m4tthewmurd0ck · 10 months
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Mob!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Ballerina Reader
(I do my best to be as non-descriptive as possible, but I do use she / her and mention that reader is a ballerina)
Inspired by the question: Have you ever tried to eat at a restaurant, which happened to be a mafia / mob front, but you didn’t know that, and everyone inside just stared as you walked in because nobody actually eats there?
I FINALLY decided what I want my first piece back to be and I’m so excited shdiznejfns it’s very funny if I do say so myself. Once I got the idea I rushed and typed it on my phone and I already KNOW there are so many spelling errors because I have auto correct turned off and right now it looks like shit hahdndisfn. BUUUUT I just need to give it a quick read through / fix errors on my laptop and we’ll be good to go! Full preview below the cut :)
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It had been Bucky’s idea to name the restaurant Tony’s. After their dear friend who had given his life in a war that should’ve never been fought.
It had been Peter’s idea to ‘open a restaurant’. He pointed out that it would be the perfect realistic cover, though Steve argued that they didn’t really need one. Everyone in Brooklyn and the neighboring cities knew who they were, why did they need to put up any sort of front?
In the end, Bucky sided with Peter. They needed a place to talk shop and handle business, and it had to be somewhere that the outside wouldn’t attract any trouble (aka law enforcement). A warehouse was too obvious and was practically begging to be raided. He agreed with Steve, though, in that everyone knew who they were and what their business really was. He pointed out that it was actually a good thing. It would be pretty obvious that the restaurant wasn’t a restaurant, and they wouldn’t attract actual customers. But they’d make it legit, so that they couldn’t be shut down. Like Peter said, they needed a realistic cover.
Within a month, Tony’s was up and running. Running, as in the lights were on during what would be deemed normal business hours. The door was kept locked, but that didn’t matter because as Bucky predicted, no one tried to actually eat there.
Until one day when rehearsal ran nearly 2 hours late. You were tired, exhausted mentally and physically, and you just wanted some comfort food before heading back to your apartment to enjoy the next 2 days off. Still somewhat new to the city, you decided to get off of the subway one stop earlier, and find a restaurant on your way home.
Luckily for you, a neon sign reading TONY’S caught your eye. Unbeknownst to you, there was a meeting going on inside, and someone had forgotten to lock the front entrance.
As you pushed the door open, you had no idea the events that were about to unfold.
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moon-fics · 8 months
headcanons about mob!tom holland × female!reader with the trope grumpy × sunshine where she is extremely agitated and hyperactive which drives him crazy sometimes because she can also be quite impulsive but he loves her more than anything else
A/n: Love the Mob!Tom requests! AHHHHH😍
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Tom is always busy with work and keeping things quiet
Which sometimes means he's tired and just wants peace and quiet
So when he comes home to you rambling about your day he has to stay quiet and listen
It's not that he doesn't enjoy listening to you talk because it's one of his favorite pastimes
However, sometimes he just needs to close his eyes and relax in silence
You can easily catch one when it's one of those days and you'll happily trade talking for cuddles
During your time together he'll shut off his phone and if he forgets he'll scold anyone on the other line for calling him
He often has to talk you out of bad ideas right before you do them
A lot of people think he finds you annoying because he refuses to smile in front of his colleagues
He'll just be standing behind you with a frown while you smile at every person you pass by
The truth is he's happy every second he gets to be with you and you're close enough to know that
If anyone tries to tell you otherwise they'll have to deal with his frustrations
Although he doesn't like PDA too much he'll gladly kiss you if you ever ask
But if anyone tries to tease him about it he'll pout for a while
He'll stop once he wraps his arms around you
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
Found family that is this specifically
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michellejunes · 2 years
lock the door ✩ tom holland
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word count ✎ 3.1k
tropes ✎ mob!tom / married!au / smut
warnings ✎ exhibition, oral sex (m receiving), brief masturbation, fingering, desk sex, dom/sub, edging, orgasm denial, talk of a hypothetical threesome, light spanking, sir kink
summary ✎ you surprise your husband at his new office with a gift under your dress and another under his desk. but you forgot to lock the door…
a/n ✎ hey besties, i wrote the first half at home and the second on the train so i’m sorry if it feels rushed at the end 💀 please reblog and let me know what you think 💗
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“Knock knock.”
A glance up from his work was made, then a double-take. “Mrs Holland,” Tom greeted. “Aren’t you supposed to be at home?”
Closing the door behind you, you smiled. “I thought I would come visit, see how you’re getting on.” With that you came closer to the desk. 
The file in front of him was shut and pushed to the side. “And you couldn’t have waited for me to come home to ask that?” he teased with a smirk.
You were at his side, your fingers trailing across the desk. “I know that settling into a new place can be stressful sometimes.”
Your movements and tone felt suggestive; his head slightly turned as you stepped beside him, eyes following your fingers. “It is,” Tom slowly agreed.
“Well, since it’s my day off, I thought I could help you.” You smiled. 
“Help me? And how would you do that?”
“That was… my question to you, actually.” You bit your lip. “Do you need help with anything, Mr Holland?”
Despite the fact he was usually called by such a formal title due to his career, it always hit him differently when it came from you; his cock was almost immediately hardening. Turning to face you a little more, he leaned back in his chair and allowed his eyes to rake up and down your body. “I could use a release, now that you mention it.”
“Of course.” You sat on the desk. “Where would you like me?”
Humming, Tom rolled his chair back a little, then motioned to the opening beneath his desk. “On your knees,” that familiar smirk returned, “Where you belong.”
It was a nice, sturdy desk, and you hiked up your skirt as you slid beneath it, revealing the stockings and garter belt underneath the simple blue dress. “Yes, Mr Holland.” Your brow was raised, but you were smirking as you knelt. 
“Christ, Y/N,” he mumbled when he spotted the lingerie, his tongue sweeping over his bottom lip. But as soon as you settled beneath the furniture, he slid his chair back to where it was, giving you access to him. 
You took a moment to work the sleeves down and pull the dress down to bunch around your waist, showing off the blue silk and black lace bra underneath, before both hands were on his pants, undoing the button, pulling down the zip, and tugging the fabric open to reveal his cock straining against his boxers, then kissing softly along the outline. 
A quiet exhale left Tom’s lips as he pulled the file he’d been looking at earlier back in front of him, knowing it was useless to try to work while you were between his thighs, but he had to at least try.
Well, maybe not.
Regardless, the file was opened and a pen put atop it before he was sinking into his chair, eyes closing.
You worked his cock free from his boxers, slowly stroking it. It was already hard, but you liked the way it felt in your grip. This was hardly the first time you had played like this, but it had always been at home, where you being his secretary and looking after him could be played out for as long as you wanted. 
He slightly moved his chair back to see you even though you didn’t have your mouth around him yet, his eyes focused on how you were stroking his cock. “Come on, baby,” Tom breathed, pulling his dress shirt up a little, “Start sucking.”
Your lips closed around the tip, and carefully you began to work him into your mouth, inch by inch, sucking as he had asked. Your tongue flicked along the tip, swirling into the little slit, as your hands ran up and down his thighs, squeezing gently. Your eyes met his. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, his eyes briefly closing as he relished in the pleasure, though they were soon opening again to focus on you. “God, yes. I’m so glad you stopped by, love.”
You winked, your lips wrapping around the base. You started to bob your head, careful not to hit the desk, watching his expression as you swallowed around him. 
It was difficult to see you when you started moving back and forth, the edge of the desk getting in the way, so Tom opted for letting his eyes flutter shut, his head tipping back into the chair as he enjoyed what you were doing to him. “Fuck, Y/N,” he panted.
There was a knock at the door. 
Tom sat up straight in his chair, making a quick glance down at you. “Who—” his voice cracked and he cleared his throat, “—Who is it?”
“It’s Harrison. You were looking up the Thompson case?”
“Fuck, fuck,” Tom whispered, leaning back enough to see you. “Did you lock the door?”
You let out a soft noise to indicate no. 
“I’m—” heat rushed through him, his chest still heaving from pleasure, “—I’m, uh… I was, yeah, but, um…” Fuck, he couldn’t think straight. 
“… is now a bad time?” Harrison called. 
If he said ‘yes,’ that was a clear indicator he wasn’t alone; but if he said ‘no,’ then Harrison would come into the room. And you weren't stopping.
“… No? I don’t—I don’t kn—” Taking a sharp inhale, Tom just shook his head. “No, it’s—it’s fine.”
The door opened, and Harrison walked in. His eyes immediately locked onto Tom. “Everything all right?”
Tom shifted in his seat, quickly nodding his head. “Mhm, yeah. Everything’s fine,” he answered, though his voice was tense.
“Sure? You look like you need to adjust your thermostat,” Harrison chuckled, as he came over, the file in his hand. “Here. Everything I’ve got on Thompson and his closest men. Seems pretty open and shut, we’re looking at breaking and entering, theft and arson in our Manchester warehouse. You really don’t think the guy did it?”
It might have been funny if the room actually wasn’t much hotter than usual and Tom’s face wasn’t flushed red from pleasure. Not to mention frustration as Harrison approached. Still, Tom leaned forward a little, taking the file and setting it down. “No,” he answered, clearing his throat again as he shifted in his seat once more. “It was, uh… h-he had a—what’s it called—alibi. Made sense. Pretty—pretty sure he’s being,” god, he was squeezing the arm of his chair, “Uh, framed by a rival or enemy.”
“Man, Y/N has changed you,” Harrison chuckled. “Tom Holland giving someone the benefit of the doubt. That’s impressive.”
Tom’s other hand was on his chin, his elbow on the arm of the chair as he leaned on that side, still gripping the other. “Mm, she has,” he agreed through gritted teeth. 
You were careful just to lick him, not sucking too hard, or doing anything that would make too much noise in front of Harrison. 
Harrison paused. Then the tiniest of smirks quirked at his lips. “So, how is she? How are you getting along?” 
Great. He wasn’t leaving but apparently making fucking small talk. “She’s—she’s good,” Tom replied. “We’re, um, doing good. Really good.”
“Glad to hear it. Surprised she took you up on that offer to get her overseeing the Liverpool division in the end. What changed her mind?” Harrison asked. 
You took that moment to slowly deepthroat him. 
A slow, shaky breath left Tom’s nose as his eyes tightly shut. “You know, I have—I have no idea,” he admitted. 
“You’re probably right,” Harrison agreed. “I’m sure it took a lot of hard work with you sucking up to her to get her to change her mind.”
Meeting the blond man’s gaze, they stared at one another for a long moment. “… Meaning?”
“I’d tell you, but trying to explain it would,” Harrison’s lips quirked, “be a mouthful.”
Tom picked up the closest thing to him—a paperweight that had been a gift years ago—and chucked it at his best friend. “Get the fuck out.”
Harrison caught it, laughing, and placed it back on the desk. “Have a good afternoon, Tom. And Y/N.” With that, he rapidly left the room.
As soon as the door was shut and he was alone with you, Tom deflated in his chair with a heavy sigh, rolling back just enough to see you again. “You’re always getting me in trouble.”
You were immediately rapidly bobbing your head and sucking, your eyes fixed on his, your hands leaving his thighs to pull your bra down just enough that when you lifted your arms again, the cups pushed up your bare breasts. 
The constant stimulation the entire time you’d been between his legs had allowed a small amount of heat to build at the base of his spine, but you speeding up was fanning the flames of it, pulling him toward the edge. “Oh, fuck,” Tom groaned, sliding back a little more so you were able to scoot out from beneath the desk enough for him to thread his fingers into your hair.
You tapped your face, your chest, your throat, silently asking where he wanted to finish as you sucked harder. 
His eyes rolled up again as he moaned, that heat coiling tight. “I want to cum down your throat.”
Nodding, you moaned around him. One hand slid between your thighs and pushed past your underwear, starting to rub your clit so the sound wouldn’t stop. The other reached into his boxers and stroked his balls, your eyes on his as you moved your head faster. The wet noise of him in your mouth filled the room. 
“God, fuck, I’m close,” Tom groaned. The temperature in the room was hot, and he couldn’t keep his hips still as they reflexively thrusted with each movement you made. 
You took him deep, lips around the base of his cock, swallowing around him before bobbing once more. Your tongue stroked over what it could reach as your gaze was fixed on his. 
Tom was sent over the edge with a low moan, his back arching as he came down your throat. “Fuck, fuck, Y/N.”
You pulled your lips back far enough that it was easy to swallow his cum, licking and sucking, wide eyes watching his expression of ecstasy as you worked him through his orgasm. 
With a heavy breath, he nudged you off his cock. “Good girl.”
You licked your lips clean, and sat up with your breasts on his thigh, panting softly. “Did that help, Mr Holland?”
“Yes, it did, Mrs Holland,” he answered, breathless. “I feel much better now, thank you.”
“Wonderful.” You kissed the still semi-hard cock. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
He started tucking himself away and buttoning his pants up, “You could convince me to leave early.”
“Hmm,” you mused. “…maybe if, if I’m… desperate enough to leave.”
“Oh? Well, I suppose I could just continue working for the next,” Tom checked his wristwatch, “Four hours. You know, instead of taking you home and fucking you into the kitchen table like I’m thinking of doing. But I guess that’s fine, too.”
You stood, the straps of your bra loose around your arms, your breasts still hanging free. “Persuade me.”
“Persuade you, hm?” One arm abruptly wrapped around the back of your thighs and pulled you against him to where you were between his legs, your lower half against his chest and his chin on your stomach as he looked up at you. “By making you desperate?”
“Mhmm,” you gasped. 
“I suppose I could do that.” The tips of his fingers trailed up the backs of your thighs, grazing along the stockings while moving between your legs. “I could also fuck you bent over my desk, too.”
“Either works,” you whispered.
“Go lock the door this time.”
You were immediately slipping away to the door and locking it, checking it to make sure, before you came back to him, your hands behind your back. 
Standing, Tom shrugged off his suit jacket and folded it in half, draping it over the back of his chair. His eyes turned to you once you were beside him, though he quickly moved some items on his desk before motioning to it. “Bend over, hands behind your back.”
Turning around, you leaned over it, spreading your thighs wide and grasping your wrists as you bit your lip. “Yes, Mr Holland.”
Tom stepped behind you, his palm pressing to your ass and pushing your dress up to your hips. Rather than removing your underwear, though, he yanked at the fabric, roughly pulling it to one side of your ass before his fingers rubbed along your folds. 
Biting your lip, you moaned softly, trying not to be too loud. The walls weren’t particularly thick, and you didn’t want anyone else knowing what was going on. 
“Think you can keep quiet?” he asked, one finger pushing into you. 
“Mmm,” you groaned. “Yes, sir.”
“Good girl.” Slowly thrusting his one finger a few times, a second was worked in after a moment, and he finally crooked them, seeking out your sweet spot. 
The brief moments you’d been touching yourself, the time you had spent under his desk, you were already wet enough that both fingers just felt good. You swallowed your moans, soft panting filling the air, and your hips ground against his touch. 
“You always get so damn wet just from sucking my cock,” Tom pointed out. “Why is that, hm?”
“I-I like b-being at, fuck, at, oh, your- your mercy!” you confessed breathlessly. 
Twisting his wrist, both fingers pressed into that sensitive bundle of nerves and started rubbing just as he leaned over you, hovering, his free hand placed on the desk to hold him up. “Did you like almost getting caught?”
“N-not so much,” you gasped, your thighs trembling. “Oh, fuck.” 
He kept the motions slow, gently massaging your sweet spot, almost teasing. “Think you might like Harrison joining us one day?”
Your brow furrowed for just a moment. “W-wait, would y-you, fuck!” You sucked in a breath, the wet noise of his fingers audible. “Y-you would- want that?”
There was a slight shrug, his head tilting toward his shoulder as he did. “With some rules, I might. But getting to see you helpless, desperate, writhing in pleasure,” Tom’s eyes dragged up and down your body, “Would be worth it.”
“R-rules?” you gasped.
“Mm,” he confirmed, pressing a bit more firmly against your sweet spot. “No coming in you, things like that.” The pads of his fingers heated up a little. “And we’d have to tell him.”
You keened softly, your thighs trembling “You mean you would tell him, or—fuck—should I?” 
“We could do it together,” his fingers roughly ground against that sensitive bundle of nerves, “Call him in the next time you’re choking on my cock under the desk and ask him formally.”
The thought of being sandwiched between the two of them, fucked by both of them at the same time, made your whole body flood with heat. “FuckI’mgonnacum-!”
Pulling his fingers out, he clapped his hand down on your ass before standing up straight. Your body tensed up, trembling as you rode that edge, your breathing heavy and hard as you tried to keep your noises down. 
“Fuck,” you breathed. “Tom, god.” 
“Tell me what you want,” he ordered even as he was unbuckling his belt.
“Take me home, right now,” you panted. 
He paused. “I thought we were going to fuck here first?”
“I’m not gonna be able to… to keep quiet,” you whispered.
“Fuck,” he breathed, redoing his belt. “Alright, let me get my stuff. You drove here too?”
You nodded as you started pulling your underwear back in place, your body still burning hot from the denial. Fuck him and his clever fingers. 
“… we can, uh, be in here… another day,” you whispered.
Tom grunted, then quickly started gathering some files together, putting them in a bag so he could take them home. He’d be leaving work early, but that was fine; there were no clients for the rest of the day, it only consisted of going over cases and paperwork. Once he had everything together, he pulled his suit jacket on and buttoned it, then grabbed his bag. 
“Let’s go.”
Getting your clothes on, you made sure your makeup was intact, quickly reapplying some lipstick before you slid on your jacket. “Right this way, Mr Holland.”
“You’ll be the death of me,” Tom mumbled as you stepped out of his office, the door being locked behind him. And as you quickly passed the secretary, he let her know that he was leaving early, waving. “Goodnight, Jessica.”
“Night, Mr Holland.”
“Alright.” You were finally out of earshot. “Let’s get out of here so I can fuck you.”
The doors to the nearest elevator slid open, and Harrison stepped out. His eyes met theirs, lips quirking just a little. 
“Mrs Holland, Tom,” he said, nodding toward them. 
“Mr Osterfield,” you smiled politely, “pleasure to see you.”
“I’m heading home for the night, Harrison,” Tom told the other man rather than greeting him. “I’ve already told Jessica, she’s leaving in about an hour.”
“All right. You two have a good evening.” Harrison started walking away. “Oh, and, Tom?”
You were in the elevator, and Tom turned around almost impatiently. “What?”
“Don’t go flying without a license.” The blond man turned and strode away. 
Confusion washed over Tom’s face as he stared at the back of Harrison’s head. “Don’t go—what? What does that even mean?”
Your eyes glanced down, and as the elevator door slid shut, you silently reached down and zipped his pants back up. “Safety first, pilot.”
Lips parted, he looked down at himself, then at you, repeating the action a couple times. “What? How does that even make sense?”
“Your fly is unzipped,” you pointed out. “Flying?”
Tom’s nose crinkled after a few seconds, the elevator door dinging as it opened back up. “You’re lucky I tolerate this nonsense,” he grumbled before stepping out.
You leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “You’re cute when you pout.”
“I’m not pouting,” he protested with a huff. “I’m a grown man, Y/N. Grown men don’t pout.”
Taking his hand, you kept walking with him through the lobby. “Whatever you say, sweetie.” 
“Keep testing me and you won’t be coming for the next few days, darling,” Tom warned.
Despite the heat flooding your body, you grinned. “Well, you have a twenty minute drive in peace before we get home. Maybe you can, hmm, jet off to a more peaceful mindset.” 
He let out a slow breath through his nose. “A week.”
You reached the doors outside. “See you when I get home, honey.” 
“What you won’t see is an orgasm,” Tom told you in a low tone. “Which I’ll enjoy denying you.”
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spideyzgirl · 2 years
it’s not all roses
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summary: you and tom, your neighbor, have been dating for more than a year, and you have fallen in love with him. when he invites you over for dinner, you can’t help but feel like he’s going to propose to you. you’ve been waiting for the magical moment for a while, and boy does something magical happen.
pairing: mob!tom holland x reader
warnings: angst, cursing, guns, mentions of blood,
wc: 3411
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you’d only ever met one man who you’d truly call captivating. tom holland, your neighbor who you’ve been dating for a little more than a year. you were completely infatuated with him, it was safe to say you’ve never been happier.
tonight, he had invited you over for “a very special dinner”, so he had called it. you couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe, he was finally going to pop the question. the thought of marrying the person who made you the happiest was one you could fantasize about all day.
you could hardly keep the smile off your face as you slipped into the pretty dress he bought you a while ago, along with the gorgeous diamond earrings he gifted you.
“y/n i’m so excited for you!” your best friend squealed over the phone. “do you think he’ll actually propose tonight?”
“i hope so. i really hope i’m not just assuming,” you muttered as doubt started to settle in your head.
“don’t think negative, i know he will. you’d better prepare for the celebratory dick you’re getting after.” she giggled.
“i’m hanging up now.” you winced.
after putting on your favorite perfume (also gifted to you by tom), you left your home, walking right to toms. using the spare key he got you, you let yourself in, greeting his cat twix with a few pets.
“tom?” you called out to him.
“in the kitchen, darling.” he responded. you followed the noise of kitchen utensils clanking together, and found tom in front of the oven with his back facing you. you smiled at the sight of him doing this for you. you were so lucky to find someone to care for you as much as he did. you snuck up behind him, snaking your arms around his waist and resting your head against his back.
“hey babygirl.” you greeted him.
“hello sweetheart,” he chuckled. “don’t you look gorgeous.” he pulled you up so you were leaning against his side, and gave you a long kiss.
“mm, can i have another one? just one more please?” he pouted. you laughed at him but complied, connecting your lips for another kiss. he grabbed your chin gently, holding you there for longer than you initially thought he would.
“god i love you.” he mumbled against your lips before giving you one last peck. “now, you and twix get out. you’re distracting me.” he playfully nudged you away.
“but i wanna know what you’re making. it smells really good.”
“you’ll see, now go relax. it’ll be ready in a second.”
you walked into the dining room, not expecting to see an arrangement of your favorite flowers, and warm scented candles lit. you sometimes felt undeserving of the things tom did for you, but he’d always be there to tell you otherwise. you’ve never felt so loved and appreciated in a relationship, it almost felt too good to be true.
“i’m gonna take your silence as a sign that you like it.” tom spoke as he walked up behind you with two plates of spaghetti. he set the plates down and placed his hands on his hips, observing his work.
your silence was starting to worry him though, and panic started to take over. “it’s- it’s not too much is it? maybe the candles were overboard, i admit. but-“
“tom, shut up. it’s perfect. it’s so perfect.”
“okay.” he gave you his signature cute smile before sitting down with you to eat.
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
“take it easy on the drinks darling, there’s something i wanna ask you later.” he grinned as you poured your second glass of wine.
you bit your lip to keep from smiling like a maniac. you almost wanted to skip the dinner and get right to the proposal. well, his question. you had to consider the fact that he was probably asking you something else. or hell, he’d probably tell you what he does for his job - after a year - and how he can afford all of the costly things he gifts you. the smile on your face dissipated as you thought about it again.
it always bothered you at the wrong moments. you were annoyed with the way you couldn’t focus on the nice dinner tom spent his time on for you. you were now thinking about his one flaw. not only was it bothersome, but it was confusing. tom claims he loves you, but he won’t trust you with the most simplest fact about him after a year of being together? it was weird and hurtful. anytime you brought up the seemingly touchy topic, he’d always brush it off or quickly change the topic.
“are you alright? you’ve gone quiet.” he asked.
there was no use in bringing it up. he’d probably start talking about the weather. so, you put on a smile and shook your head. “i’m okay, sorry.”
but tom knew you better. “are you sure? is there anything i can get you?”
maybe the truth.
“i said i’m fine, tom. can we talk about something?” you huffed.
“okay, how’s work going?” he asked.
you scoffed at the irony of the question. “it’s going great, actually. what about your job? how’s that going? whatever you do.” you sarcastically smiled.
tom sighed as he finally realizes what got you so upset. that conversation. the conversation he’s had with you so many times, that he can hardly keep track of how many times he’s discussed it with you. he knew you were getting fed up with his avoidance about it, but it was better you didn’t know yet.
“it’s fine. are you ready for dessert? your favorite ice cream is in the freezer, it’s got your name on it.” he smiled awkwardly as he stood.
you sighed as you kept your glare on him. suddenly, several red dots danced their way up toms chest, before they all merged into one spot directly in the middle of his forehead. you squinted in confusion. tom was complete oblivious to what was happening.
“yes love?”
“what’s- what’s on your face?”
“somethings on my face? like what?” he asked simply, happy you were the one changing the subject this time.
“red dots. like laser pointers.”
“laser pointers? what’re you-“ tom gasped as his eyes shot open. “y/n, get down.”
“get down!” he darted towards you, as the windows started shattering as a stream bullets began rapidly firing through them. tom grabbed your arm, pulling you down harshly under the table with him.
tom held you against his chest, his hand protecting your head as you cried in fear. the deafening sounds of the shots were enough to leave your ears ringing for days. there were no thoughts in your head, except for the one where you’re about to die in toms arms. the only thing letting you know you were still there was toms rapid heartbeat banging in your ear. you didn’t lift your head from his chest until the shots stopped firing through the house, the only audible noise was your ragged breathing and sniffles.
“shh.” he shushed you instantly, keeping a sharp ear out for signs of any people inside. he heard deep voices approaching the windows, followed by sounds of struggling, and finally the grinding of glass met with heavy footsteps. “there are no bodies, no blood. he’s still alive, find him. the girl too.” one of the voices boomed throughout the house.
you could see numerous black shoes scattering away from the windows, in search of you and tom. the men were tearing up anything and everything in the house in order to find you both. they were already upstairs; you could hear the muffled noises of things hitting the floors.
“listen to me,” tom whispered, grabbing your face and looking you in your glossy eyes. “we’re gonna run for the garage and get the fuck out of here, alright? stay close to me.”
you watched with fearful eyes as he grabbed a gun that was tapped to the bottom of the table, checking how many rounds were in the chamber before clicking it back into place. “what- what is that? why do you have that, tom? what’s going on? who are those people-“
“baby, we don’t have a lot of time for that right now. pretty soon, they’re gonna tear up with room too so we need to go. i promise i’ll explain this all later, just let me get you somewhere safe. nod if you understand.”
you nodded as more tears rolled down your cheeks. he crawled from under the table first, checking to make sure no one was around. once he was sure it was clear, he held his hand for you to take and you followed him from under the table.
you looked around anxiously. your flowers were disarranged and ruined, the glass of the vase shattered everywhere as water began to drip onto the floor. standing there witnessing the mess on the table, you felt like you were just waiting to die. you never thought it would be possible, but you didn’t feel safe in toms house anymore.
tom stealthily lead you both to the garage door. he opened it, but it was abruptly kicked shut by one of the men. tom quickly turned toward him, and they were both aiming their guns at the others head. he was much taller and burlier than tom. the man chuckled darkly as he cocked his gun. “you didn’t think you’d get away so quickly, did you?”
“well, for a second there, yeah.” tom shrugged, his gaze never lingering.
“stop fucking around, holland. we’ve got shit to discuss, you’re coming with us whether you want to or not.” he growled.
“you could’ve rung the doorbell.”
“that your girlfriend?” the man’s gaze shifted to you, his eyes running over your body as a disgusting ring fell on his lips. “y/n, isn’t it? she’s even sexier in person. such a shame you won’t be able to spend the rest of your lives together.”
he aimed the gun towards you now, but tom shot the man’s hand before he could even fire off his gun. you shrieked as the gun went off, alerting the others upstairs. the man was now sobbing on the floor, a stream of curses falling from his mouth.
tom yanked the door open and you both made a beeline toward the car. he hardly waited for the garage to fully open before he took off, speeding right out of the neighborhood.
he sighed and rubbed his head and looked over to you. you were in a complete state of panic. your entire body was trembling has you held yourself. tears were still running down your cheeks, your mascara with them.
“are you alright?” he asked you softly.
“take a guess.” you spat. “you just shot someone, tom! he’s probably going to die now, you just killed someone!”
“i would never kill anyone in front of you.”
“not in front of me? really? do you even hear the words coming out of your mouth?” you screamed.
“y/n, calm down. he’s not gonna die, i just shot his hand. the worst he’ll get is a lousy jerk off.”
“that’s not funny. and that doesn’t make me feel any better. you still shot someone.”
“what did you expect me to do, y/n? he was going to shoot you if i didn’t shoot him first. if you thought i was just gonna sit back and relax, you’re out of your fucking mind.” he snapped.
none of this was making sense. you had your heart set on a lovely dinner date with your boyfriend and possibly getting engaged, with mind blowing celebratory sex afterwards. definitely not this. you don’t even know the man beside you, all of a sudden. he was entirely unrecognizable from the man you were just having dinner with.
“what do you do for your job, tom?” you asked quietly.
his grip on the wheel tightened and he clenched his jaw, holding his silence.
“answer me.” you pressed.
“i’m the leader of a mob.” he didn’t look at you when he said it. he didn’t want to see your reaction. but he knew it was bad when you fell quiet. “i didn’t want you to find out this way. i was going to tell you, i swear.”
the leader of a fucking mob? you were dating a crime boss? these are things mentioned on the first date, right? who knows what kinds of shady shit he’s into. it didn’t sit right with you at all.
“where are you taking me.” you mumbled.
“somewhere safe. i’ll get you cleaned up, and you can get some rest.”
absolutely not. ‘somewhere safe’ was not convincing enough for you. as much as it hurt, you just wanted to get away from tom. “stop the car.” you spoke up.
“stop the car, right fucking now.” you raised your voice.
tom obeyed, and watched as you frantically left the car and began walking along the side of the road. he sighed, rolling the window down and pulled up beside you. “y/n, what are you doing? we don’t have time for this. they’ll be on our asses any second now.”
“i’m getting the fuck away from you. i don’t want to be near you right now, i’m sure you can understand that.”
you words cut deep, but he understood you were just shaken up. “you have no where to go, y/n. some of them are most likely still in the neighborhood, you can’t go home.”
your stride faltered as his words hit you like a ton of bricks. you can’t go home. if not, where the hell could you go? you were too stubborn to get back in though. you didn’t have any money on you, but maybe you could make it to your parents if you kept walking. which would be a 25 mile walk.
“you heard him say your name, y/n. they’ve clearly done their research. they know you, whether you like it or not. they know your friends your family, their address. you’re not safe anywhere right now. if you come with me, i’ll keep you safe. you know that.”
you exhaled as you stopped walking. you hated how he was right. seeing as you had no other choice, you grumpily got back in the car, keeping your back faced towards him. he continued driving, and silence consumed the car.
you thought about twix suddenly, and a wave of dread ran through your veins. “do you think twix is okay?” you asked hopefully.
tom didn’t want to worsen your worried state, so he lied. “uh, she should be fine. probably took off when the first few shots hit.” he nodded.
you sighed a breath of relief, and tried to think about anything other than the events of the night, which proved impossible for the rest of the ride.
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
it was well after 12 am once you arrived “somewhere safe”. your eyes lit up as you marveled at the enormous estate. once the gate opened, the car climbed the hill of a driveway before parking in front of the found fountain. lights shone through some of the floor to ceiling windows, giving you a glimpse of the beauty inside.
so the expensive gifts were just a tiny peak of his wealth.
tom noticed your reaction and smiled. he was relieved to see your face again. “it’s bigger on the inside, just wait.”
you watched as tom hopped out of the car, and you questioned how okay he was being right now. but you figured since he’s been doing this for god know how long, it probably doesn’t bother him as much. lucky bastard.
he opened your door for you and “come on then, let’s get you inside.”
you followed tom into the house, taking in the extravagance of the inside. the spacious loft area was well lit due to the gorgeous crystal chandelier hanging above. you could see your own reflection in the glossy hardwood floors. just when you thought it couldn’t get any more beautiful.
“this is all you?” you asked, still stunned by the house’s beauty.
“mostly me,” he nodded. “you like it?”
“that’s one way to put it.” you took note of the random people who went up and down the stairs every few minutes or so, and others who were chatting in the sitting area. “and you just let people walk around the house, at all hours of the night?” you frowned.
“well, this isn’t the ‘home’ part of the house, if that makes sense. the more homey part is in the west wing. come, i’ll show you.”
“i’m sorry, the west wing? what is this, bruce manor? how big is this place?”
suddenly, someone called out to tom, their footsteps hurriedly approaching. it was a blond haired boy, about the same age as tom.
“tom, mate,” he said, clearly winded from the run. “i just got word that your back. i wish you would’ve called back up or some shit instead of running.”
“i had something important to keep safe,” tom stated, gesturing towards you. “harrison, this is y/n.”
you looked at harrison and gave him a subtle smile.
“ah, y/n. i’ve heard your name being moaned in the wee hours of the night before. it’s no wonder, though.” his eyes trailed up your body and he licked his lips, making your stomach turn.
“hey, control yourself. she’s been through enough shit tonight.” tom warned.
“yeah, no kidding.” harrison eyes were trained on your bloody knees, and you winced when you saw how your blood was beginning to trickle down your legs. you blamed adrenaline for why you couldn’t feel it before. now that attention was brought to it, it was starting to sting.
“oh darling,” tom gasped. “that looks bad.”
“man, even in the midst of almost being murdered, you’re both still at it like horn dogs.” harrison chuckled.
“tom, slap him before i do.”
“oh my god. i’m gonna go get her patched up. i’ll meet you in my office afterwards.”
“i don’t like him.” you muttered after harrison walked away.
“it took me a while too.”
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
after tom treated your wounds, he left you some of his older clothes for you to change into. you snuggled into his large comfy bed, and he sat on the edge of the bed.
“i’m sorry i don’t have anything cozier for you to sleep in. i don’t have… woman clothes.” he shrugged.
“don’t be sorry, it’s a comfort to me.”
“right,” he chuckled. “can i get you anything before i go?”
“just some space…” you said, avoiding his eyes.
the crack in his voice tugged at your heart strings, but you continued. “yes, tom. i meant what i said earlier. i can’t be around you right now. not until i can’t clear my head, okay? i still haven’t even processed the last 3 hours of the day.”
tom understand completely, but that didn’t mean he liked it. after today, he just wanted to hold you and fall asleep with you under the warm covers. he wanted to kiss you softly as you fell asleep, hear the soft whistle of your nose as you rested. but he won’t be getting any of that tonight. it hurt him to hear you say how you, the love of his life, didn’t want to be around him.
“alright. yeah, i understand. tonight was hectic. take as long as you need, sweetheart.” he leaned over to kiss your temple. “goodnight.”
he hit the light switch before he left and shut the door, leaving you to question what the fuck happened in the course of 4 hours. you were back to questioning if you were safe with tom. there was no doubt that your life was in good hands since, apparently, he’s good with a gun. but what if those people came back? you recalled how they were searching for you as well. what would happen if they found you? what would they do with you? what if tom couldn’t save you this time? the thought alone sent chills down your spine.
you were feeling too much all at once. hurt because tom lied to you and terrified for your life. confused, because you weren’t sure who you were dating anymore. it was funny how you were so ready to get tied down to him, and now you were second guessing that.
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huntergatherercreator · 9 months
Liar: Part 4
Pairing: Mob!Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: You find out what Tom does for a living.
A/N: It's been a while since part 3, if anyone is tagged that doesn't want to be anymore let me know 🙂
Part one | Part two | Part three
1,851 words
The minute you'd landed at the airport the press of unfamiliar humid air had settled on your chest making it difficult to breathe. You'd expected to be filled with relief and have the tension of the last day melt away. You'd expected to feel free. Instead, the sudden feeling of loss was almost crippling as you stared out at the foreign streets. Not only had you lost the man you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with, you’d lost your life. Your friends, your family, your home. All gone in a matter of minutes.
You silently cursed him. For pursuing you, for being so attentive and caring, for making you fall so hard for him. For keeping secrets, for lying, for being a killer for hire and not thinking you deserved to know exactly who you were getting involved with. But most of all you cursed yourself. For being so blinded by him in every way that you didn’t even suspect something was amiss until it was too late.
While the sun beat down relentlessly on the palms you stood at the exit doors with frustration swirling in your gut. What were you doing here? How had things gone so wrong so quickly? Tears prickled behind your eyes but you held them back. Now wasn’t the time. You had to work out your next move before he realised you were gone, if he hadn’t already. His warning about the mafia lingered above your head like a guillotine waiting to drop. You’re a liability to them now. A chill swept through you despite the overbearing heat of the city.
If you were going to survive and stay hidden you had to become someone else. Someone untraceable.
The early morning sun bathed the room in golden light. It spilled over her. Caressed the bare skin of her back as she slept peacefully. Shrouded her in a warm glow that made his breath catch. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever get used to this. Waking up next to her always felt like a sneak peek of heaven. One he didn’t deserve given he was definitely not on that guest list anymore. Not after everything he’d done. When he looked at her though, none of that mattered. He’d redo his sins a hundred times over knowing their path would lead to her.
He brushed his fingertips down her spine unable to hold back from touching her any longer. She stirred slightly with a soft contented sigh. He pressed his lips to her shoulder. Her neck. Her jaw. Each kiss as gentle as possible. He didn’t want to wake her but he couldn’t help himself. A small smile tugged the corner of her mouth.
‘Is this your subtle way of saying you’re ready for another round?’ The husky sleep laced tone of her voice was like honey to his ears. Sweet and hard to resist. Speaking of hard...
‘It wasn’t, but since you insist,’ he moved to gently cover her back with his body, his evident interest in her idea pressed firmly against her. ‘I’m more than happy to oblige.’
A laugh that had his heart stuttering.
‘Is that a no?’ He asked softly, leaning in to graze her neck with his teeth. She wriggled back against him with a gasp.
‘You’re insatiable’ she muttered, faux exasperated. Rolling over she finally opened her eyes to gaze up at him. God, he could get lost in those eyes. The depth of them consumed him. The way they lit up around him with sparks of joy, admiration, lust. He wished he could be exactly how she saw him. Unstained and pure. He never wanted her to stop looking at him like she was at that very minute. He already knew he needed to tell her everything, preferably before he got in any deeper than he already was. He just had to find the right time. Her lips brushed against his, her hands trailing down his chest. Later, he resolved as he kissed her back languishing in the contentment that came with her touch. He’d tell her later.
His brothers voice broke him from his reverie and he reluctantly returned his attention to the men filling the conference room.
“There’s nothing new to report. The Miller incident was handled. I have men still tracking Newman.” His voice sounded flat even to his own ears. His brother cleared his throat uncomfortably before jumping in with information of his own.
Eyes drifting back to the reports in front of him, Tom stared at them unseeing. The confrontation in your apartment had left him hollow. He’d been so sure you would see the situation the way he did, as a necessary part of his job and nothing more. Instead your reaction haunted him in the dark endless hours of the night.
That goddamned lunch date. Guilt wormed through him at what you’d walked in on. If he had paid attention to his phone more closely, or held off interrogating that creep for even ten more minutes you'd still be together. You were never supposed to see that side of him. What he did for a living was exactly that, it wasn’t personal. His hands may not be the cleanest, he’d done things that made other men flinch at the mere thought, but he’d never brought that darkness anywhere near you. You were his safe haven. The tether that kept him grounded even on his worst days.
Staying away from you caused a deep ache in his chest but you’d asked for space and no matter how long it took he’d wait. That didn't mean he wouldn’t keep checking up on you. He’d spent most of his nights parked up outside your apartment staring at the darkened windows praying for a glimpse of you to keep him sane. He wasn’t surprised you hadn’t contacted him, though it hurt more than he could put into words. He meant everything he’d said to you. He would be by your side through everything and anything that happened. There was nothing that could make him love you any less than he did.
As the meeting wrapped up he fled the room before he could get pulled into any conversations. The peace of his office was all he wanted until it was late enough to leave and head to your apartment. The anticipation of almost seeing you was all that got him through the afternoons anymore.
He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he was half way to his desk before he realised he wasn’t alone. He reflexively went for his gun.
“It’s me!” his brothers voice cracked in surprise as he rose from the leather armchair, hands up to ward him off. Tom froze, the weight of the gun in his hand burned as he realised what he’d been about to do.
“Stop sneaking about like that, Harry!” he snapped. He quickly holstered his gun and fisted his hands to hide their slight tremble.
“Me? Get your head out of your arse. You’re the one blowing off jobs, blowing off your family to sit in a dark car all night.”
Tom froze. His brother raised an eyebrow at him. “You didn’t honestly think no-one had noticed?”
Tom moved to sit at his desk. The seconds he had his back turned he tried to school his features. Had he really not noticed someone tailing him? Unsettled he shuffled his files, deliberately avoiding eye contact.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he eventually answered when he was sure he had a hold of his emotions.
“Bullshit.” Harry stalked over to the desk and glared down at him with folded arms. “You need to stop. I don’t know what happened between the two of you but she’s not coming back.”
Ice slipped into his veins freezing him in place as he slowly processed his brothers words.
“What did you just say?” Tom’s voice was barely above a whisper but the warning tone had Harry tensing.
“I know you don’t want to hear it, but she’s gone. Its time to get your shit together. You’ve been moping about for too long. People are starting to notice.”
Tom’s heart kicked hard against his ribs. His brother couldn’t be saying what he thought he was. There was no way.
“What do you mean she’s gone?” He was barely able to keep the slow rise of panic at bay as his mind raced. He hadn’t told anyone what happened. Even if Harry assumed you’d broke up he'd be giving Tom the ‘get over it by getting under someone’ speech, not saying what he was saying.
When Harry took too long to answer, Tom kicked his chair back and stalked over to him.
Harry straightened, surprise widening his eyes but he held his ground.
“What do you mean?” he half growled. His fingers itched to grab his brother by the shirt front and shake the answers out of him.
“How long has it been since you saw her?”
“Three weeks,” Tom reluctantly shared. Three weeks, 2 days and 8 hours. In other words, too damn long.
Harry hesitated again and Tom almost swung for him. “Tell me what the fuck is going on!”
���I honestly thought you knew, Tom,” Harry ruffled a hand through his hair uncomfortably. “She’s been MIA since then. She hopped on a red eye and Intel says there’s been no activity on her cards since she landed.”
Harry kept talking but the words were drowned out by the blood roaring in Tom’s ears. The edges of his vision wavered for a long second as he struggled to pull in a breath. You were gone. You’d left him.
His brothers hands were suddenly on his shoulders, fingers gently digging in to get his attention. When that failed he pushed Tom down into the nearest chair and a glass of whiskey appeared. He downed it without hesitation. It stung his throat and pooled in his empty stomach with a burn that did nothing to thaw the ice trapping his heart.
Fingers tangling in his curls he stared into his empty glass. Where had you gone? When would you be back? How could you leave without telling him? A million more questions raced through his mind as he tried to reconcile everything. How had he not noticed when he’d sat outside your apartment for so long each night?
With a jolt he realised that if Intel had told Harry about you leaving then you were on their radar already. A new wave of worries and anxiety took over as he silently questioned how long they’d been keeping tabs on you.
After what felt like an eternity he glanced up to find his brother sat opposite him, elbows resting against his knees as he nursed his own glass. The sympathy radiating off him set Tom on edge.
All promises to give you time no longer applied. He had to find you before his boss realised why you’d ran.
“Where is she?”
“She landed in Miami,” Harry’s jaw worked for a second before he surprisingly added, “I’ll book your flight.”
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coconutmall-ed · 11 months
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these two are the same kind of loser i can’t explain it it’s just true
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mrs-hollandstan · 1 year
You & mob Tom fell out over you not wanting to move in with him or being part of his mafia crew
I changed this a lillll bit to fit one of my fave tropes of leaving when y/n is pregnant and Tom doesn’t know sooooo I hope you still enjoy hehe
You tried your best to pretend you didn't see him but he demanded all attention. Especially with that gaze directed towards the little girl in your arms. You'd seen Harrison around recently and you just knew that your baby girl looked just like her father and that he'd reappear, demanding you finish the conversation you refused to have nearly three years ago, settling instead, for walking out and never looking back. He'd never been fine with the decision, but now he was upset about the decision, seeing as your shared little girl was here and he'd known nothing about her. 
You'd only told him you didn't want to move in and that you didn't enjoy his career. He'd just shrugged it off, but what hurt was when you'd collected your things and disappeared in the night, blocking his number and moving out of town. But he'd found you anyways. He approaches, your eyes hooded as you stare at him, hoisting the three year old higher on your hip. He licks his lips, 
"So… when were you gonna tell me?" 
"I wasn't. And that right hand man of yours had no business doing it either." You spit. He hums, 
"Right… because it's totally acceptable to keep my daughter from me." The urge to fight him, tell him she's not his is strong, but you ignore it. You look to Evelyn, 
"You're staying with me." You scoff, 
"Yeah. I'll pass." He shoots daggers,
"Would you like me to take full custody Y/N?" He threatens. You swallow as he turns to you, staring down into your eyes, "Give me a reason to take my daughter from you." He growls. The whimper you release, at least, isn't loud enough for him to hear. He grips your arm, dragging you after him while you cradle your daughter to your hip. He practically shoves you into his car, a car seat being slid in before he climbs in beside you. He gestures to it, 
"Teach me how to use it." You don't necessarily do as you're told, you just buckle her into it, glancing up when she's settled. His eyes linger on her for a moment before they flick up to you ans then ahead at the road. You buckle yourself in, sitting quietly as his driver drives you back to the mansion you escaped from years ago. You sigh as you stare up at the dismal house, quickly unbuckling Ev from her carseat the second the car is parked. Tom moves around the car, pressing a hand to your lower back, leading you towards the front door. He gestures up the stairs once you're inside, 
"New stuff in the guest bedroom for the both of you. If you need anything, let me know." 
"Yeah, extra bedsheets and a basket." You murmur. He frowns, 
"Yeah… I'd love to see your daughter from a third-story window." He grumbles back. He turns on his heel and heads for the kitchen while you head upstairs. You inspect the guest bedroom, smiling as Evie immediately gasps and goes for the drawing table in the corner. It's easy to lose time when you're watching her create things like she always does, and before you know it, Tom comes into the room, glancing down at the little girl in the corner, 
"Look at that… didn't need the basket after all." You roll your eyes as he sits beside you, shrugging his suit jacket off. He sighs, 
"She's beautiful Y/N." He murmurs, leaning his elbows on his knees. You nod, 
"I know. She looks just like you and you've always been beautiful." He smiles,
"And yet I can't seem to keep you around." You glare at him, 
"And yet here I am being held hostage." He gestures to the door,
"I didn't lock you in. You could've strung your sheets together and made a run for it into the forest. But yet here you are, watching her have the time of her life." Glancing back at Evelyn, you chew the inside of your lip, 
"Yeah… I always seem to do that." There's a moment of silence before he speaks again, 
"I could've helped you." You shake your head, 
"I was not subjecting her to the same fate I had." You mutter. He frowns, 
"What's that supposed to mean? You let me get you pregnant. I couldn't have been that bad." 
"It wasn't you Tom, it's the fucking job. It would have killed me to have her used against us so your goddamn enemies could've gotten to you." You tell him. He frowns, 
"So… you don't hate me…" You shake your head, 
"No." He scoffs,
"You still fucking love me." 
"That doesn't matter anymore-"
"Of course it matters! I spent all this time thinking you hated me. Ans then Harrison finds out you have this little girl and I was heartbroken. That," he gestures to Evelyn, so much vulnerability in his eyes, "That's my little girl. I don't even know how she became this person because you left me." He has tears in his eyes now as you stare up at him. You swallow, 
"I can't have her used against me-" 
"I can give you a detail. Protection 24/7. I just… I hated feeling like the one person I was supposed to trust was double crossing me. I thought you hated me. Please… please, don't take her from me again. You think I liked not having you around? I fucking loved you." He explains. You blink up at him, 
"I'm scared." 
"You don't have to be. Trust me." He tells you. Glancing at Evelyn, you swallow, 
"I just don't wanna lose her." He takes your hands, 
"I… have you both." Finding his eyes, you sigh after a moment and nod, 
"Fine… but the second something happens to her, that's it. I'm done." He nods,
"You're not gonna have to worry. Anyone that touches either of you… dead on the spot." He tells you. You sigh, 
"And I don't wanna stay in this house. I've always hated this house." You admit. He nods, 
"Done." Moving in, he drags you in, his lips covering yours in a searing kiss. He drags you into his lap, stroking your hair back, 
"Fuck I missed you." He grumbles." You smile, staring down at him. He swallows, 
"What'd you name her?" Glancing over your shoulder, you smile,
"Evelyn Nicole." You admit. He smiles, 
"My mum will be… you've just inflated my mum's ego so hard." You giggle, 
"She's the best part of you." He shrugs, 
"She was… that little girl over there is the new best part." You stroke curls from his forehead, 
"This is true. Hence the name. Passing it from one to the other." He smiles, 
"She deserves the world." 
"And you know what… her father can give it to her." He nods, 
"And he intends to do so." You smile down at him, "starting now." He practically dumps you onto the couch, moving towards your daughter. When he crumbles onto the floor next to her, crossing his legs beneath him, you remember why you've loved him for so long. 
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midmrning · 2 years
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Summary : You decide to go out alone leading Tom to save you.
You were walking through the busy streets of London City, hands in the pockets of your coat shivering from the cool breeze. It was 6 pm and you so desperately needed a cup of tea from the little coffee shop not too far away, because they make it the best, everything’s just right.
It was getting dark and even though Tom insisted you not go alone or not even go at all -since one of his men could easily do it- you wanted to do something yourself for once.
Having a mobster for a boyfriend had its up’s and downs. Tom was soft for you and you only, and though you had to fear for not only yours but his life every second of the day, you eventually got used to it.
Your phone rings and a smile grows on your face as you see the name “my love❤️” pop up on the screen. You slide the button answering the call.
“Hi my darling, im just making sure everything’s okay” Tom speaks through the phone, voice soft.
“Yes Tommy i’m perfectly fine, you don’t need to worry my love.”
But maybe he should, because right in that moment you hear a voice.
“Hey baby, can I get your number” You felt your heart stop, freezing only for a moment before speeding up.
“You okay Y/N?” Tom’s voice sounds through the phone.
“Y-yeah everything’s alright.” You lie, voice shaking.
You take one glance behind you and the man smiles and it’s disgusting and all you want is Tom right now.
“Aww baby, you running away?”
“Tom, someone’s following me…” you whisper into the phone, voice cracking.
“What are you talking about? Find a shop and stay in there, im coming. I knew i should’ve never let you go alone, i knew it. I swear to god i’m going to kill whoever it is.” Tom rambles, voice stern but laced with worry.
“ Please hurry.” Is all you can say.
After 3 minutes of trying to get away from the man, he’s finally got you, and he’s cornering you.
You drop your phone in the midst of it all, and all you can think is to scream, but as you open your mouth he speaks up. “Scream and there will be consequences baby”.
Tears are flowing and you feel helpless, all you can do is close your eyes and hope for the best.
He has your arms and he’s leading you somewhere and you need your boyfriend oh so desperately.
“Let her go or you’ll wish you were never born.”
Relief filled your whole body as you hear the familiar voice, the voice you grew to love.
A gun is in Tom’s hand and before he can shoot, the man is releasing his grip on your arm and sprinting away.
You run to Tom’s arms, warms tears falling on his white button up.
“I’m so so sorry, this is all my fault. I should’ve never let you go alone. If i see that man i will cut his fucking head off.”
“It’s not your fault Tommy”. You say, tears still falling as you recall what happened only a couple seconds ago. “Please just hold me”.
“I’ll never let anyone hurt you darling, I’ve got you.” He kisses your temple, once, twice, three times.
You look up at him and he brings his thumbs to your eyes, wiping away the salty tears. “Can we still get that tea I wanted?”.
A slight smile forms on his lips, and he kisses you soft, and passionate, and full of love. “Of course we can love, of course we can.”
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moon-fics · 11 months
A/n: I love this request because I love mafia AUs!! I sadly couldn't come up with any ideas as an actual fic, so I made headcanons for you to enjoy anyway!
Request: Hii, I hope you are having a good day! Can I request one with the mob! tom holland × reader where tom is really protective of his private life and everyone thinks he is non-committal and only hooks up for one night but actually, he has been with the same girl since he was 15 and they just get more in love every day 🥺🫶
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Tom HATES sharing his personal life with the public
He will do everything in his power to keep his life private, especially from the newspaper
He only does it because anything can and will be used against him by many people who could easily take him down
So, even though the public yearns for details about him, nothing is really confirmed
There have been rumors that he sleeps around or can't keep a girl for more than a week
That's far from true bc this man has one love and it is you
He's been in love with you since high school before he became the powerful man he is today
Even though he can be intimidating and brutal, you know he's still the same dork that you met back in freshman year
He will do anything for you and only you
He refuses to let the tabloids know about your connection to him
He absolutely adores you in every way to the point where he won't denounce the rumors just to keep your identity hidden
He honestly doesn't mind being called a player because you both know he's far from it
At some point, the rumors about him sleeping around did bother you, but he quickly assured you that they'll never be true
Now, him keeping your private does not mean he's never in public with you
Quite the opposite, he's almost always in public with you
He just has people on the inside of the newsroom who do everything to stop headlines from running
This may seem like it's the opposite of privacy, but the public only gets information about him through the news
He hires people to block any photos that contain you and him, even at premieres or dinners
Not one paparazzi has successfully gotten a photo of him and you together
Even though he worries for your safety he would never lock you up and keep you inside
He enjoys going out with you, knowing he has other people keeping your identity safe
Not to mention his bodyguards admire you and are just as dedicated to protecting you
At the end of the day, you laugh at the rumors with him, pretending to catch him cheating and acting out dramatic scenes you saw in movies
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holyfruitsnax · 2 years
Hidden In Plain Sight
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Warnings: Cursing, Violence, Guns, Angst-ish?, Fluff, Smut (Later Chapters), Possible bad writing? Def not proofread.
Pairing: Mob!Tom Holland x Detective!Reader 
Summary: The Hollands have built their empire for years and now a young detective wants to take them down. In a world where Tom figured it would be kill or be killed, He’ll soon find that maybe, just maybe...She can be convinced.
Y/N: Your Name  Y/L/N: Your Last Name
  The sound of your gun clinking in its holster echoed throughout the room as your eyes scanned for any clues they could find. “Man, are we sure this is the right place? I mean... I trust your judgement y/l/n but...this place looks like it’s been abandoned for a while.” Hugh furrowed his brows shining his flashlight while gesturing to the ragged furniture and family photos seeming to be left behind. “That’s what they want us to think Greene.” You sighed giving your partner a glance before shining your light in another direction. “Called the landlord. This place was owned by a Mrs. Gertrude Lightwood.” you couldn’t help the concerned look on your face. “Sure, most of this is hers...but she’s been in a nursing home for years. Do you honestly think this is her mess?” you kicked a few old beer bottles around for emphasis. Hugh’s head dropped shaking a little, “No...No I suppose not...” His British accent thick with the same concern shown on your own face.
“You think it’s them?” Hugh leaned against the kitchen countertop, asking a question he knew the answer to.
“I know it is.”
  You’d only been a detective for a short amount of time, but you’d surely proven yourself with a knack for research. At the ripe age of 20, you’d solved your first case just about all on your own. The department paired you up with Hugh since the beginning of your career, now the slightly portly old man seemed like the only family you had since moving to London. The current case? Thought to be a band of misfit teens, turned out to be a link to one of the largest mafia’s London has to offer. The Hollands, their power is deep seeded in SouthWest London. No one dared to touch a part of their case, that is until now. Hugh figured you’d gone mad when you offered to take them head on, but he’d help none the less.
  “Well...Let’s get going before the sun comes up. No telling if or when they’ll come back.” The white haired man clapped a large hand upon your shoulder. “I could go for Greggs right about now.” He smiled wide making you smile in return. The two of you walked out of the old townhouse and heading into the car. “I think they know we’re onto them.” you stated while bucking up. Hugh nodded “Probably. You don’t keep up with something like this for so long if you aren’t good at hiding it. No one even knows what these people look like, only guesses.” He pointed out and took off towards their favorite breakfast place. “Hey..That’s not bad..” you smirked jotting down something on your little notepad using a cute pen with a duck at the top Hugh had gotten you a year ago. “What?” Hugh’s eyes darted over confused “Oh don’t start with this shi-”
“I’m just saying!” you laughed, pleased with his reaction. “What if they’re not hidden...or better yet.” you winked. “Hidden in plain sight?”
  “You’re due for the looney bin any day now y/n!” Hugh laughed parking in front of Greggs, you only chuckled and shrugged back. The little breakfast shop was full, but it is eight am on a Wednesday morning. your detective side was still in high gear, making sure to memorize every face you could since the stake out house hadn’t been very far away. Over at a table buried away in a corner sat a group of young men. A tall blonde with striking blue eyes, a shorter curly red head and a grumpy looking brunette. What a group. Hugh Ordered for you both, opting to chat with the cook rather than join your speculation. you took a seat at a table not too far but not too close to the group of men, scrolling through your phone to seem as though you were minding her business. That is until you locked eyes with a chestnut brown pair.
  “Psst!” a sharp kick to the shin pulled Tom from fiddling with the many golden rings adorning his fingers. “Ow! That hurt asshole.” Tom hissed reaching down to rub where Harry had abused him. “Cops.” Haz stated quietly as to not draw attention their way, which was always a difficult feat seeing that Tom ultimately looked like a mob boss. “We’re fine, just keep your cool. Try not to be an idiot and they’ll move along.” Tom hummed clasping his hands together so he could rest his chin atop his bruised knuckles. His eyes found you sat at a table playing on your phone, He couldn’t quite tell your age but, he knew you were young, around his age maybe? He didn’t recognize you though. Tom couldn’t help but swoon at the way your hair framed your tired face perfectly, eyes holding a bit of dark color beneath them. He must’ve been staring too long, seeing that your eyes flicked up just in time to meet his own. Boy was Tom enthralled, but the interaction was short lived as his brother and best friend tugged him out of the shop.
  “What was that about?” Hugh muffled out through a bite of his breakfast sandwich. “I....I don’t know..” you for once felt stuck so, you opted to eat your breakfast instead of talking. “Those boys sure did look flashy.” Hugh pointed over towards the table the group had previously been sat. You nodded giving a content hum “Maybe, but we can’t just jump to conclusions. Maybe they’re just rich.” Hugh snorted a little at your sudden halt on the whole ‘It could be anyone’ idea. “Why don’t we rest up, you give me a call if you catch anything new and I’ll do the same? Sound good?” He slapped his cap back atop his head crumpling up a food wrapper. “Good to me.” you confirmed standing up from your seat to say goodbye to Hugh before walking the short distance back to your apartment.
  The day had gone by and shifted London into darkness, but lights and music still boomed on for the drinkers, dancers, and all of the above to enjoy. Tom would be one of them if he wasn’t getting his ass chewed out. “You mean to tell me after being told police were on their way to your hideout, you chose to go eat breakfast in the middle of fucking town?!” Dom yelled down at the three boys. “Yeah well we were hungr- I’m sorry.” Harry’s head hung in shame, Haz stood tall and calm whilst Tom’s face begin to turn red. “You’re the one who can’t handle his own fucking dirty work! It’s your guy we’re after, why didn’t you go and sit in an old run down house that smelled like mothballs for hours to watch some guy’s house? Oh RIGHT because you’re the boss of course!” He laughed deep in his chest. The rest of the family backed away but kept watching, Dom and Tom are like dynamite together it just takes one to be the match that strikes the others fuse.
  “Correct! I am the boss, so you will listen to me or you’ll suffer just the same as that man will when I get my hands on him.” Dom growled, gripping Tom by his white button up. “I can’t believe you’re the one I’m passing this shit down to..” He puffed letting Tom go due to Nikki’s pleas. Tom’s courage faltered at his father’s insult, it felt like a low blow. “Yeah...Whatever..” He huffed back fixing his jacket. Dom lit a cigar sitting next to his wife waiting for the explosion. “Now Tom, why don’t you take off your shoes and have a seat. You know your father didn’t mean that- He just gets that way.” She smiled patting the couch. Tom felt a heavy, sickly, almost guilty heat rise to his chest. He’d have to deal with that feeling the only way he knew how, to cover it up with something else. “You know what. I’m sick of being treated second hand by him, I’m sure everyone else does too!“ He seethed beginning to push insults towards Dom. Rage was like an illness to Tom, so easy to fall back to. Before Dom could shout anything back Tom grabbed the nearest lamp and tossed it against the wall with a loud crash. “I’m- I’M FUCKING GETTING OUT OF HERE, FUCK THIS HOUSE, AND FUCK YOU DOM” Tom shouted. He didn’t hear footsteps following him, so he didn’t look back.
  The thumping of his heart in his ears had been replaced by music with thick bass. Making his way into his family’s bar Tom found a table with ease. “Woahhhh...Rough night?” Skips, the main bar tender around the places laughed only to shut down the second he met Tom’s killer gaze. “I’ll just...Leave this here.” Skips practically yelped setting down a bottle of whiskey while he ran off to get a glass and ice. Tom popped the top off the bottle of expensive whiskey downing a few chugs before slamming it down on the table again. His outburst was starting to become hard not to notice but if you wanted to keep your eyes, you’d act like you didn’t even if you did.
  That is unless that someone is you. You’d found your way into the bar confident there would be evidence of anything from the Holland in there, it is their side of town after all. Deciding to blend in a bit and to purely have some fun you joined in on the dance floor scooting through the crowd trying to get to the bar. Suddenly a large man in a suit stood before you. “Uh..excuse me if I could just slip-” “My friend asked for you at his table.” The large man oddly enough was the sweetest person you’d met all night. “Uhm..” You turned your head in the direction the man pointed in and froze. The guy from Greggs this morning. “Thank you!” you smiled calmly, making your way over to the brunette. Your eyes couldn’t help but drop as he leaned forward and unbuttoned his shirt enough to expose his toned chest while sending you a smirk.
  “Hello Darling! I thought I recognized you~” Tom teased, obviously a bit buzzed from chugging whiskey. “Yeah, breakfast this morning..um. I didn’t catch your name however-” “Tom.” He spoke immediately taking two glasses pouring whiskey for them both and slid a coke your way. “Nice to meet you Tom, I’m not much of a drinker.” You cleared your throat a little. “Well for tonight, maybe you should?” He nodded pushing your glass closer towards you. Why the hell not? “Okay, Tom. What exactly..” “Your name Darling.” He smiled sipping at his own drink. “Y/n.” You swirled your cup around a little before drinking half of it to ease your nerves. Why was this guy messing with your nerves? “Pretty~” Tom’s voice deepened and his eyes darked while raking over your figure. You’d chosen a tight red dress that showed just enough cleavage for most, but not enough for Tom
  Tom watched as you finished your first drink and drank a little coke while he poured you both another. Thirty minutes became an hour, an hour became two and before you knew it you and Tom were on the dancefloor together. His firm hands gripped tightly at your hips keeping you close in the dancing crowd as the two of you grinded together. “You’re fun!” You drunkenly laughed wrapping your arms around Tom’s neck. “That’s what I like to hear Darling!” He grinned dipping his head down so his nose brushed yours. Your mouth fell open slightly and everything seemed to slow down. What were you doing. “There is of course...” Tom slid a hand up your body grabbing your chin with his thumb and index finger, the cooling effect of his rings against your warm skin made you shiver. “Something else I’d love to hear you say as well.” He tisked leading you towards the back of the bar. “And what’s that?” You raise a brow, tilting your head making Tom pull his bottom lip between his teeth. The next thing you knew you were in a private area and Tom pulled two red curtains shut before turning back to face you. “Daddy.”
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peterdarlingg · 1 year
Mob!tom oneshot teaser
A/n: surprise surprise! I’m working on this oneshot of a mob!tom au and it’s almost done. I feel like I’ve been gone for so long so decided what the heck here’s a tiny teaser and I hope you guys like it and stick around the the fic. Much love ❤️
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It was wrong place wrong time. You and Tom had planned to go out on a date that night, seeing as it’s been months since you both had spent quality time together.
You decided to just keep it simple and take a walk and eat some ice cream from your favorite place in London.
Taking a stroll all the while Tom is telling you about his day, how horrible it was, how some guy owed him tons of money and how much he missed you.
You always took his mind off of his work. Looking back, you knew what you were getting into when you started dating.
After all, you yourself had come from the second most powerful mob in London. Your father though kept you in the dark about a lot of things, seeing as he wanted to protect you but now this is your life permanently.
Many always tried to take down Tom and his mob and all were unsuccessful. That meant he always had full protection on the mansion and on you specifically.
And Tom looking back now, he was regretting not having a guard with him on you guys’ date. You specifically asked today, that it would just be you and him and that you were tired of having someone follow the both of you around and you talked about how you just wanted today to be private. Just you and Tom.
“Tom, T-Tom please,” you cried out.
“We’re almost there darling, stay with me,” he strained, choking back his sobs.
“I can’t, I c-ca-an’t,” you choked out in pain.
Tom stepped on the gas and held you hand his his kissing your knuckles and putting pressure on your wound on the side of your torso.
“Hey-hey, y/n, stay with me, stay awake okay, we’re almost home!”
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sadisticsongbird · 1 year
home sick ~ tom holland
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summary: requested by anonymous - "a Peter Parker fic where he takes care of reader from sickness or injury is up to you. I don’t know if you’ve ever written one before or if you like the idea but i love a mob!tom fic it’s always 🤩 so there's that"
warnings: nothing but plain ol' fluff
word count: 1.3k
You had been tossing and turning all night, your head driving you insane. Headaches have been a constant part of your life, and even though most of the time, you can tough through them, sometimes they’re too much. You can’t open your eyes, afraid that the light is gonna be too much. Forget walking around or even sitting up. The world is spinning too much to let you see straight before you're laying down right where you started. You can’t even eat anything, too nauseous to swallow. Those days when you have a headache and are home alone are the worst. Tom’s job, for the most part, doesn’t allow him to work from home. He used to have his men here all the time before he asked you to move in with him. His perspective completely changed afterwards. It was too dangerous to him for anyone to know you existed, except for his family. But you craved those days when he was able to be home, when all he had to do was work through deals. He was able to eat breakfast with you, cuddle while you read in the afternoon, and shower you with kisses while you prepped dinner. Now he was almost never in bed with you at the same time. The only time you conversated with one another was on the rare day he had off or on the phone in the afternoon. 
When Tom got home last night, he noticed the bottle of pills on the counter in the bathroom. He knew that you probably weren’t feeling good and decided to not wake you up, to let you sleep it off. But even after freshening up and joining you in bed, you still were rolling around, quiet whines escaping you every few minutes. It got so bad at one point that Tom was ready to go sleep on the couch. But he just couldn’t leave you. So he got up and walked to the bathroom to grab a rag. He ran it under cold water and squeezed it out until it was slightly damp. Your cries could be heard all the way from the other room and it only made him want to move faster to hold you. He moved back toward your side of the bed and your features were all scrunched up, your lips quivering. He brushed a couple strands of your hair behind your ear that were damp with sweat and placed the cloth on your head. You sucked in a shallow breath when it made contact with your skin, but you didn’t awaken. Tom’s hand found your hair and continued brushing it away from your forehead. Miraculously, you stopped moving and slept soundly for a few minutes. He waited a while to make sure that you would be okay on your own for a moment before he got up to go to the kitchen.
His feet trekked along the cold wood floor. He was super tired. He had so many issues at one of his lead warehouses today and men who didn’t want to listen to orders. Tom hated it when he had to get his hands dirty, but sometimes it was inevitable as the boss. It scared you at first when he would show up with bruises on his knuckles and bloody cuffs. You knew what he did for a living, but it didn’t make you any less worried. After fights, most of his nights resulted in crashing right away, and as much as he wanted to fall asleep right now, he wanted to make sure you were okay. 
He opened the cupboard in front of him and grabbed a small glass on the bottom shelf. He filled it with water before heading back to the bedroom. He couldn’t hear you in the hallway and hoped that you were continuing to lay still. Your resting body had all of the sheets sprawled across your figure when he opened the door again. Tom grabbed the pillow from his side of the bed and brought it over to the floor on your side. He let it fall on the floor while setting the glass of water down on the nightstand next to your lamp and book. Before laying down himself, he went back to the bathroom and took a few more pills for you to take when you woke up. On his way back, he grabbed a small blanket that was lying on a chair in the corner of the room. It was cold in your room, but he would shiver if it meant that you could feel better. He sat on the ground and laid the medicine next to the water glass. It was rough, but he leaned against the stand. He bent the pillow so it was slightly under him and behind him. He took the blanket and spread it across his lap, warming up his feet.  His hand found its way to your knee. You were on your side now, would be looking directly at him if you were awake. Tom rubbed up and down your leg before getting comfortable enough to lay his head against the edge of the mattress. He’d have to replace the cloth on your head in a little bit, but for now he could relax. 
You had no idea what time it was, but when you opened your eyes, the sun made your head pound more. There was a wet rag on your forehead, warm and it almost stuck to your skin. The bed next to you was empty and it made you feel even more miserable, but when you swung around to look at the clock, seeing your boyfriend lying against the bed made you want to tear up. The clock read 9:14, making you even more surprised that he was still here. He normally was gone before you woke up at 8 on a regular morning and you knew it wasn’t a day for him to stay home. You felt bad, noticing that your entire body had taken up the bed and now he was on the floor. His head was barely on the edge of the bed and his back was arched uncomfortably against the night stand. Your hand made its way to his hair and your fingers danced around his curls, concentrating on him instead of the pain. 
Tom felt the small pulls on his scalp and turned his head to face you. 
“Good morning…”
He let out a sigh. “Morning, love.” How you loved his morning voice. “Why are you still here?” you asked softly, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“I wasn’t gonna leave you feeling sick. I love you too much for that…” he chuckled. 
“But now I feel bad. You’re missing stuff for work.” 
“You’re more important than my work.” He leaned up to give you a kiss and you gladly met him in the middle. 
You missed this, being home with Tom, getting special moments like this. While it happened under bad and slightly painful circumstances, you were thankful that he was here. 
You pulled away from the kiss, smiling. “Can I join you in bed?” he asked. “This floor is getting uncomfy.”
You looked into his eyes, seeing the desperation to lay somewhere more relaxing. “As soon as you brush your teeth,” you muttered before turning over to face away from him. 
He stood up with a feigned gasp. You felt a pillow lightly hit you on the side, giggling to yourself. You didn’t know how long Tom was going to be home for, but you were going to cherish every minute of it.
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msclaritea · 4 months
"Biopics of massively famous musicians are rarely very good, often because they stumble at the question of whom exactly they’re being made for. Are you making a movie for the already initiated die-hard fans yearning to see the life and times of their hero reflected back at them in exacting detail? Or is your movie a welcome mat for novices, a breezy jukebox of greatest hits aimed at cultivating new generations of fans, goosing streaming tallies and catalog sales in the process? Most musician biopics never manage to resolve this tension, in part because they’re usually also serving a third master, namely the musician’s estate, which tends to hold its own, very specific ideas about on-screen depiction.
Bob Marley: One Love, the new movie about the late reggae superstar that’s produced by Marley’s widow, Rita, along with some of his children, is a biopic that does seem to know whom it’s for, which isn’t a point in its favor. The film is directed by Reinaldo Marcus Green (King Richard) and stars Kingsley Ben-Adir as Marley, who does his best with the role despite not really looking or sounding much like the real Marley. (Within the past four years Ben-Adir has played Malcolm X, Barack Obama, and Bob Marley, quite the triptych of historical figures.) Lashana Lynch plays Rita and steals the film in every scene she’s in, even if the movie’s script fails to elevate her character past the archetypical suffering-yet-supportive wife of a genius.
Rather than taking a cradle-to-grave approach to Marley’s life, One Love instead focuses on a single period of Marley’s career, his self-imposed exile to England in the aftermath of the 1976 attempt on his life at his home in Kingston, during which time he recorded Exodus, the 1977 LP that marked his full breakthrough into global superstardom. The film opens with the assassination attempt, after which we’re quickly whisked to London, where the film depicts Marley writing most of Exodus’ songs in a cloying series of “eureka!” moments that tend to populate movies of this kind. Snippets of Marley’s classic “Redemption Song” surface as a recurring musical motif in the film, and in one of the last scenes, we see Marley performing the song for his awestruck family in a sappy flourish that’s also anachronistic. (By most accounts, Marley didn’t write “Redemption Song” until 1979.) Periodically we’re treated to a series of flashbacks of the singer’s earlier life, a clichéd device that this movie could have used more of: Brief forays into Marley’s conversion to Rastafarianism are surprisingly well done, and a scene of a teenage Marley and the Wailing Wailers performing “Simmer Down” at Coxsone Dodd’s Studio One is the best moment in the film.
One Love is an inspirational tale about a Great Man who used music to unite the world, one that reduces one of the most consequential and complicated artists of the 20th century to a walking fount of genial aphorisms, the guy who suggested we all get together and feel all right. As such, the film indulges a decadeslong public appetite for a particular imagining of Marley that his estate now seems depressingly eager to feed. It’s been 42 years since Marley died of a rare form of melanoma at age 36, and I’m not sure there’s a musician who’s more literally iconic: Go to any commercial district in any part of the world and within minutes you’ll find an opportunity to buy something bearing Marley’s likeness. In the United States, Marley has been a staple of dorm-room walls for generations: The casual and underinformed co-optation of Marley by American bro culture has even inspired a recurring meme in which Marley’s name is erroneously affixed to an image of Jimi Hendrix.
To a certain brand of musical cynic, Marley has become the embodiment of a musician whom people own posters and T-shirts of but don’t actually listen to, which isn’t totally fair to most of the owners of those posters and T-shirts. Some of Marley’s music is still enormously popular: His 1984 greatest hits compilation Legend is currently enjoying its 820th week on the Billboard 200, a position it will likely maintain for the foreseeable future given One Love’s early, strikingly robust box-office projections. The only album that’s spent longer on the chart is Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon.
But in the pop-cultural imagination, Legend has completely eclipsed everything else Marley ever released. The album has sold more than 15 million copies in the United States alone, while no other Marley LP has sold even 1 million stateside. From a purely mathematical standpoint, this would indicate that for many fans, Legend is the first and only Marley album they’ll ever listen to. I’m not sure there’s another greatest hits compilation that has played such an outsize role in the public definition of an artist.
Legend is a fine little collection, but the idea that it’s some sort of one-stop synopsis of Marley’s career is absurd. For starters, 10 of its 14 tracks date from the period of 1977–80, a four-year time frame that represents the height of Marley’s global popularity but is a relatively minuscule cross section of a staggeringly prolific, nearly two-decade-long recording career. (Five of Exodus’ 10 tracks are included on Legend, which I suspect is one reason that One Love is so invested in the album’s significance.)
This period also coincides with a time when Marley’s music seemed to take a step back from revolutionary politics, a tack that may have been driven at least in part by the aforementioned assassination attempt. The Marley canonized on Legend is not the Marley who sang “I feel like bombin’ a church/ Now that you know that the preacher is lyin’ ” or who called for “burnin’ and a-lootin’ tonight … burnin’ all illusion tonight” or declared that “Rasta don’t work for no CIA.” The dominance of Legend in the U.S. is particularly striking when one considers that Marley’s highest-selling album in this country during his lifetime was 1976’s Rastaman Vibration, which peaked at No. 8 on the Billboard 200 and includes such overtly political tracks as “Crazy Baldhead,” “Rat Race,” and “War.” Legend doesn’t include a single track from Rastaman Vibration, instead opting for romantic fare like “Is This Love” and “Waiting in Vain” and feel-good anthems like “One Love/People Get Ready” and “Jamming.” (For an excellent deep dive into the history and legacy of Legend, I recommend this article from the Ringer earlier this week.)
One Day’s Director Has No Regrets About the Movie’s Controversial Ending
Legend’s preeminence has helped turn Marley into the musical equivalent of a tourist destination, at which One Love is just one more cozy attraction. This is worse than a shame, because the real Bob Marley was one of the most remarkable musical talents of the 20th century. As a songwriter, he was so prolific that music seemed to pour out of him, a quality that has sometimes led to a naturalization of his gifts that veers into exoticizing primitivism. (One Love certainly partakes in this.) But rather than being some carefree savant, Marley was a fiercely disciplined and ambitious artist from the very beginning. He wrote and recorded his first single, “Judge Not,” in 1962 at the age of 16, and it remains an astonishing debut, an effortlessly catchy melody sung by a voice that sounds both nervous and supremely confident in a way that only a teenager can manage.
By the time he signed to Island Records in 1972 and began his ascent to international superstardom, Marley had already written a lifetime’s worth of great songs. He had a preternatural ear for hooks and crafted songs that were ready-made hit records, three-minute gems of perfectly crystalized musical ideas. As a singer, his indelible tenor rasp and thrillingly improvisational style were the byproducts of an extraordinarily well-honed sense of intonation and time. And during the 1970s, he fronted what might have been the best band on the face of the earth, grounded in the peerless rhythm section of drummer Carlton Barrett and bassist Aston “Family Man” Barrett, the latter of whom died earlier this month at age 77. (Aston’s son and namesake, an accomplished musician in his own right, plays his father in the film.)
One Love doesn’t know how to begin exploring this artist and his art in any way that even begins to be interesting. Instead it just feeds back the same sanitized and saccharine idea of Bob Marley to the same audience who has been eating that up for generations. It’s a movie about a poster. Over the end credits of One Love, archival performance clips of Marley flash onto the screen, and for a few moments we’re treated to sounds and images that are infinitely more magnetic and thrillingly alive than anything we’ve seen over the preceding 100-ish minutes. That Bob Marley, and the extraordinary body of music he left behind, is still out there for those who go listening for it, but this movie isn’t where you’ll find him."
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silkylovey · 2 years
Laws and guns seven
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a/n: in love with tom and y/n atm
laws and guns masterlist
After our time talking to all our guests, dinner was announced. Everyone sat in their assigned place, I was sitting next to Y/n. I looked at her side profile while she kept looking at our guests. At our table were only Harrison, my brothers except for Paddy, who still had to sit by my parents, and Y/n’s childhood friend Tatiana Kelia, who kept looking at me septically. I had a feeling that she didn’t like me but that didn’t matter because the only one who needed to like me was Y/n.
Our food was delivered by Y/n’s hired chefs, their food looking delicious, I wanted to dig in but I noticed my parents chit chatted, more like demanding each other to de a speech and then my dad stood up, tapping his knife on his champagne glass. The sounds of the glass made everyone look at him.
“Hello everyone, I am Dom, or as you may know me the beginner of Holland’s mob. When I gave my son the position of being a boss, he was not taking it seriously. He was out screaming about his mob without trying to upgrade it until our lovely Y/n or his wife came into his life and she turned his whole life around. I want to thank Y/n for changing my son and the mob for the better. To Tom and Y/n.”
Everyone said our names and raised their glasses in the air, I just looked at Y/n with a smile but it quickly faded away to see her looking at her lap, picking her nails. She was nervous, the fearless character she played broke in front of a group of mobsters.
To make it seem like we were a happy couple like my dad just told everyone we were, I grabbed the leg of her chair and pulled it closer to mine, the sudden movement caused her to look at me with a confused look. I just smiled at her and she smiled back. My smile grew to my eyes. She smiled at me.
After the toast, everyone started eating their food. I was enjoying the food, it was delicious. Y/n hadn’t moved the chair so she was sitting so close to me that I could hear her breathing. I looked over at her and I noticed that she didn’t eat, she was picking at her food, moving the vegetables around.
“Are you okay?”
She looked at me after my sudden question and she just nodded looking back at her plate. She didn’t have a smile anymore on her face.
Tom smiled at me and I smiled back. God, what was I an idiot? Why did I smile back at him? While he invited Clara, whom I know I didn’t invite, and then he had the audacity to ask me if I was okay as if he didn’t invite his mistress to our gala, as if he didn’t try to have sex with me this morning. What is his problem?
I wasn’t hungry, I was a few minutes ago before I was the strawberry blond hair I know oh so well. The blond hair that I wanted to pull because she touched what was mine. I felt a sort of jealousy towards her because she had the chance to experience getting an orgasm from Tom, she experienced how he felt under her fingertips and the more I thought about it the more I felt green inside.
Tom kept looking at me and he even put his hand on my thigh, I felt butterflies in my sex but I wasn’t going to give him the pleasure that he wanted.
The tables were getting cleared and Tom just kept his hands on my thigh, I knew I should have slapped it away but his hand also gave me a sort of warmth, the one that he gave me when he slept next to me. When his hand started trailing down my body. This morning was the only thing left in my mind, I could work without thinking about his fingers, about his lips. About his touch.
People were gathering on the dance floor, I could see people smiling, laughing, and hugging each other. This gala brought people together, who hadn’t seen each other in a long time. I saw all the mafia women chatting about their new jobs and houses, while I sat watching them. I saw how Clara kept glancing at Tom, while he was chatting with Harrison.
I stood up and Tatiana followed, we headed to the dance floor, just like good old times. Times where we danced during our night during university, times where we planned on getting dicked down. Now look at us now, I was married to a man I didn’t love, I think, and she was happily engaged with a man that she loved, she had her little family of her own. The life I could only dream of.
“Y/n, lovely gala you organized. Please tell me who the party planner was?” Maria asked while coming over with the other mob women, they all looked at their best.
“It’s Clara Strange, but she is the type of woman that works for you, to fuck your husband, so I would not recommend her.”
Maria’s eyes shot open, she was shocked and I looked over to Tom to see that he was looking at us with a confused glare as if he didn’t know what we were talking about, as if he didn’t invite Clara. God, he was making me angry.
He walked over to me with so much pride and ego and all the women were looking at him, including Clara. He stood next to me wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing my cheek. I didn’t move, too angry to even feel him next to me.
The ladies left us as a couple even Tatiana left me, I looked at her with a ‘really’ face and she just smirked. His arm stayed put on my waist but his body moved so that we were facing each other. We were so close that I was I could smell the mint in his breath and I was sure that he could hear my heartbeat over the slow jazzy music.
“What’s the matter, love?” he whispered in my ear with a husky voice, the same kind of voice as this morning, the type of voice that made me wet.
I didn’t respond, I just kept swaying my hips to the rhythm of the music and Tom just followed my lead, his head soon fell on my neck and he started leaving kisses, wet kisses. My breath hitched and I could feel him smile on my neck, he started looking for my weak spots. Spots that could lead to much more than just neck kisses.
He broke away from my neck and I already started missing the way it felt, he broke away because some people began to bid their farewell and more people left and our house became more empty. Clara left without saying goodbye because she knew that I would intimidate her again. Even the cooks left so only Tom and I were the only ones in the living room.
“Why did you invite her?”
“Was she here? I didn’t even notice.”
“Tom, don’t lie to me please.”
“Y/n, I promise I didn’t know she was here, and I didn’t invite her. She could have invited herself because she knew about this so don’t blame me, love.”
“Don’t ‘love’ me”
“Y/n, can you please stop being so goddamn stubborn,” his voice raised and he stood so close to me, so close that our lips could accidentally touch.
She was heavily breathing, her eyes shifted from my eyes to my parted lips. She stopped looking into my eyes, I did the same with her. We were so close to each other in a massive room but the air felt thickened as if there wasn’t enough air left, I wanted to lean in but I didn’t want Y/n to push me away but I was already so close to her so why ruin the chance now.
I leaned in and my whole body was on fire, a weird electric feeling went thru my whole body she from the feeling of her soft lips on mine. I just put my lips on her and she finally started moving hers, taking the lead in this kiss. My hands stayed on her waist while she finally touched me by putting her hands on my cheeks
I squeezed her waist and her mouth opened giving my tongue access to her, I slid my tongue in and she moved her hands to the back of my neck, pulling me closer than what I already was, she started making little noises, noises that instructed my cock to get hard and she finally pulled away, her lips puffy and red and her eyes stayed low, she was heavily breathing because of me, she made sounds because of me.
I picked her up and lead her to our bedroom without her sassy remarks, she accepted it, she was even kissing my neck, letting me touch her ass.
Tom picked me up as if I was nothing, I felt so light in his hands. He kept massaging my bum and maybe it was the lust that influenced me but I really wanted him to fuck me. He put me on the floor when we arrived in our bedroom, and he kissed me again, I buried my hands in his hair, pulling him closer. His hands were on my waist, gripping it, squeezing it, making sure that they were marks left on me.
He turned me around and kissed the back of my neck and he zipped my dress down, it was in front of the mirror, the mirror where I looked at us this morning. I stepped out of the dress and his hands were directly on me again. He took off my bra and threw it somewhere in the room. His vest followed suit. He started to suck on my neck, leaving dark spots behind, marking his territory.
He looked at me with lust in his eyes. I started removing his dress shirt, I pushed him towards the bed, he sat on the edge of the bed and I sat on his lap, with nothing but black lace panties. I started grinding on top of him, his hands were back in their regular place, my waist. His hands helped you with your speed.
He turned us around, making him on top. He started kissing down my body. My breathing quickened, he stopped at the valley of my boobs, and his hands started massaging my right boob while his mouth was flicking, licking, nibbling my left nipple. I started whimpering, and he smiled. I loved the feeling of his smile on my skin.
“Sit on my face, baby.”
I was shocked but I still did what he ordered. He laid down and waited for me to sit, his head was right between my thighs, his hands wrapped around my thighs, pulling me closer to his face. I moaned when his tongue was inside of me. His hands caressed my body, running up and down, feeling my boobs. I started to lightly rock my hips against his tongue. His name fell out of my mouth. I was so close, I could feel a not in my lower belly, he increased the speed of the movement of his tongue. I came so hard, my whole body was shaking.
“I wanna suck you, Tommy.”
He stopped moving his tongue, but I just kept grinding on it. I felt too good, he pulled me off of him and he sat on the edge of the bed, facing the mirror. He was waiting for me to get on my knees in between his legs.
We were having extreme eye contact, I could feel the lust in his eyes. He looked at me as if he wanted to eat, something that he did not even one minute ago.
“Open your mouth for me.”
And I did, he slipped his thumb in my mouth, getting me ready for his cock. I bobbed my head as if it was his cock and he smiled at me. He started taking off his dress pants, and his boxers followed suit. I was met with the sight of a very hard dick, with a pulsing red tip.
He pulled my hair back in a makeshift ponytail, and he directed my head to his cock. He was going slow at first but when he was getting closer to the edge, so he started fucking my mouth. He was going all the way in, making me choke on his cock. But I didn’t care because the way that he was moaning turned me on even more.
“Your mouth feels so good, my love.”
He pulled out of my mouth and helped me stand up, he picked me up and guided me to the middle of the bed. He leaned down to kiss me, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He hummed when I wrapped my legs around his waist. He took off my panties with his teeth while keeping eye contact. I didn’t think that I could have been wetter than before but he proved me wrong.
He pressed the tip to my entrance, leaning over me before he pushed his hips forward. He stared down at me as I let out a gasp while grasping his arms and holding onto him as he slides completely inside of me. He nuzzled his head in my neck, leaving sloppy kisses all over the place.
Once he began the increase his speed, my hand started to leave marks on his back and shoulders, I threw my head back in pleasure while he watched me. He knew that I was close to my climax by the way that I was holding onto him, the way that I was moaning. He leaned down next to my ear. He started nibbling it and just when I was having an orgasm he whispered:” I’m in love with you, Y/n Holland.” That sentence made me cum harder than ever.
Was I falling for Tom Holland, my husband?
taglist: @sillyfreakfanparty @darlaboo @bloodline1632
120 notes · View notes
roseduroi · 2 years
When the Darkness Fell, iv rose
mob!tom holland x reader
part iii.
“She won’t disappear just because you’re a second away.”
“I know that.” Tom grumps out, it’s always that nasty feeling on the tip of the tongue when he feels as if admitting there’s more to a shelled man than he lets on. He’s stuck like the filthy gum glued to the shoe with her and he can’t help but feel at fault that everything is shit. There doesn’t seem a way outta that painful nibbling feeling that pulls at him to the depths of non-existing sentiments for her when the doctor points out his fondness, leading to attachment. 
It’s irritating.
He has nothing figured out and it drives him up the wall. His fists curl up so tight the knuckles turn the shade of white and he feels how anger pulses through his veins as his whole essence just itches to let it out.
“Where’s Bader?” 
Tom suddenly asks, forgetting where the young doctor was heading with the conversation.
“I don’t think beating the guy to a pulp would be wise of you this instant.”
Tom is clueless why his heart is so jumpy as non-existing feelings pull him to Y/N.
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“I need a favour.” 
“I feel like I’m a little bit too drunk for that.” 
Tom sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and briefly closes his eyes. The cold bites his bare hands as the harsh winds sweep through his jacket. He paces back and forth in the backyard of his home as dark skies above him cover the night’s blank stars. 
The sun is starting to set. What a chaotic day Tom would say, not that it was unusual for him, just… perhaps different in a way that made his heart stir. The days are short now, everything gets darker and darker; some curse it, some find joy in it. Tom is of those who aren’t bothered by the dimness of the night, finding peace within it rather than only seeing chaos among the lack of rays when the sun is set. 
Consider him a fool or just a random guy who seeks comfort in the dark.   
“It’s hurried.” There is a hint of annoyance in his voice as he speaks to the man over the phone. He wouldn’t push if it wasn’t that hurried. 
He hears distant laughter, chatters of strangers in the background, and then the door opening and closing until eventually, all the voices fade away in the far distance. It’s not hard to guess where his best mate is; the bar music far too familiar to his ears. 
“But it’s my day off today- ow! What was that for?” Harrison whines as his companion, Tom assumes, swats him on the arm. 
“Sup, Boss!” He hears Maliza greet him. “Whatcha need?”
In different circumstances, Tom would laugh, chuckle at them but his thoughts are way too busy to let him slack off, pushing him to the edge, to the limits he doesn’t have. He knows he has given them a day off but this is more important. He wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t so urgent. “There is an unconscious body and I need you to take care of it.” He is blunt, but there’s nothing to hide. Though his words are hushed, they are careful of the people who might hear. You never know who is listening; you never know whom not to trust.
Yet Harrison and Maliza are some of the most trustworthy people Tom knows. His neighbourhood, where he stayed occasionally, is rather quiet too. People around here were simple. Simple, large or medium families were just living and minding their own business. That old couple just around the corner. That old elderly lady with her sick daughter just down Smith’s street. Some aunties and uncles, and that mailman, never scared of the old couple’s dog. The neighbourhood is certainly tranquil. 
Maybe the tranquil that lured him here, that what it was.
A few years back he met Maliza through Harrison whom he knew his whole life. She saved his best mate from the very, oh-so-terrifying flu. That day Harrison was smitten with the doctor in white, and the hospital’s door never stopped opening that week. Harrison just kept coming back. Then it turned out she perfectly handles a rifle, and to this day she’s one of the best of Tom’s people. 
When Tom looks at the couple, every time something stirs within his ribcage, it fastens his heartbeat. It’s odd, the feeling so unfamiliar it adds to the goosebumps already over his skin when the couple holds hands or Maliza wraps the ribbed scarf around Harrison’s bare neck when the harsh winds sweep under their coats. What was that nonsense that forced his blood to pulse more rapidly if this all was bullock? Jealous was a bitter word Tom refused to use. In other words, Maliza wasn’t his type and he knew Harrison ever since they were in diapers. He simply was not interested in what they did behind closed doors, but perhaps jealousy did play a part in making his heart pound faster. 
Something ached he didn’t know could even hurt. Envy of a feeling that wasn’t his to own left a wicked twist inside his bones. 
They completed each other, and Tom only was half of a heart.   
“You want what now?” The male gasps and drags Tom out of his misery thoughts. 
The misty cloud of tiny droplets of water appears before the very man who drags the words out his throat. “It’s complicated.” 
But it really isn’t that much, to be honest.
“It’s that Bader guy, isn’t it?” Maliza intervenes, proving just that. Clearly, she’s the sober one here, having connected the dots quickly. 
He nods. He knows they can’t see it. “Yeah,” so he adds, providing a short but clear response, displaying no other sign of wishing on continuing further. “I’ll send the address.”
“Got it, Boss,” Maliza answers for both, calling him the nickname once more that she had given him all these years back when they stormed in that abandoned fabric.
“And.” Tom purses his lips. “I need you to stop by and check in on her. And maybe grab some of her clothes too. Warmer ones if you might.” Tom says. He kicks the dirty, frost-bound ground, the same ground beneath him that was more sturdy than his heart. Hilarious how one name can make a man like him fidget like a teenager in love. 
But the days are getting colder and the frost - like the fine artist it is - carves the shapes of leaves and petals on its own chosen sheet in early mornings, traces the edges- and Tom (along with many others) will have to scrape off the ice of his windshields because he doesn’t have a garage. The shortage of time in daylight will convert the lifeless autumn trees into Christmas decorations, lining up forgotten alleys and avenues with lights and carols. The spirits will awaken and Tom…
Tom is just done with that time of year. 
“Yeah. No.” Harrison hiccups on the phone. “I don’t want to lose my hand just because I went through your love life’s underwear drawer.” 
But Tom would never. 
He wouldn’t.
“To-Am.” He hiccups.
“Fine.” He knows Tom would never. “Just know it’s Maliza’s hand.” But he takes a necessary precaution; being drunk that is. 
Tom hears the sound of a car unlocking. He guesses Maliza’s driving and he hangs up the phone without saying anything further. His fingers are red, hands insensitive to the bitter cold, but he struggles to type the message.
She didn’t want to talk to him, Tom admitted that through clenched teeth a couple of hours ago when he tried to open the door. Which was locked.  Which she locked after the incident. Which was locked because he was deemed unreliable. Which ended up bothering him quite a great deal.
He even made her a sandwich. 
And he let that Bader guy punch him for being an arse, for having let the emotions get the better of him. Tom was an impatient man as much as he was possessive, and sometimes these features never got along. She wasn’t his and neither is she now. But a part of him wished so if he was truthful with himself. That day when he accompanied her, he thought he felt something stir in his heart, a feeling he had never once believed to be true. But after all their encounters and those lightsome banters in between, and after seeing her stare at the moon like it was the sun after late-night shifts at the cafe of Ben’s, Tom felt attached like a child needy for a toy. His primitive beliefs came crashing down, they collapsed to his feet like steadfast soldiers falling for their country. Didn’t matter how much he tried to fight them, those bastard sentiments for her; they blinded his vision, tricked his mind and bound his will, but they got to his heart. 
She got to his heart.     
That’s how much of a fool he was. 
Tom winces at the faint bruising on his cheek as the water hits his face; he tries to wash the day’s heaviness and burdens under the cooling water, splashing it all over his face. Bader did pack a hefty punch and Tom could clearly feel it now, he also isn’t ashamed to admit it. Sheer power didn’t correlate to how much force one could wield, but rather the ability to see one’s faults that come within it. Back then it didn’t matter how much the blow hurt, his feelings were overcoming him; it only made him stay alert. 
The bruising on his cheek is reddish now, indicating it’s fresh as the skin under his eye throbs, tender to the touch.
But somewhat the blow doesn’t feel enough. The pain he feels absorbing his cheek doesn’t compare to the weightiness of the heart as sourly he wishes it would. He cleans his face with a towel, careful around his bruised cheek and when he walks out of the bathroom, Tom’s gaze instantly falls on the locked door to his room, where Y/N is.  
His body aches to turn around and knock, maybe his heart even cries for him to write a cheesy letter and slip it under the door just for her to read how past hope he is to earn her forgiveness, like in the sappy movies he would never watch. But his muscles resist as his glance catches a glimpse of the sandwich he previously made. Tom’s too arrogant and proud. 
He remembers they would bicker about this personality trait of his, too. 
“Being arrogant won’t get you anywhere, you know.” 
“Would you look at that now,” Tom answers her, smugly raising an eyebrow. “I’m talking to you, aren’t I?” 
“This is different.”
“How come?” The brunette challenges, speeding up his steps to pass the girl. He stops right before so suddenly she halts in her footing and almost trips over her feet as they tangle together to stop her from bumping into his chest. He cockily smirks.
“You simply obsess over me.” He hears her say after a heartbeat of silence and chuckles, putting his hands in his pockets. 
“Look who is being cocky now.”
“Not at all. You love being talked about. And this just proves my point I just stroked your ego.” The girl emphasises, knowingly bumping his shoulder as she then passes him. “You think you’re mighty because strangely people fear this short man. You put on this false charm, but beneath it exists some cruelty. And arrogantly you think I will swoon over you like those past girls because you’ve decided to give a poor girl her 15 minutes of fame. I’m not going to fall for that.” 
It was one of their first encounters together. 
It was during one of those many late-night shifts he would accompany her on later in the future. But that night she left him speechless. She perhaps did stroke his ego if not actually damaged it more. They barely knew each other back then; that night was just a couple of weeks after they first met, and Tom would admit, he did embarrassingly torment the poor soul. Maybe not that drastically, but he did happen to be given coffee at all those same times, at that same cafe Y/N happened to work. AND surely during her work hours. He was truly an intrigued guy, indeed. 
So, one night after he finished dealing with his work related-once-in-a-lifetime-not-involving-anything-filthy-kind-of-business in Ben’s cafe - paperwork, Jesus - the clock had been ticking past twelve, his coffee had been long consumed and the dirty cup had been already taken away by a tidying waitress (Y/N for that) ready to close, but Tom was already one jump ahead, resisting to leave. He had insisted on accompanying her to whatever-she-was-heading. He didn’t know back then and he had never been entirely too sure where to she was headed until eventually he had found himself actually on her good side and she’d told him. 
Y/N intrigued him, she challenged him like nobody else did and he wouldn’t have it any other way around. In a sense, she saw right through him. She saw the things he wanted her to see and she saw more beyond what he wished she wouldn’t. But he had finally felt normal and nothing else had mattered after. She talked to him naturally without feeling on edge around him.
And yet, he failed to see through her, who she was coming home to. 
So maybe, in the end, he was going to knock on those damn doors for the tenth time this day and MAYBE he wasn’t going to bolt the second his knuckles touch the surface and he doesn’t receive a response in a mere second. Maybe because he owed it to her. Because he really ought to for her. 
Instead, a sharp knock on the front door scourged right through his heart. 
He really should stop getting distracted. One of those days it will get him killed.
Tom walks over  to the entrance and slams the doors open. Ahead there’s Maliza with a bag of clothes next to the entrance and further on a barely steady Harrison metres away with his grasp tight on the fence. 
“Hi, Boss.” The young woman greets.
He hardly nods her way, though, stepping aside to let her in. His eyes are on Harrison, warily observing over the mate, and then glances back at her. 
“Oh, don’t worry about him. He’s just had one too many. Tried to make his way to the porch, but… yeah. You know.” She awkwardly chuckles and places the bag of clothes on the ground. The girl turns to Tom, tilting her head. She’s inspecting him too, though they both know (and Harrison, too) she isn’t much of a detective. 
He half smiles, knowing. “Yeah.” His smile is half sincere.
“Suuuuup, mate!” He hears Harrison slur. The man waves drunkenly at Tom and almost trips over his feet at the sudden and forgotten gravity, pulling on his arm. Tom instantly moves forward to the doorway but halts in his steps midair as if something was holding him.
The man frowns, complicated. 
“You should help him to the car before he breaks his neck.” Maliza interrupts, sensing his hesitation. “I’ve got her.” She warmly grins, showing off her portable bag stuffed with medicine. 
“She doesn’t really talk to me,” Tom admits. 
It’s kind of pathetic actually. He’s displaying his emotions, opening up about such a tragedy like not being able to enter his room, his OWN room and it’s mildly annoying that he’s fussing about this girl who’s upset with him. And he still hasn’t figured out why this bothers him so damn much.
“She’s just scared.” Maliza offers. “I know I’m not the doctor of that speciality, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out how traumatic it must have been for her.”
Tom huffs. “You don’t say.”
“I always say.” She smiles, never taking him to heart. “And always scramble all those prescriptions.” 
Tom stays silent. His gaze is distant and this is just complicated beyond him or checking over Harrison.
The girl sighs, seeing he’s bestowed to the ground like a solid pillar. “What I’m saying is get some fresh air while I check in on her. She won’t disappear just because you’re a second away.”
“I know that.” Tom grumps out, it’s always that nasty feeling on the tip of the tongue when he feels as if admitting there’s more to a shelled man than he lets on. He’s stuck like the filthy gum glued to the shoe with her and he can’t help but be at fault that everything is chaos. There doesn’t seem a way outta that painful nibbling feeling that pulls at him to the depths of non-existing sentiments for her when the doctor points out his fondness, leading to attachment. 
It’s irritating.
He has nothing figured out and it drives him up the wall. His fists curl up so tight the knuckles turn the shade of white and he feels how anger pulses through his veins as his whole essence just itches to let it out. “Where’s Bader?” 
Tom suddenly asks, forgetting where the young doctor was heading with the conversation.
“I don’t think beating the guy to a pulp would be wise of you this instant.”
Tom whips around and glares. In a way, he feels infuriated that she dares to speak such things when knowing nothing of it. That man signed his death wish the moment Tom saw him lay his hand on her and harm her. “You know what he did to her?” He snaps as if she cannot understand and the words she spits are poison. “Do you even imagine?”
She only shakes her head in disbelief. “I can’t.” She says it softly because she truly cannot picture fully the caused pain she hasn’t gone through, but it doesn’t mean it’s the lack of sympathy Tom accuses she’s showing. Her heart forever stings, perhaps this is why she’s a goddamn doctor or why Tom’s ways of handling certain matters seem justified to her. Because neglecting a problem isn’t the same as solving it. “But do you think coming back to her with bloody knuckles is gonna make things better? Make her feel less scared?” She hisses in a whisper, firmly standing her ground and keeping her voice unwavering. Her hand ripples through the air as she abruptly waves her finger in his and outdoor direction. 
She breathes a heavy breath when Tom’s silent. “Doesn’t matter.” She speaks, straightening herself up. “He’s not here. Sam’s got him. Haz was in no state to handle his own body, let alone another man’s.”
Tom storms out the instant as the door slams with a thud.
When Maliza calms down and walks over to Tom’s room, nobody greets her when she knocks. The dead silence she is met with is deafening as she awaits. She tries again with a few more knocks, thumping on the door with the back of her hand and with a sigh at the back of her throat.
“Hi,” she tries again. This time introducing. “I’m Maliza. Just like Melissa but with an a… I’m Bo- Tom’s friend. I’m a doctor.” She shifts on her feet, her sentences distant from each other as she’s trying to figure out the words. “He’s worried about you. And you know Tom, he can be very persistent when it comes to the things he wants. I’m here to check up on you.”
By the end of the sentence, Maliza thinks nobody will open the door, no more words float her tongue and she slightly begins to panic at the stillness. Her hand hovers over the door for a second more to knock, but thanks God, there’s no need and she feels a huge rock roll off her chest. She hears the lock pop, and the door slowly opens. 
She’s startled at first. One, this is the first time she’s seeing the myth of Harrison’s bragging about why Tom “is truly smitten”. At some point until Tom’s call, she had even begun doubting something she had never seen or heard. And two, the girl’s indisputably gorgeous. Even behind the puffy eyes and hollowness shining in them either from exhaustion or distress which the doctor cannot distinguish between, Y/N looks beautiful.
Maliza sees her cheeks sunken and pallid and senses her tension and she too grows wary at the stability of the girl’s physical state. Sorofly, she looks unhealthy. Unhealthy to the point of collapsing whenever. 
Y/N heavily leans on the door, nervously gripping the edges as if she cannot support her own weight when her injured foot touches the ground. She keeps it raised the whole time and there’s no doubt she hides the grimaces of pain.
“Hey,” the girl greets back after a heartbeat of silence. 
Maliza is suddenly back in the room when the hoarse whisper harshly pulls her back from observing the girl like a sharp needle, picking at her skin. Her pupils constrict, concentrating over again and she rushes over to Y/N. 
“Here, let me help you.” She says.
“I’m okay.” 
Her movements are swift when she storms to Y/N’s side, ignoring the girl’s denial of help and her own heavy steps. She curls one arm around the girl’s waist to aid her walk to the bed. She doesn’t push the pace bigger than Y/N could manage and patiently awaits for the girl to adjust, adapting herself to the girl’s footing when she feels Y/N trusting her weight onto her body. 
Maliza was sure her touch couldn’t be gentler, only tightening around Y/N’s waist the few times the girl swayed or lost her footing so that they both wouldn’t go tumbling to the ground. But all those times, Maliza could swear she heard a hitch of breath or felt an uncomfortable shift away from tightening grip.    
But she remained silent.
The mattress dips as Maliza gently helps Y/N get comfy on the bed and then takes a seat next to her. The girl mutters a thank you but after that, it’s just silence. The stillness is awful. Y/N doesn’t look at her, she doesn’t even pay her any attention. Her shoulders look like the world’s burdens were dropped onto her and everything that was never ever hers was left for her to carry.  
When Tom called and she and Harrison were in the bar, the gravity in his voice was far from anything astonishing. Tom always sounded important when things got heavy. It was as if he was suited for giving commands. But today the urgency under the words felt strained and Tom rarely got strained.
“Are you in pain?” Maliza suddenly asks, searching for her eyes which she doesn’t find.
Y/N stills. Her eyes wander everywhere but, “Uh… no,” she shakes her head, frowning a little as if trying to concentrate on feeling any type of pain. “Only when I move my leg.” She answers honestly. It’s better than lying.
Maliza nods. “Might I have a look?”  
Maliza makes sure to be gentle now too. Her touch is light as she unwraps the neat binding Tom did little by little, trying to be as careful as not to graze the swollen area unnecessarily. She’s quite proud of him as well. She admits, Tom did a pretty good job at bandaging Y/N’s foot. Although, the doctor will never say it out loud. He’s cocky as is. 
The skin underneath the binding is harshly swollen and bruised, the bluish and purplish colours over the sprain site mark the torn ligaments. Maliza’s touch feels cool against the bruised area and Y/N almost wants to shrink away at the uncomfortable, almost painful feeling as the doctor slowly examines the damage, gently pressing over certain areas harder than over others. But when Maliza suddenly tilts the ankle to the side, Y/N recoils from her touch like burned.
“Sorry,” the doctor grimaces apologetically. “I just have to examine it.” 
The girl nods, relaxing a little. “It’s okay.” She breathes out and stretches out her leg fully again, entrusting. “It’s just… The pain is quite sharp.”
“Yeah,” Maliza agrees, taking her ankle into her grasp once more. She gently gestures over the sprain site under the bone. “See this?”
The girl bows her head a little. 
“It means that one or more ligaments in the lateral ligament complex are sprained. It’s actually quite common and usually happens from an accidental twist or turn of the foot. Which also explains the swelling and the limited movement of your ankle.” She explains, lifting her gaze upon the girl. “But I won’t bore you with the aggravating names.”
Maliza laughs quietly, gently lowering Y/N’s foot on the bed. She quickly grabs her portable bag stuffed with medicine that was thrown to the ground at the beginning and she digs through it, searching for a small tube in the mess within it. She grins as she grasps it. “This should help with the swelling and pain. Other than that, rest, ice or compression will be fine too.” 
“Most importantly, don’t stress your ankle until the pain and swelling subside. Which means, limited walking, exercises or any other activity which puts pressure on your ankle or it could lead to potential damage. For now, I’m going to apply some gel to ease the pain, it will provide a cooling sensation, so just you know.”  
The gel is cold against the bruised area as Maliza spreads it over the tender skin as Y/N feels the cooling sensation tingling over pain. This time she finds comfort within it. Maliza compresses the ankle with the elastic bandage after. She’s way quicker than Tom ever was. 
She looks at the doctor and for the first time this whole evening, she truly gets a look at her. 
She pictured Maliza just like that. Dark brown hair shaped the young doctor’s face; the wavy bangs covered the softness of her round eyes which Y/N felt could stare right into the depths of the soul. Freckles faintly dotted her cheeks, but she thought it only added to the childishness of her looks, while the blue button-up shirt and the skinny white jeans added to the profession she had chosen. 
She really did look like a doctor. 
Maybe in another lifetime she and Maliza were friends. She hoped they were.
“Tom cares about you.” 
The four words break the silence and Y/N’s breathing stills just that instance. She longs for her to continue, to complete her thought. She craves the connection and comfort of words. But what if the sentence screams a but after the sweet beginning and the girl hesitates to listen forward. She grew attached, attached to the gentleness and need of love as now she had felt the taste of the forbidden fruit. She yearns for those words to get closer, but denies now her already aching heart the vulnerability to open like the flower to the burning sun.
But Maliza continues, nevertheless her hurting heart. And she still listens to every word carefully.  
“I don’t know what happened between you both and it’s not my place to pry, and by no means I’m trying to justify his actions… which can be unexplainable sometimes. Or whatever he did… But I meant it when I said he was… is really worried about you.”
And she takes these words cautiously too. 
“Just don’t tell him that I told you that.” The young doctor tries to laugh away the seriousness. “He has this tough guy’s reputation in his head.”
What she said wasn’t partially a lie. In a way, Tom did need to maintain this tough guy’s reputation, but it didn’t quite come from shielding his emotions. Quite the opposite, to tell the truth. In a sense, he had to maintain the authority to keep order, and Maliza knew, she’s seen there was no one better than Tom when it comes to leadership. But he didn’t build relationships, only when it was mutually beneficial or required. It was a flaw he entrusted to his closest allies.  
Y/N tries not to let her heart stutter at this fuzzy nibbling feeling, but it just wraps around her heart and makes it hammer. She won’t tell, she wouldn’t. But she considers whether this was said in case she did admit to him she saw him soft and maybe just in case for her to be prepared and denied if she ever spilt the beans to him. After all, Maliza’s tone was light and blithe, open to interpretation, to her heart… but it didn’t matter. She wouldn’t say, and final. 
But she doesn’t need to say anything else, wonder whether he actually regrets it. Because speak of the devil… and he says plenty. And maybe her heart flutters the second time in one heartbeat, but she’s too hurt and he’s confusing.
“How’s her leg?” 
Tom’s voice booms across the room and startles them both. Neither of the girls had noticed when the devil himself came into the picture and stood in the doorway with his arms folded across the chest. If he’d heard anything, he never mentions it. 
Maliza feels like the question was never meant for her and he foolishly mixed the pronouns as his eyes don’t even glance the doctor’s way. Tom never takes his eyes off the tensed girl, but it’s far from the sharp gaze Maliza’s used to seeing in his eyes when he’s serious. 
“She has a mild sprain.” The doctor answers and she swears Tom’s gaze hardens the instant his eyes land on her. His sudden change almost makes her eyes roll at the hopeless man. He’s head over heels and it shows. “Shouldn’t take more than two weeks to heal. The first days are always the hardest, so make sure she gets well-rested and doesn’t stress her foot. Ice and compression are necessary to make the healing process quicker.”
Maliza explains what she thinks Tom already knows, but she says it more to reassure him than out of duty, to be honest. She gathers her stuff and stands up then, sensing her business is done here for the evening. Her gaze slips to Y/N and she grins; she’s really looking forward to meeting the girl once again. 
“Here,” she withdraws a small card with a number. “You can call me whenever this guy gets annoying.” 
“The guy’s right here.”
But neither of the girls responds; Maliza hands Y/N the card with her number and steps forward to the doorway. She gives one last wave, saying goodbye and exits the room.
“I'll see you off.” Tom states. He glances over at the girl who’s secretly observing and the sides of her cheeks taint over with a light shade of pink as he catches her eyes. She instantly averts her gaze. “I’ll be right back.”
Tom walks Maliza out and stops at the doorway, a little further. The evening is cool, it steals away the warmth of the home. Maliza can see the familiar figure fast asleep in the front seat of the car, the seat belt slung awkwardly over his shoulder. She doesn’t want to keep Harrison in the cold any longer (though, she and Tom both know he won’t remember a damn), but she quickly swirls around to face Tom. 
“She’s a nice girl.”
 Maliza shifts on her feet at the cold wind.
“I know.”
“She could really use a friend.” The statement is kindhearted, but it makes Tom’s heart clench. “It’s Christmas soon. You can’t just leave her be for the whole two weeks if you’re planning on making her stay. And I know you are. She’s lonely, Tom.”
“She can’t even look at me. How am I supposed to fill in her days with me if she doesn’t even want me around?”
“Maybe you should start with sorry.”
When Tom walks into his (his..? hers..? such a confusion) room, she hasn’t moved a bit. She’s fidgeting with her fingers when he halts in his step. The warm room light falls onto her hunched figure and shadows the tired features. She doesn’t face him nor try to acknowledge his presence, but he knows the tension followed into the room the moment he walked in. Her shoulders carry tautness, and he himself has jitters all of a sudden.
He yearns to see her eyes, but there’s dread of what he would see in them and it’s kind of crushing. Hence, Tom doesn’t walk closer nor sit on the bed next to her. He keeps his distance in hopes of seeing her loosen the tension.
“How are you feeling?” He asks and he genuinely means it. But to be fair, he doesn’t expect to be answered and he is not wrong. After a few moments, Tom continues. “I asked Maliza to bring some of your clothes here, so you could have something to change into. It’s not much, but we can always-”
“I want to go home.” She whispers out of a sudden. She doesn’t mean to interrupt, but his words are suffocating her. The girl never lets her eyes wander anywhere but the soft carpet and when she does look at him, she hugs herself, rubbing in a soothing motion her upper arm, because it feels like she’s sitting in the hot seat. Y/N blurts a desperate plea, but it’s despairing not for nothing.
What is her home, by any means?
She doesn’t want her clothes here, she doesn’t want Tom to go out and buy her some because it isn’t much. Y/N doesn’t want any of it and it just makes her sick. She wants to sleep in her own bed, in her own room and in her… in her and Matthew’s home. 
She just wants to go home. 
But this time, she is the one who’s met with silence.
it was a struggle to force myself to come back to this fic (it took months), even if i had some chapters planned in advance. it’s also a struggle to read my own works; there always seem to be flaws 
nevertheless, i hope you enjoyed 
[i’m not sure whether You still want to be tagged here, so lemme know if You want me to cross you out]
tags: @thomaslefteyebrow @lxvrgirl @jewelrybean25 @vip-access @tomhiho @revrse​ @that-slutty-bitch @supernatural3002 
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