#mobile probably ate it
I have a conspiracy theory that whoever is in charge of this account keeps track of the people who forget to turn on anon for their confessions whether by simply keeping them in the ask box waiting to be answered, or by screenshotting them. And when the day finally comes for this account to be defunct there will be BLOODSHED.
that or you secretly work for Jess, or ARE HER! *que dramatic music*
Okay I was gonna post this as a normal confrssion but I changed my mind. So all of my response is in the tags teehee
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attroxx · 1 year
while i enjoy rping here sometimes i just wanna write on disco cause i’m too lazy to open my laptop and format posts ☹️ rip my lazy ass
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illithilit · 5 months
Sometimes, inspiration comes from historical shows. Sometimes that comes from centuries old rumors of things that probably didn't happen like that.
All this is to casually say: blood eagles are a thing that do genuinely happen exactly like that or worse in the Hells, and their brand of magic will keep you alive and suffering through it as long as they so please.
As a side note, though, I suggest you only look up what I'm talking about if you're comfortable with torture and gore.
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eclairbrun · 2 years
Made a joke character for a WIP that I've been trying to figure out the overarching plot for, and I was just struck by a backstory for him that actually solves that plot problem.
My new problem is that the entire story would be way too ridiculously long without totally overhauling all existing plans, and even then it would still take a while. Much as I love all the concepts in this story, it continues to be a tremendous pain. I'm almost to the point of scraping the first book and re-working key points from it into book 2, but then I can't call it a standalone with series potential.
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cyberesc · 1 month
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pairing: Prohero!Bakugo x Prohero!Reader
rating: slight angst, hurt/comfort, reader needs a break tbh
note: I forgot where I was originally going with this story when I wrote this a few years ago since part 2 was only 70% done in my drafts, hope this was a good read ! it was fun writing dialogue for Hitomi, might bring her back for a new series🤐
part 1
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You don't know when it happened, but somehow, your very existence seemed to aggravate Hitomi, for reasons you couldn’t understand. Your coworkers noticed it, even your assistant made a passing comment, but they urged you not to take it personally. Still, the cold stares, the subtle digs, and the way she tried to one-up you at every turn, it all started to wear on you. What you didn’t know was that her attitude stemmed from the time she spent in one-on-one training sessions with Bakugo.
The list of things Bakugo is good at is so long it would be stupid to write about, so it was obvious that he would be the perfect mentor. His sharp eyes caught every mistake, his feedback was brutally honest, and his results were undeniable. Hitomi knew this and respected him for it. But there was something else that ate away at her during those sessions, something that made her resentment towards you grow stronger with each passing day.
It started with the small comments Bakugo would make, things he probably didn’t even realize he was saying out loud. “Y/N always nails this move on the first try,” he muttered once, when Hitomi fumbled during a drill. Or, “You’re gripping too tight—Y/N knows how to balance strength with control.” At first, Hitomi tried to brush it off, telling herself that Bakugo was just using you as an example to push her to do better, after all you were in the top rankings of Japan for a reason. But the more it happened, the more it grated on her. It wasn't just that you were good—it was that you seemed to be the benchmark against which she was measured.
The worst part, the part that truly made her snap, came during a routine training session. Hitomi was testing the mobility of her suit after some recent upgrades, moving through the drills with the precision she had honed under Bakugo’s guidance. He observed her as usual, his sharp eyes catching every nuance, every mistake.
But then, as she finished a complex maneuver, he made a comment that made her blood run cold. “You’ve got the power, but you’re hesitating,” Bakugo remarked, his tone almost distracted. “They would’ve read that shift in a heartbeat, made the move smoother.” he continued under his breath.
He didn’t even look at her when he said it. The reference was subtle, but Hitomi knew exactly who he meant. He talked about you enough for her to pick up on the unspoken comparison.
It wasn’t just that he compared her to you; it was that, in his mind, you were the standard she could never reach. The unattainable.
In that moment, it solidified for Hitomi: no matter how hard she trained, no matter how perfectly she executed every move, she would always be second to you in his eyes. His words echoed in her head, taunting her, and she knew then that she wasn’t just competing with a fellow hero. She was battling against the idealized version of you that Bakugo seemed to hold onto, an impossible shadow she could never escape.
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It wasn’t rare for Dynamight to be paired with lower-ranking heroes on missions or patrols, but you happened to be his frequent partner. You weren’t sure if it was because your quirks worked well together or because you could read each other in any situation. Little did you know, Bakugo’s unconscious behavior around you was something even his assistant had picked up on. He didn’t lose his temper as easily when you were around, and on the rare occasions he did, it was never directed at you. He even made subtle nods at reporters before blasting off with you by his side. Almost every mission you collaborated on ended successfully, a fact that wasn’t lost on the agency.
Hitomi had noticed, too. She watched the way Bakugo seemed more grounded when you were around, how he sometimes deferred to your judgment without argument, and how he never seemed to mind your presence. That’s what made her resentment so sharp—it was one thing to compete with you in training, but another thing entirely to see that you were already a fixture in the life of the hero she admired—the man she wanted.
Your first mistake, if you could even call it that, was during a debriefing session. Hitomi had suggested a strategy, one that was sound but flawed in a way only experience could detect. You pointed it out, offering a correction in a calm, professional manner. It wasn’t meant to be demeaning, but to Hitomi, it felt like a public embarrassment. And Bakugo, instead of defending her, nodded in agreement with you, reinforcing the gap between her and you in his mind.
Another time, in the break room, she overheard a conversation where Bakugo was praising your tactical instincts. He never did that for anyone else, not even her—the one he had personally trained to analyze and fight just like him. She had been mentored by the best, molded to think and act with the same precision and intensity that Bakugo himself embodied. So, it came as a shock when she realized that everything she did, using everything she had learned from him, wasn’t good enough to hold his attention.
From then on, every interaction with you became a painful reminder that you held a place in Bakugo’s life that she couldn’t touch. So, she decided to carve out her own space, to prove that she could be the one who stood by his side.
The tension between you two only grew, feeding off these moments until it became a palpable force within the agency. And as much as you tried to stay above it, to focus on your work and ignore the subtle hostility, it was impossible not to notice. The whispers of office gossip, the way Hitomi would shoot you a look whenever Bakugo acknowledged you in a meeting—it all added up, and it all pointed to the truth you were too kind to see: Hitomi wasn’t just competing with you. She wanted to take everything you had, including Bakugo.
Hitomi’s resentment towards you was not something she could easily suppress. It wasn’t just about competition; it was personal. And when she realized that Bakugo saw you as a benchmark she could never reach, it drove her to desperate measures. If she couldn’t directly compete with you on the field, she would try to outmaneuver you in the court of public opinion.
So she set up a rumor to shift the narrative. It began subtly, with carefully orchestrated moments designed to seed the idea in the media. She made sure to be seen with Bakugo frequently, arranging coincidental encounters that were just intimate enough to spark curiosity. It was all carefully planned to catch the eye of the paparazzi.
The crucial moment came when Hitomi arranged for an image to be captured. A staged photo, one that would make it look like she and Bakugo were involved in a romantic relationship. The key was using a lookalike, someone who bore a striking resemblance to Bakugo, someone subtle enough to create a convincing illusion without risking his actual reputation.
The resulting photo, taken from a distance, showed Bakugo— or allegedly Bakugo—with his arm around Hitomi’s shoulders.
She meticulously chose the location of Bakugo’s favorite konbini, a spot he frequented to fuel up between patrols. This particular konbini was a well-kept secret among a few close friends and had become a sort of personal refuge for him. By selecting this location, Hitomi aimed to make a statement—a pointed message aimed directly at you.
The magazine’s social media team spread the image far and wide, igniting a storm of speculation and gossip. Fans and media alike began buzzing about the potential romance, analyzing every interaction between Bakugo and Hitomi for signs of affection. The craze was relentless, and soon, it became a trending topic. Headlines everywhere echoed the same speculation, and Hitomi basked in the growing buzz.
It was a clever ploy. With Bakugo’s name and your connection to him constantly in the limelight, it created a smokescreen that obscured the truth and shifted public perception. By the time you and Bakugo were confronted with the rumor, it had already gained enough traction to cause serious damage. Hitomi had successfully planted the seeds of doubt, making it seem like she was the one who had captured Bakugo’s attention.
Hitomi’s actions were not just about rivalry. She was trying to erase your presence and position herself as the ideal partner, hoping that by winning over those around Bakugo and creating a convincing narrative, she could finally gain what she felt she deserved.
Hitomi’s plan was working, and you were now caught in the crossfire of a fight you hadn’t even realized you were part of. And that’s where it all began to unravel.
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After your checkup at the agency’s infirmary, the reality of your situation set in. The injury was severe enough that your boss decided to put you on desk duty until you were fully recovered. It was frustrating, but you had little choice but to comply.
Today, you found yourself seated at your desk, sifting through paperwork and mission reports. The mundane tasks offered a welcome distraction from your physical pain, but it did little to quell the storm of emotions that raged within you.
The agency’s hallways bustled with activity, heroes and sidekicks moving about in their usual hurried fashion. You were doing your best to stay out of everyone’s way, trying to blend into the background. You were engrossed in organizing a stack of reports when there was a knock on your door.
“Come in,” you called, not looking up.
“Hey, Y/N!” The cheery, singsong voice of Hitomi reached your ears, and you tensed. You had hoped to avoid any direct communication with her, but it seemed luck wasn’t on your side today.
You looked up slowly, forcing a neutral expression onto your face as she approached you with a case file under one arm and a newspaper clutched in her hand. Her gaze flicked over to you with an expression that was anything but friendly.
“How can I help you?,” you said curtly, not in the mood for small talk.
“I thought you might want to see this,” she said, her tone dripping with false sweetness. She tossed the newspaper onto your desk and placed the case file beside it.
Looking down, your heart sank as you read the newspaper’s headline: “ANOTHER HERO BITES THE DUST! PRO HERO Y/H/N CAN’T HANDLE THE HEAT!” The article was filled with damning criticisms and snide remarks, painting you in a poor light due to your mess up.
Hitomi smirked as she noticed your reaction. “You know how it is. The media loves to stir up drama. Thought you’d appreciate the heads-up.” She gave you a patronizing wave and turned to leave.
The moment she was gone, you let out a heavy sigh, grabbing the newspaper and crumpling it in your hands. With a grimace, you tossed it into the trash can, trying to ignore the sting of humiliation that the article left behind.
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It had been a week since the billboard incident, and despite your best efforts to avoid Bakugo, it was inevitable that you would cross paths eventually. You had spent those days focusing on your hero work, throwing yourself into your duties with an intensity that left you exhausted by the end of each day. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t shake the heavy weight in your chest.
Boring days of recovery were soon over. The bandages were finally coming off, and you were able to inspect your hero suit in preparation for your first patrol since the incident. The repairs were almost complete, and you hoped that getting back to work would help distract you from the recent turmoil.
As you were adjusting your suit in the testing room, you heard the door swing open. Hitomi walked in with her repaired support gear, her humming coming to a halt at the sight of you.
“Hey Y/N!” She greeted
You nodded in greeting, quickly attaching the support items to your suit to avoid a conversation.
She didn’t seem to notice your lack of enthusiasm. “I saw you around the other day but didn’t get a chance to chat. You’ve been working hard, haven’t you?” Her tone was laced with false sweetness, and you could sense the underlying hostility.
“Paperwork kept me busy,” you replied, adjusting the straps to your suit . You really didn’t want to have this conversation.
Her smile widened, as she took a step closer. “Well, you know how it is around here. There’s always something to keep us busy,” she said, her tone light. “I guess it’s why they say people like us need someone who understands the grind, right? Someone who gets how demanding this work can be.”
You felt a subtle tension in her words, but you weren’t sure where she was going with this. “Yeah, it’s a tough job.”
Hitomi’s eyes flickered with a hint of something more as she leaned in slightly. “Exactly. That’s why it’s so important to have someone who can keep up, someone who’s… on the same level. Makes things easier, don’t you think?”
There was an undercurrent to her words that you couldn’t ignore, but you weren’t ready to engage with it. “I suppose,” you replied cautiously.
She tilted her head, her smile never wavering. “Like Bakugo, for instance. He really needs someone who understands him, someone who’s in sync with him. It’s funny how the media picks up on these things.”
Your chest tightened, the implication of her words hitting you like a ton of bricks. “The media?” you asked, trying to keep your tone neutral.
“Oh, you know how they are,” she said with a casual shrug. “Always speculating about who’s with who, who’s spending time together… Sometimes they’re not too far off, though.” She chuckled softly, but there was a sharp edge to the sound. “But I guess that’s just part of being in the spotlight.”
You raised a brow at her words as she continued.
“You know—people talk. They notice who spends time together, who seems… close. But anyway, it’s a shame you’ve been avoiding Bakugo. But I guess it’s for the best.”
Realizing what she was insinuating, you could feel the tension building in your chest. “What are you getting at, Hitomi?”
She maintained that infuriatingly casual tone. “Oh, nothing specific. Just making an observation. But…let’s be real, Y/N. You were never really in the running, were you?”
You bit down on your tongue, recalling the lessons from your time as a sidekick at Endeavor's agency. Back then, you were trained to handle criticism and bounce back quickly. Being a hero meant facing harsh judgment from reporters and the press, and you had learned to develop a thick skin. You’d been through the wringer as a rookie, chewed up and spit out, and had come out stronger for it. Hitomi wasn’t the first to try and get under your skin, and she certainly wouldn’t be the last. Your resolve was solid, and you weren’t about to let her words shake you now.
Seeing that you had no reaction, she pressed on, her tone turning more aggressive. “Honestly, I’m surprised you’re even still around here. I mean, after that slip-up the other night, it’s a miracle you didn’t get yourself killed. Maybe you should stick to the sidelines and let the real heroes do the work.”
Something inside you snapped. The pain and frustration that had been building up for days suddenly burst free, and you opened your mouth to retort—but before you could say a word, a familiar voice cut through the air, sharp and angry.
“What the hell did you just say?”
You both turned to see Bakugo standing a few feet away, his crimson eyes narrowed dangerously as he glared at the sidekick. His presence was like a storm cloud rolling in, the atmosphere around him crackling with barely contained fury.
The sidekick’s confident demeanor faltered, her eyes widening in surprise and a hint of fear. “D-Dynamight! I was just—”
“You were just what?” Bakugo interrupted, stepping closer. “Talking shit to Y/H/N? Your superior?”
She stammered, clearly panicking. “I-I wasn’t… I didn’t mean—”
Bakugo’s expression darkened, his voice low and deadly calm. “You should know better than to run your mouth about things you don’t understand.”
The sidekick’s eyes darted between you and Bakugo, realizing she was in serious trouble. “But—”
Bakugo spoke over her, his patience completely gone. “You’ve got some nerve, talking like you know a damn thing about me or Y/N.”
You were frozen in place, watching the scene unfold in disbelief. Even after avoiding him for so long and keeping your distance, Bakugo was defending you—unrelentingly—and it was clear that he wasn’t going to let Hitomi off the hook.
“You’ve been nothing but a pain in the ass since you got here. Cause of what? All the delusional crap you read in a magazine? That ends now.”
The sidekick paled. “I’m sorry, Dynamight, I didn’t mean—”
“Save it. Now get the hell out of here.” he growled, not giving her a chance to finish.
You could hear when her heart broke, she glanced at you one last time, a look you read that you’ve won. Without another word, she bolted from the room, her confidence completely shattered. The moment she was gone, Bakugo turned his attention to you, his expression softening slightly, though the tension in his shoulders remained.
You stared at him, still reeling from what had just happened. “Bakugo, I—”
“Don’t,” he interrupted, his tone gentler than before. “Don’t apologize for her being a damn idiot.”
“I wasn’t going to apologize,” you said quietly. “I just… I didn’t know.”
“Didn’t know what?” he asked, his brow furrowing.
You looked down at your feet, your voice barely above a whisper. “About the rumors… I thought it was true.”
Bakugo let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair. “Of course you did. Those vultures love to stir up shit for clicks. None of it was true. I’m not dating her—or anyone.”
You felt lighter from his words but quickly pushed down the hope that tried to rise in your chest. “But why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t think I needed to,” he muttered, looking almost sheepish. “I told you before, I wasn’t interested in dating. And I figured you’d know I wouldn’t get involved in that kind of crap.”
You swallowed hard, feeling a mix of relief and lingering hurt. “I… I didn’t want to assume anything. And after what I saw… I guess I thought I had misread everything between us.”
Bakugo’s gaze softened, and he stepped closer, his hand resting on your shoulder. “You didn’t misread anything. I know what I said before—But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you, dumbass.”
The warmth of his hand on your shoulder, the sincerity in his eyes—it was too much. Your resolve crumbled, and you felt tears prickling at the corners of your eyes. “I thought you were just stringing me along.”
Bakugo’s heart ached at the sight of your tears, and without hesitation, he gently pulled you into a hug, his arms wrapping around you protectively. “’m sorry… I can be a total idiot sometimes, but I’d never screw with you on purpose.”
He rested his chin on your head. “So, don’t let that bullshit get to you.”
You buried your face in his chest, letting yourself relax into his embrace. “I missed you,” you mumbled into his hero suit, the words escaping before you could stop them.
He let out a soft huff, his hand moving to the back of your head, holding you close. The sound of his heart skipping a beat was unmistakable. “Missed you too, idiot. We’ll figure this out, okay? Just… don’t shut me out again.”
You nodded against his chest, feeling the weight that had been pressing down on you finally start to lift. “Okay.”
He pulled back slightly, just enough to look you in the eyes, his thumb brushing away a stray tear from your cheek. “Look, I’m not great at this, but… I want to try. With you.”
Your breath hitched, hope flaring back to life in your chest. “Really?”
Bakugo nodded, his expression serious. “Yeah. We can take it slow, figure things out…but I’m not letting you walk away.”
A small smile tugged at your lips as you looked up at him. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Katsuki.”
He smiled, his dimples appearing at the sound of his first name rolling off your tongue, and he leaned in, pressing a gentle, lingering kiss to your forehead. “Good.”
You leaned into him, feeling the last remnants of doubt melt away. As he pulled back, you felt his breath against your skin. His eyes flickered down to your lips, with an unspoken question hung in the air. Without overthinking it, you leaned up on your toes, closing the small distance between you.
Bakugo hesitated for the briefest of moments, then closed the gap, capturing your lips in a kiss that was tender. Everything he couldn’t say with words was poured into that kiss—every frustration, every ounce of care, every unresolved feeling that had been simmering between you for so long.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you leaned into the kiss, the warmth of his embrace grounding you. His hands settled on your waist, pulling you closer as if he was afraid you might slip away. The world around you seemed to fade, leaving just the two of you in that moment.
When you finally pulled back, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other’s. His eyes were still half-lidded, a faint blush coloring his cheeks—a rare sight for him.
“Damn idiot,” he muttered softly, his voice laced with affection. “Should’ve kissed me sooner.”
You couldn’t help but smile, your fingers gently tracing the line of his jaw. “Maybe I was waiting for you to make the first move.”
He huffed, a small smirk playing on his lips. “Guess I’ll have to make up for lost time, then.”
Before you could respond, he pulled you in for another kiss, this one deeper, more confident—like he was staking his claim. And you kissed him back with equal fervor, knowing that, this time, you weren’t going to let anything or anyone come between you.
When you finally broke apart, you stayed in his arms, content and more at ease than you had felt in weeks. The uncertainty that had plagued you was gone. And for now, that was more than enough.
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want more of my writing? I have a poll up on my account to choose my next fic
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tag list: @berryvioo @poemzcheng @bri-licious08 @hypernovaxx @dragonscribble @adultseatdinonuggets4dinner
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gatitties · 1 year
The truth
—Yandere!Bonten x motherly!reader (platonic)
—Summary: an accident makes you more aware of reality even though you already knew it, but what can someone like you do?
—Warnings: blood, kidnapping, obsession, toxic behaviors, harassment
I never thought this would go so far as to have five parts but... here we are! 🫣 (maybe this part is a bit long, srry)
@boycigs there you go!! 🫶🏻
Part one / Part two / Part three / Part four
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You fumbled with the wall for the light switch, your tired eyes playing with you and making you almost trip over a blanket that had been thrown on the floor.
You yawned stretching your back, you had been working on some files that Kokonoi asked you to correct, you fell asleep without dinner and your stomach decided to wake you up at this time of night.
Luckily you had some leftovers from today's lunch, everyone had come to eat despite it being your 'day off', but since they had been busy with work more than usual lately, they couldn't spend as much time with you as they would like, although that didn't stop them from hiding cameras in your apartment to check that everything was okay from time to time.
A knock at the door made you frown, remembering the first time you met Sanzu. You walked slowly, expecting to run into him, or even one of the Haitani brothers who ran brothels near the area, it wouldn't be the first time they've come home drunk after a good night.
When you opened it, confusion flooded your face, there was no one there, not a note, nothing, you thought that maybe you were still too sleepy and you had hallucinated, or maybe it was some late-night teenager making a joke. You shrugged shutting to go back to your dinner, but before you knew it or could make a move something hit you in the back of the neck, knocking you unconscious, the last thing you saw was a few blurry faces, but none you knew in the slightest.
Panic, panic was the first thing Mochizuki experienced when he saw the recordings from the cameras installed in your house. He had to do a checkup the next morning and just seeing how careless they had been to let that trash kidnap you made his thoughts turn to disgust and guilt.
Not even five minutes after seeing that, all the executives were gathered in their meeting room, no matter where they were, they all got there instantly upon answering Mochi's call.
"And if I pause right here..." Mochi stopped the video just as two men lifted your unconscious body "this guy here, on his neck, his tattoo is from another band."
"Those bastards have been giving us so much trouble lately, I'm looking forward to seeing blood drain from their brains."
Sanzu slammed both hands on the table, completely irritated and concerned for your well-being, he was controlling his urge to go looking for you only because Mikey had remained silent with a blank stare throughout the entire meeting.
The Haitani brothers were already warming up to fight, Takeomi was mobilizing some men to search your apartment for clues while Koko and Kakucho were trying to find where your chip signal was. Yes, although unknown to you, they decided to insert a tracking chip into you a while ago just to know where you were when they couldn't be around.
The signal was bad, either because you were too far away from their location or because you were somewhere underground, which didn't help much. They were all probably on the verge of hysteria, the search wasn't going fast enough as they'd like and it only made their mood worse.
It took at least five days for them to come up with any solid leads to your whereabouts, the worst five days of their existence, the poor people or employees who will come across any of them probably aren't alive anymore. Mikey locked himself in and refused to come out unless they heard from you, he barely ate and his sleep schedule got even worse.
"Are you sure it's there?"
"Yes, several of our men have seen these guys with the same tattoo come and go, it doesn't appear to be their central base but it's hidden enough to carry out kidnappings."
Takeomi pointed to a warehouse on the outskirts of the city, everyone mobilized to go there immediately, even Mikey and Kokonoi, who didn't usually get their hands dirty with this kind of work, decided to go.
As for you... it was confusing the first day you woke up, the feeling of a gun pointed at your head became familiar as did the ropes on your wrists and ankles. Your reaction upon seeing the criminals was to release an inaudible sigh, without fear or surprise, your state was neutral.
You knew it, you knew that sooner or later this was going to happen, as much as your guys will try to hide you from problems with other mafias, there are always some leaks, and playing with loved ones from enemy gangs is the easiest card to play to threaten. Although in this case they didn't even have time to issue a threat to Bonten when they had already been threatened by your kidnapping.
The following days were threats to your people to try to get information that could put Bonten in trouble, as well as planning to move to another of their hideouts, however you were unaware of most of the things that Bonten did, although you were their secretary, you were only in charge of planning schedules and correcting some superficial reports from Kokonoi, you were not much help to these scoundrels.
"Damn! I don't understand how they could have protected you so much if you're just a useless old woman, you're useless! Why the hell do those guys hold you in such high esteem...?"
In the outburst of anger as he took it out on you, the sound of his hand slamming into your cheek sounded as the door above fell off its hinges.
"Boss, we have a prob-!"
The eye of the man who was coming down the stairs was blown out thanks to a bullet, landing right between your feet, you closed your eyes and, no matter if you don't believe in any god or anything, you prayed, not for you, but for what all these people did not suffer such a painful death.
You knew what Bonten men were capable of, at first you thought you were exaggerating, but that was the truth and at times, it terrified you. You were terrified to think of all the lives that left this world just because of you, your boys were more than gangsters, more than just criminals, they were monsters looking for any excuse to kill, and you were that excuse.
You knew that there was nothing in this world that would make you reverse time to the point of not having helped that drunk guy at the door of your house, you knew that nothing would make all those men leave your side because of showing your kindness, you knew that no kind of therapy could help such rotten minds at this point, so you could only swallow, as scared as you were, as much as your legs trembled, you had chosen this path yourself and you had to accept it.
Your breath quickened slightly as you felt Sanzu's cold hand resting on your cheek, you slowly opened your eyes to see pure relief reflected in his, ignoring the bloodstains on his clothes and face, and even ignoring the blood he was leaving on your face, you smiled at him.
"I'm fine guys, I'm… fine."
You had to swallow and avoid getting dizzy from the smell of oxide in the place, your memories are blurry when you try to remember when you left there, you remember seeing many practically mutilated bodies, a river of blood and many arms holding your body as if you were going to disintegrate at that precise moment.
After you were rescued, you spent at least two days in a hospital at Kokonoi's request to see that you didn't have any injuries, everyone turned to you with questions about how you were doing, especially mentally.
It became suffocating, the amount of attention you received after that event, made you understand that, from now on, you could not have a single moment for yourself, no matter the job, the time or the place, you will always have one of them on top of you to keep an eye on you.
It doesn't matter if you complain, the truth, which you had to accept once again, is that nothing but death could separate you from these men, because they were not willing to let you go, ever. But the worst of all is that you accepted it, you accepted your fate, a fate that was sealed a long time ago, you accepted that you lived with monsters, that you helped and treated horrible people like completely sane people, but, an ordinary person like you, no could change anything.
"How long until the cake is ready?"
"Don't be impatient Rin, it's only been in the oven for five minutes."
"That's already a long time..."
"Shut up, you're always so impatient!"
"Are you looking for a fight!?"
"Kakucho, could you...?"
A nod from him made you sigh in relief, breaking up the Haitani brothers' fight as you sat at the table with the others who were talking about random topics. You stared into your teacup, your blank stare imagining imaginary scenes of another lifestyle in the steaming liquid.
"Are you ok? You seem distracted."
You looked at Kokonoi, keeping your gaze off without focusing on his face, you nodded with a slight smile when you saw that everyone had shut up to look at you.
"Yeah, I just didn't sleep well today."
"We'll buy a new bed then."
"I did not mean that..."
And like many things in your current life, your opinion was thrown away just to bring you more 'comfort'. You had no power and that was the absolute truth, nothing could change at this point.
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yellowjestertfs · 7 months
The Billionaires secret
“Hi there. Find what what you were looking for?” I ask in my customary upbeat yet soul-dead customer service voice.
“I think so. Going to give this one a try.” She says handing me a copy of a book called The Billionaire’s Secret from the romance section. I can see why she picked it, on the cover a man in a suit lay on a bed with the buttons of his dress shirt undone showing off his impressive six-pack and strong hairless chest. Brownish red eyes smolder seductively outwards from a masculine face. High cheekbones, soft lips, and a wide square jaw adorned with black stubble that connects to a short-styled head of black hair.
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“I’m Bridget by the way,” she says, obviously a bit embarrassed to see me eying up the cover. “Oh, and this is Dan.” She says gesturing at the man standing a few paces away, engrossed by some mobile game on his phone. 
“Nice to meet you, Bridget.” I scan the book. “That will be $17,” I say. 
She glances over at Dan, he doesn't seem to notice so she retrieves her credit card from her purse and taps it against the machine. “I don’t know why I expected him to offer.” She tells me in a conspiratorial whisper “He’s broke. I mean not that it matters to me, but it would just be nice to date a wealthy man or one who at least pays attention to me.” 
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Customers often confided in me. I wish I could say it is because of my open honest face or charismatic demeanor but it probably had more to do with a book I once ate about a bartender people told all their secrets to.
I look around. There are a few consumers browsing the book shelves and my manager is sitting at his desk in the back, no one close enough to notice. Bridget seems sweet, too sweet to be with a man like Dan. Poor girl just wants to escape with some fiction, so why not indulge her a little.
“Did you get a chance to check out our books on sale?” I ask Bridget diverting her attention away. She looks over at the shelf I pointed at giving me enough time to crack my knuckles, take a deep breath, and begin.
I place my hands over the cover of the book and it springs open, the pages start to turn themselves slow at first then speed up. Words start to flow from the book as the pages flip past. The letters lift from the page like a sticker being peeled, floating into the air to spin around me. They form a cyclone of black ink as the pages that flip by are left blank.
I feel the lines as they flow off the paper. The first line reads. “Kustav tower is 400 stories tall, rumor has it, it’s smaller than Dane Kustav’s dick.” 
I directed the words towards Bridget’s boyfriend. The ink splashes into him, absorbing into his gray hoodie but leaving no mark. None except for the fact that his basketball shorts start to thrash like a wild animal is trapped inside. Dan didn't look up from his phone even as his dick doubled and then tripled in size to match the one described in the book Billionaires Secrets.
I tried to be sparing with my abilities. Fiction is great so long as it stays fiction, otherwise you have evil robots or sparkly vampires running around. Still, every once in a while my heroic urges will take over and I am called to help someone with my power to bring words to life. Bridget is one of those people.
More words flowed off the page. “Dane Kustav is well dressed at all times. One would be hard-pressed to ever see Dane not in a suit. If one did see him without a suit, it would be in the bedroom where they would be very, very hard pressed indeed.”
The words spin around me once then drift over to Dan again on an invisible wind. This time his clothes were affected by the words. His grey hoodie which he wore with the hood up, melted off his body, the threads unwinding then rebinding themselves into a far higher quality dress shirt and black jacket complete with a blue tie. His shorts became black dress pants and his sneakers a pair of brown loafers. The outline of his much larger dick was clear in his new tighter pants. A few seconds passed with no changes then, slowly his tie undid itself and each of the buttons on his dress shirt opened so that he was sporting a matching look to that of the man on the cover of the book. Unlike the cover, however, Dan lacked the chiseled face or body to pull off the open shirt. His slight gut and saggy, hairy chest made the outfit look awkward rather than sexy.
Bridget looked up from the sale rack and glanced at her half-nude boyfriend with a chagrined glance. In her mind, he was always dressed in the finest clothes even if he still acted like a man-child.
“Dane Kustav towered over everyone be that in stature or in business.” 
I directed the words into him. Dan shot upwards, his modest 5’10” frame becoming a proud 6’3”, clothes growing to match. And though it wasn’t visible Dan’s head was also filled with business smarts he had lacked before. The game on his phone shifted from Fruit Ninja to Hey Day.
The pages continue to flip, their words leaving the page to float in the air under my command.
“Dane Kustav's muscles were like that of a brass statue, smooth, hard, and golden. Each curve could only have been sculpted by the hands of an artist for nature could never make anybody so perfect.”
I look over at Dan’s soft pudgy body. Not the words I would use to describe him, at least not yet. I float the sentence to him.
Instantly Dan’s belly flattens. One by one his abs pop into being as if pushed out from the inside like one of those pop-it toys. His man boobs visibly transmute from fat to muscle, perking up and then growing into a strong chest like that of the man on the cover of the book. Inside the sleeves of his dress shirt, his arms thicken into a pair of round vascular biceps while his legs below do the same. A tan, like oil spreading over water seeps across his body until his exposed muscles really looked like sculpture bronze turned to life. The few hairs that had looked sloppy before now lent his body a rugged masculinity.
Bridget looks at her boyfriend with a new lust. Her hands start to roam his abs and chest but Dan, still on his phone, only bats them away. 
Man-child indeed, a man in the body, a child in the face and the personality. I divert my attention back to the flipping pages looking for words I could use to fix that. The book is reaching the end, and the main character, assistant to the billionaire, has finally seduced her boss in a very steamy scene. High-class writing it is not, but at least it gives me plenty to work with.
“I ran my hand down his sharp square jaw.” 
I throw the words at him. The shape of his face shifts to be more masculine.
“He looked at me through squinted sexy amber eyes.”
His eyes shift from a pale blue to an amber so rich it almost looked red. He finally looks up from his phone and deep into Bridget's eyes. She returns the stare with a smile. 
“He brought my hand up to his cheek, I felt each bristle of his short sharp stubble.”
Dan moves Bridget's fingers up to his face which is now covered in a sexy two days' worth of growth.
“Then he kissed me with his soft sensual lips hard enough to make me weak in the knees.”
The words flow off the page and into him. His lips grow pillowy and pink and interlocked with Bridget’s. He wraps his muscular arms around her, keeping her steady as she collapses into him. 
“I warp my fingers into his jet-black quaffed hair as I prepare for him to take me.”
His hair gains a stylish cut and is dark as pitch, body hair and stubble do the same. Bridget greedily runs her hand through his new dark dew.
“He smelled like sports deodorant, woody cologne, and sex. I wanted nothing more than this man to take me.”
The bookstore fills with his scent. I am surprised to find myself turned on by the whole thing. I have reached the end of the book, the final page.
“It was then that I learned the billionaire's secret.”
This was the good stuff. I leech the words off the page and send them to Dan, or rather now, Dane.
“His secret wasn’t that he was hot, or rich, or could make any girl swoon.”
Their kiss intensifies. Dane started to undo Bridget's blouse.
“No, the billionaire's secret was.”
Suddenly Dane pulls away.
“The billionaire was gay.”
“Sorry Bridget,” Dane says taking a few steps back and looking at her with sudden realization. “I don’t think I can do this.” 
His eyes wander over to lock onto mine, rich amber orbs seeming to really take me in. He winks. “You thought, I think that could work. What are you doing after this?” He asks smoothly “Want to go get coffee in Paris on my jet? My treat.”
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I made a tier list...
please make your own!! I need to see boomer nations opinions on our man!!!! I know the tiers are actually so vile so change them if you desire :)))
OK so my quick blurb on why they are their!! (working worst to best)
28. Identity Crisis #5 - HE WOULD KILL ME FOR THE FUN OF IT. It did bring about the most random rivalry between Tim drake’s fandom and boomer's which is very funny
27. Black Lantern - Oh no… he's back… like a boomerang. Ate his own son... RIP…. L skill issue
26. Sliver Age - Would actually call me a slur and say that I don't deserve rights. He would hate crime me and then solicit me for sex. He looks like he's wearing a dress… what a pretty lady.
25. Flash TV Show - EWWWWWWWW, he though he ate...
24. DC Online - He looks like he would punch me in face at a NYC bus stop
23. White Lantern - Don't look at me like that… stop. He's back from the dead like a boomerang?? Something about most of the New 52 boomerangs don't hit the same. the bride all in white :’)
22. Young Justice - Gave me the ick. You might be thinking... he looks identical to SS hell to pay, why is he down here?? Great question… HE WAS SO CREEPY TO ONE OF THE GIRLS IN YOUNG JUSTICE….. WHO IS A MINOR!
21. Injustice Movie - Just because your in the background… doesn't save you from this list!!!
20. New 52 - Ok he's kinda hot if you look through your peripherals…Why are you wearing skinny jeans… you millennial
19. Harley Quinn TV Show - He's fine… just fine. “We’ll stack out bingo… Boomer loves an older woman” NO HE MUST LOVE ME! I AM VERY VERY MATURE FOR MY AGE
18. Flash: Sins of the Father - Can you please stop talking in the 3rd person… you are starting to sound crazy.
17. Most Wanted - I know jack shit about him. That's probably because he is barely in a comic issues THATS NAMED AFTER HIM!
16. Flash Point Paradox - His fight scene actually ate. I'm a sucker for Boomer being with the Rogues. If cyborg can take his belt off… so can I
15. Suicide Squad 2021 - Wow they somehow gave him even less lines than his first movie. 1. He doesnt look like boomer. 2. His accent is so bad… and hes AUSTRALIAN 3. His acting low key kinda mid 4. They killed off two of the only OG suicide squad members they had on the cast 5. He dies in the first 20min and in the most disrespectful way
14. Suicide Squad 2016 - The only good thing to come from this man is the fanfiction he brought. THIS FUCKING MOVIE MADE HIM A CANON BRONY WHICH I CAN NOT FORGIVE. GET THIS OUT OF MY SMUT BEFORE FREAK THE FUCK OUT >:( Fuck him and pinky too, you son of a bitch!!!! (its not that serious lol... i just want him to stop fucking a toy horse... please guys)
13. This Goober Alien Guy - I know nothing. He just kinda showed up… and I'm not mad just a little confused. He looks like he needs a hot chocolate and a hug :)))) 
12. Lego Batman Movie - Low key an icon. What I would do to get my hands on one of these sets… I would come close to killing someone for it
11. DC Lego Super Villains - If he wasn't Lego I would propose (Shane Dawson style) Once again what I would do for the very discontinued Lego set tie in…
10. Batman: Brave and The Bold - Those cheekbones could cut someone. Why are you wear a mini skirt… take it off ;)
9. Suicide Squad (comic) - Yes I know he was drinking and driving but he's not real so it doesn't count!!! The beginning of the Boomer Mobile! THE GAP TOOTH DUDE!
8. Justice League Unlimited S1 - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Ok the hairline is… bad…. But so is mine twin!! I LOVE THAT THEY GAVE HIM PROPER CLOTHES AND NOT RAGS DUDE
7. Agent of Oz - is this picture is my school profile pic...yes… and??HE'S COVERED IN BLOOD AND IM GIGGLING!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Stjepan Sejic's Boomer - Choke hold and choke me...  I want to hear his voice but he can't break his mewing streak…The ungodly things I would let him do to me
5. Dark: Apocalypse War - Constantine! Boomer! GIRLS! GIRLS!! ILL SLEEP WITH BOTH OF YOU!!! I was not expecting him in this movie so I started to freak out when he showed up DUDE. PLEASE LET ME SIT ON IT
4. Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay - I'm a ride he wouldn't survive… I DONT HAVE WORDS TO DECRIBE HOW I FEEL DUDE… I WOULD DO ANYTHING HE ASKED FOR NO JOKE. Dead on the floor
3. Justice League Unlimited S2 - The glow up in REAL... had me on my hands and knees as a 3rd grader… and still on my knees today. I have never wanted someone to fuck me in the back alleyway of a shit bar so bad in my life
2. Batman: Assault on Arkham - The one that started it all… he is the reason I am this way. no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom BUT GREG ELLIS IS PUBLIC ENIME NUMDER ONE. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!!!!
1. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - I AM GNAWING ON THE IRON BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE!!!!!! He has it all, the face, the VOICE, the look, the character!!!!! It is hands down the most consistently good representation of captain boomerang out their… and its canon that's he has a big dick :D I would sell my first born to get one night…
Thank you all for reading this word vom, I am sick in the head <3
if any of the comic issues are off or something please let me know :)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make your our and tag me!! i need to see them <3<3<3
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djljpanda · 11 months
(Minor Story Mode (Ep1-8) + Major Tower of Sweet Chaos Spoilers Ahead)
Hydrogen Anon.
I've seen the people over at self aware genshin mention this idea multiple times, so I thought I would talk about it in the context of self aware crk - this has most likely been done.
Imagine if the cookies can hear what you put in the background as you play?
Listen to documentaries? They're gonna think you're some kind of archivist, especially since you seem to randomly watch them during important moments.
Music? They're gonna assume you had a hand in it.
Commentary Videos or those Reddit videos? Back to thinking you're some all knowing archivist, even if these particular events are day to day goings of average people.
Pop on a crime podcast? They're freaked it's not getting a reaction out of you if they don't realise what it is (to that in a second)- would they assume you're being briefed on some crime??
When you get to Earthbread you might not even be able to convince them for a long time that you really didn't have a hand in any of it. Depending on how much admiration they actually hold for you, they might just wave it off as you being extremely modest or even slightly self deprecating.
Now that I think about it, although mobile phones are seen in ovenbreak promo material (I think?), I don't *think* it's mentioned in crk, and considering the use of letters in story mode + envoys in the Creme Republic, they might not even know all the audio is pre-recorded. They might assume whatever you're listening to is in the room with you.
Oh god, what if you listened to audio of crk Cutscenes as you played crk. Imagine listening to Tower of Sweet Chaos and accidentally revealing that not only are White Lily and D.E are the same person, but that the witches ate cookies. Simultaneously traumatised every single cookie you've gotten so far. Also-- if they're not aware enough to realise they're fictional characters, you've basically time travelled from their perspective. Wtf???
I personally listen to a combination of commantary and folk music, so I'd imagine it'd be weird asf to hear about modern topics, then suddenly sing about mythology, and considering Earthbread has magical beings, they'll probably assume the mythology is grounded in some truth, or that you're even involved in//witnessed some of these stories.
Overall, it depends where crk is technologically. If they don't have devices with the ability to record audio, then you might have a lot of explaining to do.
The cookies are either scared or confused maybe even both.
But I can how some may call baker “The One With Many Voices”, then thinking that maybe your telling stories or events that already happened or going to happen, like a prophecy.
Oh just imagine the chaos when they hear their voice and get spoilers for future events. That’s one of the many reasons why the cookies see you as some form of god can see into the future and tell prophecy’s.
If they don’t have stuff like taboo or audio recordings then yes Mc has a lot of explaining to do, you might even make radios and audio recorders and these cookies will treat them as the greatest treasures.
If they do have that stuff some may ask what channel, station, or just where you heard them from. They want to have this thing you guys call “Reddit”.
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dionysianchub · 24 days
What a pathetic pig you are. I mean look at you. You look like you don't do anything if you arent able to eat while doing it at the same time. And all of it adds up and your belly looks like it ate your lap and is ready to take up even more space. Do you even care? Do you even want to stop your body from losing every firm thing about you and replace it with more lard? Watching every shirt your own stretch and tear as it tries to contain your obesity. Having all your shirt buttons hold on for dear life and always be one false move away from popping. Your pants constantly shrinking in the wash that you struggle to put them on.
One day you'll be found by some evil scientist who will tie you down and funnel feed you his fattening formula. I bet you would only pretend to fight for freedom once you learned what would be your fate. Every seallow making you feel warm as you expand. Fat covering more and more. Double and triple chins growing and keeping you from looking down. Belly so large you can't reach around. Ass so wide you have no chance of buying just one seat on a place again. Everything about you coated in more lard by the second. You would eagerly drink it up until you were even more helpless than before. You would be too horny to stop in that moment. You would know you would regret swallowing so eagerly later, but for now thos inner pig genetics are waking up and taking full effect. You'll become a pathetic fat fuck with no one to blame but yourself
You're absolutely right, except I probably wouldn't even pretend to fight back (unless I liked the punishment). This is one of my top fantasies, I dream of having some evil feeder lock me away and pump my body full of food and gainer shakes and straight up lard until my body swells into a mound of fat and fleshy rolls. I know I'd cry and make such pitiful moans when my belly grew too full to fit another bite, but deep down I'd be desperate for my gut to make room so they could resume my fattening. I'd be so ashamed as my mobility slipped away, as my arms grew too heavy to lift and my fingers too plump to bend, but that shame will only make me hornier for more fat to pile on my heaving frame. I want to know the futility of being too heavy to roll onto my side, feeling hundreds of pounds of belly lard slosh back and forth and my pillowy moobs smothering my face as I struggle like the most pitiful turtle. I want to know the desperation of being so severely obese that I'm unable to do anything but uselessly hump my buried nub into my own fat pad for relief. Only as my freedom is stolen from me can I truly be liberated, free to do the one thing I've always wanted to do - which is nothing at all. Nothing but eating and serving as my feeder's big, fat toy.
If you're an evil feeder, consider this my application. 😂
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leletha-jann · 3 months
Thinking about today's page (June 14, 2024), I want to see the miniTrain retrofitted into an airship.
Hear me out:
The Train gets to be BIG again! Not as big as its friend Castle Heterodyne, but then the Train was never as big as the Castle, even when it was running amok. Fairness and balance!
Agatha needs her own air fleet. As the Heterodyne, she is a continental Power and can't keep just hitching lifts with anyone going her way. She needs her own transport so that she can go where she wants to, not just where someone else is willing to take her.
Agatha deserves a flagship that loves her. Facts.
The Train was designed to go anywhere. As an airship, it could do that again, BUT it wouldn't have to eat the world to do so, which Agatha doesn't have time to deal with. (Saturnus didn't have to apologize to boyfriends if the Beast of the Rails ate villages. Agatha probably would.)
The miniTrain control unit could still be detachable and mobile (for Adventures), the same way the miniCastle is still mobile.
For comparison, Castle Wulfenbach is not fast, but I bet Gil can design better engines by now. (The Train-as-Airship would probably not be as big, either, again for speed.)
THE BEAST OF THE SKIES. Is that not a badass name for an airship. C'mon. Even if there were no other reasons. Do it for the name.
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tss-whumper · 2 months
please believe me - a sanders sides whump one-shot
summary: roman has always been a little bit more fragile than he wants to admit. he gets dizzy spells and vertigo, and struggles to walk often because of this. but when he discovers that he can use a cane to better his mobility, he's amazed and delighted...until he tells the other sides, who do not take this well.
word count: 4.3k
content warnings: internalized ableism, ableism, gaslighting, emotional manipulation, bullying, emotional abuse, concussions, dry-heaving, all of the sides except for roman, remus, and logan could be seen as unsympathetic.
Roman liked to consider himself strong. Though he knew that all of the other sides were stronger than him physically, he also knew that he had a lot of stamina and fortitude of his own. After all, he was the only side who would regularly go on adventures of his own imagining, slaying pretend dragons and running through the forest. He also knew that he was often the one asked to do strenuous tasks, because he was the only one who had the energy to go from start to finish without slackening even a little.
But lately, that energy had been burning out quicker than usual.
Roman would be walking through his imaginary forest, and then suddenly, his vision would blur. His head would hurt. His heart would pound. And he would stumble and fall, gasping to catch his breath as his heart raced. But by the time he realized what was happening, he was on the ground, and it was going away. At first, Roman thought nothing of it. Probably lack of nutrition. So he ate more. It helped a little, but not a lot. Lack of sleep? He got his beauty sleep, ten hours a night. But even when he increased to eleven hours, the dizzy spells did not stop.
The longer it went on, the worse the spells got. They would last longer, and be more severe. There would even be times where Roman had to stay on the floor for minutes at a time, just to get his heart to stop pounding and his body to stop trembling. He was always thirsty, always hungry. No matter how much he ate and drank. And he started to grow wary of going into his forest alone. What if he collapsed and couldn't get back up? Each time he fell, it grew harder and harder to pick himself up. It started to feel like his bones were becoming brittle and useless.
Until one day.
He went for a little walk after a frustrating argument with Remus, making sure to keep close to his bedroom door, just in case. But this time, when his vision blurred and he teetered to the side, he held out his arms, grappling for something to keep him upright. And his hands wrapped tightly around a branch of a tree. The dizziness was still there, and Roman could see the world around him moving. But he was still. And he knew that he was still, because the branch did not move. The branch kept him steady, and helped him figure out where to slowly and shakily move his feet to keep walking. The branch made things feel less terrifying, like he had more control over his body and the situation.
It was revolutionary.
Ever since that day, Roman started to cling to branches and trunks and whatever he could to keep himself upright. And it went from being whenever he felt dizzy to all the time, that way, it didn't take him by surprise, and he would know that he had something to hold onto if the dizziness came on in a flash, as it tended to. And Roman felt so safe and secure, and more than anything? He felt brave again.
"Janus, your cane is so pretty," Patton marveled one day as all the sides gather for a movie night, "You never did tell us what it's for. Is it just for decoration?"
"Not really," Janus shrugged, sitting on the couch, "It's to help keep me from putting too much weight on my weak joints. It's just easier to walk when I'm holding onto something."
Roman's eyes went round as saucers when he heard this. He stared at Janus' cane, black polished wood, with a curve on one end for Janus to hold onto, and a flat base on the other for it to keep his body steady on the ground.
"You mean you just use the cane, and it keeps you from falling down?" he blurted before he could stop himself.
Janus wrinkled his nose, clearly confused by Roman's fascination with his cane and his disability. He pulled his cane closer to himself.
"I don't fall down," he said, "But it does help with keeping me upright when I'm feeling a lot of pain."
The other sides asked their own questions about Janus' cane and his disability, but Roman couldn't hear any of it. All he could think about was that cane. It was just like the tree branch in the forest. It kept Janus grounded, it gave him something to support himself with when his body gave out. It was perfect.
Roman gracefully excused himself, rushing to his room, stumbling inside and falling to the ground as another dizzy spell hit him. But he didn't mind being splayed out on the carpet, grinning like a child in a toy store as he started to conjure up a cane. The perfect cane. It wouldn't be black like Janus'. It would be red, so Roman could always find it. And instead of having a curved area for the hand, it just went out horizontally a few inches, and the handle was a nice plush material that was nice to hold. The bottom was flat like Janus', but it was wider. Roman thought about the strong trunk of the tree, how the wider the foundation was, the stronger the tree stood. Roman made the bottom of his cane about two inches wide, so that there was plenty of sure flatness for him to lean upon.
And then, it was finished. Using the cane, Roman struggled to his feet, clutching the cane tightly. Getting up was much easier when he had something to hold onto. The world rocked and spun around him, but as he gripped the plush handle of the cane, Roman didn't feel so scared. He didn't feel like one wrong step would cause him to crash back down. Slowly, he dragged the cane forward, and then, he took a step. He did not lean heavily on the cane, but he did rest about half his weight on it. The cane was perfect for orienting himself. Letting his body know where it was in space.
It was amazing. Roman almost cried from joy. How did it take him this long to figure out such a simple solution to his problem? Now, he would never topple over from a dizzy spell again!
The very first day Roman walked to the kitchen with his cane, he was all smiles. He dragged it gently in front of him, the way he had in his bedroom. Now, it was decorated beautifully. Roman had gone to the forest and delicately wrapped chains of dried flowers around his cane, making for a simple but elegant decoration. Roman felt as if he was glowing from the inside out. Every step was so certain. Every step felt like flying.
"Roman, what the hell is that?"
Air deflated from Roman's chest as he heard the intense hostility in Virgil's tone.
"It's my cane," Roman said, smiling at Virgil as widely as he could, though fear danced in his eyes. "It helps me walk. I get dizzy a lot, and I've been falling over. The cane keeps me from falling."
"You fall over," Virgil repeated, very deadpan in his delivery, "I've never seen you fall over."
"Well- yeah, it mostly happens in the forest," Roman explained, "When I've been running and playing for a while. But sometimes it comes on all of a sudden. I'm glad I found the cane before it happened in front of any of you guys. It's very unbecoming of a prince to be collapsing at random!"
But Virgil did not laugh at Roman's lighthearted remark. His gray eyes narrowed and he stared at the cane for a long time.
"You know, I hate Janus," he said slowly, "You know that. I hate him more than Thomas hates carrots. But there are some lines you can't cross when making fun of him. I can't believe you'd do something like this, Roman. It's a real jackass move."
"What...?" Roman felt tears form in his eyes, "What are you talking about? What's a jackass move?"
"This! All of this!" Virgil cried out, gesturing to the cane, "Faking some dizzy thing to try and get attention? To try and make some sort of mockery of Janus' literal disability? That's not cute, Roman!"
Footsteps could be heard, and Patton and Janus entered the hallway from the kitchen. Patton was holding a mixing bowl. Janus was holding a spoon in one hand, and his cane in the other. Roman was trying his hardest not to cry, biting his lip so hard that he could feel blood dripping down his gums inside his mouth.
"What's going on in here, kiddos?" Patton asked, "It's a Saturday morning, there's no need to yell."
Then, Patton laid eyes upon Roman's cane. And Janus did too.
"It's another one of Roman's little ploys for attention," Virgil hissed, glaring murderously at the creative side, "He must have seen Janus' cane yesterday and gotten all pissy. Because the attention wasn't all on him."
"That's not true!" Roman choked out, desperate for support as he gazed imploringly at Patton, "I swear, it's not true- I- I've been getting dizzy for weeks! Before I even knew about Janus' cane, I was struggling with this- why won't you believe me??"
"If you were struggling, why didn't you tell us?" Janus asked quietly, "Everybody knows that little Princey can't keep a secret to save his life. Why now? Why this?"
"I..." Roman choked on air. "I didn't want to worry you guys. I didn't know what it was, and- I was trying to fix it on my own. I don't understand. The cane helps me walk, just like it helps you."
"Roman, honey," Patton said gently, approaching Roman and placing a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure you do get a little dizzy from time to time. That's normal for somebody as active as you. And your diet isn't exactly the healthiest, what, with all that fruit you eat. So much sugar, and you barely eat anything at mealtimes."
"I eat plenty at mealtimes," Roman tried to reassure, "I swear it. This isn't something that can be solved by that stuff- at least, I don't think so."
"I know you want people to pay attention to you," Patton interjected, his voice gentle, but his eyes glistening with a warning, "I know you like being the center of everyone's focus, buddy. But you're a big, strong prince! You're Roman. You're supposed to be a valiant and brave prince. Don't you want to be a prince, Roman?"
"Of course I do," Roman whispered, a tear rolling down his face.
"Can you name any princes who use a cane?" Patton asked sweetly, and when Roman faltered, Patton continued, "Exactly. You're a big boy, Roman. You don't need stuff like this. Let's leave the canes to the actual disabled people, alright? It's the respectful thing to do, sweetheart."
Roman started to feel dizzy. He was not sure if it was from a dizzy spell or from the extreme overwhelm of emotions that were weighing him down. Perhaps it was both. All he knew was that he needed to get out of here. He gripped his cane and turned to go, but he found that something was keeping him there.
Virgil's hands were holding tightly onto Roman's cane, keeping him from moving it. Roman's fragile, trembling fingers were no match for Virgil's strong and certain ones.
"Please," he whispered, "Give me my cane."
"No," Virgil glowered, "You can walk ten steps to your room by yourself. I know you can. I've seen it. You're being a real dick, Roman. I just want you to drop the act, okay? I'm not asking for much."
"I need my cane, please," Roman begged, more tears dripping down his chin and his upper lip. "I feel dizzy."
"Of course you do," Janus muttered, rolling his eyes, "Of course you magically feel dizzy while we're calling you out. And here I was thinking I was Deceit."
Janus turned and walked back into the kitchen. But Patton stayed standing in the doorway, and Virgil stayed holding Roman's cane.
"I'm not backing off from this," Virgil said, "Go. Walk."
Roman realized that he was outnumbered by a long shot. Nobody pitied him. Janus was giving him the cold shoulder. Patton was staring at him with such disappointment in his eyes. And Virgil looked ready to kill him. There was nothing Roman could do. No other way to escape.
Slowly, his grip on his cane loosened. Immediately, Virgil snatched it from underneath Roman, causing the dizzy man to stumble. He caught himself, but it was clear that Roman was trembling wildly, not just out of fear, but out of fragility. His vision was going blurry, and it kept blacking out on him. His heart was pumping blood through his body so fast that Roman felt as though he might burst from the inside out.
But he had to walk. He had to escape.
Slowly, he put one foot in front of the other, even though he couldn't tell which way was truly forward. The ground seemed to zig-zag and contort. But Roman closed his eyes, hoping that the lack of vision would help him better figure out how to move in a straight line. It did not. He only felt more unsure. But when he opened his eyes again, he felt his knees give out, and before Roman could get his bearings, he had crashed down onto the bright white carpet of the hallway.
He didn't even hear the thud of his body hitting the ground. But what he did hear was the cruel, barking laughter of Virgil.
"You can't fool me, Roman!" he called out, "That's some good acting, though!"
"Roman, come on, honey," Patton goaded, "Walking is not hard for you. I've seen you do it hundreds of times. No more of this silliness, okay?"
Maybe Patton and Virgil were right. Maybe Roman was faking all of this. Slowly, he tried to sit up. His head hurt so badly. A whimper escaped Roman, but he kept going. He had to keep going. He had to get away from the laughter, from the stares.
So he pressed his hands tightly onto one knee, and tried to prop the other upwards. So he could try to stand up. But as his body lifted off the ground, shaking like a fawn's, the walls and the ceiling swirled around him in such a confusing and dizzying haze that Roman fell right back down again. White hot pain burst through the wrist he fell on, and a sickening crack resounded through the hallway.
Roman waited for more laughter and taunting. He waited for more critiques, more chastising. But none came. Only a deep bellow from a voice that was typically so composed that it sounded like a computer.
"Give me the cane, Virgil."
Roman blinked blearily. He was facing away from where Patton, Virgil, and now, Logan, were standing. He could not tell if Logan was mad at him like the others were, but he could hear Logan's quiet footsteps moving towards Roman's shaking body.
"You gonna beat him with it?" Virgil sneered, "I guess I wouldn't expect anything less from Mr. Anger Issues, but maybe Roman deserves it. He's being such a bitch about this whole thing."
"Maybe he needs a little punishment," Patton agreed solemnly, "I'm not a violence guy. You know that, Logan, but- well...Roman isn't listening to us any other way."
Roman froze up for a moment. Was Logan really going to beat him with his cane? There was not a lot of strength left in Roman's body, but what little he had, he used it to curl up tightly, protecting his neck with his hands, and tucking his head between his legs. He held his breath and waited for the first strike.
But none came.
"This is ridiculous," Logan snapped, "Utterly ridiculous."
The logical side leaned down towards Roman, trying to make eye contact. Roman looked up, but everything was foggy and hazy. He could see three Logan's, but at the same time, he couldn't quite make out the details of any of them.
"I'm sorry," Roman mumbled, "'m so sorry...I didn't mean to- to make fun of anyone, honest! I just- I- I just wanted- to- to-"
"Shut up," Logan whispered to Roman, "You're a bit dilated...you hit your head on the floor, didn't you...?"
Roman didn't know what to say. He didn't know what the right answer was. He opened his mouth to try and say something, to try and plead for mercy, but when he did so, a wave of violent nausea passed through his body, and he retched, dry heaving in writhing spasms on the floor. He had not eaten yet, so nothing came out of his body except for a few globs of saliva.
"He's concussed," Logan mumbled to himself, and before Roman could figure out what was happening, he felt himself being lifted into the air by two large and soft arms. Instinctively, Roman leaned against the touch.
"Oh, please," Patton said with a little laugh, "I never knew you as somebody to coddle, Logan. Especially Roman. You've got to know he's faking. In all the years you've known him, have you ever seen him get dizzy?"
Roman whimpered as he waited for Logan to change his mind. To stop with his kindness and drop Roman onto the floor, joining in with Patton and Virgil.
But no.
"I have," Logan snapped, "I have seen it, and if either of you had a speck of intelligence, you would have seen it too. Roman's been compensating his whole life, probably before he was even aware of it. Don't you remember when we were younger? Roman would always cling to the stair rail when going up and down stairs. Ever wonder why? In the kitchen, every single time I've seen Roman in the kitchen, he's leaning against the counter and gripping onto the side of it."
"If all of this is true, then- then why haven't you ever brought it up?" Virgil snapped defensively.
"It's not my business, first of all," Logan shot back, with just as much ferocity, "And second of all, Roman's a stubborn idiot. He would never admit to having a physical problem, especially because of the torture you two are subjecting him to the second he tries to do something about it! If I'd known that you two would react like this if I had a disability, then I would never tell you anything!"
"K- kiddo, that's not what happened," Patton stammered, "You've got it all mixed up! We weren't doing anything akin to torture, that's- that's such a nasty word, and-"
"Yeah? Is it nasty?" Logan asked, "Well then, consider yourselves nasty. You really thought I would beat Roman with his own cane when he's already showing signs of a concussion? He collapsed right in front of you, and you still don't believe him? It's clear that you don't care at all. And the problem is not the disability. The problem is that it's Roman who has it. You call Roman a fake? You're the ones that are faking, pretending that you care about him. If Roman has any sense in his head, then he'll never trust either of you again after today. Though knowing him...he'll likely give you a lot more mercy than you deserve."
And with that, Logan turned on his heels and marched out of the room, carrying Roman and holding his cane tightly. Roman could not speak. He could not move. Everything was fuzzy and far away, like he was being shoved farther and farther towards the center of the world's largest teddy bear. And throughout it all, his head throbbed, each pulse stronger and more agonizing than the last.
"It's alright, Roman," Logan mumbled, setting Roman down on a surface that he recognized as his bed.
Roman blinked and let out a soft noise as he felt his soft red comforter be pulled over his trembling body, and an eye mask be put over his tear-filled eyes.
"Sleep now, Roman," Logan goaded gently, "You need rest. I'll be here with you. Don't be afraid. Just let yourself sleep."
So Roman let himself sleep. And soon, the room was silent, other than Roman's soft snoring echoing off his bedroom walls.
When Roman woke up, his head hurt, and so did his wrist. And the very first thing he saw when he took off the eye mask was Logan's face, staring down at him with an immensely worried gaze.
"Hi," Roman said, a bit awkwardly, "What's going on?"
"Seriously...?" Logan asked dryly, "You get your cane stolen from you, you fracture your wrist and get a concussion due to Patton and Virgil's mistreatment, and the very first thing you have to say is hi? What's going on?"
"What am I supposed to do, make a royal proclamation?" Roman quipped softly, groaning as he tried to sit up. "Why did you say all that stuff to Patton and Virgil? Now they'll be mad at you. Besides, they're right. I am faking. This stupid cane was just a way for me to get attention."
Logan glared sharply down at Roman, causing the man to shrink back against his numerous pillows.
"Don't you ever say that again," he snapped, "You are not faking. And you did not make the cane to get attention. Perhaps you were looking for positive attention when it came to the decorative aspect. But you were not using your disability as a ploy or a game. Don't let the others convince you of something that is so nauseatingly untrue."
"Don't talk to me about nausea," Roman mumbled, "I feel like I'll throw up just looking at food."
"Well, that tends to happen when you're concussed," Logan replied, "But don't worry, Remus is coming back as we speak with some medication that should ease that. But we need to talk, if you're feeling up to it. We need to do something important."
"I'm up for important," Roman said, "Anything but more sleep."
"Alright," Logan said, and he picked Roman up, soon setting him down on a strange cot-like appliance.
Roman winced as he felt straps tighten around his form, keeping him tied down to the table. And he did not remember much after that. He just remembered feeling everything tilt up and down, up and down, over and over. Like a hazy, torturous roller coaster. Throughout it, Roman wondered if this was Logan's special way of punishing him. If Logan had been waiting until Roman trusted him to harm him the way Patton and Virgil wanted him to.
But when Logan was finished, he quickly unstrapped Roman, and placed him back onto the bed, waiting a few moments for Roman to reorient himself and feel well enough to listen and speak again.
"I'm sorry about that," Logan said, "But that was a tilt table test. I was monitoring your levels while moving the table, to check a theory I have about you. And I was correct, as I tend to be."
"A theory...?" Roman mumbled blearily, "What theory...?"
"Roman, it looks as if you have postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome," Logan said, "Otherwise known as POTS. This is a medical disorder that would explain your, as you describe them, dizzy spells."
"You mean...there really is something...?" Roman asked softly, "I'm not faking it...?"
"Yes," Logan said, "There is something. But even if there wasn't something, you are not and never was faking anything, Roman. Mobility aids are nothing more or less than what they are defined as. Items that aid mobility. It does not matter the medical conditions of who uses them as long as they actually help the person in question. If you were getting dizzy spells and you found that a cane helped you in day-to-day life, then whether or not you have a medical disorder, that is a valid thing you can do."
"But Patton and Virgil said-"
"Patton and Virgil are wrong," Logan said firmly, "And so is Janus. It was abundantly clear that you were not mocking or making fun of anything. You were not playing a prank. They were merely uncomfortable with the idea of you being more fragile than they expected. They didn't want to challenge their preconceived notion that you were some...invincible, endlessly strong caricature."
"Princes are supposed to be strong," Roman murmured, his eyes dimming, "Patton's right. There isn't a single prince who uses a cane."
"You are very strong, Roman," Logan protested, "Regardless of whether or not you have a cane, your physical and mental fortitude are unmatched. Why, I don't know anybody else with so much energy, even in the morning. I don't know anybody else who has the determination to live out each day the way you do. It's...astounding. It's admirable. The cane is inconsequential. All it does is help you. The amount of help you need from an inanimate stick does not determine your strength."
"Thanks, Logan," Roman said after a long moment of bewildered silence, "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."
"I know we have our qualms," Logan admitted, seeming a bit embarrassed, "But nobody deserves the abuse you endured. The abuse you've been enduring. You shouldn't have to hide your struggles to be treated with respect. I won't agree with you on everything, but...I'll always believe you, Roman, if you come to me with a personal problem. I trust you."
That was the only thing that Roman had wanted to hear in the whole wide world at that moment. By the time the door opened and Remus was there with medicine, Roman was crying, and Logan's eyes were a little bit teary, and Remus was admiring Roman's cane and threatening to light it on fire, the way that siblings tend to.
"I love you both," Roman sobbed, a wide, grateful smile on his face, "Thank you so much. Thank you for believing me."
(hee hee. yes i have pots and i am projecting onto roman. hush. also, i will be coming out with a part two on this one if i remember to, so stay tuned for that!)
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greenguy56 · 2 months
Cookie run news (found images from ran ran idk where they found these but they ate interesting)
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So turns out ovensmash is back on and will be released on mobile soon
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So we’re getting a 2nd special season in August and we’re getting a new legendary
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If I were to guess the next legendary it definitely be one of those nova cookies
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Next thing is for kingdom
They will be improving some cookies in legendary beast and awakened
And for the other stuff they probably gonna be fixing the my cookie stuff since it says customizable mycookie update
We’re getting a new special episode aswell and also we were finally getting the legendary cookies that we needed from like the start (wind archer, fire spirit, millennial tree)
And also the have planned the next beast yeast update
And I pray it’s gonna be eternal sugar
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noirs-pages · 3 months
Tsunayoshi 1
Summary: The future Vongola Decimo, Tsunayoshi Sawada, falls from the skies and lands right at your feet. Reborn follows, and tell you this is the man you’ll be expected to observe and record from his life until death.
(Ah, an old childhood favorite of mine. This was one of the shounen’s I grew up with, alongside D. Gray-man. It was on my brain, so I may as well. Oh, and everyone’s aged up. So no high school. Keep in mind it’s been years so I can and will probably get details confused.)
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This skinny and rather pathetic sight of a man fell from the sky like a comet in nothing but bruises and underwear. Right in front of you, while you were enjoying a nice cold treat on this hot day. The weather and climbing temperatures had you pretty miffed most of the day, as this was one of your busiest days in university, so you figured you deserved a little treat from one of the many mobile carts and trucks that are always on the road towards the place.
The treat was nice and distracted you from the heat, but now you have this sight in front of you.
“Oh.” You said, because what else were you supposed to say? You’re not really a screaming or yelling kind of person. Lots of weird things happen and it’s always been your motto to just, take things in stride. You’ll be better for it.
You took another bite of your treat before it cooled down too much.
“You okay?” You poked the prone man with your shoe.
The man laying flat on the ground groaned and lifted his fluffy head. “Huh? Wha–” And then he ate rocks just as something else fell from the sky and landed gracefully on that poor dude’s head. He was out like a light.
“Ciao.” A very clear and very childish voice entered your ears, and your annoyance came back. Not in full force and certainly didn’t show on your face, lest you wanted a bullet between your brows.
“…” You took another bite of your treat as you started at little hitman Reborn. He didn’t say anything, but the smile on his face said all. Yeah, he’s not going to let you just walk away and attempt to find peace in this way too hot day. “So,” you took another bite, this stuff’s good, “This is the potential future Vongola Decimo, I take it?”
“Believe it or not,” Reborn kicked himself off this man and landed right in front of you, “this weak Tsunayoshi Sawada is the real deal, as unbelievable as that is. But, that’s why I’m here.”
You knelt and slipped a hand under this Vongola Decimo-to-be’s chin. You lifted his head and made sure to take a good look at what has been presented before you. Evidently, this was enough to bring this man’s consciousness back. He groaned, blinked, then realized you were right there.
Blood rushed to his cheeks, then over his ears, and soon his entire body was covered in a funny red flush like he just came back from a sunny beach sunburned. His eyes widened, his mouth stammered and his attempts to scramble were weighted down by all the bruises and likely heavily sore muscles.
Yikes, so this is what Reborn’s tutelage does to people. Glad you’re not on that side of the fence. But oh boy, this poor man.
You let go, let the squirming man have a break–passed out once more, jeez–then turned to Reborn. “He’s going to be eaten alive.”
“But he’ll survive,” Reborn jumped onto the nearest bench and sat down, petting his strange little lizard friend, “As long as he has the will, he has no choice but to improve. And you’ll be the one to record it all.”
“Yeah, yup, I know that,” You remember the ‘deal’ that was made between your family and Reborn. Well, it was less of a cordial deal and more Reborn just threatening your parents, and then them challenging him back because they can never resist the thrill of a good fight especially when they’re stuck archiving vasts amounts of information from the database crafted by your family. “Well, I better remember to fill up my pen later.”
The battle was lost, obviously since none of you are hitmen, but what Reborn wanted was strange. He wanted you, your eyes and your hands to record everything that is to happen regarding the future Vongola Decimo, even though he could’ve easily requested for free and unhindered access to your family’s database, or even several of your family’s observers and outfield recorders to help with the job.
You. Just you. Perhaps it has something to do with your status as family heir, or your family’s rather interesting history in regards to the Vongola’s. Well, honestly, you suspect Reborn’s trying to break your family’s vow of neutrality and have loyalties skew towards the Vongola’s, but you’ll never get a straight answer out of him.
“Don’t worry though,” said Reborn, black eyes ever observing through people’s veils, “I did promise that you won’t be bored. Just put up with him for a little bit and keep a very close eye on him.”
Is that really something he should be saying to you? You don’t even know this passed out man well enough to dislike him and therefore ‘put up’ with him.
“I will, I will,” but, the sooner you let things go as they may, the sooner you’ll go home with unhindered access to that juicy database.
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xjulixred45x · 11 months
Suguru Geto x Disabled! Reader
Sinopsis: Geto's S/o is a Disabled Non-Sorcerer
Reader: Neutral/Female
Genre: Headcanons
Warnings:small divergence from Canon at the end, friends to lovers, soft Geto, Reader is DISABLED (Which type of disability will not be specified, but it is one that makes mobility difficult, which could be using crutches, lack of limbs, wheelchair, etc. I will try to be vague about it, to cover as much as possible), Reader gets to receive BULLYING (NOT FROM GETO! Japanese society is considered very inclusive and everything, but people with disabilities don't have a very good time), some Soft yandere Geto? More like how he would act if something like that really happens in canon, Angst with Fluff. LONG POST
okay, I figured that you and Geto could probably be either 1- neighbors or 2- having gone to the same school (before being a Sorcerer obviously).
Be that as it may, Geto has known you for a long time, since you were young he remembers to give you a hand when you couldn't on your own (whether pushing your wheelchair/reaching for your crutches).
He always felt that he naturally gravitated towards you, he thought it was because of his belief that Non-Sorcerers needed protection, and in your case it was more serious, because of your disability, he felt that he had to take care of you.
but he soon realized that that wasn't really the reason, because despite your cadences, you were really capable, you were smart, creative, you had a good academic and even motor level, so he felt calmer in some way, knowing that he wanted to be with you to Bc of YOU in general.
Thus a beautiful friendship was born.
Geto was a very fun friend to have around, especially because, in general, he was very attentive so that you didn't feel left out.
It was like that even when they were little, if there was a game where you couldn't play, he would change it so you could be in it too. Translated to today, if he saw that his teammates were leaving you aside, he would intervene to assert yourself.
God forbid someone made a bad comment about your disability around him☠️
Geto didn't tolerate that shit.
For the same reason, when he went to Jujustu High, he was a little worried that you didn't have anyone who had as much experience helping you as he did, although at that moment you reassured him and wished him luck in his "new school".
...yes, at first you didn't really know what Jujutsu High was, you always had the feeling that Geto had certain strange qualities, but you just thought he was eccentric.
(Geto definitely ate several curses that tried to get closer to you or your home over the years)
Although Geto helped you with what you will need, he also wanted you to do things on your own so that you could have more capacity and generally feel more "normal" so to speak. obviously things that wouldn't make you uncomfortable.
That's why you had a lot of confidence in yourself, even when he left, it was another reason why I thought you would be fine without him. that someone else might be able to take care of you.
and at first, everything seemed to be going well! You continued going to high school, getting weekly updates from Geto (whether in person or via text), and everything felt almost unchanged. except that...
You realized that, apart from Geto, no one else dared to talk to you now. It wasn't even because you didn't try, people saw you (with a strange expression) and said goodbye immediately.
and you tried MANY times, again, and again, and again, and again, but always the same, they saw you and walked away in a hurry, with that expression on their faces.
That was your story during the first part of the year, where you also identified the feeling behind those faces.
"It's normal" they used to say when you complained to someone "if you can't keep up with others, they'll leave you behind or you'll isolate yourself, you're not trying hard enough."
That just made you feel worse obviously.
but you didn't dare to share that part with Geto, not when you saw each other and he was so happy to see you and tell you about his classmates (normal classmates, apparently), especially a "Satoru" who always appeared in his anecdotes, it was nice to see him this happy.
You didn't dare to break his bubble with your "meaningless problems" so you only talked about the academic part and things at home, and he believed it.
In a way, these outings were what helped you stay sane, because the loneliness of the first year was overwhelming.
but the second year was worse. much worse.
They already knew that you wouldn't do much against isolation, so they took a step further, aggression.
At first they were typical comments from someone ignorant (not necessarily malicious) but they escalated to hurtful jokes and more unpleasant comments as time went by.
although at least one or two people took pity on your situation and started helping you when you had problems with your disability (previously, most of the time only teachers did it). and you talked about them as "friends" (although they were barely acquaintances) when you hung out with Geto, thus managing to elude his radars for another year.
that's what you thought, Although Geto began to notice certain changes in your attitude in the second year, he thought that maybe these "friends" could be toxic friends, which made him ask you out more often.
You even got to meet his teammates! Satoru and Shoko. Although you felt that they were leaving some things... out of the conversations, they were fun, especially Gojo, you understood why Geto was so delighted with him.
Even at one point when Geto left them alone with you, they continued talking to you about the most normal things, even joking that Geto talked about you every now and then at school, as if they were insinuating something...
but Geto returned before they continued with that.
Does anyone remember that scene where Geto and Gojo are riding a bike together? They'd probably try that on you, with a LOT of precautions Obviously, but you'll get it done somehow (is this even physically possible? Don't ask) and WOW it's almost like flying.
this would happen a couple more times in the second year, while you weren't even HALF as close to Shoko and Gojo as Geto, they were definitely good people that you enjoyed hanging out with. almost friends, so to speak.
While things at your own school weren't getting better, but at least they weren't trying anything besides verbal bullying, a part of you feels like you should have expected it.
Your family was not happy about this, they were much more aware of your situation, but since there was no physical damage, they couldn't do much, and you didn't want to waste their time.
The bullying would continue even if you changed schools, you knew it. they knew it.
At least you still had Geto and that helped you cope with everything.
That was until the third year, where everything went to hell.
That was the first thing Geto noticed.
He decided to be honest with what he did at Jujutsu High, even if he didn't give all the information, now everything made MUCH more sense, it's the first thing you remember from that year.
The third year was a blur, what started as typical school bullying turned into direct physical violence and more direct grievances.
hide your things, throw them in the trash, shake you and pull your hair, make rounds to push you, pinch you until you cry, hit you with a ruler-
Everything escalated so quickly that your family decided halfway through the year that you would no longer go to school, but instead study at home.
How so, you never told Geto this, mostly because you only let him tell how he was doing lately and if he asked, you would just tell him some family drama story.
This time he didn't buy it from you.
And to make matters worse, your relatives accidentally spilled the beans on HIS parents.
There was no escape, you had to tell him.
and surprisingly he wasn't mad at you. not at all.
Rather, he was angry that he didn't ask more deeply, knowing that there were holes in your story, and maybe help you through the whole process.
but he settled for comforting you and giving you a hand now that you would be more within reach than before.
If your family had some business to attend to and couldn't take care of you, Geto would offer. Obviously they were skeptical at first, but they realized very quickly that there was nothing to worry about.
Those days it would practically just be the two of you doing things like kids your age, playing some games, watching trash TV, taking a break from the outside world.
Geto also ends up learning even more about your condition to be able to take better care of yourself these days, although he believes that it is best to ask your family for advice since they are the ones who interact with you the most during the day and know best how to treat your specific case.
Although you also care a lot about him, even if you don't fully understand his "job", you don't want him to neglect taking care of you.
You only make him fall even harder, honestly.
If you are even an "unofficial couple" at this point, Geto is very careful with you, in the sense that he does not want the world of Jujustu to reach you in some way.
Maybe that's why he doesn't share much of what he does in Jujutsu High, not only because technically he shouldn't, but because he feels that if he tells you EVERYTHING he would be tarnishing you in some way - it's just that you're so friendly and cute! He wants to keep you always like that!
Then, when he is spiraling down, you are the first to notice and try to talk to him, but at first he seems to avoid you :(
Maybe it doesn't last long (maybe a week) before he comes back (practically running) and apologizes for it, he just can't handle seeing you hurt because of him :'(
He also continues to show worrying behavior, when he talks about the Non-Sorcerer for example, you can see the HATE in his eyes when he talks about them, saying frankly creepy things, only to completely turn around and say that it doesn't include you, you're different, you are good.
You try to talk to Shoko and Gojo but you don't have their contacts, and you honestly don't know if it's a good idea to ask Geto for them in his current state.
and one day... it just happens, the last straw.
and Geto disappears for a time, a time that seems eternal.
and the last thing you remember about it is already being in the cult. without having an idea of how or when, but you were already there.
but...do you feel strangely safe?
As You could, you leave the comfortable room that you wake up and search for any clue that tell you what they hell just happen.
Your family is also with you, but unlike you, they are much more bewildered by the whole situation. Everyone is dressed in strange clothes, well, except for you, you have clothes quite similar to what you wear at home.
When you least realize it, Geto is with you, by your side, asking how you feel (as if he hadn't just fucking kidnapped you all), he's different, you notice, he's much calmer.
although he looks noticeably more irritated when talking to your family (he even goes so far as to call them "monkeys").
and basically explains to them WHY they are all here.
You are an exception to his rule, and your family can stay as long as they take care of you (because he wouldn't even let some stranger or "monkey" take care of your condition).
You don't understand much of what he's talking about, but that seems to be his intention. and is again incredibly gentle when addressing you.
Being with Geto is a delight, even when he's evil, you know he's up to no good, but there's little you can do to stop him. So you do what anyone would do, accept their advantageous situation.
Besides, it's not bad at all.
Geto introduces you to the family, who although they were VERY skeptical of you at first, grew fonder of you much faster than they want to admit.
Except for the twins, they already had you in high regard because of how Geto talked about you.
Now that he has the resources, rest assured that he will get you things to make your condition more manageable (if he doesn't get some Sorcerer who can alleviate the symptoms, but he will still get them for you just in case)
YOU. ARE. SPOILED. ROTTEN. It's not even fun now, before young Geto would have done anything so you could stand on your own or walk towards him, but nowadays it seems like he doesn't even want you to move a muscle. Just stay on his lap and let him pamper you.
That's another thing, it becomes considerably more Clingy. He respect if you don't want to have contact due to sensory overload, but the man is literally SHAKEING when he can't even give you 3 hugs.
You also become more chubby, he insist that you should eat more to be more healty(Even insist on spoon feed you if youre having a Bad day). Maybe he just don't want to see you in a sickly state like in the School days(he still has a Little guilty for that).
Don't misunderstand, if you want to improve your condition, Geto will give you all his support (and that of the family alongside yours, they are your cheerleaders🤣), any progress is an achievement.
Do you know those videos of paraplegic brides who walk to the altar (even if it's with a support)? If you do that with Geto (whether the evil one or Teacher) he will most likely start crying (from happiness and pure love)
Your family went from = completely approving to = HATING HIM WITH ALL THEIR SOUL. Geto is the same, but he realized that it would put you in a bad mood if he referred to them as "monkeys" (at least in front of you), so they made a "Cold War" pact, they only say things to each other when you are not close.
*You:Go shopping with the twins*
Geto:(make sure youre gone)MONKEYS
if we're talking about an AU where Geto doesn't turn evil (aka, free therapy) IT'S ALL FLUFF.
Mimiko and Nanako LOVES YOU!(independent of the AU) and will definitely defend you from any idiot who thinks making fun of you is "fun"
(in canon no one would even dare to look the wrong way in your direction thanks to Geto's protection)
In general he is much more open to letting you do things.
He is still cuddly, but at a "normal" level so to speak, he can die at any moment despite being (along with Satoru) the strongest, so he greatly appreciates the moments with you and the girls.
He often goes with you with Shoko, who becomes something of a close friend of the family.
Gojo makes many many MANY "lovebird" jokes when the two of you are around, or when Geto calls you to check on you, you can hear Gojo mockingly affectionately.
"I'm going to get you a divorce lawyer for your birthday.""fuck you Satoru"
In general, Geto sees you as someone precious, and that your disability (apart from not preventing you from being a capable person) only highlights your soft and friendly personality despite everything, how you approach life, sincerely he just wants to take care of you.
He loves you very much regardless of your abilities.
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3 things:
What's a song, band, album, or playlist you want to shout out?
What are your opinions on pets (dog, cat, neither, other)?
Finally, what's a boring fact about you?
Cheers, have a good one.
Oh yes!
Shoutout a band? SEEMING, SEEMING, SEEMING BABY! They're even on tumblr: @seemingmusic
Their music is great and the lyrics are freaking phenomenal poems and I have no idea why they're not among tumblr's favorites like? "The future will be borderless, and red and queer and bold, for I was born to make my kind extinct" (End Studies) "Dreamt of gutting billionaires... But when I woke, blood was gone" (Go Small) you've got the eat the rich be queer do crime philosophy all over it! "Like a tall tree, I am pining to be taken up by the lightning! Strike me! I dare you! I dare you! Heaven, hear me! Like a mantis, I am praying, out of habit, without saying anything, for the bloody sting of a kestrel come to snatch me" (Remember to Breathe) it's got puns it's got self destructive thoughts it's got vague religious implications which I'm not a fan of personally but you guys seem to love it when it's Hozier. And who can ignore "To the gunmen who guard against all of the starving: God will bury you, nature will bury you [...] To the terrified rich man: God will bury you. To the killers of animals: nature will bury you." (The Burial) like don't tell me that doesn't go hard. (Personally I like to think of The Burial as not a threat but a loving promise. It continues "To the worshipper of justice, the reliance on reason, and the fire in your eyes: God will bury you, nature will bury you, time will bury your bones unseen. Total and absolute. Infinite amplitude. Till all the black is ripe and green." and because honoring the dead and burying them is an important act of kindness, I like to think of this as a promise that no matter who you are, no matter who you leave behind to mourn you, you will be buried. You will die and you will return to the Earth and you will be lovingly welcomed, it is inevitable and inescapable, I promise. I know I already rambled about this when I reblogged that worm poem post but I will keep talking about it because I love it and I don't know how many people actually read it.) There's so much more I want to say but I'm on mobile in bed hours past bedtime and this paragraph is probably already way too long and disorganized so like maybe tomorrow but! Regardless of whether you can listen to the music I highly recommend reading some of the lyrics here: https://seemingmusic.tumblr.com/text
Anyway moving on from minor infodump, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by your second question like are you asking my opinion on pets as a concept or my preferences for having pets or? I think humans love to pack bond with things that are not humans and as long as the human is able to meet the needs of an animal to create a mutually beneficial relationship that's a good thing, but ideally you should opt for domesticated animals (animals that have been our companions for so long they are genetically distinct from their wild counterparts) since they are best adapted to living with humans. I was practically raised by cats living with my workaholic single mom and our cats so personally I love cats and probably have a better time connecting with them than I would other common pets like dogs. Currently mom and I are sharing two cats, brothers, but one rarely visits me while the other is obsessed with me but I suspect this is because a) I always have his favorite snack available (potato chips. yeah I don't think he knows he's a cat) and b) I pet him the way he likes best (which is a lot of rubbing and scratching his spine by the tail intermittent with chin scritches, but he wants you to be firm with it as though he were a dog... again this man is not aware he's a cat).
A boring fact about me... Well easy mode is just "I have two feet" or "I ate a sandwich for breakfast today" but let me try to think of something a bit more personal yet still uninteresting... I have watched less than one episode of Supernatural. Yeah that's boring yet specific.
Thank you so much for the ask sorry my reply is a little messy I was already in bed when I got this!
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