starvingfaun · 3 months
Mmm it's probably not a good sign that I'm seeing parallels already but I'm gonna give it a few months to see if things get betterrrr
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mmeowmints · 9 months
kung lao would totally get a tongue piercing, tell me im wrong I dare you
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mackmp3 · 3 months
have you ever listened to the contino sessions by death in vegas? i listen to similair music to you and this album is one of my absolute favs. its industrial, electronic, and mainly instrumental with some vocals. if you have i’d love to hear your opinions!
looking this up to listen to as we speak! i've never heard of this but it sounds really cool wow. okay i'm halfway through the first song now this goes hard thank you so much for telling me about this ough
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boyfear · 2 years
mmmhmhmm tumblr drafts so hungry.... feed it 500 00 Disco elysium posts
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voiiiiid5hinee · 1 month
mmmhmhmm i love it here it’s so quiet no bitches judging meeee
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yxvz · 3 years
defending alina starkov on tumblr isn't enough i need a gun
why do people hate on her so much to this dayyyyy
what has she done!! “no personality” isn't a valid answer
just saw a post talking about how hard it is to believe leigh and holly [black] are friends because alina is completely bland while jude is “a queen” and all this bullshit
*nothing* against jude, but bro!!! so you think female characters need to be good with a sword and ruthless and """badass"""" and shit to be likeable. they can't, like, want a peaceful life with someone they love, what an absurd that would be. what a bland decision. where's the blood, where's the action!! not to be lana del rey but c'mon
alina spent three books making it clear she didn't want more blood nor war, she didn't want to be a queen nor a saint nor a general, and what's wrong with that!! that doesn't make her boring!! go read the books again without thinking about the darkling and the darkling only and obsessing over what you would've done in her place and try again
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oldkamelle · 4 years
janus smoking is a godtier headcanon i swear
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Tumblr media
have I already told I love gifs out of context?
because I absolutely do
Loki S1E4 (2021)
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tutars · 7 years
jensen is being so messy about that misheel photo though? first he saw it, and undoubtedly told danneel to give him photo credits, then waited a long ass time to actually like the photo, then waited another day to actually comment. what's he doing?
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hellogloom · 3 years
mmmhmhmm nothing more embarrassing than having a skin picking disorder (while attending nursing school)
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How would you feel about a HTF Real Time Fan Dub (hint: it will make you money)
money? mmmhmhmm.. ....
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todeletess · 4 years
Reacting to sander asides flirt or fight
Oh hey, his Lego Disney castle is in the background
Ooh, this is animated! So that's the format change he was talking about
"He's in his 30s, he might as well be 60" oh mood
Oh shit deceit's showing up definitely
"He's got some stickers on his laptop" "pretty gay" that's literally how me and my sister talk about people
Gay eyes
Yeah, gay eyes rarely actually work
What's going on with deceit
Is roman getting increasingly more disheveled
I mean, plant is pretty gay
Oh that's Joan
"So stalking" "oh you're right!" Nice, virge
Is he gonna walk into the bathroom? The guy they're looking at I mean
Or will he just be gone by the time he gets out
Or will character!Thomas get a boyfriend
Oh god
Oh no
Ok, good excuse
Is Janus gonna come up at all? They keep talking about lies but...
Goooooo after him
Date.date.date.dtae.dta te tdat
I've been cheering for character!Thomas to get a boyfriend for forever
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kalatcademia · 4 years
mmmhmhmm w o r d s
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mercysought · 4 years
tagged by: @daethward​ ( thank you! ) tagging: just steal 8)
name of your favorite muse: idk man, that’s a hard question. I have a really hard time relating to canons in a way that I feel comfortable enough to write them. They are are all special in their own way.
name of your very first muse: Anora Theirin
name of your meanest muse: Hmmm she’s not necessarily mean but I guess Anora can be pretty mean??
name of your nicest muse: Steffon??? When?? In comparison with the rest??’ Essek can also be pretty nice but I don’t feel it matches the question
name of your most troubled muse: hmmm Essek, I would say
character you have the most muse for atm: The muse that I have for them tends to be pretty level. Anora is easiest to jump to the mindset. I would still like more opportunities to write Essek.
two of your muses that would never get along: I think they would all be pretty flexible with one another for different reasons.
two of your muses that could be best friends: None of them I don’t think. Not to that extent.
two of your muses that would make a cute couple: Nope.
two of your muses that are most similar: Aesthetically wise, if you squint, Steffon and Anora? But that’s if you squint.
name of the muse you’d be best friends with irl: I don’t think any of them would want to be best friends with me irl lmao I guess Anora though, if I had to pick.
name of the muse you’d probably hate irl: urgh it’s complicated. I think if I knew the Essek that is super manipulative I would really get turned off, but I feel he would charm me anyway.
a faceclaim you’ve been eager to use: I don’t care about fcs.
name of your favorite muse: Nope.
name of your very first muse: It was years ago and I was 11. Leave me alone.
name of your meanest muse: It really depends. All of them have the potential to be mean about certain topics. Overall I think the priestess.
name of your nicest muse: Manala, hands down, no doubts. Himsulem and Loane are close.
name of your most troubled muse: they are are pretty troubled. I feel in terms of the amount of shit that she has caused and its impact because of those troubles it would have to be the priestess though.
character you have the most muse for atm: it fluctuates day to day and prompt. Maxima is the easiest to jump to the mindset. It’s easier to tell you the ones that I don’t have most muse for atm.
two of your muses that would never get along:  mmm. The priestess and basically everyone else I feel. Except Manala. Anora and Maxima would have a really hard time too. 
two of your muses that could be best friends: If we don’t put the canons into the mix: Loane and Moe. The gentleman and Zofia. 
two of your muses that would make a cute couple:  mMMHMHMM I don’t know. I feel that Émilie and the gentleman could work. Moe and Loane. The priestess (when she was Elgara) and Himsulem were cute.
two of your muses that are most similar: Émilie and the gentleman, writing wise they share a couple of things that could make them look more similar.
name of the muse you’d be best friends with irl: If Manala was the same age as I was? Loane also seems pretty cool. And Émilie? So is Himsulem. I don’t know man, I’m also not the easiest person to be friends with.
name of the muse you’d probably hate irl: I don’t think I would necessarily hate but I would definitely keep my distance: the priestess, maxima, moe, the gentleman.
a faceclaim you’ve been eager to use: I don’t care about fcs.
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franklyshipping · 5 years
My Schedule is You ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
This is a lil experiment with a cute lil romantic pairing that I haven't tried before, but I came up with this cute idea so I thought I'd share it! LET'S DO IT!
Bim Trimmer smiled and let out a light purr, as he often did when he was in the midst of coming back to the waking world after a lovely night's sleep. Waking up from sleep can often be a mixed bag I think. If you've been having bad dreams, then waking up is a blessing, but if your dreams have been amazing then waking up can be a slight annoyance. However, I think that if you have something nice to wake up to then whatever dreams you've had don't matter. Bim Trimmer had something VERY nice to wake to....since the something in question was actively causing him to wake up. Google Blue, the command node himself.
He was smiling as he engaged in his routine. Google's routine of waking up his gorgeous human, was to give him a multitude of kisses starting at the small of his back, and working their way up. Google always made sure to kiss over the surface of every vertebra of Bim's spine, since he felt that it was an efficient, methodical way of providing the affection that Bim so liked to wake up to. Google would do almost anything to see that lazy smile on Bim's face....it literally made sparks fly inside him.
Thus, Google's first endeavour of the day was complete. The android smiled when Bim rolled over onto his side to face him, leaning in to sloppily kiss his lips. Google reciprocated as he murmured, being conscious of his vocal volume so that Bim's awakening would be tender and pleasant.
'Good morning my dear, your sleep was adequate?'
Bim giggled drowsily as they parted, and Bim wiped his eyes as he nodded, becoming more coherent and he came properly into the land of the conscious.
'Mhmmm, it was optimal in fact!'
Google pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes a little as Bim drowsily giggled; Bim often liked doing little impressions of Google because he was an absolute cheeky cutie. Google let out a low hum before kissing Bim with a hint of force, just to make him squeak as a mini revenge; then as he pulled away, he adjusted his glasses, and got to business.
'Well that's good, especially given your agenda for the day. You have your 9am cardio workout followed by your 10am checks and tests on the new lighting fixtures at your studio, I estimate that you will need to push forward your lunch with your associate producer to 1pm since the safety of the lighting will need to be checked thrice over for optimal safety. Then in the afternoon-MM!'
Amidst Google's spiel regarding his boyfriend's work schedule, said boyfriend pressed his pointer finger against Google's lips as he whined softly.
'Shhhhh.....uh uh.....I am noping out today love....'
Google cocked his head to the side as he watched Bim half-bury his face back in his pillow; Google was confuzzled. Bim had slept well, Google had monitored his heart rate and breathing pattern as he charged through the night and everything upon review seemed normal. Google figured that perhaps with reasoning, he could battle through the last of Bim's evident drowsiness.
'.....noping out? But love, you have your schedule for a reason so that you can always keep up to date with all your tasks-MMM!'
This time, instead of Bim's finger on Google's lips, it was Bim's lips. Let's be real okay. It was the weekend. Bim knew he had work and prep and all that stuff that he needed to sort, piles upon piles of script work and staging and technical tests....but sometimes there are just times when you can't. Bim knew in his mind that he could rationally reschedule things, yes it might mean he had a little more to do during the week, but to have one day free for your health and comfort can be a good thing in the long run. Bim would have explained this thoroughly to his boyfriend....if he weren't such a drowsy boy right now.
'Not todaaayyyy....'
Bim purred into Google's lips, lightly stroking the android's hair which made Google let out a soft whine. Almost every system inside Google was screaming at him to just succumb....but y'know....he's Google, there was always going to be that little hint of him that wanted to stick to the ordered plan.
'B-But....your schedule....if you postpone these things then you may be overworked in the future, I don't want my love to be overworked.'
Google softly implored, brushing his cheek against Bim's affectionately as Bim softly sighed. He understood Google's view, of course he did, he'd have to be silly not to see it. However...the majority of Bim's sight was just taken up by Google. Bim cupped Google's cheek as he smiled at him, inching closer to him a he purred.
'I know my dear but.....I have woken up to the sight of my gorgeous, intelligent, loving boyfriend in bed with me WITHOUT his shirt. All I can focus on are the million things I could do to him right now.'
Google's eyes widened as he briefly looked down at his own exposed torso, he had not factored on his attractiveness being a genuine....factor. Google's processors also got rather frazzled as Google tried to comprehend Bim's words....Google knew that the realm of intimacy was vast, but could Bim truly have a million ideas? Although Google was flustered, he did have to ask.
'O-O-Oh u-uh I-I-I....m-may I-I i-inquire a-as to what th-things y-you had in m-mind?'
Google's vocals were jittery and filled with little clicks of nervousness, and Bim almost melted at how utterly innocent Google was with his wide eyes and flusteredness. Bim always got somewhat of an ego boost when he managed to fluster his android boyfriend, and it sparked his mischievous side to wake up too. As Bim looked Google's topless form up and down, he giggled deviously; perhaps a million was an overstatement, but he DID have one very particular idea.
'Well....how about we start with the thing...that only I can do to you?'
Now Google's processors were even MORE frazzled from a) Bim's cryptic statement spurring him to try and figure out what he meant as fast as androidly possible, and b) Bim rolling on top of him and proceeding to bury his face in the crook of Google's defenceless neck. Feeling Bim's human warmth and beautiful heartbeat always made Google lose any lasting shreds of focus, and he just became the definition of stammers.
'B-But I-I-I d-don't uhunde-a-ah! M-Mmmhmhm nohoho noho m-my Bihihim!'
Google had let out a hissing-gasping sound amidst his attempt at words, before a train of deep, warm giggles flowed from him. Why? Because the only thing that Bim Trimmer, boyfriend of Googleplier, is allowed to do that no one else can do....is tickle him. Specifically, Bim had begun his onslaught with a barrage of soft, fluttering kisses over Google's ears. At Google's reply however, Bim replied ''confusedly''.
'No? No what? Would you mind elaborating on your non-specificity?'
Bim crooned as his lips and teeth dragged over the shells of Google's ears; the speed and effectiveness by which he switched between each ear was wonderful to observe. Google would have praised such technique, if he hadn't been on the receiving end of it all. Currently he was giggling harder and louder, his pale synthetic skin accommodating a turquoise flush from hearing such technical language from Bim's lips....what? It was attractive!
'P-Plehehease nohot the t-t-tihickling! Y-Yohou h-hahave yohour sch-schehedule!'
Google could think of no other comeback, no other rationality to fight back with; as you can imagine, it wasn't particularly effective. Bim raised an eyebrow at Google's return to the subject, and growled, nibbling with FAR more ferocity now.
'Yes. Yes I do. My schedule NOW involves tickling you to smithereens because it's something I rarely get to do....and I am going to make the most of this beautiful opportunity.'
When it came to Bim and Google's relationship, it was wonderful. Bim was a lover of public displays of affection, and since Google VERY often liked reminding people that he was Bim's, and Bim was his, he was more than happy to engage in it with Bim; also, he and Bim just loved to be attentive and loving to each other. However, Google had one line; he requested that Bim did not tickle him in public in a way that would expose his personal sensitivities. Google had trusted Bim with many of his sensitivities, and Bim ALWAYS respected that....which is why, in a private setting like this, Bim was going to go absolutely all out on Google.
'B-Buhuhut yohohou knohow hohow i-intehense m-my sehensitivity ihihis!'
Bim smirked as his nips travelled behind Google's ears now, oh he knew all to well of Google's intense, tender nerves. Google was squealing as he felt Bim's teeth dragging down his neck and the hues of blue on his cheeks were getting darker by the second as he really started to realise that Bim was NOT going to give up his endeavour here.
'Oh I do....it is one of your many attractive attributes my dearest....'
Google was shaking and letting out soft titters as Bim growled, but couldn't help but smile a sweet, flustered smile when Bim straddled him comfortably. As Google saw Bim's handsome, charismatic smile being directed at him, he felt involuntary gasps fly out of his mouth...however, those MAY have been coaxed out from Bim splaying his fingers over Google's bared six-pack.
'Wh-Why muhust yohou tohorture me so?'
Google half-heartedly glared amidst his query, and Bim let out a loud laugh whilst letting his fingers skitter over the android's muscular torso.
'Torture? And here I thought I was the dramatic one in our relationship!'
Bim exclaimed as he looked down fondly at the, now cackling, Google; Google's areas of muscle were always tremendously sensitive, which Bim found out pretty soon in their relationship since Bim had wanted to show appreciation to Google's physical perfection as soon as was appropriate. Despite this though, Google STILL hadn't managed to figure out a strategy for defending himself against Bim's ''appreciation'', so his weak pushes at Bim's hands did nothing to help him.
Google cackled, and I think it's really a testament to Google's social development that he managed to rattle off a human turn of phrase WHILST being tickled. As Google's blush darkened at the tickling his received though....Bim developed one of his own. The idea of Google taking on some of his attributes just made him feel all warm inside.....but of course, Bim being Bim, that wasn't the only interpretation he drew from Google's reply.
'Mhmmmm damn right I have baby....'
Google's throat could only crackle and click to show his embarrassment at Bim's naughty tease; poor Google never could handle such references.
Bim laughed fondly, and decided that now would be the perfect time to dig into some of Google's abdominals. He wiggled his fingers into the muscles effortlessly as Google's arms and hands twitched and jerked about with their frantic energy.
'I was only agreeing with you dearest, there's nothing rude about that surely?'
Bim crooned innocently, and if Google had had the focus to roll his eyes, then he would have done so. Unfortunately he was rather preoccupied with his reflexes making him writhe and his ticklishness making him belly laugh.
Google exclaimed indignantly, throwing his head back as the laughter just poured and poured out from his wide open mouth; don't let his exclamation fool you though, Google secretly enjoyed Bim's sub textual references to copulation. Bim meanwhile was ABSOLUTELY AFFRONTED! What on EARTH was Google implying?! Bim was so affronted in fact that he ended up putting his hands on his hips as he replied with so much drama that it would make the entire diva industry crumble in worship.
'ExcUSE ME?! What EXACTLY are you implying?! That I'm just a man driven by LUST?!'
Google's head lolled back against his pillow as the android gasped fo air.....my goodness that had been quite an onslaught. He was currently in the midst of experiencing his own version of after/ghost tickles, which meant Google kept softly chuckling as he recovered. In addition, as Google recovered his energy, his dry wit also recovered just a tad as he grinned and gazed up at his drama queen of a lover boy.
'Y-Yohou sahaid it not m-mehe....'
Google snickered softly after his nonchalant statement, due to the satisfaction he felt at seeing Bim with pursed lips and pink cheeks. Bim however, was NOT having it. He was not going to have Google recover his snarkiness and arrogance so easily, he was not going to have Google be cheeky and get away with it when HE was the one with the upper hand! So, Bim sneered with narrowed eyes as his own snarky, fiendish attitude reared its head.
'Oh what an intelligent, witty comeback! Oh do PLEASE give me another....I dare you.'
Google of course opened his mouth, preparing himself to in fact do just that....but of course, he did NOT get the chance to carry out his endeavour. Instead he was screaming as Bim unloaded an absolute torrent of lengthy, sloppy raspberries against the android's exposed waistline.
Bim smirked in triumph, not stopping for second. Neither Bim nor Google knew why, but raspberries just flipped a switch inside Google. Whether it was the added proximity, the lengthiness, the vibrations, the embarrassing sloppiness, neither of them knew, but for some reason raspberries just drove Google completely insane. As you can imagine, Bim was going to use his knowledge of this to his advantage.
'Hmm? Not what? Are you being non-specific again or is this a comeback I don't understand?'
Bim stuck out his bottom lip in a most unsympathetic fashion as Google screeched and wailed, honestly you've never seen Google more chaotic in your life. He was thrashing with no strategy as little white glimmers and flecks of light started blinking in his blue irises....the tickling was just affecting every inch of him. All Google could think right now was....I wish I hadn't asked ''what things?''
Google's wild laughter as filled with clicks and shuttering sounds as the begs left his lips, and Bim internally awed at his Google. I mean, that laughter, that wide smile, those LITERAL glittering, shining eyes....this whole experience was probably adding years onto Bim's lifespan as well as contributing to the prowess of his mental health.
'Please what my little gigglespark?'
Bim purred against Google's skin as spurts of baby raspberries followed his words, and Google embarrassedly let out a hiccup at the casual use of the most embarrassing nickname he had ever been given; that was just the cherry on top of the tickle torture gateau.
Google's cheeks were a genuine azure blue now as he let out his desperate cry, and luckily for Google, it was the last cry he had to let out. Bim let the raspberries diminish into warm kisses against the skin he had so cruelly assaulted. Google was shivering and blinking and gasping....and smiling. Google's eyes stayed on Bim as the malicious little diva flopped next to him in bed, snuggling into the android's shoulder as he giggled.
'Fiiiine, but only if you promise not to drag me out of bed for work today!'
Google's smile only widened. The android thought he now understood why Bim enjoyed being woken up with tickly affection in the mornings....Google felt really quite wonderful....ahem, Google decided to store his epiphany away for a later date though. He now rolled over onto his side to face Bim as he replied warmly.
'Thahat shohouldn't be an ihissue....Ihi do not think Ihi have the cahapacity to move much ahat present....'
Google's core hummed when Bim threw his head back with a laugh, and Google was eager to pull Bim closer as Bim snuggled and sighed in musing contemplation.
'Mmmmm....now we just have to decide what we SHALL do with our day....'
Google hummed softly, and soon Bim joined him when the android stroked through Bim's black hair out of loving habit. Google thought for a few moments....and suddenly he let out a chuckle as some of Bim's earlier words came to mind.
'Well....you did articulate before that you had thought of a million activities....so I suppose we have 999,999 left to choose from.'
Bim raised an eyebrow at Google, before they both giggled and got even closer....and engaged in the most wonderful schedule of 999,999 perfect....perfect things.
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apostatehobolife · 6 years
we're back.
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