#mo salah one shot
mchlgayser · 1 year
Please can we have a Mo Salah/Marco Asensio fic? Reader had a one night stand with Marco back in 2019 but only them two know and she’s now seeing Mo and the relationship is so pure but he sees the DMs Marco has sent since (she’s not interested anymore) and even though he trusts her, Mo gets jealous and takes his frustrations out on Marco in the LIV/RMA match. thank you
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PRESENT TIME: : mohamed salah x female!reader
author's note: hello dear! I will do as you ask but I'm afraid I can't do the 'one-night stand' part with Marco and instead I'll change it to past relationship with each other. This is due to Mo's religion as a muslim. I'm sorry if this upset but I'll try my best to fulfill the other parts. This fiction is so out of the reality, like some I just add as to what I like it might not happened in rl too but anw thank u xx
contents warning: a fight almost broke off at the field
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'Love you can hit the shower now, it's free!' Your husband said, going through his drawer to find clothes and some sort, you hum putting the phone back on the table and walk away-- But you stopped double checking to make sure that it was locked before you left to shower.
Salah stopped his movement the moment you lock the bathroom door and went through your phone, it was locked and the face is denied his so he calls for your three-year-old daughter, Habiba
'Can you come here for a moment darling?' She steps in and he put the phone right on her face and the phone unlocked 'Thank, now go back and watch your cartoon show..' He scrolls through your phone hoping he could find something, anything but to no avail he finds none.
Not until a notification popped on the screen and he saw @marcoasensio10 has sent you a message.
He clicks on it and it loads on an Instagram message, it was just one text from you but partially Marco.
He scroll further up until he can't, it started with;
@marcoasensio10: hey, it's me Marco. (16 May 2019)
@marcoasensio10: can we talk?? Please.... (17 May 2019)
@marcoasensio10: I miss the time when we used to date (27 Sep 2020)
@marcoasensio10: I heard you got married.. Congrats! (28 Sep 2020)
@marcoasensio10: How're you now? Good? Can I say that I still miss you?? (3 Oct 2020
And now there's finally one from you
@yourusername: I'm not interested Marco, I got a husband now, a married woman. You should stop messaging me like this. It's not appropriate. Please stop texting me or I'm blocking you (4 Oct 2020)
@marcoasensio10: Just checking up I guess? Well then see you (4 Oct 2020)
Time jumps to this year and he suddenly texting you again.
@marcoasensio10: I miss you y/n, dearly. Come back to me so we can fix our problem (Today at 08:34)
Salah was annoyed, not at you obviously, he trusted you with all his soul and heart and based on the text you haven't paid attention much to him either but he can't ignore the fact that he's jealous, jealous of the fact that somebody is loving his wife right now, his haven. He was frustrated with the fact that a guy of your past hadn't gotten past you.
When he heard the shower tap closing, he rapidly wears his clothes and locked the phone pretending like he wants to get out of the room by the time you got out 'Where are you heading to? You questioned, towel on top of your head as you dried it clean 'Just checking up on Habiba..' He mentioned sending a wink your way and left.
He was thinking of a plan, a plan to get revenge that won't seem to prominent in your eyes at the public's. He then remembered about his upcoming match against Real Madrid.
Today is the match, Mo had invited you over to see him play, you agreed seeing nothing's wrong with it and leave with your daughter, Habiba to the stadium.
You are now sitting on the v.i.p benchers, waiting for the game to start as fans continue cheering for both sides, you smile at Habiba as her hands got ahold of the rail, 'Are you excited baby?' She nods jumping up and down
'Papa!' She squealed pointing to the big screen, you look up seeing the camera are now focusing on him but it immediately switched to his other teammates, Habiba sulk pointing to the screen once again 'Papa!' She yelled, and you chuckle at her sulky demeanor 'There! There's papa Biba!' You exclaimed pointing down to the field and she screeched seeing her father.
The first half ended with Real Madrid leading 1-0, you had started to grew anxious buy it was the opposite for Habiba, she was happily playing with her tablet. You could see that Mo was down but it's not the only thing that caught you, it's including Marco waving over at you with a smile right in front of your husband.
You looked away from him looking down on Habiba and pretending like you catching up on her instead, Mo on the other hand could not take any longer. He push Marco hard he almost stumbles, Mo started going at him yelling words you could not make out, you was worried, so worried for your husband as players from both teams now started to separated the two apart.
It was then Mo got two yellow card with one red card for starting a fight, you was shocked picking up Habiba out of instinct and ran inside the locker room where players assemble.
You immediately spotted your husband running towards his direction and gave him a tight reassuring hug. 'It's okay.'
'It's not okay, he was picking on you. Don't say that it was okay.' He admitted, hands running through your head with a heavy sigh 'You knew?' He hums hugging you even tighter 'But I'm not mad at you, he was wrong for what he did. I'm okay now, I put him in his place.'
'What place?' A small voice cooed, you both look down seeing Habiba looking up to both of you with big doe eyed, you share a look between Mo and her before you let a small laugh 'Nothing babe!'
Mo continued watching the game with you inside the locker room and left shortly after the game ended, all said was 'I'm already excited to leave and spend time with you and Biba.'
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author's note II: icl, I'm not happy with the result, it was shitty, is all I can speak up but at least I get to update 💀💀 but I think I did my best tbh, hope you can feel the same anon and readers <3 xx
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hornyramostan · 10 months
I wanted to add a lil bit of drama in this ask🤣 The reader going to the Champions league final for his beloved Liverpool since she was a hard Red fan and for her bf Sergio, everything was ok until Sergio did the infamous injury to Salah, her favorite player of the team. OMG Sergio was in BIG trouble coming home 💀
Why?; Sergio Ramos
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May 28. Champions League final. These matches were always intense, because, In almost all of them, your boyfriend was on the field. But this, this was a different match. Your team, Liverpool, and your boyfriend's team, Real Madrid, were going to play a match that would define the Champions League winner this year.
Your boyfriend knew that you supported Liverpool, and that your favourite player was Salah. He knew it.
You obviously didn't expect that he would loose in aim for liverpool to win and you to be happy, but you didn't think he was going to do what he did either.
The first minutes of the match were fine. It was very competitive but it was something to expect, after all it was an UCL final. But at minute 25, your boyfriend runned to stop Salah, that it is worth clarifying, he was unstoppable. He grabbed it by the shoulder and you could see by the face the screen was showing, that Salah felt something was wrong. He injured your favourite player.
Of course Mohammed had to get out of the pitch, with tears on his face. You could only hear the whistles and insults that were obviously directed at Sergio. You thought about participating in them but you only decided to withdraw from the stands and enter the box.
The match endend. Real Madrid won. You were furious. You knew that it he didn't break him, Liverpool would won the match. He was scared of him. And now, he would be scared of you. Because he knew how much you loved the team and Moh.
You went to the house the both of you shared and decided to take a bath in order to reassure you. But you where feeling exactly the same. Furious. You turned on the TV just to see the RM team celebrating and yours crying. You checked your phone and you got ten missed calls from Sergio, that of course, you wouldn't respond. You were tired so you decided to go to bed and wait for him to get back home.
Hours passed when you felt the bed sinking, then you knew it was him. You turned around to face him. He approached you to kiss you but all he received was a slap "What?" god his face was so funny, you wanted to laugh but it was going to ruin the seriousness of the moment. "how could you Sergio? how could you break Salah knowing he is my favourite player? how?" you told him, sitting up on the bed. "my love, I swear it wasn't on purpose, but you have to understand me, we're playing a UCL final, I can't go and ask for permission to foul" "yes but it wasn't necessary, you were afraid of him, you knew he was unstoppable" "what?" "admit it Sergio" "admit what y/n" it was getting serious. The tone of voice of both had increased. "Admit that you were afraid of him, of how good he is in the field, on how he could do things that you don't" you were screaming "sorry? now I'M the bad guy? y/n you clearly don't know how a champions league final has to be played" He said getting out of bed to go to the kitchen "Believe me, Sergio Ramos, I know how to play a Champions League final, because I was with you in all the ones you played, I didn't miss a single one, and I never stopped encouraging you, you knew who my favorite player was and I'm not saying that you had to let Liverpool win, no, I wanted you not to leave him without playing a final and maybe the World Cup, I don't know if I asked for a lot, I see that I did" "y/n listen I didn't..." "shut up Sergio" you cutted him off "I don't want to hear about your excuses, I just want to get some sleep and pray for Salah to be better"
The next morning the two of you talked about that in a more disciplined way, and you both led to the conclusion that the best (and the only) thing to do was that your bf sended Salah a text apologizing, and then publishing a video to all the world to see that he was regretful. You obviously knew he didn't, but it was enough for you that Salah and the world recieve the message.
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egyptiankingg · 1 year
Second chances
Sergio Ramos & Mo Salah
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summary: After the controversial incident in the 2018 Champions League final between Sergio Ramos and Mo Salah, Ramos is plagued by guilt over what happened. He reaches out to Salah's agent to apologize, but it doesn't feel like enough. In a bold move, Ramos decides to join Liverpool, Salah's team, to prove to Salah and the world that he is truly sorry. Klopp is receptive to the idea and welcomes Ramos to the team. Ramos and Salah form a strong partnership on the pitch, and Liverpool wins game after game. As the season comes to a close, Ramos and Salah lift the Premier League trophy together, and Ramos feels a sense of redemption and gratitude towards his teammate. The fic explores themes of forgiveness, second chances, and the power of admitting one's mistakes.
Sergio Ramos sat alone in his Madrid apartment, scrolling through Mo Salah's Instagram feed. As he looked at the Liverpool star's photos, he felt a pang of guilt wash over him.
He had never been one to apologize easily, but he knew he had to make things right with Salah. The incident in the Champions League final had been a mistake, a moment of rashness that had cost Salah his chance to play in the biggest game of his career.
Ramos had already reached out to Salah's agent and apologised, but it didn't feel like enough. He knew he had to do something more, something that would show Salah just how sorry he was.
And then he had an idea.
He would join Liverpool.
Ramos knew it was a drastic move, but he felt it was necessary. He wanted to prove to Salah and the rest of the world that he was truly sorry for what had happened. And what better way to do that than to play alongside Salah on the same team?
The next day, Ramos made a call to Liverpool's manager, Jurgen Klopp. He explained his situation and his desire to join the team, and to his surprise, Klopp was receptive to the idea.
Within a week, Ramos was on a flight to Liverpool. He arrived at the club's training ground, ready to begin a new chapter in his career.
As he walked onto the field for his first training session, he saw Salah in the distance, shooting at the goal. Ramos felt a lump rising in his throat as he approached the Egyptian striker.
"Mo, I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for what happened in the final," Ramos said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know I messed up, and I want to make it right. That's why I'm here."
Salah looked up at him, surprised. He had never expected Ramos to go to such lengths to apologize.
"It's okay, Sergio," Salah said, a small smile forming on his face. "I appreciate the gesture. Let's move on and focus on playing together."
And that's exactly what they did. Ramos and Salah quickly formed a formidable partnership on the pitch, helping Liverpool to win game after game. The fans welcomed Ramos with open arms, impressed by his willingness to admit his mistakes and make amends.
As the season came to a close, Ramos and Salah lifted the Premier League trophy together, arms around each other's shoulders. It was a moment of redemption for Ramos, a chance to show that he had learned from his mistakes and that he was capable of putting his ego aside for the good of the team.
As the celebrations died down, Ramos looked over at Salah, a sense of gratitude washing over him. He knew that without Salah's forgiveness and willingness to play alongside him, he wouldn't have had this opportunity to make things right.
"Thank you, Mo," Ramos said, his voice filled with emotion. "You gave me a second chance, and I'll never forget it."
Salah smiled back at him, the two of them sharing a moment of mutual respect and admiration.
It had been a long road to get to this point, but for Ramos, it was all worth it. He had learned that sometimes, the hardest thing to do was to admit your mistakes and make amends. But when you did, the rewards were immeasurable.
And as he looked out over the cheering crowd, he knew that he had truly found his place in Liverpool. A place where he could be himself, make a difference on the pitch, and, most importantly, be part of a team that was more than just a group of players.
hey I hope you guys all enjoyed this!! I might be doing a mamma mia series based on footballers ofc !
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lfc-unbelievables · 6 months
Hello. Every goal last night was so good.
1. What is Quansah doin there. Everyone is in the attacking half. If he misses that challenge they would have broken 2 on 1 and both west ham players were quite wide from virg and Ali was out of his box. But Quansah just calmly wins the ball and passes to Dom who shoots so well.
2. Curtis and Darwin. Fantastic link up play. The weight of Darwin’s pass. The run from Curtis. He checks the box, sees no one, so he slides the ball perfectly through the keeper’s legs and into the goal from a tight angle. Made it look easy.
3. Ibou doing a tribute to Joel. The way he loses possession for 2 seconds then immediately wins it back. Cody’s movement to drift into center and fire. Again great technique on the shot.
We pause this Liverpool love fest to also acknowledge that Bowen did really well to get himself that goal. Quansah might have done better with experience but Bowen did very well to get inside and that was a quality finish
4. What can we say. Winning posession, Trent hits a first time pinpoint pass. Mo Salah. Running down the wing. Finishing from that position. The composure.
5. Curtis just runs half the field on his own. Unbelievable.
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stormoflina · 8 months
Not a question. It's my genuine belief. You don't have to reply me if you don't feel like it. that Salah doesn't like Szobi and has some jealousy or something like that. He doesn't like the potential of that Szobi will be the face of Liverpool soon. He doesn't like to be overtaken and dethroned by Szobi but he feels like it's inevitable. I could sense it strongly since day two or three and he still couldn't prove me wrong. Sorry I want to tell it to someone so badly but don't know who to tell. So here I am as an anon. If you don't want to show my msg but still want to reply it then just write a post and refer me as conspiracy anon 😂😂
Okay, haha, get ready for a whole essay.
So, in some way, I can see why you are on the opinion you are, but not gonna lie, I like both Dominik and Mo as players and inviduals both, so it's hard for me to take a stand on this.
I do agree that these two, as of now, didn't not exactly found the chemistry with each other on the pitch. Or not entirely, at least. I have some criticism of Dominik being selfish with taking a few shots in the last game, which I found really harsh considering 1. it was clearly Klopp's instruction, as Dominik has one of the best shooting techniques, 2. sometimes he is still left out from clear chances as well, while so far he played very selflessly.
The thing about Mo, if there is any criticism he got in the recent years, it's not passing enough to his teammates. It happened with Lucho, it was brought up last year as well sometimes with Darwin, now I have seen it with in the case of Dominik. All bias aside, I do think it's valid criticism. Mo is a fantastic player, with a huge legacy, but even I noticed how usually he would rather take risky chances than pass the ball, for example this season, to Dominik.
Should be noted that Dominik is the new guy tho. He has been in LFC, for like three months, while Salah is, and has been for a while, the best and most accomplished, most popular player in LFC. He is very hard-working, competitive, he still wants to be the best, do his best. Especially how basically everybody is convienced it's his last season, I can totally understand how he is eager to break his own records, uphold his legacy and again, just be the world class player he is. Just like Dominik is eager to prove himself, start to build up his own legacy as well.
Then there is Dominik, who let's be honest, got into the club in July, played in like 10 matches and already has most of our fans calling him Stevie G come again. Also, I think their personalities are just far different. Mo appears to be more humble, laid back (while obviously still having that hunger in him), while Dominik just gives off this so unashamed confident vibe about himself.
I wouldn't say he is jealous of him. Honestly, I think Mo, so far, has nothing to be jealous of Dominik. But the point about him having to accept that he will leave Liverpool one day and not compete at the highest level, yeah I can see that.
So yeah, I don't think they will be best friends any time soon, but doubt there is any malicious intent other than natural competiviness of two great players. Domi only been here for a few months, it's just easy to forgot about it, because he has been so great, but it's only natural that to crave out his place in team would take time, especially with players such as Mo.
However, I will say this: the media is clearly not helping these two bond. I have noticed how they keep asking Dominik about Mo, sometimes very weird stuff, as if they almost want to create something out of nothing. Just this last Saturday, Dominik got asked basically if he thought Mo had a poor game. He handled it very well, but if they keep this up it's only time they found something to feed these agenda lol.
But then again, we have moments like these, which are just sweet:
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oscpaistry · 1 year
Made this, you better enjoy.
It was a hot summer day in Liverpool, and the city was buzzing with excitement. The previous season had been a historic one for the local football team, Liverpool FC, as they had won both the Champions League and the Premier League title in the same year. But now, they were about to embark on a new season, with the hopes of repeating their success.
At the heart of Liverpool's success was their star player, Mohamed Salah. The Egyptian forward had been in scintillating form the previous season, scoring crucial goals in both competitions. His pace, skill, and clinical finishing had made him one of the most feared players in world football.
As the team prepared for their first game of the new season, there was a buzz of excitement around the stadium. But there was also a sense of nostalgia in the air, as fans remembered the heroics of the previous season. Among the fans was Sadio Mane, a former Liverpool player who had left the club the previous season.
Mane had been an integral part of the Liverpool team that had won the Champions League and Premier League double, but he had decided to leave the club for a new challenge. However, as he watched the team warming up on the pitch, he felt a pang of regret. He missed Liverpool and the special bond he had with his former teammates, especially Mo Salah.
As the game got underway, Liverpool looked sharp and focused. They dominated possession and created numerous chances, but the opposition goalkeeper was in inspired form, keeping them at bay. However, just before half-time, Salah picked up the ball on the edge of the box and unleashed a thunderbolt of a shot that flew into the top corner of the net.
The stadium erupted as the Liverpool fans celebrated the goal. But none were more excited than Mane, who had jumped out of his seat and was now making his way down to the pitch. As Salah celebrated his goal with his teammates, he suddenly saw Mane running towards him, arms outstretched.
Salah grinned as he saw his former teammate, and the two players hugged each other tightly. Mane whispered in Salah's ear, "I miss you, brother", and Salah replied, "I miss you too, Sadio". The two players held each other for a few moments, before sharing a kiss on the cheek.
The Liverpool fans were thrilled to see Mane back at the club, and the team looked even stronger with him in the side. With Salah and Mane leading the attack, Liverpool looked unstoppable, and they went on to win both the Champions League.
This is actually so good. I miss Mané so much. But im happy for him that he found a new club!❤️ But Mané will always be a proud red. And hes always accepted here in liverpool fc❤️
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birdzflycom · 1 year
Luton Town's Epic Triumph: Ascending to Premier League Glory with Play-off Final Victory
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Img Source: https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/230527151735-07-luton-coventry-play-off-0527.jpg Luton Town Achieves Astonishing Ascension to Premier League with Victory over Coventry City. In a stunning turn of events, Luton Town has accomplished one of the most remarkable rises in the annals of English football. Their triumph over Coventry City in the Championship play-off final, decided by a nail-biting penalty shootout, secures their position in the esteemed Premier League for the forthcoming season. The match commenced with a disconcerting incident for Luton, as their esteemed defender, Tom Lockyer, was forced off the field on a stretcher after inexplicably collapsing despite having no contact with any opponent. Thankfully, the club later provided reassurance that he was conscious and had been transported to the hospital for evaluation. Luton's Jordan Clark broke the deadlock with a resounding finish from a tight angle just 23 minutes into the game, asserting their dominance in the first half. Nevertheless, Coventry exhibited a resurgent display in the second half and duly earned an equalizer, courtesy of Gustavo Hamer's unerring strike into the bottom corner. With the scores level at the end of regulation time, the match entered extra time, and the palpable tension reverberated throughout a packed Wembley Stadium. As both teams visibly fatigued during the grueling extra period, opportunities became scarce, evoking a growing anticipation that the final outcome would be determined by the cruel fate of a penalty shootout. Luton's Joe Taylor momentarily believed he had secured the winning goal with a strike five minutes from time, benefiting from Jonathan Panzo's error. However, his elation was abruptly extinguished as the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) ruled his effort out for a handball. The shootout commenced, and the first 11 penalties were executed with exemplary precision, showcasing skill and nerve. Alas, Coventry's Fankaty Dabo became the unfortunate 12th player to step up, only to send his shot sailing over the crossbar, much to the delight of the resplendent Luton Town orange-clad half of Wembley Stadium. This jubilant moment marked Luton's return to the summit of English football after a prolonged absence of 31 years. From the depths of non-league football to the prestigious Premier League, Luton's extraordinary odyssey has spanned a mere decade. Merely a decade ago, they toiled in the fifth tier of English football, enduring a torrid two-decade period marred by five relegations, three administrations, and a harrowing total of 40 points worth of deductions. Now, a decade removed from their darkest moments, Luton Town is poised to grace one of the grandest stages in global football. As one of the founding members of the Premier League in 1992, Luton had competed in the top-flight division the preceding season, subsequently casting their vote in favor of the league's establishment, only to be relegated the season prior to its inception. Deloitte's Sports Business Group estimates that the club will receive a staggering $211 million (£170 million) over the next three seasons, a sum that could escalate to $360 million (£290 million) should the club succeed in avoiding relegation in their maiden campaign. Kenilworth Road, Luton's cherished stadium, boasts a capacity slightly surpassing 10,000 spectators and is arguably one of the most distinctive grounds in English football. The entrance to the Oak Stand is seamlessly integrated into a row of neighboring houses, rendering it a remarkable spectacle to witness the likes of Mo Salah and Erling Haaland grace its hallowed turf in the upcoming season. Luton reportedly faces an expenditure of approximately $14.8 million to enhance one of its stands to meet the safety requirements mandated by the Premier League. Nevertheless, given the monumental financial windfall impending as a result of their promotion, this outlay now appears minuscule. Pelly Ruddock Mpanzu, Luton's versatile midfielder, has remained steadfastly loyal to the club throughout their arduous journey and has now etched his name in English football history as the first player to transition from non-league to the Premier League with the same club. Radiant with joy, Ruddock expressed his sentiments to Sky Sports after the game, proclaiming, "I feel like I've completed football, man. It's been a journey. We've weathered the highs and lows, but you have to maintain faith in yourself, and here I am, man. I'm a Premier League player...These boys and the fans—I told you we would do it—and there's bound to be an exuberant celebration throughout the summer in Luton." Read the full article
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90363462 · 2 years
10. “Jack,” Hardy
Country music has a rich history of drinking songs, from breezy celebrations (Toby Keith’s “Red Solo Cup”) to despondent confessionals (Merle Haggard’s “Misery and Gin”). “Jack,” a new single from the fast-rising country star Hardy, sits somewhere in the middle, and provides several compelling twists on the well-explored subgenre. 
First, it’s written from the perspective of the bottle itself, as it tries to win over a new convert. Second, its metal influences lend it a bracing forcefulness akin to slamming an empty shot glass onto a wooden bar. Third, it engages in none of the blind devotion, self-pity, or moralizing that plagues many drinking songs, instead telling a straightforward and true story about both the heroic and demonic aspects wrought forth by liquid courage. Hardy isn’t afraid to find the gray within difficult topics—see his murder ballad “Wait In the Truck”—and “Jack” is a prime example of his developing craftsmanship.—Andrew R. Chow
9. “Kind of Girl,” MUNA
Though the indie pop group MUNA scored plenty of buzz this year for their Phoebe Bridgers collaboration, the queer love anthem “Silk Chiffon,” it’s their plaintive rumination on self-love, “Kind of Girl,” that’s the glittering crown jewel of their self-titled third studio album. Fresh off a new deal with Bridgers’ Saddest Factory Records after an unceremonious break with RCA, the trio’s hope for the future shines bright on the song, an acoustic track rippling with emotion that evokes a heartfelt country ballad. 
Teeming with tender vulnerability and radical kindness, the song is an earnest ode to the power of love, both given and received over the course of a lifetime, where change is not only inevitable but necessary. Amidst growing pains, the song is a missive to be gentle with everyone, especially ourselves: “Yeah, I like telling stories/ But I don’t have to write them in ink/ I could still change the end/ at least I’m the kind of girl who thinks I can.”—Cady Lang
Read more: The Best Songs of 2022 So Far
8. “Unholy,” Sam Smith ft. Kim Petras
Sam Smith and Kim Petras both scored their first no. 1 hits on the Billboard Hot 100 with “Unholy,” a lusty, sinuous song about the forbidden fruit of a married man’s illicit affair. Smith and Petras’ history-making feat at the top of the charts (they’re the first openly nonbinary and trans artists to nab the peak spot) has also translated to TikTok, where the certifiably provocative chorus (“Mummy don’t know daddy’s getting hot/ At the body shop, doing something unholy/ He lucky, lucky”) has become a viral soundbite. The song’s commercial success is absolutely well-deserved—anchored by a haunting Arabic scale progression and a throbbing bass, the synth-heavy track is a little dark, a little campy, and 100% a very good time, whether you’re sweating it out on a dance floor or giving it a casual listen.—C.L.
7. “Finesse,” Pheelz ft. BNXN
There’s a reason “Finesse” became a TikTok sensation in February: its chorus is one of the catchiest of the year, an unfiltered ray of sunshine. Pheelz, a sought-after Nigerian producer who has worked with Afrobeats superstars like Olamide and Tiwa Savage, trades effortlessly cool verses with the rising singer BNXN. And the song isn’t played out yet: expect to hear it plenty during the World Cup, as the song made the FIFA 23 soundtrack and name-drops the footballers Joseph Yobo, Daniel Owefin Amokachi, and Mo Salah.—A.R.C. 
6. “ChevyS10,” Sudan Archives
The main hook of Sudan Archive’s “ChevyS10” doesn’t drop until three minutes and forty-five seconds into the song. Up to that point, a whole lot has happened: a journey from the Bronx to the ‘burbs; some pointed class commentary; autotuned harmonic fireworks; a little tri-state drag racing. But not until the hook hits does the song really kick into high gear, and become an avant-garde dance-pop treatise for the ages. As Sudan Archives—real name Brittney Denise Parks—chants the deceptively simple refrain (“cruising in a Chevy S-10”), the musical walls start to move around her: there’s a springy bass line, then a vicious kick drum made only for the sweatiest of nightclubs, then a cranking violin. It’s a living, breathing, flow state; a passage of sweet, unhinged release.—A.R.C. 
5. “Bad Habit,” Steve Lacy
Steve Lacy’s quiet ascent to the top of the charts with “Bad Habit” this year evoked the same feelings that the song did: pure, euphoric joy. The track, a single from his second studio album, the aptly named Gemini Rights, is a soulful, mellow melange of wistful longing, playful flirtation, and straight-up vibes. While the lyrics sound like cheeky ad-libs, tailor-made for TikTok soundbites, Lacy’s songwriting packs a deeply emotional impact, musing on both yearning (“I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me”) and boyish desire (“Can I bite your tongue like my bad habit?/ Would you mind if I made a pass at it?”). Though the song is lo-fi easy listening at its best, don’t be surprised if it gets at your feelings with each listen.—C.L.
4. “FNF,” Glorilla
On the streets, the undeniable song of the summer was “F.N.F (Let’s Go)”—and for good reason. The track, a breakout single from Memphis rapper Glorilla and producer Hitkidd, is a boisterous and thrilling crunk anthem for single ladies everywhere and a sparkling addition to the Southern rap canon. Over a menacing beat, Glorilla, a former church girl (she was born Gloria Hallelujah Woods) turned gangsta rap darling, offers a bombastic and unabashed celebration of the newly single life, her husky voice reaching a barking timbre when she talks about her newfound liberation. 
While it’s no doubt a breakup song, “FNF” is also an ode to female friendship; indeed, the song’s most exhilarating moments come when Glorilla gives a shoutout to her girls during a spelling lesson in the song’s now-TikTok viral hook: “I’m F-R-E-E, f-ck n-gga free/ That mean I ain’t gotta worry ’bout no f-ck n-gga cheating/ And I’m S-I-N-G-L-E again/ Outside hanging out the window with my ratchet-ass friends.”—C.L.
Read more: The 10 Best Podcasts of 2022
3. “Part of the Band,” the 1975
“Part of the Band,” the gorgeous, lush lead single from the 1975’s Being Funny in a Foreign Language, marks the band’s return to music following 2020’s Notes on a Conditional Form. Frontman Matty Healy sings this self-aware, stream-of-consciousness track with the help of some background vocals from producer Jack Antonoff. The song features a sweeping string section and Healy’s charming vocals, which propel the listener forward even if the lyrics don’t always make sense. Even Healy admitted he barely knows what it means: “As a narrative, I don’t know what the song is about,” he told Apple Music. “It was just this belief that I could talk, and that was OK, and it made sense, and I didn’t have to qualify it that much.” Whatever it means, it sounds great.—Moises Mendez II 
2. “Delincuente,” Tokischa
While the thundering beat and the raunchy lyrics are enough to get your heart racing, the real star of “Delincuente” is the unabashed and fully assured confidence of Tokischa, the Dominican dembow artist who’s been making waves as a queer, sex-positive provocateur disrupting her genre, one hit at a time, respectability politics be damned. The track, which also prominently features Anuel AA and Ñengo Flow, is filled with racy and at times ludicrous double entendres which create an intoxicating romp, driven in turn by a bouncing and infectious rhythm. But it’s Tokischa’s irrepressible, irresistible energy and powerful, rock-influenced vocals that make the song a standout, the liberated anthem of an artist who answers to no one but herself and her pleasure.—C.L.
1. “Titi Me Pregunto,” Bad Bunny
For the four years I’ve been writing TIME’s year-end music roundups, my colleagues and I have enforced a self-imposed rule to never feature the same artist in both the song and album categories. To do so felt narrow-minded and redundant, and we felt it important to spread the love around with the few slots we have. 
But we had to break tradition for Bad Bunny, who lands on the top of both our albums and songs lists. Un Verano Sin Ti is an unimpeachable collection top to bottom, and “Titi Me Pregunto” is its crown jewel: a speaker-rattling, tightly-coiled whoop-ass can of boisterous exuberance. Bad Bunny wields his malleable, magnificent voice in all of its forms, through dextrous rapidfire verses and sludgy singalongs; he makes even his gasps for breath sound sexy. The song’s aesthetics alone pushed it toward complete cultural domination. It hit the top 10 in 13 countries, and when I went to see a concert by the DJ Sofia Kourtesis, all she wanted to do, instead of play her own songs, was sing “Titi Me Pregunto.”
But like all great songs, “Titi Me Pregunto” is much more than its sheer sonic brilliance. While the first two verses show Bad Bunnyplaying the carefree, chauvinist playboy, he eventually confesses that it’s all a shield for his emotional fragility. “I’d like to fall in love but I can’t… I don’t even trust myself,” he sings despondently. “I don’t want to be like that anymore.” Just another day in the office for the biggest pop star in the world—A.R.C.
Correction, Nov. 22
The original version of this story misstated the name of a Hardy song. It is “Wait in the Truck,” not “Wait in the Car.”
Write to Cady Lang at [email protected] and Moises Mendez II at [email protected].
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Pundit ideas Liverpool star to have a discipline day towards Rangers in UCL conflict
Chris Sutton has tipped Mo Salah to have a ‘discipline day’ when Liverpool host Rangers within the Champions League tomorrow. The Reds have struggled to carry out to the extent many anticipate from them this season and have received simply two of their opening seven Premier League video games. When it comes to Europe’s premier competitors, Napoli thrashed the Anfield outfit 4-1 earlier than Jurgen Klopp’s aspect earned a 2-1 victory towards Ajax. Regardless of Liverpool being out of shape in the intervening time, Sutton continues to be anticipating the Glasgow-based outfit to wrestle on Merseyside. He mentioned on 5 Reside Sport’s Monday Night time Membership (by way of the Every day Report): “It’s going to be actually troublesome. They’d a robust efficiency on the weekend. Ryan Kent returning to Liverpool, he’s been signing for Rangers however doesn’t get sufficient targets and assists for a participant of his high quality. “They misplaced 4 to Ajax, three at house to Napoli, however this isn’t such a frightening prospect as Liverpool in earlier seasons. They’ve obtained to really feel that they usually’ve principally obtained nothing to lose going to Anfield. No person expects them to get a outcome. READ MORE: Carragher discusses type of Liverpool star who’s ‘miles off the tempo’ as Reds’ sluggish begin to the marketing campaign continues “Kent is the danger-man. They’ve obtained points on the again, Ben Davies, a former Liverpool participant, performed on the weekend alongside Connor Goldson, however I fear about Barisic. “He has nice supply however Mo Salah going up towards him can have a discipline day. However Rangers need to view it as a shot to nothing – go there, play with confidence, and hope to catch Liverpool on a downer. I nonetheless fancy Liverpool to win the sport however Rangers are succesful.” Rangers head into the conflict off the again of a good 4-0 victory away to Hearts on the weekend. They’ve struggled of their opening two Champions League group stage video games however they are going to fancy their possibilities of taking one thing from the sport with the way in which Liverpool have been performing not too long ago. Ex-Pink Ryan Kent can even be excited by the prospect to impress upon his return to Anfield. VOTE for Empire of the Kop as Greatest Membership Content material Creator (Premier League) right here: Soccer Content material Awards OR on Twitter with the FCA’s one-click Twitter hyperlink with: I’m voting for @Empireofthekop in @The_FCAs for #BestClubContentCreator (Premier League) Salah hasn’t been at his finest this time period however the Egyptian King will fancy his possibilities of discovering the again of the online towards the Gers. The No. 11 has 4 targets and 4 assists in 10 appearances for the Merseysiders this season (throughout all competitions) and located the again of the online throughout the 2-1 defeat of Ajax. Let’s hope for a robust exhibiting from the Reds earlier than our troublesome journey to London to face Arsenal on the weekend. #Ep61 of The Empire of the Kop Podcast: Keita in a makeweight deal for Bellingham? Manic October… and extra! Originally published at Sacramento News Journal
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egyptiankingg · 1 year
Bobby stays!
summary: After bobby scores he realises he still loves liverpool and changes his mind about leaving.
It was a beautiful day at Anfield Stadium, where Liverpool were playing against Arsenal. The stadium was packed with passionate fans, all eagerly waiting to see their team play. The match had been intense, with both teams putting up a strong fight.
In the second half, Liverpool's star striker Bobby Firmino scored a stunning goal that sent the crowd into a frenzy. As he celebrated with his teammates, he looked up at the stands and saw all the fans smiling, jumping, and singing his song, "Si senior". It was a moment he would never forget.
After the match, in the changing rooms, Bobby asked Klopp to stay back for a moment. Klopp was curious and excited, wondering what Bobby wanted to say. As the other players left, Bobby took a deep breath and turned to Klopp.
"Boss, I have something to tell you," Bobby said, his voice serious.
Klopp looked at him, concerned. "What is it, Bobby?"
"I want to stay at Liverpool," Bobby said, his eyes shining with determination. "I love this club, I love the fans, and I want to keep playing here for as long as I can."
Klopp's face lit up with joy and relief. "Bobby, that's amazing news! You have no idea how happy I am to hear that."
Klopp's assistant, Pep, who had been waiting outside the door, burst into the room, dancing and whooping with joy. Klopp started crying tears of happiness, and Bobby smiled at the sight of his coach and mentor so overcome with emotion.
It was a moment of pure happiness and celebration, a moment that showed the deep love and loyalty that Bobby, Klopp, and the entire Liverpool team had for each other. As they hugged and laughed and danced, they knew that they were part of something special, something that went beyond just football. They were part of a family, a community, a team that would always stick together, no matter what.
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travellvogue · 5 years
your a photographer at liverpool and t has a crush on you and he other boys make it known to you
ok so basically this was the plot to one of the stories i was writing called ‘Shoot Your Shot’ however i lost inspiration and wrote ‘Meant to Be’ instead, i’ve never posted this and it’s been sitting on my phone for months so basically i thought i’d just post the first chapter here instead, lol enoy xx
“You must be Y/N?!” your greeted by a cheery voice as the women holds out her hand for you to shake, something way too formal for your liking as you reach out to shake it, smiling at her as you nod your head. “Yep! That’s me!” you smile as she returns her own smile, her overly white teeth make an appearance. Looking down to read the lanyard around her neck, the material a deep red, ‘Victoria Hunter’ a rather intimating name. “I’m Victoria, you can call me Vicky sweety, I’m head of digital marketing and design here at Liverpool Football Club” she introduces herself. Woah posh, big words, didn’t realise we were at a job interview, you brain talks to itself, a habit that’s become way too common now that you’ve started living alone, only moving to Liverpool recently for the new job. “So, I’ll give you a little tour and let you meet a few of the players, then we’ll just take it easy, do a few photos.” she’s smiling as you nod, as she throws her poorly dyed blonde hair into a messy bun, guiding you around the training grounds, showing you the changing rooms as you admired everyone’s kits hung up and folded neatly, the endless amounts of football boots everywhere you looked. “And of course, the man himself Jurgen Klopp”, she’s smiling as Jurgen makes a beeline for you, pulling you into a big hug as he welcomes you, a short conversation as he tries to get to know you a bit more, excusing himself as he rushes back off to his office to prepare for when the boys arrive.
Your stood in the hallway with Victoria, camera around your neck as you wait for some of the boys to arrive, fiddling with the buttons slightly as you shift from one leg to another. Something inside you making you nervous, the little voice inside your head running away with itself as you list every bad thing that could possibly happen, tripping over when you go to shake one of their hands, smashing your camera to pieces as you try to get a good angle, pronouncing one of their names wrong... no, stop! Ok, deep breathes.
“This tall giant is Virgil... Virgil Van Dijk” Victoria not-so-subtly whispers to you as you giggle slightly, craning your neck at the height of the man walking in your direction, holding the camera to your face and clicking away, making sure to get some good shots for the Liverpool instagram. “Ooo, and Mo, make sure you get some good shots” she’s nudging you as Mo Salah comes walking through the doors, clearly someone’s got a favourite, Vicky’s smile is wide as Mo gives her a small wave, walking over and holding his hand out to you “nice to meet you” he’s introducing himself as you shake his hand, “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you” your smiling as he nods, taking a mental note of your name. “Ok ok ok, more pictures, get ya camera ready” Christ, anyone would think the queen was arriving. Nope, someone much better, wow, your breath was almost taken away as two young boys walk into the reception, one with a cheesy grin, the other dragging a suitcase along with him, fresh haircut making him look incredible, deep brown eyes and a dimpled smile as he laughs along with his friend, little pokey our ears lifting with his smile. “Make sure you get pics of Ox, the fans love seeing him back in training” your yet again instructed by Victoria, “And Trent, everybody loves Trent”. Who can blame them. You snap a few pictures as you notice Alex walking over to you, “hi darling” he’s smiling as you smile back, eyes noticing the newly dyed hair, slight blonde bits put into the ends, “you the newbie?” he’s asking as you nod with a chuckle, “Trent!! Come introduce yourself” he’s shouting over to his friend as he jogs a little to reach where the two of you are stood, then coming to a stop awkwardly as his eyes study your frame, taking note of the camera around your neck. “Hi” he’s smiling, eyes meeting yours for what seems like a long time as he pulls you into a short hug, “I’m Trent” his little smile makes you want to curl up in a ball and cry, how can someone be that cute, and your about to introduce yourself, but then your voice is cut off.  “Ok, jog along boys, she’s busy” Victoria’s shooing then away as Trent smiles at you “well it was nice to meet you” he’s saying as Victoria practically pushes him away, eyes still locked with yours as he shuffles backwards, then turning and walking away as you watch him. “Helloooo, stop day dreaming” a hand’s waved in front of your face as snap back to reality, continuing with the pictures as the other players arrive.
“What you blushing for?” Alex nudges Trent’s side as he bats him away with his hand, looking to the ground and shaking his head, “nah nothing, not even blushing” Trent’s denying his words as Alex giggles, already knowing the answer to his own question. “New camera girl caught your eye eh?” he’s smirking as Trent pushes him, walking into the changing rooms together to get ready for training, the teasing continuous as Alex lets the whole team know about Trent’s encounter with the new girl, despite it being nothing more then a ‘hello’. The boys bombarding Trent with questions as soon as they watch his face grown evidently redder, “nah, leave us be man! i said hello to her god!” he’s whining as they all wolf whistle. “Even hugged her!” Alex is cheering as the boys jump up and down like children, getting overly excited at something that didn’t even have much significance. “She seems nice alright? Why you acting as if i’m in love with her!?” Trent’s ducking his head as Gomez swings his arm onto his shoulder.
They all make their way out to the pitch, clicking of boots against the concrete as footballs and cones litter the grass, Trent finding himself looking around for the same face he’d been introduced to only 20 minutes ago, and there you were, his chest tightening slightly as he watches you stood in the sun light, same camera around your neck as you laugh along with one of the personal trainers, smile bright as you white teeth become seen under those perfect lips, long hair flowing over your shoulder as a slight breeze tickles it. “Stop staring” Virgil whispers as Trent jumps at the voice, too caught up in admiring your features. “Weren’t staring” he’s making an attempt to defend himself but fails miserably as Virgil pats him on the back with a chuckle. Training continuing as normal as Trent puts maximum effort in, flitting his eyes back to you every so often to make sure your watching him.  “Say cheese” he hears as he looks to his left, and there your stood, camera up to your face as you squint your eye slightly, clicking away as you focus on him, and he’s giving you the cheesiest grin ever, no part of it fake, something so natural about it. Your pulling the camera away from your face as you admire the new snap, making sure to post that to instagram as soon as trainings finished, “cute” you smile, “thanks” he winks as you smile, walking away and taking some group shots as those big brown eyes follow your every move, heart hiccuping every time they meet with your own, “looks like you’ve got an admirer” you put the camera down as you hear a voice ring through your ear, turning to meet Alex’ eyes, same cheeky grin on his face as you shake your head with an embarrassed smile, “don’t know what your on about” you smirk as he chuckles, “not noticed the creep staring at you the whole time” he jokes as he nods his head in Trent’s direction, as you follow to where he motions, and there he sits, knees raised, hands either side of his shoulders as he stares directly at you, a smile growing on your face as he winks at you, “go sit with him, he’d love some company, especially yours” Alex nudges you as you roll your eyes, secretly wanting nothing more then to go take a seat next to him, so that’s probably why your legs are leading you in that direction.
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garethito · 5 years
Today is the 26th of May, 2019. This is one of the most important dates in my life, because I am celebrating the 1st anniversary of the best moment in my entire football fan life, which happened one year ago, today.
26th May, 2018. Oh, how much this day means to me. The day in which I saw history being written by my idol, Gareth Frank Bale, the day I saw him be the player who had the best performance in an UCL Final, by scoring what is, for me personally, the best goal in the history of football, and an incredible long shot goal.
I would like to start by saying that there is nothing that could ever come close to that night. Absolutely nothing. I have never witnessed something like that before, and I don't think I will again, I don't think anything will ever come close to this, unless Gareth scores a hattrick in the World Cup Final or something, lol. This is something I intend to tell my grandchildren about, this is something that nobody could ever understand how much I cherish, this is something that will be in my memory for eternity.  I think about that night every single day of my life, and I have seen those goals billions of times. Never in my entire life have I been so surprised, shocked, happy, proud, astonished. Never in my life have I cried like in that night. Never. Absolutely never. I have looked at my life as a person, at my hardest times, when I cried a lot, but not even that can even slightly compare to the amount of crying that I have done on that glorious day of May 1 year ago. But in the best way possible, the happiest tears that I have ever shedded.
For me, it wasn't an ordinary Saturday. I wasn't getting prepared to do my homework, or to have a normal day. I was preparing for the Champions League Final. ”Real Madrid vs Liverpool”, ”UCL final is today!” were the subjects in everyone's conversations. We were on the way to write very important history that day, we were to be crowned Champions of Europe for the 13th time, for the 4th time in 5 years and for the 3rd time in a row. And boy, did we write history that night. La Decimotercera. Even the mere name sounds like the prettiest trophy name to me, a symbol of our history and of the fact that we are the best team in the whole world. This remains my favorite Champions League Final, La Decima being the close second.
I was so scared, of course, it's a freaking Champions League Final! And I feel like as years go by, I get more and more scared of the Champions League. But, I was also very excited because duuuh, it's a Champions League Final, lol! My whole emotional state was ruined, however, by Gareth not starting. I don't need to explain the whole February-May Gaz-Zidane 2018 situation, because I think everyone knows it too well by now and my opinion on it. I had never been so enraged in my entire life (up until then at least, wait for another year @me lmao). After all he has done, still no place in the starting XI. This whole situation really, really angered me, and I was so freaking disappointed. He SO deserved to play until the start, I thought. But, coming to think about it, maybe he wouldn't have done what he did if he had played from the start? He himself admitted that what he did was hugely based on his anger. So, in a way, I am grateful he was a substitute. That was even more amazing for him, because he did THAT while being a substitute, which is way more impressive!
The match started. Both Real Madrid and Liverpool were going at it. The first half was eventful, because there was that whole Sergio – Mo Salah drama, and poor Carva also got injured, but thank God he managed to play in the World Cup!
Halftime at 0-0, my optimism honestly grew. I felt like we will have more urgency in the second half and that we would win.
The second half came, with me just desperately hoping for a goal. Because we were playing so well, we deserved a reward!! And it did come, with Benzema's goal, God I felt so relieved and happy. I have seen people saying that his goal was not good but? You literally take everything that is being offered to you in a Champions League final! He scored, he gave us a goal, we were 1-0 up, and I was I was the happiest person alive. God, I love my team. Then, Liverpool's equalizer came. I didn't think anything of it. I wouldn't get rid of my optimism. I was looking at my boys and I knew we would win.
And Oh My God, here we fucking go. 
Minute 61. Gareth comes on. I was so grateful that he at least got to play 30 minutes, I literally only wanted to see him. At that time, considering everything that was happening, I was already emotionally starting to prepare for his departure to another team. I was watching him in those moments, flashbacks through my mind of all the glorious times I got to see him, all of his goals, everything.
But I could only think for 2 minutes. Because, 63:01 came. That moment. The one that takes it all. The creme de la creme of moments. The moment in which my soul definitely left my body. The most beautiful moment I have ever lived as a football fan. The moment in which I was the proudest person alive. A moment I will never, ever, ever forget, for as long as I get to live. The moment I have literally seen history being made, right before my eyes. The moment in which I literally evaporated, left the Earth, idk how to explain this but I hope you understand me. My idol, that had suffered so much because of unfair decisions that season, scored a fucking bicycle kick in a FUCKING UCL FINAL. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. The happiest, most full of joy, best, most emotional moment. Ever. In My Life. No exaggeration. Surely, for everyone that moment was a shock, because literally no one, not even me, expected him to score such a goal, considering the situation. But what I felt in those moments cannot be explained with words. In this 1 year, since this moment has happened, I have been trying to find suitable words to describe how I felt during those moments, but still, to this day, I cannot find words to describe my feelings. My idol had the best moment of his career, so even to say that I was the happiest, proudest person on the entire planet is an understatement. I literally felt like I reached Heaven. I had never started crying so fast in my entire life, and I had never cried that much in my entire life. And, as if that wasn't enough, 82:43 came. And he scored ANOTHER goal, this time a long shot. And in that moment, I literally died lmao. I was definitely the proudest person alive, the happiest and the most full of love. Like, can you imagine this? Your idol has arguably the best season at Real Madrid, but gets disrespected in the UCL by the coach. He then comes and gets his revenge in the final, and puts in the best performance ever in an UCL final. It's something that these simple words can't describe, your mind goes crazy and that's the only thing you think about forever basically lol. AND, he almost got a hattrick! But he was dispossesed at the last second, unfortunately.
And then?
In the moment in which Sergio lifted it I... I don't have words, did I go into another Universe, did I ascend, did my soul leave my body I don't even know but what I do know is that I spent the rest of the night, up until like 6AM, crying my heart out. And this is what I mean by ”I have never cried so much in my entire life”. Like I have never spent a whole night crying.
And then, of course, the celebrations, Cibeles, Bernabeu... of course your sensitive girl bawled her eyes out again lol!
Thank you, Gareth Bale, for being the incredible person that you are and for blessing the world with such a performance.
Thank you, Real Madrid, for being the best club in the world and for blessing the world with such a performance.
26th of May, 2018. Forever in my heart.
Hala Gareth y Madrid Y Nada Mas! ♥
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ehentha · 5 years
The Dhivehi Art Drop vol. 1
Interesting and inspiring content by Dhivehi / Maldivian artists.
Few of my favorite clicks from early morning stroll around Villingili. pic.twitter.com/zdRYxtx70b
— zayaahmed (@zayana_ahmed) July 4, 2019
Sharing a few illustrated portraits. pic.twitter.com/GIiQHD4VEw
— zayaahmed (@zayana_ahmed) July 2, 2019
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2019 is the year of self portraits and metamorphosis. #illustration #portrait #selfportrait #penandink #instaart #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #sketch
A post shared by Nuha Nasheed (@nuha.nasheed) on Jul 8, 2019 at 7:57pm PDT
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Dictatorial Fish Propaganda #illustration #graphicdesign #behance #typography #experimental #digitalart
A post shared by Arsham Irusham (@iruaru) on Jul 7, 2019 at 7:12am PDT
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One of my fav from the recent shoots I’ve done! @vuv09 you’re so easy to work with. ✨ MUA/Photo: @eutopian_ Model : @vuv09 Featured : Seagrass sarong + Boli cuff by @islandbazaar styled by @vuv09 herself! 😙
A post shared by Z𝑒𝑒 (@eutopian_) on Jul 8, 2019 at 1:24am PDT
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│ H O L O C E N E │ ・ ・ ・ ♬♪ ♩♭♪ At once i knew I was not magnificent Strayed above the highway aisle Jaged vacance, thick with ice I could see for miles, miles, miles.. ・ ・ ・ #folkgood #folkvibe #aov5k #aestheticshot100k #moodygrams #aov #artofvisuals #mhplyrical#moody#toneseekers #igers #instagood #instagram #mobilefolk #igers #shotaward #livefolk #agameoftones #visualambassadors #live2folk#visualsoflife #main_vision #mg5k #byfolk #shotzdelight #fs_vsco #vsco #vscofolk #vscocam #hsdailyfeature #soft_vision #mobilefolk
A post shared by Ahmed Nimal (@nimalahmed) on Aug 31, 2016 at 11:48pm PDT
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A post shared by Abdulla Sajidh (@a.sajidh) on Jun 25, 2019 at 6:26am PDT
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finished cover art for kamancello’s second album with a little glitch effect. this was a really fun piece to work on since I rarely Do mandala style pieces without an animal subject. The centre of the piece resembles a kamanche in the centre of a cello(traditional instruments that embody their music). thanks @raphcello and @kamancelloofficial for the opportunity and huge congrats on the album and your crazy talent🤘🏼🎻
A post shared by M ▲ ▲ H Y (@maahyart) on Jun 27, 2019 at 10:43am PDT
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A strong woman that speaks in silence. Model: @rauwowza_aicha MUA: @ruthbaaa #portait #photoshoot #photography #beautiful #gorgeous #nikon📷 #maldives #bluesky #amazing #people #women #instagram
A post shared by Lee (@insaniac_inspirations) on Jun 25, 2019 at 3:20am PDT
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When I dance, and when it’s not to hurt people, I’m make art and designer jeans #art #performanceart #liveart #livepainting #muaythai #artwar #style #yolo @fannugathering
A post shared by Vishal (@ekkayvishal) on Jun 25, 2019 at 1:29am PDT
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Sunset — 17th September 2017, 6:31 PM
A post shared by Aly Mahryn (@alymahryn) on Jun 23, 2019 at 9:52am PDT
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The Prayer Ink on paper A4 size Dm for prints #ink #art #artist #maldivianartist #prayer
A post shared by Zara Unais (@zaralovescatto) on Jun 23, 2019 at 4:35am PDT
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When I saw @kurboi ‘s new #drawthisinyourstyle I could not resist drawing it. Am in love with all the details in this character. So here’s my take on #kurboi50k #dtiys I hope you like it and congratulations on 50k! 🙌 . Painted entirely in @procreate . . #procreateart #digitalart #illustration #tiggmanje #drawthisinyourstylechallenge #ipadproart #procreate #digitalart #artistsoninstagram #instaart #artist #drawing #painting #girl #illustration #creative #love_arts_help #arts_help #art #artoftheday #arte #swsfeature #grafikita #redrawchallenge #art #drawthisinyourstyle #digitaldrawing
A post shared by Shany Ahmed (Manje) (@tiggmanje) on Jun 14, 2019 at 9:52am PDT
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Styled this gorgeous babe @vuv09 Mua @eya.makeupartist Shot by @nadhuha_
A post shared by FAMUSHU (@angelshujau) on Jun 3, 2019 at 12:58pm PDT
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Today I read somewhere: “Your money’s not yours. It’s just your turn with it” Photo by the extremely talented and humble @maahy0__0
A post shared by FAMUSHU (@angelshujau) on Jul 4, 2019 at 11:59am PDT
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A post shared by FAMUSHU (@angelshujau) on May 21, 2019 at 3:03pm PDT
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And just like us, these kids will one day grow up to tell their loved ones about the fun they had whenever it rained. #EidKihineh
A post shared by Refty (@refty) on Jun 4, 2019 at 5:33am PDT
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“In life, as in chess, forethought wins.” #EverydayRaajje #vsco #vscomv #Funadhoo #ShaviyaniAtoll #Atoll #Maldives #chess #island #islandlife #vacation
A post shared by Ismail Thohir (@ismailthohir) on Jun 5, 2019 at 7:24am PDT
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Keeled! #goprohero7 #freediver #ocean #marinelife #uwphotography #uwpics #boat #keel #maldives #onebreath #freedive
A post shared by Naahee Nazim (@naaheenazim) on May 30, 2019 at 11:50am PDT
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Float back down
A post shared by Mo (@autonomotor) on May 27, 2019 at 4:27am PDT
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Raa⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #36daysofthaana #illustration #arts_help #artistsofmaldives #illustrationartists #best_of_illustrations #design #illustration #painting #art #typography
A post shared by @ skadoomsh on May 13, 2019 at 4:07am PDT
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02 | Tranquil ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #inktober #inktober2018 #inktobermv #ink #illustration #arts_help #artistsofmaldives #illustrationartists #best_of_illustrations #design #illustration #painting #art
A post shared by @ skadoomsh on Oct 1, 2018 at 9:16pm PDT
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it's ya boi!!!!!!!! also I'm sorry for not posting I'm a little jelly person and i am doing my Best #art #digitalart #selfportrait
A post shared by Midhu Ismail (@starburstfarts) on Jul 3, 2019 at 7:38am PDT
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PRINCESS MONONOKE The first of the Ghibli series I'm doing this Ramazan/ sem break. For some reason this paper didn't take the water so well so you can see the paint and water sort of staining a bit on her skin. Says 300 gsm but doesn't feel like it. . . . . #watercolour #painting #paint #art #watercolourpainting #ghibliart #ghibli #studioghibli #princessmononoke #hayaomiyazaki #drawing #mononokehime
A post shared by AISHAI (@_.aishai._) on May 17, 2019 at 12:16am PDT
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Jumping on the bandwagon with the @kurboi #drawthisinyourstyle for #kurboi50k! . . . . . #digitalart #digitalpainting #illustration #artistsoninstagram #illustree #gfxmob #designarf #vaniladesign #graphicroozane #supplyanddesign #designground #kidillustrations
A post shared by Zeina Shareef (@zzzeinasart) on Jun 17, 2019 at 4:55am PDT
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A post shared by Aznym Adam (@azuneemu) on May 1, 2019 at 3:43am PDT
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“Exploration” .💦 .🔥 .🌞 . #huraaisland #huraakulhi #lightroom #lightroomedit #instagrammer #instadaily #instalike #instamood #instagood#photo #photography #photographer #photooftheday #photofromiphone #colours #iphone #iphonephotography #goodvibes #vibes #maldives #maldivesislands ...
A post shared by Rilwan (@r_i_l_w_r_n) on May 1, 2019 at 12:35am PDT
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Work in progress.. inked. #oceanjunk #series #art #ink #acrylic #environmentalart #surrealart #savetheocean #savethereef #savetheplanet #visualpoetry
A post shared by Afu Hasan (@afumeeha) on Jul 6, 2019 at 11:30pm PDT
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Color 3 . . . #illustration #illustrator #art #artistsoninstagram #artist #artist_features #artist_4_shoutout #figurestudies #figuredrawing #abstract #abstractart #digitalart #digitaldrawing #wacom #artsglobal #abstractexpressionism #sketch #sketchzone #sketchdaily #araakaa #ltmiseemyart
A post shared by ARAAKAA (@araakaa) on May 1, 2019 at 11:04am PDT
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Friday = more time to draw. . . . #indian #saree #culture #vscoart #procreate #digitalart #vaniladesign #art #artistsoninstagram #illustration #portrait
A post shared by Zaya Ahmed (@zayadraws) on Apr 26, 2019 at 10:08am PDT
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Diving deep within. . . . . . #inkonpaper #inkart #geometry #sacredgeometry #metatronscube #ageofaquarius #mandala #art #artistsoninstagram #trippy #trippyart #geometry #drawing #abstractart #artwork #lsd #floweroflife #seedoflife #metatronscube #abstract #surreal #artworknow #sacredgeometry #psychedelics #artgallery #surrealart #inkart #symmetry #maldivianartist #conceptart #characterart #characterdesign #linedrawing
A post shared by Mohamed Ahmed (@art.by.mohamed) on Apr 22, 2019 at 5:04am PDT
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A post shared by Maizan Azlym (@maizan_azlym) on Apr 19, 2019 at 8:02am PDT
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Design approved by citycouncil 😌
A post shared by Lolakun (@lo_lakun) on May 25, 2019 at 1:37am PDT
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A post shared by hsniyaz (@hsnniyaz) on Apr 16, 2019 at 11:51am PDT
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36daysoftype : f g h i j
A post shared by Asthu Shahindha (@asthu.s) on Apr 11, 2019 at 8:36pm PDT
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Swirling Sharks Here's a palette cleanser. 💧 Taken with the Nikon D3200 in Athuruga,Maldives #sharks #shark #babysharks #maldives #ariatoll #photography #dslrphotography #lightroom
A post shared by Ibrahim Salah | Photography (@maldivianfish) on Apr 11, 2019 at 2:33am PDT
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Day 29 #inktober #inktober2018 #inktobermv #inktobermv2018
A post shared by Jauna Nafiz (@jauteez) on Oct 29, 2018 at 2:56pm PDT
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A post shared by trivialinfidel (@trivialinfidel) on Apr 10, 2019 at 11:45am PDT
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Style is something each of us already has, all we need to do is find it." —Diane von Furstenberg . . . . . . @dvf #maldives #doubledot #lifestyle #fashion #canon #fashioninspo #bl #vitiligo #vitiligomodel MUHA:@mykx_official Models: @dyna.maldives @veryviti
A post shared by Mohamed Azmeel | Maldives (@doubledot.mv) on Apr 9, 2019 at 5:23am PDT
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A shoot after a long break @dyna.maldives @jaybeautystudiomv #photography #fineartphotography #art #photo #maldives #fashion #beauty #editorial #colors #hope love #photoshoot #photoshop
A post shared by Hisham Agil (@hishamagil) on Apr 8, 2019 at 10:58pm PDT
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Before #winteriscoming there was #omariscoming on #hbo . He had his shotgun. Watch #thewire to rinse yourself of the current bad writing on #gameofthrones #omar is the king. You come at the king, you best not miss. 😎 #motiongraphics #aftereffects
A post shared by Ahmed Shan (@shaan3990) on May 9, 2019 at 4:38am PDT
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Kinomoto Residence ✨ #zarascomics #cardcaptorsakura
A post shared by Zara’s Comics (@zarascomics) on Jul 7, 2019 at 11:50am PDT
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I miss our face painting and photo sessions with bad quality cameras and snapchat filters. You are and will always be my biggest inspiration 🖤
A post shared by NAS (@nashfarts) on Mar 30, 2019 at 9:06am PDT
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𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘮𝘦? 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘶𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘮𝘦? 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨? 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸? 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘦? 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦? 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘸𝘦 𝘨𝘰? 🌻🖤
A post shared by 𝘏𝘰𝘵 𝘊𝘩𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 (@aye.shaaa._) on Apr 20, 2019 at 9:13am PDT
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📸: @_hiyala
A post shared by Eena (@eena0823) on Jul 7, 2019 at 4:34am PDT
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hulhumalé. #35mm
A post shared by Izana (@izznzz) on Jun 7, 2019 at 11:47pm PDT
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detail of 'nyx' scroll by 🌙 oil paint on a wood panel
A post shared by maldha (@malsart) on Dec 24, 2018 at 4:48am PST
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🐦 for #redditgetsdrawn Tools : iPad Pro + @procreate . . . #art #tropicalsummer #characterdesign #portrait #vscoart #instaartist #instaart #artistsoninstagram #artagram #artworkoftheday #instaart #instaartist #art_spotlight #procreate #ipadproart
A post shared by Razzan (@_razzan_) on Jun 19, 2019 at 9:54am PDT
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Boy 👨‍🦱 . . . . . . #photography #photooftheday #love #photo #instagood #nature #art #photographer #like #instagram #picoftheday #travel #follow #fashion #beautiful #photoshoot #mode #style #naturephotography #bhfyp #travelphotography #happy #life #portrait #ig #beauty #landscape #bhfyp
A post shared by SHAIHAN FAIX (@shaihan_faiz) on Jul 5, 2019 at 3:01am PDT
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A post shared by އޭސ (@yourass_) on Apr 20, 2019 at 11:38pm PDT
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~ Fashion fades, only style remains the same. -Coco Chanel ~ . . . Model @shaffa.__ Special thanks to @_kweeeeen
A post shared by Mohamed Maahy (@maahy0__0) on Mar 24, 2019 at 7:18am PDT
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A man from Bangladesh preparing a fishing net in Male' City. . . . . . . . . . . #maldives #fishing #documentaryphotography #photojournalist #photograpy #photojournalism #ocean #islandlife #marinelife #instatravel #lonelyplanetmaldives #tropical #instafollow #worldculture #photostory #portraits #portraitphotography #visualstorytelling #everydayasia #everydayraajje
A post shared by Avva (@ashwafaheem) on Jul 7, 2019 at 1:12am PDT
So guys. My song Heavens and Sins just made it to the semi-finals in the International Unsigned Only Song Competition, chosen out of around 6000 songs submitted worldwide. Uhh... so ya I'm happy af pic.twitter.com/dY33hlKdcV
— Karam (@karamibrahimali) July 9, 2019
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Stunning Dejan Lovren cushion noticed in Liverpool dressing room
Gamers come and go at a soccer membership and, irrespective of how liked they might be by followers for his or her on-field performances, it’s protected to imagine that a number of the present squad have robust mates who’ve departed Anfield. Within the current video shared by the membership’s YouTube channel, the FIFA 23 participant scores have been revealed however one thing within the background of 1 shot has caught the eye. READ MORE: (Video) “The work’s not achieved right here” – Elliott on profitable participant of the month for August and September As Kostas Tsimikas was exhibiting Thiago Alcantara his newest score and the brand new situation of the sport, a well-known face might be noticed within the nook of the dressing room. None apart from Dejan Lovren’s face was gracing a pillow and it’s definitely a shock to see. VOTE for Empire of the Kop as Greatest Membership Content material Creator (Premier League) right here: Soccer Content material Awards OR on Twitter with the FCA’s one-click Twitter hyperlink with: I’m voting for @Empireofthekop in @The_FCAs for #BestClubContentCreator (Premier League) It seems to be subsequent to Mo Salah’s locker too, which makes lots of sense and clearly reveals that the Egyptian King is lacking his outdated mate. You may see the Lovren cushion (from 7:46), within the far proper of the image by way of Liverpool FC on YouTube: Huge Liverpool drawback could have already been solved after Merson notes worldwide break benefit Share this: Share Twitter Originally published at Sacramento News Journal
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Match Thread: Shrewsbury Town FC v Liverpool FC - [FA Cup 4th Round] via /r/LiverpoolFC
Match Thread: Shrewsbury Town FC v Liverpool FC - [FA Cup 4th Round]
Behold The Almighty Scone 🍯
Shrewsbury Starting XI: O' Leary, Pierre, Golbourne, Williams, Whalley, Norburn, Lang, Love, Goss, Ebanks-Landell, Laurent.
Subs: Murphy, Edwards, Beckles, Walker, Udoh, Cummings, Hart.
Liverpool Starting XI: Adrian, Williams, Matip, Lovren, Larouci, Fabinho, Chirivella, Jones, Minamino, Elliott, Origi.
Subs: Kelleher, Keita, Firmino, Salah, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Hoever, Alexander-Arnold.
🏟 Venue: New Meadow, Shrewsbury
🗣 Referee: Dre Marriner
⏱ Kick Off: 17:00 (BST)
📌 Match Facts:
The sides have only ever met once before, with Liverpool winning an FA Cup fourth-round tie 4-0 at the Shrews' old Gay Meadow home in February 1996. The Reds went on to reach the final that year.
Shrewsbury are 59 league places below Liverpool.
Shrewsbury's sole win in seven matches in all competitions was their FA Cup second-round replay win over Bristol City (D4, L2).
They have been eliminated from the FA Cup by Premier League opponents in three of the past four seasons: Manchester United in 2015-16, West Ham in 2017-18 and Wolves in 2018-19.
The Shrews have lost just one of their last 17 home FA Cup games (W10, D6).
Shrewsbury have been beaten in only one of their past 12 FA Cup matches (W6, D5).
They have scored just 24 goals from 25 league games - only bottom side Bolton have fewer.
Liverpool have won 11 successive league and cup games under Jurgen Klopp (W7, D4) - this excludes the Carabao Cup quarter-final defeat at Aston Villa, when Neil Critchley led a team of youngsters.
They are looking to reach the FA Cup fifth round for the first time since 2014-15.
The Reds have won just one of their five most recent FA Cup away fixtures.
Liverpool have scored in their past 11 away FA Cup games since a 1-0 loss at Manchester United in 2011.
Roberto Firmino has scored six goals in his last eight games in all competitions.
This is Shrewsbury's first game vs the champions of the world, can they live up to the challenge?
👏 Thanks to u/PM-Me-Salah-Pics for the Match Facts.
🗣 0': We're under way at New Meadow
🗣 5': Promising start by the home team, albeit without the ball. They are quick in the tackle and Liverpool are having to work hard to find space.
🗣 8': Good possession from Liverpool and here's the first shot as a fortunate bounce after good work by Minamino presents Origi with the opportunity to shoot from distance but his effort is just wide.
⚽️ 15': GOAL Curtis Jones (15') (0-1) - Classy goal that. Quality hold-up play by Minamino and the through-ball from Chirivella is superb. Jones does the rest after making a fine run from deep. No stopping that. Too good.
🗣 20': Chirivella's passing really is impressive. Now he attempts an ambitious chip over O'Leary but it is blocked. The midfielder doing well so far and he has plenty of movement ahead of him
🗣 24': CHANCE! Shrewsbury with a huge opportunity to equalise as Whalley goes through on goal one-on-one with Adrian. He tries to slot it to the goalkeeper's right but Adrian stretches out the foot and keeps it out. Good save but what a chance.
🔁 27': SUB! Norburn cannot continue after that earlier knock and he is replaced by the experienced Edwards. Shame for Norburn but Edwards has vast Premier League experience and an FA Cup win over Liverpool behind him.
🗣 34': Shrewsbury pushing forward is giving Liverpool the chance to find a bit more space of their own. But then it's Whalley on the counter-attack himself, lifting a ball over the head of Matip only to see Adrian race off his line to deny him.
🗣 39': Cross from Chirivella doesn't quite fall for Origi and Minamino gets his shot with the outside of his right foot horribly wrong.
🗣 (HT) from New Meadow; STFC 0-1 Liverpool
⚽️ GOAL! Donald Love's an Own Goal 45' (0-2) That has silenced the stadium. The cross comes in from the right and Love tries to just knock the ball behind for a corner but he gets it all wrong. The ball comes off the toe of his boot and goes right into the corner of the net. Horrible moment for him.
🗣 58': SAVE! Lang is away down the right channel and he's one-on-one with Adrian but again the goalkeeper saves, tipping the low shot just wide of the post. Good stop that
⚽️ GOAL! Cummings (65' Pen) (1-2)
🔁 70': SUB Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain replaces Harvey Elliott
⚽️ GOAL! Cummings (74') (2-2)
🔁 79': SUB Mo Salah replaces Joel Matip
🔁 83': Udoh replaces Where's Whalley
🔁 83' Firmino replaces Minamino
Submitted January 26, 2020 at 04:21PM by OasisFan89 via reddit https://ift.tt/38EocQ5
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egyptiankingg · 1 year
"Please Let Me Go."
A Sadio mane x Mohamed Salah Series.
summary: Once mane leaves liverpool, he can't help but hold grudges against his old "best friend" Mohamed Salah but what will happen when mane let's his anger get the best of him? Keep reading the series to find out!
warnings: mentions of: self harming, angst, betrayal and bullying
Sadio Mane and Mo Salah had been teammates on Liverpool Football Club for years. They had formed a close bond on and off the field, and their dynamic duo had become legendary. But one day, Mane surprised everyone by announcing that he would be leaving Liverpool to join a new team.
Before he left, Mane pulled Salah aside and said, "I hope I never see you again and ill drown you in the nile next time i see you" Salah was taken aback by the sudden hostility from his friend and teammate. He didn't understand what he had done wrong. He had always looked up to Mane and admired his skill on the field.
Salah tried to brush it off and focus on the upcoming game, but he couldn't shake the hurt and confusion he felt. He couldn't stop thinking about Mane's words and what they meant for their friendship.
As the days passed, Salah tried to move on, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He missed his friend and teammate, but he didn't know how to fix their relationship so he decided to message mane.
Mo salah | Sadio Mane
hey, can we fix this?
Please let me go I hate you!
cannot send your message
due to this users privacy settings.
Mo Salah sat in his room, staring at his phone in disbelief. Sadio Mane had blocked his number. He tried calling him again and again, but each time it went straight to voicemail.
Salah couldn't believe that his best friend and teammate would do this to him. They had been through so much together, and now it seemed like Mane wanted nothing to do with him.
Feeling lost and alone, Salah decided to confide in his other close friend on the team, Jordan Henderson. He told him everything that had happened, but Henderson seemed hesitant to believe him.
"I don't know, Mo. I saw Mane before our last game, and he gave me a good luck handshake. He didn't seem upset with you at all," Henderson said.
Salah was hurt and frustrated. He knew what he had experienced, but it seemed like no one believed him. He closed his phone and slumped back onto his bed, feeling more alone than ever.
As the days passed, Salah tried to focus on his game and put Mane out of his mind. But it was hard to ignore the hurt and confusion he felt. He couldn't understand why Mane would block him without any explanation.
But mo salah couldn't worry about Mane since he had a game coming up, in training Jordan Henderson had told Trent on what Mo said about Mane and the next day he felt everyone was being a bit distant from him except for Harvey. Harvey had told mo what the others were saying and that left mo more upset. Mo Salah felt a sense of unease as he walked onto the training field the next day. He could sense that something was off. The usual banter and laughter among his teammates were missing, and everyone seemed to be avoiding him.
As he warmed up, he noticed Trent whispering something to Jordan Henderson. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but he knew it was about him. He felt a pang of hurt and confusion. He had confided in Henderson, and now it seemed like everyone knew his business.
After the training session, Salah walked over to Harvey, who had been one of the few players to acknowledge him during the session. "What's going on, Harvey?" he asked.
Harvey hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Some of the other guys were talking about what you told Jordan. They're not sure if they believe you. They think you might be making it up."
Salah's heart sank. He couldn't believe that his own teammates would doubt him like this. He didn't know what to do or who to turn to.
Feeling alone and isolated, Salah left the training ground and went home. He tried to focus on the upcoming game, but his mind was consumed with thoughts of Mane and his now-doubting teammates.
Mohamed Salah had been looking forward to the next game for weeks. He had been working hard in training and was determined to make a difference on the pitch. But as soon as the game started, things didn't go as planned. He missed a few chances and couldn't seem to get into the flow of the game.
At half-time, Jordan Henderson, the team captain, had some harsh words for him. "You're only missing because we caught you out on lying! This isn't like you at all," he shouted. The rest of the team gave him rude looks as well, and he felt like he had let them down.
Mohamed tried to shake off the negativity and focus on the second half. He knew he had to make a difference and prove himself to his teammates. And then, it happened. He got a penalty.
As he stood at the spot, he tried to focus on the ball and block out the negative thoughts in his head. But he couldn't help but hear Mane's words echoing in the back of his mind. He hesitated for a split second, and that was enough for the goalkeeper to save the shot.
After the game, he went to see Henderson in the changing room. "What did you mean earlier?" he asked. "What did I lie about?"
Henderson looked at him for a moment before speaking. "You know exactly mo, I wish it was you who left and not mane!"
Mohamed Salah was completely taken aback by Jordan Henderson's outburst. He had never seen the captain so angry before, and the words stung deeply. He tried to approach Henderson after the match to clear the air, but the captain just shouted again, telling him to stop making everything worse for the team and that he wished Salah had left instead of Mane.
The words echoed in Salah's head as he made his way home. He couldn't believe that a teammate would say something so hurtful. He had always thought that they had each other's backs, but now he wasn't so sure.
When he got home, he went straight to his room and cried. He felt like he had let everyone down, and now he was being blamed for things he hadn't done. He didn't know how to make things right, and he was starting to question whether he even wanted to stay with the team.
But as he lay there, feeling sorry for himself, he realized that giving up wasn't an option. He had worked too hard to get to where he was, and he wasn't going to let anyone take that away from him. He knew he had to stand up for himself and prove his worth to the team.
The next day, he went back to training with a renewed sense of determination. He worked harder than ever, pushing himself to the limit in every drill and exercise. And slowly but surely, his teammates began to notice. They saw the effort he was putting in, and they started to respect him again until.....
Jurgen Klopp gathered the Liverpool squad in the training ground to deliver some surprising news. "I have just received word that the people at the Champions League got the draw wrong. We will be playing Bayern Munich and not Chelsea after all," he announced.
Mohamed Salah felt his heart drop as he heard the news. He knew that this meant he would be facing Mane again on the pitch, and who knew what would happen this time. He couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.
Jordan Henderson noticed Salah's reaction and immediately spoke up. "You know Mo, you're the one to blame if it has anything to do with you and Mane," he said, his voice tinged with frustration.
Salah looked up at Henderson, feeling a mix of anger and hurt. "What are you talking about?" he asked.
Henderson didn't back down. "You know what I'm talking about. Your feud with Mane has been causing issues for the team, and it needs to stop. If we lose this game because of your personal problems, it's on you," he said firmly.
Salah felt a pang of guilt as he realized that Henderson was right. His issues with Mane had been causing problems for the team, and he knew that he needed to put them aside if they were going to have any chance of winning against Bayern Munich.
He took a deep breath and looked around at his teammates. "I'm sorry. You're right. It's time to put our personal issues aside and focus on the game. We need to work together if we're going to win," he said.
The rest of the team nodded in agreement, and Klopp smiled, relieved. "Good. That's what I like to hear. Now let's get to work," he said.
Mo couldn't feel a bit of guilt when agreeing with Henderson. He knew that he had told the truth, and he had a clear conscience. Mane had said all those rude things to his face, and Mo had nothing to hide. He knew that his teammates might still be unsure about him telling the truth, but he had a kind heart and would never lie.
The day of the big game between Liverpool and Bayern Munich had finally arrived, and Mo Salah was more determined than ever. He knew that this game was important, not just for his team, but for himself as well. He wanted to prove that he was a valuable player, both on and off the field.
As the game began, Salah was focused and ready. He knew that Mane would be playing for Bayern Munich, and he was determined to show him that he was wrong to doubt him. In the first half, Mane had scored a goal and stuck his tongue out at Salah, taunting him. Salah felt a surge of anger, but he knew that he couldn't let it get the best of him.
In the second half, Salah came out stronger than ever. He was fast, focused, and determined to score. He knew that his team was counting on him, and he didn't want to let them down. He dribbled past Bayern Munich's defenders with ease, and finally, he saw his chance.
Salah kicked the ball with all his might, and it soared past the goalkeeper, hitting the back of the net. The stadium erupted with cheers, and Salah felt a sense of pride and satisfaction. He had proven himself, not just to Mane, but to everyone.
But Salah wasn't done yet. He continued to play with determination, and soon enough, he scored another goal, making it 2-1 in favor of Liverpool. The Bayern Munich fans were stunned, and Mane looked on with a mix of disbelief and anger.
At the end of the game, Salah was named Man of the Match, and he was congratulated by his teammates and fans alike. Mane came over to shake his hand, and Salah could see the regret in his eyes. He knew that he had been in the wrong all along and he was glad mane was finally being nice until-
"This isn't over yet, you may think you're smart but I've already took your friend's so now I've just got to slowly persuade klopp and you're be outta liverpool as quickly as possible" mane says as he winks. Alisson and Harvey watch in horror as they see salah run away.
"I wonder what mane said to him" Harvey muttered.
"I really hope mo is okay, he's been going through alot lately."
Salah had just finished a long day at work and was feeling drained. He needed to clear his head and get some fresh air, so he decided to go for a jog. He changed into his running clothes and headed out the door.
As he ran through the streets of Liverpool, he felt the cool evening breeze on his face and the rhythm of his feet hitting the pavement. He felt his mind start to clear as he focused on his breathing and the movement of his body.
Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him. He turned around and saw a man running towards him at full speed. Salah stepped to the side to let him pass, but as the man went by, he suddenly reached out and hit Salah in the back of the head.
Salah fell to the ground, feeling disoriented and dizzy. He tried to get up, but his legs wouldn't cooperate. He felt himself passing out as the man grabbed his wallet and ran off.
When Salah woke up, he was lying on the ground with a pounding headache. He looked around and saw that his wallet was missing. He realized that he had been mugged.
Shaken and scared, Salah managed to stumble back home. He called the police and filed a report, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of vulnerability and fear. He realized that he had taken his safety for granted and that he needed to be more careful in the future.
Salah woke up in the hospital bed, feeling groggy and disoriented. He looked around and saw Klopp, Henderson, Alisson, and Harvey sitting around him, looking concerned.
"What happened?" Salah asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"You passed out during training," Klopp explained, his brow furrowed with worry. "We rushed you to the hospital. The doctors think it might be related to the incident that happened yesterday."
Salah's heart sank as he remembered the confrontation with Mane. He had thought it was just a harmless argument, but now he wasn't so sure. He had a sinking feeling that Mane might have done something to him.
"Are you sure it wasn't Mane?" Harvey asked, cutting through Salah's thoughts.
Salah hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. He didn't want to accuse his old teammate without any proof.
But then he remembered Mane's words and the way he had looked at him yesterday. He felt a surge of anger and frustration.
"I don't know for sure," he admitted. "But he did say something to me yesterday that made me feel...off."
Klopp looked at Salah with concern. "What did he say?"
"He said...he said something about this not being the end," Salah replied, feeling a wave of nausea wash over him. "And then he looked at me in this really strange way. I don't know, it just didn't feel right."
The room fell into a tense silence as the others exchanged worried glances. They all knew how important Salah was to the team, and the thought of someone deliberately trying to harm him was unsettling.
"We need to get to the bottom of this," Henderson said firmly. "We can't let anyone mess with our team like this."
The others nodded in agreement, and Salah felt a sense of relief wash over him. He knew he had their support, and that they would do whatever it takes to protect him and the team.
As he lay in the hospital bed, he felt a newfound determination to uncover the truth and make sure that justice was served. He knew that he couldn't let anyone bring him down, no matter how hard they tried.
(Just to explain the last part salah had told everyone in training about the whole wallet thing then passed out again)
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