#mm: gralex
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if-mirrormine ¡ 1 month ago
closing shift
summary: grayson and alex help teagan close the restaurant for the night.
pairing: gralex x teagan (nb!oc)
word count: 870
hi hello do you remember my follower giveaway? this is for the first winner chosen, @bohemianquacksody, who asked for some fluff with our beloved poly! and of course, the beautiful artwork is done by @somewillwin, who is very talented and you need to check her out because i say so.
"that's the last one!" callie announces with a clap of their hands. after a long day of refilling coffee cups and listening to the idle chatter of patrons, the restaurant is finally and blissfully quiet. they rip off their apron as they make their way over to the counter and throw it at tegan, who just barely manages to catch it. "which means i am out of here!"
"don't cause too much trouble tonight," tegan says, trying and failing to sound stern, a teasing smile shining through and their sibling only rolls their eyes.
"i could say the same thing to you. grayson and alex in one room all night long? try not to burn the place down."
"hey!" grayson says from his place sitting at the counter, his hands raised in defense. "we're capable of getting along."
"yeah, i'm not buying it." callie tuts, shaking their head. "i give it five minutes before the bickering starts." the bright headlights of a car pulling up outside the restaurant suddenly flash across the windows and a bright smile unfolds their face. "that'll be my ride. later losers!"
tegan laughs quietly as their sibling practically skips out the door and into the night, off to whatever party or club they have planned for the night, and they turn their attention to the man sitting in front of them. "speaking of lex, where is she?"
grayson chews on his lip, humming as he glances down at his phone. "she's on her way," he says after a moment. "apparently the buses were delayed."
they snort. "the buses are always delayed. weren't you supposed to pick her up?"
at that he pouts. "i wanted to but she was pulled into an emergency surgery."
smiling at him, they reach over the counter to ruffle his hair, causing a bright red blush to bloom across his cheeks. "you're such a sweetie, gray."
he gives them a shy smile and opens his mouth to reply when they're suddenly cut off by the door opening, the bell overhead announcing the newcomers arrival. "honey's, i'm here!" alex announces, slightly out of breath and her face flushed from the cold outside. her eyes land on the two of them at the counter and a look of amusement twists her features. "you two having fun without me?"
"wouldn't dream of it, babe," tegan grins as they pull back. "now that you are here though, we can get started on clean up duty."
"oh joy," she replies dryly as she begins to shuck off her backpack and her coat. "and here I was worried I'd miss out."
grayson rolls his eyes. "you're being dramatic; it's not that bad."
"no, it's devastating actually." she throws her head back, grimacing, the back of her hand pressed to her forehead. "how ever did I let you to convince me to do this?"
tegan laughs as grayson looks back at them, his face deadpan. "callie was right," he groans.
"qnd yet the night is still young," they reply, amused at their partners. "i'll deal with everything back here, alex on restocking and gray on the floors and seating?"
"sounds like the perfect plan to me," alex beams.
again grayson rolls his eyes. "of course; she can make the mess but god forbid she clean it up."
alex swiftly walks up to him up and presses a chaste kiss to his temple. "now he's getting it."
with the tasks divided amongst them, they get to work, a comfortable silence settling over the restaurant. the time seems to fly as tegan swipes down the counters, grayson sweeps the floors and alex refills serviettes and cutlery. it's nice really, being together even if it's doing something so mundane, and it makes it easier to do.
before long, the restaurant is spotless and their hardwork comes to a satisfying end. grayson and tegan put away the cleaning the supplies while alex stands in the middle of the room, admiring their work with her hands on her hips. "i think we deserve a treat for all of this," she states. "grayson, I trust you have dinner covered?"
he narrows his eyes at her as he goes to stand next to her and she cranes her head back to flash an innocent smile at him. "you’re not funny," he tells her, the same pout from earlier making a reappearance.
"why's tegan laughing then?" she retorts and his eyes snap towards them as they rush to conceal their laughter, a look of betrayal forming on his handsome face.
"et tu, amor?" he turns his eyes away from them, his hand held over his heart.
tegan smiles as they finish pulling on their coat before walking towards them. they put their arms around each of their waists, pulling them close and pressing a kiss to each of their cheeks. "alright, you two," they say as the three of them make for the exit. "i'll handle dinner if you at least pretend like you love each other."
"i don't need to pretend," alex says as she nuzzles into their side.
"neither do I," grayson smiles down at the two of them fondly and together they walk out into the night, all too ready to go home.
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if-mirrormine ¡ 7 months ago
💋 🕵️➕🧑‍⚕️
grayson glares at alex as they reach across the table to snatch a french fry off his plate, though he makes no move to stop them when they do it again. "hey, mc; how many fries do you think i can get away with before gray arrests me?" they look between the two of you, flashing the man in question a toothy grin.
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if-mirrormine ¡ 2 years ago
i'll always be there
summary: alex comforts grayson after mc is brought to the hospital.
pairing: gralex x mc
word count: 1050
(mostly) based on the request: is it possible to have a continuation of the i will always save you drabble that you did for grayson? but this time is the reaction of alex at the hospital, where they see the mc getting wheeled in to the emergency room with grayson at the mc's side.
**unedited\\this is kinda rushed so i hope it as good as the first part**
request a drabble here!
alex is just leaving the paediatric ward when they're interrupted by their pager buzzing at their hip. glancing down at it, they see they're needed in the waiting room, and they arch up an eyebrow at the device as if it holds more answers.
they consider ignoring it for a moment; with their shift ending not ten minutes ago and a long, hot shower waiting for them at home, they're champing at the bit to leave. but then they sigh, hanging their head as they turn on their heels and let their sense of duty guide them back to the waiting room.
the first thing they notice is grayson and the incomprehensible look of sadness on his face, tears building in his blue eyes. the second thing they notice when he throws his arms around them, hugging them so tight it's almost impossible to breathe, is that he's... sopping wet?
“gray,” they squeak out, patting his back in hopes that it'll prompt him to let them go sooner. “what's wrong? tell me what happened.”
he doesn’t speak for a long moment, simply embracing them until his breathing returns to normal and then he slowly pulls away. with red eyes and a face streaked with tears, he utters the words that alex has always dread to hear.
“mc was in a car accident.”
forcing every fibre in their body to keep calm, they take a deep breath and settle their hands on his shoulders to keep him grounded. “how bad is it?”
“i don’t know,” he mumbles, a fresh batch of tears brewing in his eyes. “there were so many doctors and they just- they took them away somewhere and i don’t know what to do -”
“grayson,” they say, interrupting him before he can spiral further. “it’s okay; i'll go see what i can find out. have you called nora?”
at the mention of mc’s mother, his eyes widen and he buries his face in his hands as chastises himself. “merde... jestem taki głupi!”
though taken aback by his mix of languages, they don’t ask any questions, choosing instead to direct him towards a chair. “you call nora and I'll go find them, okay?”
he nods his head, staring vacantly at the smart phone in his hand and after a moment of hesitation, glancing over him in concern, they turn on their feet and rush towards the nurse's station.
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it didn’t take long to find mc, especially not when jessie seeks them out. they keep their face as neutral as possible as they listen to the man describe their condition but, on the inside, a storm is raging.
near-drowning. blunt trauma. internal bleeding. pneumothorax. hypothermia.
jessie explains that he’d been able to put in a chest tube before they were whisked off into surgery by the chief general surgeon. as far as he knew, everything was going according to plan so now it was just a matter of waiting.
they find themself sitting next grayson in the waiting room, changed out of their scrubs and into the sweatpants and tank top they had in their locker. nora and callie have yet to arrive but according to the man next to them, they’re on their way.
they look over at him now. he sits slouched over, with his elbows on his knees and his face buried in his hands. he's still sopping wet and they wonder momentarily if they should’ve grabbed him a towel.
“they’ll be okay, gray,” they say softly, hoping that if they say it with enough conviction that it’ll make it true.
he glances at them with blood shot eyes and heart break written across his face. “you don’t know that,” he mumbles as he looks away from them and down at his hands, twisting his fingers like they remember him doing in school before a big exam. his anxiety is getting the better of him and they wish they knew how to put his mind at ease.
“of course i do,” they tell and they reach over to take his hand, intertwining their fingers, forcing him to look at them once more. “dr. dumont is the best general surgeon in the city; if anyone can save them, it’s her.”
“you’re the only doctor i trust to take care of them,” he grumbles in response, his thumb stroking the back of their hand and even though they think that he does it unconsciously, they can’t help the feeling of warmth that blooms in their chest.
“my, oh my... was that a genuine compliment from grayson donohue?”
he smiles despite himself, shaking his head softly as he glances down at their joined hands. “don’t get to used to it. we don’t like each other, remember?”
they hum and tilt their head to the side, watching him with an amused smile. “and remind me again; why is that?”
he leans back in his seat, seemingly more relaxed than he was moments ago, and rests his head against the wall before looking back at them. “simple,” he says. “you stole the love of my life.”
“excuse you, that’s the love of our life,” they reply. “this is a communist relationship, sir.”
laughing, he squeezes their hand. “right... how could i forget?” silence settles between them and alex can’t help but think, despite the circumstances that brought them here, it feels comfortable sitting next to him. it feels right, as if this what they were always meant to do. the only thing missing is mc.
“you know,” grayson says suddenly, breaking the silence and looking at them with a certain clarity in his eyes. “i don’t not like you.”
they blink in surprise before letting themself smile again. “as soon as mc wakes up, you need to say that again because they’ll never believe me otherwise.”
“głupi,” he mutters as he rolls his eyes playfully. “i’m trying to be real here, lex.”
“sorry, i’ll be nice. start over.”
“nope, the moment's gone. you ruined it; i hope you’re happy.”
“oh, i’m just ecstatic, gray.”
he smiles then, more to himself than them, before it wavers slightly. “and you’re sure they gonna be okay?”
they nod, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze as they shift closer to him to rest their head on his shoulder. “more sure than i’ve ever been .”
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if-mirrormine ¡ 3 months ago
Hi, idk if this has been asked before, but what kind of poly is Gralex? Will Gray and Alex develop feelings for each other or will it be more a V where both only have feelings for MC? Love this if btw, very intrigued to find out what happened to MC <3
everyone loves each other equally boom next question
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if-mirrormine ¡ 1 year ago
Personally I’m VERY excited for when the poly kicks off. Not bc of the romance or whatever (tho there is that) but mainly bc I want to watch grayson and alex each make disgusted faces at themselves in the mirror when they realize they’re in love with THEM
nah only grayson would have an existential crisis, alex finds the whole thing hilarious
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if-mirrormine ¡ 1 year ago
I love that there’s a gralex poly bc it means that in that scenario there’s only two people gray has ever loved: mc and mc’s ex
No but this is so true. My theory is that Gray loves what MC loves like "the hell does MC see in them- oh"
It's like those guys with a crush that get into something just to get close to the person they like but in this case is a whole ass person and Gray fell too.
he would do something like that smh
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if-mirrormine ¡ 1 year ago
I love that there’s a gralex poly bc it means that in that scenario there’s only two people gray has ever loved: mc and mc’s ex
pls why is this so funny 💀
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if-mirrormine ¡ 2 years ago
summary: when grayson has a nightmare and wakes up to the mc gone, he turns to alex.
pairing: gralex x mc
word count: 454
based on the request: gray having a very realistic dream about mc going missing again, woke up to alex beside him but no mc so he panics a little which woke up/alerts alex so they start to comfort him/reassure him mc is fine (mc is actually just in the bathroom or just haven't gone home and still outside or something). idk i just want to know more about gray x alex and what their dynamics are like once in poly
**unedited//this isn't super long or in-depth, more so a peak behind the curtain**
request a drabble here!
grayson startles awake, his stomach in knots and his heart in his throat. the images flash through his mind, the sinking feeling in his chest is still fresh and he has to remind himself that it was just a dream. the mc is fine, they're here, they're safe. he and alex will always keep them safe.
he reaches for them in their usual position in the center of the bed but he inhales sharply when his hands only find fistfuls of cotton sheets. he sits up abruptly, eyes widening as panic sets in. glancing around the dark bedroom, nothing else seems to be out of place and so he turns to the sleeping form on the other side of the bed.
shaking alex awake, he receives a grunt in response. but he doesn't let that deter him.
finally alex rolls over in a huff, glaring up at him with tired eyes. "what?"
"where's mc?" he says quickly, the words tumbling out of his mouth in rush.
they rolls their eyes at him but their annoyed expressions softens into something sympathetic. "they couldn't sleep," they mumble. "i think they're in the kitchen."
grayson takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm down and alex places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "everything's okay," they tell him and he nods along, trying to convince himself that that's true. it's easier to cope, at least, with alex by his side. having someone who understands what it's like to lose them is nice. "just try to go back to sleep."
he glances up at them and shakes his head slightly. not without the mc or the nightmares will come back.
alex heaves a sigh, seemingly understanding why without him saying so. "well... until they come back, you're stuck with me, donohue," they say. "i can either cuddle your or smother you; what's it gonna be?"
gray narrows his eyes at the doctor, suddenly reminded of all the reasons they never got along in school. as much as he loves them, they still find ways to tease and poke fun at him.
with a sigh of his own, he gestures towards them as he sinks back down on the bed. alex grins at him and scoots in close, throwing their arms around as the two of them now take up the space in the middle of the bed.
no more words are spoken between them and alex is quick fall back to sleep, but with the warmth of their body pressed up against him and their soft breathing filling the air, it's all too easy to let himself follow suit.
and by the time mc crawls back into bed, grayson has been lulled into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
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if-mirrormine ¡ 2 years ago
#im kinda now if anyone would care what demetri thinks #because he only knows grayson #he has lost his dad privileges so his opinion doesnt really matter lol
Even if he has lost dad privileges, ngl I'm still curious about his thoughts on the ROs (including the poly) if it's not too spoilery!
demetri likes grayson, he just doesn't think he's a good match for the mc. he finds grayson's inability to tell the mc how he really feels kinda pathetic and he just thinks that mc deserves someone who is unafraid to go after what they want.
unsurprisingly, he thinks alex is perfect for the mc. alex is everything grayson isn't (self assured, brave, carefree) and demetri just has a lot more respect and approval of them.
for similar reasons, he also thinks kennedy is a good match. he wouldn't necessarily get along with her at first, just because she can come across as a bit mean and closed off when first meeting her, but the more he gets to know her, the more he'd like and approve of her.
as for the poly, he has conflicting feelings. he'd be happy that the mc is with alex and less so that they're with grayson.
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if-mirrormine ¡ 2 years ago
Will we get a chance to see Nora and Callie react to the fact that the mc is dating one of the ros in game?? Because I can only imagine the things they’d have to say at least about finding out the mc is finally dating Grayson or is dating Alex again (or, god forbid, their reaction to gralex) (I’d say Kennedy too but idk how well they really know her, so idk if they’d have any particularly strong reaction to that relationship)
definitely! i won't give away too much but their reactions to each would be something like this:
grayson: FINALLY !!
alex: alright
kennedy: good for them
gralex: oh...?
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if-mirrormine ¡ 1 year ago
MC studying medicine and Doctor Alex just makes me think it's two people in uniform and Gray will die (of lust)
he'd literally have a coronary
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if-mirrormine ¡ 1 year ago
Hi! I read that there is a possible poly route for Gray-mc-Alex, and I wanted to ask will it be a triad (everyone romantically involved with everyone) or a V (ROs romantically involved only with MC, but between them there is deep platonic frienship or other dynamics) or we'll be able to choose which one if "V" or a triad?
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if-mirrormine ¡ 1 year ago
been thinking about the poly recently (love them) (think about them always) (thank you for saving us from the do I choose alex or grayson heartbreak) but i can’t help but wonder: in the poly, how much are grayson and alex actually together in the relationship? is the poly a triad where everyone is equally involved with and in love with each other, or more of a V-shaped thing where grayson and alex are both with the mc and, while there’s friendship and care and love between them, their connection isn’t necessarily romantic?
everyone is equally involved i promise!
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if-mirrormine ¡ 2 years ago
Hate to ruin the happy mood, but 'WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DYING FOR?' by Shawn Mendes makes me think a bit of the Gralex and MC route :)
It's my fav song rn, and it's upbeat, but a lil sad if you read the lyrics. Hope ur doing well!!!
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if-mirrormine ¡ 2 years ago
Is there a poly route in this?
i don't even know what that is
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if-mirrormine ¡ 2 years ago
I cannot choose between Alex and Grayson help me help me help me😭
you... don't need to
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