#mmm i've been lazy with drawing
gretagator · 5 months
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Old™ OCs I haven't drawn since 2020....
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blakeswritingimagines · 11 months
“It’s a surprise My dear”
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
You didn't realize he was in the room standing in the doorway simply watching over you quietly, thinking he was still busy at breakfast with his family as you were busy cleaning up around his room since his mother and grand-sire made it clear not to join them, lightly humming to yourself not having much to do since he had said he wanted to see you after and figured he wouldn't mind if you cleaned up a little bit while waiting.
He stood in the doorway only for a while longer, looking upon his beloved as he heard you gently hum to yourself, working hard to make his room sparkle and shine. You are like a flower he might pluck for his garden. You work so diligently to complete the tasks he has given you. You are good. You are loyal. You are mine. He knows he will not permit you to be bothered by anyone. You are to be his only, and for only him to enjoy he thinks to himself as he keeps watching you all but prance around the room.
You let out a small sigh as you looked around the large luxurious bed chambers happy to see all the hard work pay off and knew Aemond would be happy even as you chose to move things around knowing he would think it was better than before, smiling once you felt his arms around your waist which caused your head to tilt look up at him and speak softly "I thought you were still with your family, I didn't hear you come in."
“Mmm.” He replied back with his arms wrapping around you. You felt so good. The warmth of your curves beneath his hands. The sound of your voice. How he loves the sound your voice makes. “My family left some time ago. I returned to see you…I could not wait to see you. I’ve been missing you.” He bent down and kissed you on the cheek. He looked down upon you, and your sweet face lights him up. He could not take his eyes away from yours. They draw him in and demand all of his attention much like when he first came across you. He speaks softly, a little breathless, “I saw you from the door, My love. I wanted to come and see you in person.” He presses his lips against your forehead, lightly, “I must have you.” He whispered the last part, smiling wide with happiness. “How I’ve missed you my love.”
You turned around in his arms placing your hands on his chest as you looked up at him having grown used to seeing his beautiful violet eye color in only the one while he hid the other even from you, closing your eyes at his gentle affection and felt happy that so far today was going so well for him before you slowly opened your eyes with a lazy smile on your face "I've missed you too my sweet prince, but I'm happy I was able to get in some extra time helping others around the castle."
You were right, his sweet. Always putting your obligations before yourself, or him. He loved that about you. Seeing you so devoted to him. But you must also do things for yourself, and not simply slave for him. You must know how happy you make him. “My precious one. I would have you do things for you, rather than for others. I would have you happy. Not toiling away for others, but living life for yourself.” He spoke sweetly before leaning down to kiss you again, this time closer to your lips.
“The others can manage themselves, I am sure. I cannot, however, manage without you.”He spoke above a whisper looking you directly in the eyes, before kissing you again, this time on the lips. ‘My my. She is so soft.’ He thought to himself before letting his thoughts drift feeling like he has to do everything in his power to ensure nobody else can take what is his. “My dear. I have a surprise for you.” You felt flustered at his words and looked down having learned time and time again just how special you were in his life and knew better then to fight it anymore, smiling as he tilted your head up and couldn't help but kiss him back almost just as tenderly like he were some fragile thing even if you had seen otherwise before your very eyes. Tilting your head to the side as you looked up at him but gave you a small smile as a curious glint lit up your eyes "What kind of surprise my sweet prince?".
“A surprise of the highest importance.” He smiled as he spoke and looked down at his lovely maid again. His lips are so close to yours. His lips yearn to taste your sweet flesh once again. He will do it. He will kiss his love again and again. He will savor it.  “Close your eyes my sweet Y/n, and let yourself indulge in me. Let me take you away. At this moment, you are mine alone.” He leaned in close. So close his lips are almost touching your ear. Then he whispered softly.  “I wish to wed you my dear. You are perfect. Nobody else will do. You are the only person for me truly. I should like for you to be at my side for the rest of my life. You belong to me. Forever. That is my surprise.” He pressed his lips against yours again acting softer than you’ve ever seen from him before.
You tightened your hold on him as his words were processing in your mind taking your time to really hear what he said knowing it was wrong to question if he meant it but looked at his face that showed no signs of any lying, biting down on your lower lip in excitement as you thought it over than spoke lightly not saying no but curious "What about your family?". He chuckled softly “What about them? Do they matter? My family matters little to me compared to you. What do I need a family for? I have you. I have all I need as long as I am with you.” He smiles fondly at you as he tightens his hold on you. 
“My love. What is your answer? Will you marry me?”
listening closely to his words as you leaned into his touch without a second thought not able to help the bright smile that graced your lips, thinking over his heart melting words with a small sigh knowing he wouldn't wait for an answer nor would he take a no for something like this and nodded your head before looking back up at him as you gently cupped his jaw whispering a soft answer for just him to hear "Yes."
He leans down and kisses you, a true passionate kiss. Something you both could not do in the halls and in public. Here, in this private space, you can do and be anything you desire. Anything. He leans over and whispers. “My love. You are the only one for me. My sweet Y/n. My forever to be. I am yours now and you are mine.” He stares into your eyes, your big beautiful eyes, and his heart soars as he thinks to himself that he is the luckiest man in all of Westeros.
Soon enough even with the excitement bouncing around the room due to how happy you and Aemond were, you had helped him get ready for bed before doing the same only to smile as you got into the large bed and into his arms, staying cuddled into his side as you wrapped your arms around him and laid your head on his chest still smiling wildly at just the thought of being with him even if he was intense sometimes then tenderly spoke "I love you Aemond."
He leaned in again enjoying how close you were to him. He was still reeling in the fact that you had said yes. “You make me the happiest man in the world, my dear love. I would kiss you again but I must make preparations. I know I should tell my father, but to hell with him. He should be honored to have his son be wed to a person such as you. He shall see in good time. And once that’s through, we shall consummate our marriage in the finest chambers wherever you first choose. I am yours, for all the time to come.” And he kisses you again “I love you too Y/n. I love you more than any man has ever loved anyone. You are all I desire, all I crave, all I have ever wanted.” He kisses your forehead once more. “Now go to sleep my love. Rest easy. I will keep you safe. Nothing shall harm my Y/n.”
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Six Sentence Saturday/Sunday
Time? Don't know her I'm in love with her but right now I am choosing to ignore her. Happy Saturday/Sunday depending on where you are!
So I've had this outline sitting in a doc for literal years--where Simon is melting during a heat wave, so Baz buys a really good AC... and then gets jealous because the AC can cool Simon down and he isn't getting his Simon snuggles. The idea was inspired by this fic, where Simon gets jealous of a heated blanket. I pulled it out today thinking it would be good for @carryon-disability-week! POTSie Simon struggling with heat... oh, yeah. Weather sure is something when you have POTS, huh? (I am currently lying down on the floor wearing my compression socks and with gatorade and salted popcorn as I type this LOL. These next few months are gonna be fun.)
Anyway, here are some sentences I wrote this evening!
“‘M so hot,” [Simon] moans. / “Mmm.” Too hot for my movements to be anything but lazy, I draw my arms in and slide my hands up to squeeze his tits. “Damn right.”
It’s been unbearably hot this past week, and with his specific disability, Simon has virtually been dying. He’s been so dizzy with the heat that he’ll sometimes use one of his crutches around the flat to keep himself steady.
When I come out of the bedroom to see Simon sprawled out in front of the AC for the fifth day in a row, I pout so hard that it catches Simon’s attention.
“I never thought I’d miss you sweating through my clothes,” I mutter.
Simon absolutely uses forearm crutches. They are a wonder for balance. Sometimes when I'm home alone on bad balance days, I use mine around the house haha.
Tagging @bazzybelle @wellbelesbian @hushed-chorus @artsyunderstudy @iamamythologicalcreature @valeffelees @stitchyqueer @run-for-chamo-miles @imagineacoolusername @cutestkilla @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @youarenevertooold @hoothalcyon @tea-brigade @j-nipper-95 and whoever else I'm missing 💖💖
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pony-central · 8 months
The Masseuse
Written in the first person
I arrived at Parodies Town, hoping for someone to give me a tour of the place. The birds are chirping, the sky is blue. The smell of baked goods enters the air, crisp and delicious cookies. I suddenly heard the sounds of someone singing a song called Stomach Flu. I then see Sick Boyfriend from the vs SpongeBob Parodies mod. He greeted me with a warm smile and a wave, saying "Hi there!". I took one good look at him with a confused look on my face.
Sick Boyfriend walked up to me, as I was confused and bewildered by his appearance.
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He appeared to be a slightly tanned boy with messy dark blue hair. He possessed a red and blue cap that had a hole in it, showing some loose hairs, a mauve shirt with a drawing of the male reproductive organ. He also wore grey pants, red shoes and carried a busted microphone, with wires poking out of it, and a small bloodstain. I shook on the spot, scared of what he was about to do.
To my surprise, he hugged me.
"Hi. I'm Sick Boyfriend. Nice to meet you. What's your name, Miss?" he said, with his arms behind his back. As I introduced myself, Sick Boyfriend smiled.
"Kayleigh. That's a nice name. You must be new here. It's nice to have newbies around here," Sick BF said. He told me all about himself, how his previous love interest betrayed him, and what he likes eating.
"So, uh... What do you wanna do?" Sick Boyfriend asked me. I didn't know what to do. It was my first time exploring a village I had never been to before. Sick Boyfriend just laughed it off, as he said "You're not much of a talker, are you?"
"Sorry. I'm just nervous. It's my first time in a place I've never been to before. I don't even know any of the villagers yet!" I said, becoming worried that nobody would take me seriously. Sick Boyfriend felt bad for me. But, fortunately for me, he had one idea up his short sleeves.
"Say, how about we go to my place so I can give you a little gift." he said, smiling at me. I smiled back, and I said "Sure."
Sick BF smiled as he held my hoof, and we both headed to his place. He was living in a small apartment for a bit until he could afford to buy a house. We entered the apartment. It was a bit small, but I had to make do with what I had. Some of the wallpaper was already peeling off, but Sick Boyfriend didn't care.
"Sit down on the floor, please. Your gift is coming," Sick Boyfriend said. I did as I was told. Surprisingly, the carpet was soft. I felt the fluffy carpet trim. Sick Boyfriend took his shoes off and put them on the plank of wood that was in the corner of the room. He explained that he ate his food on that wooden plank, as he was too lazy to use the table.
"Ready for your surprise?" he said. I nodded my head. Sick Boyfriend smiled as he walked behind me, and knelt down. I said to him, "So, am I getting the surprise, or -" Then I was interrupted by Sick Boyfriend's hands resting on my shoulders. I gasped.
Sick Boyfriend moved his fingers up and down my shoulders. He was soothing my skin, and he smiled. If I could tell he was smiling at least. It felt good. Like, REALLY good.
"A - ahh. Oh, my. What are you doing? Ahh." I said, as Sick Boyfriend said this: "Giving you your 'Welcome to Town' gift. You like it?" I felt relaxed. My shoulders had been aching before, so to get THIS as a gift, was surprisingly good.
"Mmmph! Y - yeah. Oh, my goodness. You do this often? AHH!" I said, moaning in relaxation. Sick Boyfriend smiled, seeing that I was enjoying myself.
"Yep. This is what I do for a living, since I was known in Year 11 for giving people relaxing massages. I'm happy that you love the gift, Kayleigh." He continued moving his fingers up and down my shoulders, as he suddenly kissed me on the cheek. I was surprised that he did that.
"Mmm, ahh. Oh, yeah. R - Right there - Ahh!" I said, making blissful sounds. Sick Boyfriend kept massaging me for about 25 minutes. After the massage was done, he let go of my shoulders. I was relaxed.
"You wanna live in Parodies Town now, don't you?" Sick Boyfriend said. I looked at him and smiled, nodding my head "Yes". Sick Boyfriend was excited to hear that. He hugged me. I hugged him back. This was the start of a new friendship.
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junesprojects · 1 year
Introducing Page Artist Mikhail!
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Full interview below:
Q: Please tell us about yourself!
A: Hello, I'm Mikhail. Not sure what to say other than I'm a long time enjoyer of the Persona series, although I only recently completed Persona 4 Golden (in early 2021). I've been around because I call Yu "Souji" haha.
Q: Who are your favorite Persona 4 characters and why?
A: Mmm, probably Yosuke and Naoto! All the Investigation Team characters are charming, but Yosuke is extremely bulliable and lovable, whereas Naoto's struggles are relatable. 
Q: Which Persona 4 characters do you find fun to draw and why?
A: Yosuke and Souji are fun for me to draw because they're my favorite Persona 4 ship, but mostly because I've drawn them both enough that I feel comfortable enough to draw them without pulling a bunch of references up. So, it's just me being lazy haha. In the future though, I want to draw a lot more transmasc Naoto, for myself and for others who would enjoy seeing transmasc porn lol.
Q: What are your favorite Persona 4 ships?
A: Souyo for sure, but I've been slowly opening my third eye to other ships.
Q: Which Arcana do you see yourself as?
A: Uhh not sure. Maybe Fool? 
Q: What's your favorite trope?
A: Omegaverse! Is that considered a trope or a kink? 
Q: Do you have a favorite Persona?
A: Yoshitsune's Hassou Tobi carried me through the late game, but I'll never forget Nekomata's fast turn animation... It makes me laugh every time. That and Ghoul doing crunches.
Q: What made you want to become an artist?
A: I've been drawing for a while, but specifically I like to delve into porn every once in a while because I can practice anatomy and expression / conveying emotion, which are things I struggle with.
Q: How did you get into the Persona series?
A: My friend lent me Persona 3 for one week and I did not finish the game, but it stayed in my heart. 
Q: What would you like to accomplish with your contribution to AOA zine?
A: Ah hmm, well if I contributed something that activates your almonds I'll call that a win.
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eirasummers · 2 years
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He compartido 6851 publicaciones este 2022
¡Son 159 más que en 2021!
76 publicaciones originales (1 %)
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Estos son los blogs que más he reblogueado:
He etiquetado 3787 publicaciones en 2022
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#twst: 1653 publicaciones
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#<3: 379 publicaciones
#om: 217 publicaciones
#mxtx: 200 publicaciones
#enstars: 150 publicaciones
#my art: 143 publicaciones
#cute!: 125 publicaciones
#gi: 96 publicaciones
#aww: 76 publicaciones
La etiqueta más larga tiene 137 caracteres
#but soon i realized i could just take the jeans off and just sleep in underwear so i started doing that when it happened after that hahah
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He made me go to pity but I GOT HIM! 🎉🎉🎉
I'm working on a drawing of him lately, I'll try to finish it soon as celebration~ Or at least finish it before the event ends xD
8 notas. Fecha de publicación: 14 de noviembre de 2022
I was about to sleep but got hit with depressing sad thoughts....
Hopefully I can push them down and fall asleep 😢
8 notas. Fecha de publicación: 10 de abril de 2022
I usually don't post much of my random happenings here buuuuut
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It only took 40 pulls, I was blessed 🙏🙏🙏 I'm now working on a drawing to thank him for coming ♡
12 notas. Fecha de publicación: 31 de enero de 2022
Twst questions
I was tagged by @deeva-arud here, but the post was getting long so I decided to answer them in a new one. I hope that's ok! Here we go:
Would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human? (or other!)
Mmm… maybe a lioness beastwoman?? If we're being actually realistic it would be a simple human but we're having fun here hahah
Would you be at rsa or nrc?
I don't really fit completely in either, but since RSA would be to stuck up, probably NRC.
What dorm would you belong to?
Ignihyde, but I refuse. I wish it were Savanaclaw, but I won't be xD
What character(s) would you be best friends with?
I would probably get along best with Rook? And Epel too. I'd probably get along with Cater and Kalim too, even if they'd be too extroverted for my poor introverted soul hahaha Also… Trey too. He seems nice to hang out with.
What character(s) would you hate?
Well, I already can barely stand Idia and Azul without knowing them in person… so probably them lol
What character(s) would you date?
Well, the dream would be Vil, but he wouldn't like me back xDDD So maybe Leona or Ruggie?? None of them would like me back tho hahaha
What would Floyd’s nickname be for you?
I am so bad at thinking this stuff, but my friend Sha always associates me with sharks, so we'll go with that one even if Floyd would not give me that one in a million years XDD
And Rook’s?
Again, really bad at these. Maybe something like "Dame verte"??
What twst character(s) are you most like? (personality-wise)
Jamil, definitely.
Which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
All the Sciency ones, Biology, Potions, Alchemy…
What club would you join?
Mountain Lover's Club. Maybe also drop in the Light Music Club sometimes~
How do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
I'd just have a normal quiet life. Just minding my own business at school, not really trying too hard not lazying too much (let's go with that xD). Just a normal person from a normal background hahaha
[Optional!] What would your unique magic be?
Nothing really specific comes to mind, but some kind of healing magic, for sure~ Tagging: @kokone12 @missbonekitty @kirayamidemon @chervtheherb @anevilbunnyinthehat @fumikomiyasaki @atwstedstory @evilcokito @rozengrotto and anyone else who wants to do it! (Also, you can ignore the tag too xD)
15 notas. Fecha de publicación: 30 de septiembre de 2022
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I've been using Riddle and Azul's double duo a lot for the training camp battles and they're so op 🙏
Azul's card is my friend Milka's card~ I couldn't pass these battles without her 😌
32 notas. Fecha de publicación: 5 de marzo de 2022
Descubre tu resumen del 2022 en Tumblr →
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tabitini · 4 years
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charnelhouse · 3 years
You’re over the yucky part of your pregnancy. Din was so good at taking care of you. And now you’re in the horny for him all the time phase. He’s been gone on a tricky hunt and you’ve stayed behind to look after Grogu.
Din comes back at night and takes off his armour and showers. Puts on some joggers and opens the door to your bunk to find you fast asleep, your hand over the small swell of your bump and Grogu next to you. He lifts him up to reclaim his space. Shushing and kissing the downy hair on his head. Taking him to his pram.
When he returns and gets in, you wake up and sleepily pull him on top of you. Neither of you talk until he’s inside you.
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A/N: Din x F!Reader. Smut. Pregnancy. Serious FLUFF. Sry I’m running out of gifs. Idk why I used this but like VIBES BC Pedro is hot.
"You smell good," he rumbles as he noses at the soft curve of your cheek. He clutches at your hips - palming the swell of your belly.
He's all warm skin - clean and soapy from the quick shower. His curls damp as they drip and catch on your parted mouth.
"You were gone," you mutter - voice still cobwebbed in sleep. "Gone for so long. Missed you."
"Mmm - I know, sweet girl," he sighs as he wedges himself between your parted knees. "I'm sorry."
You grip his searching hand before pushing it between your legs. You hear his startled intake of breath - the gruff sound of surprise. You don't have words right now - just the heated pressure of your own arousal throbbing at your core. "Please, Din."
"Fuck, mesh'la," he growls before pushing two fingers into you - curling them as your cunt swallows him easily. "Wet little thing."
He stretches you gently - sinking deep before he draws them out. He licks them clean - marveling at the sweetness of your slick. It's new - balmy and rich and he needs more.
"Inside," you beg - all whiney and frantic. "Fuck me - please -"
He hushes you - dragging his knuckles across your jaw - trailing his thumb over your trembling lower lip. This is also new. He's never seen you so desperate for him - for his cock and his tongue. You're wetter than you've ever been - tight pussy spasming around his fingers with tiny twitches. "I've got you," he croons - leaning forward and bearing his weight above your body - utterly careful of your swollen belly.
He guides his cock against your spread cunt - sweeping the head through your weeping slit. He goes slow - lazy - teasing it against the throbbing bud of your clit. It makes you whimper - makes you dig your nails into the meat of his shoulders as he rocks himself into you - hips sawing swift and sure - the curve of his length slipping through your folds.
It's the act of a fuck - the promise - because he will take you gentle and inch by fragile inch. He wants to make it last - yank climax after climax from the center of your pleasure.
You grasp his face - pulling him down to your lips where you kiss him hard. Brutal. "Need you," you cry against his tongue. "Din - I need you."
That's enough - that tugs at his heart and reminds him of how much he had missed you when he was away. He disliked these long hunts. He dislikes having to take a single day more than he has to. The desert is cold and gasping with its violent winds - the sand punching beneath his helmet as he dreams of you - thinks of you - wishes for you. Now that you’re pregnant - it’s even more unbearable. He doesn’t worry - not really. He knows you can handle yourself, but he just doesn’t like to be away. He’s selfish - he’s possessive. He needs you in a way that frightens him. He has never - not once - needed anyone.
But you are different. You are something else.
He eases his pelvis back before he begins the measured and deliberate breach of your sweet pussy. Your walls bloom around his cock - the broken whimper falling from your lips as he sinks to the hilt. Your cunt makes room for him - spreads open and stretches to accommodate his thickness.
“That’s my girl,” he praises - his own voice tense with pleasure. He’s in a fog - torn up by the clutch of your soaked, choking sex. Silky hot. He’s overwhelmed by it - by finally being back in your arms - by the knowledge that you’re growing round with his kid. It’s a lot. They share something now - something beyond romance or hurried passion.
He fucks you in undemanding strokes - his thumb forming taut circles around the peak of your cunt. “Come for me,” he whispers - balancing his weight on his forearm - his other hand stroking your clit in time with each long, piercing thrust of his cock.
“Din - oh - oh - yes right there,” Your words are hurried - galloping toward your finish. Your chest heaving - breasts bouncing slightly with each rut of his hips. The tiny bed creaking and groaning beneath their weight.
“Come with me,” he mutters - demands - as the taut contraction of your walls - sends him stumbling forward into his own end. He fills you - spits deep - marking you with his own release as he trembles there - throat caught on a guttural, hitched groan. It’s everything - it’s more.
“I love you,” he presses into your ear - ragged and clipped - quiet and almost lost beneath the sounds of your heavy breathing. He’s never been this vulnerable before - this naked in both senses of the word. He doesn’t say it often because it worries him - makes him think he could lose.
He’s never really had anything to lose. Not until Grogu. Not until you.
Love puts things in danger. Love makes him anxious.
You sweep your thumb over his jaw - your other hand trailing through his tangled curls. You hold his face to your chest so he can hear the languorous pump of your heart. There’s the very slight raised flesh of your belly bumping against his stomach.
“I love you, too,” you finally answer as you brush your lips over his crown. No helmet. Just him.
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cozm0 · 2 years
𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ about me ₍ᐢ ̥ ̞ ̥ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹
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Welcome to my "about me"! (back to NAVIGATION)
some basic stuff on me
You can call me Cozmo, Star or Cherry (i go by a lot of names tbh but i'd rather people call me this here)
I'm 19 & my birthday is on Feb 14
I'm an unlabeled (sexuality wise) trans demiboy & use he/him pronouns (they/them are ok too)
I swear like a sailor, so if you're uncomfortable with curse words then I suggest you leave because I ain't stopping any time soon cghcchv
I am not the best at writing, at least I don't personally think so, however that could also be because I've never actually written many things besides stuff for school (and I never really put effort into that). So the stuff I make on here will be a learning experience or a complete shit show, who knows :p
While I may or may not be a writer what I can say I am is an artist :D I like silly goofy drawings here and their & have been for like 10 years?? (idk tbh gxydff-). I'm lazy though & have major art block most if the time so I'm rusty at it or not at the level I wish I was at & personally think I should be at but it's whatever, theirs no point in complaining (I'm 100% gonna continue complaining while not practicing like I should be 😋 whoopsies)
I also have a hard time telling the tone of messages & stuff sometimes so pls use tone tags/indicators (here they are if you need them but the main ones youd probably are /j, /hj, /srs, /lh, /gen, /p, /pos & /neg)
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things i like
the cold
day dreaming
space, earth, most since (except physics bro, eww stinky)
history (mmm,, well kinda-)
greek mythology & just other mythology, folklore, fairy-tales, etc.
My favorite fictional men <3
some of my current favorite fictional men
Chuuya Nakahara
Osamu Dazai
Al Haitham
Hua Cheng
Hitoshi Shinso
things i don't like
Sea food & a lot of other foods tbh (i'm a picky eater hchv)
Hot weather
The sea
Bugs & other creepy crawlys
Mornings/waking up early
Children, for the most part (most of them are annoying mean little shits that i don't want near me with a 10 foot poll-)
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catb-fics · 4 years
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So I got a request to write about some pre-gig naughtiness with a young, horny Van! Enjoy! 😘 💋
Good Luck Charm (Van McCann)
Warnings: smut (of course!) / Word Count 2.6k
Friday nights had been the same for as long as you could remember. Well, for as long as you'd been with Van anyway.
His band had been plugging away for years on the pub and club circuit, relentless, determined, driven. Whether they were playing for a crowd of 50 or a crowd of 500, they always gave it their all. You loved nothing more than watching Van perform. The way he screwed his eyes shut tight, lost in the music, the emotion etched on his face. The way he thrashed around with his guitar, shaking his head, swinging his hips. He really was mesmerising to watch. And he was all yours.
Tonight was different though. The band had a new manager and they'd booked their first larger gig at a proper 2000 capacity venue.
"Can't fucking believe it babe, tickets have practically sold out. It's the biggest one yet!" Van's speaking fast, excitement in his voice, and he's got that glow about him that he always has when he's talking about the band. It's infectious.
"I always knew you could do it. One day you'll be playing arenas, just you wait," you say, picturing Van up there on a stage in front of tens of thousands of screaming fans. You can definitely see it happening. Their music is made for those big spaces.
"Fuck arenas!" Van laughs. "I'm aiming for stadiums!"
"Don't get ahead of yourself," you tell him, but it's pointless advice. He's always dreamt big.
He wraps his arms around your waist, drawing you in close. "I'm always gonna strive to be the biggest and the best love, you know me."
You smile up at him, taking him in. His mousy brown hair's so shaggy at the moment. You smile to yourself as you recall him bickering with his mum about getting it cut, she reckons he looks a mess with his scruffy hair and ripped jeans and jumpers with holes in. Van doesn't care about that though. And neither do you... you love his style. It's what makes him... him.
"I'd better watch out if you get too popular, you'll be running off with some posh model or something!" You tease, slipping your hands into the back pockets of his jeans, pulling him in even closer, your hips touching.
"Don't be daft!" He replies. "Why would I want some posh bird when I have you, eh?"
"You trying to say I'm not posh? I'm a lady you know!" You put on an affected posh voice, pretending to take offence, and Van starts chuckling.
"Don't care what you are love, as long as you're mine."
He leans down to kiss you and you respond, pushing your lips against his. It's a slow, lazy kiss, your tongues entwining and Van's hair tickling your face.
"Gods sake you pair! Get a room would ya!" It's Larry, and he's walking past carrying some of the band's kit, getting set up for the gig.
You pull away and Van smirks over at his best friend. "You're just jealous mate."
Larry shakes his head. "Tell ya what, why don't you put Y/N down for a second and you can help with setting up, eh?"
Van sighs dramatically. "Okay, okay..." Then he turns to you. "Don't go too far alright? I've got something for you before we go on tonight."
"Oh yeah? What's that then?"
"Mmm... well you're my good luck charm aren't ya? Need a quick good luck... erm fuck... before we go out there!"
"Van!" You exclaim, glancing round to check that Larry's no longer in ear-shot. "You're joking aren't you?"
He doesn't say anything, just fixes you with a look which melts your insides with a devilish grin.
* * * * *
It's 8.30pm and the band are due on at 9pm. You're outside having a smoke, chatting to Benji when you hear Van's voice calling your name.
"Y/N! There you are! Been looking for ya everywhere! We're on in half an hour, come on!"
He grasps your hand, pulling you along in his wake whilst you mumble an apology to Benji for dashing off and discard your cigarette butt on the ground, not even having time to extinguish it.
"Hey! What's the rush? Where are we going?" You call to Van, but he doesn't answer, just carries on striding purposefully forward until you come to a stop at a door around the back of the venue.
"Come on love, I've got a surprise for you!" He says mysteriously as he pushes open the door and ducks inside, tugging your hand so you'll follow along.
"But Van..." you protest. "The place is starting to fill up. I won't get a good spot if I don't go in now. You know I love to watch you from the front row."
Van's not listening, he pulls you down a dark corridor and stops in front of a door that bears a sign stating 'Catfish and the Bottlemen'. Silly as it might sound, just the sight of that simple laminated sign fills you with pride. It's not exactly a red carpet reception, but the band barely even get a proper welcome at some venues they've played at previously. He opens the door a few inches and peers inside, mumbling some kind of approval that the room is empty.
"Van, you're not listening to me!" You complain.
"Sorry love! Look... you don't need to worry about that anymore. You can watch from the side of the stage now we're playing these bigger venues."
You consider this for a moment, and the significance of this big step the band are taking suddenly hits you. "This is actually massive you know. Getting this gig. All these people here to see you. Aren't you nervous? I feel nervous for you!"
"A bit," he admits. "That feeling of stepping out on stage... it's like the biggest adrenaline rush. Can feel it now building up." He shakes out his limbs like he's limbering up for exercising and you giggle.
"They're gonna love you."
You're inside the room now and Van leans over and closes the door. You look around and straight away you realise you're in some kind of backstage dressing room. There's mirrors all along one wall where performers can titivate before they go on stage and empty rails where clothing can be hung. Of course for the guys they don't need fancy outfits or props. It's just them and the music.
Van takes your hand and pulls you further into the room, turning you so you can feel the edge of the counter top pressing against your bum. He steps forward until he's inches away, raising his hands and brushing your unruly hair back, tucking it behind your ears.
"I know a good way of getting rid of some nervous energy..." His lips pull up into a mischievous grin which you can't help but mirror.
You know exactly what's on his mind without him saying the words. But the importance of this gig should be at the forefront of his mind, not sneaking around with you like you're a pair of illicit lovers snatching a stolen moment together.
"You're on in twenty five minutes Van! You know what your manager will say if you turn up for stage late."
"Come on... no one relaxes me like you do Y/N... need ya don't I?" He's using that smooth tone that he gets when he's trying to seduce you and boy does it work.
He reaches behind you and sweeps the clutter away that's littering the counter top you're resting against.
"Van..." you protest but you feel your resistance ebbing away as his hands grip your waist and he lifts you effortlessly so you're perching on the surface, on a level with him now.
He licks his lips and then leans in to you, his mouth pressing against yours and you don't resist. He moves his body forward, which pushes your legs apart, his hands coming to rest on your bare thighs where your skirt has ridden up.
"Still wanna go?" He asks, a teasing look in his eye as he dips his head down, lips connecting with your neck.
He starts off planting a small kiss just below your ear, and then another close by, and another, and as he travels down your neck they become sloppier, open-mouthed kisses. His lips make wet, smacking sounds as he hums against your skin.
"Mmm honey... love the way you taste."
You feel a quiet moan emit involuntarily from the back of your throat as you tip your head back to give him better access.
"You're a bad influence Mccann," you murmur.
"The worst!" He agrees, and as if proving a point his hands start to travel up your inner thighs, sending shivers across your skin.
"Mmm... what do we have here..." he whispers, his fingertips meeting the edge of your underwear whilst he moves back to kiss your lips again.
You suck in a breath as his fingertips trail over your panties, locating your sweet spot and starting to caress it through the thin lace. Within minutes you're squirming where you sit, wanting more, pushing your hips forward, your breathing getting shallow.
He carries on as your kisses get deeper, needier, and your desire for him increases. You feel Van's lips curve into a smile as the little sighs you're making become more pronounced.
"What's up baby?" He teases.
"Mmm... I need you," you breathe, and your hips buck forward as if to show him how much.
He glances down, hooking his fingers under the inner edge of your underwear, moving the lace to one side. You gasp as he slides his index finger inside you.
"How's that feel?"
"Mmm..." is all you reply, savouring the feeling as he slowly starts to pump his finger inside you.
You catch his bottom lip in your teeth, your kisses getting rougher, and you find your hands going straight to the buckle of his belt. You can't help yourself. All of a sudden the fact that he's got 2000 people out there waiting for him seems unimportant.
He slides his finger out of you and upwards, coating you in your slickness, moving his fingertips against your clit in small circles. Your legs start trembling immediately and Van pulls away from your kiss to watch you. You feel like throwing your head back and closing your eyes to focus on the sensation but you know Van loves eye contact when he's pleasuring you.
"How about this, hmm?" He whispers, plunging two fingers inside you, moving them at a teasing pace, the pad of his thumb sliding against your sensitive bundle of nerves. All the while his eyes are fixed on you, your gazes locked, which just makes everything seem even more intense.
You're soaked now, you can feel it with every thrust of his fingers, wet and desperate and yearning for your release, the pressure steadily building in your core.
"Fuck Van..." you moan, feeling your face contort in ecstasy as he watches on in awe.
"That's it's baby... come for me..."
And you do. Your climax washes over you in waves, your legs quivering and your mouth falling agape whilst you clench around his fingers. And Van doesn't let up until the last of the shudders wrack your body, wringing every last drop out of your orgasm.
"Never gonna get tired of watching you come," he says, his voice low and husky.
You've completely forgotten about your task of undoing Van's jeans and he picks right up from where you left off, hurriedly tearing the buttons open eagerly.
"What if someone comes in?" You say, glancing towards the door, well aware that there's every possibility that one of the lads, or even worse, the band's manager could come bursting though the door looking for Van at any second.
Van's face cracks into a grin as he pushes his jeans down his hips slightly. "Fuck 'em!"
Then he's burrowing his hands up your skirt again, tugging at your panties which he pulls down your legs, casting them on to the floor.
You slide your hand into his underwear, and he groans softly as you close your fingers around his cock. "We'd better be quick!" You giggle, pulling his erection free.
"Y/N... after seeing you come like that I'm only gonna last a few minutes."
You give him a few purposeful tugs just to see the expression change on his face, loving the way his brow furrows a little and his mouth goes slack. Then he's pushing his hips forward, impatient, and you help him line himself up to push inside you.
You both groan in unison at the delicious sensation as Van enters you, and he's so eager he doesn't wait for you to adjust to the feeling. Straight away he's bucking his hips forward, grasping yours with needy fingers, pulling you as close as possible, thrusting himself into you as deep as he can.
The sex is rough and messy and loud. Your bodies collide, hips clashing, while the sounds of your desperate, ragged breathing and Van's guttural groans fill the air. You cling on to him whilst he buries his head in the crook of your neck, sucking and nipping at your skin.
"I'm gonna... ughhh..." He doesn't even finish his sentence, his body stiffening and then going slack as you feel him come inside you.
Before you've even had a chance to recover there's a loud noise in the corridor outside and you both almost jump out of your skin, pulling apart. Van adjusts his clothing and you jump down from the counter top.
Not a moment too soon, Larry bursts in with a panicked look on his face. "Van! What you playing at? We're all waiting! You're on in five minutes!"
You tug at the hem of your skirt, trying to hide the sticky wetness that's starting to travel down your inner thigh, pressing your legs together, and Van mumbles something about being better late than never whilst he surreptitiously fastens his belt buckle. You both exchange a shifty glance and Larry clocks it.
"Oh god... I know what you pair have been up to. Christ! Shagging in the make-up room! Can't you keep your hands off each other just for a minute?" He shakes his head, exasperated.
"Actually Larry... we weren't doing anything. I was just giving Van a... a pep talk... that's all." You aim for a superior kind of tone to hide your embarrassment, but Larry glances down and you follow his gaze, horrified to see him looking at your panties which were discarded on the floor.
"Fucks sake!" You cry, absolutely mortified, darting forward and snatching them up, balling them into your fist.
The lads fall about laughing hysterically whilst you push past them, shame-faced, making for the ladies.
You hurriedly clean yourself up and race to the side of the stage with only minutes to spare. Your heart starts racing with exhilaration like it does before every show.
Van has his guitar slung over his shoulder and he hurries over to you, seconds before he's due on stage.
"What are you doing? You're supposed to be getting out there. Look at all those people... fuck..."
From where you're standing you can see a sea of faces, all wearing expressions of excited suspense, the steady hum of anticipation building. The atmosphere is electric. But Van's only focussed on you. He leans in, planting a soft lingering kiss on your lips.
"Love you so fucking much, my little good luck charm."
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bby-silver-chariot · 3 years
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Why is it so hard to find this. Like. Okay hear me out. my first thought when I saw rdr2. I was like. "Mmm yes. This. But a mod where it's mccree instead of arthur" And I'm like. There's no way people did not think of this.... And I can't find it. I've looked everywhere google .bing. Pinterest. Tumblr. Deviant art or whatever. Like. Where. Is. It. I. Need. It. How. Have. I. NOT. BEEN. ABLE. TO. FIND. IT. and. I'd probably draw it. If I wasn't lazy. But I'm also shitvb at art. So I'd rather not. But like. How. I'm desperate. (Enjoy these pics of arthur)
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blueberrydoodles · 3 years
Tw for eyes and s/h (if triggers should be added please let me know)
Don't have motivation to start the redraw of the Christmas thingy so take this slightly ventish thing in the meantime
It also gets a little personal, so close friends I wouldn't recommend looking at the description (and maybe the drawing in general) since I don't want to worry anyone. Im ok though I promise so if you do look please dont worry!
Time taken: Just under 6 hours (Specifically 5 hours and 47 minutes)
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"I should be getting better..."
"Why is nothing getting better?!"
Ok but honestly after fighting for this pose for a good while I had so much fun with the coloring! I knew from the start I wanted to do either blue/red or blue/red/purplish or pinkish? (To reference fusion of red and blue. Also to reference the color Tom's eyes change to before he goes all monstery). I ended up going with red and blue, but I guess some bits look slightly more purple??? Idk. But yeah more ventish Tom stuff. Im sorry that the hand/claw/whatever Tom is holding up looks disgusting.
Honestly this takes heavy inspiration from Foxi Boxi's (youtuber) "Overthinking" video. Specifically the part where the character is standing with blue string on there arms/near their feet. I tried to recreate the feeling that frame gave me, as it felt very fitting for what I wanted to do and I related to it a lot (again, it was just my interpretation of that specific part. If what Foxi was trying to do was different, ok)
Oh btw Tom isn't monstery because he's mad I just headcanon generally overwhelming emotions can cause a shift (I think this is just kinda common knowledge in the Eddsworld fandom now??? Like A headcanon so widely accepted that its basically canon???)
I may do more lineless stuff in the future because I actually love the way it looks!
What is this?
Basically its me feeling pressured to stay in touch with the world around me and focus on things like school while trying to keep my mental health in check. I recently get out of a very difficult couple of months and I'm still recovering from the emotions I experienced during that time. I'm generally very closed off and tight lipped about what I'm going through. Especially with my mom, so I feel like she expects a lot from me without knowing its harder for me than she would assume. She thinks I'm just lazy. She was especially hard on me during the months I mentioned before. It was hell on me and I feel into one of the longest lows I've had. I struggled with temptation to return to self harm as a coping mechanism. But I made it through. Like I said, I'm still recovering from it all, and other things have been happening that haven't made things much easier, but I promise I'm trying to be more productive and take care of myself. It can be a bit hard for me to keep up with everything, but I know I shouldn't use my mental health as an excuse to not do anything. I just wish my mom could understand that I try, its just that there are days where I just can't, if that makes sense
Made a version with his lower legs
I think the first one actually looks better though
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hoopdiddies · 5 years
Rashes (J. D imagine)
A/N: I've added a few touches since I got carried away by the fluff @deakysgurl! Thanks for the request! I hope it's good enough.
14 +49. Road accidents + when they're injured
Warnings: Just mentions of a road accident and some rashes and a bucket load of fluff
Word count : 2k+
Xx Masterlist xX
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Here you are, out in the terrace enjoying an egg sandwich in the middle of a heavy, evening downpour– something you ought to question yourself later on. After popping what's left of the sandwich in your mouth, you dust your hands together and make your way back into your room, coming to hear five frantic knocks echo from the front door.
Who could that be in this hour?
"Y/N! Y/N!"
"Please open up! It's us!"
The familiarity of those calls gets you rushing down the steps leading to the door and you hurriedly grapple the knob, swinging the door open to the lads dripping wet from running from the other side of the road in the misty storm with their arms draped around John who appears to be in an utterly bad shape.
"Boys! What happened? Thought you were doing a gig," You assist them in settling John down on one of the couches, paying no mind to the wet mess their soaked clothes are leaving on the tiled floor– and certainly on the couch.
You immediately go by John's side and kneel to check what went wrong. Nothing afflicting his head, that's swell considering the dangers that would have caused him although he's got his forearm and leg wrapped in dressings, hinting that they might have taken him to a hospital to get treated prior to parking at yours.
"He's got nasty road rashes– one running from the side of his left forearm down to the point of his elbow and the other from his knee down to the middle of his leg." Replies Brian who's got his arms crossed at the unfortunate events.
"What happened out there?"
"Motorbike accident. Right after the gig, he rode downtown on one of the sound engineers' bikes to fetch a few parts to fix two of his amps," he kneels down beside you and you tell Freddie and Roger to fetch the first aid kit from one of the cupboards, feeling John's temperature rise with your hand on his moist forehead– he's getting a fever from the rain.
"And?" You get up and settle down beside John, wiping his face free of sweat, combing his damp hair back to calm him down.
"A sudden halt. A man ran recklessly down the pedestrian and caused James to swerve. "
"Bastard," You mutter irritatingly and ask John how he's feeling. So far he's only shaken his head which gives away the obvious. Freddie and Roger return promptly with the kit, a damp cloth and a glass of lukewarm water to ease some heat into John's shivering body.
"Deaky, you'll be fine." Freddie coaxes softly in his ear to alleviate him of his current uneasiness, accidentally nudging his afflicted arm and earning a quick grunt from John. You tell the boys to dry themselves in the bathroom while you take care of him from there.
Some time later after letting him take an antipyretic to reduce his fever and mopping the slippery floor, John insists that the boys go ahead as they have a hectic studio session to push through tomorrow. You've assured them that you'll take care of him and they leave him under your unrelenting watch to which, of course, John cocks a slick eyebrow at in amusement.
Since he's feeling quite under the weather, you'll have to conjure up an activity to keep yourselves entertained through the evening deluge as the night is barely young and neither of you can sleep.
"Want to watch a film?" You crouch carefully between his legs, your elbows propped up on either of his thighs.
"And a cup of tea too, love." He smiles and you rise up to kiss him chastely before heading to the kitchen heat up the kettle.
Halfway through having it whistle, a clap of thunder followed by a power outage seizes all your chances of going through a movie night and you hear John scream briefly from the living room at the sudden spread of darkness.
He's always been that jumpy– and it cracks you up in the slightest.
The kettle whistles and you grab a lamp from under the sink to light up your space as you make John a cup, figuring it would be a hassle if you'd include one for you.
Speed walking to the living room with the lit lamp and his cup in your hands, you worry that he might've jerked his leg and disturbed the wound, rushing to him hastily and panting upon stepping foot into the space.
"John, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Lifting up the lamp to shed some light on him, you find him hugging a throw pillow with his head down, nodding.
He's so vulnerable like this and his position just craves for your hold. A tender smile forms on your lips as you position the lamp next to the couch and the cup on the coffee table within arm's reach.
"I didn't startle you with my fiendish screech, did I?" He looks up at you bashfully through his fluttering lashes, the light spilling from the lamp emphasizing the build of his nose and the refined curves of his lips.
Albeit a little frightened, his soft features outstands the weak shadows cast by them against the low light; giving him a delicate yet fascinatingly heartwarming image that just thaws your heart from the bottom up.
You shake your head and take the space next to him crossing your legs and weaving your fingers with his, brushing your lips over his knuckles. "Nothing's ever fiendish with you, Deaks."
He turns his head to you and smiles back, his lips pressed firm together almost in a pout. "Hmm, thank you for taking care of me. I'm sorry that I had to come home like this. We would've had an easier night, you and me. Don't worry though, a few days and I'll be able to get back out there."
"I'm sure you will and don't be sorry, the important thing is that you're home to spend this gloomy, powerless night with. Besides," you shift in your space and turn your body towards him, the distance between your faces sealing, "despite your rashes, I could use some body heat."
As tempted as you are to do some things with him that don't involve making him scream out bloody murder at the nudge of his dressed rashes, the corner of his lips rise and he shifts closer to you, planting a long kiss on your lips. You giggle into it as he begins chewing on your bottom lip and tugging playfully on it, his hands creeping their way to the back of your neck to draw you in deeper.
"Mmm, John- baby, not tonight. You're badly hurt and with a growing fever." You remind him as you pull away but not far enough to not feel his hot breath fan against your lips.
"You said you needed some body heat."
Your throw your head back in a giggle. "Not in that manner, silly. I'd love to but I don't wanna add to your injuries."
He pouts and his eyes narrow to lazy slits, sighing in defeat. "You're the best kind of medicine for me."
You cock a brow at him. "Yeah?"
"Alright, lover boy. We could go for a quick round but for now," you rest your head carefully on his lap and gaze up at him from that angle, his eyes gleaming in a pale glow against the low light as he peers down at you, his hand tangling itself in your hair, "why don't you sing us a little song to lighten the mood?"
Knowing very well that doing so was never his strong suit, he gives you an implying look yet you softly encourage him to go for it– with you being the only one who's going to enjoy the first-hand privilege. You know he can sing, he just doesn't have the confidence to push it out of him. His talking voice is already soothing, how much more if it were his singing voice?
"Y/N, come on. You know I can't-"
"But I have a fever, as you said."
"You do but you sound fine. When did an injury ever stop you from playing bass?" And you're definitely referring to the time he stuck his hand through a glass window drunk and had to get a few stitches afterwards. He stares down at you as he contemplates on it, drawing a deep breath in to start.
"Tonight the darkness seems so deep and silent stars watch as we sleep. The drifter cross the sky, never stop to wonder why," he has his eyes shut during the first line but as he goes on, his eyes open to you in awe at the sound of him finally singing.
"Million eyes could never weep, she lies dreaming like a child. Here beside me all the while. She'll just dream away, until the break of day and gently wake me with a smile." The touch of his warm palm against your cheek as he loses himself in your eyes as he sings sends you up high in cloud nine. Here you are, hearing his mellifluous singing cut through the sound of the harsh storm, unable to believe that this man is actually yours.
"She makes me laugh. She makes me cry. She brings down and takes me high. She fills my life and makes it real. No matter what she does, she makes me feel." And you are his. The air hangs thin between you both as he swallows upon finishing, just anticipating for your reaction. "Y/N?"
With no words to describe what he's made you feel all over again with his singing, you lift your head up to meet his lips and hook your arms around his neck to haul him in deeper. His skin flushed against yours feels heated, literally and it could be from his high body temperature. He whimpers into your mouth and shuts his eyes as he adjusts himself gingerly to feel you better while avoiding grazing his afflicted arm and leg against a surface.
You break away slowly with barely any breaths slowed down, his smile further radiating as he caresses your cheek lovingly through the temporary darkness enveloping you. "You make me feel."
"God, John... I love you so much."
"I love you too, Y/N."
"And I promise, the mark of your singing will remain sacred in this house." You put your hand up as a sign of swearing and he chuckles softly, brushing his thumb delicately over your cheek. "I honestly sound better when I'm looking at you. You really are my best medicine."
With his attention firmly set on you for the night, there's no way in the world he's going to touch the now cooling tea on the coffee table.
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slitherfromeden · 4 years
shjxd i'm glad you got some sleep! mmm i get that. just one of those days huh. aw that's alright, there's always tomorrow! i'm okay? kind of a dull day, i was planning to draw but i didn't do that jfdhs maybe i'll get around to it maybe i won't. idk feeling lazy. i've been putting off making coffee for hours maybe i should do that first. random question since i don't really have anything to ramble about: describe your dream house! absolutely does not have to be "realistic" at all lol. much love!
yeah it really is ashdfh. afhdhad if you do draw tell me what you do!!! also lazy days are just as valid so do not worry. coffee is a great idea. ohhh i like that question! when i was younger i always wanted to live in this big house that was near my local park, it was white and had turrets and it was so cool and,, still love that house. but nowadays i’ve been feeling more like,,, cottage in the country vibes, you know?? like i do love goth victorian style builds, but i’ve lived in one my whole life and she is LOUD. she loves creaking and the walls are so tall asdhf. so like,, basically,, between a victorian, kinda gothic vibe and a country cottage. like,, i can picture this country cottage so well,,, the kitchen and living room are open plan, and there’s like,, reused crates that have house plants on them, and a window right above the kitchen sink. there’s my instruments in the corner of the living room,,, they look a bit out of place, cause,, electric bass and guitar dont fit with the whole theme but i fuck with that! and there’s a fruit and vegetable garden, maybe i have chickens, who knows, and there’s flowers and ivy and it’s like, just me for miles.
god i used to always say that if all else failed i’d move to the highlands and just. get a farm, get some highland cows, get some sheep and be done with it. absolutely could not be a farmer, it’s too much work, but it’s a nice dream, ya know?? idk. just wanna live my cottagecore dream ahdsfhasdf. what about your dream home? sending love and hugs!
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