#mod domo
scuseme-miss · 1 month
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got a new digital camera 🍏☮️🪱
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radgamers · 1 year
Hey besties, this blog is run by the server admin (ojin) and a mod (domo) from Rad Gamers (mostly the mod as the admin has administrative duties)!
Feel free to shoot us any questions you have about the server 💜
here's an invite:
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grogusmum · 2 years
Hello mama! Hope you good 🥰 If you already wrote it, delete this ask. (And I will read you other fics I promise)
I'm wondering about a fic where din djarin wonders when Grogu was born but he can't have this information and he will celebrate when they met, instead. With some Grogu pov lines.
I have not written anything like this! Thank you sweetie!
Let's see what we come up with.
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Din very much wanted to mark a special occasion with Grogu back with him.
He had spoken with Ahsoka about finding out more about Grogu's birth, to no avail.
"The records, sadly, are gone, and of course Grogu can't tell us," she told him with sympathy. "But perhaps you can celebrate something else."
"I suppose," Din watched Grogu waddling along in such long grass that at times it was taller than him, following an insect. A dragonfly from the looks of it.
"Perhaps the day the Armorer named us a clan."
Ahsoka hummed in the affirmative, smiling at the little green child as he tried to catch the insect.
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Grogu wanted to do something special for his dad, but he wasn't sure what. He had no credits, of course, so he couldn't buy anything, and he wouldnt be able to do it without the Mandalorian knowing anyway even if he did.
They were to go to Mandalore any day, but Grogu didn't know the plan. He was rarely consulted on such matters, to his chagrin. But he was pretty sure Auntie Peli would help if she could.
One morning, Peli was watching Grogu while Din prepared for their journey to the home of the Mandalorians.
"Hey, what are you up to there, Bright Eyes?" She asked coming around a corner to find him with the pit droids, his hands covered in oil and grease, trying to make a picture on a scrap of flimseyplast.
The droids were supposed to be his lookout, but they got distracted.
Grogu rolled his eyes at those guys, and Peli laughed kindly.
"You want to make a picture, fella?"
That's right, sister! Of course, Peli only heard babbling and cooing.
"Let's what we got!" She said carrying him over to her work table, she set him down and looked around.
Grogu was excited, he was excited to be on the table with so many interesting things and that Auntie had understood what he wanted. He couldn't help but get wiggly and giggly.
"Listen I don't have much, but here is a nice whole piece of flimsyplast and well, I got these marking pens, three colors- not too shabby."
Not too shabby at all ma'am!
He loved marking pens, there were black and green and white. The flimseyplast was gray so the white would be alright, Grogu smiled a big toothy grin at Peli, and she gave his ear a playful tug-
"No problem, Bright Eyes!"
Grogu worked very carefully, he was pretty sure he only had the one piece of flimseyplast.
When his dad returned, he was ready! He had the picture he made hidden in is robe and he was very excited and giggly. Din looked at him with amused curiosity. Grogu could tell by his helmet tilt and huff.
After some conversation with Peli that Grogu was not apart of, Din Grogu AND Peli went to Boba Fetts palace!
Grogu was shocked by this development!
At the Palace, Grogu was again shocked, the hall was decorated with bright penant flags, a mudhorn banner and there were blue cookies, roasted meats, colorful drinks. The Mods were there, so was that Cobb, and of course Uncle Boba and Auntie Fennec. All there to celebrate Din and Grogu becoming a family, The Mudhorn Clan of House Djarin!
"Congratulations little guy!" Peli beamed then joined that domo friend of hers. Grogu shrugged his shoulders at that guy.
Din looked at Grogu in his arms. Grogu could tell he was smiling, so he pulled the flimseyplast out of his robe and gave it to the Mandalorian.
"Whats this, Grogu?"
Din unfolded it to find a drawing of himself and Grogu riding a mythosaur.
"I- is this us? on a mythosaur?" Din said astonished, "How do you even know what they would look like?"
Grogu trilled and cooed. Chatting away about the features of the drawing.
Din was quiet for a time, just looking at the child's drawing then rather thickly, "Thank you, son. Let's get you some cookies."
Updated with Grogu drawing!
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redactedme · 1 year
I made my favorite Minecraft stories from my favorite YouTube Chanel: Nerd Gaming Malaysia part 2!!
Modded Minecraft Malaysia:Reborn a.k.a MMM:REBORN
There characters I made <3:
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Babatlicous or Babat,female, 19 years old,Panda's frienemy, side kick of the Puri Puri Town leader, friends with Aki,Panda,Fluffie,Ulala, Abe Domo, Meera,Malluffy. She's my 2nd favorite girl in the show tbh,she's awesome and bossy,I like it <3 she's a good auntie for Panda's son. She's a human.
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Aki Sakura or Aki,female, 19 years old, in love with Panda, a citizen of Puri Puri Town, friends with Panda, Ulala,Babat, Naim, Kakyong,Fluffie, Junior. She's in love with Panda since their first meet. Where? Well in another dimension yet they still recognize each other even though they meet in another dimension. Panda only see her as his best friends,but for her it's otherwise. She's human cat hybrid.
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Meran, male,19 years old, citizen of Puri Puri Town, friends with Alif,Naim, Hanif,Abe Domo,Fluffie,Panda. He's calm and not talk much,but he's very awesome for some people in the Town. In the show,he's not always shown up,but u can tell he's good at mining and fighting. He's an ice creature combined some human. (Fact,he was an ice creature and want to be human,so he found this human corpse and combined with it,then this is Meran :D)
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Today is the Ten-Year Anniversary of “Gmod DOMO Destroy a Temple Map! (Garry's Mod)”
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pesquisawrlddomes · 5 months
Bom dia, futura moderação! 🖤 Vocês poderiam explicar como seria a dinâmica no Twitter? Gostei muuuuuito da proposta, mas estou com dificuldade para visualizar como seria as interações, eventos, etc.
Boa tarde, sobrevivente! Claro, vou tentar explicar como irá funcionar, talvez fique um pouquinho grande. Semanalmente ou à cada 15 dias (ainda estamos decidindo) nós teremos os plot-drops, que nada mais são do que acontecimentos dentro da comunidade nos quais os personagens podem participar. Um plot-drop pode ser qualquer coisa. Uma festa, uma invasão nas muralhas, uma missão de exploração fora dos domos. O limite é nossa imaginação. Seus personagens receberão seus pontos de XP ao participarem desses plot-drops fazendo um self-para/pov contando o que estava fazendo nesse evento. Sempre iremos dar algumas ideias para ajudar, como por exemplo, personagens médicos podem fazer um pov ajudando os feridos durante uma invasão, enquanto os militares podem eliminar infectados que estão tentando passar pelos portões. Para cada plot-drop iremos dar alguns direcionamentos, mas a parte criativa de COMO cada personagem irá realizar os objetivos realmente cai muito na criatividade de cada jogador! Cada plot-drop terá um post no twitter onde diremos "enviem seus povs do plot-drop aqui", e vocês irão upar em algum host de texto (notion, codebin, tumblr) e mandar o link nessa thread. É ali que iremos contabilizar quem participou, e consequentemente, quem ganhará XP para evoluir seu personagem. De resto, as interações IC / OOC irão funcionar como qualquer cmm de twitter. "Ah mod, mas e se eu quiser fazer um pov conjunto com outra pessoa pra um plot-drop?" Fácil! É só vocês combinarem entre vocês o que os personagens farão juntos naquela situação, cada um escreve seu pov e posta na thread. A participação conjunta não afeta a funcionalidade de como os pontos serão dados. A única diferença é que os personagens envolvidos serão mencionados no pov de cada um. Literalmente um "ponto de vista".
Espero que isso tenha respondido!
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domoxsims · 1 year
Info About Me
• 97’ liner
• Sims Fanatic
• Been playing TS games for years. More focused on TS4 for the past few years or so.
• Mod player
• Alpha CC user
• Bird App: Twitter (I will not call it by any other name)
• TikTok: DomoxSims
• Main Tumblr Blog (Replies and Follows come from this page)
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mymodsandcc · 1 year
Mods for poses
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pokeheros-drama · 1 year
I’m confused why “i need info how domo cheated”
Well. He has alts, mass clicked, used magearna vouchers to sell for his premium with all his alts, doing giveaways to be “friendly” with people that he aint a cheater.. so what other “proof” you want? You own this blog and you should have known everyone talked about him at some point for cheating. Yet he still here
Plus we don’t even know if its the real domo here anyways. Does he have proof?
Mod edit; Meh. I don’t care about cheating, I even made a little “guide” on how to cheat via mass clicking. Lol.
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pornstar-massacre · 2 years
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ABOUT ME : lana (stuck between 2007 & 2014) | emo since 2011 :3 | they/them | taken 🔒 | insta @diamondcarcass ★ tumblr started march 14 / 2023
my fave 🎶 : ptv, sws, falling in reverse, escape the fate, rob zombie, marilyn manson, korn, bts (i know), slowdive, flyleaf, daft punk, $b, bones, skrillex, subhumans, s3rl n more
what i ♥︎ : my boyfriend <33 my little pony, dubstep, anything emoz, body mods, tokidoki, adventure time, falling in reverse, domo, scene kidz, all black, plushies, pierce the veil, nintendo games (especially old ones!), hello kitty, anything 2000s- early 2010s, japan
what i reblog : emo, goth, scene, 2000s & cute stuff :3 i like a lot of thingz from diff subcultures but i’m emo 🖤 anyway i reblog whatever i want, some may be gore/nsfw
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CW : likee i said b4, there will b shit on here that’s nsfw, gorey, etc. please keep that in mind if thingz trigger u. there will b blood n shit on here. also, none of the pictures i blog/post are mine UNLESS STATED !
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dgitalgrl · 2 years
henlo! its me domo, i kno we don't interact a lotta but i got 2 ask, how'd u make your character look like dat on skyrim? i play too and i want cute characters oomf
hi!! i use mods!
here's a link to sum presets: https://arca.live/b/tullius?category=%ED%94%84%EB%A6%AC%EC%85%8B&sort=ratingAll&p=1 (sum of the stuff on here is nsfw just a warning!)
and then i download whatever's required to get the presets to work on nexusmods ^_^
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thecleverqueer · 2 years
Random thoughts while watching the Book of Boba Fett Episode Three:
*The mods are kind of a weird concept. Is this what all the kids on Tatooine are doing these days? They’re making themselves into f*^%ing cyborgs? And why does that one kid have a webcam eyeball? Like, dude.. if you’re going to remove a body part in favor of droid part, make said droid part badass… don’t use a stand-alone webcam from 2013.
*Boba Fett collects allies a lot like normal folks collect useless trinkets. You see something that grabs your interest, think, “hmm this might be cool.. come work for me.” And, that’s it.
*The mods’ bikes are also weird. They look like they should be in Grease or something, maybe some future bullshit from Back To the Future, but in Star Wars? Plus, they’re a weird style for a desert planet. They just clash with the general aesthetic.
*Way to integrate the burping frog from the original trilogy to try and tie everything together… besides f*^%ing with characters like making Boba kinda soft in this when he was a hard ass MF in the OT.
*Oh Boba… what did I tell you about doing business with the Pykes!? You had the chance to off them, you showed mercy, and now they’ve killed your Tusken family.
*Black Krrsantan is a badass wookie. He takes out the cyborgs, then he bites right into the arm of that Gamorean (which may or may not taste like space pork. I dunno… if it isn’t cannon, it should be).
*Despite all the trappings, Star Wars characters only eat fruit and/or turkey legs (or, whatever their equivalency of turkey legs may be).
*The Hutts give Boba both a f*^%ing Rancor AND a beast of a wookie? Interesting turn of events…. “quite the gift indeed.”
*Jaguar mentions that the night sisters rode Rancors and now I can’t get the image of Ventress sitting atop one, lightsabers blazing while shit talking someone she’s about to beat the crap out of out of my head.
*The high speed chase between the annoying major domo and the mods on their weird speeders is excessive and kinda hokey TBH. Damn, look at all the water that they wasted!
*Fennec and Boba about to go to war with the Pykes. Roll credits.
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popee-hell · 6 years
Hey, this blog is dying so what about some requests?
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redactedme · 1 year
I made my favorite Minecraft stories from my favorite YouTube Chanel: Nerd Gaming Malaysia :D!!
The name of the Minecraft stories are= Modded Minecraft Malaysia:Reborn a.k.a MMM:REBORN
I made 4 of the character in the stories(cause I'm lazy maybe I'll make more later)
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This is Panda Merah,he's 21 years old and a single father over a red panda- yeah,he adopted a red panda :/ I'll explain later about his son but he adopted that red panda since he's 14 and taking care of them himself. Idk if I could tell his backstory but eh,maybe later.
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This is the twins brother sister,Ulala and Fluffie. Ulala the female one and Fluffie the male one. They're 16 years old,yes still a teenager. Their full name are Ulala binti Al-Hadat and Fluffie bin Al-Hadat. They had the golden wings behind them right? They're Avian :D in the stories they add Origin pack mod so they all got their own Origin. Panda was a human though.
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This is Abe Domo,a.k.a Abe letup :p his minecraft skin was like Tanjiro Kamado,as you can see so I guess this is he? He's 20 years old,and he's Ulala rival and Ulala was his rival. Ulala and him always fight,arguing cause,idk they hate each other I guess :p he had a lot of tnt's in his house,he loves tnt so much so that's why he'd been called as Abe letup.
That's all I guess :p I want to find more information about the characters in MMM:REBORN and I need to make more of the characters in gacha so,yeah :)
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ask-the-beleaguered · 6 years
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Poppet: "Well I don't have a secret lair, henchmen, or a nemesis. So I'm going to say just a plain villain"
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I'm leaving
I'm so sorry but I'm not in the ew fandom anymore, it's been toxic for so long it just... doesn't feel right.
See you.
-Mod Domo
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