spgarchives · 6 years
Glitch In The System: A New Day
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We have an official name for the GITS teaser.
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Official Dev Blog
This is the official blog for the Existential Crisis Crew, a new game development team working on a fangame.
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spgarchives · 6 years
This is the evacuation audio from the games folders! Let us know what you think of this as I really have no clue what this could be heading towards.
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spgarchives · 6 years
Here is the Main Menu music from the Glitch In The System teaser release the other day if anyone is interested!
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spgarchives · 6 years
From this point onwards expect this blog to be more active, and a lot of spoilers for recent events.
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spgarchives · 6 years
Hello. My name is @amazingmbg-ambg (abbreviated to AMBG), and between me and @cacowhistle, we run this blog. We wanted to put together a comprehensive post covering what this blog is and how we will be using it.
This blog was made by cacowhistle to record anything important relating to the ARG around The Boss, The Boss Is Nothing, and Glitch In The System, a seriese of Jacksepticeye fangames created by Sarcastic Pasta Games. We will document everything, from the what goes on on the discord, to the names of videos on the YouTube channel, and even as far as hidden lore of the universe these games take place in. We will be keeping you up to date with new findings from the server and elsewhere.
Because of the sheer volume of information provided by the developers as part of this ARG, we have put together a comprehensive tagging system to make it easier for not just you, but for us as well to keep up with what is going on in this community.
We will start with the main tags. We will always tag our posts with the standard stuff like #SPGArchives , #TheBoss , #GlitchInTheSystem , #TheBossIsNothing , #SarcasticPastaGames , and #Jacksepticeye just because that is what this whole ARG is based on.
We will then go into detail on where the information came from. This could be #Discord , #SPGTumblr , #AskBillyTumblr , #Youtube , #GameFiles , #InGameDialogue or wherever new we get information from as we get it.
We will then go into even more detail about the type of concealement method used to hide the information if it was concealed in the first place. We will use tags like #Codes and #Audio , or whatever other form the information is concealed within. For the posts tagged #Codes , we will also give a tag with the type of code that was used to decrypt it, #ASCII85 for example.
This is where you guys then come in. If any of you have learnt anything new or want to share the groups findings, you can tag us into a post where you go over your findings, or message either of us on Discord with what you have found out and how you did so if necessary.
We hope this will allow you to work out your way around this Tumblr especially in these early days while we are uploading all of what we have learned so far in this journey. Thanks for reading and we hope you have fun working these out as a community.
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spgarchives · 6 years
Test Signal Follow Up
Over on the Discord server, @scarlet-witch-angel , @themelodyofgaming and @hawkeye221b managed to decode both the Test Signals, one from the game files and the other from this Tumblr post. Between the three, they worked out that they needed to use SSTV to decode the sounds into an image. The first few tries were unsuccessful, untill Katie mentioned that it should be decoded from an audio file in a program, rather than through speakers into a mic, which was what was previously used.
The first of the two files was from inside the game files, and it gave us this image.
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This was actually a drawing posted by one of the creators, Celestial Sushi, originally shown in this post.
It was later revealed by Katie that this image wasn’t ARG related, and instead, was left in the files by accident after they were testing to see if the SSTV stuff actually worked.
The second file was from the Tumblr post mentioned above. When cleaned up, this one showed us:
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What was in that glitched space, we are yet to discover, but we have been told that this is the picture we were intended to see, and not the image from the other Test Signal we ended up with.
Thanks again to everyone who helped with this in the Discord and if anyone finds anything else out or wants me to add anything, feel free to ping me on the Discord.
-Mod AmazingMBG-
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spgarchives · 6 years
Billy Encounter 3 [Part 2] & 4
Billy Encounter 3 (Basically just Anti Though)
For this next section, Mortemus (the voice actor for Anti in Glitch In The System) was playing, you guessed it, Anti. This stuff started at around 5:50 EST.
I have only got what Anti and Billy say as pretty much everything else is people trying to insult Anti, so i will be writing some text in brackets to give some reference.
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[What have you done with Billy]
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[Can we have him back]
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The code Billy gave us here was - ‘bGlzdGVuIGd1eXMgeW91IGhhdmUgdG8gdW5kZXJzdGFuZCBpdCdzIG5vdCBoZSdzIG5v’ 
When decoded using Base64, we end up with ‘listen guys you have to understand it's not he's no’
No idea what this was meant to say after that.
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[Don’t hurt him. Give him back]
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[Mass insulting]
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[Tell us more]
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^ Probably trying to say Tumblr.
[Someone gave a wrong translation of the code above]
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[What are you doing to him?]
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^ We assumed that this is referring to resetting Billy’s memories, hence why he doesn't remember the Discord chats with us. He appears minutes after this ended clueless again.
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[What do you want?]
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^ Referring to wiping Billy’s memories.
Billy Encounter 4
This took place 2 minutes after the last message from Anti, starting at 6:06 EST.
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Billy gets told about how he was here already etcetera.
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Someone asks ‘are you ok?’.
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This was the last time billy appeared for almost half a month. 
If anyone knows anything that we could do with including, message me on Discord or send us something on here.
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spgarchives · 6 years
Billy Encounters 1 & 2
Billy Encounter 1
The first Billy encounter happened on the 9th of May, at 9PM EST. 
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This is the first thing Billy said. He then went quiet for 8 minutes while the Bosses (Katie and Sushi) were telling us about how they had no idea who it was, and how they didn't even know the Billy role on the Discord exists.
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He then gave us this, and was gone.
Be warned, this next section is quite long.
Billy Encounter 2
There were 3 encounters with Billy on May 10th, a date which kept popping up in different places for quite a time before. The first appearance on this day was at 3:23 EST.
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[People tell Billy they trust him]
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[People say that they could try to help]
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He then disappeared until 5PM EST. 
(I was originally planning on doing all the May 10th stuff on one post but this has already gotten too long and I couldn't leave the first encounter as its own post or it would be lonely!)
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spgarchives · 6 years
Canon Status Of Blogs
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We had some confirmation from @katiemarie999 earlier today of the canon status of the @ask-spgbilly and @ask-possepticeye blogs.
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spgarchives · 6 years
Source code changes
A few pieces of the Tumblr source code for the @sarcastic-pasta-games blog has changed again...
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spgarchives · 6 years
Some nice confirmation from Katie today after the mess!
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Thanks Katie ;)
Extra thingy from after:
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Yet another extra thing:
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BTW, I will be doing the full post of today's antics tomorrow when I get the time to do so. Expect it soon.
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