#mlle fahrenheit
kelstitch · 5 years
3, 13, and 14!
Alice! Lovely to hear from you again! 💗
3. Favourite candle scent?
It’s a scent from Bath and Body Works called Sea Island Cotton! It’s my all time favourite and I miss having candles since I can’t use them in my apartment rip
13. Favourite comfort food?
Pasta mixed in with melted brown butter and cheese.
14. Favourite feel good show?
Keep Your Hands off of Eizouken! It’s become one of my fave anime this year since it has a great energy in it’s animation, visuals, and writing. The three main characters are all loveable in their own ways I adore! 🥰
Plus it’s been a great motivator for me to work hard on my webcomic in it’s pre production and be proud of the effort that is put into it.
Thank you for the great ask Alice! 😘
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idiopathicsmile · 5 years
mlle-fahrenheit replied to your post: hey friends congrats on getting through another...
my dog, lucy! been taking her for extra walks since the weather’s been so nice recently, and my friend and I took her to Starbucks for a pup cup this morning!
that sounds super pleasant! (does starbucks do special offerings for dogs?)
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i'm so, so sorry hon, that's heartbreaking!!! wishing you and your family strength & comfort during this difficult time
Thank you, my friend...It’s difficult to describe how much I really appreciate it right now
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alicedrawslesmis · 5 years
mlle-fahrenheit replied to your post “I just did three les mis quizzes and in one of them I got? Feuilly?...”
where's the link to those quizzes op ��
I can't find the original post but Pilf just compiled them here
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hairup-squareup · 3 years
Cupid’s Kiss| Chapter 1: A French Phenomenon
Title: Cupid’s Kiss
Summary: True love is something hard to find. That’s why at Cupid’s Kiss Matchmaking they strive to find you your soulmate and get you your happily ever after, no matter the cost is.
Word count: ~3.3k (this chapter)/~3.3k the whole book
Ships: HallDoll (Jaida Essence Hall/Nicky Doll), Gottlux (GottMik/Olivia Lux), CrystalAvalon (Symone/Gigi Goode/Crystal Methyd), Jankie (Jackie Cox/Jan sport), Rosenali (Rose/ Denali Foxx)
Tw: mentions of death, divorce and rehab
  “Welcome to New York City, The current time is 1:32 am, and the temperature is 19 degrees Celsius for my Europeans on the flight and 66 Fahrenheit for my Americans. Maybe one day you’ll smarten up and use Celsius like the rest of the world.” This sarcastic response from the pilot brought a chuckle and smile to Nicky’s face, as she packed up her sketchbook into her carry-on. With a sigh, she sat back waiting for the rest of the plane to disembark.
  “Is she ever going to get off the fucking plane!” Mik rested his head on the handrail, pouting like some little kid. He kept watching as person after person left the arrivals gate and reconnected with their people. WHY WAS NICKY TAKING FOREVER?!
  “Well so you don’t die of boredom Mik, She just arrived at security.” Brooke looked up from her phone at the young boy sitting in front of her on the ground. She let out a soft laugh before sitting down beside him, “ Raja and Liv are probably on their way back with coffees.” Brooke smiled as she spun the young boy’s hair in her fingers. 
  “Why did I have to come again? I am an adult.” Mik huffed as he looked the Canadian in the eyes. Brooke gave him a slight shove before standing up and going back to the bench she was on, Mik following a few steps behind.
  “Because last time Raja and I went to go pick up an associate, We came back to the office a wreck and you and Olivia half-naked.” Brooke didn’t look up from the email she was writing. Mik opened his mouth to go say something but closed it realizing that Brooke had a point. Though he did love his girlfriend a lot, the two just had miraculous bad timing. 
  And Speaking of said girlfriend coming around the corner emerged the perky auburn-haired girl Brooke had mentioned, along with Brooke’s tired silver-haired business partner. Raja smirked handing Brooke one of the two coffees in her hand. “Remind me not to let you bring people in from out of the country again.”
  “Didn’t you tell Manila that when she put my name on the table?”
  “Yes, But you weren’t over seven hours away. Plus I brought you on as a replacement when Manila left anyways.” Raja smirked looking at Brooke, who was still focused on her phone. “As well as the fact you are so much better at the finance stuff than me.”
  This caused Brooke to look up from her phone, kind of puzzled. “That’s because I am one of the few people you’ve hired that can actually do fucking math. If you didn’t have me you would probably be running around hooking people up for fucking free Raja.” She smacked the older woman’s chest as she let out a chuckle.
  “I’ve offered to hook you up multiple times.” Raja smiled as she took a sip of her coffee “I have a 100% success rate, and I can find you the perfect girl. I mean look at the two down here.” She motioned to the two making out in front of them. Brooke broke out laughing at the two younger adults in front of her hitting Mik on the back of the head. This didn’t stop the two from making out, it just caused Mik to flip off Brooke.
  “Madame Hytes?” a voice came from the entrance of arrivals causing all four to turn their heads to face the arrival’s gate. Standing there was a blonde thin girl with a bright red shoulder bag tossed over her shoulder. Brooke smiled as she went over to her friend and smiled as she wrapped her arms around the French girl in front of her.
  “Mlle Nicky Doll, je suis content que votre vol se soit bien passé. (Ms. Nicky doll, I am happy your flight was safe.)” Brooke smiled as she took her friend’s hand. The two exchanged a laugh before Nicky handed her suitcase to Brooke.
  “Brooke, dois-je parler la langue de merde (Brooke, do I need to speak the shit language)” Nicky stopped before turning to her friend, who was currently trying to stop herself from laughing too much. She just kept looking at all the people passing her as Brooke was leaning on the suitcase. “Brooke?”
  “Yes. Yes. Nicky, you’ll need to speak English. I am the only one who knows french.” Brooke barely got out before taking a few moments to regain her breath. She adjusted herself turning to Nicky giving her the nod that she was all good to go, linking hands with the French model. Nicky nodded kinda shy to meet the other three at the bench, but willing to follow her friend’s lead. Brooke leaned over right before they reached the trio at the bench and whispered “The younger ones have a lot of energy I’d like to warn you on that.”
  Nicky nodded in response as both Mik and Olivia rushed u like eager puppies to her, they both seemed speechless. “You look amazing!” Olivia’s eyes were like stars at the sight of Nicky, who just smiled and nodded, giving awkward glances back at Brooke.
  “Guys, This is my friend Nicky Doll from Paris. She’s going to be here to help you all out with the love scene.” Brooke smiled at the trio as she stepped aside to showcase her friend.
  “Bonjour. Thank you all for having me, I’ll be happy to work with you all.” Nicky smiled at the group. Raja stepped out from the group to stand in front of Nicky and taking a look at her new hire up and down.
  “Well, Ms. Doll. We are happy to have you join the cupid’s kiss matchmaking family” Raja smiled as she opened her arms to the French model in front of her. A genuine smile appeared on Nicky’s face as she hugged the older woman tight. For once she felt like she belonged.
  The next morning came like a bullet train. No one in the office was prepared to come into work. “Man people are getting desperate, how can we find matches for some of these?” Gigi entered the office looking at a folder in her hands before sitting down at her desk, sprawling the open folder across her keyboard. “I mean Symone, come take a look at this one.” She motioned for Symone to come and join her at her desk.
  Symone pulled her coffee mug out from under the machine and took her time heading to her childhood best friend’s desk. “Crystal Methyd, what kinda name is that?” Symone chuckled as she rested her chin on Gigi’s head. She flipped through the folder or at least tried to, stumbling on a photo of this said culprit. “No!” Her hand flew to cover her mouth at the sight before her.
  “SHE HAS A MULLET!” Gigi’s jaw was touching the floor at this sight of an androgynous being with a full El DeBarge still mullet giving a quirky smile. Gigi looked the photo up and down. “ I mean they are kinda cute.”
  Symone stopped for a second before looking at her friend, trying to comprehend what she just said, “Gi, you are not falling for the person with the mullet. Are you?”
  “No! I just said they were cute! It’s like the comment you made about Joey last month!”
  “Everyone thought that twink was cute! Well everyone except you, but that’s ‘cause you’re a femme who’s not attracted to other twinks.”
  With that comment, Gigi took the folder and whacked her friend in the stomach. Causing Symone to laugh as she walked away back to the staff room.
  Jaida looked at the other girl as she entered the staff room. “Gigi simping for a client?” She chuckled, handing Symone a sugar packet.  Symone gave a slight sigh before pouring said sugar packet into her coffee.
  “It was going to happen to the best of us. It always does” She smiled looking at the young girl at the desk through the giant glass window. Gigi was still going through the file and seeing if she could find anything on Crystal Methyd. This caused the two in the staff room to simultaneously take sips of their coffee, with soft smiles emerging. “Speaking of love, how are you and-”
  “Rock? Didn’t work out. She moved back to San Francisco for work and we both agreed a long-distance relationship wouldn’t be the best for our mental health.  We both agreed to stay friends though!” Jaida smiled at her friend who put a hand on her shoulder.
  “Shall I start adopting you a cat? So you can start your long life as a crazy cat lady?” this exact comment is what made Jaida leave the staff room and go start heading to work.
  Symone chugged the last of her coffee before sitting down at her desk and logging in on her computer. As much as she loved working at a matchmaking office, helping people get their happily ever after, it kinda made her see how lonely she truly is.  Maybe she should put her application in to find someone, that could easily be a solution.
  “Head in the clouds hun?” The sweet voice of Olivia Lux whistled through Symone’s ears breaking her trance. She turned to face her coworker, a smirk on her face as she was met with a naïve joyful smile. “Mik and I picked up donuts before work and I just wanted to offer you one.” Olivia stuck the pink box in her hand out to Symone. 
  Maybe a donut will help clear her head, She smiled as she grabbed a Boston crème out of the box. “Thanks, Liv, I don’t know how you can stay so happy all the time.” Symone chuckled as she took a bite of the donut, turning her focus back up to the girl in front of her.
  “Well I know it’s the fact we’ve got someone new joining the team today.” This exact comment is what caused Symone to almost choke on her donut, as well as catching the attention of the whole office. Everyone flocked to Symone’s desk like a bunch of seagulls around a piece of bread.
  “Someone new?” Jackie emerged from her executive office, approaching the small group that’s now crowded around Symone’s desk “Raja didn’t say anything about someone new.”
  “Well, Raja, Mik, Brooke, and I picked her up from the airport last night or this morning. Time is very confusing.”  Olivia looked around at everyone surrounding her. “Donut?” She lifted the box, offering it to those around her.
  Everyone started whispering about the new hire; it was rare to get a new hire at Cupid’s Kiss, so everyone was naturally curious. Olivia turned to Mik, who gave her an encouraging thumbs-up. “All I know is her name is Nicky and she’s from France.” 
  “She’s like a model, some friend of Brooke,” Mik spoke up to be the focus off of his girlfriend. 
  “Who’s a model? Cause I don’t remember paying you all to stand around to chat about some model” A voice came from the back of the group causing almost everyone to jump facing the owner of Cupid’s Kiss, Raja Gemini. “Come on guys, we’ve got happily ever after's to make.” She laughed as everyone dispersed from Symone’s desk to their desks or the staff room.
  “Nicky, we’ll be late.” Brooke reapplied her red lip as she watched the other girl stumble out of the other bathroom in her apartment. She sighed before adjusting Nicky’s cardigan. “I told you that you didn’t have to dress fancy.” 
  “Yes, you did. But I want to make a good impression.” She looked up at the Canadian before reaching over her grabbing the car keys from behind Brooke. Nicky quickly spun around as she left the apartment “come on, I’m driving.”
  “In hell, you aren’t!” Brooke chased after her friend. “You don’t even have your American driver’s license. I’m driving Salope.” She laughed as she motioned for her friend to drop her keys in her hands.
  Reluctantly Nicky hands the jeep’s keys back to Brooke. “I’m surprised you have yours, Chienne.” She huffed as the two entered the elevator.
  “I came here after we graduated from Visages. Worked with the New York City Ballet for three years, that’s where I met Sahara. Then we had an accident in the theatre, which crushed my ankle. And then Sahara’s ex-fiancé got me this job.” Brooke’s tone was kinda embarrassed and serious. She never really felt comfortable talking about ballet with anyone except Nicky, who noticed the posture shift. “ A lot of people died…. I got out lucky. I miss Sahara, I miss Kennedy, I miss all the girls.” 
  The rest of the elevator ride was dead silent. Nicky didn’t know how to respond, she just put a hand on Brooke’s shoulder. “But you’ve got me. And that’s not changing, I promise.” Brooke gave a soft smile to her friend, Nicky surprisingly knew what to say to make her feel better.
  She chuckled as Nicky squeezed her hand letting her know it was okay. “That comment isn’t going to get me to allow you to drive my car.” She laughed as they entered the parkade 
  “Va te faire foutre, connasse (Fuck you, bitch)” Nicky smiled as she flipped Brooke off, chasing her to the jeep.
  “You know you Europeans drive on the wrong side of the road!”
  “And? You Americans use the wrong temperature.”
  “I’m Canadian!”
  “You are living in America, so you are American.” Nicky laughed as she watched Brooke start to drive the jeep out of the parkade. She hadn’t felt this relaxed in years, her best friend made her feel like that. 
  The car ride was interesting, definitely not like Paris. Very much a slower and angrier drive, Brooke cursed the taxis around them at least ten times in the first five minutes they were on the road. When Nicky said the car ride was slower than Paris, she meant as slow as a snail in molasses in -40 degrees temperatures. 
  So when traffic came to the 4th stall in ten minutes, she thought it would be a good spot to ask Brooke something. And to possibly stop Brooke from ramming the taxi in front of them. “Brooke?”
  Trying to hide her obvious road rage, Brooke slapped a smile on before turning to her friend in the passenger seat. “Yes, my dear?” Her tone was though still sweet, was still filled with anger.
  “Do you think the others will like me?” This question almost made her laugh. Was Nicky serious? Of course, the others would like her, this group was the most accepting group Brooke knew. She knew for certain they’d like her.
  “Ms. Nicolette Doll,” Nicky cringed at the use of her full first name. Brooke knew only to use it when she was either mad at Nicky or teasing Nicky. “You are a gorgeous French model with a heart of fucking gold. you wish for everyone you meet to succeed, even if you have a fucking hard shell. Trust me, they’ll love you.” She smiled as she cupped Nicky’s face “I mean look at Liv and Mik, they adored you when they first saw you. Hell Raja even let me fly you in just so you could work with us. So if anyone has an issue with you, they can suck my ice-cold Canadian ass.”
  Nicky was almost brought to tears, with how protective her friend was. The words of confidence resonated with her, as a soft smile fell on her face. She was kind of a loss of words so she just squeezed Brooke’s hand, letting her know thank you. Brooke understood the sign and gave a soft squeeze back, “now I gotta make a call, looks like we’re going to be running late because SOMEONE DRIVES SLOWER THAN A MOOSE IN -40 DEGREES IN NUNAVUT!” And with that Brooke went back to cursing out traffic.
  “Look if we can get the mom in rehab before the trial next month it’ll look like she’s willing to fix herself without any court-mandated therapy.” Lagoona huffed as she tossed two files on her legal partners’ desks. Jan stopped spinning in her to get a look at the papers, she looked up at Lagoona slightly confused.
  “You think she’ll willingly do that?” Jan asked as she flipped through the file, she was meant with a shrug in return. Lagoona was about to open her mouth before she was cut off.
  “It’s the only way she’ll get any form of  fucking custody over the kids.” Rosé said as she entered the main office three coffees in hand, passing them out to the other two girls before sitting down at her desk. “Jan, you’re still in contact with Brita?” She asked with a tone as if she already knew the answer. The brunette nodded still slightly confused, looking between the blonde and redhead.
  “Good, give her a call. I’m sure she and Ms. Widow should be able to take the mom.” Lagoona nodded before starting to type a number in her desk phone as well, “I’ll call the mom. See if she can come down so we can explain the situation. Rosie-“ 
  “I’ll get the paperwork done as usual.” Rosé smiled as she cut her friend off giving a small salute to her friend across the room. The three shared a nod before splitting up to do their separate tasks. 
  Rosé knew the routine, get the paperwork ready for when the client agreed. She had it down to a science at this point, she could almost get it done in 2 minutes, depending on if the printer wanted to jam or not. She quickly logged into the computer and had the file selected ready to click print till her phone scared the shit out of her “Fuck!” She watched as the file started to duplicate and duplicate and duplicate. 
  Begrudgingly she grabbed the phone off the desk placing it on her shoulder and under one ear. So she could fight the computer while taking the phone call. “Bloo Sport and McCorkell family law. Hope to bring a voice to the voiceless, I’m Rosé how can I help you….Brooke, please tell me you didn’t total another taxi….Because it’s happened at least seven times now… don’t you have your boss’s phone number so you can call her yourself?… there’s something called voice mail… NO, I AM NOT GOING OVER TO YOUR SCAM AGENCY!… it is and you know it… throw in an actual picture of a fucking moose this time AND NOT one you found online, then I’ll do it… you owe me Hytes. Bye.” Rosé huffed as she hung up the phone turning to the other two, both very confused by the conversation. 
  “Rosie, everything okay?” Jan tilted her as she approached her friend. She grabbed the chocolates on her desk and placed them on Rosé’s desk before backing away cautiously, almost like she had just placed food in front of a dangerous animal.
  Rosé pulled her head out of her hands locking eyes with Jan, whose smile turned to fear. “Jan, you wanna go across the hall and let them know Brooke and Nicky got stuck in traffic?” Rosé watched as her friend nodded excitedly already writing down what Rosé had said getting ready to leave the office. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
  And within seconds Jan was out of the office. Lagoona placed an arm on Rosé’s monitor as they watched the door swing, “you know she just wants an excuse to see the cute girls.” She looked down at the now smirking Rosé.
  “Exactly that’s why I sent her.” She let out a soft laugh before turning back to the blonde beside her. “I’ll get you that paperwork in just a sec”
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thirteens-earring · 4 years
Thanks to @ramonapest for the tag!
1. favorite color: mmm yellow/ gold? I love a good iridescent as well. I’m just a magpie really
2. last song I listened to: my agenda by dorian electra. god it’s SO good
3. last film I watched: rocky horror picture show! ’tis the season
4. last show I watched: oh gosh it’s been a while. probably schitt’s creek?
5. favorite character: there’s several but I guess the easy answer is the thirteenth doctor. *gestures vaguely to blog*
6. sweet, savory, or spicy: sweet
7. sparkling water, tea, or coffee: probably tea although I don’t drink it that much. coffee is alright too. sparkling water is spiky hell juice. I said what I said
8. pets: a cat! she’s a bitch and I like her so much
I’m tagging @9puppiesdrowninginapool, @matthew-pond, @dream-emporium, @mlle-fahrenheit, @azerty29, and @thepunkpotato!
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vampiricshadow · 4 years
Thanks @mlle-fahrenheit for the tag!
1. favourite color: purple!
2. last song I listened to: La gazza ladra - Gioachino Rossini
3. last film I watched: 8MM. Wouldn’t recommend but Joaquin Phoenix looked good.
4. last show I watched: I’ve been watching Hannibal for the 3rd time.
5. favourite character: in general? Legolas, Boba Fett, and AVPM Voldemort
6. sweet, savoury, or spicy: savoury I guess. definitely not spicy.
7. sparkling water, tea, or coffee: just regular water since that’s all I drink. occasionally hot chocolate.
8. pets: one 18 year old cat named Luci and one cat who we just refer to as the cat.
I’ll tag @first4halos @residentjoth @rightearring @whamraps @heavensenvy
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babysackville · 4 years
Sunday 7th November 1824
8 40/60
3 50/60
Breakfast at 9 ¾ - From 10 40/60 to 1 ½ (in the meanwhile Mrs Barlow came to me for about ½ hour) wrote 3 pages the ends and under the seal to my aunt – then dressed and went down to luncheon with Mrs Barlow a little before 3 went there and back in a fiacre with Mrs and Miss Barlow, Mlle de Sans, M. Dacier  and M. Eugene de Boyve to M. Le Baron Denon’s, quai Voltaire to see his collection of Egyptian antiques, paintings, Greek and Roman medals &c &c staid there near 1 ½ hour – several rooms thrown open to us – mummies and parts of mummies – several people there – Sundays are M.Le Baron’s public days when he has general beaucoup de monde [a lot of people] – He is a very gentlemanly pleasant old man – Knew Mrs Barlow well and was very civil to us – 2 of his nephews were there – or one nephew and another young man who explained things – the baron himself took much pains in shewing me in particular (I asked to see them) had Greek and Roman medals and the series of his own medals descriptive of the history of the life of Napoleon – Very well pleased altogether – In returning left Mrs and Miss Barlow to go home and got out to oblige Mlle de Sans and took a turn ½ round the Turilerie gardens – got home at 5 – Mrs Barlow came to me (she had left her rings in the morning) for 10 minutes – Dinner at 5 ¾ - a Swiss gent dined with us – in the evening sat next to Mrs Barlow and Miss Middleton and Mrs Heath who talked away and amused us exceedingly with anecdotes of her friend Miss Clementina Sterling Graham of Duntroon in Augusshire who made a great noise in Edinburgh last winter dressing herself up in various characters of old ladies and supporting her panto admirably she 5 or 6 and 30 – anecdotes, too, of the Thorntons of Edinburgh Ayrshire people the very family described by Lockhart in the ‘Ayrshire Legatees’ which I must read – it is very good – 
Then poor Mrs Heath told us of the happy four months she had spent at Cheltenham, about a year ago where she reigned queen of beaux admiration. Where she had thirteen gentlemen always ready to ride out with her and was courted by everyone, she was quite the fashion. She had not been at all admired here and would up dress, it was not worth while no dress for the ladies, nor did she much mind their admiration. She had offers at Cheltenham and might have had many more, she flirted a little for amusement – I led her on to talk, she would tell anything about herself a little in the style Mrs Barlow talked at first but far beyond it – Miss Bellevue, Dacier, St. Auban, de Nappe and one or 2 more number [this] evening and one last a Swiss – an ecarte table – came upstairs at 10 50/60 with Mrs Barlow stopt a few minutes talking to her in her anteroom – 
Kissed her in the little dark passage as we came out of the dining room, she lets me kiss her now very quietly and sits with her feet close to mine. She said something to me when I took her round the waist tonight, oh said I, don’t be angry you know you cannot come to me tonight said she, significantly you don’t think me angry – tis plain enough she likes me and I always feel excited when with her and even now in thinking of her. I asked what she thought of Mrs Heath’s conversation, ah said she thought it a little in my style, I owned this and said I had wished to notice the effect of it in others. She said she knew this at the time but Mrs Heath went far beyond her and she only talked of her beaux before she was married this was not the case with Mrs Heath – I agreed. She evidently likes to stand talking to me, if I had a penis tho’ of but small length I should surely break the ice some of these times before I go – we were much by ourselves at M Denon’s. I pointed out two phalli, said the beetle was an indecent emblem and pointed out an indecent print of a wake or fete where the people seemed to be dancing and the breeches of the men made to shew their erections – ½ eating grapes from 12 10/60 to 1 wrote all this journal of today – find day – although a little damp and some rain but 10 this morning – Fahrenheit 64 at I p.m. E.. O. -
Fun Fact: Here is a portrait of the Mistress of Disguise, Miss Clementina Stirling Graham of Duntrune.
Note: Anne may have been mistaken about the authorship of ‘Ayrshire Legatees’, which was written by Scotsman John Galt, a contemporary of Lockhart’s. 
Also, it is worth noting that M. Denon passed away the following April after Anne had met him and enjoyed his antique collection.
(Diary reference: SHMLE80073)
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kelstitch · 5 years
Happy 21st birthday, Kels!!!! hope it's amazing!!!!!!!! 🥳🎂🎈🎉🎁🍰
Awww afhshsjgjdgjdgjjf THANK YOU SWEET LADY!!!! A cherub lives up to her name! Hope your day is amazing too!!!! 😘
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
Any idea where we can watch Michael in the great comic relief bake off? I can’t find it and I want to see him be proud of his pavlova 😂
Hi anon, I was going to send you the link I got it from but I saw that @mlle-fahrenheit was kind enough to post it on google drive and that’s much easier :D here you go!
Here’s her post btw, so she gets the well deserved notes ;)
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Queenies Fitness Workout Playlist Challenge
Hello my beautiful Queenies! 
I’ve been recently inspired that I decided to create a gym workout playlist specifically catered to Queen music and for Queenies that enjoy fitness like I do. I encourage you my Queenies, as we are approaching a new year of endless possibilities, to give this a try if you like and let me know how it goes. You can change around the songs to your liking if you may. Even if you don’t do fitness, the playlist is still fun to listen to on it’s own. 
@darlingfreddie @starlight-and-moonshine @johnrichardeacon @mlle-fahrenheit @freddieseyeliner @dragonrider96 @littlesilhouettowalkson @queen-ruined-my-life @yogurtbattle
With that out of the way, let’s get started.
Warm up: 10-15 minutes 
Equipment options: Treadmill, Crossramp, Pedal bike. The playlist works if you go at a small pace at the start then gradually motivates you to go at a faster pace.
Don’t Stop Me Now- 3 minutes, 29 seconds. (BEST example of how to start off the warm up)
Sheer Heart Attack- 3 minutes, 27 seconds. (shout out to @freddieseyeliner for recommending this song thank you darling!)
Stone Cold Crazy- 2 minutes, 16 seconds. (same fast pace from Sheer Heart Attack.)
Breakthru- 4 minutes, 8 seconds. (album version; extended is 5 minutes, 45 seconds).
Death on Two Legs (dedicated to...)- 3 minutes, 42 seconds. (unless you want to skip this song if you can handle 10 minutes, you would have 12 minutes and 8 seconds.)
Optional: Bicycle Race- 3 minutes and 1 second (definitely has a fast pace for treadmill and the crossramp, but more effective if you’re literately pedaling for the warm up XD) 
Total: 16 minutes, 22 seconds. 
Long pull/ Dumbbells for Arms (2-3 sets, varies on how much you want) 5-10 minutes
Radio Ga Ga- 5 minutes and 44 seconds. (album/video version. It’s a great start for matching the beat to the set. 
We Will Rock You- 2 minutes and 2 seconds. (great motivator for this section of the work out)
I Want It All- 4 minutes and 1 second. (album version; as a single, it’s 4 minutes and 41 seconds it has a great beat like Radio Ga Ga that works here.) 
Optional: Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy- 2 minutes and 54 seconds (same rhythm works if you wish to include it, which would make it 14 minutes and 1 second.)
Total: 11 minutes and 47 seconds 
Core/Thighs (3-4 sets, again varies on how much you want)
Fat Bottomed Girls- 4 minutes and 16 seconds. (album version).
Invisible Man- 3 minutes and 57 seconds
One Vision- 5 minutes and 11 seconds (album version)
Total: 12 minutes and 84 seconds. 
Cool down/Stretch 
Bohemian Rhapsody- 5 minutes and 55 seconds.
We are the Champions- 2 minutes and 59 seconds (to help feel a sense of accomplishment from the workout)
I Want to Break Free- 3 minutes and 20 seconds. 
Total: 11 minutes and 34 seconds (you can cut this short if you have to get going soon)
If there’s anything from the playlist that I might’ve missed, feel free to send me an ask and let me know where a song should be put in the playlist for options. 
Have a beautiful day and happy holidays!
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mlle-fahrenheit mentioned you on a post “maize quilt pumpkin Thank you so much for asking, babe!!! maize -...”
@unto-myself-together thank you! weirdly, it pretty much stopped happening when I turned 18, so I'm ok now!
. . . . . . . 
. . . . I am torn between being relieved that you no longer have to deal with this junk, and deeply disturbed at the implied preference choice of these men.  
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victoria23105 · 5 years
Admired Celeb Bfs or Gfs
I was tagged by the incredible @mlle-fahrenheit to post 6 pics of celeb bfs or gfs I admire. The list of celebs I admire is a hell of a lot longer than 6 (haha) with reasons for my admiration including personality, kind hearted nature, funny, attractive and so on. For this post however I'm including 6 pics of celeb bfs I admire
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I'm tagging @darcyshire @luna-xial @sweet-ladyy @perriwiinkle @cosmetologynerd @cordiebirdy though anyone who sees this is more than welcome to do this if they like 😁
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elliotannhella · 5 years
I was tagged in this playlist game by a swell blog, @mlle-fahrenheit!! Thanks for the tag!!!
The rules of the game: put all your songs on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people
1. Wild World- Cat Stevens
2. Porcelina and the Vast Oceans- The Smashing Pumpkins
3. Itchin' on a Photograph- Grouplove
4. Everybody Wants to Rule the World- Tears for Fears
5. The Beer- Kimya Dawson
6. (It's A) Departure- John Roderick and the Long Winters
7. We Will Fall Together- Streetlight Manifesto
8. Sometime Around Midnight- The Airborne Toxic Event
9. Nine in the Afternoon- Panic! At the Disco
10. Outside- Childish Gambino
My music taste is such a mess but I stand by it lmao. I’m tagging @mychocolateandtsundoku @chickwhodigs @lifeinsherds @itolerateboys @botanical-boi @imovedinwithmycat
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farewellmusic · 5 years
I just reached 300 followers ^^ thank you so much ! I love you all guys ! I’m just a tiny blog ^^
I meet some wondeful friends! I just wanted to say thank you to all ! 
@moviestorian @bismillahnoo @mephisto92 @x5vale @his-majesty-king-mercury @melisa-may-taylor72 @melinabulsara @toomuchlove-willkillyou @mlle-fahrenheit and I maybe forgot some of you but thank you ! 
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lokiphobe · 5 years
1, 4, 5, 12
1. mutual(s) you’ve ever called/skyped/… with?
@doeloki @captainshakespear @reaumantic @golddplatedd @quillsplaylist @uzumakkii and I think that's it....
4. cutest mutual(s)?
oh god uhhh I'm panicking and trying to remember who's faces I've seen ajxksb @awstark @reaumantic @futurist @doeloki @golddplatedd @mlle-fahrenheit
5. mutual(s) you’re intimidated by?
@mrstarrk @natasharomanovs @futurist 🤧🤧🤧
12. mutual(s) who know(s) a secret about you?
oh god. uhh @reaumantic @futurist @doeloki @quillsplaylist off the top of my head but I talk a lot :/ so there's likely more out there
ask me about my mutuals !
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