#mm delicious eye grapes of madness
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r-aindr0p · 11 months ago
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Alright to like, the 3 Rollo stans into Elden ring, hear me out : Lord of Frenzied Flame Rollo
His brother died pre-shattering ah has not been revived nor called by grace. So Rollo, tarnished and brought back to the Lands between, seeks revenge on the Golden order and their so-called grace.
-> inherits the frenzied flames from the three fingers and plans to burn everything to chaos once he becomes lord
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littlelioncub43 · 3 years ago
Oh, the thoughts I have for you today 😳
It's summer. I hate summer. You know what makes the summer better? Going to one of the more remote beaches to relax.
So what would you say to that, but in the 40s, in secret (because we don't won't to destroy your reputation), with 40s Bucky who just came back home, burised and battered, but healthy enough to prompt a getaway to forget about everything that's happened?
While we're at it, too, how would it look like, if we wanted to go for original 40s era swimsuit that woud drive our Buckaroo mad?
- P!R
Ok, so this is cute as hell. This is the bathing suit, I had in mind, without the flowers on it tho:
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"Ok, so we've got towels, clothes, sunglasses, hats, umbrella, grape— Bucky Barnes, did you eat all the grapes?" You ask from the passenger side of the car, the picnic basket you'd packed earlier that morning was suspiciously light.
"What?" He played dumb as he lugged the heavier things towards the secluded beach. You could see him hide the pleased smirk behind the umbrella.
"You heard me," you laughed and followed after him over the sand to where he was unfurling the umbrella. He chuckled with you a little before shrugging.
"Never seen a grape before in my life, babydoll," he said smoothly before popping off the buttons of his shirt. Your face heated up when you saw him begin to disrobe, he knew it too and gave you a smug smile. "You gonna turn around and give me some privacy, or are you gonna stare?"
You immediately turned around, muttering a laugh-filled 'sorry.' It was nice to see him like this, all playful and teasing. It's closer to what he used to be like before he left for Europe.
"Alright, I'm done," he said as he placed his neatly folded clothes in the bag. He plopped down on the towel in his deliciously simple black swim trunks, crossed his legs at his ankles while leaning back on his hands. "Your turn."
You chuckled at how he was watching you, his eyes trained on the buttons of your top and the belt of your skirt. You undid the first three buttons of your top, noting the way Bucky's smile gave way into a heated smirk. He wanted to see more, and you knew it.
"Are you gonna turn around and give me some privacy, or are you gonna stare?" You repeated his words with the same playful edge. He hung his head and groaned softly. As much as he wanted to watch, he turned his back to you to give you some privacy. You undressed pretty quickly, folding your clothes and placing them with his. "Ok, I'm finished."
Bucky whipped his head around to catch a look. He can't suppress the gasp that makes its way passed his lips when he sees you. The strapless white one piece was simple, but God, it was far from innocent. His jaw was wide open as he takes in the sexy lines of your body.
"What?" You settle in next to him, biting your lip as he blatantly gawks at you. He swallows thickly and groans when your leg grazes against his.
"You're just..." he doesn't finish his sentence, instead he snakes an arm around you and pulls you closer to him. "This swimsuit new?"
"I've had it for a while," you shiver at his deeper voice, the one he uses when he's feeling sweet. Your thoughts are cut short when his lips graze the slope of your shoulder. "You've seen a woman in a swimsuit, Buck."
"Mm but they didn't look anything like you, Babydoll," he presses a kiss to your junxture of your neck and shoulder.
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I no longer have a taglist, if you wish to stay up-to-date with when I post, follow @littlelioncub-library 💖
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feyre-archerons-scrapbook · 8 years ago
Broken Wings & Mended Hearts - Chapter 5
A Nesta x Cassian Fic (Nesta’s POV) Chapter 5/?
Another chapter ready! This is was a lot of fun to write, and oh my, I adore writing Nesta and Cassian.
This story takes place after the events of ACOMAF, and revolves around probably my favourite pairing; Cassian, my beautiful Illyrian warrior, and Nesta, now High Fae herself.
Previous chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
I couldn’t help it; I laughed and laughed. This warrior, centuries old, who had spent most of that time fighting bloody battles, was acting like a child who’d never seen snow fall before. His eyes were wide and bright as he approached the deep oak counter tops, where plates of half-eaten meats and cheeses sat, just crying out for this hungry male to devour. He dug in with his fingers, like a ravenous wolf, tearing strips of roasted meat off the bone and shovelling it into his mouth, all the while grinning at me.
“You’re a fool, Cassian,” I giggled when he beckoned me over, his mouth now full of buttery pastry that he'd grabbed from a large silver platter on another counter. “Have they not been feeding you?”
He shook his head and tried to speak, sending crumbs of pastry flying. I frowned in mild disgust, and he held up a finger, forcing the food down his throat. “I simply couldn’t eat a thing, without my dear Nesta around to lift my spirits.”
I slapped my hand against my forehead and laughed, “Oh good grief.”
He gave a hearty laugh in return and pointed at the feast, “Come on, eat!”
I folded my arms in front of me, suddenly unsure. “I’m all right, thank you.”
He tipped his head to one side, chewing on a chunk of ham, and stared at me. He squinted and froze, like he was pondering something.
I pulled my shoulders back, trying in vain to prop up the walls of protection that surrounded me, but there was no point, not really. Cassian had done what no other person had ever done; he’d seen me; I mean really seen me. That day at our manor house, when he’d answered back to me, calling out my selfishness when it came to looking after my family, my stubbornness…that’s when the walls had begun to crumble.
I had known in that moment, that he and I would share something special. I knew we would laugh together, cry together. And ever since then, whenever I locked eyes on this Illyrian, I absorbed more of his darkness, his charm, and I fell further.
And now those hazel eyes looked right through me.
He ripped a leg from a roast chicken and walked towards me, holding it up in front of him. Another giggle burst from my lips, when he stopped a foot away and rocked it, side to side, sending succulent aromas wafting toward my nostrils.
“It’s really delicious, Nesta, you won’t be sorry you tried it.”
“It looks greasy.”
“It’s juicy.”
“I’ll take your word on that, thank you.”
He dropped his shoulders and pouted. “Don’t force me to eat all of this food by myself, because…I will.”
“Oh, I’m sure you will.”
The chicken did look delicious; he wasn’t lying about that. And try as I might, I couldn’t stop my tongue from running across my lips. That just made him smile wickedly at me, like he was a magician and I was falling for his ludicrous trick.
“It must be hours and hours since you ate,” he grinned, “And I can just imagine you, gazing at that fireplace, yearning for your beloved Cassian. Unable to eat, unable to drink -”
“All right, give me it,” I interrupted, snatching the chicken leg from his hand to shut him up. I bit into it and, oh my, it was possibly the best thing I’d ever eaten. I groaned in delight, savouring the flavours.
“Juicy,” he nodded.
I couldn’t reply, only nod and grunt. I didn’t realise just how hungry I had been until this moment, and now I was going to get every last morsel off this bone.  
Cassian laughed again, and began poring over the mountains of food again, this time making a beeline for the cheeses. Large blocks of the stuff - milky white, orange, blue-veined - were stacked in a ramshackle fashion, with only the very tips of the corners missing. Someone not very hungry had picked at them. I knew immediately that I would detest this person.
He grabbed a knife and sliced a huge wedge of the tastiest looking one, took a bite, and turned back to see me just polishing off my second chicken leg.
“Want some?” he asked.
“Mm hmm,” I nodded with great enthusiasm, my mouth full.
He cut me a smaller piece, though it was still larger than I would’ve ever done for myself, and handed it to me.
“Thank you,” I smiled, as I dropped the clean bone onto a plate and took a bite of cheese. Delicious. Everything was. I stepped further into the feast and began searching through my options.
There were fruits in every vivid colour imaginable, tarts and miniature pies with sweet and savoury fillings that smelled incredible, a whole salmon, and a four-tiered cake covered in cream, chocolate, flaked almonds, and cherries.
“Was there some kind of function tonight?” I asked, as I spotted some salted crackers hiding behind the pastry platter and scooped up a handful.
Cassian nodded, “Rhys and Mor were hosting the Court of Nightmares, bringing them up to speed on the events in Hybern.”
“The Court of…Nightmares?” I shuddered. “They don’t sound like the type that would appreciate a feast like this, in my mind.”
“No, they don’t, and they don’t deserve it either, but Rhys likes to indulge them. His relentless hospitality drives Keir mad.”
I walked past him as he smeared some kind of chutney on the cheese and took another bite of it. “Who’s Keir?”
He watched me sit on one of the counter tops, my legs swinging back and forth as I wolfed down a cracker in two bites. “He’s Mor’s father; head of the Court of Nightmares, Rhys’s uncle, and a bastard of the highest order.”
“Oh, I see.” I frowned. His face had changed, transformed into something dangerous and dark. He curled his hands into fists and turned around, placing them wide apart on the counter as his nostrils flared. “Are you all right?”
“Yes…yes I’m fine, I just…” he shook his head, “I can’t stand him.”
I rolled my lips and nodded once, my silent way of telling him I wouldn’t push any further, wouldn’t pry, to which he smiled.
We ate in silence for a while, but it didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable. I was surprised by how quickly I was growing accustomed to being around him, and I didn’t feel the need to try and build those walls back up.
Finally, he took one last bite of food and licked his fingers, “Mm! Delicious!”
I chuckled and wiped my hands on a dark blue napkin to my right, then returned my focus to him. “What now?”
“Now? We keep explor -”
“There you two are,” said a silky voice from behind me.
Cassian smiled and I looked over my shoulder to see Rhysand leaning against the doorway, his arms folded.  
“Have they gone?” Cassian asked, stepping backwards to another counter and settling against it.
I turned to see Rhysand nod. “Yes, a few minutes ago.”
Cassian didn’t say anything, but bobbed his head slowly in acknowledgement.
“It’s good to see you on your feet again, my friend,” Rhysand smiled, changing the subject, and then turning his attention to me, “Thank you.”
I stuttered, waving a hand in front of my body, “Oh, I…I didn’t do anyth -”
Rhysand wrinkled his nose and walked into the room, coming to a stop a few feet from me. “Well, whatever the cause of this development, I’m pleased to see he’s out of bed. I need my General back to his best.”
“He’ll get there; I’ll make sure of it.”
The High Lord smiled. “I appreciate your conviction.” He glanced at the food around us, and the bare chicken bones by my side, and smirked. “So, who’s idea was the midnight feast, then?”
“Nesta’s,” Cassian replied immediately. I scoffed and turned to glare at him. He winked, then threw a grape into his mouth and grinned, “She dragged me from my bed and brought me down here. I tried to stop her, but she is very stubborn.”
I scoffed again. “You little liar.”
“Little?!” he gasped.
“That’s what I said.”
“I’m many things, Nesta Archeron,” he said, stalking towards me, “But little, I am not.”
“Hmm,” I said, raising my eyebrows.
A cough stopped me from responding. It was probably a good thing. “As entertaining as this courtship dance is,” Rhysand smirked, and looked to me, “Elain has been asking after you.”
“Oh.” I slid off the counter top and dusted the salty cracker crumbs from my hands, and smoothed out my clothes. My words came out a little more severe than I had expected, “Where is she?”
“She’s upstairs with Mor and Amren,” he replied, his voice calm, soothing, “They’re keeping her entertained. Would you care to follow me? I think it’s time we discussed the changes in your lives.”
I gave a short nod and glanced behind me at Cassian. “Are you coming?”
“Yes.” He stood up straight and stumbled slightly, as sharp pains shot across his wings. He grasped the cabinets and steadied himself.
I rushed towards him and opened my arms, ready to assist if necessary. “Cassian, are y -”
He held his hand up to silence me and winced.
It was like being jolted awake from a pleasant dream. The last hour had been fun, talking about unimportant things, and laughing…so much laughing. I had forgotten all about his injuries. Even though his broken wings had been completely visible, I had been so distracted, so momentarily happy…
“I’m all right, Nesta,” he whispered, seeing the sad expression on my face. “Just sore, bruised…”
“He’s got a lot of healing left to do,” Rhysand chipped in, “It’s not going to be instant.”
“Exactly,” Cassian replied.
Both males were looking at me now, and I realised for the first time just how tall they both were, how dark their hair was, how tanned their skin was, and found myself feeling a little better. Cassian was standing up straight, again, his face free from pain, and Rhysand didn’t look worried, so why should I? Because you always worry.
“Let’s go,” I said, and so we did.
Walking into one of the vast living spaces one floor up, I knew this was the place I had been so desperate to enter earlier on; the place where the conversation had sounded light and fun. The candelabras and chandeliers were all topped with gently swaying flickers of flame; bright and inviting against the night that encroached from the glass doors beyond. The walls were silver, and covered in more paintings of night time, stars, and moons, and large, imposing pieces of dark wood furniture stood below. In the middle of the room, a huge circular arrangement of comfortable chairs, scattered with throws and pillows, greeted us. Sat sinking into the soft cushions were Elain, Mor, and the woman I assumed must be Amren.
Whilst my sister and Mor sat with their backs to us, deep in conversation, she looked at us, or more specifically me, with a sideways glance past her dark hair and long eyelashes. I knew what she was doing. I’d never met her before but I knew. As I strode across the vast cool stone floor, trying to appear relaxed as my fingertips twitched, desperate to hold onto something for safety, it was clear that she was sizing me up. There was no doubt she’d been told the stories of my attitude.  
“Nesta!” my sister yelled, leaping from her chair and running over to me.
“Dear sister,” I sighed as she pulled me into a hug and squeezed. I smelled her hair. I was definitely home, now.  
“Hello,” she smiled at Cassian when we parted.
“Nice to see you again, Elain,” he replied, returning her warm gesture. “How are you?”
“Oh Cassian, I should be asking you that question.”
He waved her off. “I’ll live.”
She giggled and took my hand, pulling me towards the cluster of chairs. “Come and sit. We have so much to discuss.”
I waved at Mor, who did the same in return, her smile warm and friendly. She really was stunning, but I had a strange sense of impending doom when I looked at her for too long, so I tore my eyes away.
“Before we do that,” Rhysand interrupted, and extended his palm in the direction of the mysteriously beautiful woman. “Let me introduce you to Amren, my second in command.”
“Hello,” she said, moving her eyes up and down my body as she sat with one leg crossed lazily over the other.
“Hello,” I replied, copying her eye movements. A grin tugged at one corner of her mouth. Had I just entered myself into a challenge?
“Please, ladies,” the High Lord said with such sarcasm, “Save some of this sparkling conversation for later.”
We stared at each other.
“About time you climbed out of that bed,” a voice travelled from the far corner of the room. Azriel. I hadn’t even known he was there.
A broad smile immediately spread on Cassian’s face and they walked towards each other, embracing as best they could without Cassian’s wings being touched.
“What can I say? I was waiting for my champion to rescue me,” he laughed and winked in my direction.
I felt my cheeks flush.
“How about you? How are the injuries?”
Azriel shrugged and pointed at Mor, “Taken care of.”
“Good to hear it.”
Elain grabbed my hand and tugged it down, and my eyes followed. She patted the cushion next to her and whispered, “Sit.”
“Well, now that we’re all here -”
Cassian held up his hand, as Azriel handed him a large glass of some kind of alcohol. “Sorry Rhys, but before we talk about anything else, what did Keir say?” I saw his eyes flash in Mor’s direction, and her shoulders raised and lowered before tensing up.
Rhysand clasped his hands behind his back and licked his lips, “He wasn’t much help. Says he and his court don’t want the hassle.”
“Bullshit,” Cassian huffed, “He’s keeping his options open, isn’t he?”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from him.”
“And I hope you told him to remember who is High Lord of this Court?”
Elain and I switched our attention back and forth, as if watching two people hitting a ball to each other.
“We need diplomacy right now, Cas.”
“We need to fight, Rhys.”
The High Lord sighed loudly, and scratched the side of his nose. “We don’t have the resources ready yet.”
“So, when do I start my training?” I spoke up, my voice strong and defiant. All of the people in the room turned to look at me. Amren laughed lightly under her breath, and began running her dark purple fingernails along a string of beads around her neck.
“Nesta,” Elain breathed. I glanced at her as she shook her head, her fingertips curling around my bare arm. I scowled and then I spotted that damned jacket tucked away safely beside her. She probably hadn’t let that thing out of her sight since we arrived.
“Do you want to train?” Rhysand asked, sincerely.
“Of course I do,” I snapped, wrenching my head round to stare at him. His eyes grew wide. It seemed as if my walls had fallen for Cassian, but Rhysand still stood staring up at the battlements.
I held out my long, slender arms, and fingers, and looked down at myself. “I’m no longer mortal, so I can train, I can fight. I have power, don’t I?”
Rhysand nodded. “If my hunch is correct, you have a lot.”
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