#mo tao cu š'
prastevnik · 9 months
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I'd like you to know the extent of my hatred towards the final discussion between wwx and nhs. *Screams* Thank you.
wwx: But do you know what is the most important rule of Lan clan?
nhs: Idk, idk, Wei-Xiong, tell me.
wwx: Do not fraternize with evil.
*fake laugh*fake laugh*fake laugh*
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hidden-but · 1 year
při příležitosti toho, že dneska jak české, tak anglické noviny píšou o nepřítomnosti čínského ministra zahraničí, jsem se vrátila k zábavné hře Jak by jména postav z Mo Dao Zu Shi Muo tao cu š' vypadaly v české transkipci čínštiny:
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(původní grafika zde, automatická transkripce tady, tabulka výslovnosti tady, o čínském jazyce vím kulové, jenom prokrastinuju u kafe)
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prastevnik · 9 months
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When you are dead, but your bro has a scratch on his knee.
Nie Huaisang is so pathetic and embarrassing I really like him.
I've seen many fanarts with NMJ carrying NHS with scratched knee on his back. I don't know why this depiction is so popular, but if this scene is the reason behind it, it is truly hilarious and sweet.
UPD: Found a great meme.
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prastevnik · 4 months
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Meow btw. If you even care. (mysteriously walks into the distance)
A terrible story deserves a terrible ending. I was never sadder seeing a character mature. I just wish for everyone to stop killing each other and go growing cabbage or something.
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prastevnik · 3 months
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Ah yes, my favorite scene dedicated specifically to the main heroes bullying Nie Huaisang, the failure of a clan leader. A person making a laughingstock out of himself to save his own life. And this rough interrogation was followed by one of the most beautiful moments in the entire series and I love it.
Also I was waiting too long for drawing adult Nie Huaisang drowning in his oversized robes, so it's finally here.
Also the detail with him permanently sweating during these episodes is kinda funny.
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prastevnik · 7 months
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Looney tunes/Ну, погоди! music starts playing in the background Honestly I am sorry. That's just how it played in my head. After watching The Untamed my friend made me read the original novel. Currently I am in half of the book. There are some weird not okay scenes, on the other hand there are also many strangely goofy parts which keep me intrigued.
Also, novel Nie Mingjue is a twink? And even Wen fricking Ruohan is a twink? What the hell? Too many twinks in the book
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prastevnik · 7 months
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Ah, this guy was so annoying
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prastevnik · 1 month
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I'd like to point out this highly relatable Nie Huaisang moment from ep 8 (uh damn it, it was scaled down for the dashboard. I am afraid I will have to ask you to click on it.
Also I feel like I am gradually loosing ability to write in english. I forgot how to use all those strange english tenses.)
Hrdinové se vypravili na klišé dobrodružnou výpravu, aby posbírali všechny kameny moci dřív, než se dostanou do spárů zlotřilého klanu Wen. Při svém hledání však narazili na nepřekonatelné překážky, kterými jsou okamžitá ztráta odhodlání, hrozná komunikace a rodiče, kteří se po nich již shánějí. Hrdinská výprava kvintánů končí jako většina zájmových skupinových projektů a klan Wen mezitím posbírá kameny moci a vybuduje si armádu nemrtvých. Dobrá práce, týme.
Kraťoučký a nehorázně zbytečný vedlejší příběh. Byly tam ale roztomilé interakce.
Také je mi zde Nie Chuaj-sang nehorázně sympatický. Jde s kamarády na procházku, ale pak netrefí zpátky a potřebuje, aby ho nasměrovali na nejbližší tramvaj. Tímto se omlouvám všem starým přátelům ze školy.
,,Nechcete se mrknout k nám do Nečistého kraje? Je tam krásně. Máme sušenky. (prosím, nenechávejte mě uprostřed pustin)"
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prastevnik · 9 months
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Wei Wuxian with bunch of notes on name meanings and stuff around him. It's actually fascinating.
(and Nie Huaisang) (UPD: like half of the notes are wrong)
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