#mn cosplay
pretty-as-neptune · 2 years
had a blast at twin cities con this weekend
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oxygen-stealer · 2 months
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Some of you may appreciate this Gabriel helmet I made a bit ago
Sorry I'm too lazy to get better pictures of it rn
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three1sdead · 1 year
see you guys at crypticon mn next month!!!!
super excited to show off ny masked man cosplay :]
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honestly i really gotta get a jacket that fits better, the one in that video is a bit big on me hagdjdgrk
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emiliefitch · 1 year
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My Vi cosplay at our Ren Faire today.
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fenbyrat · 2 years
with overwatch 2 out I decided it was high time I re-cosplay my girl Tracer :3 (unfinished cuz I don't have half my tracer cosplay rn qwq)
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stomgetoeter · 8 months
weetje wat ik oprecht echt stom vind?
dat ik nogsteeds heel hard ga op loki en mobius like samen. niet apart maar samen. like ik wil marvel een beetje los laten maar die twee homos hebben mij echt nog in een goeie houvast. idk man vind ik echt stom.
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suiana · 6 months
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(yandere! influencer x gn! reader) (do i get money for writing this)
"so like i was saying-"
cockandbawlsteehee: is bro kinky wtf, even gagged them
suiana: tis but a everyday occurrence, do NAWT panic fellas
the influencer pans his camera away from him face and to the figure laying on his bed, dressed in nothing but a rabbit costume. he has a smug aura around him as he chuckles, not caring that he literally has someone dressed in a bunny costume, tied to his bed with silk. oh, have i mentioned that they were also gagged? gagged and tied up?
and just who is that person that's tied to his bed, dressed in just a bunny costume, gagged against their will?
that's right, you.
"ah... them? yeah! that's just my darling!"
he smiles, exposing his devious acts on live camera. he doesn't even seem to care about how your face was clearly uncomfortable or how you were in the verge of tears.
"ah... don't worry, it's just some cosplay thingy we're doing... ain't that right babe?"
you shake your head vehemently, resisting the urge to scream at him as you whimper against the restraints. god, you just thought you'd be taking a few pictures with your friend... who would've known that he'd tie you to his bed and gag you?! you have never felt more violated by him.
well, apart from that time when he showed up in your bedroom at 3am. stealing your underwear.
yeah, you really don't wanna remember.
"mn... guess they're still in the act. haha! don't worry guys, we're just cosplaying... the tears? my baby is silly like that!"
he laughs merrily, chatting with his thousands of followers as he continues to have you in the frame of his camera. and despite your clear grunts of discomfort and tears, your influencer friend has made zero effort to get the camera away from you. oh well, at least he angled it away from your face.
"oh? their face? mn... nah, their face is only for me. you guys won't be seeing them anytime soon."
he comments, finally getting you out of frame before giggling softly.
"ah ah, be nice you guys. they're my darling. and you won't be stealing them away from me."
his tone is lighthearted and he has a smile on his attractive face. but you know better than to believe that he's happy. after all, just behind the camera, his grip on the bedsheets have significantly tightened tenfold.
"i guess I'll go for now fellas. see you tomorrow when I'm visiting the haunted house!"
he abruptly ends the livestream, chucking his phone to one side of the room before looking at you with an unreadable expression.
you shudder at the sight, gulping nervously before he mumbles softly, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
"i wish it was just us in the world... i hate everyone. they all want to take you away from me."
he wraps his arms around your shaking figure, sighing melancholically before suddenly smirking.
"hey, wanna film another type of live?"
you freeze in place, staring at his ':3' face before sighing. he's not gonna give you a choice anyways. might as well give in willingly. it's not like you don't like it...
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bixbiboom · 11 months
Question for you... do you think Matt was also in cosplay for the M9 reunion show? If so, who was he dressed as?
(Sorry if this has been mentioned before and I missed it.)
He’s dressed as Sweeney Todd. They’re all a mix of character cosplay and iconic British music figures. Sam is Freddie Mercury, Ashley is Bonnie Tyler (with Yasha elements), Liam is Sid Vicious, Marisha is Adam Ant (with Beau’s sashes). I’m not sure about Taliesin or Laura (Laura kinda looks like she’s cosplaying her own pastel goth look from the last (I think?) MN live show, and Taliesin looks more like his sexy Ben Franklin from the VMxMN battle royale than anything else to me), and Travis looks to be straight Fjord.
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anonymousbardd · 6 months
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Baby
↳ Various x FemReader
- The following characters are Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo, Jake Kim, and Vin Jin
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ʚɞ ┊: Gun Park
↳ It was just a lovely day, Gun and I were cuddled up on the couch, I was resting in his arms, we were watching a movie.
It was quiet, but comforting, I heard Gun's steady heartbeats as my hrad rested on his chest.
I looked at Gun who's eyes were looking at me, "Hey... My love," I spoke out quietly, he paused for a bit and let out a quiet hum.
"I've been thinking... And... W-well..." I felt my cheeks heat up as I tried to muster up the courage to tell him what's on my mind, Gun didn't pressure me, he waited for me to spit it out.
"I-... I want a baby..." I mumbled, I felt Gun slightly stiffened.
He then chuckled and kissed the top of my forehead, "Do you want one now?" He asked, I looked up at him with a curious look, I was about to ask him what he meant when I felt something hard poking my thigh.
I let out a quiet giggle and sat up on his lap, "Y-yeah..." I said as Gun placed his hands on my hips.
Gun grinned and slowly started to grind his hips onto me, "Let's make baby then."
ʚɞ ┊: Goo Kim
↳ I've been having a bit of baby fever recently, and I've been hinting it to my fiancé, although, he doesn't seem to get the hint.
"Babe! Loook! Don't you think these are cute?!" I asked, showing him a picture of a cute little Nezuko cosplay for a baby.
Goo hummed and nodded, "Yeah! They do!" He replied.
I frowned at his dumb reaction and threw myself on his lap, "What do you think it'll be like?" I asked.
Goo hummed and raised a brow, "To cosplay? I think it'll be pretty cool," he then grinned and groped my ass, "Especially when you're in a maid costume in bed."
I huffed and crossed my arms, "Not that! You pervert!"
Goo's eyes slightly widened and he pouted his lips, I then sighed and fidgeted with my fingers, "I meant... What do you think it'll be like to have a baby?"
Goo paused for a moment and hummed, "Why have a baby when you already have me," he said, an I pouted and huffed, Goo cupped my face and he let out a chuckle.
Goo kissed my lips and smiled, his eyes looked at mine, "It'll be hard, but worth it," he added.
"M-mn... Right," I muttered, Goo let out a laugh and hugged my waist, his chin rested on my chest, "Would you like a baby?" He asked, I squirmed a bit and nodded my head.
He grinned and kissed my lips, "Are you sure you're ready?" He asked, I smiled and cupped his cheeks, "No matter how ready we think we'd be, we both know it'll be more hard when baby's already here."
Goo chuckled and burried his face on my chest, "You right... But I bet we can handle it."
ʚɞ ┊: Samuel Seo
↳ Surprisingly, when I sat Samuel down because I wanted to tell him something, he also had something to say.
We both sat on the dining table, facing each other.
The tension in the air was thick, I then broke the silence and look at Samuel in the eye, "I... I know that you've been busy and stuff..." I exhaled sharply and looked at him, "I want a baby."
Samuel's eyes widen, he paused for a pocket.
"It's funny because... I wanted to ask you to be my wife," Samuel then opened a box with a beautiful diamond ring.
It sparkled under the light, and you felt your eyes swell up with tears.
"Will you, (F/n), make me the luckiest man alive, and accept to be my queen?"
You sniffled and stood up to run to him, "Yes! Yes I will!" You exclaimed, he then kissed you and wrapped his hands around your waist.
"Let's start forming our family, shall we?" He said, his lips formed a smirk. moment and smiled, "Is that what you wanted to ask me...?" He said, he then chuckled and took something out from his
ʚɞ ┊: Jake Kim
↳ I looked for Jake all over the street of big deal but didn't seem to find him anywhere, I asked Jerry, Lineman, I asked everyone, but they also didn't know where Jake was.
After a while, I got a bit tired and went to Jake and I's shared home, I sat myself on the couch and found myself drifting off to sleep.
Not long later, I felt two pairs of arms snake around me and gently lift me up from the couch.
My eyes slowly fluttered open and I saw Jake carrying me to the bedroom.
Tiredly, I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"My love?" I quietly spoke, Jake hummed and slowly placed me down the bed, he hovered on top of me, scanning me.
I placed a hand on my belly and looked at him with tires eyes, "I want baby..." I said, his eyes widen, Jake then softly chuckled and pecked me on the lips.
"We can have baby... For now, you need some sleep."
I then hummed and hugged him, Jake smiled and kissed my cheek, he then snuggled up to me and held me close as I fell into deep slumber.
The next morning, he was all teaseful and took me out on a date, that night, we made love, sweet and passionate love.
ʚɞ ┊: Vin Jin
↳ I was sitting on a couch with my lover who's currently writing a new album, we've been together ever since my senior year in highschool up 'till college.
And now, we both graduated and he still hasn't thought about proposing.
Vin Jin landed a decent stay at home job, and he writes some new raps as a hobby, he still fights other gangs.
I was getting bored doing nothing, so I decided to scroll on my phone for entertainment.
As I did, I saw a cute video compilation of little babies wearing cute pajamas.
My heart melted at the sight, I then pasued and wondered what my boyfriend and I's baby would look like.
I then began to realise that my feed had been filled with things related to a child, I looked at my frustrated boyfriend and stood up.
"Honey~..." I cooed, my hands massaged his shoulders, "What is it?" He asked quite coldly, he had a habit of being rude to people when he's angry.
I got closed to his ear and brushed my lips against his skin, "You know... I've been thinking about something."
I felt Vin let out a quiet and shaky sigh, he stayed silent, his hand clenched onto the pencil he held.
I grinned and whispered in his ear and left his small home studio.
I headed to our shared bedroom and laid down on the soft mattress, it didn't take long for my boyfriend to get here.
His face was flushed red and his eyes were fixated on me, I grinned and laid down on my stomach, my legs kicked the air, "What brings you here?" I teased.
He slightly frowned and took off his shirt and threw it on the floor, he got on the bed and kissed my lips hungrily.
Vin pulled away and looked at me in the eyes, "You make mee feel so fucking crazy..." He muttered, I giggled and kissed his lips, "Do I now~..? Then show me how crazy you get."
Vin grinned began to slowly undress me, that day, we made love all night until dawn, I guess telling him that he'd be a great father got him riled up.
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magixfairyix · 1 month
Darcy Character Monologue
From an actual acting assignment I did. I wanted to tear my hair out (fear of judgement did be kicking in) but we carpe diem-ed it.
(Also cosplayed as her for Halloween that same year to school so lol just give no effs kids, it's good for you)
Talking about a new evil scheme, as they were just defeated by the Winx awhile earlier
Talking to Riven over the phone/manipulating him yada yada (this one first)
She could be pissed at Icy and Stormy and ranting of their incompetence 
She goes into the dorm after being defeated by the Winx, angry at Icy and Stormy for messing up the plan. She creates a new plan and calls Riven, manipulating him for the plan, and after ending the call she plans out the rest of the plan to herself, making sure that it will work this time.
[Walks into the dorm, clearly fuming internally. Icy and Stormy are in the room, and imply that they are there]
Darcy: What are you two even doing...? [holding her temples]
Darcy: This is why we keep losing to the Winx! Both of you always run into this without even thinking—you know what? Get out. I need to think and your stupidity is making it impossible
[Pause, assuming one of theme protests] 
Darcy: Can it, Stormy. I said get out
[The two of them get out, Darcy closing the door behind them before walking to the a bookshelf at stage upper right]
Darcy: [grabs book from the shelf, flipping through it before putting it back] Those two will be the death of me [Grabs new book, flipping through it before closing it]
[Walks to the center of the room, sitting on the ground, setting the book in front of her, flipping through it]
Darcy [while flipping through the book]: Of course the one time in years we get close to finding the Dragon Flame Icy and Stormy mess it up. All they had to do was project themselves into the simulation chamber of Alfea while I kept watch and they just decided it would be the perfect time to get rid of Bloom. 
[Rolls her eyes and sighs in exasperation]
Darcy: We need Bloom alive to take the Dragon Flame out of her. Icy of all people should know that—[mumbling] on the other hand Stormy is a complete idiot—and that one wrong move or spell of theirs can lead to the one source of the Dragon Flame that’s alive after Domino’s destruction being gone for good. [rests her face in her hands, going back to flipping through the book] These days I wish our Ancestors left more sources of the power alive besides a pathetic pixie
[Pauses, eyes widening, seeing something useful in the book]
Darcy: [quietly] Wait a minute… [flips forward several pages before pausing at a page, smiling evilly] Hm… a possession spell. “One who recites this incantation while possessing or controlling an individual will be able to control the direction of the possession, which will take a life of its own, from afar. Particularly useful when wanting to control someone who is protected, for you can possess another individual and urge the spell to jump to another person of your choice, even if protective charms prohibit this.”
Darcy: With this we’ll be able to possess Bloom [chuckling] Oh this is perfect. The Headmistress of Alfea protected Bloom with a spell—further proof that she’s the Fairy of the Dragon Flame—so with this… one of her friends can be controlled before her [reads over the page before cloning the book, smiling] And I know just who to use
[Pulls phone out of her pocket, sitting more comfortably, and types out a number, waiting a few seconds before someone answers]
Darcy: Hello, Riven [pause while R ‘talks’ over the phone] Hm mn, I’m glad I can talk with you again. [pausing] I’ve heard that there’s a celebration in Magix city tomorrow, the Day of the Rose, was it? Yes, yes I’ll be there. Are any of your friends going to be with you?
[Pausing, Darcy nodding and listening]
Darcy: Sky, Brandon and Stella? [Since he hasn’t spoken of Bloom, she is perplexed before her face lights up evilly] Bloom? She’s going as well? [pausing, getting up holding the book in her arms] Sorry, Riven, I have to go. I have an exam to study for. [ends the call without a second thought]
[Walks to the center of the room]
Darcy: If Riven and Bloom are both in Magix city tomorrow and if everything goes according to plan we’ll finally get hold of the Dragon Flame, and then, we can take over Magix for our rule. Riven is more than easy to possess, and as long as he’s near Bloom I’ll be able to get past whatever protection spell Faragonda used and possess her, controlling her to give us the Dragon Flame inside her willingly
Darcy [smirks]: And if she doesn’t… [walks slowly to the opposite direction she kicked out Icy and Stormy] We’ll just have to tear the power out of her
[Walks off stage]
Everytime someone asks how gay I am this is proof.
Like, also had to spend a few classes writing a two page essay about the character to make sure we deeply understood them. I spent too long looking for all the information I could.
The dedication I have for this character istg help me mother Sappho.
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atom-writings · 6 months
cosplayed ivan today at anime detour mn. the only time i got recognized someone yelled “RUSSIA???” at me and i just yelled back “OH NO” and ran away so. to whoever that person was im sorry yes i was russia i dont know why i immediately went into fight or flight mode.
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also heres the costume :3
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alain-the-fallen · 5 months
About the Mn
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Name: [REDACTED], but call me Mod Squirrel!
Age: 20
Pronouns: They/them
Sexuality: Pan
Single Or Taken: single
Hobbies: Gaming, drawing sometimes, rping
Favorite Color: orange, but they're all nice!
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Current: Cult of the Lamb, Plants VS Zombies, MHA, Helluva Boss, Wild Kratts, SMG4, Poppy Playtime, TF2, FNAF, Minecraft, Skylanders, FNF, Pokemon, Sonic, Mario
Other Blogs: @soulful-rodent [main] @lookout-anon, @leafy-tea-anon, @necromancer-anon, @tired-anons-adventures [my anon sonas], @socialbutterflythehonse [my pony sona], and @ask-the-milos-brothers [Sonic OCs!]
Favorite TV Show: Spongebob!
Do You Cosplay?: No, but I want to!
Favorite Media: Any current fixation
Favorite Book: I can't choose!
Favorite Band: Gorillaz
Favorite Movie: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie
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Do You Have Pets?: Yes! 2 Dogs, one Jack Russell terrier/ Chihuahua hybrid named Bandit, and a 13 year old rescue Dachshund named Mama Girl.
Favorite Animal: Squirrels are my absolute fave, but I do love spiders, dogs, sharks, and frogs.
Do You Play Any Instruments?: No, but I want to learn!
Favorite Hellaverse Character(s): Lucifer, Charlie, Stolas, Blitz, Loona, Moxxie, Millie, Angel Dust, Husk, Vaggie, Sir Pentious
Tagged by: @hells-ringleader
Tagging: @angeldust-fucks, @charlie-morningstar666, @theexangel, @theoriginaldick, and anyone who sees this
(divider by @featheryhoe)
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ssuminshan-official · 2 years
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See how A-Yao helps Xichen with his hangover.
Xichen: *waking up on A-Yao's bed, while still hugging his hat*
Yao on the other hand was sitting in Lan Xichen's clothes and headband, while being attended to by his servants.
Huangdi looks so cute in Lan robes!
He's so adorable.
Yao: *laughing* these sleeves are too big for me.
Huangdi, it means that your hands will remain warm and toasty.
Yao: right!
Xichen to himself: what happened.
Gosh, A-Yao looks so cute.
Yao: A-Huan! You're awake.
Xiying, help me before I trip over the cloth.
Xiying: yea, got you Huangdi.
Xichen: *blushing* now that's where my headband and outer robes went.
Yao: yep.
You slept later than usual, A-Huan.
See, I woke up and made breakfast for you.
Xichen: you did??
Yao: Yunping style food.
Xichen: awww, A-Yao.
Yao: I should tell uncle in law that Lan lips is getting out of hand, sleeping late.
Xichen: maybe if you weren't in my arms, then I would wake up earlier.
Yao: *blushing* oh you.
Xichen: *sits up, then hugs him gently* I can't remember what happened last night.
All I remember is being with you, then with your team dimple.
Yao: and when you lost your thumb.
Xichen: what??
Yao: *caresses his face* nothing Huan.
Xichen: was I drunk?
Yao: kinda.
Xichen: oh noo!
Was....was....I cute?
Yao: very. Don't worry. You're really cute when you're drunk.
Xichen: A-Yao *grabs his sleeves* can we snuggle some more. I don't think I want to go out today.
Yao: how come?
Xichen: my head is still spinning.
Yao: awwwww, you have a hangover?!
Xichen: what's a hangover, A-Yao?
Yao: *giggling* nevermind, A-Huan. Just relax for today.
Xichen: yea. That's why I want to snuggle with you in bed all day
Yao: *blushing* oh my.
Xichen: would you, A-Yao?
Yao: *flushed red* yes...let me get you your breakfast.
Xichen: mn. A-Yao, I hope you're not busy today.
Being Huangdi and all.
Yao: nop, today I'm all yours!
But I just got to meet with team dimple and A-Song.
Xichen: *smiling*
Yao: breakfast is served, Huanhuan!!
Yunping style delicacies! Courtesy chef Yao.
Xichen: awww. Those are the same dishes you made for me.
Yao: yup. With extra love.
Xichen: will you feed me?
Yao: heehee, baby Xichen returns!
Sure I will, darling.
*lovingly feeding each other*
Xichen: the taste hasn't changed. Which is sweet.
Yao: I'm glad you're enjoying.
Xichen: of course I am.
Lan Furen made it for me.
Yao: *smiling* Lan lips.
Xichen: will you teach me how to cook some time?    
Yao: sure.
Xichen: *rubbing A-Yao's thigh* so surprising that the emperor who has over 29 chefs, still remembers how to cook.
Yao: yea, A-Huan. It doesn't really make a difference, because I was emperor when we first met. 
Xichen: I admire your humbleness, beloved.
That's the true secret to success.
Yao: mhm.
Xichen: *kisses him on his forehead*
My adorable Lan furen.
Yao: *smile* do you love Lan furen?
Xichen: yes, dearly.
Yao: *feeds* how delightful. Because I love you too!
Xichen: Huangdi. Can I give your fox tail a kiss?
Yao: *blushing* Huanhuan. I'll be back shortly. Heehee.
Xichen: A-Yao--
Ok fine. Come back quickly.
Mo xuanyu: morning Yao gege!
Yao: morning.
Su she: what's up with Lan lips? Did you tame him.
Xue yang: Jiggybun is cosplaying him lol.
Yao: Yes i am!! And he's fine, but really clingy.
He wants me to stay in bed with him for the whole day.
Su she: *rolls eyes* doesn't he know that you're a Huangdi. Unreasonable Lan.
Xue yang: getting lipsy in bed, I see.
Yao: seem so. He's getting very lipsy.
Mo xuanyu: that's kinda cute, Yao gege. But Lan lips should understand that you have work to do.
And when I mean work, I mean spending time with us.
Yao: *laughing*
Xue yang: and your huangdi stuff too, of course.
Su she: will we be deprived of you?
Yao: of course not.
Xue yang: that Lipsy man.
Su she: I know right.
Xue yang: I'll march right up to them and tell him, Lan lips! A-Yao is busy Empering right now.
Mo xuanyu: and if Mr. Lips asks what is Empering!
Su she: we'll just say that it's the act of being an emperor.
Yao: *laughing* oh no.
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege, team dimple has their own dictionary.
Yao: I see that.
Xue yang: diva-ing,
Su she: the act of being a diva.
Xue yang: lipsing.
Su she: the act of wooing A-Yao with their Lan energy.
You have to be a Lan to do that.
Mo xuanyu: dimpling.
Xue yang: this have two meanings.
One, the act of Jiggy flexing his dimples.
And two, the act of carrying about work assigned by Jiggy.
Yao: hahaha, you three have a lot of spare time.
Mo xuanyu: yea. You can say so.
Rusong: A-Die, *hugs* morning.
Yao: hii, good morning Song'er.
Yao: Song'er I'm a bit busy with A-Huan. So you're in charge for a while.
Rusong: sure.
Am I in charge of team D too!
Yao: yup.
Babysit them for me.
Mo xuanyu: babysit?!!!
Su she: aww, little highness.
Xue yang: we babysit him.
Yao: well it's the other way around, lol.
Yao: you can borrow Fuying if you want , Song'er.
Got to go. Team D, be on your best behavior with Song'er.
Rusong: behave.
Su she: Little highness, you're so cute.
Xue yang: you should be the one who's behaving, kid.
Mo xuanyu: fine Song'er we'll be on our best behavior.
Are you happy now?
Rusong: mhm.
A-Die, I can handle it.
Yao: I see, you can!
Xue yang: A-Song is just a tiny Jiggy.
Su she: dimples and everything.
Yao: *kisses A-Song on his forehead*
See you guys soon.
Xue yang: go destroy Lan lips in bed, Jiggybuns!
Yao: lol, we're just going to cuddle.
Xue yang: then suffocate him with your floof.
Mo xuanyu: you know all lans have kinks.
Yao: how? No!
A-Huan is not like that.
Mo xuanyu: when he's not horni.
Yao: A-Huan. *snuggles in bed with him*
Xichen: Huangdi. *kisses*
Yao: why are you formal, lipsy?
Xichen: because you're adorable.
*their hands knitted with each other's.
Yao: oh really?
Xichen: mhm. *caressing his face*
Yao: *kisses the side of his neck*
Xichen: *lovingly rubbing A-Yao's waste.
*starts kissing him behind the ear. *
Yao: *sinks his hulijing teeth into Xichen's shoulder*
(It just felt like an ant's bite for him, as A-Yao would never hurt him.
He's only deviously rough with team dimple)
Xichen: ah. A-Yao.
Yao: did I hurt you?
Xichen: no. Do it again!
Yao: ok then.
Xichen: mmm.
Yao: *snuggles in his arms*
Xichen: my loving emperor. *strokes head*
Yao: *caresses his lips* your loving fiance too.
Xichen: how can I forget that?
Yao: better not, Lan lips.
Xichen: when will we get married?
Yao: very soon. I still have to put huaisang under control.
Xichen: what? Is he bothering you? I heard that he hired people to kill your people.
Yao: yes, but I have my eyes on him.
He says he's rectifying his mistake, yet i don't believe him.
Xichen: I'm here to protect you, Huangdi.
I love you.
Yao: *smile* awww.
Xichen: I want to be your bodyguard.
Yao: sure, you and team D are.
Xichen: as you wish.
Yao: are the nies jealous of me? Why do they hate me so.
Xichen: don't worry about them.
You're one in a million.
Yao: er ge, you're so sweet.
Xichen: *caresses his dimples*
Yao: *cutely makes his tail appear*
Xichen: cutest of all hulijings, emperor A-Yao.
Yao: yes A-Huan, honorable Zewu Jun
Xichen: may I kiss your floof.
Yao: *laughing slightly* Huangdi would love that.
Xichen: *kisses his floof*
Yao: *makes his fox ears ppear* get behind the ear.
Xichen: sure.  
A-Yao, you're so warm and fluffy.
Yao: *rests his floof on Xichen's face*
Xichen: *giggling*
Yao: *flicks it in his face*
Xichen: emperor, have mercy. I might die of cuteness.
Yao: *laughing slighly*
Xichen: how do they function, having such an adorable ruler.
Yao: they're accustomed.
Xichen: aww.
Yao: *rests his head on his chest*
Xichen: *hugs him tightly, then closes his eyes*
Stay like this, A-yao.
Yao: mhm.
Xichen: do you feel toasty?
Yao: very.
Xichen: stay in my arms.
Yao: would I ever refuse to?
Meanwhile with team dimple and A-Song.
Rusong: *talking to someone in the hallway* Huangdi will be delighted to meet you later in the evening.
X: great. And tell him that he's doing a great job as always.
Rusong: sure I will, and thank you.
Team dimple: *relaxing in the other room*
Xue yang: Yuyu. Do you think that Jiggy had destroyed Lan lips?
Mo xuanyu: without a doubt.
Su she: the Lan can't handle Huangdi. 
Mo xuanyu: yea, he's too hot.
Xue yang: Jiggy only acts fierce with Dage and goes easy on Xichen.
Su she: cuz Xichen is a softie. Bunny boy.
Mo xuanyu: does he go hard on you also, xue gege?
Xue yang: oh heck yea. I like it when he pulls out his guqin strings and ties me. Hehehehehe.
Mo xuanyu: same.
Su she: I would do anything he asks. I'm happy once he's satisfied.
Xue yang: this Jiggy is hella gorgeous.
I want to poison Xichen just to get to him.
Su she: Huangdi belongs to us and not that cringy Lan.
Mo xuanyu: the guy doesn't even improve after the dimple tests.
Is he immune to us??
Xue yang: never. He's just stubborn.
Su she: they always believe that they're the best. *rolls eyes*
Mo xuanyu: want to spy on Yao gege?
Xue yang: obviously.
Su she: same, but we can't invade his privacy.
Xue yang: bro we're team dimple.
Mo xuanyu: I wonder if we can scare Lan lips. What is he afraid of?
Xue yang: his brother's face.
Su she: maybe dirt.
Xue yang: a dead rabbit
Wait no! A zombie rabbit!
Su she: do you think that he would tame it with that face of his?
Xue yang: nah.
Well let's see! Xuanyu, go catch a rabbit and bring it in my fierce corpse ground.
Mo xuanyu: mn.
Su she: give it a name.
Xue yang: haha. That's a a must.
Rusong: Team D.
Mo xuanyu and xue yang: *startled*
Su she: heh heh, little highness, you're back.
Xue yang: did you hear our plan, little diva?
Rusong: yup! I heard everything!
Su she: ah, I see that you multitask just like your A-Die.
Rusong: Team D, why do you want to prank Shizun?
Su she: because it's funny.
Xue yang: because he's Lan lips.
Mo xuanyu: Song'er, Lan lips had given team dimple a hard time.
Rusong: *laughing* I see. You guys are jealous of him!
Trio: noooooo! Little Dianxia!
Rusong: ok fine. You're not jealous.
Mo xuanyu: we want to mess with him a bit.
Rusong: Team D, behave.
Su she: we could never, when it's Lan lips.
Rusong: anyways, even though I find it entertaining! What if I tell Shizun and A-Die what you're planning to do.
Xue yang: no!
Mo xuanyu: you'll ruin it. 
Rusong: alright. May I spectate your mischief?
Mo xuanyu: of course you can, Song'er!
Rusong: excellent!
Let's go team D!
Xue yang: lol you lead the way.
Rusong: mhm. I know where your fierce corpse training ground is.
(He has one at the back of Jing Manor's compound.)
Mo xuanyu: Shanshan, can you help me grab a rabbit?
Su she: yea let's go.
Xue yang: I'll show you my knife collection while we wait on them.
Rusong: oh cool!
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three1sdead · 1 year
see you guys at crypticon mn next month!!!!
super excited to show off ny masked man cosplay :]
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honestly i really gotta get a jacket that fits better, the one in that video is a bit big on me hagdjdgrk
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dutchplayboyfans · 2 years
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@emma.annaphilomena *Mic Drop*🖐🏻🎤 ♡ Het jaar in knallen met foto's van een van de eerste shoots van 2022. Ohja en ik vind mezelf stiekem hilarisch met mn "Mic Drop 🎤" sinds Mic de foto's heeft gemaakt haha. Een lekker dubbele one liner dus😂 En om maar even zo door te gaan met dat lekkere zelfvertrouwen, ik vind dat deze foto wel wat liefde verdient! ♡ ♡ ♡ #portraits_ig #gramkilla #wetandwild #wetdress #portretfotografie #fantasy_portrature #modelpose #countrygirl #bodyscapes #watershoot #fitgirlnl #outfitoftheday #modelphoto #leatherlook #tfpshooting #waterstudio #outfit4real #cosplaying #tfpmodel #portraitgirl #boudoirphotography #mylook #instastyle #whatiworetoday ##eros_in_mind #photo__portraits_ #lingerie #outfitoftheday #rainstudio https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7YYaXL6L9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pastelricky · 2 years
I am so bored at work today, so I started to doodle Hetalia stuff like I am teenaher again. Currently I am rewatching Hetalia again with niece (age 12), and it is bringing up so many old memories!
I doodled some LatLiech because that is my niece's OTP.
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My first cosplay was of Ukraine. My first ask/rp blog was for Latvia. I had a MN state oc. I look back on my old the Hetalia stuff and cringe but also smile widely.
Sometimes I really miss my hetalia days. Can I be a teenager again?
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