#mmmmm gonna use this in the book I’m never gonna write
shywhumpauthor · 1 year
Nothing better than a Whumper who wears thick, heavy rings backhanding a Whumpee across the face, the rubies that decorate their fingers splitting a gash across Whumpee’s cheek
And the little gasp that follows the impact
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prettyboongi · 4 years
7 Days of Hobi’s Forehead Kisses
Reader x Jung Hoseok (duh!)
Word Count: 1,157
Genre: Fluff, just pure fluff
[A/N: When I got this request, I was really happy because I freaking love Hoseok (♡´౪`♡) Despite the namesake of this very blog, Hobi is my ultimate bias and I plan to write more stories on him. What I was worried about when writing this was the fluff part. I feel like I don’t have a clear grasp on any of the genre and fluff especially. So if this turns out to be terrible, I’m so sorry ( ̄ー ̄;Also I like the idea of turning this into a series, like “7 Days” of whatever cute thing you do with any of the guys. We’ll see.]
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You woke up first thing in the morning, hearing Hoseok getting ready for work. It was something you were used to waking up to daily so you just stayed in bed and tried falling back to sleep. It was only until you felt the warm lips placed upon your forehead when you decided to wake up and greet your husband. 
“Morning,” you said sweetly. 
“Good morning, baby,” he says, “About to head to work. See you when I get home. Love you.” 
As he heads out the bedroom door, you call out, “Love you too. Have a good day!”
During the late evening you were glued to your laptop, trying finishing up some work before turning in for the night. Your eyebrows furrowed and your body was tense as you ferociously typed away. But the feeling of Hoseok kissing your forehead helped relax you a bit. 
You looked up from your laptop screen and smiled at the man in front of you. “Hey there.” 
Hoseok takes your hand and gently caressed the knuckles. “Come on, you’ve done enough work. Let’s go to bed.” 
You wanted to protest and finish your work assignment but he gave you a look that made it difficult to refuse him. 
Closing your laptop, you say “Okay” and you let Hoseok lead you to the bedroom.
Being the not-so-morning person that you were, you weren’t always able to get up with Hoseok as he gets ready for work. And you always felt guilt about that since he’d be left to making quick breakfasts before rushing off to work. He works so hard, he at least deserves a nice breakfast to keep his energy up for the rest of the morning. 
That’s why that morning you woke up quite early to make him a proper breakfast: blueberry pancakes with two over easy eggs, 3 bacon slices and a grapefruit half on the side. 
“Aww, honey you didn’t have to do this,” Hoseok says as he sees a delicious arrangement on the table. 
“You’ve been working so hard lately, I just wanted to show how much I appreciate you,” you said proudly. 
Hoseok just looks at you with a sincere smile and gives a tender kiss on your brow. 
“Hey, honey?,” Hoseok calls for you as he tries to find you. It was almost the typical time you both went to bed and he hasn’t seen you get ready as usual. He soon finds you snoozing on the sofa. 
Hoseok crouches in front of you and shakes you gently. “Come on, Y/N. Wake up. But you wouldn’t budge no matter how hard he shook you. He then knew a sure fire way to wake you up. 
He leans forward and places his lips on your forehead, leaving it there until you start to stir. 
“Mmmmm” you moaned while sitting up, “I’ll have to take naps more often if you’re gonna wake me up like that.” 
Hoseok chuckles and extends his hand to you, “Time for bed, dummy.”
“Hobi, we’ve planned this for weeks already,” you whined to your husband. 
You and Hoseok had plans to have dinner at a super exclusive restaurant, the kind of restaurant where you’d have to make reservations months in advance. You were really looking forward to this date night but now it had to be cancelled. 
Hoseok looks at you apologetically. “I’m really sorry, honey. This dinner party with the boss was completely last minute and really important, so I have no choice but to go. You know you can come with me as well, right?” 
You gave him an angry glare. “Hoseok, why would I want to go to some stupid work dinner party instead of a romantic dinner date that was previously planned?” 
He could feel the bitterness in your tone, which made him feel even worse. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I promise I will make it up to you. Before leaving, he gives you a quick peck on the forehead before rushing out. 
It was the middle of a lazy weekend afternoon. You were reading a book in the living room when Hoseok walked into the room. 
“Hello, my angel,” he says cheerfully but you pretend to not notice him, keeping your focus on your book. 
“Still giving me the silent treatment, eh? Well, I bet you’ll change your mind once you see the gift I’ve gotten you.” While your interest was piqued, you continued to ignore him. Hoseok then slides you a baby blue box with a matching ribbon tied around it. It takes a few more minutes of Hoseok staring at you with puppy dog eyes before you gave in and opened the pretty box. 
“Oh my god,” you gasped as you looked at the box’s contents. Hoseok has gotten you a bottle of your favorite perfume. After running out of your last bottle, you've been meaning to buy another but it’s sold out for awhile. “How did you get your hand on this?” 
“Oh I have my ways,” he says with a mischievous smile on his face. “Do you forgive me now?” 
“Hmmmm, maybe,” you said, trying to keep a stern look on your face. 
He surprises you again but with a forehead kiss this time, making it hard for you to keep a straight face. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
Wanting to enjoy the last hours on the weekend, you and Hoseok thought it would be a fun idea to watch the sunset together. With a wine bottle and a few glasses at hand, the two of you head towards the back porch and marvel at the vivid colors the evening sky created. 
As the sky changed from bright orange to bluish purple, you and Hoseok talked about so many things. How work was going from them, news from family and friends, serious issues going on in the world and everything in between. 
“Its strange how life never fails to be absolutely hectic?” He says before taking a sip from his wine glass. 
“Yeah,” you began, “At least we have together to deal with life’s craziness. Life would be so dull without you in my life.” 
When you feel him scoot closer to you on the porch steps, you turn head towards him, seeing him focused on you. Despite the nighttime beginning to fall, you can still see the intensity of Hoseok's deep brown eyes. 
"What?," you chuckled, not being able to read his facial expression. 
A faint smile appears on his lips. "I love you," he softly says to you, before leaning over. He cups your face and kisses you on your forehead. You loved that he knows that was your favorite part to be kissed, even more than your actual lips most of the time. You close your eyes as you feel his lips linger for awhile. 
After breaking the kiss, you look into his eyes and whisper, "I love you, too."
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My Crimson Valentine ((POV))
((Hey people. 😊 Today, since Valentine's Day is just around the corner a little later, I had to write a special fanfic about everyone's favorite crimson hunter getting busy with a certain girl who is new in Abel City to visit him. Plus, it's a POV version for the ladies out there. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this story and Happy Early Valentine's Day 💘💘💘💝💝💝 😊✌))
The crimson hunter, lastly created by the late Dr. Albert Wily, previously known of the uncontrollable maverick who lusts for blood, carnage, even destruction increases his strength along with everything he possesses. Founded by the former leader of Hunter HQ before being escorted to be tested after the ferocious duel against him, until later on when the impossible virus had traveled it way within the strong balded crusader's armored anatomy away from the blonde irregular's helmet to successfully control the new host. Forming from evil to good has allowed him to join the organization which meaning by hunting down crazed evildoers that caused havoc upon peace. Hardly addresses himself as the hero, however to battle against difficult odds such as maverick while for those around that he believes in at heart, for his own will also. Throwing away the corrupted memories of his past which blinded his focus of a better future awaiting ahead as well as to embrace off multiple sadness from his body.
Now, as the irregular destroying commander of the 0th unit, lacking any clemency towards opponents and acts with a "too cool for school" attitude to lower his emotions instead of showing them to anyone expect his indigo comrade in arms. Ranked into an upperclass position, bearing with the energy beam sword for slashing down anything blocking his path. Aiding with his colleagues, brawling baddies, passed onto with additional power ups, the rest during numerous journeys. He is ultimately quite difficult to become defeated when it comes to danger calling him out, but not with assistance to accomplish any tasks at hand. This fearless swordsman in red is named Zero.
At last, slightly exhausted of every beatings along with rescuing the innocent like any super hero would always do, fully relaxed while the daylight is young, the golden locked hunter had peered his eyes towards you into a seductive persona. Lying onto his bed sideways with his hand planted on the manly thigh to await your appearance inside his dorm. Smirking with a satisfying preparation in mind for a guest of honor such as yourself.
"Mmmmm he he he he~... Well well~... Hello to you, my sweet young treat~ What brings you here to MY lair of awesomeness~? Just by looking at your expression, I suppose you're here to visit me or to earn my autograph, right~? Either way, it wouldn't even matter much anyway since I'm bored with nothing to do~ But what really does now is to amuse a cute little lady like you with my irresistible charms to hypnotize my fans~" The upperclassmen spoke deeply with a sexual tone, walking over and takes you by your hand into his room as a welcoming manner by stroking his hand under your chin. Placing you upon his bed. "So, why don't ya come inside and make yourself comfortable until I freshen up for a special surprise in store just for you~ BRB~" He winked at you, rising right out of his bed capsule to change into a different armor.
While waiting for the blush colored host, you would began to take out something from your backpack like a notebook to draw characters, anime or shapes in order to keep yourself occupied. Even to write a journal about your life. It was your time here in Abel City, never have seen or been here before to meet the legendary Maverick Hunter in the flesh. Or perhaps reploid, of course. You hummed while enjoying usual hobbies like in your house, loving nature even to make friends, pondering about such wonderful memories within your thoughts just to keep you happy and lively for the rest of your life through tough times. It truly warms your innocent heart all the way along with emotions, until a surprise sudden has called your attention....
"Hey there, gorgeous~ Thanks for the long wait for me to straighten myself up, didn't wanna get too.... messy around ya~.... " Outside the bathroom despite of his "freshening up" methods, hearing his voice aiming across the roam has made you look away from the notebook that you're drawing and directly at him, who is wearing nothing underneath his armor like the inner black suit, but into a sexy belly dancing attire to suit him quite better out of his under clothing. Revealing not only the body, yet secondly his most flawless treasure known to man: his diamond shaped navel of his abs, placed with an initialed Z shaped jewel inside, similar on his left shoulder. The appearing shade of redness shown itself in your cheeks during your first witness of your host's harden bods of steel completely in front of you.
"Awww~ Did I made ya blush, little girl~? I kinda love it when you look real nervous when you're around me~ Cause it really, REALLY turns me on~" Slurped the bright red sword wielder, approaching his irresistible self towards you, folding his arms behind the brighten locks of his tied up hair. Blinking his sparkling sapphire pupils slowly to create something even more consensual than before or after your arrival to surround you along with everything in his dorm. You began to feel speechless for a fast second, beholding his fairly gifted body before you now when he chuckled.
"Mmmm~ Giving the silent treatment, too, aren't we~? I like that in a human woman~" Anything about you has impressed the saber enhanced mentor even more than busting against his enemies in the hunting days when duty calls. Could be a waste of time, but not as long as you're here to make his life interesting. "So, beautiful~ Whaddya think~? Like what ya see~? Did my abs impress you~? No need to answer cause I'm already aware of that~ Let's put away the notebook and enjoy ourselves, shall we~" He said again, helping to throw away the book off your hands. Snapping his fingers automatically to initiate the sensual music before the beginning of his dance. Once again, you blinked while watching him jiggle his hips to the rhythm, back and forwards non stop. Several visions of him showering the pleasurable has blinded you away from the focuses about your life, being slowly imprisoned filled of little resistance left in your body to fight it off.
"Mmmm~ Damn, you look so delicious when I take a closer look at you~" Licked his clean filled of the starving metaphorical act, circling around you while slowly drawing his finger on your shoulder. "Even though you're a human, but it ain't gonna change the fact or my mind since you're here~ Lemme taste you for a bit to see if you're good enough to eat~ Meow~" He does that right away by licking your cheek, making you fluster into a shade of pink appearing in your face. "Hot damn~ Did my tastes buds lie~? Or is it telling the truth~? You truly ARE my sweetest dessert, babycakes~ Meaning that I'm gonna save YOU for later after my overwhelming performance~"
Dancing very closer to you, caressing all over his glistening armor as well as his body to approach once more. Seducing you by shaking more of his delectable manly hips with his might, polishing the crotch if necessary. Commencing to arouse your being becoming trapped in his grasps to never release or allow you to flee from his inescapable sights, pinning down your body of his hypnotic dance. Then, feeding on your thoughts with his sultry speech.
"It's no use trying to resist my urges, baby~ My body will consume you whole whether you admire it or not so try not to fight against it~" He compelled, positioning his finger into a "come over here" action to brainwash you. "Come on~ Let my poisonous effects absorb you~ Look into my eyes and rid yourself of those tragedies holding you down from your senses~ Submit to me, my innocent slave~ Obey my body forever~ Smoothingly erasing your worries from your mind and replacing them with images of the sunshine haired expert's erotic movements clearing off those irritating dirt of lies entirely out of your peeps, helping you to see perfectly even by looking at your maverick hunting host shaking his money maker for you. Complying his demands with the lack of free will to shield yourself away of something elegant, you had no other option but to surrender by gazing straightly at him into the middle of his dance. 
"So~ What do you think of my stunning bods, little lady~? You like it, even when I punish myself for being a bad boy~? Hmm~? He he he he~ Then I'll take that as a yes~" He moaned while speaking to you sexually. "Well, how about I give you.....this to change your pretty little thinking~? Continually to please you the hardest, he would slowly remove the pierced jewel from his stomach. Placing it on the desk table. You would be able to watch carefully of his special present only for you to see instead of others, but your mind says to resist it for this "nightmare" will haunt you in your sleep forever. Once the gem has been confiscated out of the body, he "accidentally" insert one of fingers deeply inside his ravishing navel.
"Whoops~ He he he he~ My bad, darling~ Didn't mean to cause an accident to you like that~ Or did I~?" Grinned the A Class sword fighter, planning his act on you in the first place by circling deeper into his belly button. Extending out his tongue to rock it like in the concert to party all night, siding with shaking his thighs of continuation towards the dance.
"Unh~ Unh~ M...Mmm god, it feels so nice~" He spits out his longing yet magnificent moan all the way from his mouth trying to dash for freedom, drilling his finger into the dark cavern of the stomach more further. Pleasing you to death with every inch of his power but quietly. Over and over he punishes his stomach hole without trying to stop himself. "Ahhhh~ I love massaging my navel during off duties at peace~ It really takes my mind off of killing enemies~ But, I couldn't hide it from somebody so tranquil and quiet like you~" He refers to you, winking to arouse his guest by "cleaning" his deepen abyss of a stomach hole further. You slightly blushed from his unseen hobby, attempting to look for an escapable exit. However, nothing could ever work because of the frozen spell of his seduction pinned you down on the seat. 
"Oh yeah~ Yeah~ Mmmmm, face it, pumpkin~ I know you wanna see me ground my deep, luscious, tasty, warm navel of mine for being very naughty~ Don't try to deny it~ You CAN and WILL love it when I play with it~ Or better yet, to let you taste it~" He spoke toward at you, placing a torturing spell which is impossible to break. More shades of red pinkish flustering substance had yet again made its appearance in your face, eyes stretched of shocking discovery, heart pumping in a repetitive beat. It's as if you have seen a boy band member saying your name to climb up onstage or earning a first gift. But this, right up front, is even more breathtaking than both all combined at once. 
Forwardly into your ear, his calm voice enters within your mind. Purring seductively due to his obsession with his new plaything like you to have fun with. 
"Purrrrrrr~" No matter how much you try or do that could drive the spell from your consciousness, that too, is unstoppable to leap out of. "It's already too late to back out from me, doll~ Cause there ain't gonna be an exit to save you now that you're all mine~" He said, tilting your head directly to him by his hand grappling your cheeks. "You know, before I met an adorable birdie like you, all I ever do was fight off maverick trash all freaking day without getting a single break, which is completely boring for my taste~ But now here you are, making my life a living heaven than hell like in my usual  days as a hunter~" You nodded while listening. "I really like you that much, despite of being a human, but still~ " He comes at you, proceeding towards your face. "As a matter of fact, you mean the world to me, Valentine, and that's why.... I wanna taste and suck your irresistible at the same cause I'm so  famished~ So, let's kill off the idle chat, shall we~? And lemme give you something to make you.... remember me in your dreams~ Let me kiss you~ So~ Badly~....." With everything pushed out of the way, the stern yet handsome reploid in red inserted his lips into yours deeply. Drinking the life out of you with a craved thirst before resuming his belly dancing routine. His perfect smooch has gave you a further blush.
"Mmmmmmmm~" So forever long, he softly yoinked himself from the perfect smooch given to you and licked. "God, you taste even better than the rest~ So delicious~" Swallowed the smirked hunter, enjoying your clear lips until he continue his undodgable dance of lust to please you rapidly. Secondly, the glorious cave of a navel to pleasure or play with as well.
That trick, especially the breath stealing kiss, had forced you to have a nosebleed right away from his unavoidable surprise than earlier before. Without holding any grudge against the blonde host's perfect symbol of desires that shuts down all worries from their minds, the only chance you have is to submit towards his beauty and enjoy it, refusing to turn back. Zero smiled gladly at you, wanting more of his fascinating dances to ease your boredom aside in the garbage where it belongs.
"So~ Finally enjoying my gift, huh~? Good girl~" He smiled rapidly, resuming his lustful dance for your enjoyment. "I'm so proud of you for cherishing a pleasant gift I rained on you, sweet treat~ For that, here's another one from me~...." For following his directions of the pleasurable belly dance, the handsome rose themed ex maverick lays his hands onto your soft cheeks while you are a little prepared for something much more....appealing? However, you have to allow him by accepting the second present until finally, he mashed his lips gently into yours. Tongue and teeth.
Your eyes started to open widely because of the seeping smooch warming up your whole heart upwards to 100%, blushing darker than earlier. While you slowly responded back, he continues to sink his kiss into your lips all day long, never to get enough of your existence for one minute just to stomp on his doomed past like an insect. Non stop after separating himself from lip locking with you, he continues his beautiful entertainment by dancing, especially navel pleasuring, to please you more than the first act while you're gazing towards him with both hands placed under your chin. Directly in front of you, he blow a kiss at you for further mood at peace.
"Mmmmmwah~..... Mmmm, thanks again for keeping company to shut up my boredom today, cutie~ You're just the one who never gets tired of my unbeatable charms~" Winked the high ranked blade user, impressed by your company to sleep away his exhaustion from dealing with endless hordes of irregular rabble rousers all the time. You replied with a nod, watching permanently of your die hard android in light burgundy with all your heart no matter what. Enjoying both his company, even the erotic dance as well.
He may become of the lone wolf type reploid who refuses to gain anyone's assistance during heart throbbing missions, roughing up tough mavericks without problems whatsoever. However, fighting alongside friends to be stronger foes than him or enemies combined has made the yellow headed mentor even too powerful other than his base state. Because companionship can make any dream succeed so long as everyone remains by his side always, even the true Maverick Hunter should realize this. Furthermore, no crime lovers including the inhumaniods baddies could ever escape from the beam sword bearer of Abel City when it comes to disasters knocking on the town's door without regret. But for now, he is finally relaxing during his off duty with the only person in store to interest his company instead of all else: You.
"Happy Valentine's Day, ladies~ Feel free to visit yours truly anytime~ Mmmwah~💖"
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excindrela · 5 years
12 Days of Demon Ayno- Day 1
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Supernatural AU
Pairing: demon! Ayno (Noh YoonHo) VAV x Female Reader
Genre: F L U F F
Warnings: None. No, seriously. (For once)
Word Count: 1191
AN: Welcome to the 12 Days of Demon Ayno! It’s the Holiday Season, so this is gonna get F L U F F Y!! So so Fluffy! ...but don’t worry, you’ll get your smut! Promise!! (demon! Ayno is not quitting his day job) So, obvs this is coming in installments: some are very short and others are longer. I love feedback- so if there’s something you like, or something you want to see- tell me!! If you’re new to demon! Ayno, he showed up here in Summoned, and then again at Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy spending the season with him!
12 Days: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9
Back somewhere around the middle of November, you noticed that Ayno seemed restless, and it occurred to you that leaving him cooped up in your apartment all day while you were at work was rather like leaving a wild animal in a small cage.  So, you had started taking him out for walks around the gentrifying downtown that your apartment building sat in.
Within walking distance, there was a small park with a duck pond and trees, the main library, and the main City Square. The surrounding streets were filled with small shops and restaurants, some businesses, and other warehouses that had been converted to apartments like yours. Ayno learned his way around quickly, and was truly delighted the day you took him to the hardware store to get him his own key to the apartment.
By early December, Ayno had settled into a comfortable life. After he made your breakfast, and sent you off to work, he would clean the apartment and then go wander around downtown. He liked sitting in the park watching the ducks and squirrels, and hanging out at the library. You were surprised about that until you found out that Ayno was fluent in nine languages, including Dimoori Sheol (the demon language) and Enochian (the language of angels). He turned out to be a voracious reader, and when you got him a library card so he could bring books home you’d have thought he won the lottery. He had a Starbucks card so he could get the iced coffees he’d grown so fond of, and you gave him pocket money every week, but had no idea what he did with it because he never seemed to buy anything, despite his wandering through the shops. You assumed he wasn’t causing any problems because there were no reports of mayhem on the news, and no one was trying to arrest him.
For his part, Ayno was perfectly happy. He was impervious to outside temperatures, so the chilly fall weather didn’t bother him in the slightest. Human watching had become his favorite pastime. Occasionally his demon nature did take over by doing innocuous things like causing traffic lights to skip certain lanes, and re-arranging “The Library Recommends” displays to include the writings of the Marquis de Sade, the Kama Sutra, Joy of Sex and 50 Shades of Gray.
On The 1st Day of Christmas: Ayno Discovered Hallmark Christmas Movies
It wasn’t even mid-December and the temperature had already dropped a good 10-15 degrees, the last of the fall leaves had been blown from the trees, and the sky was looking like it was going to make sure you had a white Christmas whether you wanted one or not.
While you were always happy to get home to Ayno, the fact that his body burned at the un-natural temperature of 140 made him especially nice to cuddle up to. It also didn’t hurt that Ayno’s ability to make perfect pancakes was not a fluke- he was actually an excellent cook. Generally, by the time you got home, he had at least prepped dinner, and often the apartment was filled with the delightful smell of whatever he was making already in the oven. But neither of those things had happened tonight.
You heard the TV on when you came in, so you changed into yoga pants and a sweatshirt and headed for the living room. There was Ayno, sitting in the corner of the couch, legs tucked up under him, a box of Kleenex sitting next to him, and a pile of used ones on the floor in front of him. He was fixated on the screen where some 90’s B-list actress (that you recognized, but didn’t know the name of) was talking to some generic clean-cut but slightly rugged guy (who also looked vaguely familiar- but you couldn’t place him) on the snowy street corner of Anytown, USA; when the guy’s not-quite-attractive tot ran up to announce that they were lighting the tree in town square. “Ayno, what are you watching?” you inquired.
“Oh! That is Ashley. She is a lawyer in a city. I don’t know which city, but it looked big. The man is Connor. He was Ashley’s boyfriend until she went away to become a lawyer. She never came back, so he married someone else- but she got cancer and died. I do not understand why the 4th House of the zodiac seems to kill humans. Hanna is their offspring. Ashley’s dad had a heart attack, so she had to come home to help him. Connor is still in love with her and wants her to stay in this town and help him run the inn, but Ashley says she has to go back to the city, but I do not think she wants to leave.”
Oh no. No. “Ayno? What channel is this on?” you asked suspiciously.
“The one with the crown on it.”
“Oh my God! Are you watching Hallmark Christmas movies?!”
“Maybe?” he shrugged. Judging by the pile of used Kleenex on the floor, this was not his first one.
Your stomach growled. “I assume you have not made dinner?”
“No. I did not.” He said sheepishly. “Perhaps we could order pizza?”
“You don’t like pizza.” You reminded him.
“No, but you do! I do not actually have to eat, remember? You could come sit in my lap and eat and watch movies with me.” He said, trying to make you an offer you could not refuse.
“Do I have to watch Hallmark movies?” you whined.
“They have happy endings! You like happy endings.” he responded, trying to sell you on the idea.
“Ugh.  They’re so contrived & sappy! You seriously like these?? You’re a demon! Don’t you have brimstone in your blood or something?? Shouldn’t you be watching something with guns and blood and mayhem and death? Like ‘Die Hard’! That’s a Christmas movie!”
Ayno frowned slightly, as he took your hand and pulled you down to sit next to him, “I am enjoying getting to use all my emotions. I like these movies because they produce them. Because I am a desire and fulfillment demon, so I am mischievous- but not malevolent and I have feelings…but I only ever get to use a few of them…generally just curiosity, desire, lust, passion, satisfaction and boredom. Before this, I have never stayed in this plane of existence for more than a day or two…so other emotions never really have a chance to come. I have never really cried before today. Did you know you can cry when you are happy too?”
You nodded. “…I also cry when I’m angry. I’m sorry Ayno. I forget that a lot of this is new for you.” you said as you crawled over into his lap, feeling his arms immediately wrap around you and his nose nuzzle into your neck. “Mmmmm…this produces feelings I like too…” he responded. You laughed, “but these are the ones you already know!” He lifted his head, smiled and stroked your cheek as he gazed tenderly at you. “Not all of them. There are definitely some new ones here too.”
Stay tuned for Days 2-12!!
Special Thank You!! to @quyennie​ @emeraldbabygirl​ @kpop-4-ever​ @survivingsyl​ @itsakpopalypse​  for your kind comments, support, proof- reading, and encouraging me to make this a series. 
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goldcaught · 4 years
tagged by @howeverlongs !!!!
i. do you have a certain place at home for reading?
i read e v e r y w h e r e i am - on the couch, in bed, & when i’m a passenger in the car are my top spots but honestly wherever i can sit, i’ll be reading at least some of the time :))
ii. do you use bookmarks? if so, what kind?
ebook bookmark function, yes! real bookmarks mmmmm not so much, i’m a dogear girl AND NOT ASHAMED, unlessss it’s a hardcover in which case i’ll use the cover to keep my spot more often than not
iii. can you just stop reading or do you have to make it to the end of the chapter
sometimes if i feel like i’m at close to the end of a chapter i’ll flip ahead to see how far i have to go and if its like a page or two i’ll just wait until i finish to stop, but generally i’m good to just stop wherever! i actually do this thing where sometimes i’ll put it down right as a particularly GOOD bit is happening to sort of s u s t a i n the excitement lolol 
iv. do you eat or drink while reading? 
yeah!!! do people not?? how do you read with restrictions like that?? i always have a water bottle next to me anyway so like at the very least i’m drinking lol; it’s obviously pretty difficult to eat actual MEALS while reading, but i’m not gonna like NOT read just because i’m eating a snack??
v. music or tv while reading
i like to start the day reading without any background noise if i can, but other than that i absolutely have tv on in the background most of the time - music, on the other hand, not so much! 
vi. one book at a time or several at once? 
i’ve been trying to be better about actually FINISHING all the books i start and so reading Only One At A Time is important to this process AND SO that is also why i still end up starting and pausing and moving on to others :////
vii. reading at home or out? 
my top spots to read are in bed & in the car! so. .. . . both
viii. reading out loud or silently? 
oh my god, silently!!!!!! does anyone just....read out loud??
ix. do you read ahead or skip pages? 
YOU KNOW WHAT, sometimes! for the following reasons: i’m VERY excited and just want a peek okAY, or i’m kind of bored of whatever’s happening and got the gist and want to hurry it along, OR sometimes i’m not in the mood for like a thousand sex scenes so if there’s a particularly long one after several i’ll kinda skim in case Feelings are invoked to get out the other side 
x. breaking the spine? 
 absolutely! i mean, obviously it's not super conducive to reading but it’s just the sign of a well loved book, babes!!!! 
xi. do you write in your books? 
i never have, i’m not really the note making type of reader, but i do consider every old indent from a dogearred page as little reminders from myself of every time i’ve read a book and all the places i paused along the way, like a little held breath
tagging my darlings @highgaarden @candycolamorgan @thetourguidebarbie @cupcakemolotov
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nate-santos · 4 years
Exit, Persued by Bookwyrms || Nate & Skylar
Research gone wrong with @theskyeandsea
After his conversation with Remmy, Nate knew there was only one place he hadn’t turned over in his search for information. He had stopped in once or twice, but the Archive always freaked him out, so he never stayed long. Not to mention the fact that in order to buy any of their tomes, you usually had to give something important or strange in return, and Nate was terrified of finding anything they would consider proper payment. Of course this would be his last ditch effort when it came to figuring out zombie specifics, his last stop to find out if there truly was a way to live a “normal” life after the change. He paced back and forth outside the shop for close to 30 minutes before he finally entered, speed walking to the back of the store so as not to make eye contact with anyone. While his anxiety began to settle to a normal rate, Nate’s eyes scanned the shelves. “Zombies….Z….what was it Remmy called them….Draugr? Ok...Dr….” He pulled out a few volumes and began to flip through the worn pages, eyes scanning for any sort of useful information.
Bleh. Even after stopping in here once before, the Archive still gave Skylar the creeps. There was just something about the fact that it seemed like there were never any employees, that there was some weird kinda unspoken trade system in place, the general ambiance… Nope. Why wasn’t there a Barnes & Noble or something in town? Shaking her head, Skylar forced herself to focus as she glanced down the rows of shelves. Morgan had hinted that the Archive might have more supernatural texts than Skylar had initially thought, so… here she was. But, this time it wasn’t for her. Rem was going through a lot and, while she was going through her own issues, focusing on Remmy’s felt more manageable. It was productive in a way that she didn’t need to think about herself. As she walked down the shelves, Skylar rounded the corner and nearly ran into a man reading a book. Startled, she held her hands up apologetically, “Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t see you, my bad.” She said, shaking her head. Glancing at the books on the shelves behind him, she saw that she was in the right section. Zombies and other undead, neat.
Nate nearly jumped ten feet in the air when the stranger ran into him, one of the books slipping from his hand and toppling down to the ground. “Oh! No I’m sorry! If I’m gonna read I should really sit down- at a table! Like a normal person.” He laughed awkwardly, kneeling down to pick up the stray book, hoping he didn’t ruin it by tossing the old thing around like a child’s toy. Ordinarily, Nate was the kind of guy who kept all of his books in pristine condition, never liking to lend them out lest the borrower fold the pages down like a heathen. “Am I in your way? Do you need help finding something? Not that I work here, I definitely don’t, but-well...I can help! Unless you want me to leave you alone. That’s fine too.” He scratched absently at his arm, the anxiety making his skin crawl. “Sorry…”
Skylar winced apologetically at the way the poor man jumped-- oh dear. She really hadn’t meant to surprise him, it was just a little tricky for her to pick up other people’s presence in quiet places like this. “No, don’t even apologize, I’m the one who spooked you.” She said, her fingers fidgeting at her side, spelling out the word sorry in ASL just out of instinct. Scooting back out of his way to let him pick up the book, Skylar glanced at the books on the shelves for a moment. “Are you sure? You really don’t need to, like you said, you don’t work here. But, um, if you have any pointers on finding books here, I’d love the help. The organization system is a little weird.” She said with a wry laugh, hoping it would make him a little more at ease. The last thing she wanted was to make someone uncomfortable when they were just trying to shop for some books.
Nate grinned through clenched teeth. Even if it wasn’t necessarily his fault, the awkward had already set in and he was gonna have to roll with it. “Yeah! Really, I uh...don’t know how much help I’ll be, but I don’t mind at all!” His eyes flicked around the store and if he was being honest, having someone else around while he did his search might not be the worst thing in the world. This place really gave him the creeps. “Yeah, I uh...I don’t know that they super have much of an organizational system.” He shrugged, holding his books tightly to his chest. “So what is it you were looking for? Was it…” Nate glanced around at the section they were in. “Undead in nature?”
“Thanks so much, really.” Skylar said warmly, a smile on her face. “I’m Skylar, by the way. Have you been here before?” She asked, curious to know if he had much experience in the Archive. The one time she’d been in here with Remmy, she hadn’t found too much in the way of information, just bits and pieces. But, now that she was a little more focused in her efforts to find something that could make sense of their situation, she had more of a mission. “Um, yes! I’m looking for stuff on zombies, actually?” She said. Hopefully that didn’t sound as weird to him as it did to her. Nope, there was nothing weird at all about just… asking about zombies. Mmmmm. Maybe she should have tried beating around the bush a bit more. Oh well, what’s done was done.
Nate felt more at ease by the second, which was saying a lot considering he was in a sketchy book store that specialized in the supernatural, looking for information on zombies alongside a complete stranger. He sucked in a deep breath and smiled, nodding to himself. “Uh, twice. But uh...not for long.” Glancing around quickly to make sure there wasn’t anyone else in earshot. “I kinda...get the creeps? Being in here?” He shrugged, his fingers gripping the edge of his books. “It’s definitely less weird if we look together though, right?” He froze, his smile locked in place. “Z-zombies? Do you know someone- I mean…” Be casual. “Is it just out of curiosity?” He passed her one of the books in his hands. “‘Cause this one, uh...looks promising.”
Hearing that someone else found the Archive just as creepy as she did made Skylar feel just a little bit more relaxed. At least she wasn’t alone in her opinions. “Trust me, I get that. It’s not a super comfortable place to just… hang out in. Which is a shame, it seems like they have a lot of good books and information here.” She said with a nod. He hadn’t said his name, but Skylar supposed that was to be expected-- not everyone was super friendly with people they just met. “For sure.” She nodded with a smile. But, when the man handed her one of the books, she balked a little bit, “Huh? You don’t need to give me your book, really. But… were you looking into them too?”
Nate smiled, his lips pulling tight over the awkward expression. He didn’t need to be this weird, they were just two strangers, looking at books on zombies in a super creepy, probably haunted book shop. He took a quick breath, trying to force himself to be more normal. “It’s fine, I uh...looked through it already.” He shrugged, turning back towards the shelf full of potential answers. Last time he’d been in here he had barely made it to this section of the store, let alone made it far enough to grab a book and peruse it. “I’m uh...Nate, by the way. And yeah, they’re uh...super interesting, right?” He smiled over his shoulder, hoping she didn’t prod too much. He reached out, pulling another worn book off the shelf, opening it carefully. Its pages were old and weathered, yellowing at the edges. Dust even seemed to pour out of it as he flipped a page, noting that there were paragraphs just...missing. “Huh...that’s weird.” Maybe it was one of those niche writing styles, like if t s eliot wrote novels on the undead.
The strained smile he offered her elicited a twinge of pity-- he just looked so uncomfortable. “Nice to meet you, Nate. And thanks, really.” Skylar said with a bright smile, hoping that it would put him a bit more at ease. “Mhm, they are.” She nodded in a non committal way. She didn’t want to sound too interested in the subject, otherwise he might ask her why she was looking and then she’d have to lie and that would… just be a whole mess. Nope! Not happening. As Nate pulled out another book, Skylar flipped through her own and frowned. What..? Whole chunks were gone, some sentences even ended mid-word. “I bet it can’t be as weird as this.” She said, gesturing to the section she’d opened to. As she pointed to a section of the book, her finger brushed against the interior of the spine-- “Ouch!” She gasped, withdrawing her hand quickly. What the heck was that?
Nate stepped over toward Skylar before freezing in his tracks. Her book looked the same as his: incomplete. Like the printer was running out of ink mid sentence, sputtering out between words. What made his freeze, however, wasn’t the weirdness of the pages, but the girl’s yelp of pain. “Are- oh man...are you ok? Paper cut?” He hoped it was merely a paper cut. He leaned forward, not noticing the pages slipping out of his own book’s binding, fluttering down to the ground. Out of the small gap where the pages used to be attached to the ancient binding came a flood of tiny, wriggling...worms?? “OH NO-” Nate dropped the book and began slapping his arms, attempting to brush off any of the things that managed to climb onto him. “What the heck?!”
Skylar looked at her hand in confusion, and saw a few tiny worms clinging to her index finger. “What are these things-- ow!” She grimaced, scraping the worms away with the edge of the book. But, more of the wriggling worms came out of the binding and attempted to latch onto her arm. She dropped her own book on the ground and began to swipe at the worms. “I don’t-- they’re biting me!” Skylar squealed, doing her best to get them away from her. Backing up, she ran into the bookshelf behind her and felt biting on the back of her neck. More?! “What are these?” She asked, looking to Nate as she tried to squish the worms that clung to her.
Nate panicked. Lord only knew what kind of diseases these things might contract, or if they were somehow venomous. He mirrored Skylar’s attempts to fling the bugs off himself, crashing backwards into another case of books, sending them toppling to the ground. In any other circumstance, Nate would have been horrified at the amount of damage he was surely doing, but at the moment all he could think about were these minuscule creatures nipping at his flesh. “I don’t- I don’t know!!” He scrambled over to the girl and tried to help her swat the things away. “Do you- you don’t think we’ll get in trouble for ruining their books, do you?” Surely his priorities were a little out of whack at the moment.
Shaking her head, Skylar replied, “At this point, ow! I think we’re fine to--” Before she could finish speaking, a man came by the shelves, a strange covered bird cage in his hand. Judging from the outfit he was wearing and the little name card on his chest, he must have been an employee? Or maybe the owner? Skylar didn’t really have time to question it. “The bookwyrms are at it again... “ The man grumbled as he fiddled with the latch on the cage with thick fingers, shaking his head. “Excuse me? Sir?” Skylar asked, but he was either not paying attention to her or simply didn’t care. Instead, he uncovered the bird cage and revealed about half a dozen flying little… Tinkerbells? “Okay, you little shits. Take care of this mess-- and I don’t mean the customers.” The man grumbled before opening the cage. Glancing over at Nate, Skylar stared at him with wide eyes. Was he seeing this too?
Nate’s stomach dropped as the figure of authority rounded the corner, a less than pleased look on his face. “I’m so sorry, sir! We didn’t mean- the books- there’s something biting us-” But the man didn’t seem to care about his rambling apology. “Sir?” He looked over at Skylar, wondering if this was just how this weird store operated, but she seemed equally as confused, still swatting at the small creatures. His eyes followed her gaze until he focused on the...things in the cage that the man was holding. Instead of a bird, the cage seemed to house a bunch of flying...fairies?? “Uh- Sir?!?’ But the man paid no mind, releasing the winged things into the store where they immediately began to swarm around whatever had come out of the books. The downside being that a lot of those little buggers were now all over Skylar and himself. “C-crap!!” Nate screamed, swatting at both the flying creatures and the biting ones. “What do we do now??”
“What the--” Skylar grimaced as the strange creatures began to fly around, grabbing at the bugs that were biting into her skin and yanking them off. They were helping, kind of, but only in the most painful of ways. “Can you call them off? Please?!” She asked the man, but he was leaning against one of the bookshelves, thumbing through a magazine, the empty birdcage sitting on the ground next to him. Ugh. Looking over at the man next to her, she blinked. Who was he again? Whatever his name was, he seemed to be having an even worse time than she was, Skylar swallowed. This was a mistake, all of this was so dumb and stupid and why was she even here in the first place? Brushing off as many of the bugs off her as she could, she felt a fairy thing tangled up in her hair, yanking at more of the worm things. “Get off, get away! I, I think we should leave. We should go.” She said, holding out a hand to guide him out of the library.
Nate scrambled away from the flying creatures who seemed to be- yep. They were eating the bugs that were crawling out of the blank book pages. He wasn’t sure what the things were, but the shop owner seemed perfectly alright with just letting them create chaos around the store and nip and Skylar and himself in their quest. He frowned down at the book he’d been reading, trying to think of the name of that lost library in the desert, the one with all the information supposedly lost to time or looters or something. The blank pages reminded him of that, and he was sad for a moment. But then a flying fairy launched itself at his head, eliciting a nice and manly yelp before he took Skylar’s hand. “Gladly!” He propelled himself forward, mumbling out another apology for all the damage they’d caused, though admittedly not as much damage as the things he’d intentionally let loose. Speeding out the shop doors, Nate nearly crashed to his knees outside. “What- the heck-” he gasped, his hands still slapping away small worms from his arms and neck.
The two of them raced out of The Archive, the strange little creatures paying no attention to them once they ran out of the store. Skylar shook her head, shaking free some of the little worms that had latched onto the back of her neck, as well as the ones tangled in her hair. “Ugh, ew, ew, ew…” She grimaced as she rid herself of the last of the worms and started to stomp on them, squishing them into the pavement. Looking up at the man next to her, she gave an awkward grimace in his direction. “Are you okay? There were a lot of them on me, did you get bit too?” She asked, still trying to figure out what this guy’s name was. She could have sworn that he had just told it to her, but… why couldn’t she remember it? What was happening?
Nate’s skin was crawling as he pawed at every inch of skin he could reach. He was sure that even a scalding shower for 24 hours straight wouldn’t be enough to make him feel clean or safe. “Yeah-not...not too much I think…” He looked up at the girl with terror in his eyes. “You don’t think they like carry disease or anything, do you?? I know- I know there’s...that one kind of insect, they bite you and they give you….lemon disease? I- I think it’s a- I dunno…” He waved his hands in front of him as he searched for the word. “You know….that bitey thing?”
Tilting her head, Skylar couldn’t help but feel sorry for the man in front of her. Between his words and his body language, it was clear that the entire incident had shaken him up. Which… for any normal person who’d just been attacked by gross worms and then by… freaking evil tinkerbells? She could hardly blame him. Reaching out, she patted his shoulder in what she hoped was a comforting gesture-- hopefully physical contact wouldn’t make him freak out more. “Lyme disease? I think that’s something you can get from ticks in the woods? I think, I think we should be okay. Those weird bug things…” Her eyebrows scrunched together as she tried to figure out why she’d been in the bookstore to begin with, “They… which section were they in again? I’m sorry, I-- I can’t remember.”
Still feeling the ghosts of insects crawling over him but fairly certain it was in his head at this point, Nate began to calm down. He flinched a bit at the physical touch, but more so because he thought Skylar was about to swat away some book bug. He smiled awkwardly, wrapping his arms around himself as if that would create some sort of protective barrier. “Oh! Yeah! That’s what I was thinking of! Weird…” Nate’s brows wrinkled in confusion. He was sure he’d known the name of that disease. He shrugged to himself but cocked his head to the side. “You don’t remember what you were looking for?” Weird. Or was she just trying to get him to say what he was looking for? In a hushed voice, he leaned in. “Z-zombie aisle?” 
Wracking her brains, Skylar struggled to think about what she’d been looking for. But, the second the man said the words, it came back to her. Zombies. Of course. She’d been in the Archive looking for information on zombies to see if there was anything she could do to help Rem. “Yes, yes, that’s exactly what I was looking for. How didn’t I remember that…” She muttered, confused. “And, hang on. Your name-- You just told me it, didn’t you? It’s, it’s something with a N? Noah..?” She said. No, that didn’t sound right, he didn’t really look like a Noah. Her hands fidgeted at her sides, stinging slightly from the small bite marks that dotted her skin. What was going on? Was she having some kind of… weird young person stroke? Or was she going insane? Of all the things to make her question her sanity, it wasn’t the awful worms or the pixies trying to smack them, it was the fact that she couldn’t remember this guy’s name. Wow. What was her life right now?
Nate nodded, his brows crumpling low over his eyes. Panic began to set in, wondering if she had forgotten his name or what she’d been looking for because of the mysterious bugs’ bites. Or maybe it was those literal flying fairies? Who the heck knew. Maybe she was just a forgetful person. “Nate-” he smiled lightly. “But you were close!” He glanced back at the store, a shiver running through him. “I uh...don’t think I’ll be coming back here anymore but…” Turning back to Skylar, he hugged his arms around himself a bit tighter, his voice dropping. “If uh...I find anything- on the undead stuff? I can definitely share it if you like?”
“Nate.” Skylar repeated. What the heck was going on? He’d literally just told her what his name was, hadn’t he? Eyebrows coming together in confusion, she nodded. “Sorry about that. I just, I couldn’t remember. I’m not usually like this, I swear. But, um. Yeah… I’m not going to be poking around the back shelves of this place anymore.” At least, she wouldn’t be doing it without someone who knew a little bit more about this whole thing. “Um. Yes! Yeah, that’d be really helpful, thanks! Here, let me give you my phone number.” She said, fishing a piece of paper out of her pocket before writing her number down. “And… I mean-- if you notice any other weird stuff. Like, like the tinkerbell things that were in there? Let me know?” She asked, tone hopeful. She didn’t want to be too nosy, but he hadn’t reacted with complete shock when the pixie things had swarmed him. Did that mean he knew about this magic stuff too? And if he did… then did he actually know about zombies..?
Nate smiled, hoping it came off as more reassuring than it felt. Everything about this felt off, except for Skylar. She at least seemed normal. “No worries, I’m sure it’s just the uh...dust or something in there.” He nodded to himself, hoping that maybe that really could explain it. “It’d be no problem at all.” He reached out, taking her number and placing it in his wallet. “Sure thing, it’s uh...not entirely uncommon to see this kind of thing. Usually I stay as far away from it as I can, but if I see anything I’ll let ya know.” Nate wasn’t sure why she would want to find more of those things, but maybe she knew more about them than he did. “It was nice meeting you, you know...in spite of all,” he gestured vaguely to the store behind them. “That.” Dusting himself off a bit more, he was already planning the 6 hour decontamination shower he’d be having after this.
Nodding at his words, Skylar stuck her hands in the pocket of her jacket to hide the way her fingers were fidgeted nervously. This entire thing had put her on edge and she honestly just needed to go home and lie down. Maybe that would help some. “Mmm, I really appreciate that, all the same.” She said with a smile. Wincing a little, she hummed in agreement. “No, I completely get that. See you around, Nate.” Skylar waved politely before turning around and walking quickly away from the Archive. A large cup of tea, a hot shower, and anything but a book sounded great right about now. And, hopefully with a little rest, he would be less shaken too. As she walked away, she shook her head. What the heck was this town?
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cmncisspnandmore · 5 years
Boy Wonder and Family: Prequel
Pairing: Spencer x Reader
Warnings: vomiting, unplanned stuff, fluff,
A/n: Hello lovely readers! It’s me, I have decided that I’m going to be rewriting the entire Boy wonder and Family series. So I figured I might as well write the prequel. So here it is! I am working on the rewrite for the first part this weekend so if you have read it before, look for the new release!
It seemed odd to just about everyone that a high school senior would be dating a college kid with an undergrad and doctorate, and was working towards his second. Except you, you had met the kind genius while walking home from one of the classes you took at Caltech for extra credit. You were smart, you took AP classes, and three extra credit courses at Caltech but never expected to run into someone who by your age already had a doctorate.
You and Spencer had hit it off, becoming fast friends. You were lacking in the friend department, and honestly it was nice to be able to talk to someone your age. You quickly learned that he had an IQ of 187, and eidetic memory. Which fascinated you, to say the least.
When Spencer would walk you home he would often answer any questions you could think of about mathematics. It wasn’t your strong suit and seeing as he already had the degree, he found joy in helping you with your school work.
You had been there the day Spencer had sent Diana away to Bennington sanitarium. You watched from the doorway as the orderlies helped her into the car and drove off.
You watched as Spencer’s hardened exterior crumpled as his mother drove from sight. You held Reid that night as he sobbed until his chest ached and his head pounded. Not once did he ask you for a single thing but you always knew just what he needed. When he told you that you didn’t have to stay with him you refused, and you lay on his bed with him into the wee hours of the morning.
You spent the morning with him, helping him pick up his mother's room and store all her books so he could send them to her. After a long day of packing and cleaning, Spencer insisted he buy you dinner for all your help.
At first you were nervous, you had always had a crush on your best friend, and the invitation of dinner had caused your heart to somersault. It was at dinner that night Spencer managed to stutter out that maybe you could try to be more than friends. He confessed rather quickly and awkwardly that he had harbored a crush on you for some time, but didn’t want you to think it weird of him.
Without a moment of hesitation you had leant across the table and kissed the shy boy. Causing him to flush so red you thought he might pass out.
Since then you had been dating and now laying on his couch, you were trying to figure out one of the formulas for your chemistry course to no avail.
Spencer was at school still, having insisted on staying at the library to finish writing a paper for his psychology class. You had tried to persuade him to come back to the house to finish his paper and to spend some time with you before you had to leave for the weekend to go with your parents to Seattle for a presentation. But Spencer held firm, telling you that he would see you before you left, but being at the house would be distracting. Especially if you were there because you were quite the distraction to the young Dr.
You flip your textbook closed and sat up, stretching your arms out above your head. Your shoulders protest at the movement having gone stiff from holding your upper body up off the couch while you worked.
Checking your phone you hope to see that Spencer had sent you a text but there was nothing. You flip your phone closed and toss it onto the couch next to your chemistry book. Standing from the couch you walk into the kitchen in search of food, you pull open the fridge and see a jar of marinated mushrooms and a jar of pickles. You pull both out from the fridge and put them on the counter before grabbing a fork and perching on the counter and digging in.
As you’re eating your third pickle from the jar, the front door opens and Spencer strolls in, the tan messenger bag you got him for Christmas last year slung across his shoulder. He pulls it off and places it on the kitchen table, before he notices you sitting on his counter snacks in hand.
“Hello sweetheart.” He smiles and walks over to you standing between your legs and placing his hands on your thighs.
“What’s up Dr?” You smile and lean in to give him a quick kiss.
“I finished that paper,” he brushes some of your hair from your forehead, “and now I’m here to see you.”
“Well lucky you, I’m a sight to see.” With a wink you put the top back on the pickle jar and crack open the mushrooms.
“What are you eating?” He laughs as you stab your fork into the jar, spearing a mushroom.
“Well you, this is called a mushroom, and it comes in many shapes and sizes. Then they take this and they put it in..”
“I know what you’re eating but why?” He shakes his head, laughing at your quirky explanation.
“Because it looked good.. I don't know.”
“You hate pickles, you always complain that it gives you heartburn.” He gives a look and you shrug, after eating a few more of the mushrooms you put the cover back on and toss the fork into the sink.
“Well, maybe I enjoy the heartburn.” You smirk and wrap your arms around his neck, and he squeezes your hips.
“Mmm you say that now but tonight you’re gonna be crying about how uncomfortable you are.” He laughs as his nose bumps yours.
“Maybe you should give me something to distract me then?” You whisper your lips centimeters from his.
“Mmmmm…” Just as Spencer leans in to kiss you he pulls back just as fast. “Like that killer chemistry homework you have!” He smiles and walks away from the counter into the living room where your chemistry homework is still on the couch.
You pout for a moment, before hopping down, as you hop down your hand knocks the jars off the counter and they crash to the floor. You let out a shriek and kneel to pick up the now shattered glass. Spencer skids to a halt and grabs the broom from the closet and helps you clean up the glass. You felt dumb, you were never clumsy and now here you were knocking stuff off the counter because your boyfriend causes you to be sexually frustrated.
“Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” He asks after he throws out the jar shards and helps you stand up. You shake your head, and blink a few times trying to get your emotions under control.
“What’s wrong? You’re never like this.” He leads you over to the couch and sits you down.
“I just I feel dumb, I know it was an accident but I just haven’t been feeling like myself. I don’t want to go to Seattle, and I think it’s just messing with me.” You shrug as Spencer tucks you into his arms, resting his chin on your head.
“Then don’t go, stay here with me. I’m sure your parents would be okay with it. Just tell them that we have something we have to do for my mom.” Spencer suggests, as he strokes your hair.
“Maybe, I don’t want them to be mad. And you have work you need to do before the weekends over. I don’t want to distract you.” You mumble and glance at your phone.
“I want you to stay here. Please? Just call and ask.” He reaches over you and grabs your phone flipping it open and pressing it into your hand.
With a small nod you go into your contacts and select your mother's number, you put the phone to your ear as it rings and wander off into Spencer’s room.
“Mom? It’s me.”
“What’s wrong dear? You sound conflicted.” You sit on the edge of Spencer’s bed.
“I just haven’t been feeling like myself, and it’s been bothering me. I really don’t want to go to Seattle this weekend.”
“Oh honey, you don’t have to go, you have been kinda off lately, maybe you’re coming down with a cold? Your father and I can do the presentation without you, we just thought you would want to come along for the trip. But if you want to stay than you can,” your mother shuffled around something on the other side of the phone line.
“Really? You aren’t mad?” You lay back on the bed, back flat against the blankets, legs dangling over the edge.
“No honey, we aren’t mad. You might be getting sick and if you are we don’t want to drag you to another state. Why don’t you get some rest this weekend and we’ll talk more when we get back.” You moms warm voice settles the nerves you had about calling her.
“Okay, I’ll call you on Sunday when you get back okay?”
“Alright, I love you.”
“Love you too mom.” You flip the phone closed and stare at the ceiling for a moment. You can hear Spencer moving around in the other room. After a few moments your stomach starts to turn and you sit up, clamping your hand over your mouth you take off to the bathroom. Your nearly knock over Spencer on your way to the bathroom. Your land on your knees with a hard thud as you grasp the porcelain bowl with your hands and the contents of your snack are expelled into the toilet.
Maybe your mom was right, you could be getting sick. As you blindly reach up to flush the toilet, you feel a hand on your back. Rubbing soothing circles against your shirt.
“You okay? Pickles not agree with you?” Spencer asks as he hands you a tissue and you use it to wipe your mouth.
“I think I’m coming down with something, my mom mentioned I’ve been kinda off as well.” You stand up from the toilet and turn on the sink rinsing your mouth out and then splashing cold water on your face.
Spencer hands you a towel to wipe your face off with and then guides you back to his room.
“Here why don’t you lay down and I’ll get you some water and saltines.” He lifts the blankets for you and you crawl in, wrapping the blankets around you.
“Okay, if i don’t feel better in the morning I’ll stop into a walk in clinic and get checked out.” You rest your head against the pillows.
“Sounds like a good idea, get some rest” he leans down and kisses your head. You turn over and close your eyes. Quickly you fall asleep, and Spencer spends some time in the living room looking over his research paper. Around midnight he turns in and tucks himself behind you and falls asleep for the night. During the night you got up a few more times to get sick, dry heaving mainly, and Spencer makes his way sleepily out of bed each time and holds you hair and rubs your back.
By morning, he was convinced you needed to be seen so the first thing in the morning he made you get up and go see a doctor.
Waiting for the nurses to call you back feels like an eternity, you flip through a magazine as you wait.
“Y/n?” A nurse in pink scrubs calls, holding the door open. You stand up and walk back with her, and she leads you to an exam room.
“We’re going to need a urine sample, and once we have that the doctor will be in to examine you.” She smiles and hands you a small cup and gestures to the small bathroom for you to use.
You lock the bathroom door and then do what the nurse instructed leaving it in the small metal cabinet. You then meet her outside the bathroom and she leads you back into the exam room and you sit there wringing your hands as you wait for the doctor to come in.
It seemed to take a lot longer than usual for them to come back, but you knew that per usual visit before they could give you anything for an illness they had to make sure you weren’t pregnant. Because medications can harm a baby, so all you thought was that the lab was a little backed up.
After a few more minutes the doctor comes in with her clipboard.
“Hi I’m Dr. Henley, I just got your lab results back. And congratulations! You’re expecting.” She smiles at you, and you swore time stopped.
“I’m.. I’m sorry… there has to be a mistake.” You use a shaky hand to push your hair back from your face.
“There’s no mistake, you are pregnant. We can take a look if you want.” She suggests and you nod. Not ready to believe it until you see something for yourself.
She goes into the hall for a moment and comes back with an ultrasound machine. And starts to set it up.
“Alright, just lay on back for me and pull your shirt up and slide your shorts down a little so we can get a good look here.” She pulls the gel off the cart and waits as you lay back.
“Okay, here we go, this is going to be cold, I’m sorry.” She squirts the gel onto your flat stomach, and puts the Doppler on your stomach and starts to move it around. After a moment of moving it around she stops and turns the screen to you as a wishing sound fills the air.
“Here they are!” She points to the screen at two small black sacks.
“They?” You stare at the screen as your eyes fill with tears.
“Yup, it looks like you have twins you’re about 8 weeks, let me print these out for you and give you some information on your options.” She smiles and prints the sonograms.
Once she prints them out she hands a bunch of pamphlets on what your options are and tells you to pick up a prenatal vitamin. On the drive home you can barely concentrate as your mind races with what you’re going to do. You couldn’t hide this from Spencer, he was smarter than that to know when you were lying.
As you put your car in park in his driveway you take a deep breath. Climbing out of the car you clutch the sonogram pictures to your chest. Spencer is sitting in the living room when you enter, his nose in his chemistry book.
Without saying anything you walk up to him and stand in front of him, before he can look up you slide the sonogram pictures down in front of where he’s reading and put your hand up to your mouth as your tears start to fall.
It takes him a moment before he picks up one of the pictures and looks at it. He opens his mouth and closes it a few times as he looks for the right words.
“Is this… is this what I think it is?” He asks as he glances up and takes in your tears stained cheeks.
“Y/n, are you pregnant?” He asks and you nod your head.
“I’m sorry..” you whisper into your hands, and Spencer gathers you into his arms the chemistry book discarded on the floor.
“Don’t be sorry, it was an accident, but we’ll be okay.” He strains against the emotion in his voice.
“It’s twins….” you mutter as he buries his face into the crook of your neck.
“It’s going to be okay. We’re going to figure this out.” He whispers as he strokes your sides. One hand moving to the front of your stomach where your baby bump will be.
“We’re gonna get through this together.”
Tag List:
Criminal Minds: @morcialovechild @banananna99 @cynbx
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caws5749 · 5 years
Prompt Masterlist
It’s just going to be easier if I have all my prompts in one place. 
First Prompt List 
51. “Please, listen to me.”
52. “Promise me you’ll take better care of yourself.”
53. “I don’t like it when you get hurt.”
54. “Let’s go shopping.”
55. “Wait, what?”
56. “I need a hug.”
57. “Kiss me.”
58. “I just... I don’t want to do this without you.”
59. “Your skin is so soft.”
510. “You alright?”
511. “You signed us up to do what?”
512. “Don’t take too long.”
513. “Look at me.”
514. “I’d never let anyone hurt you.”
515. “Oh hun, you are obviously sick.”
516. “Why are you up?”
517. “Promise me you’ll come home.”
518. “You could never disappoint me.”
519. “I can’t lose you.”
520. “You’re mine. And I’m yours.”
521. “Five more minutes.”
522. “You are adorable.”
523. “You’re burning up.”
524. “I think...I think I love you.”
525. “Maybe you should not get dressed.”
526. “Take off your clothes, but slowly, in a way that’s sexy.”
527. “You’re a terrible liar.”
528. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
529. “Can we take the kids there?”
530. “We’re gonna need a babysitter.”
Original Prompt List
1.     “Uhhhhh… Where are we going?”
2.     “What is that in your hand?”
3.     “Well that’s different.”
4.     “Snuggles…?”
5.     “What kind of hole-in-wall place is this?”
6.     “That’s an unusual outfit.”
7.     “Why do you have that look on your face?”
8.     “There’s a theme for tonight?”
9.     “It’s demons, Nat!”
10.  “I swear it was here a second ago!”
11.  “Mmmmm… I don’t know if that’s the best idea…”
12.  “Wait, I’m needy!”
13.  “Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this…”
14.  “Wow, what a power move.”
15.  “What are you trying to hide?”
16.  “Well, I mean I guess that’s an option.”
17.  “Something tells me we went the wrong way.”
18.  “We were there 2 hours ago!”
19.  “Really…? You forgot?”
20.  “Nah, I just don’t like it.”
21.  “Or you could just come over here?”
22.  “Huh, I thought it’d be more impressive.”
23.  “Why can’t I look again?”
24.  “We should make this a tradition.”
25.  “It looked good on the website!”
26.  “I mean you always have me.”
27.  “Well, I didn’t think that would happen!”
28.  “So… You know that thing?”
29.  “Do you wanna grab that for me?”
30.  “Should we tell them?”
31.  “Hmmmm, you know I think we did it wrong.”
32.  “Awww, look at you!”
33.  “Ooooh, trying out a new look?”
34.  “That’s so hot.”
35.  “Pssst… Get over here!”
36.  “Who do you think would win?”
37.  “You need to come back to me.”
38.  “It’s probably safe.”
39.  “Wait, how should we do this?”
40.  “Well, I think we missed our chance.”
41.  “How do they not know this?”
42.  “Well you know what they say…”
43.  “I think I read it in a book.”
44.  “Do you remember that one time…?”
45.  “Who’s here?”
46.  “So, what do you think?”
47.  “Are you going to tell me why we’re here now?”
48.  “Sometimes you just gotta do something dramatic.”
49.  “Yeah, maybe you shouldn’t be allowed in the kitchen.”
50.  “What’s in this box?”
Drunk Prompt List
61. “I’m going to tell her I love her, and then probably regret it.”
62. “I think I need food.”
63. “The room is spinning.”
64. Telling Nat that you’ve been in love with her for a while. You’re drunk.
65. “Let’s cuddle.” “Wow, Natasha, you must really be drunk if you’re asking for cuddles.”
66. “You’re too drunk for this.”
67. “I should not have worn this high of high heels. I’m too drunk to walk.”
68. “I’m gonna pass out.”
69. “Are you drunk?”
610. You and Nat decide you’re going to bring a bunch of stuff up to the room to stargaze, but you’re both super drunk and literally can’t remember everything and have to end up making ten trips with all the Avengers just watching you and laughing.
611. “I can’t believe you just admitted that.” “I’m drunk, what do you expect?”
612. Truth or dare. Things get sexy.
613. Truth or dare. Things get flirty.
614. Spin the bottle. Nat gets jealous.
615. Spin the bottle. You get jealous.
616. “I don’t care that I’m drunk and probably won’t remember this. I love you and I’m not okay with you getting hurt.”
617. “Stop undressing.”
618. “Don’t stop undressing.”
619. “I love you.” “You’re drunk.”
620. “I think Nat’s mad at me. I’m going to give her a piece of my mind.” “Don’t, you’re too drunk.”
621. “I don’t feel good.”
622. “Do you even love me?”
623. “You’re the most insanely beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and oh god you’re just perfect and I’m rambling.” “Are you drunk?”
624. “I don’t want anyone else. I don’t want this stupid party or this stupid alcohol. I just want you.”
625. “Ssshhh. You’ll wake the kids.” (light smut or fluff)
626. “Ssshhhh. You’ll wake the entire compound.” (light smut or fluff)
627. “Steve’s gonna kill us.”
628. “Do you think Tony and Steve would drink with us too?”
629. “JARVIS I SWEAR TO GOD! Do not tell anyone else I’m drunk!”
630. You and Natasha are drunk and having a good time. You want to do some activity, and need more people. You try to convince the team to drink too.
631. “You aren’t serious.” “Of course I am, people are more honest when they’re drunk.”
632. “We didn’t think this through. Now one of the team is gonna have to come pick us up.”
633. “We didn’t think this through. It’s freezing.”
634. “I didn’t bring my bathing suit.” “Me either.” “Well...” (light smut or flirty)
635. You and Nat decide you want to go swimming. You’re drunk and one of the team members catches you making out in the pool. “Again!? SERIOUSLY? This is a TEAM pool!”
636. “Can you help me fix this?” “You should not be using scissors when you’re drunk.”
637. “I can’t believe you thought this was a good idea.” (light smut or fluff)
638. Tackling Nat after she comes home from a mission. You’re drunk. Pure fluff.
639. “Wait, did you just tell me you loved me? For the first time?”
640. “I did not think we’d end up like this.” “You mean together?” (light smut or fluff)
Exclusive Prompts to Drunk Writing Nights
100. Person A is training. Person B is admiring them.
101. Person A climbs into bed after coming back from a mission and finds Person B naked.
102. Person A has one thing on their mind- Person B.
103. Person A tries to get Person B in the mood.
104. Person A can’t sleep and heads onto the balcony. Person B wakes up and finds them out there.
105. Person A likes Person B. But they’re flirting sucks. Luckily, Person B finds it cute anyway.
106. Person A has been working themselves too hard. Person B tries to help.
107. Person A definitely can’t cook, but tries to anyway, leading to a kitchen disaster. Person B comes home to the disaster.
108. Person A can see the future and sees that Person B dies.
109. Person A buys Person B a nice gift.
110. Person A and Person B go out on a romantic date.
111. Person A is feeling under the weather but still powers through their day out with Person B.
112. Person A and Person B go stargazing. It’s cold. Jackets will be shared.
113. Person A is upset and just wants cuddles. Person B is busy though.
114. “Come back to bed.”
115. “Don’t go.”
116. “You can’t expect me to stay.”
117. “Oh, yeah, you’re dead.”
118. “Your hands are freezing.”
119. “I can practically hear your stomach rumbling.”
120. “Let’s do something fun today.”
121. “Our anniversary is coming up. What do you want to do?”
122. “Just let me love you.”
123. “Why are you so afraid?”
124. “Calm down. You’re gonna be okay.”
125. “I think I might have a heart attack. You’re just too beautiful.”
126. “What did you just say? That’s highly inappropriate.”
Valentine’s/Domesticity/Date Night/Birthday List
70.  Person A has been exhausted as of late, sometimes forgetting to make lunch or dinner, forgetting they put a load of laundry in, etc. Person B notices and of course does sweet little things like putting the laundry away or meal prepping to make sure Person A gets the rest they need. 
71. “I know you aren’t the biggest fan of today, but I am the biggest fan of you.”
72. “We should have gone somewhere warm for Valentine’s Day, it’s freezing.” 
73. “I’ve never been loved quite like I have by you.”
74. “Don’t make a big deal of it.” “I would never.” Proceeds to make the biggest plans. 
75.  Caught in the rain on Valentine’s Day, walking home from the restaurant, and you get positively soaked, which makes your evening even more romantic. 
76. Tony wants to do a group Valentine’s Day, and it could either go great or absolutely tragically. 
77. Falling asleep on her shoulder on the subway on the way home. 
78. Person A preparing a surprise romantic dinner for Person B,  while Person B is doing the exact same thing on a different floor of the Avengers tower. 
79. “How did you know that these were my favorite flowers?”
80. “Is the party too much for you? Let’s go somewhere, just you and me.”
81. Person A finds a note telling them to go up to the roof for a surprise. 
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Is there a specific drink you like to have when you’re writing?  monster. nuff said.
What time of day do you think is the best to write?  late, for sure. late or early, when the world is quiet. or whenever, as long as you have music blasting in your ears and aren’t interrupted for several hours
Where do you write best?  my room for sure
Do you do word sprints?  If so, for how long do you do them, and what’s your average word count?  well i’ve never heard of those before now so i’m gonna say no
Do you write when you travel?  If so, where is the farthest away from home that you’ve written?  i do! i wrote my first poem on the road to my aunt and uncle’s house which is four hours from where i live, but i haven’t written while traveling besides in a journal since
Do you share your work before it’s finished?  not really, i haven’t written a lot of things but generally i ask for opinions late in the writing or when it’s finished. for the secret sanders i will! with my beta, obviously
Which character that you’ve written is most like yourself?  hm, i only have the two like actual characters from my play but i would say they’re both kind of based on me!
Which character is your favorite to write?  Why?  like i said above, i only have the two so it’s not a huge choice but i would say frankie! it was really fun writing a character who couldn’t speak and had to sign, and while she did ‘speak’/sign it was fun focusing more on the physical reactions
How long is your current work in progress (words or pages)?  one of my wips at the moment is an old fic i was doing for a friend and i kind of gave up at 900 rip, and the other one is the secret sanders i have yet to start writing (really need to work on it, i have like a Month)
Do you have a specific philosophy that you go by when you write?  just fucken...write. get it out there and fine-tune it later. get what’s in your brain onto the paper and work on it!
What were your favorite books as a child?  i was obsessed with divergent for a really long time, as well as eragon and harry potter, i also really enjoyed the first twilight book (please don’t kill me i was like ten it was an act of rebellion against my mother okay)
Do you read while writing, or try to split it up?  i have like...no order in my life okay don’t @ me like this. if it’s a poem i usually get the idea for those, write it, tweak it, then it’s done in like an hour. for the stories it’s ah, a bit of a longer, more...messy process.
Which authors or styles do you try to emulate in your writing?  i don’t! i’m sure i take things from writer’s works that i’ve read but i don’t really focus on anyone/anything else when i’m writing
Would you want your books to be made into a TV show or movie?  Why or why not?  ooo that might be cool. again, only the one actual story, but imagine a movie about two nonbinary people who meet in a chicago coffee shop and one of them can’t talk, and like there’s death and angst and a happy ending. i really like it and i think it would make for a fun movie, but i might be biased XD
How do you plan your writing?  bold of you to assume i plan anything  no for real, i write out like major and minor plot points and a small drabble of what i want the scene to look like underneath. it worked pretty well!
Do you write on a computer or on paper?  What program, or what type or paper/pen?  i like to write my poems with pencil/pen because i like the feel of it, but usually i just use microsoft word, grammarly, or ao3 lmao
Is there a specific category or genre your writings generally fall into?  Which?  uhhhhh no? idk i have one play, a small kind of drabble story, a wip, and a butt-ton of poems. it’s a bit all over the place
Would any characters from one of your works go well with your others?  mmmmm probably not because my play characters are people and my wip characters are spiders-
Do you write multiple works at the same time?  i have had one wip for literal months and i have to write a 2.5k fic and i constantly have a thousand poems and fic ideas in my head. so yeah
What color scheme is your current work in progress?  what....what does that even mean
Do you create aesthetics for your writing, ie. on pinterest or tumblr?  If so, what’s the board or tag?   kind of? i used the like coffee/tea next to a book aesthetic pictures as the covers of my works on wattpad so i don’t know if that counts- https://www.pinterest.com/queerlytraumatic/aesthetic/
Do you listen to music when you write?  oh absolutely, i have to have music playing like 24/7 if i’m doing something. loud/pleasing background noise at least
Do you make playlists for your works in progress, characters, or scenes?  nope! i’m lazy and i never thought of doing it lmao
Do you prefer first or third person?  Why?  i think both are very nice! first gets you more immersed in the story so in my opinion i like it better for a reading and a writing experience
How do you defeat writers’ block?  you don’t. it consumes you
How often do you write?  with my hands
Have you ever done NaNoWriMo?  if anyone even suggests i do that i will come into your home and steal your mac n cheese
What’s your inspiration for writing?  ........words
Which style/era of writing do you most fit in with?  the one with words
What’s your favorite part about writing?  okay actual answer creating worlds that’s it my all time favorite thing about writing is creating a world that a reader could get lost in. if my readers ever get a reaction from reading my writing then that’s the highest compliment anyone could give me thanks for the questions emma!
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ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
14x03 commentary
A/N: NOW WITH @waywardbaby 
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14x03 “THE SCAR”
zeta: The intro finished. Hush
- not gonna lie.... I’m not excited for this. I’m still salty over the Micheal lasting 2 ep thing.
zeta: it’s just a beard, Duck dynasty called.
- this was the cutest okay?!?!
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- S:  Well someone like Sam like that okay? you are just jealous.
zeta: Innocent child
zeta: “Michael bailed”
Dean be lying
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Sam be knowning
Sam: I know you are lying.
Dean: I know you know.
Sam: I know you know that I know
Dean: Isn’t it nice to be back?
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- D “ aaaah it’s nice to be back h- *record scratch*
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D : the fuck?! 
zeta: Home?! Wtf  . The shirt and the vest tho.
zeta: Chief?
zeta: Dad is back. Jack is happy
* audience whistle*
zeta: And there’s the happy husband
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*audience awwwwing*
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- D: still okay, I promise”
zeta : still okay
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- S, J and C looking at each other : He’s lying 
Us: he’s lying
- C “why would Micheal just give up his vessel like that “ 
yeah...exactly....waiting for the weak ass explanation
- [ commence Dean’s face melting and feels cooking up]
zeta: Right
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zeta: Oh hello
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-welp there it is
zeta: Second scar. Tag your porn ffs
- that fucking scar is bullshit ok??
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- D” yeah I can handle Cass that “ 
 C “ Dean...”
 D “ Cass...come on...hit me “   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
 S “ i’m so tired “
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zeta: drag it out of me  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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- Can....can I just ...
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..ok sorry *screams into a pillow*
- AAAANYWAY.... fucking Kaya huh?! 
zeta : I need the other sherif tho
Zeta my god down girl
-This episode is Sam huh huhing 
zeta : Petition for Sam to never shave off the beard
-aww that little push was cute like 
S: Dude come on talk to mom#2
- Cass doing his hunter backpack IS CLEANING MY SKIN, AND MY CROPS ARE THRIVING
- [enters Jack] ....oh no
- D: “ You are barely an 100 pounds soaking wet “ ...  my EU ass :
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- Jack : Damn I wish I went with my dad and got that laser sword tho
- D: “I didn’t mean to be a dick”
- THOSE ARE SOME GOOD AF EYELASHES EXTENSION  I want mine done again *whines*
- Castiel’s hand.....BRUUUUUUUUUUUH GIMMIE 
- “UUUH this might take a while .... you two...go bla bla bla I’ll catch up “
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zeta: Both Dads on the same page
- Aww Dean driving how nice.
zeta: Hello, the roar of Baby
- “ Cass can handle it “
yes yes he can ...
- oh wait it the brother in the Impala so....FEELING TIME
- “I didn’t know if you were alive I- “   “I just need you to talk to me “
zeta: Give Sam a fucking hug. Somebody
- Jody looking like a snac tho
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-EXCUSE YOU JENSEN WHAT IS THAT , just kill me while you are at it Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ.
zeta: She likes the beard, in your face Dean
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- “Claire is still.....Claire”
- Sam : 
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- That smug face OMG
-Dean is like....NO TIME WASTING KIDS
zeta: WTF is Jack doing?
me: being a terrible child
- Oh I love Castiel with books
- “Like sleeping beauty “ ..... ok your cute ass is forgiven for now.
zeta: like sleeping beauty,... seriously
zeta Are you going somewhere
- Please don’t ever cut Sam’s beard , it’s doing things to me. (lol zeta)
- ....and thing tied around Dean’s thigh are doing god’s work. 
zeta: Those bow legs, Is this the time to mention the knife on Dean’s thigh? 
( lol Zeta#2)
 I should be commenting on the plot too sometimes ( lol who am I kidding right?). Anyway...I think Dean’s is remembering the place.
The directors are loving close ups.....and I’m definitely not complaining .
- Heads on a pike ....yikes.
zeta: what....Kaya?
- Kaya owning three hunter’s asses is life.
- aaaand that is not-Jensen landing on not-Jared. I mean....that’s a not-Jared belly.
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zeta: those close ups give me life
- Castiel searching stuff around the bunker with his power ....can you imagine not having to look for the keys anymore??? 10/10 would marry.
- Marked “ Gross stuff” . Dean marked it I fucking swear.
zeta: gross stuff
zeta:” Is that your dad?”    “one of them”
- Yo....Jack needs to stop breaking my heart.
- Ok even before finishing the ep I fucking new that damn pendant had something to do with the spell and shit 
- Bearded Bitchface yaaas
zeta: Sam just wants to punch him in the face
me... with love
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I’m sorry I need to do this I’ve been laughing for hours
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- me to Castiel : Speak Latin to me 
- Well that didn’t work      zeta: that didn’t go well
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh heck yeak
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zeta: I need Kaya’s coat
zeta: Right in the face
- Yeeeeah...Dean’s in that autopilot state that he was when Jack let them see Mary alive and being tortured.
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- “....and weak “
zeta: Sassy. “you are much weaker£
Bitch the fuck
- Okay I know that SPN is not famous for the special effect and shit...but those prosthetics are wack
- “ ..you let her die “ .... why is jack testing me so much ?!?!?
zeta: poor baby jack
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- Seeing Castiel feeling pain seeing his son in pain is giving me pain STAPH IT
-Yas Jack baby use that smart af brain your other dad gave you
- D: “We need to break her, right here right now”
  Jody:  Wha
 D: “I’m gonna do whatever it takes”
mmmmm flashbacks and deja vu
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- oooooh damn Dean mad is kinky tho , proofs follows:
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- sorry I need to go change now.
zeta: the fucking close ups
zeta: Holy fucking yes, clever baby jack
zeta: Proud father
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- [flashback]  seee I told ya
- evil Kaya: “ You are scared...and you are weak “ oh boi
zeta: I’ve sensed you
- Michael with his damn hat and suit“ I’m here to make you an offer “    
  my italian ass : 
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Micheal not using his friggin’ archangel’s powers with a...like...a kid
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zeta: Yeah I should not like this so much
- Well that was underwhelming anyway ( still hot tho). 
- Y’all I wanna see how they intent to explain all of * gesture* that.
- also that fight with the bad special effect teeth werewolf was disappointing ....I mean wow....ok.....
zeta: They are getting their ass kicked
- #stopbreakingJodysbones2k18
- Kaya yeeting out this bad writing is mood 
zeta: she fucking bailed----or not
-” Dean Winchester you have nothing to apologize for” Jody is the better Mom
- “I just fear that I’ve already lost before I could even begin “.... wow ok thank Jody. Also I’ve read how someone saw Bobo’s mourning over wayward sisters and I AGREE *slams fists on the table with tears in my eyes*
zeta: just dreading those consequences
- “The mind of a hunter and the heart of a hunter “  *sobs*  “Maybe we could go on a hunting trip “ ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS JFC CASTIEL YOU ABSOLUTE ANGEL DAD I CAN’T.
zeta: Cas smiling....rare
- Jack coughing “ I’m fine “ 
zeta: What is wrong with baby jack?
me : OH LOOK that’s another thing he got from his dads,
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- D : “ You were right...”   S: wha
  D:” I don’t want to look at it, what Micheal used me for”    “ and it wasn’t a blink “
“I remember most of what Micheal did with me” 
“...drowning , and that I remember. I felt every second of it, clawing , fighting for air “
zeta: Drowning FUCK
“ ...and it’s all on me man “
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JFC JARED you are killing me this season
zeta: If they kill Jack I’m rioting
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WELP I’M TIRED , SAD AND AROUSED . So nothing new here right?
I DON’T KNOW WHO TO TAG, send an ask HERE if you want or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @destiel-honeypie @mariekoukie6661 @dragontamerm  @closetspngirl 
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Finding Goddess (Chapter 15)
"Yes? You wanted to see me, sir?"
"Ah, Miss Connors. I just finished speaking to Miss Cassidy and she seemed surprisingly chipper for once. She spoke quite highly of you in particular. Said her meeting with you had been a very informative and inspiring experience."
"Ohh. What...exactly did she say?"
"Oh, a great many things. Such as how you provided actually useful feedback for once, showed you were clearly well-versed in the kind of experiences she was looking for in her writing material, finally understood what we are looking for in the books we publish, that sort of thing. She claimed she might even have an idea for a new story entirely thanks to you."
"I....I see."
"I understand she is a very difficult client to work with, Miss Connors, but she is a very important one, so I would like you to know that I greatly appreciate the work you have put in with her. Nobody else in our company has been able to reach Miss Cassidy in nearly the same capacity as you have today. The next time she needs a little one-on-one time with us, I'll know exactly who to turn to."
"Are you feeling well, Miss Connors? You look awfully red, and you're shaking an awful lot."
"I'm fine."
"You don't need to lie to me for the sake of your job, Miss Connors. And you shouldn't. Go on. Take the rest of the day off. You've earned it."
"I...I...alright. Thank you, sir."
Carol thought the way clothes felt on her body yesterday was bad, but after her meeting with Elaine, they had become even more unbearable. Whereas before they closed in on her like a coffin, today it was more apt to say they were piercing her flesh like an iron maiden. It almost hurt to wear them, made her feel dizzy and feverish, even sick to her stomach. It didn't help that they were wet here and there with spilt coffee. At least, she hoped that wetness was just from spilt coffee.
But more than anything else, her hands seemed to be operating on their own accord. They wanted to pop every button off her blouse until her breasts popped out, they wanted to peel every inch of nylon off her legs until they were left completely bare, they wanted to stroke every erogenous area on her body until she burst again. Every ounce of her willpower had to be devoted to keeping one hand firmly grasped on the other to prevent either from stripping her bare while she talked to her boss. Even that was shaky. Or maybe it was just her legs that were shaky. With how violently they were trembling, Carol's ability to stand up for any length of time could only be described as a miracle.
Miracle...I seem to be experiencing a bunch of those, lately.
Carol didn't wait until she got home before she began to take her clothes off. The second her car door slammed shut, she was already tearing voraciously into them, starting with her shoes. She tossed them so contemptuously into her backseat that she could hear the heels snap. Her stockings followed; she didn't so much peel those off her legs as she ripped them off, tearing numerous holes in the fabric and ruining them completely. She didn't care. They were clothes. She hated them. Hated how they covered her body, hated how they stuck to her skin so tightly, hated how they gave her so little room to breathe. If Carol never had to wear stockings again, it would be too soon.
"And...there! Ahhhhhhhh. Much better." Carol let out a deep sigh of relief once she slid her skirt off. She was bottomless now. From the waist down, she didn't have a thread or a stitch on her body. And it felt so good! Even her skin seemed to be moaning with happiness. Things were much less tight around her, air circulated in and out of her lungs more freely, and the temperature just seemed to drop dramatically in and around the mother the more nude she got.
"I should be allowed to be like this all the time," she murmured as she rubbed her thighs and wiggled her toes. "And I could be...if I converted to Zenrism."
Her smile faltered with that thought. Convert to Zenrism. That would definitely solve all her problems. Heck, it would give her everything she ever wanted in life. Permanent 24/7 nudity! Bodily freedom! Sexual liberty! It was everything a woman could ever ask for.
But...it was a big step. One that would no doubt turn her whole life upside-down. It would change the way everyone looked at her, it would dictate the things she would do, the crowds she would run with, and so on. And Carol wasn't so sure she was ready to make such a massive change so soon. She couldn't help but be a little suspicious of it as well; Zenrism sounded too good to be true. There was a definite catch to it, there had to be. It was a cult after all, one that would expect her to believe in all kinds of nonsense.
But then, how nonsensical could it actually be? Strange things were happening the moment she learned about it. Henrietta forgot to put her clothes on the one time. Carol was forgetting to put her clothes on every single day. And she was stripping herself naked without realizing it. Wearing clothing was getting more uncomfortable by the day, the hot coffee didn't affect her at all, in fact, now that she thought about it, it didn't affect Maisie either when it spilled all over her the other day. Was it just as the Holy Scripture said in the story of Kinuse? Were Zenrists really resistant to fire and heat?
And then there were the words that the priestess whispered in her ear as they made love in the grotto.
"I need...I need to think about this," said Carol. Realizing she had been sitting in her car for ten minutes without any pants on, she decided it was time to get a move on. Turning the key in the ignition, the mother rolled the vehicle out of the parking lot and drove away.
Driving bottomless was great, but it wasn't enough. Carol's breasts were still trapped in the confines of her blouse, and the way they were pushing against the fabric told her they were screaming for freedom like two hungry babes. So when she stopped at her first red light, Carol wasted no time in giving them their wish. She was naked now, completely butt-naked in her car, and no one was the wiser. No one except maybe the two people in the van right next to her who were staring at her with eyes the size of saucepans.
"Uh...hi," Carol giggled as she gave them a nervous little wave, not knowing what else to do. Fortunately, the light chose that moment to turn green, mercifully giving her a reason to vamoose. "Bye!"
So here Carol was, driving in her car totally naked. It had been a while since she did that and she forgot how...fun it was. Sure, she got to ride with Henrietta as a passenger a few days ago, but this was different. Carol had full control of the situation now. She could drive as fast or as slow as she wanted, pull up as close to the curb as she liked, and decide for herself if she wanted to go left or right. In essence, she had a choice in who she could reveal her naughty little secret to. That college-age group of girls entering the cafe? The old man with the cane on the crosswalk? The despondent-looking mother exiting the grocer with two bags of food in her hands? All viable marks.
N-not that she would of course! Such a thing would most definitely get Carol in trouble, and she didn't want to push her luck anymore. Not after she miraculously dodged that cannonball with Elaine. But if I were a Zenrist, there wouldn't be any luck to push...
She let that thought hang until she pulled into her apartment building's parking lot. She very nearly opened the door and stepped outside before remembering that she was still naked. Riding around in the car without a thing on was one thing, nobody had to know what she was doing (and few people did). But it was another thing altogether to stroll outside in the...altogether. Everyone would see what she was doing, and there would be no way to deny it. Carol would need to put something on first.
But as the mother gazed at her assorted clothes, which had been tossed haphazardly around the car, a feeling of despondence seemed to fall over her. She didn't...want to put them on. She didn't want them covering her breasts, her stomach, her back, her thighs, her butt, her anything. She didn't want them anywhere on her body! Not even for the couple minutes it would take just to walk from her car to her apartment. And now that she was looking at her blouse lazing about on the passenger seat, Carol couldn't help but feel her skin crawl simply from seeing how close it was to her. It was like it could, at any moment, leap up and pounce on her, covering her beautiful skin with its odious fabric.
"Screw it," she said, flinging the door open without a second thought. "I already showed everyone on this street my naked body. What's flashing myself one more time gonna hurt?"
Carol shivered with joy as she stepped out and the sun hit her bare skin, warming it in all the best ways. Goddess, these were the moments she lived for. That she used to live for. That she could live for. That she would do anything to live for. To live nakedly every minute of every day, to feel the very essence of the world with her every inch of skin. The sun caressed everything; its rays crept down her thighs, over the contours of her back, along the slopes of her breasts, and even crawled between her buttocks and slightly parted lower lips. Even the soles of her bare feet were not spared the sun's touch as they took in its warmth from the ground.
"Mmmmm," she moaned as she stretched herself out, thrusting her breasts into the air just to expose them to more of the sun's warming light. This feels divine. Being naked is such a blessing. Why can't more people realize that?
Deciding that she had spent enough time soaking in the rays, Carol locked her car and headed inside, leaving her clothing behind.
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authorracheljoy · 6 years
A writer's Ask Game 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
1.     Do you listen to music when you write?
Only when I’m typing up what I’ve written, honestly!
I can’t otherwise focus on the actual writing/editing if there’s music or other distracting noises so-
2.     Are you a pantser or plotter?
Plotter all the way!
I gotta have an outline, otherwise my story loses focus and that’s NOT GOOD!
3.     Computer or pen and paper?
Both, technically XD I use pen and paper for the drafting, and to get all my ideas down (and outline too of course), but then I typically use the computer for typing up what I’ve written :))
5.     How much writing do you get done on an average day?
Less than I’d like to recently :/ I honestly NEED to get a better writing/editing schedule, but my days are just so consumed by other things to take away my attention, and it sucks. Both as an excuse and just a way of getting by when I have a manuscript that needs rewrites! D:
6.     Single or multiple POV?
Single POV (at least for now? I’m really hoping to branch out with future WIPs)
7.     Standalone or series?
Depends on the story idea, really!
If there’s enough content to expand upon after book 1, I typically will plan for sequels. I mean.. The Hunters Saga started out as just a standalone with a thought-about sequel, which turned into a trilogy, which is NOW a freaking QUADRILOGY!
So yeah, it kinda depends XD
8.     Oldest WIP
As far as actual prose goes (no transcripts), my oldest WIP was called The Creatures of the Night Quartet, and… it’s TERRIBLE. Granted, I wrote it a few years before Antoinette Drake came to mind but STILL! It’s just horrible writing and the plot- what plot??
But if we’re talking WIPs that include transcript/script formats, I guess my oldest WIP would be SuperNova, which was a silly little sci-fi “story”! You can read about both of these prehistoric WIPs over on my Original Stories page!
9.     Current WIP
The Hunters Saga of course! ^^
10.  Do you set yourself deadlines?
Oh how I WISH I did that! >.>
11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
There… weren’t any really? I kinda just went with it? I mean, my first books were really heavily influenced by Twilight and vampire books in general. The Hunters Saga was slightly influenced by Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy series but that’s about all that comes to mind :3
12.  Describe your perfect writing space
All I need is a notebook, a pen, and a laptop!
The rest doesn’t really matter at all to me~
13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished
Well, usually my ideas come from dreams, or just scenes that come out of my head :) Then I first try to see if that certain idea/scene fits into any of my current WIPs and could be potentially included! If yes, then I do so! But if not… I typically try and write more around it :) After having an expanded idea and character list, I either develop the characters or make an outline for the story idea. Either works fine ^^ After the characters are developed enough and the outline is made, I get to writing! And after that? I edit it of course XD
14.  How do you deal with self-doubts?
I try to remind my self how I became so incredibly lucky to land a publishing deal. I mean, sure, it’s not what I had planned and I have occasional doubt about my writing in general, and how people generally see and criticize my style and characters… I just gotta remind myself that I can’t please everyone. And if I have to have a goal in writing, it’s to tell a story the way I see it. Criticism is such a touchy subject, and some writers just flat out ignore that. And sometimes, that’s smart. But - and I’m getting seriously off-topic here but WELP - more often than not, that criticism turns out to be justified! I know my writing can be weak and uninteresting. But do I let that force me away from my passion? Not at all!
If you love writing and want to become a published author, you can’t do it half-assed! You have to want it wholeheartedly. You have to TRY to improve. You have to take criticism for what it is and what it might be-
OK I’m so off-topic, this is raising too much anxiety oops.. I’ll just leave it there though.. because it’s how I feel!
15.  How do you deal with writer’s block?
I do something else - listen to music, draw, watch a movie, play a game- something other than writing (which is blocked, DUH) But yeah! I tend to step away from the manuscript for a bit and clear my head until ideas come rushing back :) And if I’m working through an outline, there’s a possibility of just. working on a different scene in a different chapter other than the one I’m stuck on at the moment ;3
16.  How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?
Usually 3 or 4, depending on how long and how detailed the drafts are :D
And if I’m REALLY lucky, I can do it in 2 but that’s actually VERY RARE for me so >.>
17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
I have none!
I used to try (and fail) to write a page a day I guess XD
Now I just pray that I’ll be done with my current manuscript by the end of the year :X Urrggghhh
18.  If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
My writing friend @mercurialsmile! We’ve attempted to write a crossover before but it never really went anywhere- mainly ‘cause of my focus on editing and both of our crazy work/school schedules :X Maybe that’ll change soon, though? I dunno but I hope they’d be willing to try again
19.  How do you keep yourself motivated?
20.  How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
I may talk about my current WIP (The Hunters Saga) 24/7 on here, but I DO have other projects that have at least some ideas and characters :) 
You can find them all HERE!
21.  Who is/are your favorite character(s) to write?
Writing Toni is pretty much writing myself, so that’s always a fun time XD
I also like writing Gavin, Kira, Hannah and Ethan, among others ^^
22.  Who is/are your favorite pairing(s) to write?
Toni and Henri aaaand Micah and Darius (which is coming soon to the series! Darius gotta be introduced first, guys!!)
23.  Favorite author
I really enjoy Stephen King now that I’ve started reading his works~ Also, honorable mention to Kim Harrison for being amazing at writing about paranormal species cohabiting the earth together
24.  Favorite genre to write and read
I love love LOVE writing romance and mysteries~
Aaand I pretty much like reading the things that I write so XD
25.  Favorite part of writing
Getting the ideas down on paper for the first time and feeling that RELIEF!
26.  Favorite writing program
Uhhhh… Microsoft Word??
27.  Favorite line/scene
The Frying Pan Incident
28.  Favorite side character
Dominic and Adam Hastings
29.  Favorite villain
Oooh I can’t say their name but mmmmm they are BAD and I love it!!
30.  Favorite idea you haven’t started on yet
A science-obsessed nerd and the head cheerleader fall for each other
Lesbians for the win!!
(basically the plot for Queen Bae, one of my WIPs!)
31.  Least favorite part of writing
32.  Most difficult character to write
Mmmmm probably Liz? 
33.  Have you ever killed a main character?
Yes (not gonna elaborate ‘cause it might count as a spoiler XD)
34.  What was the hardest scene you ever had to write?
I won’t be too specific but.. it was a NSFW scene ;;;
35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
Uhhhmmm I don’t have one that I’m least looking forward to ^^
If I have a story, I write it. End of story.
Even if it might be crappy, I still love the idea.
I would never force myself to write something that I didn’t think deserved being written (if that makes sense??)
36.  Last sentence you wrote
Other than a bit of knowledge beforehand, we know about the same for once. 
37.  First sentence or your current WIP
“I’m so sorry for your loss, my dear,” the man in black murmured to me, but I barely acknowledged his presence.
38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
B-but.. ALL of my story ideas are WEIRD! 
How could I possibly choose?!
39.  Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
Aliens that puff up/inflate their bodies when angered XD
40.  Share some backstory for one of your characters
Dru was born as an only child, which is a true rarity in the lives of lycanthropes. Perhaps it was a sign that they were meant for something truly remarkable?
41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
It’s sort of what I said when I was asked about doubts?
You can’t please everyone, so don’t try to. 
Don’t pander. Don’t always give the readers what they want.
Satisfy yourself.
Take criticism; don’t try to ignore all of it. Who knows, some things might actually end up helping you become a better writer ;3
42.  How do you feel about love triangles?
I was WAY too attached to them back in the day so! 
If I have hints at a possible love triangle, I try to make it so the center of the triangle can have a clear choice as to who they’ll eventually get with (if anyone at all)! The only case I have where the love triangle kinda become a polyamorous relationship was with Nerissa, Melissa and Sergio :) Both girls had crushes on Sergio, and when he had to face those facts, he decided to help Nerissa and Melissa become friends and later- LOVERS! But anyway yeah, love triangles are hard for me to steer clear of, but I try my best ^^’
43.  What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline?
I get really angry at them and throw rocks.
But no. I either try to get them back on track OR I just.. let them do their thing. Maybe the characters know the plot better than I do! XD
44.  How much research do you do?
I don’t normally dive too deep into research unless the plot demands it, of course! As for the time and depth of research, it solely depends on what exactly I’m researching actually :) If I’m simply looking up Latin phrases or the names of the most famous authors of all time, it might take me a few days to absorb the info, and a week at most! But if I’m worldbuilding and creating new places and all that, well, THAT would take me a lot longer than a few days to a week! More like a month D:
45.  How much world building do you do?
Not many of my stories have worlds not set in America/Europe/EARTH! Basically, I think I only have 1 or 2 worlds that even require building, and I have so little as far as plot goes that I haven’t had the substance to work with yet :) But maybe someday!
46.  Do you reread your own stories?
Mmmm I used to? 
Nowadays I just don’t have the time for that :/
47.  Best way to procrastinate
Drawing art of my ocs instead of writing for my ocs XD
That, or making music playlists for my WIPs :3c
48.  What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written?
Toni Drake.
‘Nuff said!
As for a self-insert scene? I don’t think that’s occurred yet? 
49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
Either Ethan, Clary or Hannah! ^^ They’re all such nice, friendly people~
Oh, and Kira of course! Can’t forget her XD I’d love to go shopping with her and enjoy our silly, light-hearted conversations
Thanks for the ask, Friendo ^^
A Writer’s Ask Game
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antikristvs · 6 years
Can you do all the asks? Even #68 :D
Challenge accepted, motherfucker! >:)
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? - No
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? - No
3. Have you taken someones virginity? - No
4. Is trust a big issue for you? - True as Hell
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? - Mmmmm not really I haven’t been out since last Tuesday
6. What are you excited for? - Upcoming new installments for Halloween and The Conjuring Universe. Getting a tattoo and a septum piercing. Writing new stories and reading new books. Getting myself together and becoming who I want to be. Many things...
7. What happened tonight? - I learned that some woman somewhere is eating mattresses
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? - Depends on the person. Everyone is different when drunk.
9. Is confidence cute? - Stop with the cute. No appeal in that. Confidence is charming.
10. What is the last beverage you had? - If alcoholic then vodka
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? - I am not sure if I trust anybody but maybe one I have no fucking idea
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? - Yes
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? - I have no fucking clue
14. What are you going to spend money on next? - I have no fucking clue...
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? - I have not been kissed
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? - I don’t know. All I can do is grasp myself together and try I guess.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? - probably @forestrunewitch , @cthulhu-is-metal , @herbeloved82 , @candied-corpse and I guess my mom, my grandma, Elena (in other words women of my family). A few days ago I would have said my boyfriend but... things crashed.
18. The last time you felt broken? - After my boyfriend broke up with me obviously. It happened a couple of days ago.
19. Have you had sex today? - No. Cardinal Copia and Papa III keep banging in my head like rabbits though. I’m trying to sleep you perverts!
20. Are you starting to realize anything? - Yes
21. Are you in a good mood? - I’m in an odd mood...
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? - I suppose yeah, I love sharks
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? - I don’t know
24. What do you want right this second? - I don’t know...
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? - Depends on the relationship status
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? - No
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? - I doubt that would even be natural...
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? - A story about a guy shoving a handgun up his ass I think
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? - Yes
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? - Depends
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? - No
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? - Right now is not the best time to talk about that yet. For answer why look at question 18.
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? - No
34. Listening to? - About to put on my usual for going to Freddy’s - Infestissumam by Ghost
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? - Rather often
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? - Maybe in an alternate universe because that person, in a romantic sense, does not exist
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? - In literature
38. Who did you last call? - My mom
39. Who was the last person you danced with? - I don’t remember the last time I danced
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? - It had not yet happened because all my relationships so far occurred online. It’s not surprising, given my strange, frightening and anti-social tendencies.
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? - A day or two ago
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? - Yes
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? - Did I ever embarrass myself in front of Bughuul from Sinister?.. Hey, Bughuul, there are plenty of your images round and about, come forth and answer that question for me! I’m joking obviously. Probably not, I hardly get crushes.
44. Do you tan in the nude? - I don’t tan
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? - For Hell’s sake, repeat, it never happened!
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? - No
47. Who was the last person to call you? - My mom
48. Do you sing in the shower? - Sometimes
49. Do you dance in the car? - How the fuck does one dance in the car?
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? - Yes. There’s still a hole in the wall...
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? - When I was updating my documents if my mom does not count
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? - Many of them. But not all.
53. Is Christmas stressful? - Yes, given my usual misery on holidays anyway. At least lately...
54. Ever eat a pierogi? - What the fuck is a pierogi?
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? - Apple pie I guess
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? - A police officer. a rock star, I think a paleonthologist...
57. Do you believe in ghosts? - Yes
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? - I might be too zoned out for that
59. Take a vitamin daily? - Yes
60. Wear slippers? - Yes
61. Wear a bath robe? - Yes
62. What do you wear to bed? - Usually random sweatpants and shirt
63. First concert? - Scorpions
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? - Fucking Lidl. We don’t have these three in Lithuania.
65. Nike or Adidas? - Nike
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? - Cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? - Sunflower seeds
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? - Do you seriously think I could name one? The closest I ever was to Taylor Swift was watching some parody by some parenting channel on youtube.
69. Ever take dance lessons? - Yes, I used to folk dance for nine years
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? - How the Hell am I supposed to know
71. Can you curl your tongue? - Yes
72. Ever won a spelling bee? - No
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? - I think so
74. What is your favorite book? - I have too many to name
75. Do you study better with or without music? - Depends if a movie/show is on or not
76. Regularly burn incense? - Eeeeh.. what?
77. Ever been in love? - Yes
78. Who would you like to see in concert? - Too fucking many bands. Especially Ghost and Behemoth.
79. What was the last concert you saw? - Some local bar show
80. Hot tea or cold tea? - Both
81. Tea or coffee? - Both
82. Favorite type of cookie? - Classic biscuits, chocolate, oreos...
83. Can you swim well? - More or less
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? - Yes
85. Are you patient? - Hell no
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? - Depends what kind of music they are playing.
87. Ever won a contest? - Yes
88. Ever have plastic surgery? - No
89. Which are better black or green olives? - Both
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? - As long as it starts with consent and ends with an orgasm
91. Best room for a fireplace? - Living room or bedroom
92. Do you want to get married? - Sometime
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I was tagged by @60r3d0m to answer 11 of her questions, so here we go:
Rules: always post rules, answer 11 questions set by tagger, write 11 of your own questions, then tag 11 people.
I’m gonna go ahead and put my answers, questions, and tags under a cut because this got super long.
1. What fruit do you think you would be devastated by, if it disappeared off the face of the planet?
Strawberries. I love them, I could eat them every day and I’d be so sad if they disappeared. 
2. Dean walks into Sam’s room. Sam walks into Cas’ room. What room can Cas be found in?
Dean’s room, duh. 
3. What’s a compliment that you received once that completely took you by surprise?
Literally anytime someone says anything nice about my writing.
4. How many times do you think you refresh your Tumblr dash in a week?
I honestly don’t scroll Tumblr much. I get notifications for a few blogs and that’s mostly what I stick with. If I’m bored at night before I go to bed, Tumblr is my go-to. So... Maybe two or three times a week?
5. If you knew that you were going to end up breaking the record for the longest living human being ever, what is one choice that you think you would make differently?
I... probably would’ve gone to school for either English or to be a Biology teacher. I’m happy with my career choice for now, but it’s gonna take up a lot of hours outside of actually being at work, so. (And ever since I was little I always had a fascination with storytelling so it’d be cool to be able to write books and actually get them published.)
6. When Cas yawns, Dean yawns. When Dean yawns, Cas yawns. When Sam yawns, Dean and Cas do what?
7. If you could lock pick any major historical building in the world, which one would you sneak into and why?
Mmmmm.... Probably one of the Smithsonians. I’ve always wanted to go and explore them but there’s so much, it’d take days.
8. If you could eat whatever you wanted and never gain extra weight and still be completely healthy, would you ever still feel compelled or want to exercise?
I don’t feel compelled to exercise now. 
9. What’s the best dream that you ever remembering having, and if you could, would you bring it to life?
I don’t remember most of my dreams. I used to keep a dream journal next to my bed where as soon as I woke up I’d write down whatever I remembered, but I threw it in a bin in my room somewhere and have no idea where it is. So, no, I wouldn’t want to bring any to life haha
10. When Sam walks past Dean’s door, he hears Cas say twelve words that change his perspective of Cas completely. What are those words?
Dean, Sam has the worst taste in food, it is so disgusting. (My brain is tired and this is the first thing that came to mind)
11. If your current country decided to swap names with another country, which country name would you want your country to be swapped with? Why?
Just names? Or like... become that country? Cause I live in the US and I’d rather be just about anywhere else ATM.
(I’m taking all of these questions from a list because I like existantial questions but I don’t want to think of them on my own lol)
1.  What woudl you change about himans to make them a better species?
2. What do you think two people have to have in common in order to connect with each other?
3. Do you think the end or the means are more important?
4. Do you think that ethics/morals are inherent or learned?
5. What’s our biggest mistake as humans?
6. Are we alone in the universe?
7. Do you think parallel universes exist?
8. Is humanity headed in the right or wrong direction?
9. Do soulmates exist?
10. Do people change?
11.  If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?
Tagging: @50shadesofsubtext @angelicdemonicwaitress @unlikelyteller @mylittlewingedangel @jirachio @sweeneyfan2007 @venusdebotticelli @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @milktea-monster @starsinursa @theoriginalvicki If you guys wanna do it, go for it, and if you don’t, that’s fine :)
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ferluccia · 7 years
i was tagged by @crossroadswrite so ofc i’m going to procrastinate writing because i have a good excuse now
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people
# following: almost 400
# of followers: (07) seven followers
average hours of sleep: on vacation, i get around 7-9 hours of sleep. during uni semester i get... 6? 5? 
lucky number: i don’t really have one
instruments: i knew how to play the guitar but i probably can’t play anything anymore so
what are you wearing: comfey pjs (old star wars tee ft. cotton shorts)
dream job: full-time writer 
dream trip: honestly just traveling sounds nice i don’t care where to
birthday: march 30th
height: 165cm
gender/pronouns: i don’t know what my gender is at this point but i use they/them
other blogs: i have a nsfw one and i mod another yoi blog
nicknames: andie, gina (long story and actually not interesting but it’s what my close friends call me sometimes)
star sign: aries and i swear i’m nice
time: 10:46pm
favorite bands: i honestly can’t care less but queen is iconic
favorite artist: van gogh bc we’re birthday twins
favorite tumblr artist: i don’t even remember my url sometimes idk my dudes y’all amazing and talented cheers
song stuck in your head: animal crossing pocket camp’s main theme i guess
last movie you watched: i think it was the greatest showman
last show you watched: kfjdsfksjdkl a soap opera but if that doesn’t count then it was brooklyn 99
why did you make your blog: one of my friends was like “omg make it you’re gonna love it” so i gave it a shot, used it for a couple of days and abandoned it for months until i decided to properly learn how tumblr worked
what do you post: what do i post guys gOOD QUESTION I GUESS WE’LL NEVER KNOW mmmmm ficlets??? idk
last thing you googled: what the fuck a four score was 
ao3: cutesudon
do you ever get asks: yeah, mostly ficlet requests which tbh makes me feel a bit like a writing machine but i mean it’s cool 
how did you get the idea for your url: i wanted it to be vityanikiforov but it was taken so i added an a at the end and went “oooo sounds nice!” 
favorite food: i’ve been really craving japanese food
last book you read: The Invention of Russia by Arkady Ostrovsky because guess what i’m boring af irl
top 3 fictional universes: god idk but the one where i’m not depressed sounds amazing
i tag @softboyyuuri @postingpebbles @belovedyuuri @lauravian @insubstantialways @nakanowardcat and everyone else who wants to do this!!
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esseastri · 7 years
Megan Reads Oathbringer (part 4)
sometimes I wonder about labeling the parts of the liveblog with “part 1, part 2, etc” ‘cause like...that doesn’t mean it’s part 4 of the book. just part 4 of the liveblog? idk, I jUST realized that might be confusing in a book split up into five parts, but it’s too late now...
I’m still in part one, for those keeping track.
Part 4 encompasses pages 240-326 (previous parts)
I genuinely cannot imagine Dalinar marrying someone quiet and shy and it’s just. wild.
“his bracer clocks” bless Navani for inventing wrist watches and calling them something delightful instead
nooooooo don’t bring Taravangian here!!!! Don’t let him see the center of your power!
crap, now we’ve got, like...all the factions together, right? Taravangian and the diagram people. the Ghostbloods. Amaram and whatever he’s doing. And us....everyone who knows stuff about the end of the world, all in one convenient place. What could possibly go wrong?
Oh, except Jasnah. She’s out there, somewhere. When will my love return from the war
seriously, it’s been 240 pages, where is Jasnah.
“He’d been a friend to Gavilar and that was enough for Dalinar.” like. okay. sure. but you know your brother was trying to end the world to bring back the gods, right? like? ARGH.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hey do we have a way to tell Radiants from normal Shardblade holders?
I’m not saying I don’t trust Taravangian and his “newest Radiant” Malata, but... I DON’T TRUST TARAVANGIAN AND HIS NEWEST RADIANT MALATA
seriously, what is in Kholinar that all the parshmen are headed there? or...being driven there by their weird glow spren?
“Men of blood and sorrow don’t get an ending like that.” DAMN STRAIGHT THEY DON’T, YOU MURDEROUS CURMUDGEON
mmmmm she’s a Dustbringer? Our first one... “I don’t like how she smiles.” same though? I’m. concern.
oohh, I didn’t even think she might have an honorblade. where would Taravangian have gotten another honorblade. I remember reading something about there being more honorblades out and about in the world, but we don’t know whose, do we?
I. Am. Concern.
...........it’s not the bond. #confirmed by the stormfather. so there goes my theory about the the stormlight healing Dalinar’s memories.... hm
Taravangian getting all self-righteous about the Shin “murderering all those monarchs” like. even on a not-so-smart day he’s clever enough to deflect blame, to reinforce the idea that he’s just a harmless old man, would never command an assassin to kill off everyone’s kings. He’s terrifying, tbh.
mmmm, everyone thinking Dalinar is gonna attack them, I mean...good assumption but for once, you’re wrong!
Dalinar, please, please do not go to war with the whole world all at the same time. Please.
I...don’t think that’s a spren...I don’t know what it is, but I don’t think it’s a spren. unless...can cities have spren? There are enough people, right? Can they manifest an incarnation of themselves? That’s basically what spren are, right? forces of nature made manifest, so...why not forces of civilization, too?
oh god
how long has it been alone?
this......is another story I wrote because it was sad, not because I wanted it. oh god. ooohh god. Urithiru...
OH ROCK!! ARE YOU OAK--okay, he’s okay.
so it’s not just murders...it’s any sort of violence? the copycat is copying...all violence? or...just the criminal kind? surely it’s not copying all the violence of the army training or sparring. But...why? what’s to be gained from repeating the same crime a second time?
how long has this spren been alone and how mad is it?
does it think...violence is the way to be more human? to remember more? I’m...concerned and confused and. aaahhhhh
“Let me be stronger than those who would kill me.” punk!Dalinar, pls. you can pray for better things than that...
Dalinar keeping Navani’s prayer in his pocket like...my dude u r gettin married. the pining is. wow.
umm. #y i k e s
no wonder Kadash goes and joins the ardents...
Dalinar just...murdering a hundred people including some of his own men? is? really...like, okay, here’s the thing: We knew from the previous two books that Dalinar had done some bad shit. And we were told repeatedly that he’d changed dramatically. But being told and having it spelled out in...child murdering and unthinking friendly fire is...something else. The character development of this man is wild. and mildly uncomfortable. Like...his bad shit wasn’t just a few battles and some brutality of conquest. this was. really, really bad shit. And to see how far he’s come and how much he’s trying to atone for is. sure a thing.
and somehow people DIDN’T figure out that the Thrill is bad before now???
“This is a mercy” ARE YOU SURE?
seriously, how does anyone think the Thrill is a good thing here.
Shallan really needs to look into her budding multiple personality disorder.
OKay, but are they siding with “the enemy” or are they siding with some parshmen who are now in workform and just want to be treated as real people instead of slaves? ‘cause like...you guys are all basing your strategy on the idea that EVERY parshman went stormform and started rampaging about killing everything in sight. And that definitely hasn’t happened yet.
Why hasn’t Kaladin mentioned this to you guys?? like?? oh, I guess he got his spanreed stolen, right? I just....... there’s a lot going on here, but there’s a certain amount of...maybe consider what the negotiations with the parshendi/parshmen/whatever they are now really are before you just...write them all off as evil?
Then again, these are Alethi lighteyes, who don’t really understand the concept of not generalizing a population they consider below themselves.
this is why the whole dudes not writing thing is ssooooooooo stupiiidddd. Kaladin can’t tell you guys ANYTHING unless he finds a nice lady to scribe for him. God, Vorinism is so stupid sometimes.
“Spark” is a good name for a spren tho, maybe she’s legit? I still don’t trust her. at all.
a flying bridgeman, Shallan, PLEASE
he’s a flying captain of the guard, at the very least.
“Highprince.” “Highprince.” “Bastard.” GOD BLESS ADOLIN, BOY WONDER.
oohhhhhh Adooolliinn. babe, you can’t just--okay. there is is. The Thing.
Shallan. “Oh.” UH HUH. OKAY THEN. SO MUCH FOR THAT SECRET though it wasn’t really a secret. just a miscommunication. but still. I sort of wish that Kaladin had been able to tell Shallan himself about Helaran--though, he still didn’t know it was Helaran.
But there would have been something satisfying in that being just...between the two of them. Them working that out and him probably apologizing and her probably not forgiving him and there would just be. delightful angst before they eventually decided to be friends. But Adolin telling her gives her time to prepare, I guess? for seeing Kaladin again? I still don’t think she’s going to forgive him which will make for veerryyy interesting dynamics when he returns.
Listen, I just really wanted Shallan to pull her Blade on Kaladin, and have him trying to avoid her attacks while apologizing a lot even though he was perfectly in his rights to defend his at-the-time commanding officer from a threat. That would have been delicious angst.
Hopefully she doesn’t hate Adolin for being the messenger, though...
“Everything would have been better off if he’d just let Amaram die.” TRUER WORDS, ADOLIN. tbh, how much do you think Kaladin thinks about that very exact same thought? The answer is: A FREAKING LOT
well, shit. destroying the Oathgate seems a reasonable option, but also it’s gonna make saving the world a heck of a lot harder...
I wonder...if they’d had literally anyone else do the negotiations, if this would be going differently. People know Dalinar, they know he’s the Blackthorn, or used to be, and they don’t know him well enough to know how much he’s changed. If the Blackthorn had come to me and been like, “yo, I want to open a portal to your city center and send you soldiers to help you rebuild” I would ALSO assume he was going to invade my city and try to conquer me and I would also refuse him. But like...if Shallan or someone completely unconnected had tried, I’d be a little more likely? to agree? Idk I feel like they are definitely being hindered by Dalinar’s reputation here.
Just don’t let Taravangian do it. Don’t let him do anything. Oh god.
“a unified Vorin coalition” OH GOOD NOW IT’S A RELIGIOUS WAR. or an Inquisition. Nobody expects the Vorin Inquisition.
I love that Dalinar just....knows how to do shit. Like, Kaladin and Shallan have been practicing and had training sessions with their spren to figure out their powers and even Lift is REALLY BAD at Friction, and Dalinar’s just like. Adhesion. Got it. No problem.
aaaAAAHHH Dalinar holding Oathbringer again and it’s...not screaming it’s whimpering and I’M. SAD. ABOUT A SWORD. DANGIT.
okay, but Amaram calling Dalinar a hypocrite is like... POTS AND KETTLES, MY DUDE.
Taravangian: “I sound like a madman, don’t I?” No, you sound like a man for whom the ends justify the means.
Here’s the thing: I see the practicality in Taravangian’s stance. There’s always a practicality in sacrificing a few good ones to get rid of all the bad ones. And yeah, Dalinar’s desire to always save all the good ones, even if it means sparing the bad ones, is just a tad idealistic. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. Idealism is never something that we should give up on, is never something we should ignore or stop working towards. We shouldn’t always have to settle for practicality.
hoooo cool. The Stormfather can just...send Dalinar to other people in visions wth that’s really cool. Like a Kyprioth/Aly situation except the destination person knows they’re there.
“Shallan had nothing to do, but Veil was useful.” No, Shallan. You’re useful. You are Veil. It’s not. It’s not a different person. It’s just you adsfghjkl just. YOU’RE ALICE, PARKER. GOD.
“Veil liked watching people. She shared that with Shallan.” THAT’S BECAUSE YOU’RE THE SAME PERSON. YOU ARE ALICE.
omg, I love that Pattern just...brought both Kholin bros and all of Bridge Four.
“go do something stupid without letting me watch” OMG PATTERN, BBY.
I have missed Bridge Four, hello darlings
omg, I didn’t realize there was a staircase, I thought they were just going to be jumping into a void.
dear god, roshar has a Sisyphus equivalent that’s delightful.
sooo, I’m assuming that’s...Odium, Honor, and Cultivation in those mosaics? I’m genuinely amused that Shallan thinks they’re “pagan symbols”
Bridge Four took point even though there were two Shardbearers and an extra Radiant and MY BBYS I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
if any of Bridge Four die, so help me, I will drive back to Utah and yell at Brandon personally. To his face.
ooohh Renarin’s a good, he’s healing them, that’s my boy
okay, the illusory army is preTTY DANG COOL GET IT GIRL
but also the Unmade thing is freaking terrifying and I’m nope
...I’m assuming that since Dalinar saw nine shadows and the champion that there’s one Unmade for each of the ten orders of Radiants? LIke, this one, the Midnight Mother can be directly countered by Lightweaving. So maybe another one is designed to be defeated by Windrunners or Elsecallers or whatever. And it’s one for each?
I genuinely love that the new Radiant’s don’t call their swords Shardblades. It’s Sylblade, Glysblade, Patternblade. I love it.
“Adolin [...] charged into the room, bursting right through the middle of an illusion of his father.” Well, ain’t that just storming appropriate. How beautifully poetic.
also, Adolin and Renarin fighting back to back is A LOT AND I’M LOVE THEM
ooohh my god, it’s trying to bond with her?? trying to rip Pattern away and bond with her that’s... YIKES.
oohhh shit....corrupted creationspren. ooohhhh my god.
Odium, why you gotta ruin everything good in this world, you jerk
ooh...it was...bound. by a Lightweaver. bound like the Parshendi’s gods? like the parshmen? how are we binding people? I’m getting the idea that maybe binding people is bad.
I’m getting the idea that Ishar is bad. but that’s a theory for another time.
okay, so...the pashmen weren’t...going to Kholinar. they were going to a tiny city a week’s walk from Hearthstone...to...besiege it? why
what. is. happening.
also omg Kaladin’s never been to a real city, someone take this child on a sightseeing vacation, asap.
how...did they take the city and what...are they gonna do with it?? I’m all for giving them land and lives but I’m worried about stormform. and voidbringers. and a lot of things.
the parshmen calling him Kal is murdering my soul
oooh noooooooooo there’s a highstorm coming and the people are all outside and the parshmen are camping, and I...am worried.
Yixli? that’s a terrible name. though I guess she’s a questionably evil spren of odium, so.
Fused? okay, that’s a fun word for Stormform.
Kal, babe, you need to get out of there.
Ah. Good choice.
Syl whacking at the gloryspren and telling them “Mine!” about Kaladin is FRIKKIN ADORABLE HI I LOVE SYL
of course it’s all perception, Kaladin, everything is different if you change your point of view. That’s what makes being a person so difficult.
“Treat them better than they treated you.” AMEN. THAT’S THE ONLY WAY THINGS GET BETTER.
it’s hard and it sucks a lot, but it’s the only way.
oh shit
oh sHIT
what. dark stormlight? what the?
okay, only two. buT STILL
Why can they do Lashings? do sotrmform voidbringers whatever the fuck they are have Radiant orders too? WHAT IS HAPPENING
“You can’t save all of them.” BUT HE’S DAMN WELL GOING TO TRY
omg, just...deposit him in front of Urithiru. That’s convenient. Why thanks.
SHE’S BACK!!!!!!!!!
SHE’S HEEERRRREEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me: can I squeeze the interludes onto this part of liveblog? also me: *scrolls up to the top of this post forever me: Maaayyybe not.
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