#mobile welfare van
townpostin · 2 months
Dr. Ajoy Kumar's Outreach Gains Ground in Jamshedpur
Former MP Addresses Local Issues, Empowers Youth Ex-MP Dr. Ajoy Kumar’s public outreach in Jamshedpur gains support through active problem-solving, youth engagement, and welfare initiatives, showcasing grassroots political involvement. JAMSHEDPUR – Former MP and senior Congress leader Dr. Ajoy Kumar launches extensive public engagement drive across Jamshedpur. The prominent Congress figure has…
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your-divine-ribs · 7 months
Ice Cold Part 6
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Words: 1.9k
I forgot how much I hated Jason until I started posting this story again 😬
Ice Cold Masterlist Main Masterlist
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"Oh my god Lyla! Are you alright?"
As soon as the door burst open Jen rushed over to me, gripping my shoulders and pushing me back, looking me over, inspecting me for any signs of damage.
All I could do was stand there, frozen into place, my eyes fixed on the window frame where Van had disappeared through only moments before. I supposed it must have looked like I was in shock. My mind in turmoil after going through some kind of horrific ordeal at the hands of my deadly captor. And I was in shock... but for a very different reason.
Jason rushed straight to the window, grasping the sides, ready to push himself through and take chase, and seeing this finally snapped me out of my trance.
"Jason!" I called urgently, and he hesitated, halfway through the window.
The words caught in my throat and I stumbled. "Errr... be... be careful..."
Jason raged something about 'bringing that fucker down' and then he launched himself through into the night, leaving me and Jen alone.
Shame washed over me as I realised that my automatic response to seeing Jason taking off after Van wasn't actually concern over my colleague's welfare. I'd pictured Van sprawled face down on the street, bleeding out with a bullet lodged in his back and the image had terrified me.
"What happened?" Jen asked. "Did he... did he..." She trailed off, her face screwed up like she was imagining something so appalling she couldn't verbalise it.
"I'm okay... he didn't hurt me," I reassured her and her immediate relief was evident, but then I saw her expression turn rapidly to something else. Bewilderment.
"So... what happened then? Why did he bring you here and lock you in?"
I opened my mouth, hesitated, shut it again, my mind buzzing frantically through possible scenarios, none of which seemed feasible.
Jen's mobile phone ringtone suddenly blared, interrupting us, and she answered the call immediately. "Jason!"
My heart was in my mouth as I listened to the one-sided conversation, but it soon became apparent that Jason had obviously lost Van and was now on his way back to the hotel. I found myself saying a silent prayer of thanks and relief inside my head, then instantly berated myself.
Whose side was I on exactly?
"Jen... I think I need to get back too. My head's spinning and I don't feel so good."
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As soon as I got back to the confines of my hotel room I lost it. I curled up into a foetal position on the bed and the tears wracked my whole body. A million emotions tore through me like a hurricane. What the fuck was happening to me?
I replayed my confrontation with Van in my head, trying so desperately to focus on the fear I'd felt and the horror of the crimes he'd committed, but I couldn't get the look in his eyes out of my mind. Pure, unadulterated hunger. Not like he simply wanted me. Like he needed me. And I'd needed him right back.
My dreams that night were dark and full of horror and violence. I was eight years old again and scared. From my hiding place under the hotel room bed I could just make out my father's feet as he dashed about, securing doors and windows, shouting frantically down the phone about threat levels and information leaks and danger. Imminent danger.
My dad had tried to keep me sheltered from his life growing up, only giving me snippets of an insight into his work. I was proud that he was responsible for 'catching the bad men' and righting wrongs. To me he was some kind of superhero. Every time he'd take another trip to some far away city my mother would fret and this would only make me worry, but he'd scoop me up and sit me on his knee. "Don't worry pumpkin, daddy's out there just making the world a safer place for you and your mum."
But I wasn't naive. I quickly found out that the boogey men I heard stories about as a child weren't the monsters that supposedly lurked under my bed, or the shadows cast from the open wardrobe door late at night. They were very real. Bad men with guns and knives that stalked their prey against the nighttime landscape of the city.
My dream played like a movie from that fateful night, with me as the unwilling but captive audience, re-living the horror as I saw the black boots of my father's killer enter the room from my vantage point under the bed. I heard the harsh words and threats, the sounds of flesh striking flesh as blows were exchanged. And then I watched on in disbelief and terror as my dad slumped on to the floor right next to the bed, a huge yawning gash in his throat. His eyes meeting mine, a desperate plea in them for me to keep quiet, whilst I was forced to watch as the pool of blood widened and soaked into the carpet and the light gradually faded from his eyes. All I could do was lie silently and wait, looking into my father's dead staring eyes. Wait for his killer to find me, drag me kicking and screaming from my hiding place to meet the same fate. But it never happened. I'd lain there for hours, frozen with fear, a hand clamped over my own mouth to stifle the sobs that so desperately tried to burst free.
I was still there when the other agents on my dad's team found me the following morning. They fussed and they hugged me. My mother shut herself off from normal life whilst she grieved, leaving me to deal with my loss largely alone. I was sent for countless counselling and therapy sessions. But I didn't cry. Not once. I didn't need therapy. I made myself a promise that day. That I'd dedicate my life to purging the world of all the corruption, exact justice for all the lives taken in exchange for riches and power and greed. Rid the world of all the bad people who'd made killing their career. Evil men.
Men like Van.
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A sharp rapping sound dragged me from the depths of my restless sleep and I welcomed the respite from my harrowing dreams.
I hurriedly entangled myself from the bedsheets, slipping my silk robe on over the underwear that I'd slept in that night and made my way over to the door, blinking the sleep from my eyes.
"Jason!" I was taken aback as my colleague barged past me, forcibly shouldering me out of the way. "What the hell?"
He whirled around as I shut the door behind him and I turned to face him uneasily. His usual smirk was wider than normal, almost sinister.
"Sleep well?" He sneered.
"Y... yeah... well... no, not really if I'm being honest," I stuttered. "I still feel a little shaken up from yesterday."
I watched as his smirk grew. "Oh really? You might fool everyone else Lyla, but you're not fooling me."
Sharp spikes of anxiety shot through me but I tried as best as I could to maintain a neutral expression. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't play the innocent, it doesn't suit you. Now I know full well there's some weird kind of twisted shit going on with you and that sick fuck, and I want to know what it is."
"That's ridiculous! There's nothing going on! I don't know what the hell you're suggesting!" I used the outrage I felt at myself for the truth in his words to fuel my defensive lies.
Jason shook his head slowly, smugness oozing from every pore. "First he lets you go when he could have easily killed you, then he's fucking calling you up in your hotel room!" He let out an incredulous snort. "I read your report. You said you were in the bath at the time didn't you? Well before we flew out I went to scope out the empty apartment he was watching you from. Yeah... that's right... he was watching you. But I'm sure you knew that right? Probably put on a good show for him, didn't you?"
"Get fucked Jason, you don't know shit!" I cried, indignant.
"Well... it's no secret what you're into... there's always been plenty of rumours going round. Except they're not just rumours any more. Had a very interesting chat with Scott Parker who works with the London team..."
I mentally scrolled through my recent partners. Yeah, there were a fair few of them, and okay... I did have particular preferences... but what the fuck did that have to do with anyone else?
Hold on... Scott... fuck... scenes flashed through my mind like some x-rated BDSM film and I felt a deep flush rising in me, colouring my cheeks. He was one of the few guys who was actually on the same page as me sexually. Most guys were either mortified at my requests or completely turned off when I started making my demands.
"I don't know why you're so bloody obsessed with my sex life!" I shouted. "Is it because you're not getting any huh? I'm not surprised. What woman would willingly go near you, you fucking pervert!"
Jason's face twisted with anger into a vile sneer and he took a step closer until he was invading my personal space.
"You know what? You're nothing but a cheap slut! All those guys you plead with to rough you up, begging them to fucking choke you and slap you and shit? That's not normal! What's up? You got daddy issues? Want me to put you over my knee and give you a good hiding, eh? Bet you'd like that wouldn't you? I'll be your fucking daddy Lyla!"
As he spoke he stepped even closer still, spitting the words right into my face, making me flinch.
I reacted without thinking. My hand flew up and curled into a fist before it struck Jason's right cheek, knocking his head sideways. "You bastard!" I cried.
It wasn't the first time I'd got physical with Jason when he'd overstepped the boundaries. It normally put him right in his place. But he'd never gone this far before. And as he lifted his head, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth and fixing me with a look of contempt which made me suck in a breath, I knew something had changed.
He advanced on me even further, forcing me back against the bathroom door. I didn't react straight away, stunned temporarily, I just watched dumbstruck as Jason reached up a hand, letting his fingers run along the edge of my robe where it was crossed over my chest, his fingers lightly grazing the lace cup of my bra.
His voice dropped low as he spoke, and he was close enough for me to smell the sour stench of coffee on his breath. "You know, you'd better start being a lot nicer to me Lyla... if you don't want me going to Paul with my suspicions. I wonder what he'd think if he knew his golden girl was fucking a serial killer..."
I tensed, reviled at his touch, wanting to lash out at him but terrified of the consequences. Wondering if he was just calling my bluff, seeing how far he could push me.
What did he have to lose after all? Nothing.
And what did I have to lose? Everything.
Jason stepped back, looking me up and down with a disgusting kind of smug satisfaction at his newfound power over me.
"You've not heard the last of this..."
He left the room.
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shesey · 1 year
Excerpts from Bessel Van Der Kolk's The Body Keeps the Score
The greatest sources of our suffering are the lies we tell ourselves. We want to think of families as safe havens in a heartless world and of our own country as populated by enlighten, civilized people. We prefer to believe that cruelty occurs only in faraway places like Darfur or the Congo.
Most human suffering is related to love and loss and that the job of therapists is to help people acknowledge, experience, and bear the reality of life - with all its pleasures and heartbreak.
Our capacity to destroy one another is matched by our capacity to heal one another. Restoring relationships and community is central to restoring well-being. Language gives us the power to change ourselves and others by communicating our experiences, helping us to define what we know, and finding a common sense of meaning... We can change social conditions to create environments in which children and adults can feel safe and where they can thrive.
Trauma almost invariable involves not being seen, not being mirrored, and not being taken into account.
If an organism is stuck in survival mode, its energies are focused on fighting off unseen enemies, which leaves no room for nurture, care, and love. For us humans, it means that as long as the mind is defending itself against invisible assaults, our closest bonds are threatened, along with our ability to imagine, plan, play, learn, and pay attention to other people's needs.
How many mental health problems, from drug addiction to self-injurious behavior, start as attemps to cope with the unbearable physical pain of our emotions.
... knowing that we are seen and heard by the important people in our lives can make us feel calm and safe, and why being ignored or dismissed can precipitate rage reaction or mental collapse. It helped us understand why focused attunement with another person can shift us out of disorganized and fearful states.
When the message we receive from another person is 'you're safe with me,' we relax.
Most of our energy is devoted to connecting with others.
...almost all mental suffering involves either trouble in creating workable and satisfying relationships...
Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.
The critical issue is reciprocity: being truly heard and seen by the people around us, feeling that we are held in someone else's mind and heart. For our physiology to calm down, heal, and grow we need a visceral feeling of safety. No doctor can write a prescription for friendship and love: These are complex and hard-earned capacities.
Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves.
The most common response to distress is to seek out people we like and trust to help us and give us the courage to go on.
Supressing our inner cries for help does not stop our stress hormones from mobilizing the body.
The most natural way for human beings to calm themselves when they are upset is by clinging to another person.
... Human beings may be induced to sacrifice everything they hold dear and true -- including their sense of self -- for the sake of being loved and approved of by someone in a position of power.
i like my body when it is with your body ... muscles better and nerves more.
Economist have calculated that every dollar invested in high-quality home visitation, day care, and preschool programs results in seven dollars of savings on welfare payments, health-care costs, substance-abuse treatment, and incarceration, plus higher tax revenues due to better-paying jobs.
When we play together, we feel physically attuned and experience a sense of connection and joy.
However, the most natural way that we humans calm down our distress is by being touched, hugged, and rocked.
While trauma keeps us dumbfounded, the path out of it is paved with words, carefully assembled, piece by piece, until the whole story can be revealed.
Feeling listened to and understood changes our physiology; being able to articulate a complex feeling, and having our feelings recognized, lights up our limbic brain and creates an 'aha' moment. In contrast, being met by silence and incomprehension kills the spirit.
Death, destruction, and sorrow need to be constantly justified in the absence of some overarching meaning for the suffering.
This is one of the most profound experiences we can have, and such resonance, in which hitherto unspoken words can be discovered, uttered, and received, is fundamental to healing the isolation of trauma - especially if other people in our lives have ignored or silenced us. Communicating fully is the opposite of being traumatized.
Public story and inner experience finally meet.
The object of writing is to write to yourself, to let yourself know what you have been trying to avoid.
Like a splinter that causes an infection, it is the body's response to the foreign object that becomes the problem more than the object itself.
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southgatetravels · 14 days
Enhancing Workforce Mobility: Employee Transportation Services in Kochi
Employee transportation services play a pivotal role in maintaining the smooth functioning of businesses, especially in bustling cities like Kochi. With its rapidly growing IT and business hubs, Kochi has seen a surge in demand for reliable and efficient employee transportation solutions. These services not only ensure that employees arrive at work on time but also contribute to their overall well-being, productivity, and job satisfaction.
In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of employee transportation services kochi the benefits they bring to companies and employees alike, and the different options available in the market.
1. Why Employee Transportation Services Are Essential in Kochi
Kochi, being a city with growing industrial zones and corporate offices, experiences heavy traffic during peak hours. For many employees, commuting to work can be a stressful and time-consuming task. This is where organized employee transportation services come into play. Here are a few reasons why these services have become essential in Kochi:
Reducing Commuting Stress: Long commutes can lead to employee burnout and lower productivity. Providing transportation services helps employees avoid the stress of traffic, allowing them to start their day fresh and focused.
Punctuality and Reliability: Timely arrival is crucial for any business. Organized transportation services ensure employees reach work on time, minimizing delays and improving workplace discipline.
Environmentally Friendly: By providing shared transportation solutions, companies can significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Fewer individual vehicles on the road contribute to reduced traffic congestion and lower emissions.
Employee Retention: Offering transportation services is a valuable perk that can enhance employee satisfaction. It shows the company’s commitment to employee welfare and can be a deciding factor for potential hires or in retaining current staff.
2. Key Benefits of Employee Transportation Services
Offering employee transportation is a win-win for both companies and their employees. Here are the key benefits:
Increased Productivity: Employees who use company-provided transportation are less likely to be fatigued from long commutes, allowing them to focus better on their tasks. They can also utilize commute time for personal relaxation or even work-related activities in the case of Wi-Fi-enabled transport.
Cost Savings: For employees, using a company-provided transport service can lead to significant savings on fuel, vehicle maintenance, and other transportation costs. For companies, pooling employees in shared vehicles reduces the need for parking spaces and mitigates costs associated with individual travel reimbursements.
Better Work-Life Balance: When employees are relieved of the stress of arranging daily transport, they enjoy a better work-life balance. Reduced commute times or stress-free rides contribute to better mental well-being, resulting in happier, more motivated employees.
Safety and Security: Companies that offer transportation services provide employees with safer travel options, particularly for night shifts or when traveling through areas with challenging public transport accessibility. Ensuring employee safety is essential for maintaining morale and trust within the organization.
3. Types of Employee Transportation Services in Kochi
With a variety of industries and businesses flourishing in Kochi, employee transportation services cater to different needs. Here are some of the most common types:
Shuttle Services: Shuttle buses or vans that pick up and drop off employees from specific locations in and around Kochi are common. These services follow a fixed schedule, ensuring punctuality and efficiency.
Carpooling Services: Carpooling is an eco-friendly and cost-effective option where employees share a ride with colleagues. Companies either facilitate these through partnerships with carpool services or create internal systems to connect employees traveling from the same area.
On-Demand Transportation: Some companies offer flexible, on-demand transportation options, particularly for employees who work irregular hours. These services can be pre-scheduled or requested through mobile apps, providing flexibility.
Customized Transport Solutions: Some companies, especially larger corporations, offer customized transport services based on their workforce size and location. These may include dedicated buses or vans that cater to employees living in specific areas, with routes tailored to their convenience.
4. Choosing the Right Employee Transportation Provider
When selecting an employee transportation service provider in Kochi, it’s essential to ensure that the company meets your organization’s specific requirements. Here are a few factors to consider:
Fleet Size and Condition: Ensure that the service provider has a sufficient fleet of vehicles in good condition to accommodate your workforce. The vehicles should be comfortable, well-maintained, and equipped with safety features.
Technology Integration: Look for service providers that use advanced tracking and communication technologies. Real-time tracking, route optimization, and mobile apps for booking or tracking rides add convenience and transparency to the service.
Compliance with Safety Standards: Employee safety should be a top priority. Ensure that the service provider follows all legal and safety regulations, including proper driver training, vehicle insurance, and emergency support systems.
Flexibility and Scalability: Choose a provider that offers flexible services and can scale up or down based on your business’s changing transportation needs.
5. The Impact of COVID-19 on Employee Transportation
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the way companies approach employee transportation. With health and safety becoming a primary concern, transportation services have adapted to meet new challenges:
Social Distancing and Hygiene Protocols: Employee transport services now adhere to strict safety guidelines, including limited vehicle capacity, regular sanitization, and the provision of hand sanitizers and masks.
Flexible Schedules: As companies adopt hybrid work models, transportation services need to be more flexible. Employees working staggered shifts or on different days may require transportation at different times.
Contactless Booking: Many transportation providers have introduced contactless booking and payment options, allowing employees to manage their rides through mobile apps, minimizing contact and promoting hygiene.
6. The Future of Employee Transportation in Kochi
With Kochi emerging as a key business hub, the demand for efficient employee transportation services is only set to increase. As businesses continue to grow, companies are likely to invest more in enhancing transportation infrastructure for their workforce. In addition, sustainability is becoming a major focus, with many companies looking at electric vehicles (EVs) and other eco-friendly transport options to reduce their carbon footprint.
Moreover, with technology integration and the rise of smart transportation systems, employee transportation in Kochi is expected to become more streamlined, offering real-time updates, enhanced safety, and greater efficiency.
Employee transportation services in Kochi are an essential part of modern business operations, ensuring smooth, efficient, and safe commutes for employees. By providing these services, companies can reduce commuting stress, enhance productivity, and show their commitment to employee well-being. With a range of options available, from shuttles to on-demand services, Kochi’s businesses have plenty of solutions to choose from to meet their transportation needs.
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shynim · 27 days
Employee Transportation Services in Kochi: Enhancing Mobility and Productivity
In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, the efficient management of human resources is crucial for success. Employees are among the most valuable assets of any organization, and their productivity is often directly linked to their ability to commute to and from work with ease. In cities like Kochi, where rapid urbanization and increasing population density pose significant transportation challenges, employee transportation services have emerged as an essential service to enhance employee welfare and organizational efficiency.
Understanding Employee Transportation Services
Employee transportation services, often referred to as corporate bus services, shuttle services, or employee commute solutions, are designed to facilitate the movement of employees from their homes to their workplaces and back. These services can range from dedicated bus routes to shuttle vans, providing seamless and reliable transportation for employees, especially in areas where public transport may be insufficient or unreliable.
 The Need for Employee Transportation Services Kochi
Kochi, one of the fastest-growing cities in India, faces a myriad of transportation challenges. With an influx of professionals from various sectors, including IT, healthcare, and hospitality, the demand for efficient commuting options is at an all-time high. Several factors contribute to the necessity for dedicated employee transportation services across Kochi:
1. Traffic Congestion: With the rapid increase in the number of vehicles on the road, traffic congestion has become a major issue. Peak hours often see long delays, making it impractical for employees to rely solely on personal transport.
2. Public Transport Limitations: While Kochi has made strides in improving its public transport facilities, many employees struggle with the irregularity and unreliability of public transport services. This can lead to increased stress and reduced productivity.
3. Safety and Security: Employee safety is a paramount concern for organizations. Companies can provide a safer commuting option through organized transport services, ensuring that employees reach their destinations securely, particularly during late hours.
4. Cost-Effectiveness: For companies, offering transportation benefits can be more cost-effective than providing employees with transport allowances or reimbursements. Streamlined transport can reduce operational costs while ensuring that employees arrive at work on time.
5. Employee Satisfaction: A reliable transportation service can significantly enhance employee satisfaction by minimizing commute-related stress and enabling better work-life balance. When employees feel cared for, it can lead to increased loyalty and retention.
Benefits of Employee Transportation Services
Organizations that opt for employee transportation services in Kochi can reap several benefits, including:
1. Increased Productivity: By reducing the time employees spend commuting, organizations can enhance overall productivity. This time saved can be redirected towards work, innovation, and collaboration.
2. Lower Absenteeism: With reliable transportation, employees are less likely to be late or absent, which contributes to smoother operations and a more committed workforce.
3. Enhanced Employee Morale: When employees benefit from comfortable and efficient transportation, their morale improves. This positivity can lead to a more cohesive work environment and greater job satisfaction.
4. Corporate Image and Branding: Providing transportation services can enhance a company's image as an employee-centric organization. This can be particularly appealing to prospective employees and may help attract top talent.
5. Sustainability Initiatives: Many organizations are now seeking to promote sustainability. Employee transportation services can help reduce the carbon footprint by optimizing vehicle usage and reducing the number of individual cars on the road.
Implementing Employee Transportation Services in Kochi
For companies considering the implementation of employee transportation services in Kochi, several steps need to be taken to ensure successful execution:
1. Assess Employee Needs: Understand the commuting patterns of employees by surveying them. Identify the key areas from which employees travel, peak commuting times, and preferred modes of transport.
2. Choose Transportation Modes: Depending on the employee demographics and needs, companies can choose from various transportation modes, including buses, vans, or ride-sharing solutions.
3. Partner with Reliable Transport Providers: Collaborating with established transportation service providers can guarantee service reliability and safety. It's essential to choose partners who comply with local regulations and have a track record of efficient service delivery.
4. Establish Clear Communication: Maintaining open lines of communication with employees regarding transportation schedules, routes, and any changes is vital. Clear communication can heighten employee confidence in the transport system.
5. Measure and Optimize: Continuously monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of transportation services. Regular feedback from employees can help in making necessary adjustments to improve the service.
As Kochi continues to expand and evolve as a prominent business hub, the demand for effective employee transportation services will only increase. Organizations that recognize the importance of such services and take proactive steps to implement them will likely see a direct correlation between their investment and enhanced employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity. 
Leveraging employee transportation services not only supports individual employees but also contributes to the overall growth and success of organizations in Kochi. In an era where employee welfare is paramount, establishing a robust employee transportation service is not just a trend but a strategic necessity. As businesses adapt to the changing dynamics of the workforce, investing in comprehensive and reliable transportation solutions will undoubtedly set them apart in the competitive landscape.
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thehealthyschoo1 · 6 months
Nourishing Communities The Impact of Summer Food Programs
As the scorching heat of summer settles in, many families face a challenge beyond the sweltering temperatures: ensuring their children have access to nutritious meals. For millions of children who rely on school meals during the academic year, the summer break presents a gap in this vital source of nutrition. However, summer food programs have emerged as a beacon of hope, bridging this gap and nourishing communities across the nation.
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Summer food programs, often operated by local governments, community organizations, or school districts, offer free meals to children during the summer months. These programs typically provide breakfast, lunch, snacks, or a combination thereof, served at designated sites such as schools, parks, community centers, or mobile vans. The aim is to reach children in underserved areas, where food insecurity is prevalent, and ensure they receive nutritious meals even when school is out.
One of the primary benefits of summer food programs is combating food insecurity among children. According to the USDA, food insecurity affects millions of households in the United States, with children being particularly vulnerable. Summer food programs play a crucial role in alleviating hunger during the summer break, ensuring that children have access to balanced meals regardless of their family's financial circumstances.
Moreover, these programs promote overall health and well-being by offering nutritious meals that include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. By providing essential nutrients, summer food programs contribute to children's physical and cognitive development, supporting their growth and learning throughout the summer months.
Beyond addressing immediate nutritional needs, summer food programs foster community engagement and support. Volunteers, often from within the community, play a vital role in distributing meals, organizing activities, and creating a welcoming environment for children and families. This sense of community involvement not only strengthens social ties but also empowers residents to take an active role in addressing food insecurity and promoting child welfare.
Additionally, summer food programs often incorporate educational components, such as nutrition workshops or cooking demonstrations, to promote healthy eating habits and food literacy among participants. By combining meals with educational opportunities, these programs equip children and families with the knowledge and skills needed to make healthier food choices year-round.
Despite their numerous benefits, summer food programs face challenges such as funding constraints, limited outreach, and logistical hurdles in reaching remote or rural areas. Addressing these challenges requires collaborative efforts among policymakers, community organizations, and volunteers to expand program accessibility and effectiveness.
Summer food programs play a vital role in ensuring that children have access to nutritious meals during the summer break, combating food insecurity, promoting health and well-being, fostering community engagement, and empowering families with valuable resources and knowledge. By supporting and expanding these programs, we can nourish communities and create a brighter future for all children.
For more info :-
Healthy School Food Collaborative
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Discover Caravan Accessories Shop to Gear Up for Your Journey
You will be happy that you possess a caravan accessories shop whether the weather is pleasant and sunny or dreary and chilly. It will shade the van's side and keep it significantly colder in the heat. You will also have a shaded spot to unwind with a glass of wine and a book. You can even add an annexe if you want to stay longer to offer yourself even more room to walk around and take in the surroundings.
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Provides Convenience to Employees and Boosts Employee Productivity
Providing transportable mobile toilets for sale and showers to your employees might have a significant impact. Thanks to these miracles, workers may now comfortably take a brief break and relax close to where they work. They don't have to leave the area and take a lengthy stroll to look for public restrooms.
Given that they spend the majority of their time on the construction site, this could result in a quicker project completion. Offering your employees, the convenience of a mobile restroom on-site can boost their output considerably.
Your employees will not be concerned about where to urinate when they can readily reach the restrooms. They are happier and feel more at ease in their workplace as a result. Furthermore, employees who feel comfortable are more motivated to finish the task at hand.
Time and Cost-Effective Hygiene and Cleansing
Ensuring the cleanliness and hygienic conditions of building sites is vital for the welfare and health of labourers. Portable restrooms are made with hygiene in mind; they have regular maintenance, handwashing stations, and adequate ventilation.
Purchasing portable restrooms for your building site might truly result in cost and time savings. On the other hand, portable toilets are easily assembled and maintained self-contained systems. Choosing portable toilets cuts down on installation time and expenses because it eliminates the need for substantial plumbing work.
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blogynewsz · 11 months
"Controversial Plea to Government: Postpone Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra in Election-Ready States – Find Out Why!"
The Commission has requested that the central government postpone the planned “Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra” in the poll-bound states until December 5. The campaign aims to reach out to beneficiaries of social welfare schemes and enroll those who have not yet received these benefits. The Yatra will utilize more than 2,500 mobile vans and over 200 mobile theater vans to cover nearly 2.55 lakh Gram…
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Hygiene on the Go: Benefits of Renting Portable Bathrooms
In a fast-paced world where mobility and convenience are paramount, ensuring impeccable hygiene even while on the go has become a necessity. Enter the realm of portable bathrooms, a solution that transcends traditional notions of restrooms and offers a range of benefits that cater to modern lifestyles. Whether at outdoor events, construction sites, or remote locations, the concept of maintaining hygiene no longer requires sacrificing comfort or cleanliness. This exploration delves into the myriad advantages of renting portable bathrooms, highlighting their role in providing accessible, well-maintained facilities that uphold stringent hygiene standards. From versatile event settings to essential job sites, these portable units stand as a testament to innovation's capacity to merge practicality with hygiene, ensuring that the demands of a dynamic world are met without compromise.
Accessible Cleanliness: Portable Bathrooms Where You Need Them
Portable bathrooms bring a new dimension to accessible cleanliness, ensuring that sanitary facilities are available exactly where they're needed. These units can be strategically positioned at public events, construction sites, festivals, or any temporary gathering, offering a convenient and reliable solution for attendees. Whether it's a large-scale music festival or a small outdoor wedding, the ability to set up portable bathrooms on-site eliminates the need for attendees to search for distant restrooms, enhancing their overall experience while maintaining hygiene standards. The accessibility factor also extends to disaster relief efforts, allowing rapid deployment of sanitary facilities in areas affected by emergencies, where access to basic amenities might be compromised. Portable bathroom rentals provide a convenient and accessible solution for maintaining hygiene in various settings.
Event Flexibility: Hygienic Solutions for Outdoor Gatherings
Outdoor events come with their own set of challenges, including the provision of clean restroom facilities. Portable bathrooms offer event planners unparalleled flexibility, allowing them to organize gatherings in locations that lack permanent restroom infrastructure. Whether it's a community fair, a sports tournament, or a corporate retreat, renting portable bathrooms ensures that attendees can enjoy the event without sacrificing comfort or hygiene. These units can be customized to match the event's theme and size, showcasing how modern portable bathrooms have become an integral aspect of successful outdoor events.
Construction Sites: Maintaining Worker Welfare and Health
Construction sites often lack convenient access to proper restroom facilities, which can negatively impact workers' well-being and overall productivity. Portable bathrooms address this issue by providing workers with clean and accessible restrooms on-site. By prioritizing workers' hygiene needs, construction companies can enhance morale and foster a healthier work environment. Portable bathrooms also demonstrate a commitment to workers' safety and health, helping to prevent potential health hazards that can arise from unsanitary conditions at construction sites.
Travel and Adventures: Ensuring Hygiene in Remote Locations
Whether it's a remote camping expedition, a road trip, or a day at the beach, maintaining personal hygiene while on the move can be a challenge. Portable bathrooms offer a solution for travelers seeking clean and private restroom facilities in remote or outdoor settings. With these units, travelers can experience the great outdoors without compromising on cleanliness. This is especially relevant for recreational vehicles (RVs) and camper vans, where portable bathrooms provide the convenience of a home restroom while on the road.
Health and Safety Compliance: Meeting Standards Anywhere
In various industries, adherence to health and safety standards is essential. Portable bathrooms provide a practical way to comply with regulations and ensure the well-being of workers, attendees, or participants. From food festivals to construction sites, these units play a crucial role in meeting hygiene guidelines and regulations set by local authorities. Their adaptability and customizable features enable businesses and event organizers to maintain the highest standards of hygiene, avoiding potential legal issues and reputational damage.
Emergency Preparedness: Rapid Hygiene Deployment in Crisis
In times of crisis, be it natural disasters, disease outbreaks, or other emergencies, the availability of clean and functional restroom facilities becomes even more critical. Portable bathrooms can be rapidly deployed to provide essential sanitation in emergency response efforts. Whether used in evacuation centers, makeshift medical facilities, or disaster relief camps, these units ensure that basic hygiene needs are met, reducing the risk of sanitation-related health issues and contributing to effective emergency management.
Eco-Friendly Options: Sustainable Hygiene Solutions in Motion
The push for sustainability extends to restroom solutions as well. Many modern portable bathroom options are designed with eco-friendly features, such as water-saving mechanisms, solar-powered lighting, and the use of recyclable materials. These units align with the growing global emphasis on reducing environmental impact, offering a sustainable solution that minimizes resource consumption while still providing essential hygiene amenities. Choosing eco-friendly portable bathrooms not only demonstrates a commitment to responsible practices but also educates users about the potential for environmentally conscious choices in every aspect of their lives.
In conclusion, In a world where mobility and convenience reign supreme, the concept of maintaining hygiene on the go has been revolutionized by the advent of portable bathrooms. This exploration of the benefits these innovative solutions offer underscores their pivotal role in various aspects of modern life. From enhancing accessibility and event flexibility to promoting health and safety compliance, portable bathrooms have transcended their utilitarian roots to become a symbol of convenience, care, and adaptability. Their impact extends across diverse sectors, providing hygienic solutions for construction sites, adding comfort to travel and adventures, and even serving as rapid response tools in times of crisis.
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sewa-bharti-malwa · 1 year
Social Welfare Services in India: The Impact of Sewa Bharti Malwa
Empowering Education Initiatives:Healthcare for All:Relief and Rehabilitation: Women Empowerment: Conclusion:
In a country as diverse and populous as India, social welfare services play a crucial role in uplifting the underprivileged and marginalized sections of society. One organization that has been making a significant impact in this domain is Sewa Bharti Malwa. With its dedicated efforts and commitment to serving the community, Sewa Bharti Malwa has emerged as a beacon of hope for those in need. In this blog post, we will explore the various social welfare services provided by Sewa Bharti Malwa and delve into the profound impact they have had on society.
Education is the cornerstone of empowerment, and Sewa Bharti Malwa recognizes its importance in transforming lives. The organization has implemented several education-focused programs aimed at providing quality education to children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. By establishing schools, organizing vocational training, and distributing educational resources, Sewa Bharti Malwa ensures that children have access to a brighter future.
Access to healthcare is a fundamental right, yet many vulnerable communities in India lack proper medical facilities. Sewa Bharti Malwa addresses this pressing need by offering healthcare services to underserved areas. Mobile medical vans, health camps, and medical check-up drives are organized to reach remote communities and provide essential healthcare services. By focusing on preventive healthcare and awareness campaigns, Sewa Bharti Malwa promotes a healthier society.
In times of natural disasters or emergencies, Sewa Bharti Malwa extends a helping hand to affected communities. The organization swiftly responds to such situations, providing relief materials, food supplies, and shelter to those in need. Through its rehabilitation efforts, Sewa Bharti Malwa ensures that affected individuals and families can rebuild their lives and regain stability.
Sewa Bharti Malwa is deeply committed to empowering women and promoting gender equality. Through initiatives such as self-help groups, vocational training for women, and awareness campaigns, the organization enables women to become financially independent and gain social recognition. By breaking societal barriers, Sewa Bharti Malwa paves the way for a more inclusive and equitable society.
Sewa Bharti Malwa has emerged as a catalyst for positive change in the field of social welfare services in India. Through its multifaceted initiatives in education, healthcare, livelihood, relief, and women empowerment, the organization has touched the lives of countless individuals and communities. By tirelessly working towards the betterment of society, Sewa Bharti Malwa sets an inspiring example for others to follow. Together, let us support and appreciate the remarkable efforts of Sewa Bharti Malwa in creating a more compassionate and inclusive India.
Get in Touch:
Address: 34,Tilak Path, (Behind Nagpur Nagarik Sahakari Bank Limited) Rambagh, Indore -452007
Phone: 9826138149
Phone Office - 0731-2548483
Visit Our Site: https://www.sewabhartimalwa.org/
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bus-rental1 · 1 year
Benefits for Staff Transportation: A Step Up for Your Business
Now most of the companies are providing their employees with staff transportation. This help to increase the employes productivity . For this we have to organize a dedicated shuttle service. The fact that you provide transportation to your employees shows you care about their well-being, which can be beneficial to their job satisfaction and morale. Being late or absenteeism rates  can be reduced with decent employee transportation services. Nevertheless, employers should provide an incentive that can help employees relax as they commute to work so they can be productive once they get there. 
People use a different types of transportation to reach the office ,such  as public transportation, vans, trains, ride sharing services and personal services.
Commute times are so long due to traffic congestion that workers are exhausted by the time they arrive at work. The performance of these individuals is affected by this.
Car sharing services has been around for a long time but it it become an alternative to public transportation using mobile apps ,but this can be more expensive for long run.
Handling Staff Transportation
Staff transportation requires planning and coordination Here are some pointers for successfully managing employee  transportation.
Staff transportation requires proper planning and coordination .There are some points to check which helps to mange staff transportation effectively
Your employees' transportation needs should be determined by a survey. This helps you to analyze the most efficient and cost effective transportation solutions.
Set up the transportation policies that summaries the rules and guidelines for using transportation .
As a result the service will be used more effectively and efficiently.
Partner with transportation providers such as bus rental companies or ride sharing companies services to provide a reliable and cost effective transportation service .
For companies with a sizable workforce, offering dependable staff transportation services is crucial. Employee morale will enhanced, absenteeism will be reduced, and you'll be able to attract and retain talent.
For employees who live far from their workplace, commuting can cause stress and fatigue even though it is regarded as a practical option. Furthermore, prolonged commutes can increase pollution exposure, which may adversely affect a person's health. Because of the bad commutation 25 % people leave their job which shows in survey .
Benefits Of Staff Transportation
The following benefits are realized by the company by offering employee transportation
Building company reputation.
promoting life-work balance through demonstrating employee welfare. Increasing worker output quality and productivity.
Additionally, employees who receive staff transportation are less likely to hunt for alternative employment also productivity levels can be raised much higher. enhancing the retention and morale of workersBetter time management and flexible scheduling are made feasible when the corporation provides employee transportation..
Having fewer motorists on the road helps reduce the number of accidents.
Too many private drivers on the roads have made commuting intolerable since the problem has been on the rise for well over a decade. Additionally, the sheer number of vehicles on the roadways makes it difficult for a car to have space in front of or behind it. The number of fatal accidents continues to be astronomically high as a result.
In contrast, you contribute to improving road safety by using a tech-based employee transportation solution. Why? The quality of the vehicles is noticeably different when you choose your own fleet as opposed to using public transportation. Additionally, moving large groups of people at once reduces the number of vehicles on the road, lowering the risk of accidents.
Work With Us  For Your Corporate Transportation 
Our knowledge spans a wide range and is customer-specific, from transporting small fleets to huge personnel through frequently congested environments.
A daily commute can be unsafe and complicated ,which can be avoided  with employment transportation .However employee transport solutions can help simplify, manage and optimize all in one place.
Our unique transportation system, which prioritizes client communication, responsiveness, and guest experience, drives our ongoing attention on providing only the best customer service. To find out more, contact us right away.
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shibasromoldagehome · 2 years
Free Medical Mobile Van services
Free Medical Mobile Van services
The easiest and the most fruitful expression of Dharma today consists in seva, service as worship of the Divine around you.“Shibasram old age home”, we realize that senior citizens are the most treasured group in our society and understand our obligation to support them. The scheme reflects “South Kolkata shibasram seva trust” social commitment towards the welfare of the elderly. The criteria for…
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localnewspaper-blog · 2 years
Ma Subramanian inaugurates Sevalaya's Thillaiyadi Valliammai Medical centre and Mobile Medical Van
#MaSubramanian inaugurates Sevalaya's Thillaiyadi Valliammai #Medical centre and Mobile Medical Van #News #Event
Sevalaya’s Thillaiyadi Medical center and Mobile Medical services were inaugurated at Thillaiyadi village by Ma Subramanian Honorable Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu. The medical center with a full-time doctor and a nurse will provide medical services to the villagers. The Mobile medical van sponsored by DTCC will be visiting the nearby villages, taking health…
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Are you having trouble locating a welfare unit for hire? Contact LAE Welfare Vehicle Solutions today. Our team of multi-service experts has a wealth of expertise and experience in providing solutions to meet all of your needs.
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autozoneuae · 2 years
How much does it cost to buy an ambulance from Dubai?
The Healthcare sector and other social welfare organisations always rely on Ambulance services to deliver high-quality and timely emergency medical aid to sick persons. So, getting the best and foremost type of ambulance must be your top priority no matter the vertical of your organization. Besides, government and non-government hospitals and organisations also need a great number of top ambulances. A reputed medical ambulance manufacturer in Dubai can be a real aid in understanding all about ambulance conversion and its cost.
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When we think of an ambulance, the picture we get on our mind is simply a medically equipped vehicle for patient transportation with stretchers and other required machines. Any vehicle that can transport patients and treat them during transport is considered an ambulance. But to save the precious lives of patients a mere ambulance is not enough. A basic ambulance or the vehicle used for patient transportation may not have veteran clinicians to aid emergency care. There are many types of ambulances available and regarded as the best option to provide emergency medical care.
When do you need an ambulance? The applicability of a well-designed ambulance service will ultimately help to save the lives of people. It might be used for mere patient transportation to the hospital or provided with an intensive life support system during transit. In short, ambulances get called out for transporting affected persons either by a medical emergency or sickness. Apart from treating the afflicted patients, in some cases, it is also used to take the emergency crew to reach their destinations. When people get emergency care using an ambulance they probably do not need any hospitalization.
Mobile Intensive Care Units Mobile Intensive Care Units are also known as advanced life ambulances often made by the medical ambulance manufacturer is used to cater various needs of the afflicted. It is heavily used if the patient suffers from grave illness.  This type of ambulance will have all the modern and advanced machineries as well as veteran emergency clinicians to perfrom tasks. The cost of buying this version of the ambulance is also subject to various parameters such as included special machines, amenities, chassis by the vehicle brand and others. With the help of an ambulance manufacturer and supplier in Dubai, you can get complete information regarding the cost of an advanced ambulance conversion.
Basic Life Support Ambulances
Basic life support ambulances are standard ambulances which will have mediocre amenities to assist the treatment while taking the patient to the hospital. It is a good option if the injury is not that fatal or the afflicted no longer suffers from chronic pain or sickness. Like advanced life support ambulances, these are also made from different chassis by different vehicle brands and buying one will cost you differently depending on the type of vehicle brand.
Apart from this two category of ambulances, we also use a patient transport ambulance. They are also useful and can be made from any chassis such as a minibus, 4*4 vehicle or van. Different models of a vehicle brand also affect the cost of any ambulance conversion. The sturdier and facilitated the ambulance, the price will be higher.
Which vehicles are commonly used for ambulance conversion?
The above mentioned vehicle brands are usually used to modify ambulances. The type of vehicle brand used to convert an ambulance depends on various factors such as the client’s budget, area of operation, the type of configuration they choose, the location, after sale support and the local agent.
About us Ambulances and emergency medical units are limited resources used in many cases to aid the affected. So, getting the best ambulance to assist the care is vital. You can easily provide the intended medical service to the needy the moment they require it. The global perception of ambulance use will increase perpetually. To provide the best support system, you need the best ambulance conversion services. Autozone is a top Ambulance manufacturer and supplier in Dubai that provides a wide range of vehicle conversions. We use different chassis of famous vehicle brands and tailor-make the best ambulance as per your various demands.
Ambulance for sale in Dubai
AUTOZONE Armor & Processing Cars LLC Phone: +971 6 7478 965 Email: [email protected] Website: https://autozoneuae.com 
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fight-surrender · 2 years
Getting to Know You Tag Game
Tysm @aristocratic-otter for the tag 💖💖💖💖💖💖
Relationship Status: Married for *uses calculator to do math* 24 years.
Favorite Color: ok so my favorite color is the blue of the sky about 20 minutes after sunset. Aside from being “the blue hour,” someone made it into a crazy nuclear paint color called Quantum Blue. So my favorite color is Quantum Blue.
Favorite Food: ya know, I really like cheese.
Song Stuck in Your Head: I didn’t have anything stuck in my head. Then I thought, if I wanted a song stuck in my head, it would be Lucy by Jaden & just like that: now it’s stuck in my head.
Last thing I Googled: the name for that blue sky 20 minutes after midnight. It didn’t come up, so ultimately I had to scroll through some old messages to @penpanoply where I told her about my discovery of Quantum Blue.
Time: 9:35 PM
Dream Trip: Hm. That’s really tough. Lots of places I’d love to go, but what comes to mind off the top of my head is Yellowstone, but I need someone to plan it for me 😬. Like I want to see wolves & bears & moose & stuff. It’s not that epically dreamy but I’m kind of an anxious traveler at the best of times & the pandemic just made it worse.
Last Book I Read (I don’t know why it double spaced, weird.) like others, I just relistened to Boyfriend Material to prep for Husband Material. I also just finished Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. It was kind of great.
Last Book I Hated Reading: I had to dig through my Goodreads…it was Vicious by VE Schwab. I had the audiobook & I hated it, everyone in the book was awful. It’s been awhile so I don’t remember exactly why I hated it so much, I kept thinking I would eventually grow to like it, but I never did & then I had invested so much time that I made myself finish, but had zero desire to read the next one.
God I’m doing this on mobile & I don’t know how to add a cut & I have no idea why this is double spacing randomly so sorry I’m clogging your feed.
Favorite thing to cook/bake: I’m not a great baker because I’m not that precise when I cook. I can cook a lot of stuff & I haven’t really thought about what my fave thing is, but I kind of love to make sandwiches for just myself. I make stuff for the fam all the time and I stress a bit about whether or not they’ll like it. But I can get kinda crazy with sandwiches for me & it’s fun. I may have kind of a stupid amount of mustard varieties.
Favorite free time craft: I make mosaics. Currently working on a dragon. My last one was a betta fish.
Most niche dislikes: I have no idea…I hate the band Muse with my whole heart. No reason really, just can’t stand that guy’s whiny voice. And disco. I hate disco it makes me angry. Pretty much any media that’s older than me I dislike. 😬
Thoughts on Circuses: I don’t like them. They stress me out on so many levels. Clowns are creepy, animal welfare issues, not sure any of the performers are having a good time.
Do you have a sense of Direction & if not what’s your worst getting lost story? I just spent way to much time writing my story and somehow managed to delete the whole thing so short version: no. I have a poor sense of direction & you’re gonna just have to take my word for it.
Tags tags tags hello to a few friends 😬 @bazzybelle @giishu @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @penpanoply @bookish-bogwitch @ivelovedhimthroughworse @palimpsessed
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