#mlm-wlw hostility
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I'm back on my Heaven Will Be Mine brainrot so when I remembered this meme exists I knew I had to draw it as Saturn and Mercury
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rookdaw · 6 months
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thefirstknife · 22 days
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They're destroying him live in 4k help
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magpie-trinkets · 2 months
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unexpected encounter at the movie premiere
Transcript of the conversation below:
Edgeworth: What are you doing here, Franziska?
Franziska: The same as you, you fool.
Edgeworth: I didn't know you liked the Steel Samurai.
Franziska: I don't. I have memorised the fan-wiki for this date.
Edgeworth: Oh? Going for the perfect date, I see.
Franziska: Of course. What about you and Phoenix Wright? Did you drag him here?
Edgeworth: He came willingly- and he has media literacy, although he tries to hide it.
Franziska: Hmph. Then, wanna test how prepared we both came for this movie? Did you do your homework, Miles Edgeworth?
Edgeworth: That's hilarious. Unlike yourself, I have actually watched every episode and have followed the series since its debut.
Franziska: You won't win against me, Miles Edgeworth. I checked my sources and discussed motifs in anonymous forums. My knowledge is perfect.
Edgeworth: Nothing beats first-hand experience, but I'll humor you. Prepare to lose, Franziska.
Both: Bring it.
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erros429 · 21 days
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them pointing at each other
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inumakkin · 1 year
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These are much easier to make than drawing
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feketeribizli · 6 months
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first post of 2024 is cars posting 🫡
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pomporri · 3 months
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i'm so jetlagged rn 🛬 so you get tiktok sketches
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herdingnerfs · 1 year
Bo-Katan, on a throne, looking menacing and gay: MY MORTAL ENEMY, DIN DJARIN, WIELDER OF THE DARKSABER
Din, a mess, just picked his son up from boarding school and immediately got scammed by a mechanic: hi again, can u pls help me with directions
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dizzybizz · 5 months
the game dialogue:
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the dialogue in my head:
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cruelgay · 2 years
a psychological battle i’d pay to see
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silverliing · 11 months
inspired by @foodiewithdahoodie’s post. miwi meets millow 🥺💕
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bonus after the cut -> -> ->
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meteortrails · 5 months
luffy had to meet zoro and nami first. they’re the fundamental foundation he needed to build a crew - once he has them, the rest must follow. zoro comes first, bc whatever souls are made of his and luffy’s are the same, and luffy needed someone to watch his back. someone who understood him, someone unwaveringly devoted who he doesn’t need to worry about protecting. and of course nami comes next, to cover their blind spots and turn their goals into tangible reality and keep them on course. she’s the pragmatism and the compass they needed to really get going, the other side of luffy’s coin. do you see it yet?? everyone on the crew is just as vitally important to luffy’s success, but zoro and nami were always going to be first. I’m shaking you by the shoulders they Had To Be First
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same-name-supremacy · 7 months
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I caved and made Disventure Camp fanart.
That is all
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crowleycorvid · 22 days
You understand
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zelluna · 1 year
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revali is unfortunately goin in the bin 😔
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