#mmmmmm i had to talk to multiple members of my family today
bsidez · 7 years
What the fuck is the point of claiming you love someone if you have no intention of trying to understand them.
and its frustrating because i know better!!! family is a cruel joke of a concept that just lets people feel like they are entitled to any of your feelings or your life just because you share blood. 
I know i sound dramatic but i truly mean it. I’m finally trying to live my life the way i WANT to live it, the way that makes me WANT to keep living, and you try to explain that and they still are trying to force you back into what they think is the right way to do things and im just so tired of it.
im tired of being told im not nice enough. i need to be happier if i want anyone to love me, i should teach grade school because its more fun, you shouldnt tell kids they dont have to go to college, dont date a girl because that would just be too hard, you should be dating and going out (but not spending money) because youre going to be alone forever otherwise. “Life is hard and it sucks and thats just the way it is, get used to it.” you should be more creative, but not that way. 
i got out of college and finally felt like myself and somehow that’s me “doing everything wrong”
and i dont want to just accept that im wrong when i know im not! I’m not and it already took me so long to accept that and embrace it and i dont know how someone could say that they love you and care about you if theyre not going to embrace it too
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nightseeye · 7 years
i was tagged by the amazing @musicandartmafia
drink - green and mint tea 
phone call - my big bro! 
text message - “Maybe hold in longer?”
song you listened to - Labyrinth by CG5 
last time you cried - sometime last year??? Round the summertime, methinks
dated someone twice - never have!
kissed someone & regretted - any time I kiss anyone ever
been cheated on - nope
lost someone special - unfortunately 
been depressed - thankfully, no
gotten drunk and thrown up - nope, drinks aren’t my style
Any! Ever!!!
made new friends - Heh, thankfully 
fallen out of love - Never been in love 
laughed until you cried - yes! Definitely!
found out someone was talking about you - It was my mom
met someone who changed you - nah, not really
found out who your friends are - folks I’d both fight and kill for uwu 
kissed someone on your facebook friends list - I don’t have a facebook. Or like anyone like that
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - None bc I’m a unfashionable fool w/out a facebook
do you have any pets - boi I wish 
do you want to change your name - Nope, I like mine :)
what did you do for your last birthday - felt upset cause my mom had to go to a wedding instead, and then suppressed it :)))
what time did you wake up today - 5:43 amish???
what were you doing at midnight last night - Drawing like a damned madmon
what is something you can’t wait for - me birthdate/To become a ghost/to find my motivation/ect. 
what are you listening to right now - Labyrinth by CG5 uwu
have you ever talked to a person named tom - No, surprisingly
something that’s getting on your nerves - when I’m on a roll, and somethin distracts me/ My mom askin me basically the same thing over and over again when we BOTH know the answer
most visited website - tumblr, flightrising, youtube, or archieve of our own
hair colour - Dark, a very nearly black, brown 
long or short hair - a lil below shoulder length(when straighted, that is)
do you have a crush on someone - Nope
what do you like about yourself - My voice, art skillz™, and eyes 
want any piercings - noooo tgat involves needles :’(
blood type - I have nary a single idea
nicknames - Would my tublr name count? Or any screen name I take
relationship status - Where?
zodiac - cancer/leo cusp 
pronouns - them/she/he
fav TV shows - Uhhhh none, none of them really
tattoos - eenope
right or left handed - right
ever had surgery - multiple! 
sports - I took tae kwon do, and ballae at 2 different points 
piercings - none uwu
vacation - didney worl. Or any themepark like that
trainers - For pokemon? Ye
eating - Pretzle crisps :D 
drinking - som dat tea
about to watch - music vids or animation memes!
waiting for - my homework to get finished… somehow 
want - to be able eat some real food 
get married - Don’t care if I do, don’t care if I don’t 
career - I wanna be a grapic designer! Either for video games, cartoons, or just freelance
hugs or kisses - Hugs! 
lips or eyes - eyes
shorter or taller -Both. Both are good
older or younger - ???¿?
nice arms or stomach - *insert shrug here* 
hookup or relationship - relationship bc I need steady stuffs 
troublemaker or hesitant - whats this s'possed to mean. Help
kissed a stranger - pal listen I don’t even like kissin my family member’s cheeks what make you think I’m gonna do that 
drank hard liquor - no liquor 
lost glasses - the frames from those 3d ones :( 
turned someone down - Nope
sex on first date - :( no 
broken someone’s heart - I don’t think?
had your heart broken - ah, yes
been arrested - nope
cried when someone died - most definitely!
fallen for a friend - almost thought I did, once. Just was a squish though
yourself - mmmmm sometimes
miracles - yes!
love at first sight - not? Really?? Still on the fence for this one 
santa Claus - pally i wish
kiss on a first date - no, don’t 
angels - mmmmmm kinda
best friend’s name- some I shalt not name
eye color - dark brown, usually looks like black unless stared at reeeaaal closely 
fav movie - polar express, zootopia, monana, who framed Roger rabbit, and more I can’t think of! 
fav actor - I know none
imma tag: @demi-gray , @skele-art-ton , @devidaydreamer , @callmetrash1 , @bitty-fluff , @concoctionsfromhell , and @sir-silv
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