#mmmmmm brain root
nastiiuu · 2 months
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Hear me out: Weapon Master Timmy Turner and his Weapons are Cosmo and Wanda's true forms 👀
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officialgleamstar · 10 months
For the ship ask game: terrick?
shipping ask game
ship it of course <3
What made you ship it?
really loved their emo boy for emo boy swag <333 if i recall correctly, someone requested it as a drawing request and i had never seen it before, but it really lodged its way into my brain after that hehe
What are your favorite things about the ship?
i think they have a lot of deep-rooted similarities so theyre able to understand each other better than others would!! the inherent homoeroticism of being parallels <333
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
mmmmmm not particularly, i dont think :0 i like terrick but im not really into it enough to be controversial about it LMAO
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foxilayde · 2 years
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. When I'm sick I like to imagine how my faves would take care of me so here's my little nathan headcanon
Nathan would be worried that he'd catch whatever you have so he'd lock himself in his office and he'd have Kyoko follow you around all day, cleaning the sweat off your body with a damp rag, give you medicine, glasses of water, soup, readjust the covers... until he hears you say to Kyoko that you're this 👌 close to dump him for her since she takes such good care of you. Of course you know he's listening, there are cameras everywhere and Kyoko doesn't understand you. You're passing on a message: Nathan, you're an asshole and a bad boyfriend.
Nathan wouldn't apologize to you with words but he'd finally leave his office to join you (germs be damned) and he'd take you on long walks around the property, claiming that fresh air is good for your lungs, he'd make you drink green smoothies, and exercise until you're literally too weak to stand.
You're not bantering and giving him shit like he's used too, and that's what finally makes him worry. He thinks he might have gone a little too hard on you. So in a rare display of affection, he gently fluffs your pillow and blankets and asks you what you need. He says he's your own personal robot until you get better and he internally cheers when it makes you smile. You just need him close, you just want to know he cares. He lies next to you, working from his phone, while you use him as a pillow and heat source. He'd rub your back soothingly when a couching fit hits you.
Hope you feel better soon, beautiful
This is so adorable!!! I read this like 5 times!! I can totally see this happening! It’s literally so perfect.
“Kyoko, you’re the best. Are you single?”
Kyoko: **doesn’t respond**
Nathan: **gets angry but has no one to blame but himself **
I could really use some green juice and a kickboxing cardio to kick the mucous out 😂 he totally would do that. “You getting outta breath? Good, that’s how we know it’s working.”
Ykw I just realized? He also TOTALLY has a sauna and a steam room and he’d fuking LOCK me in there to “get the toxins out”
I’m banging on the glass door
“Nathan let me OUT!”
“Five more minutes.”
“I’m going to pass out, Nate, this isn’t a joke!”
“You only think you’re going to pass out because you believe you’re going to pass out. It’s like that Win Hoff book I gave you.”
“Win Hoff? Nathan I didn’t read that stupid thing! Open the DOOR!”
“What? You SAW me swim in the glacier water and you still didn’t read it.”
“I do not wear my self flagellation like a BADGE like SOME people… Nathan I’m going to break the glass so help me—“
“We need to get your internal temperature to a temperature that’s uninhabitable for the virus. Four minutes. You’re doing great, honey.”
“Uninhabitable?! You’re insane! You know what else needs to habitate this body?? Me!”
But then he gets all squishy soft later on mmmmmm thank you for getting my brain thinking about this, I truly love it because I think that in a romantic situation, Nathan’s love languages would get lost in translation. Like the robot servant, the workouts, the sauna; he does it because that’s how HE would like to be shown care in the same scenario. He’s attacking the problem pragmatically, at the root, with the least amount of casualties, but he forgets how important tenderness is, and him learning that lesson in the end is the cherry on top.
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monster-noises · 3 years
I'm all Art Frustrated, not like Big frustrated when i tty and draw and it doesn't work and i get all Big Sad but just like.. Art Gumpy and i need to grumble about it
I've run into just.. A Number of challenges working on Lazarus's main portrait that are things i run into routinely every time i paint, they aren't like.. insurmountable problems but they're places where my knowledge and skill fall short and every time i have to throw up my hands and say
"welp guess this will just have to be what it currently is cause idk how to make this work how i want and i still got Several miles to go on this thing before it's done"
It's all fiddly weird stuff like.. figuring out how to make the monotone shading layer+overlay technique work the way i want it to, incorporating the linework into the painting to get a more shapey semi-lineless vibe to match my full lineless painting style but like.. Easier, making Meaty and/or wet things look the appropriate amount of shiny and wet, getting the right feel on a loose and messy lineless background(and hinestly just in my painting in general) where it isn't just muddy shapes but it's also not distracting harsh chunks of colour, and really pushing my poses and anatomy to keep things grounded but also feeling fluid elastic and animated(which sometimes comes naturally and sometimes just Won't Happen which is always bizarre and frustrating)..
They all come back to like 2 root causes :
1) learning is hard; from knowing how to find the Right resources, to being able to execute on what those resources are telling you, to being able to then apply that to different scenerios, and have the info stick and stay Understood it's....mmmmMM... the whole process is a nightmare that never works for me. (I go through this cycle all the time of trying to push myself to find teaching resources and try and Learn about what i want to do. often I'll ask around how other people learn/do things in case y'know i have been interpreting the method wrong or there's a better way for someone with my bad brain to do these things... But every Single time all the advice is stuff i already do or is stuff I know Of but can't use because i can't make that lateral leap from Theory -> Application and there's really no one out there tutorializing That step of the process, so I just... Put it away again until I forget what happens every time I do this and inevitably stumble into the same results...)
And 2) way waaaaaay back in highschool i trained myself/was trained in a method that like.. took "know your fundamentals" in a very literal way and was kinda pushed into focusing on making everything ""right"" but rules of realism rather that "right" by how i learned and what i wanted to achieve.
It did and continues to Righteously Fuck Me Up. (Knowing your fundamentals is true and important but there are different Ways to learn and understand the fundamentals that can be very specific to what you want to do and how you learn. Trying to elbow someone into a learning format that takes their art Away from what they want it to be is setting them up for long term issues and potentially loosing their passion, but that is perhaps its whole own other post. I see big proffesionals talk about this on twitter a lot and i get so ffffffrustrated because of my own experiences but i don't say anything because i don't want to Invite twitter users to casr their eyes upon me like that.)
And i'm just UGH so frustrated.. it's all these bitty little things that I know would make my art better but all I can seem to do about it is trundle around in the dark hitting my head against the walls until i either stick the landing through brute force and luck or sit down and give up where i stand.
Cjkdso idk i don't really have a point or concise ending statement to make here it's just really tough seeing so many little ways your art could actively be so much better and closer to what you want but those ideals remain juuuuuust out of reach because you have Brain Don't Work Disease and a rather controlling friend in highschool (_=<=)_ =3*sighs*
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Number 16, daybreak
Laken stirs, vaguely aware of a sound, rhythmic and unknown, nearby. They shift, blinking blearily, shoving thick black hair out of their eyes and rubbing at them to clear their vision.
The sound continues, and at first Laken has a strange thought that the heat’s on, but of course it isn’t - it’s September, not nearly cool enough for that, and Laken never turned the heat on anyway, some old impulse and their mother’s voice murmuring you think I’m made of money, to heat the whole neighborhood all winter?
They smile, faintly, at the memory. 
The sound is coming from the other side of the room.
Laken blinks and rolls onto their back, pushing up onto their elbows, aware they are naked, they are in a bed, and Chris is sitting over by the window, looking out. The sound they’d heard was his humming-noise, a low throaty ‘mmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmm’ and he rocks, and rocks, and rocks, watching out the window with bright green eyes.
Laken raises their eyes to see the sky just showing the faintest blush of pink around the grayish remnants of night, the first hint of dawn coming over the horizon. 
“Chris?” Their voice is a little slurred, still, with sleep, and Chris turns to look at them with a smile. His eyes are shadowed - he hadn’t slept much, they think. He has his feather on, but nothing else, gripped in his hand, thumb rubbing back and forth over the textured vanes, so perfectly cast in silicone for hands that needs always to be seeking out sensation. “Y’okay, baby?”
“Dreams,” Chris answers, and then goes back to humming, to rocking, to rubbing his thumb over his feather. 
“Yeah?” Laken’s brain isn’t moving fast enough to handle this. They watch him for a moment longer, the way his blue hair is a tumble around his head, the copper showing at his roots again. There are photos of him when he first came home to his brother, and his natural hair color was lighter - it’s getting darker as he gets older. “Do you need to talk about it?”
“No, no.” Chris pauses again, stops rocking long enough to consider the question. “No. Just, just, just want to, to, to um, to, to watch the... the sun come up.”
“Okay. Um. Why?”
“Be, be, because it’s real if the sun, the sun comes up,” Chris says.
It’s barely loud enough for Laken to hear.
In the next second they’re up and out of bed, padding across the floor, more comfortable in their skin with Chris than they’ve been with anyone else. They drop down next to him on the floor, in a crouch, and slide their arms around him, hands moving over his skin. He’s cool from sitting here so long, cold to the touch, and their fingertips find the hints of scarring. He told them, once, that he wasn’t supposed to be scarred, and nearly all of them came after he was sold.
Sir gave me these, He said, when he showed them. My Sir gave, gave, gave me scars where he, he only had to see them, to, to, to to to see them if he wanted... but, but I see them all the, the time.
“You dreamed this never happened?” Laken rests their chin on his shoulder. “Getting out? Meeting me, everything?”
“Everything,” he breathes. Laken takes his left hand and interlocks their fingers, lifting it until they can kiss the faint scarring where a barcode once lived. At the touch of their lips, Chris leans, slowly, to the side, until his head rests against theirs, until their thick, wavy black hair mingles with his fine, thin, straight blue. 
“It’s real,” Laken whispers  against the softness of his skin, “Whether you see the sun or not. I’m here. You’re here. It’s real, every single second. Te quiero, Chris. Every time, forever.”
“Te qu-... que, que, queiro, Laken.”
They watch the sun rise together.
Tagging: @burtlederp, @finder-of-rings, @endless-whump, @whumpfigure, @slaintetowhump, @astrobly, @newandfiguringitout, @doveotions, @pretty-face-breaker, @boxboysandotherwhump, @oops-its-whump @moose-teeth
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stevenbasic · 5 years
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Just under four years ago…
I should not be here I should not be here I should not be here
I feel terrible, I feel awful. I feel like a weak man, a scummy boss and a terrible husband. I’ve got a bottle of expensive wine in my hands, I’m in wrinkled khakis, and I have no delusions as to why I’m standing outside the door to her townhouse in the rain. Rina - a young, single mom, a townie who’s never left the state - has got a good thing going: me, her employer, a respected physician, wrapped around her little finger. All she has to do is shoot me texts like the one from a couple of hours ago:
Mommys still so fullllll
...and she knows I’m helpless.
We’ve been in this, this affair, for about six weeks. Thursdays are our time, ‘our night’; I’d told my wife Sheryl that I was giving a lecture series to the local Lions’ Club at the senior center. And earlier today, Rina had trapped me in an exam room, confronted me about our last weekly tryst, how I’d lost control of myself after taking my first taste of...
God, stop it. I can’t keep standing here. What if somebody sees me? And...I’m getting soaked. 
<knock knock...>
My heart races in a dark, secret thrill, and then leaps when she answers the door in a soft, white robe and a pleased, self-satisfied smile.
“Hi baby, you’re early…” she gloats, pulling her robe taut around her waist to protect against the wet evening chill - or maybe to show off the size of her swollen bosom, “I’m not even dressed yet…”
“Oh, uh..do you want me to give you a m-”
Rina is a tall enough girl and she’s strong. Before I can even finish, she’s grabbed me by the tie, pulled me inside, and kicked the door closed. “H-hey..!” I begin, laughing, but fall lockstep behind her as she leads me - still by the leash of my necktie, into the condo. My eyes have fallen to her broad, swinging hips in front of me. Her short robe just barely covers her figure-skater’s big, muscular rear.
“I got the wine you like…” I offer weakly. 
After a few paces in, just at the entry to her living room, she spins to me and pulls me to her with my tie. The lights throughout the condo are down low. “Put it down,” she directs me, and I see her eyes flash with a thrill of victory for just a second before we’re locked in a kiss.
“Mmph!” I start to melt already as I’m blindly dropping the bottle, forgotten, onto a side table. My hands then immediately fall to her waist, and I’ve pulled her hips against mine. My god the ass on her...
“Mmmmmm….” she purrs through the kiss, after indulging me with the press of her body into mine,  “someone’s excited for tonight…” 
“I...I..” I start to stammer, already ashamed at what she knows I’m imagining, “I can’t stay long...:” My lips are insistent, back on hers. She starts to chuckle.
“Oh, really..?” she coos, breaking our kiss, playing with the knot on my tie for the moment, undoing it, “that’s too bad...the baby is at my mom’s place...”
I know she’d dropped her infant daughter off soon after work. We’re alone.
Undone, the tie’s pulled from around my neck. “I’d sent her with plenty, enough to get through ‘til the morning…”
I’d seen it before, the countless packets of breastmilk in Rina’s freezer.
”...so the only one I have to take care of tonight…” she continued, pressing her firm, swollen chest suggestively into mine, “...is you.”
I moan, I utter something. I give away my arousal. Holy shit what does this girl have planned for me?? Though more than ten years her senior, I feel like a little boy with her tonight. I’d never...never faced a night with this sort of...promise.
She’s getting me out of my clothes. She’s unbuttoned my shirt, she’s undone my belt and pants…
...and she’s on her knees on the hardwood floor.
She has me in her mouth in a moment. She knows I’m at my weakest, that my inhibitions disappear, when my oversized cock fills itself with precious blood, robbing it from my brain. She sucks on me, half-engorged in the warmth of her mouth, and soon I feel myself growing down into her throat. 
A gag from her, and a chuckle as she draws me out. I’m too big. 
“Will you do that for me?” she asks, worshipfully rubbing my thick, outrageous length against her soft cheek, doe eyes looking up into mine, “Will you let me take care of you tonight?”
“Oh god…” I answer, as I feel my legs tremble. The sensation is overwhelming; a member this size, when erect, is like a disability. I’m rendered helpless by the intensity of the pleasure. My eyes are glued to her hand, her small feminine hand wrapped around my huge cock. In comparison, it looks delicate, where my manhood is monstrous. But, delicate as they may be, she shows me that her hands hold power as she stands and pulls me, by my brutish, eager shaft, along with her as she steps backwards, smiling mischievously into my eyes.
The fact that I’m being led around by my cock is not lost on me. 
And so, gently yanking me by the root, my pants still around my ankles, she slowly leads me to her couch, sitting me on its low arm, facing her. She drops my dick, leaving it to hover wildly up into the space between us, and continues to undress me. I watch - her standing now head-and-shoulders above me - as she unbuttons, slides me out of, and then discards my rain-spattered shirt. As she crouches to remove my shoes, peel my socks from my feet, she takes a moment to smile wordlessly up at me. I step, with her help, from my puddled khakis and when she stands again I am completely naked. 
She giggles as I come again face-to-face with her big, robed breasts. Deeply, deeply, deeply I understand just how weak I am, as I stare at her, as I feel myself falling under her spell. We’ve been together only a handful of times but she has such power over me, and she’s come to know it...and how to use it.
“You’re quiet today, hm?” she asks, as she twists at the waist, slowly, showing her womanly body off to me, “Is there...anything wrong, baby? Anything you need? Anything I can do?”
She understands I have misgivings, guilt and apprehension about our affair,  that I’m in a constant struggle. She knows, she knows how tortured I am, and that this is just tightening the screws. But that I’m already speechless, giving not even an attempt at a response...to her this is full proof of my acquiescence. 
“I think I need to spoil you,” she says as, slowly, she opens her robe. 
“Oh jesus, Rina,” is all I can answer, watching as her body, in full-cut panties and a big white bra, comes into view. She’s fit, so fit, with a taut waist and trim torso that just magnifies how large her breasts are. On purpose or not, she’s positioned herself perfectly under an overhead recessed can, whose light and play of shadows add even more drama in the otherwise darkened room. 
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 "I’m so sorry,” she apologizes, as she lets me stare at her, holding her robe open wide and pulling her shoulders back, “I'm wearing my mom panties...my mom bra." Her bra is a big, white industrial thing, with thick straps, thick silky cups. Designed to be functional and give good coverage...to a woman three cup sizes smaller. But it’s feminine, girlish in its own way and has a generous allowance for her soft, creamy cleavage to bubble out, invite attention.”Nothing fits right anymore…”
And she’s got my attention. I’m already breathing heavy, staring into her tits, even in the semi-darkness gaping at the swollen veins and taut skin of a bosom full, seeming ready to burst.
“It’s so hard,” she explains, half-complaining, “to find cute stuff when you’re nursing. When you’re this big everything has to be so practical.”
“Uhhh…” I grunt, not even pretending to keep conversation. 
“And…being this full, I barely fit in it. Even my big mom-bra doesn’t fit me right…with its big cups, its big straps…” The sound of the rain outside has faded away as my attention is focused now entirely on her. 
“But you don't mind, do you..? You like this look. You like the ‘mom-look’..."
She giggles at my bewilderment and approaches me, holding her robe open wider, stepping in until my nose, mouth, cheeks settle onto her cleavage. I moan, feeling the warmth of her breasts, their silky skin, getting a waft of her light, floral perfume. She then, with a gentle sigh, closes her robe over me, wrapping my head into her chest. 
“There you go…” she finally coos, both hands behind my head squeezing my face deeper between her firm breasts, “now, you just make yourself comfortable.” My vision is all but gone, everything dark. My world is suddenly centered in her chest. The overwhelming scents fill me - her perfume intermingled with sweetly salty sweat and...something more earthy. As I pull it into my lungs, I hear her giggle. I swear she’s so swollen that I can feel her breasts on my ears. She’s never been this big.
“How is it in there?” she giggles again, down at me, as both her arms are now wrapped around me, “Nice and warm?” The sound of her voice is being both drowned out, muffled by her breasts about my head, and amplified, reverberating through her chest. When I groan in response, I’m sure she feels it more than hears it. “How do I smell? Hm? Do you smell my bra? My milk?”
Oh my god that’s what it is, the earthiness. It’s the scent of her milk. 
“I tell you baby I haven’t pumped all day,” Rina says, hugging me more firmly into her bosom as I breathe the air from her soft, fragrant skin, “I’ve been saving up for this, saving up for you.” She cups her shoulders around me, enveloping me further. “Do you like how big they are now?”
With a moan, a soft sigh, I begin to tentatively kiss what I can, the smooth skin between her tits.
 “Ooo I feel that!” she lauds, wrapping her robe more tightly about us, “I like it…” I feel her kiss the top of my head, then rest her chin upon it. “Do you hear them?” she asks,”Do you hear them going to work? Making all this milk for my baby?” All I can hear is her voice and, below that, her heartbeat through her breasts. I’m imagining every pump, every beat, is filling her chest up more and more. “Mommy’s chest has been getting soooooo big for my baby boy.”
I know her kid is a girl….is she talking about...?
My hands have found themselves on her waist, fading their way back on her hips. She’s in perfect shape, more muscular than any woman I’ve been with.  
“You like my mom body?” she asks, as my hands roam into the twin swells of her magnificent, hugely solid  ass. She’s muscular, a former figure skater who still finds time for the gym and the ice, “Nice and soft, hm?”
My arms now fully around her hips, she lets me marvel at just how much of her there is. “Feel how big I’m gettin’ back there? I know that’s how you like it. I’ve been lifting so much, lifting so many weights for you? Mama’s getting big and strong.”
My breath catches. Into her breasts I gasp and whine. 
“Ohhh what’s that?” she laughs, squeezing her tits around my face with her arms, “What just happened?” I’m tensing, I can feel it, my ungainly cock now fully erect, standing between us, pressed into her thighs. 
Her voice drops, but in the dark intimacy of her bosom it’s thunder.
“That turns you on, doesn’t it?” she says knowingly, the moment becoming more and more intimate by the second, “When I call myself ‘mama’?”
I groan into her, grunting her name, but in shamed disbelief of myself. How am I letting myself do this??
“Why is that? Hm, baby?” she presses, “You like the idea that I’m a mom? A mommy? You like the idea that I have a baby, a baby I grew in this body?” Though she’s speaking in questions, her voice is strong with the confidence of a woman who knows her audience, has the keys to the dark lockboxes of my mind. How does she have me so figured out??  “A baby I protect and care for with this body? That I feed with this body?”
Again I whine, I whimper, wordless. She has her answers already.
She chuckles, breasts jiggling against my face. “You had a little bit, didn’t you? Last time? Hm?” she asks, holding me close, pressing my nose and face into the soft, firm bulge of her left tit. “You had a little suck, didn’t you? A taste, when we were fucking?”
Meekly I kiss her breast, its ripe, silky swell.
“And you’ve been thinking about it ever since, haven’t you?” she probes, as I submissively mouth her inner breast, “You can’t get it out of your head, what it was like. You want me to be your mommy, don’t you? You want me to treat you like I do my own baby…”
I go completely still. She’s struck at something so primal that I shudder in fear for what’s coming next.
She feels me react.
“Oh you like that idea, do you? You want me to be your mommy...” She is speaking slowly, deliberately.
At that she opens her robe, steps back. I’m quivering in the newly fresh air, speechless, looking up at her, waiting for what she’ll do next.
“Well, you’re going to get your wish. I'm going to be your mommy tonight,” she says, her crooked smile regarding me, “We’re going to do some role playing. I’m going to be the mommy, and you’re going to be the tiny..little...baby.”
I begin to mouth my weak, false protests. We can’t...I shouldn’t...
“Shh shh shh...it's okay...no one needs to know. The girls at the office don’t need to know. Wifey doesn't need to know…” she instructs.
She smiles wider.
“It’ll be our..little...secret…”
>>Audio of Rina’s Dialogue<<<
Another collaborative piece, with great input from my co-authors and of course the magnificent dialogue at the end read to us by the ethereal GoddessByNight. Think she should do more Rina for us?
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Her Patreon is here
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yogaadvise · 5 years
Toning your truth
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Nada yoga
Nada yoga, the yoga exercise of noise, tone and resonance, is just one of the 6 significant branches of yoga, along with: Hatha (yoga exercise of physical postures and breath control), Jnana (yoga of study as well as understanding), Karma (yoga of selfless service), Bhakti (yoga of love as well as commitment), and Raja (yoga of the mind).
In some institutions of idea, Nada yoga is a part of Kriya Yoga exercise, the yoga exercise of method. Nada Yoga exercise is the method which purifies and harmonizes one's very own specific vibration in order to remain in union with the vibration of the All That Is (Self-Realization).
Often described as Sound Healing, Nada Yoga makes use of outside as well as inner sounds and also vibrations to remove the 72,000 energy paths (Nadis) of any clogs that could protect against Prana from streaming via.
Often referred to as Noise Healing, Nada Yoga utilizes outside and interior audios and resonances. Vocal Singing Bowls, Gongs, Harmonium, Mantras, Seed Sounds (Bija Mantras), Vowel Sounds and also even more are all audio tools utilized to get rid of the 72,000 energy paths (Nadis) of any blockages that may avoid Prana (life force energy) from streaming through.
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Everything in deep space is composed of energy. All energy has its own resonance as well as regularity of resonance. Whatever within us, every cell that makes up our tissues, our liquids, our organs, our muscles, our bones, etc. shakes at its very own frequency. Our chakras (swirling vortexes of power where 2 nadis meet) all have their own regularity of vibration. Usually, due to both interior and also exterior influences, our vibrations and also regularities obtain 'off-key' - this is described 'entrainment', the capability of one vibration to influence and transform an additional. Sound healing is a technique used to balance any power that is out of balance as well as recover it back to its natural and most healthy vibration.
Vocal toning
Vocal toning methods using your voice to integrate and balance your cells and also your energised pathways. Whereas chanting mantras and also tunes (likewise understood to recover, open as well as balance) makes use of rhythm, singing toning is understood for its steady state of one tone per exhale. Below are three kinds of vocal toning that I enjoy as well as that might additionally be useful for yoga exercise educators or those whose voice is important to their job. View the video to do these together with me or adhere to the instructions below.
1. Bhramari Pranayama
Also called Humming Breath, this breathing technique is named after the female bustling in India and is terrific for balancing as well as opening up the heartspace. By letting go of negativeness, anxiety, complication, temper, and also bitterness we make space in the heart for more love, empathy, compassion, gratitude and also pleasure:
Sit easily with your eyes shut, hands resting easily in your lap
Calm and facility yourself by taking a breath naturally in and out of your nose
After a generous inhale, hum a tone that comes naturally to you (not altering the tone in price, pitch or regularity) for the whole size of your exhale (you will feel the 'Mmmmmm' start at the back of your throat, increase to heart and head, and after that fill the entire body)
Each breathe out discover a new tone to hum (greater or reduced)
Repeat for as lots of cycles you are phoned call to tone
When you feel full, sit in silence in order to experience the benefits.
EkhartYoga members can practice Humming breath in this course with Adela as well as Esther: Bhramari Pranayama.
2. Vowel sounds
Toning specific vowel noises can affect various parts of the body: 'A' as in PRAY is for removing in the throat area of the body, 'E' as in BE is for energizing and also promoting in the face/head/brain region. Rather than 'I', toning 'AH' helps us to centre within, and broaden about, the heart area, 'O' as in KNOW is for invigorating as well as boosting the solar plexus area. 'U' as in THAT is basing and calming in the lower back and also base of the spine.
Sit conveniently with your eyes closed, hands relaxing quickly in the lap
Calm and center on your own by taking a breath in as well as out of your nose
After a charitable inhale, open your mouth and also breathe out a vowel sound from above (either automatically or by selection due to the fact that of the area/region of the body the vowel audio effects)
You can select to remain with one vowel sound or try all five
Repeat for as numerous cycles you are called to tone
When you feel full, rest in silence in order to experience the benefits.
3. Bija mantras
Out of 72,000 Nadis there are 3 major Nadis (energy pathways that Prana flows with) and also 7 significant chakras (where one or even more significant Nadis intersects) in the human body. Every one of these major chakras (areas of psycho-spiritual advancement) has, among other top qualities and qualities, an area of the body and also a Bija Mantra (seed sound/vibration) related to it:
Root Chakra/Muladhara is LAM, Sacral Chakra/Svadisthana is VAM, Solar Plexus Chakra/Manipura is RAM, Heart Chakra/Anahata is YAM, Throat Chakra is HAM, Brow (3rd Eye) Chakra is OM, Crown Chakra/Sahasrara is AUM (or silence).
If the regularity that our chakras shake or rotate in runs out tune, after that shouting their Bija Mantras can aid in the re-harmonizing procedure:
Sit comfortably with your eyes shut, hands relaxing conveniently in the lap
Calm and centre yourself by taking a breath in and also out of your nose
After a charitable inhale, open your mouth and also breathe out the Bija rule for each and every chakra as you route your understanding right into that chakras equivalent area of the spine/body
You can pick to stay with one chakra or function your means from base to crown toning all 7 Bija Mantras
Repeat for as several cycles you are called to tone
When you feel full, rest in silence in order to experience the advantages.
Toning your truth
Although there will certainly be audios, tones and resonances that seem ahead simpler than others (often we will discover our 'signature' tones, tones that brighten where we agree) it is crucial to explore the tones where we feel discomfort, where our voice catches and/or where we can not hold the tone as long. These are indications that there is an imbalance somewhere in the body and also psychological.
Although there will be tones that appear ahead less complicated than others, it's essential to check out those where we feel discomfort. These are indications that there is an inequality somewhere in the body as well as in the mind.
Please don't court your inequalities (every activity has an equivalent as well as opposite response ... LIFE TAKES PLACE!). Instead, dedicate to recognizing as well as doing the job to recover and also integrate. Sitting with this body and also this mind, with all that is in equilibrium and all that is not ... this is our truth at this specific minute in time. The elegance is that yoga exercise supplies us with many devices and also methods to boost, increase and evolve this momentary truth of ours.
Here's to healing, health and harmony!
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theblueberrycarrots · 6 years
He was tired, but not actually.
I mean he wasn’t physically, but he is emotionally tired. He hasn’t counted but it felt like a million years since he saw anything else besides the growing moss and flowing water. He wished he’d added anything else before this but again.
He physically can’t.
Now you’d think it’s either because he’s sick or missing something but no, out of all the possible choices, the celestials gave what they think was the optimal body choice for him. 
A plant. He was a plant
A plant with a stem and two leaves—both a healthy shade of green, roots firmly down the soil. with the head of a fox.
He wasn’t like this before, far from it. He was probably a full fledged and handsome adult fox with a charming smile and the wit to back it up. But he doesn’t remember anything of the past at all. 
The only thing he knows was that 1) He was a fox, 2) He’s now a plant, and 3) His name was Nick Wilde. A fitting name from before, but not so much now.
I could change it to Foxtail and wouldn’t that be so funny
He sighs and looks around again, at the least thankful for the rotating muscles by his stem as he views the underside of the bridge for the nth time. 
He goes to sleep.
🍃🍂 🍃 🍂 🍃 🍂 🍃 🍂 🍃 🍂
The car rumbled along the street, not nearly as loud as it was at the countryside but a little shaky on the inside, the current driver not complaining. She stopped over at the abandoned dockside and started walking.
Judy Hopps is a police officer, one the city’s finest they said. She doesn’t believe them but she goes with it. It’ll be a hassle tell off everyone again.
She wasn’t on duty at the moment, sporting a pink flannel shirt and a sun-dried pair of skinny jeans, she was gazing around the areas, looking for some marsh flowers.
It really started when the job was getting quiet, crime at an all time low so the rest of it was just paperwork. And from there she started getting antsy
A phone call later and ignoring her mother’s questions about her non-existent love life, she responds with an actual answer of gardening with a few added pointers.
She grumbles at the last part. Now Judy, make sure it’s a marsh plant this time, we wouldn’t want a repeat of Flowey again hun.
Well of course she’d bring that up. Wouldn’t want 9 year old Judy watering her marigold every few minutes, literally drowning it and overflowing the entire pot. An image of her crying surrounded in soil water cements itself to her brain.
She shudders and heads forward onto the bridge to look around the area. spotting nothing good. Mom did tell her that finding your own plant gives it a little more sentiment to care.
She was maybe expecting a few Caltha Palustris or some Astilbe but the only thing she recognizes were Gunnera manicata, and those grow up to 3 times her size so that’s a big no.
She wasn’t really known to give up, so with newfound determination she sprints across, starting with below the bridge.
🍃🍂 🍃 🍂 🍃 🍂 🍃 🍂 🍃 🍂
A thumping noise steps him out of slumber, though faint. He was really acclimated to the silence of this area, who would actually come here?. His eyes widen. Somebody might actually get me—
His thought were cut off when a soft thud echoes behind him. His ears go up and he freezes. Footsteps follow before a shadow passes behind him. Oh fu-
The voice—soft, feminine, awed—is followed by a paw (fur silky and smooth) to his head and oh sweet Karma that feels good~
He hasn’t felt head rubs since forever, and from a girl no less. He wasn’t even sure how he knew it was a girl, he’s a plant. Another paw follows and mmmmmm he wants this feeling forever.
“Is this even a real plant? So soft~”
Gosh, even her voice is sweet. The rubs keep coming and before he knows it, he’s panting, like actual panting.
The paws immediately go off and he nearly whines before the paws come back and gently twists his head to face her.
Nick looks up and squints as the sunlight surrounds the silhouette of his savior. His eyes adjust to and he sees the most vibrant purple eyes. 
🍃🍂 🍃 🍂 🍃 🍂 🍃 🍂 🍃 🍂
@feverwildehopps I’ll probably finish this
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avctcr · 3 years
{ Bionic arm info }
The bionic arm inserts that TaoTai created are capable of granting the user the ability to bend ALL elements. Hence why he is a villian that directly effects and impacts Funzen as an Avatar;
Because TaoTai is trying to BE the ultimate Avatar, and wipe the need for the cycle out by granting it's power to himself.
Updating his bionic arms to just be technology inserts ( embedded into his real arms ) rather than fully mechanical arms. They are powered with a green geminite, without the gems, the biotech can not be powered and he can no longer bend other elements. But can still earth bend as he is an earth bender.
{ The rise of TaoTai }
This takes place in the cyber age, where people often get bionic and cyborg upgrades. Because of this being normalized; TaoTai, the CEO of Weilai industries, was able to push the market for brain inserts to ' upgrade ' the human brain. Giving the user a faster processing speed, ability to understand complicated maths, and much more.
Thanks to the main producer of these brain chips being Weilai industries, TaoTai has effectively brainwashed most of the Earth Kingdoms population by issuing an update to said chips. He does this because his prototype that he inserted into his own brain is hacked by an anonymous source. This anonymous source wishes to grant non-benders the ability to bend as well as reign the earth kingdom as superior. And in doing so.. enslaves the fire nation. Taotai has no control over this until funzen knocks his brain chip from his head.
This is how he gains the political power to begin his rein upon the upper ring; and shortly after, expanded his political power beyond the Earth Kingdom.
{ The build up and downfall of TaoTai }
The reason he wants to wipe out / enslave the fire nation so badly for " repercussions " is because of the anonymous hacker that pulls the strings behind the scenes.
It's gradual, at first. TaoTai simply pushed the fire nation to open trade with the water tribes. Helping their economy grow. Then his demands slowly become more.. intense. This is when TaoTai begins to fabricate and believe conspiracy theories that later leave to full enforcement of oppression on the fire nation. He begins to believe that they are committing genocide in secret; running underground human trafficking and other wild things.
He truly believes the fire nation is out to destroy the earth kingdom from the inside out. He believes they are there to enslave and burn his people. Again, these thoughts are actual brainwashing done by the anonymous hacker.
{ physical weaknesses }
Every great villian has an Achilles heel.
Being an earth bender at birth, TaoTai had already mastered his own craft at earth bending by the time he installed the bionic arms, thanks to him learning directly from a badger mole. But he does not respect the other elements. Because of this, though he has the power to bend ALL elements... he isn't as effective as he would be, had he mastered them.
This is how Funzen was able to stop him later down the line.
He is the least effective at airbending. Due to air being light, and ungrounded. TaoTai being an earthbender, does not like being de-rooted from the ground.
{ Defeat }
Funzen ends up setting TaoTai up in a fire nation phyc ward once he defeats TaoTai.
Because, in Funzens time, I'm writing the earth kingdoms mental healthcare to be mmmmmm, not good.
And in the episode where Azula was in the fire nation phyc ward: dispite it being in ' ancient times ' that ward, from what I saw, actually was very good for its time ( it was no were near as bad as Victorian era wards, dispite Azula describing it as a terrible place. ) so I'm assuming by the time Funzen rolls around as the avatar, the fire nation has exceptional wards for the mentally ill.
So TaoTai ends up in a ward for the criminally insane.
There, he gets his diagnosis for BPD. The nurses do not believe him when he explains the chip ( that funzen knocked loose ) was broadcasting thoughts into his head. So because of this, he is misdiagnosed with schizophrenia. All of his assets are frozen and given to his abusive wife, Chu, who joins ranks with the anonymous hacker.
This is when Zora ( @zoes-choice 's oc ) steps in and confronts TaoTai. They learn he was also brainwashed and ask him to join team avatar. Taotai agrees and his arc begins.
{ Appearance }
Height: 6'11
Ethnicity; Fathers side of the family is from Ba Sing Se, mothers side is from Harus village.
Build: Like a brick wall, he used to be fully toned with abs.
{ Abilities }
He can open the ground up and swallow his enemies in a mass grave.
He can encase himself inside a giant Taotie.
The art:
I created all art of him, and a more proper painting!
Current AU list:
Fire nation admiral / lavabender AU
Earth King TaoTai
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jaggedcliffs · 7 years
I’ve been making my way through the early eps of Buffy S6 and Angel S3 and things are really going through some changes, aren’t they?
What, Anthony Stewart Head is only a special guest star???? NOOOOOOOOO  D:
I can’t say that I like the idea of Dark Willow or Spuffy, but I also can’t say that they aren’t seeding it well. I may not agree with the direction of their narrative choices but at least they’re not just springing it on us.
I do like Spike. I just like him more as annoying vampire sidekick than as Buffy’s love interest.
However, I could definitely see a scenario in which I was really rooting for Buffy/Spike. If the show had never had the S5 stuff where he starts obsessing over her, chains her up, and has a sex-bot of her built, then I could definitely ship it. But with all of that...yeah, that's hard to get over. I mean, they didn't even need all that - Spike already liked Dawn and Joyce. Him protecting Dawn from Glory and being sad about Joyce's death were perfectly natural without his Buffy obsession, and it would have drawn Buffy to him without all the grossness. I mean, I’ll try to let the show convince me otherwise on Spuffy, but...why did they have to include that, and still want me to root for the ship?
It also feels like the reason Buffy is getting together with Spike is because she’s isolated from everyone else, and that’s not a good feeling. She’s isolated from her friends because they brought her back from the heaven dimension, she’s isolated from Dawn because she doesn’t want to burden her little sister with troubles, and she’s isolated from Giles because he’s leaving. I don’t like Buffy being thrown together with Spike because her relationships with her friends are broken. 
Spike being (somewhat) good also raises questions. If a vampire without a soul can choose to do good, then isn't it wrong for Buffy to kill them? If a vampire can choose the right thing, then why not just put a chip in their brains and then rehabilitate them? What was all that hullabaloo when Buffy’s friend in BtVS S2 and Darla in AtS S2 wanted to become vampires because they were dying of a degenerative disease and becoming a vampire was the only way to live? Spike wasn’t even a wimpy vampire, like Harmony, before he helped the Scooby Gang. It raises some moral issues about the conceit the show is built on if a vampire like Spike can switch sides.
If Buffy, Dawn, Tara, Willow, and Giles all lived together in Buffy’s house as an large, happy, convoluted family, I would be delighted. I mean, I know it won’t last long, but let me stay in denial.
So when is the next slayer going to appear? Buffy died, so another one has to be out there somewhere.
Is that whole thing in the first episode about not saying Buffy’s name a joke about how they’re on different networks now?
“Mmmmmm, Angel” - Those three furies and I are thinking on the same wavelength.
Also, the furies were definitely thirsty for Angel, but he can’t have sex with them. So the only conclusion is: he’s gotta eat them out, right? That’s the only thing I’m seeing here.
Episode 3 is making the “Cordy/Fred! Cordy/Fred! Cord/Fred!” chant louder and louder in my head, even as I’m dreading the show going along with Wesley/Fred
I was trying to figure out why the name “Amy Acker” looked familiar. Then I was looking The Gifted’s imdb and would you look at, Fred is the woke suburban white mom! I love Fred and the woke suburban white mom :D
Seriously, Fred is precious and I love her, from her smarts to her delightful attitude :D
For this whole Darla/Angel baby thing, whenever I think about Angel learning he’s going to be a dad, I basically imagine all those How It Should Have Ended videos on Anakin/Darth Vader reacting to having a son/daughter.
Buffy & Angel:
And the themes for these early episodes are: men are terrible.
Buffy’s and Angel’s friends: “So what happened between you two while you went off together to meet alone?” Buffy and Angel: “Sorry, we’re contractual obligated by our respective networks to never speak about it.”
On that note, is there any official word - from one of the writers or creators or in comic books - about on what they think happened between Buffy and Angel? Or what would have happened if they were allowed to show it? Or is it left to our very fertile imaginations?
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euphoricsunflowers · 4 years
Oh my god that’s traumatizing! I’d be so devastated if I didn’t know Minhyuk’s fate! 😳
The way I laughed when I read that you slapped Kihyun though 🤣🤣🤣 he’s a sweetie (I’m so whipped for him right now. Just seeing how often he goes into fancafe and replies to all of the monbebe 🥺) but I can definitely see him being a little shit to whoever dates him. I think that’s part of the reason why I love him so much??? I love the sass and his damn confidence. So sexy
I only had one interaction with Kihyun in a dream - I offered my hand to him when I was crossing the street (TLDR; met up with him after their concert in my city that i was supposed to go to 😭 and I was taking the whole group on the town) anyway, I grabbed his hand, we walked a bit. It was cute... butttttt - I woke up cause I ended up taking a bullet for one of them. Don’t know if it was kih or not though...
Again, my brain is weird af
- kibebe anon ✌🏼
Ps; we all seem to be loving on hyungwon this morning it seems lol
minhyuk darling i hope you made it out alive, i’m rooting for you now that i’m dead—
also!! kihyun is an actual sweetie pie like when that one monbebe asked him to wake them up and he actually did it!! and how he always asks us how we’re doing and says good morning/good night :,) i’m literally in love with that man.
damn you took a bullet for them??? all i can imagine is kihyun singing ‘mmmmmm whatcha saaaaaaay’ in his prettiest singing voice as you lay dying—
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