#mobile / aes
rizsu · 2 months
ㅤᡣ𐭩ㅤ◟ the crush, the crusher, the wingman. ── suna rintarou ﹕ haikyuu.
+ love ‘su: osamu bothers suna to hit u up on ig -> suna plays it cool ( what he thinks ) -> brags -> doesnt confess
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toranekooo · 1 year
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I've been eating nothing but candy, you say? Fufufu, a great detective like me can get away with such behavior.
➷ reblog + credit if using / saving. nekodemic award for @hudie002.
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rushinintolove · 5 months
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meersalz · 9 months
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#meersalz — JJ Maybank Jacob 'Danny' Danilov is a 23-year-old free spirit, always hungry for food and fun. Originally from the island of Kildare, North Carolina, he now never stays at one place for long. He's the best surfer you'll meet, a mild kleptomaniac and a future tax cheat – and a packless werewolf. He only recently found out about his heritage (from his mother's side) when his first transformation was triggered by very unfortunate circumstances and almost ended in a patricide. Danny is on the run ever since.
a deep dive into: all things fun, freedom, the beach, the ocean, the woods, lycanthropy, finding your roots and losing yourself, anything goes, daddy issues, violence, half-baked plans, substance abuse, be queer do crime, soundtrack of the 2000s, 90s aesthetics, homesickness for a place that doesn't exist, chasing big deams, and vibes.
ooc: canon-divergent crossover roleplay character based on Netflix' Outer Banks, but heavily inspired by Netflix' Hemlock Grove. low activity. English is fine, but I'm very picky when it comes to writing in German. 21+ only.
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musedriven · 2 months
That one gf holds burgers like doves post only it’s about toga.
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thecultoflove · 2 months
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found this really cute teapot while looking for princeton unicorns... i think youd like it
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wiredsmi1e · 6 months
who wants memes ?
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mileshehimwhite · 6 months
im on tumblr on my laptop rn ama
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dzthenerd490 · 7 months
File: Man in the Suit
Original Creator: @Unkn0wingly
Please support their YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Unkn0wingly
Code Name: How to turn into a Titan/ Mascot zombies.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-ADE are contained at Site-AC. Each one is placed in a separate 4x4 meter room. Each room is kept at 12 degrees Celsius but can be lowered to -50 degrees Celsius should they show active movement or aggression. Blood samples are regularly taken from each one to see if there is any change in hormone level, blood, and overall DNA.
SCP-ADE-Alpha is contained at the newly established Site-AE where it is regularly harvested of its anomalous venom and blood. One the spine of SCP-ADE-Alpha is placed a Cybernetic Spine Device that keeps SCP-ADE-Alpha in a paralyzed state without the need of medication. The CSD also keeps SCP-ADE-Alpha from growing, as such it must be regularly maintained on a weekly basis.
Should the CSD ever need to be replaced, SCP-ADE-Alpha is to be sedated with [data expunged] megaliters of Foundation sedatives while a new one is made. This process should never take any longer than 12 hours as SCP-ADE-Alpha will begin to grow immunity to the sedatives. It will reach a point of immunity where even increasing the dosage will only slow SCP-ADE-Alpha.
Any testing involving the SCP-ADE instances must be approved by at least two Level 4 Clearance staff members. If there is any testing regarding SCP-ADE-Alpha, it MUST be done with Foundation staff of Japanese ethnicity as SCP-ADE-Alpha has proven to be hostile to anyone of a different ethnicity.
Description: SCP-ADE is seemingly an infection mutation that is the result of unknown drugs. The end result was SCP-ADE-Alpha which is a man who was mutated inside a costume resembling SCP-ABQ. The reason for this is because the costume was created by Toho Entertainment, the main entertainment company that the Foundation entrusted to help hide SCP-ABQ in plain sight. SCP-ADE-Alpha was originally an actor that was supposed to act as the fictional version of SCP-ADQ but after ingesting an unknown drug when wearing the suit his body mutated and the suit became his new skin while his original body became his new insides.
SCP-ADE-Alpha is extremely beast-like but much more aggressive than the SCP-ABQ the Foundation is more familiar with. Furthermore, like the original host, SCP-ADE-Alpha hates anyone who is not of pure Japanese ethnicity, especially Americans. SCP-ADE-Alpha has a massive resentment for America after the dropping of bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Thankfully SCP-ADE-Alpha has none of the anomalous abilities of SCP-ABQ though that is not to say that he isn't dangerous. SCP-ADE-Alpha has the anomalous ability to stretch and grow his body making him bigger and stronger as a result. He also has great regenerative abilities almost comparable to SCP-682. Unfortunately, recent testing has shown that it also has SCP-682's adaptive abilities as well. Though thankfully it has not had any reason to endure the same damage and hardship as 682, so as of now it is as weak as an adult crocodile.
SCP-ADE-Alpha unfortunately, has very mutagenic and infectious properties allowing it to spread its effects on other people. These creatures are referred to as SCP-ADE-Beta instances. SCP-ADE-Beta instances are people who were wearing other costumes but got bit by SCP-ADE-Alpha. Through a mutagenic venom the person starts to bloat inside the suit and just like SCP-ADE-Alpha their original body becomes their new insides, and the suit becomes their new skin. So far only three of these instances exist.
One is the first created is based on the fictional character known as Anguirus, a Titan that doesn't actually exist and is completely original to the Toho fictional universe. This one unlike the other two is completely docile and actually surrendered to the Foundation willingly upon containment. The other is a giant silk moth cocoon that is believed to represent SCP-ABU. Even at the time of writing this instance has not awakened but still receives the same containment measures as the others as a precaution. Finally, there is the most dangerous SCP-ADE-Beta instance which is believed to represent SCP-ACJ. It is unknown if this is actually true.
The reason being that this SCP-ADE-Beta instance does have three serpent heads like SCP-ACJ, but its body is made entirely of a crimson sludge that seems to be a mutated version of SCP-ADE-Alpha's Blood. This version of SCP-ADE-Beta wasn't created by a human getting bit by SCP-ADE-Alpha but instead by Alpha puking blood into a hole and having it cultivate a living organism. Because of this it has been heavily debated if the Foundation should continue calling it SCP-ADE-Beta or change its label to Omega.
Unlike the other two the third SCP-ADE-Beta is extremely hostile and constantly tries to escape as such its containment counter measures are constantly activated to keep it contained. Though despite its wildly different nature from the other two a majority of staff still wish to label it as SCP-ADE-Beta since like the other two it was created by SCP-ADE-Alpha.
SCP-ADE-Alpha was discovered in 1964 when the last SCP-ADE-Beta instance was created. SCP-ADE-Alpha escaped the custody of Toho Entertainment and went out into the forest to find a perfect area for SCP-ADE-Beta's birthing place. Because it was out in the open, Foundation satellites were able to track it and contact the higher ups. Due to the nature of SCP-ADE-Alpha and the Beta instances, Mobile Task Force Artemis-6 "Wild Hunt" and Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 "The Party Package" was sent out in a Joint Operation to find and subdue SCP-ADE-Alpha. The mission was surprisingly easy as after creating SCP-ADE-Beta, it was weakened and unable to put up resistance.
After the two anomalies were contained Toho Entertainment was quickly targeted by the Foundation. To save face, they quickly surrendered all the crew involved in containing SCP-ADE-Alpha and the other two SCP-ADE-Beta instances. All Employees that didn't know what was going on were let go after being given the proper amnestics. The rest who knew and tried to keep the movies going and experiment with the anomalies for the sake of profit were processed as D Class. The director in particular was revealed to have a business deal with Group of Interest: Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. He was planning on selling SCP-ADE-Alpha to them after the first few movies were done. For his crimes he was used as a test subject for armor against SCP-106, it didn't work.
Unfortunately, the Foundation was unable to find the members of GoI: Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. that were associated with the purchase of SCP-ADE-Alpha. Though Toho Entertainment has been put under a Level 1 Foundation Watch List for both their greed, negligence, and mishandling of the anomaly.
Update 2011 - After the discovery of SCP-ADG Toho Entertainment was moved up to a Level 2 Foundation Watch List as this is the second time an anomaly has manifested while being related to their property.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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rinzi · 1 year
every time someone is like, "I see the show is doing away with aes sedai serenity," I'm just like, does Merilille mean nothing to you??
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ask-edd · 2 years
AJ *is* cute, in fact everyone is and I'm about to say one cute thing about them:
AJ's little PJs and looking like they're all ready to be bundled up just makes me want to tuck them into bed
Beau's cute very Halloween hoodie and edgy demeanor might put you off but honestly their messy hair just makes me think they just get out of bed and it's so cute I want to ruffle it
B0n my beloved just looks so huggable. I hope for nothing but the best for this adorable little robot
HZ and Hertz are quirky little zombies and I've only had them for a day and a half but if anything were to happen to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself
Christi's puffy Little ponytail and scrunchie is just such a vibe and reminds me of being a kid hehe
Pink's design outfit is really cute and they just look so friend shaped. I would like to take Pink out for lunch sometime and just talk about things
Mia is so AH I love her little scarf it's so cute it's such a cute little aspect of her she has such an adorable round feeling
Pluto's mask is so interesting and I love the adorable tiny little star on their sweater. They make me think of an alien that just wants to tell you about their home planet
Dan is, man I don't know how I could possibly describe Dan there's not enough characters allowed in an ask to describe Dan's cuteness. He just seems to be a wonderful friend and I love his little derpy eyes
CL's short lil pixie cut and smug demeanor just gives me vibes of a kitten trying to look tough but I bet she would melt easily or is cute when flustered
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Anon...You're not trying to steal our hearts now are you? Kidding, that's really sweet of you, I'm glad you also had something to say for everyone.
ha, you're not too far off. i do in fact sport a constant bedhead, even at work. as for the hoodie... well, i guess it's a halloween-looking thing? i always wear this hoodie. i don't really have a choice.
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Wow I uh- thank you!! I wish all the best for you too stranger
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Aww thank you anon! I like your sunglasses, they're so stylish!
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*too blushy and flattered to make coherent words*
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Aww, thank you! I had shorter hair as a kid and I occasionally describe my fashion sense as ‘children’s show host’, so this means a lot!
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Whawawawa-whaaaaaaaaat!!!!! Awww I-- You-- Uh-- Th-- UH ASDASHDGK THANKS ANON!!! I'd be down to hang out with ya! Now, what do you recommended around here?
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O-oh geez, Anon. You just know just what to say to flatter this little ol' lady, don't ya?
Oh my gosh, awww!! You're gonna make me want to hug you so bad, dude! That's so sweet of you to say that to me and everyone else!
You hush
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toranekooo · 1 year
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➷ reblog + credit if using / saving. nekodemic award for @lolo-l0ved .
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such-scary · 1 year
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my doodle tag | my main art blog
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re-decorate · 2 years
rant incoming but my absolute biggest tumblr pet peeve is how some photos get formatted as text posts. why is that even a thing? why can i edit some in app but not others?? like im trying to run an aesthetic blog here and when photos get formatted as text posts it fucks everything up. the stuff on the right is pretty but whatever this shit is on the left is not!!!!!!!! >:(
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musedriven · 2 months
if I had a nickel for every hyper intelligent doomed by the narrative detective I write who dressed up in drag I’d have two nickels—
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yellingatdirt1723 · 1 year
OOC stuff:
VtM roleplay sideblog. 18+ ONLY.
Old Clan Tzimisce, but not open about it.
Heavily WIP. I don't even know this guy's discipline spread aside from Protean, at least two dots of Animalism, probably a lot of Auspex? Maybe he'll be my first rp character to actually use Dominate! Who knows! I sure don't!
Probably 8th generation, Embraced in the 1700s (unless I change my mind).
Picrew icon from here
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