedinac dovoljno dobro napreduje može preći u narednu fazu treninga maksimalne snage koju karakteriše visok intezitet. Ne treba zaboraviti da je za programiranje ovakvog treninga potrebno angažovati stručno lice, odnosno trenera.
Forme kardio treninga 🏃‍♀️
Kada govorimo o kardio treningu govorimo o popularno nazvanom treningu za sagorevanje kalorija. Kardio trening je jedno vreme bio jako zastupljen kroz razne forme grupnih treninga ili takozvanog aerobrika, a potom je doživljavao razne transformacije pa tako danas mnogi vežbači optiraju za kardio sprave u teretanama na kojima se pored stabilnog tempa moze raditi i intervalan trening, dok drugi uživaju u spiningu a dosta njih i u HIIT treningu (high intensity interval training). HIIT je postao popularan kao vid treninga koji pruža mogućnost da za kratko vreme sagorite veliki broj kalorija i da se te kalorije nastavljaju sagorevati i kad izadjete iz sale. Ne treba zaboraviti da bi HIIT mogli da odradimo po samim zahtevima treninga (maksimalan intezitet 30 sec) moramo biti u prilično dobroj formi.  
Kada govorimo o izdržljivosti možemo pomenuti razne vrste kružnih treninga gde se vežbači organizuju tako da prolaze više različitih vežbi u krug ali zadržavanje na jednoj vežbi je nešto duže, oko 50 sec recimo, i priroda samih vežbi je drugačija, statika umesto dinamike, low imapct umesto high impacta(plankovi, izdržaji u čučnju, razne vrste hodanja četvoronoške) 
Cilj je aktivirati mišićna vlakna koja pružaju potporu celom mišićno skeletnom sistemu, nizak intezitet veliki broj ponavljanja.  
Rekviziti- bez njih trening nije zanimljiv🥊
Danas imamo zastupljene brojne rekvizite za trening, TRX, bosu lopte, elastične trake, potom elektrostimulaciju mišića, ruska zvona sa drugačijom distribucijom opterećenja, da ne pominjemo silne kardio sprave kojima su obogaćene teretane u poslednjih 20 godina, a koje simuliraju brojne aktivnosti. Sve ovo pruža mogućnost prosečnom vežbaču da mu trening bude interesantan. 
Da sumiramo- šta je važno da znamo?🏅
Međutim, prinicipi vežbanja ostaju isti. Prvo gradimo bazu pa prelazimo na “fine radove”. Dakle, multizglobne vežbe i trening snage predstavljaju jezgro procesa. Korektivne vežbe nezaobilazna su stanica u slučaju postojanja bilo kakvih postularnih problema. Kardio, istezanje i balans idu ruku pod ruku sa treningom snage i to je nešto što čini okosnicu celog procesa a i kao alat za povećanu potrošnju (kardio) u slučaju gojaznih vežbača.  
Trening, da, treba i može da bude zanimljiv, ali u okvirima osnovnih postulata. Trening uvek mora biti dobro isplaniran i programiran prema ciljevima svakog pojedinca, a modaliteti svakog treninga su samo alati za postizanje istiih.
Milica Jovanović-NASM CPT
#club mj#modelslegs#vežbanje#trening#vezbanje#ishrana#raspolozenje#plan ishrane#plan treninga#fitness#fitnes#motivacija#motivation#mindset#personal development#wellness#lifestyle#health#benefiti#zdravlje#zdrav život#zdrava hrana#motivating myself#psihologija#popularna psihologija#clubmj#workout programs#personal trainer#gym#workout
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club-mj · 2 years ago
Kakva je veza između vežbanja i dobrog raspoloženja
Koliko puta smo samo čuli lako je njemu on je u formi, on sve stiže, može, hoće… 😇
Da li ste se nekada zapitali zašto je to tako. Zapravo, iza ove izjave stoji čitav splet naučno dokazanih činjenica.
Hormoni kao oružje protiv depresije🤔 Šta je to što čoveka koji je u formi, popularno rečeno, odnosno trenira redovno, izdvaja od mase drugih ljudi koji se vrte u kolotečini svakodnevice. 
Pa prvo i osnovno-hormoni! Da, upravo tako, redovnom vežbaču hormonalni panel izgleda dosta optimističnije nego prosečnom čoveku. Kako,pitate se? Da li ste nekada videli čoveka koji znojav i zadihan izlazi sa treninga ili pak završava drugu zahtevnu kardiorespiratornu aktivnosti a na licu mu je široki osmeh i u stavu tela naboj energije i poleta? E pa za ovako poletno stanje našeg organizma zaslužni su hormoni koji se luče tokom trajanja fizičke aktivnosti a od kojih je najznačajniji oksitocin, značajan i u terapiji lečenja depresije!!!
Moć navike čuda stvara🎇
Ako vam sve ovo zvuči kao naučna fantastika predlažem da probate i uverite se i sami u blagotvorno dejstvo ubrzane srčane frekvence i dobrog bita a što vam može dati potpuno iste efekte kao i da ste otišli u noćni klub i djuskali uz vaše omiljene ritmove, bez nuspojava poput mamurluka, već samo benefita po zdravlje! 
Dalje, hajde da pričamo o jačanju volje, istrajnosti, disciplini. Veri u sebe. Vežbanje i vera u sebe,da li je to neka nova religija? Ne,opet samo nauka o psihologiji coveka.  
Dakle, ako ja sebi stvorim naviku da treniram i tu naviku kod sebe negujem da li to znaci da sam ja osoba koja sve što zacrta i na drugim poljima ostvari, i koja ne odustaje od svojih ciljeva? Pa naravno! Ja u svojoj svesti kreiram model ponašanja i odnosa poverenja sa samim sobom da svaki zacrtani cilj od manjeg ka vecem ostvarim tako sto sam spreman/na da se tome posvetim i radim na tome. Probajte, 7 dana da se drzite svog plana treninga i ishrane i vec za tako kratak vremenski period osetice kako vam samopouzdanje raste jer ste bili spremni da bez obzira na sve opstrukcije istrajete u onome sto je potrebno da radite kako bi vas dovelo do cilja. Ako tako pristupate stvarima vi kreirate neverovatan osecaj spremnosti da se izborite i sa drugim životnim problemima tj.čeličite svoju volju.
Sami svoji superheroji🚀 Vau, malo po malo sami gradimo svog superheroja a to smo mi sami sebi. Često ste verovatno čuli izreke tipa, računaj uvek samo na sebe i slično. Upravo tako i to je ono što ćete kreiranjem navike da redovno trenirate i postići-samosvest o snošenju odgovornosti za sopstvene postupke i posledice istih. Ja preuzimam odgovornost za svoje zdravlje i uzimam stvari u svoje ruke i to još danas! 
Da biste redovno trenirali i imali benefita od toga najefektnije je da imate personalizovan plan treninga i ishrane.Možete nam se obraditi putem mejla [email protected] 
ukoliko su vam potrebni personalizovani planovi ishrane i treninga koji će vas dovesti do najbolje verzije sebe, jer ne zaboravite, u zdravom telu zdrav duh!!! 
Milica Jovanovic,NASM CPT 
#club mj, #modelslegs
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