#mobile librarian
huariqueje · 9 months
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Bookmobile - Sally K. Smith , 2022 .
American , b. 1966 -
Oil on linen , 97 x 137 cm.
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earako · 9 months
Actually hang on I like library uncle and actually have an idea now hang on
Ballister was by no means a fighter. But life on the streets, living in the lower castes, it taught him how to scrap when needed. It wasn't elegant or show boaty but it kept him alive.
And now it looked like he needed to unleash his street urchin ubringing for the sake of the child who burst into his library crying for help.
He barked out an order for the patrons to get the kid behind his desk. Meanwhile, Ballister grabbed the metal baseball bat he kept stashed under his desk, lept over it, and just managed to clock what seemed like the leading man in the group that was chasing the poor child.
Again, Ballister was not a proper fighter. He was observant though.
Over the years Ballister analyzed the different ways he saw people defend themselves. He swung his bat like a sword while still utilizing kicks, punches, and headbutts, a bastardization of the institutes fighting style mixed with what Ballister saw in street brawls. And as messy as it was, it was effective.
The group after the kid eventually gave up and ran out of the library, cursing Ballister and threatening to burn the library down.
From the corner of his eye Ballister noticed phones recording. Good. He might need those recordings later.
Okay, now that the immediate danger was taken care of best to make sure the kid's alright. He leaned his bat against one of the shelves and slowly walked up to the kid, crouching infront of them.
Ah, figures. From the clothes alone Ballister could tell the kid was a noble. He motioned to the phone he kept behind his desk. "Is there anyone you can call to pick you up?" The kid just stared at Ballister, silent for a few moments before a large grin formed on their face.
"That was awesome!" The kid cried, and where those stars in their eyes? "That was so cool! You were all bamp! wham! And-and then you kicked their legs and there were three of them on you and mister are you a knight?!?!"
Ballister stifled a laugh into his hand. Him? A knight? Oh that's just adorable.
"No, no," Ballister said through small laughs, "I'm just a librarian who grew up in a tough area." The kid eyed Ballister with what looked like skepticism. "...Are you sure you're not an undercover knight?"
"No, I assure you, just a one armed librarian," Ballister said while waving at the kid with his prosthetic. Before the kid could get excited over that, Ballister asked again if there was a number the kid could call.
"We can also wave down-" as if summoned, a knight came bursting into the library. Ballister frowned, first the kidnappers now the knights?
"I'd appreciate it if you refrained from damaging my doors any further," Ballister said, arms crossed and not quite glaring at the knights though his expression was more....reserved than usual.
The knight that had kicked down his door scoffed and went to advance onto Ballister when an arm was held across his chest to stop him. "You are a knight, not a school yard jock. Act like it, Sureblade" hissed a knight in golden armour-hang on.
Golden armour.
Bleach blonde hair.
The crest on his armour.
This was Ambrosius Goldenloin.
Hm. So the Golden boy wasn't afraid to do the dirty work.
Now, Ballister didn't quite dislike Sir Goldenloin, he just seemed mor of the type who would rather spend their time starring in advertisements, or prancing around a stadium while adoring fans chanted his name was over and over and over again.
"Sir Goldenloin!" Ballister's attention snapped back to the child...who seemed to be attempting an imitation of Ballister when he leapt over the desk. The child tripped and would have fallen flat on their face had Ballister not quickly caught them, clutching the child against his chest as his heart raced.
"How about we keep our legs on the ground, hm?"
"But you did it earlier!" The child protested. Ballister sighed and placed the child down. The kid wasn't one of his regulars, really it wasn't his place to scold them....
"Did what?" Sir Goldenloin asked, stepping closer to where Ballister and the kid stood. The other knights made to follow but Sir Goldenoin held out an arm again, probably signalling them to stay back and to let Sir Goldenloin handle the situation.
"Oh! Oh you shoulda seen the mister, Sir Goldenloin!"
Oh no.
Oh no, no, no.
"Hey now-there's no need-"
"The men who took me-mister librarian jumped over the desk and used the baseball bat to fight-"
"It's less impressive than it sounds-"
"And he was swinging and kicking and three guys were on him-" All Ballister could do was bury his face in his hands as the child gushed over his supposedly 'heroic' actions.
Ballister's skin tone may be on the darker side but he was certain his blush could be seen through his hands.
"Well, that sounds like quite the ordeal. Why don't you head back with the other knights while I talk to Mr.Librarian here?" Ballister's head shot up. Right, the knights probably needed him to report the kidnapping. He briefly glanced at the security cameras and wondered if they'd be enough. Maybe he could ask for some of the phone recordings too...
"Bye Mr.Librarian" The child yelled as they headed back to the knights. Ballister smiled and waved back. "Take care now, and be careful next time!" He called after the child and the knights.
The kid was lucky this time...Ballister shuddered to think of what could've been. If the kid hadn't thought to duck into the library....
"So...do you actually have a name, Mr.Librarian?
"Oh, right! Apologies. Ballister Blackheart." Sir Goldenloins brow furrowed at Ballister's last name.
"Rather odd surname." Ballister frowned. If he had less self-preservation he'd have made a comment about Sir Goldenloin's own name...he couldn't afford to aggrevate the knights.
After all, he was just a commoner.
Right, time to give Goldie what he's looking for. " I can give a description of the group who kidnapped the kid along with video surveillance footage. I also saw some phones recording, I can ask them for footage as well. I assume I'll also be asked to file a kidnapping report, I have the files ready to download and can fill them out now if you'd like."
Sir Goldenloin blinked at Ballister. "You...seem very well prepared for these sort of situations."
"It's sadly not uncommon for people to flee here for safety," Ballister sighed. "It's...well, I'm just glad no one got hurt."
"Right, right. I'd like to see those tapes? And interview you if thats alright?"
Hm...Sir Goldenloin was certainly...different from the other knights.
He was stating everything as a question rather than an order. Then again, Sir Goldenloins knighting ceremony was only just this month. Maybe it's because he's still fairly new.
"Sure. If you'll follow me this way." The golden knight trailed after Ballister and leaned over his shoulder as he filled out the reports and retrieved the video surveillance footage.
He had to stop himself from being distracted by the scent of lavender.
This was just business.
It didn't mean anything.
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independent-fics · 4 months
Gif Making Help
Hello! I wanted to make a quick post asking for help.
What programs or resources do you use to make gifs or scrub episodes of shows?
I literally haven’t done this in like 8 years so what I used to use is a bit different now. I was looking for mobile or computer options.
I used to just use various apps or photoshop and screenshots/screen recordings. But now it’s getting harder for me to find episodes that or good quality or that streaming services make able to screen record.
Any suggestions are helpful I’d really like to get into fandom gif making again! I’ve made a few things but I find it’s too many steps between apps and adding captions etc.
Thank you!
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pro-crastinate17 · 10 months
i need to get my ass off tumblr and finish reading this book for my book report thats due on friday lmao
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detroitlib · 2 years
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View of mural triptych on Man's Mobility by John S. Coppin located in Adam Strohm Hall at the Detroit Public Library. Below murals is a librarian at reference desk; bookshelves and card catalog in background. Typed on back: "The Detroit News, December 7, 1964."
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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archival-arrival · 1 year
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an -artic gender related to making an art project out of customizing your aids, such as painting your cane.
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intended for disabled aid users. not exclusive to mobility aids.
coined for day 8 of this event
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probably won’t dress up for Halloween this year, but if I did, nothing could stop me from being Evelyn Carnahan from The Mummy
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cosybookclub · 4 months
Bookmobile Cat Mysteries
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With the help of her rescue cat, Eddie, librarian Minnie Hamilton is driving a bookmobile based in the resort town of Chilson, Michigan. But she'd better keep both hands on the wheel, because it's going to be a bumpy ride...
Eddie followed Minnie home one day, and now she can't seem to shake the furry little shadow. But in spite of her efforts to contain her new pal, the tabby sneaks out and trails her all the way to the bookmobile on its maiden voyage. Before she knows it, her slinky stowaway becomes her cat co-pilot.
Minnie and Eddie's first day visiting readers around the county seems to pass without trouble - until Eddie darts outside at the last stop and leads her to the body of a local man who's reached his final chapter. 
Initially, Minnie is ready to let the police handle this case, but Eddie seems to smell a rat. Together, they'll work to find the killer - because a good librarian always knows when justice is overdue. 
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4fter-hours-archive · 4 months
SUPPORT (Kobe / Liz)
Mother. It was a word that felt foreign to her. Hers had given her up without hesitation and even let The Firm raise her after her dad died. Part of her knew that it was just how it had to be. The Firm dictated everyone’s comings, goings, and when you could or couldn’t have attachments.
Her mother had had her without The Firms consent. Leaving a girl, a child, facing the repercussions. Growing up within The Firm wasn’t a bad thing, especially with her mothers reputation. She became just as skilled if not more than her. Racking up a record for the most contracts completed by anyone under 21 by the time she was 18. It was why she was allowed to be a Librarian instead when she was tired of always having been on the road. Meeting Kobe was a blessing to that all.
So when Virgil, her adoptive father and head of The Firm, told her that her mother died she didn’t know how to feel.
It wasn’t until they were sitting on his bed that she said why she was there. That she didn’t have anyone else to talk to about this. That she didn’t know how to feel about this. So she said the words out loud “My mother is dead.” And found herself crying in his arms, mourning someone she had always wanted. Someone she fantasied at times and would never get to know.
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babybluebanshee · 1 year
So I finally got my water heater replaced after more than half a year of it leaking and nearly destroying my floor, but that's not the story. The story is of the handyman that installed it.
Dude's name is Chris, and he's your typically midwestern schlub - friendly, apologizes too much, really likes the Cardinals, maybe a little younger than my parents. Hella nice tho, gets the heater installed quickly, and even offers to fix the floorboards it warped (after nearly tripping over the hump it made in the floor twice). Overall, a stress-free experience.
Then, as he's gathering up his tools - "So, I noticed your, uh, banner. Over your bed."*
*(The closet where my water heater is is located in my bedroom because I live in a mobile home, dude wasn't just wandering creepily into my bedroom)
He's referring to a giant pride flag that's hanging over my bed, with the words "Sounds gay, I'm in"
My anxiety spikes instantaneously, thinking oh christ I'm about to get hatecrimed or at least microaggressioned.
But then he says "Yeah, my daughter is gay, and I was wondering, like...where do you guys, ya know, meet up?"
"Because she met her most recent girlfriend when she was in jail, and I keep asking why she doesn't just find a nice lesbian librarian or something and she said 'dad I know they're out there, I just don't know where'. So...like...where do you?"
So I ended up confessing to this nice man who installed my water heater that I don't know of any real gay culture in our mostly Baptist Missouri town of about 18,000 that routinely freaks out over pride displays in the library (I'm sure it exists but I'm lazy and haven't gone looking for it). My girlfriend lives in an area with a rather bustling gay community (we just did a face painting booth for their pride festival a few weeks ago), so maybe have her go out there with some friends, and also a lot of queers I know play dnd so maybe find a nice group of them and network. I then apologized that I wasn't more helpful in getting his daughter settled with a nice, wholesome dyke.
On the plus side, he was not deterred at all, and seemed to be very interested in the fact dnd was so popular amongst the el gee bee tees. I told him the names of some dms I know and told him to go to town. I do not know if the names will be given to his daughter or hoarded for himself so he can join a group and play like he did when he was a teenager and not be called satanic for it.
He's coming to fix my floor next week.
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taanning · 1 year
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paper-mario-wiki · 4 months
Who are you?
My name is Scout! I'm an Anthropologist and a trans woman living in Seattle. I like playing Team Fortress 2, and cuddling with my dog, an Australian Shepard named Scarlet. I smoke weed with enough frequency to be considered a "stoner," and I tend to spend a lot of time by myself on the computer learning about things that interest me.
I enjoy collecting things like weird old corporate knick-knacks (viagra shaped wristwatch, t-mobile spatula, camel cigarette emergency flashlight), and vintage jackets. I lived in Japan for 3 years, where I went to school at Doshisha University in Kyoto, but came back to the USA due to isolation during the beginning of the pandemic making my mental health deteriorate rapidly, since it started after only 3 semesters of being there.
I used to be a livestreamer and let's player with a few different channels and podcasts, but a year and a half ago I stopped because I didn't enjoy what being a content creator meant. Today, I'm going to eat fried chicken for breakfast, and later on I'll probably record some Sans and Papyrus voice acting for an animation someone hired me for. I also used to do Undertale voice acting, which is actually how I got my start.
I've also been known as Clown Depot, Smaverage Joe, TheMGMjr, Googoo, and a lot of online handles as the years have gone by. You may have seen me in Real-Time Fandub as Memphis Tennessee, Mr. X the Librarian, Mikeiplier, Storm the Albatross, and Da Devil from Da Bible. You may have also seen some of my viral tumblr posts, like Genghis Kanghis, Music For Unproductive Zoomers, "a chess move called The Frenchman's Cumsock", "never ask a genie for raspberry crowns, because that's a type of wasp", "that's pretty con-fuckin-venient, I'm sorry for doubting you 7-eleven, have a good night", or a few others.
Hope this helps.
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georgedpr · 16 years
23 Things Vol 2
The deadline for completion of the 23 Things project that fast approaching. I don’t know whether I’ll complete the process in time, but I will continue to slog until the bitter end ( and mostly afterward.) The deadline is simply for those who want to remain in a drawing for a prize which doesn’t really interest me that much. (Though I wouldn’t turn it down either.) The second stage in the 23 Things projects is about folksonomy (a.k.a social tagging, free tagging, or simply tagging). The main focus for the module is the social networking/bookmarking site called Delicious; a server-based bookmark repository that lets users upload their bookmarks to share across multiple computers and share with other users. I added a listing for Tagtaxons.com to my account (which had been dormant for months / a year) and would like to incorporate the technology more into my consulting work.
The next phase of the assignment was to write about Library 2.0 after reading some different sources on the subject. Given the prompt and the reading material the project then encourages users to write their thoughts into a blog post for the previously established blog. (Clever aren’t they, eh) The rest of this post will consist of a reaction to the readings and thoughts on Library 2.0
Library 2.0 means different things to different people. Some people see it as the adoption of technology to help create a more user-centered library experience. Others see it as a klaxon call for change in the library space to help knock the dust off our public image. Another segment of the population sees it as the worst thing to ever be attempted in the library community.
For decades librarians have been gatekeepers of knowledge. We have been sitting in an ivory tower surrounded by miles upon miles of shelving lined with books standing in perfect order. We were masters of our domain, rulers of the land, and monarchs of great repute. There is an entire stereotype surrounding a librarian ruling over their shelves like a despotic rulers. I think for some in the profession their job became more about things and less about the people. The patron was a passive observer in their own intellectual quest. The Library 2.0 movement focuses on tearing down that tower and creating a more equal partnership between the librarian and the patron.
Generally, I am a great proponent of building a better rapport between patrons and the librarian. The Library 2.0 movement also has a more unfortunate side effect. In the hurry to implement programs or create new tools for better involving the patron in the library experience, the focus can slip away from the patron to change for the sake of changing. The library user community varies and cuts across every possible age, economic, cultural, and social setting. A particular user community might love being able to access their reserves online while others still want to make the reserves at the front desk or call the reference librarian. Therefore, any changes made to enact a Library 2.0 goal set should be made as flexible as possible so no one is forced into anything they find undesirable. The library should be as welcoming as possible and that concept moves beyond physical space to services.
Library 2.0 is about refocusing the profession on the users rather than the objects. There is more information available to society at large than at any time in recorded history. The digital infrastructure is knocking down cultural, national, and economic barriers with great speed and efficiency. Library 2.0 is about partnership and building bridges between librarians and users.
The most marvelous feature behind the explosion of information is the content creation process has flattened enough to allow anyone to contribute. Though the trouble with the flattening content creation process is that everyone can contribute. How do you control the content enough without barring useful information? That is quite the conundrum. Though not an impossible problem to sort out. I’ve found a multi-prong strategy is best when tackling any troubling problem. The first would be to rely on the community itself to police the members. This can be seen in the social networking site Librarything.com: a social networking site focused on users cataloging their personal libraries. The users can upload, change or delete records, but overall the community does a remarkable job policing their own membership, Mistakes are caught and rectified; data vandalism is spotted and fixed. Though the difference between changing bibliographic data and more serious data like health or financial information colors the issue. The second approach is authority control; while anyone familiar with library science will recognize the term I’ve adopted a slightly more in-depth definition. Rather than simply confirming birth dates or publication credits I mean actually investigating the contributor's background. Inquire about credentials, contact any references, investigate publications, etc. Lastly, it requires investment in the community. The great draw behind the internet is the ability to become anonymous; being anonymous can make some users feel there are no consequences to their actions. In order to add, remove or alter content require establishing a profile on the site. It can remove some of the anonymous nature behind the web. Anyone who is determined to cyber-vandal your site will find a way. Though that is true in most situations. It is hard to discourage anyone truly dedicated from their path regardless.
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flawseer · 8 months
Jade Mountain Academy students
#Bonus - Faculty chapter
And here, as has been requested, we have the ones in charge of the operation. And so I am left pondering that, over the course of this project, I have drawn essentially all of the arc 1 and arc 2 protagonists... with the exception of Glory. That's pretty weird.
Anyway, here goes:
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Teaches subject(s) - Art, Cultural Exchange
Additional responsibilities- Founder, chief administrator, student admission, teacher-student relations, Silver winglet guardian
Tribe - Sandwing (partial Nightwing heritage)
Color - Sunrise gold
Relatives - Stonemover (father)
Physical characteristics - bright golden color; green eyes; no venom barb; small stature with slim to average build
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Teaches subject(s) - Exercise
Additional responsibilities- "Head of School", security chief, Jade winglet guardian
Tribe - Seawing
Color - Cobalt blue
Relatives - Prince Turtle (brother), Princess Anemone (sister)
Physical characteristics - bent horns; royal wing markings; small burn scar on right side of neck, small cut in wing membrane; large build, long and burly
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Teaches subject(s) - Anatomy
Additional responsibilities- Chief healer, student counselor, Copper winglet guardian
Tribe - Mudwing
Color - Bronze
Relatives - Umber (brother), Sora (sister), Marsh (brother)
Physical characteristics - curly horns; diminished mobility in right hindleg, walks with a limp; very large stature, muscular, heavy, broad
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Teaches subject(s) - Science, Literacy
Additional responsibilities- Chief librarian, chief accountant, Quartz winglet guardian
Tribe - Nightwing
Color - Midnight blue gray
Relatives - none on site
Physical characteristics - severe burn scarring across face, neck, and chest; blind in both eyes; average size and build
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Teaches subject(s) - Science, Literacy (assisting)
Additional responsibilities- Assistant librarian, assistant student counselor, inventory
Tribe - Nightwing
Color - Dark violet black
Relatives - none on site
Physical characteristics - curved horns; small silver scales near eyes and along body; smallish stature, slim, slightly underweight
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Teaches subject(s) - History
Additional responsibilities- Assistant healer, assistant accountant, Gold winglet guardian
Tribe - Seawing
Color - Teal green and blue
Relatives - none on site
Physical characteristics - blotty, luminous markings across body, luminous birthmark on left front talon; small puncture scar on tail; medium to large size, gaunt frame
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Tribe - Nightwing
Relatives - Sunny (daughter)
Additional notes - Stonemover is neither a member of the Jade Mountain Academy faculty, nor a student, but remains on site as a consultant on various animus-related matters (and also because he is stuck to the floor).
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gallusrostromegalus · 11 months
Is Tousen prescriptivist or descriptivist? As a librarian, he would certainly have strong opinions about it. For that matter, do any other characters have a notable stance on the topic?
For those of you who are not friends with linguistics nerds:
It is two truths largely universally acknowledged that 1. Words and Gramatical conventions mean specific things and 2. Language changes over time. Perscriptivisim is the perspective that WE HAVE RULES ABOUT LANGUAGE, DAMMIT. They have a point- for a lot of things we use words for like legal documents, manufacturing instructions, and medical research- Precision is KEY. But it isn't very flexible and doesn't account for some of the nuances of language. Descriptivism is a stance that is a bit more akin to your stoner buddy going "What even ARE words?". They have a point- language is, at it's core, a massive cooperative game of make-believe. But it'd not very helpful when you need to be clear about your meaning.
This can make editing... difficult.
Kaname had strong opinions on it when he was a librarian that have only gotten more insane and intense since becoming Editor-In-Chief of the Gotei-13's newspaper, but true to fashion, has managed to pick a position that pisses off everyone.
He's a Topical Perscriptivist.
There is a Meticulously updated and catalogued database of shifts in word usage, slang and novel grammatical structures. It's an incredible academic resource, and a helpful living translation document in the Gotei-13 where the last time the division policies got updated was in the Meji era. He's working on a mobile version for the newfangled 'smart' communicators. It's an incredibly useful tool!
Kaname pisses people off by using it to be a persnickety little shit about the grammatical rules of linguistic conventions invented last week.
"You know, if you want to annoy him back, you can try hosing your boss back with the constant stream of madness from the internet!" Keigo suggested to Shuuhei once. "There's a fun new term for throwing something real hard that could use an offi- You're kidding."
Shuuhei shook his head, handing the Official Conjugation of Yeet Document from the 9th division's Database of Current Linguistics to Keigo. "The Captain had this drawn up within an hour of the term hitting the 10th Division reports page. It's got a regular Perfect Tense, but Irregular and different Imperative, Continuous and Conditional tenses for maximum confusion."
"...That motherfucker." Keigo groaned, looking over the conjugation tables. "...I yeet, He yeets, we yote, I had yeeted, she had been yote, they will have been yet- Its so stupid but it makes so much intuitive sense! It's the perfect joke conjugation for a joke word!"
"That's why he's The Captain." Shuuhei nodded.
"I thought he was captain because he beat the crap out of Mugurama-san for the job? Twice?"
"Listen here you little shit-"
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i just got my library card renewed after a very long time - do you know what all i can do with it other than taking out books? because i know there's more things but i feel like it's a silly question to ask
Not at all, and welcome back to the library life! Your millage may vary based on which of these services your library has available, but here's a few things I know of off the top of my head that are pretty common:
The library might have CDs, movies, and even newspapers you can borrow as well
Libby, an app that uses your library card to borrow and download ebooks and audiobooks to enjoy on your mobile device or e-reader
Kanopy, a streaming service for TV shows and movies
Hoopla, which has a whole bunch of stuff like shows & movies, comics, and magazines
Your library might have a makerspace that gives you access to things like 3D printers, button makers, computers with a bunch of Adobe software, ect
Sometimes they host book clubs or other fun community events!
my "#library guides" tag also has a number of posts about services like these if you'd like some more info. Your library's website should also list what services they offer, and/or you could ask a librarian there. Have fun!
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