topguncortez · 2 years
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Bad Medicine | Chapter 11
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synopsis: A wealthy Italian mobster sets up his daughter to marry the head of one of the last remaining mafias in California. The union was supposed to create and heal the damage between two families, but all it does is cause more harm than good.
word count: 5.0k
warnings: guns, drugs, mentions of prostitution, mentions of physical assault, mentions of sexual violence, mentions of torture, mentions of suicide, physical violence, nudity, steamy scenes, guns, mentions of graphic images, murder, fighting, mentions of threats, character death.
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In the quietness of the early morning, the only sound that could be heard throughout the mansion was the soft echo of Y/N’s footsteps as she moved down the hallway.She softly knocked on the large wooden door in front of her, staring at her slippers as she waited for an answer. It took a couple seemingly endless minutes before the door opened, revealing a half asleep Rooster. 
She offered a soft smile, “Can you teach me how to fight?”
The words alone made Rooster feel more awake, a smile breaking out across his face as he nodded his head at her, “Did you seriously wake up at six am to come ask me that?” Y/N nodded and he chuckled, “Give me 10 minutes, meet me down in the studio.” 
Buried down in the Seresin Mansion was the large basement. Y/N had only wandered down there a handful of times, one of the most memorable had been on her first night here. Since then, she had avoided the ‘Chamber’ and so had everyone else. Jake had vowed to himself after that night, that all torture and “business” agreements would happen outside of the mansion. Y/N had found herself in the basement other times though, digging around and looking at the various rooms. The boys had converted one room into a workout/fight studio. It had mats, various weights and equipment laying around. She often found herself hiding against the wall watching Jake and Rooster spar, their gorgeous bodies attacking each other with punches, and ultimately would lead to Rooster pining Jake to the mat. 
Y/N wore a pair of tight athletic shorts and a tank top, as she waited nervously for Rooster. She had some fighting experience,  just a couple of moves Reuben and Gianni had taught her, but other than that, she was otherwise defenseless. She didn’t like carrying a gun, even though Jake had suggested she does. The fight she had with Isabella was based on pure anger, and she was smaller than Y/N, making it easier for her to overpower her. 
Rooster sauntered into the ring, wearing just a pair of boxing shorts. She couldn’t help but look him up and down, his toned muscles on display. The wound on his abdomen was nearly healed, leaving another pink scar on his body. She watched as he walked over to a table and grabbed some ace wrap and tape. 
“For your fists,” Rooster said, gently taking her wrist in his hand. She held her hand up as he wrapped her fists, “So what do you know? I’m guessing you know some stuff?” 
“Payback and Gianni taught me the basics,” Y/N said, “Basic hand to hand.” 
“That’s really all you need to know. You’re always gonna be protected.” Rooster grabbed her other hand and started wrapping it. 
“That’s what I don’t want. I don’t want to… rely on you guys to always come save me.” 
Rooster nodded, placing the wrap back down on the bench, “Alright Muhammad Ali, show me what you got.” 
“I think more like Vinny Paz,” Y/N said as she climbed through the ropes. Rooster chuckled as he walked up, “Don’t hold back,” Rooster nodded as he brought his fists up, squaring up with her. 
Y/N walked around the ring, watching as Rooster bounced on the balls of his feet. She lunged first, going to swing at his face, but Rooster blocked it. They shuffled around, dodging each other’s swings. Rooster occasionally would give her small pointers on how to hold her hands, or to fix her stance. He would tell her different moves to try and how to get out of different situations. Y/N kicked up her leg, going to strike Rooster in the side, but he grabbed her leg, and tackled her to the ground. She landed on her back with a thud, her breath leaving her lungs. He moved off her quickly, sitting back on his heels and watching as she pushed herself up. 
“Keep going,” She said and Rooster nodded, pushing himself up. 
He watched her every move, letting her get some hits in. Rooster had explained some basic grappling techniques on how she could overpower her opponent. Y/N went and swung at his face, which Rooster dodged, and sent a hit across her face. He gasped as the hit sent her flying to the ground. He kneeled down next to her, reaching out to help her, but Y/N held her hand up stopping him. 
“Are you okay? Did I hit your nose?” Rooster asked her. 
“Quit going easy on me,” She whispered, “Going easy on me isn’t going to help me get better.” 
“I don’t want to hurt you, I’m just trying to help you. Fighting takes a lot of skill, we need to go slow.” 
“Do you think, given the chance, Francisco would go easy on me?” Y/N asked. 
“No, I don’t,” Rooster said, “I’m going to tell it to you straight, cause I know the rest of them will keep this shit from you. He left a note in Isabella’s hand, a warning basically. I’ve dealt with fuckers like Francisco before, and they don’t stop until they reach their goal. I know what it means to be scared, to see shit you aren’t supposed to ever see. I understand your need to want to protect yourself, and I am willing to help you, but you have to do this shit my way.”
Y/N looked up at him, and studied the lines on his face. She gently reached up, and ran her thumb over the scars, “How did you get here?” She asked him. Rooster smiled softly at her, and grabbed her wrist, placing a kiss on her palm. 
“That’s a story for another day.” Rooster answered, “Now come on, let’s do some more drills.” 
Rooster and Y/N spent most of the morning going over different drills. He showed her different ways to maneuver a knife as a self defense tool. He watched her as she beat up on a punching bag until her knuckles were split and starting to bleed through the white tape around them. They grappled a couple more times, Rooster teaching her how to place someone in a choke hold and break their wrists. 
Jake leaned up against the doorway, watching them shuffle around the ring in a sparring match. His eyes narrowed in on her, seeing her tiny body matchup against Roster’s large one. He was impressed when she tackled Rooster to the ground, but he also knew that he let her. She held him in a choke hold until he tapped out. She stood up with a bright smile on her face, her body covered in a layer of sweat as Rooster stood up from the mat. Jake clapped his hands slowly, drawing attention to himself as he walked over to the ring. 
“Guess we have a new fighter we can enter in at the club,” Jake smirked, leaning on the ropes of the ring. 
“Tough enough to take you on,” Y/N joked and Jake raised his eyebrows. 
“Is that a challenge, sweetheart?” Jake asked. 
“It is.” She smirked, “Rooster, clear out. I don’t want you to see your fearless leader get his ass kicked.” 
“You got it boss,” Rooster smiled, grabbing a towel and water bottle before clearing out of the ring to go shower. 
Jake slid through the ropes of the ring, and onto the mat. He stripped off the t-shirt he was wearing, leaving him in just his sweatpants. He looked at her, and held his fists up, signaling the start of the fight. Y/N brought her taped up knuckles to her face, as she shuffled around the ring with him. He threw the first punch, which was easily dodged, and she returned it with a kick to his side. 
Jake stumbled a bit, but caught his footing and lunged forward grabbing her body. Jake had her pinned, but Y/N managed to get her legs around his waist, and use enough force to flip him over. Jake grunted as he landed on his belly, and her arms wrapped around his neck, and her legs wrapped under his arms, pulling them back at an awkward angle. Jake struggled to get out but eventually had to tap out, feeling the blood rush from his head.
“I fucking told you!” Y/N smiled, jumping up from the ground. Jake coughed a couple times letting the air return to his lungs. 
“Yeah, yeah, I let you win.” 
“Okay, whatever helps you sleep at night.” 
Jake looked up at her, as she smiled down at him. He reached his hand out, wrapping it around her ankle and pulled her down to the ground. She landed down next to him with a thud and a laugh. Y/N fell into a fit of giggles and Jake couldn’t help but laugh too. 
“Never underestimate your opponent,” Jake said, “But since you technically did win, how about I take you out to celebrate.” 
“Like to the club?” 
“No. . . like on a date.” 
“Oh. . .” 
Something over the past three weeks had shifted between the two of them. Jake was treating this less like a business arrangement and more like a relationship. He had started seeing her as his equal; a fearless Mafia leader. But he was also too scared to let himself really succumb to what his heart wanted. He had dreams at night, dreams of a life he wanted to live. The white picket fences, the kids riding their bikes down the sidewalks, the dogs running in the backyard. For the longest time his dreams had been flooded with angst and turmoil, now they were warm and bright, all with the same picture. 
“I’d like that,” Y/N said with a smile. Jake returned the grin. He jumped up from the ground and reached his hand out to pull her up to. 
“Perfect,” He said, holding her body close to him, “Go shower. We got some wedding stuff to do.” 
Y/N nodded and placed a peck on Jake’s check. She started walking to the stairs when she paused, realization setting in, “Holy fuck…” She mumbled, “We get married in a fucking week.” 
— — — ♱♱♱ — — — ♱♱♱ — — — 
Y/N was thankful that she had hired a small team to help her plan the wedding. It took some of the stress off of her. She had done this once before, planning a wedding, and could remember the breakdowns she had along the way. But, it was quite the opposite now, she was actually excited to be getting married. 
Her day was spent finalizing the guest book, the band, the seat arrangements and the decor for the backyard. Jake was the one who wanted to get married in the backyard. The white rose bushes they had everywhere were just starting to bloom, and would be fully opened by next week. Jake had hired the best groundskeepers to make sure the grass and everything was absolutely perfect. 
“And who will be walking you down the aisle?” One of the wedding planners asked. Y/N looked up from the copy of the dinner menu in her hands. She was yet to think of that. In her mind, it was always Reuben who would give her away. He was the only man she trusted to not let her fall. 
“I-I don’t know,” Y/N said, placing the card down. 
“Your father?” 
“Oh God no,” Y/N scoffed. Her heart hurt trying to imagine any other man by her side. She couldn’t even picture Gianni, who she was the closest too out of her three brothers. Y/N shook her head and sat up straighter in her chair, “No one. I’ll go solo.” 
“Are you sure, Miss?” 
She wasn’t but she nodded her head anyway. The wedding planner nodded, writing down that small detail. Y/N looked out the window into the backyard, where Jake, Bob and another wedding planner were. They were going over chair placement and where to place the tiles for the aisle. Y/N stood up from her chair and walked over to the window. She watched as Jake talked animatedly about something and could see Javy interject something making his friend roll his eyes. 
“I want open chairs. Near the front, on my side,” Y/N said. She turned around to face the wedding planner, “Three of them; for my mom, Reuben and Sophie.” 
After the meetings about the wedding, Y/N stayed in the office finishing up paperwork for the clubs. The clubs had finally started to increase in profit, mainly due to the renovations that had been made. Her next plan had been to propose the renovation of a building down the street from the club and turn it into a speak-easy. Y/N missed going to the one she opened back in Italy. She saw it as the perfect place for Jake to do business deals. It would also keep the various gang leaders and mobsters away from her front door. 
“What are you working on?“ Bob asked, popping his head into the doorway. 
“Club ideas,” Y/N said pushing back in her chair, “You guys sort out the stuff outside?” 
“Yep,” Bob said walking into the office, “Surprisingly this isn’t the wedding of the century so it’s a little easier to plan. But we got it all set up, don’t worry bridezilla.” 
“Uh, I don’t think so,” Y/N scoffed and Bob chuckled. He sat down in a chair in front of her desk and kicked his feet up. 
“Do you love him?” 
“Simple question,” Bob shrugged. 
“I don’t think there’s anything simple about it.” Y/N said, crossing her arms across her chest, “Why do you ask?”
“Just wanted to see what you were thinking,” Bob put his feet down and stood up from his chair, “Have fun on your little date.” 
Y/N watched as he left the office, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She hadn’t really thought about what she felt. Everything had happened so fast between them, rationally four weeks wasn’t a lot of time for someone to fall in love. But, their situation was different. She had seen all sides of Jake; the ugly and the beautiful. Everytime she closed her eyes at night, she could see Jake. 
She wasn’t sure if she could say it though. She didn’t know if she could let those words leave her lips yet. The last time she had said those words was to a man that she thought would protect her. She was scared, those three silly words held a lot of weight. They meant much more to people in their line of work. Sometimes, those are the last words someone will ever hear. 
— — — ♱♱♱ — — — ♱♱♱ — — — 
Jake was pacing the floor waiting for Y/N to come down the stairs. He had made them dinner reservations at a French restaurant down on Broadway. He checked his watch, and ran his hand through his hair. He was getting anxious, and he didn’t even know why. It wasn’t like he couldn’t walk upstairs to her room and drag her to dinner with him. But he’s trying to treat this like a normal date, like how normal people do. 
“If she doesn’t come down those fucking-” Jake’s words got cut off as he looked up to see Y/N, standing at the top of the stairs. The dress she had on was white short silk. Her shoes were red, which showed off her tan legs. She was like an angel and a devil at the same time. He walked over to the stairs, extending his arm for her to take, “M’Lady.” 
“Such a gentleman,” Y/N smiled and kissed his cheek. 
Jake led them out to the waiting blacked out beamer. He climbed in the car behind her, sitting across from her. She reached over to the chilled bottle of Champagne and popped open the top. Smirking as he grabbed two glasses, Jake held them up for her to pour. Jake looked her up and down, noticing that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She set the bottle down and grabbed the champagne flute from his hand. 
“To love, to honor, can’t come in her, come on her,” Jake smirked raising his glass to clink with hers. 
She rolled her eyes and took a sip. Y/N eyed him, taking in the navy blue suit he was wearing. He decided to forgo the jacket, wearing just a black long sleeve button up, a navy vest and trousers. She smirked at seeing his wandering eyes look her up and down. She decided to test the waters by uncrossing her legs, shyly flashing him. Jake choked on his drink and she giggled. He carefully moved from across the car to sitting right next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her in close. 
“Did you forget something?” Jake whispered, taking his hand and brushing it against her breast. She sucked in a breath and looked up at him. 
“Don’t think so,” Y/N responded. 
“Hmm, if you say so, then I guess you didn’t,” Jake smirked, “You look breathtaking.” 
“I know,” She smiled. 
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.” 
Jake laughed and kissed her hairline. He loved the feeling of having her in his arms. He didn’t know he had been touch starved for so long. He usually shied away from human touch and interaction, but the second she held him in his arms, that’s all he could ever think about wanting. The stress of long days of meetings and arguments could all be fixed by a simple touch from her. 
When the car came to a stop outside of the restaurant, Jake got out first. He carefully watched her get out of the car, making sure not to flash anyone who might be walking by.  He nodded at the hostess, not bothering to stop as he walked through the restaurant and to the back. He had a secluded section in the restaurant. Jake scanned the area, everyone who sat there was dressed in suits or fancy dresses. The jewelry on their bodies stood out against the dim lighting, as Jake greeted some of them. Some of the faces Y/N knew from looking at a map of gangsters and leaders in Jake’s office. Jake took her to his table, pulling her chair out for her. 
“Mr. Seresin, what can I offer you to drink?” A young waiter asked. 
“Do we still have that Santiago Wine?” Jake asked, sitting down across from Y/N. 
“We have the 1983 or the 1996.” The waiter said. 
Y/N shook her head, “Those are terrible. Find a 1951, red sour, it’s a Merlot,” 
“Yes Miss. . .” 
“Seresin. It’s Mrs. Seresin,” Y/N said and the waiter’s eyes widened as he scurried away from the table. Jake’s smile was bright, it sent shockwaves through him to hear her refer to herself like that, “What do you recommend?” Y/N asked and looked up at him. 
“Well, Mrs. Seresin,” Jake smirked, “Asserting dominance on the young waiters?” 
“Someone has to,” Y/N smirked. 
The waiter returned with the bottle of wine that Y/N had suggested, and Jake had agreed it was better than what they already had opened. The French restaurant was nice and quiet, and pretty much everyone stayed away from them. Occasionally Jake would get a look from one of the other mafia leaders seated across the dining room. The word of their marriage had spread in the past week with the delivery of their wedding invitation. People had already started to speculate that Jake had been taken off the market, but never by Y/N Santiago. Most thought that her father had sent her to a nunnery after the whole Francisco mess. 
“You got eyes on you,” Jake said softly. Y/N glanced over her shoulder at the brooding man looking at you, “You know him?” 
“No, but I bet father dearest does,” Y/N rolled her eyes, “Sometimes I wonder if famous kids have this bad of an issue with people.” 
“You mean to tell me having big scary, murderous looking men staring at you isn’t normal?” Jake joked. 
“Funny,” Y/N responded, “I haven’t been out like this in years. At the club back in New York, I always hid my face, which gave me some anonymity. After. . . everything, I didn’t want to show my face, I was too ashamed, too scared. My father tried to keep me under lock and key but I couldn’t stand it.” 
“He kept you trapped?” 
“Like an animal. And sometimes I felt like it.” 
Jake looked at her with sympathy. Getting her to open up had been like pulling teeth. They both had things that had been locked away, and with good reason. The things those two had done and seen was enough to send someone jumping over the edge. Jake wanted to know, he wanted to know what made her tick, what made her spin, what made her scream in fear at night. 
“What was it like?” Jake asked.
“What was what like?” Y/N asked, sipping her wine. 
Y/N choked on her wine at the name and how easily it fell from his lips. She looked around to see who was listening. She had been paranoid ever since Isabella was dropped on their doorstep for who could be listening. She set her glass down and leaned in. 
“It’s a story for another day,” She simply said and Jake nodded. 
— — — ♱♱♱ — — — ♱♱♱ — — — 
Y/N and Jake tried to suppress their drunk giggles as they stumbled into the house late. The bottles of wine they had drank at the restaurant were starting to hit, making them feel warm and fuzzy. Jake was better off, keeping her upright as best as possible. She walked into the kitchen and kicked off her heels, before reaching for the zipper on her dress. 
“Whoa, what are you doing?” Jake said, stepping in as his fiance was once again stripping down in the middle of the living room, “You gotta stop getting naked in the living room.” 
“Want to go swim?” She asked innocently. 
Jake shook his head, “Hot Tub.” 
“We have a hot tub? Since when?” 
“You’ve been here four weeks and didn’t know we have a hot tub?” 
“Nope.” Y/N said and then continued to strip out of her clothes. Jake rolled his eyes, but also followed suit, stripping down. He stopped in the kitchen to grab a bottle of white wine this time, and then led her out to the hot tub. Jake watched as she got in first, submerging her naked frame into the hot water. He followed in suit, setting the bottle and the glasses down. 
They both sat in a comfortable silence as soft music played in the background. Y/N looked up at the stars, trying to point out the constellations. Jake leaned against the side, looking out into the garden, checking on the rose bushes. 
“Tell me about Natasha,” Y/N spoke. Jake snapped his head towards her, he didn’t even know that she knew her name, “The night after the fight. .  . you got shift faced, and kept calling me her name.” 
Jake sucked in a breath, “It’s an old ghost.” 
“She clearly means something to you. I have told you about my ghosts, it’s only fair you tell me about yours.” 
“I don’t know all your ghosts,” Jake said. Which wasn’t entirely true, he knew of her relationship with Francisco from the information gathered by his brothers, but he had never heard her speak about it. Y/N looked down at her hands, and nodded softly, “I’ll tell you about Natasha, but I want to hear your story of Francisco.” 
“It’s only fair,” Y/N said. Jake gave her a sad smile. 
“I met Natasha at a Navy bar, and not to sound sappy but, it was love at first sight. We hit it off great, she was everything I was looking for. She was smart, beautiful, talented, and strong. I should’ve known from the jump that it was too good to be true. I was just so blind to the “love” I thought I had for her,” Jake said and took another drink, 
“At the time I thought my whole career was going to be in the Navy, I never thought I would take over for my dad. I didn’t think he trusted me like that. But then the assassination attempt happened and he pulled me in. Natasha. . .was one of the only outsiders that I trusted to know about this life. I gave her an option, to run and not look back, or to stay and be prepared for her whole life to change. And she chose to stay. At first, it was easy, she didn’t ask too many questions, kept to herself, let me do my own thing. But then, she started asking more and more. I thought it was just out of curiosity. . .” Jake shook his head, his jaw clenching, “She tricked me into trusting her, into loving her, I thought I would get married to her, so eventually, like an idiot, I told her everything. I told her about the crime families, about what my family does, how we fit into the whole Mafia Outlaw world.” 
“Jake. . . “ Y/N said softly, her mind already jumping to the conclusion. 
“It was actually your father who said something about a rat in one of the families. I didn’t believe it, and refused to. Natasha was so perfect, she would never do anything to hurt me. But I had to find out, I couldn’t just warn her to run away, I had to know. So, I chained her up in the chamber, tortured her until she broke. She was a fucking rat.” 
Jake had tears running down his face. Y/N was yet to see him this vulnerable, baring his true soul to her. Jake put up a tough front, he had to. He is the face of the Seresin Family Mafia. He was taught at a young age that feelings weren’t allowed. You couldn’t be a soft Mafia leader, you had to be one ready to kill with no remorse, even if it meant killing the people you love. Jake wiped his eyes and let out a shaky breath. 
“My father demanded that I do it, to teach me a lesson. You don’t fall in love in this life. You marry with the intention of growing the business, that’s all these sham marriages are. . . business deals. I had killed before, I knew I could do it. . . but I loved her too damn much and she betrayed me, in more ways than one. I held the gun to her head, looked in her tear filled eyes, and couldn’t do it. I know she hurt me and my family but I couldn’t pull the trigger.” 
“So who did?” 
“Someone who never should have,” Jake said softly, bowing his head in shame, “I turned it all off after that. I didn’t allow myself to heal, to forgive and move on. I buried all my anger and emotion into running the family and women. I tore through women like I was getting paid for it. But all this shit changed when you showed up. God I wanted to hate you, I wanted to never ever let you near. But. . . you changed something in me. I don’t know what you did, but you healed me.” 
“Jake,” Y/N said softly, putting a hand softly on his cheek. He grabbed her hand, holding it there as he nestled into the touch, “You healed yourself. I didn’t do anything.” 
“You must’ve been the catalyst then, cause it’s been almost three years.” 
“It takes time to heal,” Y/N said, “I didn’t heal overnight from Francisco. I’m still healing from him.” 
Jake grabbed her body and pulled her into his lap, so she was straddling him. He placed both hands on her face and looked into her eyes, “I would rather die, than let the son of a bitch hurt you.” Y/N nodded and placed her hands on his shoulders. 
Jake pulled her in, kissing her lips. Her hands flew to his hair, getting tangled in the damp strands as their lips clashed together. She could taste the sweet wine on his tongue as his arms pulled her even closer to him. Y/N moaned softly as Jake trailed, kissing down her jaw to her neck, sucking and biting softly. She moved her hips against his, feeling him grow hard under the water. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Jake mumbled against her skin, bringing his lips back to hers, “And so mine.” 
“Jake, I-I,” Y/N pulled away a little bit to look at him, “I love you.”  
Jake gasped softly. For once in her life, she was sure about something. She was sure that in this moment she felt completely safe in Jake’s arms. She felt that no matter what happened in the world, she would always have Jake. It was at this moment she finally allowed herself to feel what she had been afraid of. It took years to move past what Francisco had done, to let herself trust others. Jake wiped a tear that fell from her eye and kissed her softly. 
“I love you,” Jake said back. Y/N smiled and kissed him again. The kiss was soft, full of love and passion. Those three words had changed something for both of them. The last time either of them had said those three words, it ended in heartbreak and agony. Jake had seen the love of his life die, and Y/N hoped hers would kill her. But in this moment, they knew they would die for each other. 
They were oblivious to the outside world, living in the moment of being in love and holding onto each other. Neither noticed the three other boys frantically running out to them until Bob spoke up. 
“Y/N,” Bob said. Y/N tried to turn but Jake kept her still, keeping her back to the boys. He raised his eyebrows, glancing down at her naked form and she nodded,
“What?” Jake asked them. Y/N looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed. 
“We found Sophie,” Rooster said, “She’s alive.”
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note: there's only three chapters left!
@cherrycola27 @seresinsbabe @violyn20 @materialgirl01 @bradleybeachbabe @a-reader-and-a-writer @lt-spork @topnerd03 @3in1shampooconditionerbodywash @bioodforbiood @topguncultleader @ma-fraise @abaker74 @double-j @cm27078 @thedroneranger @khaylin27 @mak-32 @unhinged-btch @wittywhispers @theliterarybeldam @bloosomjoon @chxcxlate-cxxkies @luckyladycreator2 @wellshit6 @harper1666 @phoenix1388 @footprintsinthesxnd @dempy @emma8895eb @bonitanightmxres @love2write2626 @bobbyonboard @some-lovely-day @thenewdaysalreadyhere @cassiemitchellslibrary @ilymoonie @morgensternsblog @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @rintheemolion @tallrock35 @adoringsebstan @xoxabs88xox
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 2 years
"...¿Ya te dije que te odio?..."
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/puSj64T
by nugget_barnes
Bucky y Steve firman un contrato de matrimonio por obligación de sus padres, aceptando el hecho que ambos lo están haciendo por la paz de las tres razas: licántropos, vampiros y humanos.
Todo inicia como un desastre entre ambos chicos, ninguno quiere aceptar el hecho que están siendo obligados a casarse y hacerle creer al mundo entero que son una feliz pareja por el simple hecho de disminuir las brutales muertes que han habido en la interminable guerra de las tres razas.
Steve Rogers había paso siglos soltero por qué sentía su libertad de esa manera y Bucky había pasado su vida entera metido en sus libros sin querer saber lo que sucedía en el exterior.
Ambos son personas distintas, uno es humano y otro un vampiro que vivía oculto entre la raza humana, divirtiéndose al meterse en problemas creyendo que en la mayor parte del tiempo hacia el mal, mientras que, él otro solo se esforzaba por terminar la universidad.
Words: 2474, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natacha Rambova, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Brock Rumlow, Darcy Lewis, Yelena Belova, Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark, Thor (Marvel), Sharon Carter (Marvel), Clint Barton
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Top Steve Rogers, Bottom Bucky Barnes, Contracts, Marriage of Convenience, Alpha Steve Rogers, Vampire Steve Rogers, Omega Bucky Barnes, Human Bucky Barnes, Artist Steve Rogers, Enemies to Lovers, POV Steve Rogers, Werewolf Sam Wilson, Vampire Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers is Good With Kids, Mobster Steve Rogers, POV Bucky Barnes, Bisexual Bucky Barnes, Anal Sex, Possessive Steve Rogers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/puSj64T
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
First Date/First Time w/ Mobster!Paz
AN: Alright everyone here is the first installment of Mobster!Paz passed what I have written for asks! I decided to combine these two prompts because 1-I could and 2- because things having been going good for me lately I wanted to celebrate with something nice! Just fyi this was not beta'd or even just read through so if there is mistakes let me know, but I will probably read through it and fix them at some point soon! I hope you enjoy!
Materlist and Tag/Idea Submission Form
Words: 3.7k
Warnings: AFAB!reader but no real pronouns used, no Y/N, slight descriptions of violence but noting extreme, SMUT 18+, oral (f receiving), fingering, P in V, no protection used (wrap it before you tap it guys, gals, and nonbinary pals), excessive use of the nickname doll
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You had been working as a waitress at The Palace speakeasy for the notorious Boba Fett for roughly three months when your favorite customer, known muscle of The Children of the Watch, Paz Vizsla finally asked you on a date. The two of you had been dancing around each other and your feelings since that first meeting your first week working in the speakeasy. Your first time meeting the man had left you overwhelmed with so many feelings that you hadn’t been able to sort through, but one thing you had recognized was just how happy Paz had made you, leaving you with a smile that wouldn’t leave your face for the following days.
When you had started working at The Palace you had thought that you were going to be surrounded by the lowest of low lifes and the grossest men and women alive, and while yes you were surrounded by the lowest of lows, you did soon find out that these criminals all had a code and they treated you fairly for the most part. Of course you had the occasional rowdy customer, but they were delt with swiftly by those at the surrounding tables. One thing was for sure though, when one of the big three of The Children of the Watch were present somewhere in the building people were more cautious and well behaved, not wanting to get on any of their bad sides, and you realized why when one day a rowdy customer had gotten in your personal space and Paz had been sitting in his usual booth sipping his drink. You barely had time to blink before the customer had been ripped away from you by a large hand and slammed them into a nearby table in a show of strength that had you biting your lip and you clenching your thighs in arousal. Paz had only turned to you as he held the man down on the table by his neck and smiled at you before winking and telling you, “I’ll be right back doll, why don’t you go take a break and I will meet you back at my table?”
After that incident you had realized what all those feelings you were having for the dangerous man were, and when he was able to come into to speakeasy after it became harder and harder to keep your eyes away from him. And every time you glanced his way you always found him leaning back in his seat with his drink in hand watching you, and when your eyes met he would always send a smile your way with a wink that never failed to heat rise in your face. And he would always make your heart jump through hurdles when he offered to walk you home each time with earnest eyes and a kind smile. How could you not feel something for the man when he treats you as if you hung the stars in the sky and with respect that few women ever receive?
So when one night he stopped you at your door after walking you home, you were shocked and overjoyed when he asked you if you were free for lunch Saturday with a shy smile while rubbing the back of his neck. You had bit your lip and nodded giving him a breathless yes. His shy smile turned into a broad smile and he had reached out for your hand kissing the back of it before telling you, "I'll come and pick you up here at 11 am sharp, doll. I’d tell you to dress your best, but I know you look good in whatever you wear.” With that, he kissed your palm with a wink before backing away and as he walked away from your home he was whistling a tune that was all his own.
Saturday found you waking up early, excited about what was to come with a giddy smile adorning your face. You had made yourself a small quick breakfast to eat as you got ready for your date, not wanting to eat anything too big as to spoil the food you would eat with Paz and so that you would have more time to perfect your appearance.
You started with your hair, making sure to style it perfectly and making sure to double-check that every hair was in the correct place. The longest part of getting ready was applying your makeup meticulously, you didn’t want to look like you were trying too hard, but you wanted to look like you had put effort into your look. Then you made sure to pick out your favorite bra and panty set, not because you were expecting anything untoward to happen between you and Paz, but because the set made you feel pretty and confident. Now it was nearing closer and closer to the time Paz was to pick you up, and you couldn’t for the life of you decide what outfit you wanted to wear. You didn’t want to wear something too casual, but you also didn’t want to wear something that was too dressy. You bit your lip and agonized over your options for what felt like forever before you decided on an outfit that you had worn previously in front of Paz and you had noticed how his eyes had drunk in your silhouette multiples times throughout that evening. And it seemed you had made your decision in the knick of time because as soon as you had pulled on your clothes and righted everything, you heard a knock on the door.
You had rushed to the door and yelled out, “Coming!” as soon as you were close enough. Once you reached the door you took a second to take a deep breath before opening the door with a wide smile. On the other side of the door stood the hulking figure of Paz Vizsla who was wearing a charming smile as well as pressed dress pants and a matching suit jacket with a beautiful wine red turtle neck underneath. You watched as his eyes soaked up the sight of you as you whispered out a shy, hello. He moved his eyes to meet yours before pulling his hand from his side where he held a bouquet of the prettiest flowers you had ever seen and he held it out to you saying, “Doll, I would have dressed up more if I had known I was going to be escorting the prettiest girl in the city.”
Taking the bouquet with a giggle you motioned him inside as you went to find a vase for the flowers he had brought you. Paz had followed you into the house, shutting the door and taking in your small home the best he could, while also watching you flit about filling the vase you had found and placing the flowers on your kitchen counter with a soft smile as you leaned down to smell the soft fragrance that flowed from the flowers. When you turned around, you had found Paz standing behind you with a smile so perfect and happy that you could look at it for hours, but you had only shook your head and told him, “You say that, but here you are wearing a suit.”
Paz chuckled and held out his arm for you to take, asking if you were ready. Nodding you wrapped your hand around his arm and let him lead you from your home.
Being in Paz’s company had always been easy and flowed nicely, even with all the tension flowing between the two of you. The date was much of the same, and even though it was technically your first date with the man, it seemed as if this was more of your 12th with how much the two of you had spent sitting together in the corner of the speakeasy and the late nights he had walked you home. Nothing was different really, other than the time of day and the location of where the two of you were together.
Paz, rather than driving, had taken to walking with you a short distance to a small restaurant that you had not even realized was there. When the two of you had walked into the quaint little building, you were taken aback by the man who you assumed to be the owner yelling out Paz’s name loudly and coming over to give him a friendly pat on the shoulder. The two chatted like old friends for a minute before Paz had turned to you and told the man, “This here is my girl, and I was wondering if you might happen to have a table open towards the back for the two of us for the lunch?”
The man smiled at you and shook your hand as you introduced yourself before he turned back to Paz and said, “For you my friend there is always a table open, and I am honored you would bring your lovely date to my restaurant.” As soon as the man had finished he had turned around motioning for the two of you to follow him as he led you towards the back where the tables were a bit more secluded. Paz had walked around the table and pulled out the chair for you to sit in with a chivalrous smile, before crossing over to his seat across from you. Menus were handed to you as soon as you both were settled and the owner had told you both, “Holler if you need anything, whatever you want we will provide,” and with a smile, he left you in the hands of a waiter.
Lunch went by smoothly, not that you didn’t think it would, and the food was absolutely delicious. And you had to admit that sharing the slice of cheesecake had been the best part of the entire lunch, Paz had taken the fork from your hand and with a smile had fed you bites of the dessert with a smile. You had noticed about halfway through the slice, that Paz’s eyes darkened every time you wrapped your lips around the fork, and suddenly the entire restaurant had felt warm as you watched the muscles in his arms move as he brought the fork to your lips. When you had finished the dessert the two of you had sat in silence for a few minutes just watching each other and every time you made eye contact you couldn’t help but to rub your legs together at how he was eyeing you with a fiery gaze that made heat pool in your belly and feel guilty.
By the time the two of you had walked out of the restaurant, it was late afternoon and Paz had walked at a slower pace towards your house, trying to drag out the time the two of you spent together. The walk home was silent and tense from how your meal had ended, but it wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable, just you didn’t want to part from Paz so soon. So when your house had come into view you couldn’t stop the sad feeling that had washed over you. From the way, Paz’s shoulder’s dropped when you got to the steps of your home you figured Paz felt much the same about parting so early.
When the two of you stopped in front of your door, you turned to Paz biting your lip, contemplating inviting him in. You stood there for a minute and as you looked up at him and opened your lips to ask him about coming in you were immediately interrupted by Paz leaning down and connecting your lips with his own. He kissed you for a few seconds, and you were so shocked that you couldn’t process what was happening until he pulled back and rushed out, “I’m sorry doll, but I’ve been thinking about kissing you all day and I just couldn’t stop myself. I am so-” This time you didn’t let him finish as you reached up and pulled him down to kiss him. The kiss started sweet, but you soon found yourself pressed against your door with leg wedged between your own and pressing against you where you felt yourself throbbing with need for the man that was pressing closer to you every second. You couldn’t help the small mewl that escaped your lips as he bounced his leg against you slightly, then you felt him pull back from the kiss far enough so that he could speak, though with every word you could still feel his lips brushing against your own.
“Doll, tell me to stop or let me inside, please. I know this is just our first date, doll but I can’t help but want you in every way that I know I shouldn’t…”
You could feel his heavy breaths on your cheek as you turned your head and whimpered. Biting your lip you traced your nose along his jawline before you ground down against his leg and whispered breathlessly, “Please Paz, please take me inside. I want you too…”
Paz took a second to look into your eyes before he suddenly picked you up bridal style and threw open your door, and all you could do was let out a squeal of surprise and wrap your hands around his neck. As soon as Paz kicked the door shut he asked you where the bedroom was. You hadn’t even finished telling him when he took off in that direction, stopping only once to push you against the wall and start kissing you again, though this time he pressed his tongue against your lips until you opened your mouth and allowed him to explore every nook and cranny, memorizing the feel of your mouth with a groan.
By the time you both made it to the bed, you were breathless and your chest was heaving, which only cause Paz to groan and bury his face in your neck as he groped your breasts over your clothing making you mewl with him as your hardened nipples start to show through your bra. Then Paz pulled back and before you could even whine from the loss of his body he was asking you, “Doll will you strip for me? I wanna watch as you reveal that beautiful body to me, doll.”
You gave him a shaky nod and slowly started stripping down. It was sloppy and most likely far from sexy, but hearing Paz’s sharp intakes of breath at each new patch of skin revealed to him made you feel confident. So when you were left in your bra and panties you walked over to where Paz had settled himself on the edge of the bed, noticing the very prominent bulge in his pants. You bit your lip as you stopped in front of Paz and before Paz could even think to touch you, you reach forward pushed his suit jacket off of his shoulders, and pushed it onto the floor. You leaned down and kissed his nose softly as he watched you with hungry eyes, then you reached for his shirt and Paz helped you pull it off and toss it aside. Then Paz flipped you over onto your back, as he started kissing and sucking marks onto your chest and neck as he kicked off his shoes. Too caught up in the feeling of his mouth leaving his mark on your body, you didn’t realize Paz had stripped completely down until you felt something hot, har, and heavy fall against your thigh. When you glanced down you saw his large cock resting against your skin and leaking precum steadily. You felt yourself clench at the sight and you moaned out his name as you bucked up. In response, Paz gripped your waist and pulled away from the mark he had just left on your breast before he moved his lips to your ear and whispered huskily, “Patience doll. As much as I would like to just take you right this instant, I need to prep you to take me. I am anything but a small man.”
You whined and said, “please Paz,” but he had only hushed you and kissed his way down your body, taking your bra and panties off as he goes. When he reached where you ached for him he hummed and turned to kiss up and down each of your thighs, holding you in place so you didn’t move around on him. After he had left what he deemed to be an acceptable mark on both of your inner thighs, he finally looked at you before he nuzzled against your throbbing clit before taking it into his mouth. The shout of please you let out only made him smile and swirl his tongue around your sensitive bundle of nerves. Paz continued to taste and tease you at a slow leisurely pace that had you a moaning mess. Then he pressed a finger into you and you swear that you saw heaven as he started to move his finger in and out of you at the same pace as his mouth.
It didn’t take Paz long for him to add a second finger or even a third. Soon he had you practically sobbing from the pleasure he was giving. And as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the precipice, you tried to warn him but your lips couldn’t form any words past Paz’s name. So when Paz angled his fingers up and finally pushed you over the edge you could only let out a broken sob of Paz’s name that ended in a silent scream as Paz continued to move his fingers inside of you and mouth unhurriedly against your clit. When he finally pulled away from you you felt as if he had taken every bone in your body with him. You laid there limp on his bed trying to catch your breath from the orgasm Paz had just gifted you. Paz stood up slowly and hissed as he pumped his painfully aching cock a few times.
When you came back to yourself it was to the sight of Paz standing between your spread legs gripping the base of his cock and his face shiny from saliva and your cum. Moaning at his somewhat wrecked appearance, you saw Paz’s eyes jump up to meet your own before he leaned over you and gave you a slow sweet kiss. When he pulled back from the kiss he slow asked, “Think you’re up for more doll? Maybe something bigger?”
At his words, you could only nod with a broken please passing your lips as you bucked your hips up against his own. Paz obviously didn’t need to be told twice as he immediately reached down and lined himself up with you before pressing his cock into you. Paz went slowly and you gripped his shoulders whimpering as your walls stretched around his girth. It wasn’t necessarily painful but the farther he pressed into you the more it stung. When you finally felt him bottom out and press his hips against yours, the both of you sighed. Paz stayed seated in you for a few minutes until he felt your walls relax around him slightly, then he started pulling out slightly, grinning when he hear you whimper in his ear. When he only had the head of his cock still buried inside of you he started pushing back inside of you just as slowly with a groan, grunting out, “Fuck doll, you’re so tight, holding onto my cock like you don’t wanna let it go. Fu-uck I could stay inside of you forever…”
After a few of the slow thrusts, you started to while and buck up against him, so Paz picked up his speed and set a steady pace that had you moaning and mewling in his ear. Paz fucked into you steadily not changing anything other than where he was aiming, trying to find that spot that had you clench so tightly against his finger not long ago. He knew the second he found it as you threw your head back and your eyes rolled back as you begged him to hit it again. Paz felt himself getting closer to his end so he picked up the pace making sure to hit that spot inside of you as often as he could. He knew you were getting close with how you were tightening around him and moaning out his name over and over, so he reached down and pressed his thumb to your clit and started circling it groaning out, “Doll, please, oh fuck, please cum all over my cock. God, please cum on my cock, doll.”
From the mixture of Paz’s thrusts hitting the spot inside you that made you see stars, his fingers massaging your clit, and his encouragement you felt him throw you over the edge yet again, but this time you really did feel yourself scream and clutch onto his shoulders. Then you felt Paz’s thrust start to get sloppy and you could hear his grunts with every thrust into your oversensitive walls. Then he suddenly pulled out of you and pumped his cock with his hand only once before he was cumming all over your thighs and pussy with his head thrown back and his hand pumping himself until he stopped cumming.
When Paz opened his eyes and looked over your spent body he groaned and told you, “Doll you are the prettiest thing I have ever seen, and the best thing to ever happen to me.”
Then he leaned up and kissed your forehead right as you felt yourself dowing off in the aftermath of the two earthshattering orgasms Paz had given you. When you had come out of your trace it was to Paz cleaning your body off with a washcloth and him telling you to rest, he would take care of you. So you did just that, trusting Paz, you fell asleep content and happy. When you had woken up a few hours later, you found yourself cuddled into his side and you smiled as you watch the man that you had seen break noses and throw people around like rag dolls sleep peacefully while holding you close. Smiling you you cuddled into his side and allowed yourself to fall back into a peaceful sleep, feeling completely safe and content.
Tags: @fuckyeahbeskar @katie-sheep-111 @phoenixhalliwell @maybege
Thanks for reading and I would love to hear your feedback! Likes and REBLOGS are super appreciated!!
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pintsizemama · 3 years
WIP List
In Progress
Long Series
Javier Peña x OFC
Din Djarin x Bounty OFC
Dave York x Nanny OFC
Frankie Morales x Delta Force OFC
Oberyn Martell x Baratheon/Lannister OFC
Omar Assarian x OFC
Marcus Pike x OFC Criminal Minds Crossover
Agent Whiskey x Kingsman Agent OFC
Din Djarin x OFC- Biker AU
Javier Peña x OFC- Narco!Javi AU
Din Djarin x OFC- Mobster Hitman/Bodyguard AU
Mini Series
Jay Castillo x OFC- best friends to lovers
Max Phillips x OFC
Marcus Moreno x OFC- A/B/O AU
One Shot
Omar Assarian x OFC Sex Pollen
Oberyn Martell x Baratheon/Lannister OFC- Public Sex
Planning Stage
Long Series
Pero Tovar x Mercenary OFC
Maxwell Lord x Secretary OFC
Mini Series
Agent Whiskey x Midsize F!Reader
Nathan Landry x Stripper OFC
Frankie Morales x Santiago Garcia x Benny Miller x Will Miller x Delta Force OFC Polyamorous Fic
Zach Wellison x OFC
Veracruz x OFC Undercover AU
Maxwell Lord Sugar Daddy Fic
Javier Peña Sugar Daddy Fic
One Shot
Javier Peña x Reader Angst (Inspired by Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi)
Ideas to plan
Long Series
Oberyn Martell Modern AU
Din Djarin Western AU
Agent Whiskey Futuristic AU
Pero Tovar Time Travel AU
Mini Series
Din Djarin x Boba Fett x Paz Vizsla x Bounty OFC
One Shot
Agent Whiskey x Reader Angst (dead wife angst)
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The Silver Garbage Awards: Worst of the Decade
Like with the Bryan Awards, I went back and picked my worst of the decade.  Please note, the nominees were nominated as the way they were placed when I originally did these awards.  Apologies in advance to anyone that may be offended by certain category placements.
- Eligibility Period is January 1, 2010 to May 31, 2019; which means anything that aired over the Summer or Fall is ineligible. - Sharknado is being entered for ALL of their movies as one. - Lead and Supporting Actor and Actress will be regardless of Comedy and Drama, and if an actor was nominated for multiple shows in that category, they will be nominated for ALL of the shows in that category over the course of the last ten years. - “Winners” will be announced by Friday, as I pick the “Bottom 2″.
And the Unlucky Nominees Are (I archived everything this decade, unlike the 2000s, where a few years suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth due to the technology I had back then)...
Silver Garbage Awards - The WORST of the Decade
Eligibility Period: January 1, 2010 to May 31, 2019
Worst Comedy Series of the Decade: Animal Practice (NBC) Camping (HBO) Kevin Can Wait (CBS) Living Biblically (CBS) The McCarthys (CBS) Mulaney (Fox) The Muppets (ABC) Son of Zorn (Fox) White Famous (Showtime) Work It (ABC) Worst Drama Series of the Decade: Doubt (CBS) Here and Now (HBO) Ironside (NBC) Lone Star (Fox) Made in Jersey (CBS) Magnum P.I. (CBS) The Mysteries of Laura (NBC) The Playboy Club (NBC) Roadies (Showtime) 24: Legacy (Fox)
Worst Actor in a Series of the Decade: Eddie Cibrian - The Playboy Club (NBC) Andrew Dice Clay - Dice (Showtime) Corey Hawkins - 24: Legacy (Fox) Kevin James - Kevin Can Wait (CBS) Justin Kirk - APB (Fox) & Animal Practice (NBC) Ashton Kutcher - The Ranch (Netflix) & Two and a Half Men (CBS) John Mulaney - Mulaney (Fox) Charlie Sheen - Anger Management (FXX) & Two and a Half Men (CBS) Blair Underwood - Ironside (NBC) James Wolk - Lone Star (Fox) 
Worst Actress in a Series of the Decade:
Jenna Elfman - Accidentally on Purpose (CBS) & Imaginary Mary (ABC)
Jennifer Garner - Camping (HBO)
Amber Heard - The Playboy Club (NBC)
Katherine Heigl - Doubt (CBS)
Ben Koldyke - Work It (ABC)
Debra Messing - The Mysteries of Laura (NBC)
Janet Montgomery - Made in Jersey (CBS)
Adrianne Palicki - Lone Star (Fox)
Leah Remini - Kevin Can Wait (CBS) & Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath (A&E)
Frankie Shaw - SMILF (Showtime)
Worst Supporting Actor in a Series of the Decade:
Elliott Gould - Doubt (CBS)
David Keith - Lone Star (Fox)
Ben Koldyke - Mr. Robinson (NBC)
David Krumholtz - Living Biblically (CBS) & The Playboy Club (NBC)
Josh Lucas - Mysteries of Laura (NBC)
Kyle MacLachlan - Made in Jersey (CBS)
Amaury Nolasco - Deception (ABC) and Telenovela (NBC)
Stephen Tobolowsky - Californication (Showtime) & White Famous (Showtime)
Jon Voight - Lone Star (Fox) 
Daniel Zovatto - Here and Now (HBO)
Worst Supporting Actress in a Series of the Decade:
Sosie Bacon - Here and Now (HBO)
Laura Benanti - The Playboy Club (NBC)
Crystal the Monkey - Animal Practice (NBC)
Spencer Grammer - Ironside (NBC)
Natasha Leggero - Dice (Showtime) & Free Agents (NBC)
Juliette Lewis - Camping (HBO)
Amaury Nolasco - Work It (ABC)
Rosie O’Donnell - SMILF (Showtime)
Nasim Pedrad - Mulaney (Fox)
Perdita Weeks - Magnum P.I. (CBS)
Worst Special Class Program of the Decade:
A Christmas Story LIVE! (Fox)
The Bad Seed (Lifetime)
CBS News Presents the Gayle King Interview with R. Kelly (CBS)
The Decision (ESPN)
Dirty Dancing (ABC)
Flowers in the Attic/Petals In the Wind (Lifetime)
The Maya Rudolph Show (NBC)
The Passion (Fox)
Sharknado: ALL of Them (SyFy)
True Detective: Season 2 (HBO)
Worst Reality Program of the Decade:
Chrisley Knows Best (USA)
Dating Naked (VH1)
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo (TLC)
Jersey Shore (MTV)
The Job (CBS)
Keeping Up With the Kardashians (E!)
Kocktails with Khloe (FYI)
Million Dollar Mile (CBS)
3 (CBS)
Utopia (Fox)
Worst Special Class Actor of the Decade:
Woody Allen - Crisis in Six Scenes (Netflix)
Johnny Depp - Funny or Die Presents Donald Trump: The Art of the Deal (Netflix)
Colin Farrell - True Detective: Season 2 (HBO)
LeBron James - The Decision (ESPN)
R. Kelly - CBS News Presents The Gayle King Interview with R. Kelly (CBS)
Rob Lowe - The Bad Seed & Beautiful & Twisted (both Lifetime)
Navi - Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland (Lifetime)
Tyler Perry - The Passion (Fox) 
Colt Prattes - Dirty Dancing (ABC)
Ian Ziering - Sharknado (SyFy)
Worst Special Class Actress of the Decade:
Natasha Bassett - Britney Ever After (Lifetime)
Abigail Breslin - Dirty Dancing (ABC)
Agnes Bruckner - The Anna Nicole Story (Lifetime)
Ashley Jones - The Secret Sex Life of a Single Mom (Lifetime)
Lindsay Lohan - Liz & Dick (Lifetime)
Rachel McAdams - True Detective: Season 2 (HBO)
Tara Reid - Sharknado (SyFy)
Maya Rudolph - A Christmas Story LIVE (Fox) & The Maya Rudolph Show (NBC)
Zoe Saldana - Rosemary’s Baby (NBC)
Paz Vega - Beautiful & Twisted (Lifetime)
Worst Special Class Supporting Actor of the Decade:
Fred Armisen - The Maya Rudolph Show (NBC)
Chris Daughtry - The Passion (Fox)
Chris Diamantapoulos - A Christmas Story: LIVE! (Fox)
James Franco - Mother, May I Sleep With Danger? (Netflix)
Bruce Greenwood - Dirty Dancing (ABC)
David Hasselhoff - Sharknado (SyFy) 
Taylor Kitsch - True Detective: Season 2 (HBO)
Matt Lauer - Leaving Neverland (HBO)
Seal - The Passion (Fox)
Christopher Walken - Peter Pan LIVE (NBC)
Worst Special Class Supporting Actress of the Decade:
Ellen Burstyn - Flowers in the Attic/Petals On the Wind (Lifetime)
Miley Cyrus - Crisis in Six Scenes (Amazon Prime), A Very Murray Christmas (Netflix), & 2013 MTV VMA Awards (MTV)
Heather Graham - Flowers in the Attic/Petals On the Wind (Lifetime)
Carla Hall - The Passion (Fox)
Kylie Jenner - Michael Buble’s Christmas In Hollywood (NBC)
Debra Messing - Dirty Dancing (ABC)
Nicole Scherzinger - Dirty Dancing (ABC)
Tori Spelling - Sharknado: The Last One (SyFy)
Jillian Walchuck - Britney Ever After (Lifetime)
Trisha Yearwood - The Passion (Fox)
Worst Ensemble of the Decade:
Dirty Dancing (ABC)
Doubt (CBS)
Here and Now (HBO)
Ironside (NBC)
Jersey Shore (MTV)
Lone Star (Fox)
The Muppets (ABC)
Mulaney (Fox)
The Passion (Fox)
The Playboy Club (NBC)
Worst Screen Duo of the Decade:
Animal Practice - Justin Kirk & Crystal the Monkey (NBC)
Charlie’s Angels - Any TWO or More Angels (ABC)
Flowers In the Attic - Kiernan Shipka & Mason Dye (Lifetime)
Free Agents - Hank Azaria & Kathryn Hahn (NBC)
The Muppets - Kermit the Frog and either Miss Piggy or Denise (ABC)
Petals On The Wind - Rose McIver & Wyatt Nash (Lifetime)
The Playboy Club - Any TWO Bunnies or Mobsters (NBC)
The T.Ocho Show - Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson & Terrell Owens (Versus)
Two and a Half Men - Jon Cryer & Ashton Kutcher/Charlie Sheen (CBS)
Work It - Ben Koldyke & Amaury Nolasco (ABC)
Worst Remake, Sequel, or Spin-Off of the Decade:
Blue Lagoon: The Awakening (Lifetime) - Remake/Sequel of 1980 Film
Dirty Dancing (ABC) - Remake of 1987 Film
Heroes: Reborn (NBC) - Spin-Off of the 2000s Action Series
Ironside (NBC) - Remake of 1960s/1970s Raymond Burr Cop Show
Jersey Shore: Family Reunion (MTV) - Spin-Off of the 2010s Reality Show Jersey Shore
Mockingbird Lane (NBC) - Remake of 1960s Sitcom The Munsters
The Muppets (ABC) - Spin-Off of the 1970s Variety Sketch Series
Murphy Brown (CBS) - Revival of 1990s Sitcom
24: Legacy (Fox) - Spin-Off of 2010s Action Show
Work It (ABC) - Rip-Off of 1980s Sitcom Bosom Buddies
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tomorrowedblog · 3 years
First look at American Night
A new trailer has been released for American Night. No release date was specified.
Art and life collide in this stylish and wildly entertaining neo-noir thriller. When a highly coveted Andy Warhol painting suddenly surfaces, it triggers a chain reaction of danger-filled events for a colorful group of characters including: a forger turned art dealer (Jonathan Rhys Meyers); a mobster and painter (Emile Hirsch) with a penchant for scorpions; a seductive museum conservator (Paz Vega); and a stuntman and wannabe ninja (Jeremy Piven). Filled with daring double-crosses and surprising twists and turns, the race for the painting comes to an explosive conclusion… one American Night.
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shackledbiotic · 7 years
asdfghjkl kiana got me thinking about my f/f character relationships and like?? take this list of random headcanons about characters you barely know:
Thea and Pryor exchange a lot of looks instead of words. They can read each other’s thoughts flawlessly by the end of The Stars Asunder just by glancing at each other’s expressions. When Thea becomes blind, Pryor switches to a more physical way of silent communication: she runs her fingertips gently across Thea’s hand, or back, or waist. Little touches with different pressures or designs. Thea learned to decipher battle plans through the quick trace of her girlfriend’s fingers across the width between her shoulder blades. I’m here, Pryor always says. Here’s what I’m thinking...
Yvette and Aurora bond over the differences in their cultures. They share stories about their childhoods; Yvette hurts upon hearing about the loneliness Aurora felt in the demigod facility, the years spent being the smallest and quietest kid, and Aurora winces at the tales Yvette shares about the disregard the gods gave her kind when they were unable to fight or guide humanity without aching in sympathy. The upside is when Aurora guides her angelic girlfriend to lie beside her in bed and teaches her human intimacy in the softest of kisses, fluttering across Yvette’s cheekbones, lips, eyelids. The angel tries to return the favor, her kisses a little too rough but nonetheless excited, and it sends Aurora into a fit of giggles every time.
Lila and Ariza are usually distracted with work (both legal and illegal) so once a week at least they have a date night. Ariza goes all out when it’s her night to plan it, so Lila is usually swept into an eventful night of fancy dinner, amazing dancing, and a lot of wine and fruity cocktails. However, Lila is the opposite. On her date nights, she takes Ariza and their dog Al (named after mobster Al Capone of course) to the beach for dinner, swimming, and sandcastle-building. They watch the sun sink below the water’s horizon as they cuddle into each other’s side and distract Al by throwing his ball as far as possible. They cuddle as long as possible before Al comes over and plops his big pitbull body right on top of both of them and licks their faces.
Alma and Dory, as musicians in the same speakeasy, unsurprisingly sing and play songs for each other all the damn time. When she’s starting a new number, Alma will tell the patrons that she dedicates the next (love) song to ‘a certain soul’s adoracion’ which is basically the gay code for Alma (Spanish for soul) giving her love to her girlfriend Adora (who she calls Adoracion b/c gay). When they’re at Alma’s apartment, they will end up humming little duets as they cook dinner or clean up. Adora especially is in the habit of humming into her kisses, which makes Alma laugh and try to escape the tickling. This causes a short battle as Adora tries to kiss her without bursting into laughter and Alma’s fingers look for the sensitive spots on her girlfriend’s body to tickle her back.
Paz and Zee are still new characters to me but. Zee uses her espionage talents to sneak up on her girlfriend and pull her into the tightest cuddling session possible. Paz gets good at sensing the shift in the air before Zee’s cloak of invisibility shimmers away and turning around to draw her stunned girlfriend into a hug and presses a dozen kisses to her face and growing smile. She feels Zee shift just enough to click the button on her wrist to trigger an invisible shroud around the both of them so they can marvel at each other in their own little private world.
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
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Small Disclaimer: I do imagine Winston Duke as Paz, but I know that others have different ideas to who they cast as Paz, so past the image I am going to try and not really describe Paz's looks past his clothing!
* = 18+
Original Ask
First Meeting
First Date/First Time *
Taglist: @katie-sheep-111 @phoenixhalliwell @maybege @lothiriel9 @talesfromtheguild
If you would like to be added to the tag list or would like to suggest an idea fill out this FORM
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Mobster Paz AU
So I just realized earlier today that the original post the I made wasn't showing up in the tags.....
I think it is because I had a link in the post to an google form so tumblr suppressed the whole post, which has happened to me in the past
Sooooo, HERE is the link to the ask including the google form where you can ask to be tagged in Mobster!Paz works, leave prompts or ideas you want written, or just leave me a message/ask about other things!
I hope this works, and I can't wait to hear from you guys!!
With love - Hannah <3
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
ok but....mobster!au children of the watch:
Donna Armora, the Godmother
Din Djarin, the Godmothers youngest son and sharpshooter
Paz Vizsla, the Godmothers eldest son and muscle
You, a simple barmaid at a speakeasy, who seems to have caught the eye of one (or both~) of the Godmothers sons
Shkajdkaksbd......oh this right here is gooooddddd shit, also I would love to continue this au people want me too...
You worked at the most secretive, but also most exclusive and nicest speakeasy in town. You were just trying to save up money so that you could make it through school and get a degree, before some sap came along and married you forcing you to stay home and cook. You loved the atmosphere, though you wished that there was a little less cigar smoke. The place always had the best singers and dancers, and in all honesty there was only a handle full of patrons that you didn't like. The gossip was also an added bonus. You got to take care of some of the highest and most influential men and women in the city, and then some. You have tended to everyone from mobsters to politicians to spice runners. Of course you had your favorites, and those just so happened to be the mob family that ran most of the city and the surrounding area. They always took care of everyone, and if you lived in their district they personally took your safety seriously, but God forbid you ever try to cross them, they were merciful, but they were also ruthless. The head of the family was a beautiful and strong woman named Armora, you've seen her snap a man's neck for causing havoc in the speakeasy before, but she usually just sits in a corner booth and drinks an old fashion, and asking if there was any new information that she may need to know. Then there were her two grandsons, Din, the youngest was a quiet man, but he was nice and had a pair of the loves brown eyes you've ever seen, rumor has it that he could take anyone out from any distance and he only needed one shot, no one could out gun him. Then there was Paz, Armora's oldest grandson, he was HUGE, broad shoulders, thick thighs, and hands that dwarfed every cup he held, he was quite obviously the muscle of the two, if he so pleased he could snap any one in two. The two rarely came in together, but when you seen them they always sat in your section. Paz was always gave you easy smiles and tried to get you to laugh, he likes to stay until your shift is over and he always asks to walk you home. Paz’s drink of choice is just a straight whiskey neat, it never changes. Din, while quiet likes to make easy conversion with you, and always manages to distract you from your work, especially when he gives you one of his broad smiles that show off the smile lines by his eyes. Din's drink choice varies night to night, you can always tell when he's had a rough day, because he will come in and order the harder liquor on the shelves, where as when he's in a good mood he will ask for bourbon and sip on it all night. All of your coworkers insists that the boys are both sweet on you but you just don't see it, but when one night when both boys were in a booth they saw a drunk customer grope your ass, before you could even react Paz was dragging the man out of the door with Din followed behind cracking his knuckles. After that you started to believe your coworkers.
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
Mobster Paz is my absolute shit, I want more 👀✨
Fuck yeesss, I am so glad someone asked for more of this AU, because I am in L O V E.....
The first time you met the oldest of the two grandsons, Paz, had been your first week of working at the speakeasy. You had still been overwhelmed with the atmosphere and the people, but you were starting to get a hang of it. You hadn't known who half of these people had been until you got to know them and Paz had been no different. He had walked in, parting the crowd and settling at a small table in the back. The bartender had just nodded his head in Paz’s direction and told you to be careful. You bit your lip before nodding and walking over with a small smile on your face. You knew you didn't look like you had come from money, your clothes while nice did not compare to the patrons of the speakeasy, and you were sure your hair was falling from the styled look you had done before you came to work. It had been a busy night, but it was finally starting to slowly down. So right before you made it to your new table you took a deep breath. When you arrived beside the table, the man had shot you a smile and said, "You must be the new waitress, darling. I must say they truly did find the prettiest girl in the city this time." You could only blush and give the man, who now that you were closer you could see the nice navy suit with a waistcoat and matching tie and charcoal button up shirt, a quiet thank you. He had asked for a simple whiskey and when you brought it to him he had asked you to join him, you kindly declined. You found that he sat there all night only really asking for two more drinks, always just whiskey. When the speakeasy had gotten to closing you were tired and you could still feel the mystery man's eyes watching you. When you had finally told your boss goodnight, you were startled when the man had appeared beside you. How the massive man had snuck up on you, you never found out, but he had held his arm out and asked to walk you home. Meeting his eyes, you found no malice so you just nodded and gave a quiet, okay. As you walked Paz talked and told jokes, and by the time you reached your apartment your face and belly hurt from smiling and laughing so much. The two of you stopped in front of the building and he took your hand and kissed the top of it before slipping you a card with a name and phone number on it saying, "If you ever need anything, darling, just call that number and ask for Paz." He then winked and walked away.
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
I love the mobster AU so much!!!!
I would love to see you write so many situations! Mobster! Paz asking permission from his Grandma to take the barmaid on a date, THE DATE ITSELF, THEIR FIRST KISS, THEIR FIRST TIME...
Brain too full of Paz thoughts...
Omg I want all of this too.....
If I wrote a series for mobster! Paz would you guys read it?
I am think maybe making a Google doc or form where you guys could leave suggestions for what you want written and then I'll write a series of oneshots revolving around that? That way it'd be kind of like a choose your own adventure?
Idk let me know!
And anon sorry for not expanding on this, but if I do start a one-shot series I am sure I'll write all of this and more....
I'll also probably create a taglist for the series if I do it!
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
To be seen or unseen P1
Medical Assistance
AN: Okay, so I know I said somethings about what this was going to be in my post asking if you wanted to be tagged, but in my sleep addled brain it went an entirely different direction and if I continued to write to get where I wanted it would be 10x longer and I don't have it in me for that right now. BUT, I can make a part two that finishes out what I promised, and the original idea for this fic if people want it. If this is all over the place, I do apologize. Also, HUGE thanks to the absolutely wonderful @joculatrices for editing this a bit last minute for editing for me! Thank you for reading, and I love you all! And a reminder Mobster!Paz will be coming next week and I will be working on THOTs Thursday during my down time....
Pairing: Boba Fett x Medic!Reader
Words: almost 3.3k
Summary: As a medic for Jabba the Hutt you had heard numerous stories and opinions, varying good and bad, about the infamous Boba Fett, you had never talked to him though, well until tonight.
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, P in V (wrap it before you tap it), spanking, light choking, cum lots of cum, petnames, mentions of violence, slight biting, idk I am probably missing something so let me know if there is something I need to add
P2- Wake Up Calls
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You had known Boba Fett for as long as you had been working for Jabba the Hutt. Then again, even before the crime boss of Tatooine had hired you as an on-call medic for his bounty hunters and slaves you had heard the name, Boba Fett. His name was infamous in the outer, middle, and outer rims for his ruthless, ‘get the job done’ attitude. Boba Fett was one of those people that you need only to hear rumors about to be able to pick him out of a crowd. Boba Fett carried himself in a way that no other living being in the universe could match. He held a sort of confidence that only a man of his fame could hold, he walked in a way that just exuded power, and in a room of the most dangerous bounty hunters, criminals, and crime lords, Boba Fett stood out and owned the room. Boba Fett’s presence was just impossible to overshadow or suppress.
By the time you had been brought in as a medic for Jabba, Boba had already made his way into Jabba’s inner circle and held so much power that he could turn down even the emperor’s right-hand man. You never really saw much of Boba, he either was eerily efficient at his job and never got hurt, or he just never came to you. Either way, you didn’t mind much, because his aura alone was enough to suffocate you as you both stood in the same room. It always felt like he could see right through you, see every thought or feeling that ran through your head. He was stifling, and not in a way that you could say that you hate.
Boba himself may not have ever come through your small medical room in the palace, but several others with more than enough stories and opinions on him did. You found that most of the bounty hunters either hated his guts for the power that surrounded him, for the fact that he got paid the most and had first call on any and all bounties, or they had a neutral respect for him, as he was good at his job and he like everyone else was just doing as he was meant to do with the skill set that he had. The slaves on the other hand mainly had the same opinion and stories. When he did lay with one of them, he was always a rough lover, ripping pleasure out of them like it was his duty, and they all agreed that he was the best lay they would ever have, purely on the pretense that Boba had not just sought his own pleasure, like an animal with a one-track mind to get off and leave, but he had made sure and thoroughly that each and every one of his partners was left satisfied and ravished to their fullest extent. You had never been one to get flustered easily, but the downright filthy stories that you were told by the slaves of the palace would always leave you wanting and with heat radiating from your face, ears, neck, and chest.
No, Boba Fett never came to you or asked for help with any wounds he may have sustained, so when late one night you had a knock on your door you were surprised to find him leaning against your door. What furthered that shock was the fact that he had not sought you out at Jabba’s palace, instead he had come and found you at your home. While you didn’t doubt that finding your home was easy for the trained bounty hunter, you weren’t trying to hide, after all, you were just shocked that he had actually gone out of his way to come and find you, and you could only stare at him in shock.
“You just gonna stand there all night catching flies, doc, or are you gonna let me in?”
Embarrassment quickly flooded your senses and you stepped to the side with your head down motioning him inside. Boba, with his unbothered but calculating air, brushed past you causing a shiver to wrack through your body. As you shut your door, your mind raced with numerous questions and worries as to why the infamous bounty hunter was showing up to your home. He certainly wasn’t acting like he was in pain, and he wasn’t moving as if he had an injury he was hiding. In fact, he was moving around your small two-room home, looking over things in a way that felt like he didn’t really care for what he was seeing, but in reality, he was taking in every last detail possible. And when he finally turned to you, after several tension-filled minutes and you worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, the bounty hunter finally turned to you. He didn’t say anything at first, just slowly approaching you. You hadn’t even really realized you had slowly been backing away from him and his slow approach until your back hit your closed door. When he finally had you completely cornered, so close that your chests brushed with every breath, he slid his thumb over your bottom lip, pulling it from where your teeth had been worrying it. Then he slowly moved his beskar covered face, next to your ear and whispered, “What’s the matter, doc? Got something to be nervous about, feeling guilty about something?”
Completely in shock, and not knowing what emotion you should currently be feeling, you could only shake your head slightly, as you trembled in his grasp. You had no idea why he was here, and at this point, it felt more like a twisted dream your brain had come up with than reality. Why would Boba ever come here, the two of you hadn’t even spoken until this point or even made eye contact, you were always too scared or intimidated to even think about trying. So how could this be anything but a dream? There is no way that Boba even spared you a second glance while you were at the palace, there is no way that you, with nothing really special about you, would ever catch the Boba Fett’s eye. But something nagged at the back of your mind, whispering about all the times you had been in the same room as him and you had felt eyes following your every move, it whispered about how no matter where in the room you stood he was always facing you., it whispered about how none of the bounty hunters ever really tried to make moves on you after one of them had felt you up in the throne room only to turn up beaten bloody with rumors that Boba himself had gone after him, and for a reason, no one could pinpoint, but Boba never does anything without purpose. But you in your heart just could not accept that this whole situation was real.
But then Boba was cupping your chin and tilting your face to look at him through that pitch black, unreadable T, and he spread your legs by shoving his own up between your own. Your brain screamed at you that this wasn’t real, for you to break yourself from the daydream, but your heart pushed you to stay compliant, to see where this would lead, to push your luck.
“What are you thinking, doc? I wanna know everything little thought that is running through that pretty head of yours.”
“Wh-why are you here…..I...do you need medical assistance, are-are you hurt,” you barely forced those words out as the man himself chuckled, leaning so close that you felt his chest shake from the deep rumble before he replied.
“Doc, I am fine, you don’t need to worry about me, I promise. As for why I am here, well, let’s just say that I missed my favorite medic when I got back to the palace today, and I couldn’t wait to see her until tomorrow.”
“F..fav- I, Boba, we have never even spoken to each other, before now…”
“Doc, I don’t need to talk with you to already know you are my favorite being in that entire cesspool of a palace. I don’t need to speak with you to know that you have a kind heart and treat every patient you have with respect and kindness, even when they are undeserving. Doc, I don’t need to speak to you to know that every time you walk into the room all I want to do is focus on you. All I need to know is that when you look in my direction all I want to do is drop everything and take you somewhere private to fuck you every way you deserve, to give you so much pleasure that you would feel like you were floating for the next week.”
You only swallowed dryly, speechless at the very words that had just rolled off of his tongue. You felt yourself fluster when Boba grabbed your waist with his free hand and drag his thigh against your clothed core, and then he was speaking again as you gave out a few whimpers, “And Doc, I gotta say, I am getting a bit tired and impatient of just watching you, of you thinking about you, now I want to touch and take my fill of you whenever I want or need too.”
Boba was quick with his movements, and before you could even blink he had hiked your leg up onto his hips and ground into you, and while he still was wearing his codpiece, the two of you moaned at the small amount of friction the grinding granted both of you. Boba moves his hand, shoving it under your thin nightshirt and grabbing your breast harshly, groaning out, “Are you going to let me, doc? Are you gonna let me give you pleasure so no one else can? Are you going to let me bury myself in this cunt that I just know is dripping for my throbbing cock?”
With a whimper, you could only bury your face into his shoulder and let out a muffled, “Please, Boba…”
Then he was pulling away from you, ripping off his helmet to crash his lips onto your own as he worked on pulling his gloves off his hands. In the split second between Boba removing his helmet and him pulling you into a bruising kiss, you had been able to get a glimpse of his beautiful tan skin and inky black curls. Even with your small glimpse at his features, you knew that the man that was all but devouring you was more handsome than you could even imagine, and so much better looking than any other man you had seen in your short life, and you felt that Boba both knew and didn’t realize this fact. It was an honest shame that he would ever hide his face from the world.
You were knocked from your thoughts of his face when he started pulling on your sleep pants in a needy way, like if he didn’t get you bare for him right that second he would combust in on himself. And you guessed you were correct when he turned you around, bending you over as he all but ripped off his codpiece, and unzipped his flight suit saying, “I am sorry doc, but I have waited and dreamed of this pussy for too long to be patient and work you up. I need you now, but I promise to take care of you.”
With a whine, you only wiggled your ass back, making sure to brush against him, moaning when you felt the sheer size of him. Boba only shot back a grunt and brought his palm down hard on your ass growling out, “We go at my pace, Doc. I want you just as bad, but I am too big to rush too much. I refuse to hurt you now that I finally have you.”
And with that said, Boba shoves two fingers inside of your dripping cunt. The groan that he gives out when two of his fingers press into you makes you flutter around him and mewl.
“Fuck, doc, I think this pussy of yours is practically sucking my fingers in. Goddamn, you’re probably the tightest little thing that I have ever fucked. I can’t even imagine just how fucking good you’ll feel squeezing my hard cock.”
With each dirty word and groan from Boba’s mouth he matched it with a hard thrust of his rough and thick fingers deep inside of you. You honestly would have felt ashamed for how fast that he managed to get you so close to the edge, but in this circumstance, all you could think of was just how overwhelmingly good his fingers were making you feel. You couldn’t even get the words out to tell Boba how close you were, your lips too occupied with moans and mewls. And when you finally did tip over the edge, it was with a shout of Boba’s name that turned into a silent scream. All you could hear was white noise and your eyes were closed tighter than they had ever been in your life, and your senses slowly started trickling back into you. When you finally completely came to it was to Boba slowly still fucking his fingers into you murmuring reassurances to you, only to stop when you whimpered and pulled away from bordering oversensitivity.
“Fuck that was so sexy of you, doc, gushing all of your juices over my hand. I bet you taste as divine as you look right now, but that’s gonna have to wait because I N E E D to be inside you right now. Do you think you can handle more, doc,” you only answered him with a shuddering nod and a wiggle of your ass against him, which resulted in another ass slap and a growled, “good girl.”
While rubbing your lower back, Boba lined himself up and rubbed the head of his cock along your folds for a minute, teasing you before lining up and slowly inching himself inside of you. Still slightly delirious from the first orgasm that Boba brought you, the pain from stretching to accommodate his very obviously thick cock felt absolutely divine to you, but you didn’t push because as Boba said before, you didn’t want to hurt yourself. But the second that he was fully inside of you, his thighs pressed to the back of yours. You felt so full, to the point that you felt that you might burst open at any second, but the burning pain made you whine and ask him to just move, unable to stand him just staying unmoving buried deep inside of you.
When he did start moving and pounding deep inside of you, it was like a spell had been cast over you and you just opened your mouth and started spilling all of your deepest, dirtiest thoughts, “Oh maker, Boba...maker h-how many ti-mes I have thought about thi..is...god you are so thick, pl-lease don’t stop,” at this one of Boba’s large palms came down onto the back of your neck, lifting you up so that your back was pressed to his strong chest.
“Keep talking, little one. I wanna hear every dirty thought you have ever had about me, tell me, how many times did you come back here to your little home and touch yourself to the thought of my cock, did you get this wet just from thinking about me, were your fingers satisfying enough for you?”
At this point, Boba had managed to find the spot deep inside of you that had you screaming his name with every. single. jolting. thrust. Your words weren’t coming to you easily, so caught up in the pleasure that was flowing through your body, but Boba did not like that in the least. Slamming into you, he stilled right as his cock was pressing up against that spot, just grinding into it making you whimper and clench around him, as he growled into your ear, “Doc, I asked you a question.”
You tried to beg him to start moving again, tried to move your hips to get the friction you desperately craved. Boba just wrapped his fingers around your throat and squeezed just enough that you moaned at the sensation, and he growled out, “doc” as a warning.
“Fuck, Boba please! I...I think about you almost every ni-ight. Always spread my pussy thinking about how good it would feel if it was your hand not mine, how wrecking it would be to have your tongue on my clit… but it was never eno-ough, I always came aw-way wanting more, wanting the real thing not fan-ntasies. Maker, I need you Boba.”
As soon as you started rambling, Boba started thrusting in and out of you once more, this time with more force and at a faster pace. You felt yourself being thrust up into the air with each of his powerful thrusts, balancing on your toes as Boba held you up. Your throat was soon turning raw as your moans continuously got louder and louder the closer you got. Boba started kissing and biting into your neck with mutters that you couldn’t quite decipher with how far gone your brain was, there was no chance you would process anything that was said to you right now unless it was a command.
Just then you felt the hand that wasn’t wrapped around your throat sneak down to where you both were combined, before moving up and going directly towards your clit. It was too much for you, Boba hitting your g-spot continuously over and over, his fingers teasing your clit, and his fingers tightening minutely around your throat as he got lost in his own pleasure. One second you felt yourself climbing higher and higher and higher up the mountain of pleasure that Boba had set you on, and then you heard the one barked out the command, “Cum”, and you found yourself tumbling over the cliff, being thrown completely into the best orgasm you had ever had in your life. As you slumped, boneless and completely at Boba’s mercy, you felt him continue to pound into you roughly, but at a more erratic pace before quickly pulling out and painting your lower back and thighs with his cum while groaning out your name.
The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes, before Boba gently sat you down, and turned to find a cloth to clean the two of you up. Once that was accomplished, Boba led you to the small bed you had set up, and laid you down, making sure to brush the hair out of your face once you were tucked in. What you hadn’t expected was for him to shed the rest of his armor and curl up behind you, holding you close, almost as if you would disappear from his hands if he didn’t. The two of you laid there, quietly enjoying the other, Boba tracing shapes on your hip with his fingertips, as you clutched his other one, your conjoined hands resting over your heart. Sleep was encroaching on your consciousness, and as you felt it start to take over you whispered, “Please be here in the morning.”
“I wish I could make this promise to you, little one, but I cannot say if I will be here when you wake.”
“Then stay for as long as you can?”
“That I can do, little one, that I can do.”
Tags: @justanotherstarwarswhore @shellyc9 @moodsare @anneliver @phoenixhalliwell @cobb--vanth @space-kates @victias @echos-newlegs @lelumi @bimsficrecs @the-chocoholic-writer @bunny-fair @sithdjarins @sassybananagardenartisan
(Please LIKE and/or REBLOG, it really helps me out)
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
500 Follower Milestone!!!
First off I want to thank each and everyone of you! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face everyday and allowing me to share my garbage thots, and allowing me to hear and indulge in your own thots. You guys have honestly been so nice and kind and I can't express how much I love each and everyone of you! 💕
So to celebrate you guys voted, and the decision was to open up a limited number of ships!
So I am opening 20 slots for ships (I know that isn't alot of spots, but ships are taxing for me to write so I don't want to push myself to do too many)
You'll have to follow these to a t if you want a ship, because if something is missing chances are I won't do it. Sorry but it makes it difficult for me if you are missing information and please remember the more info I have makes it easier for me to write as well as makes your ship more detailed!!! Also make sure the info is sent to my INBOX and not my DMs!
Gender of your ship!!! You can always say you don't care, that is acceptable!
Fandom/Catagory you want your ship from (ie. Clone Wars, Bucket Bois, Star Wars in general, ect.) you can do up to 2 and the options are listed below
Your preferred pronouns!!
Your age (not necessarily required, but if you add your age I will throw in something a little more spicy)
Description of your PERSONALITY (you can include looks, but I base everything off personality so please take your time and try and give me as much as possible to work with. They always turn out better when you do!)
Whatever else you want to include that you think will help me (ie your favorite things, quirks, likes, dislikes, ect.)
Lastly, tell me who you ship ME with! I'm interested to hear what you guys say!
Here is my info, you can use this as a template for what I am looking for when writing your info:
I am average in height with shorter brown hair and I have green eyes. I wear glasses and am also on the curvier side, and I like to dress in more of a dark academia/grunge type style. I am bisexual and am an INTJ, the architect/strategist, and my pronouns are She/Her. My favorite color is dark purple, my favorite artists to listen too are Hozier and Bastille. I am a really introverted person and am anxious around new people and crowds, as a result I have a bad habit of chewing on my bottom lip often. With people I know and am close with though I am really sarcastic and tend to joke around. In my friend group I am what I call the Dad friend. I am like the mom friend but make really bad jokes and have endless amounts of just useless weird knowledge. I won't actively stop you from doing stupid stuff, but I will be there to help you clean up the aftermath and tell you 'I told you so'. I am blunt and won't sugarcoat my opinions and I am a very opinionated person. I am a reliable person, and I will go out of my way to help the people am close with. I am naturally kind hearted and respectful, as well as a people pleaser, but I hold grudges like no other and don't take kindly to people who treat others badly or discriminate for no reason. If you make me mad I will hold that against you for a long while and I will cut you out of my life if I deem it necessary. I have a soft spot for young children and all animals. I have a green thumb and love being surrounded by plants, and I own several, my favorite flower is Lilac or Irises. I love writing and drawing, even if I think that I am not great at either. I am also currently pursuing a career in forensic pathology and have a weird fascinationwith death!
Ship Options:
Star Wars in general
Bucket Bois + the the Armorer specify if you want her in this group please! (ie. Paz, Boba, Din)
Clone Wars, Bad Batch
Prequels, OGs, Sequels
AU Bois (ie. Modern AU, Mobster AU, ect.) You can specify which AU if you want
Specify any area you want with in Star Wars (ie. Sith, Jedi, ect.)
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And a HUGE thank you to everyone who left suggestions and said nice things or even just said hello! I appreciate all of it and honestly don't deserve you guys 💕💕💕
If you left a suggestion thank you so much, and they will be added to the poll for future milestone celebration decisions!!
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Quick Update:
Sorry I've been a little absent these last few days, my period has kicked my ass, butI am finally feeling a little better so I hope to finish up ships tonight after I babysit!
Also I did just get my 1st COVID shot so if I go missing again thats why, though so far I am feeling ok
Hopefully I will get back to THOTS soon and I didn't get Mobster!Paz done for this week so I might whip something up for someday next week!
Hope you all have a great weekend!- Hannah
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Just curious....
I know I said that next Wednesday I was going to work on Mobsrer!Paz, but I wanted to know how you guys would feel about a Clan Leader!Paz one-shot?? Would that be something you all would rather see or should I just stick to Mobster!Paz??
Let me know, and love you guys- Hannah
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