#ml song salt
nixthelapin · 22 days
Emotion (s5) doesn’t really make a lot of sense to me writing-wise. I think Felix’s plan and execution was weird, but… damn it was FUN. It makes so sense, but if I wasn’t vibing with it the whole episode.
Kagami accidentally insulting Lila (“you’re just a stone”)? Vibing.
A bizarre wealthy-person masquerade as a social commentary? Vibing.
Amelie yelling at Gabriel? Vibing.
“Adrien” and Kagami’s banter before their dance? Vibing.
Marinette dancing with “Adrien,” then immediately getting hostile when she learns he’s Felix? Vibing.
Felix having a Disney-villain style musical number in the streets as he Thanos-snaps everyone? Vibing.
Adrien blowing up at Felix? Vibing. (he’s earned that so bad)
Felix having a mental breakdown on a roof? Vibing.
Plot-wise, I have a few issues, but I can honestly say I am so happy to ignore them because I just had a BLAST watching it. Top-tier episode. 10/10. 5 stars.
In summary:
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sidsinning · 1 year
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jennycinco-5 · 2 years
ML Zealot : Is that wrong we have female super evil villains ? Is a “GURLS POWAH” show and is make sense why Chloe and Lila are irredeemable bitch !!!!
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Let me said something 
Yes ! You can have manipulative or remorseless and vilest evil female villain in the show ! 
Made them fascinating and enjoyed by fans and contribute for the main plot ! Made them engaging and  truly a threat by show that they are as dangerous as the male villain.
Out of four female villain and antagonist in Agent Ali ,Jenny/Cinco is consider to be more vile, intimidating and petty af woman. And she downright psychotic in recent episode (Season 2 Episode 12) where we can see her brutally beat and mocking her opponent and laugh like a maniac. In previous several episode She also done many terrible thing and almost injure the innocents.
Does the writer wanted us to hate her ? No. They never tell to fans to hate her character just because she is a villain and supposed more vilest than any previous big-bad (Uno and Niki). Hate her or like her is up to you
Then we have her foster sister Kim. She is sympathetic and show lot of more depth than Cinco. She willingly do anything to accomplished her mission from Cinco for sake of Numeros while she does show a remorse for harming innocent and the Main character pet cat. 
Does the writer wanted us to hate Kim too ? No ! Again is up to you to see her as sympathetic or not. And its up to you to still love her or hate her. 
Kim and Cinco are fascinating antagonists just like Dos and Niki. Even some of them admit they are cooler than Uno (the first big-bad of Agent Ali). Writer indeed know how to make them into competent villain like the previous one. 
Lets see on Chloe and Lila
The writer wanted us to hate them so badly to the point THAT GUY claim they are irredeemable monster than the the terrorist and abusive father. The narrative try hard to make them Super EVulZ despite they are a troubled teenager and willingly retcon anything to make them a heartless monster who more dangerous than the main villain while the main villain as a “tragic villain” who deserve to be rewarded because “I LOsE My wAIfu bOhOOOhooo! But ThIs Vor MaH FamIly~”. If you criticize the writer for writing on Chloe and Lila or a fans of these character, writer especially THAT GUY and the Zealot ML will claim that you are “Bully-apologizer” and “as bad as Chloe and Lila”. To make them “work” as “villain” writer make sure that the background character (children and adults) as idiotic as possible to make them look “intimidating” 
Most of Chloe and Lila evil-thing has no impact for the plot. They just do evulz thing because out of spite and THAT GUY hate them for burning passion and also a proof of THAT GUY is a misogynist and full of double-standard . Everytime I see the leaks about them made me roll my eyes.
Is the writer do the same thing on Uno ? Even if Uno has a depth compare to Cinco, writer didn’t paint him as “Tragic Villain” unlike what ML narrative do on Gabemoth. Uno was narcissistic and vengeful man. While he does have moment of humanizing his character, also hate the asshole mayor (Dato’ Othman) and the Chief Pillar aware that Djin betrayal become Uno was part of their fault, the narrative never paint him as “tragic villain” or blaming the Pillar Chief for Uno betrayal
For the other rest antagonist comparison I will write the longer thread in next time because I need to finish watch Agent Ali season 3.
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marble-running · 10 months
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marinette core imagery
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ladygoofus · 1 year
All right imo the 🐞🐱 movie had some cute fan-service and beautiful artwork but little depth and a lot of loose ends. But I'd probably watch it again just for the ladynoir lol let's be real
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crizztelcb · 1 year
Me last year "i will be nice, I will create a nice environment to my mutuals with no salt on it! I have been cleaning my head of anything that upsets me and I will only share what i like:)" but then I watched the ml awakening movie
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gameguy20100 · 2 years
The only way I will accept Feligami is if they break up and Marinette uses this as an excuse to play Taylor swift at full blast.
Kagami doesn't become a Swifty. She's more of a Green Day girl, but appreciates the gesture.
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how-miraculous · 2 years
a song i love and am a little surprised didnt get much use in the fandom to apply to lila and her whole deal is "insult to the fact checkers" by they might be giants.
im sure you can tell the connection from that name alone, but ive always found it a fun song to imagine an alya-lila confrontation to, considering lyrics like:
spent so long/trying to get along/trying to please you/trying to tease out all the details
my sad mind searching overtime/ for a reason/ you suspiciously incorporate some far-fetched fiction/ you find so sublime/ but it's too late to reject and/ it's an insult to the fact checkers
like. it basically plots out the fic for you LOL. i can see the angsty fan lyric comic in my mind right now
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quarterdollar · 1 year
HI I'm assuming this is the main for gabrielagresteofficial, I can't remember the exact wording of the question I asked you, but generally what were your thoughts on movie Gabriel and the movie in general :3
so going in i was certainly expecting a PRETTY movie but not expecting anything much from the story……pokemon did an “alternative take on the main characters’ origins” movie too that was fun to watch once but nothing super memorable. PLUS you gotta take everything in ML with massive grains of salt to begin with. BUT!!! I WAS BEYOND PLEASANTLY SURPRISED!!!! WOW !!!!!!! i was NOT expecting them to actually wrap up the love square or the hawk moth conflict in a single film, let alone in a way that actually felt satisfying for every character involved. it felt like a huge callback to season 1 in the best way……everyone’s early-show characterizations are back, the ladynoir dynamic is super tastefully written and fun to watch, and overall it’s just a super sweet unapologetically earnest cornball of a movie. did you know that they are in love? they’re in loveee 😭😭
AND GABRIEL. OH MY GOD. HOLY SHIT. FUUUCCCK!!!!!! HIS EVERYTHING. because like. i love him forever and ever to the end of time in all forms Always. season 5 is insanely funny to me. but this man did NOT start as a heartless megalomaniacal asshole who turns his son into a vtuber and attacks random passerby on the street and buys twitter. he was just an extremely emotionally neglectful weirdguy once. we used to be able to go to his house and beg him to let adrien go to a birthday party and he’d break just a little and say yes. he was SO sad. and blonde. the filmmakers understood this. they brought us back to what we used to have. and then they gave us more by making him SO unbelievably mentally ill. saying he’s busy because he needs to go stand in a corner and brood. having meltdowns on the daily. passing out on the floor. CANONICALLY suicidal. jesus christ. but he’s ALSO still Hawk Moth bitch!!! he’s goofy and campy and a ham without the weight of Being Gabriel on him. being evil is awesome and fun actually. torment and hatred forever <3 and then they do a good job of showing how he falls further into it over time until he’s doing actually outrageous evil shit and attempting murder and going crazy and he’s SCARYY and gets the upper hand super easily and you’re like Good lord he is going to KILL these children. but then the power of love saves him because we do remember that he still has a soul. he takes the L and goes to jail while keeping his Shady Tendencies. that’s what i thought was gonna happen in the show too, once,
also i didn’t know it was a musical going in!! that was a magical surprise!! and then i was like Oh thank god they’re not making Bryce Papenbrook sing. and i was hoping and praying and begging that gabriel would get a song for obvious reasons, and also because i KNEW that if any VA was going to get to stay for that it was going to be Keith Silverstein. and sure enough he completely bodies the villain number and they even gave him a high note to hit!!! ohhh my god. INSANE moments in victor quarterdollar history. it Was weird that they dubbed cristina vee though. she does have a nice voice, i listen to her music. but other than that very good decisions across the board. exploded. died. will be watching again
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seas-of-silver · 1 year
Oh! For the thingy of sentence. (My ml Tumblr is dadplagg-mamatikki btw...)
"Get back here!" Plagg yelled as he flew after a cackiling Tikki.
(Also I think I misspelled something.. 🤦🏻‍♀️🥲)
No worries about spelling errors and whatnot - I can fix that 🤭
Here you go @dadplagg-mamatikki!
‘Get back here!’ Plagg yelled as he flew after a cackling Tikki.
‘You snooze, you lose!’ she sing-songed as she zipped around the umbrella behind Marinette’s chaise.
‘That doesn’t even make sense!’ he yowled as he followed her, flying past Adrien as they went through the trap door to the living room below. ‘I wasn’t even asleep!’
‘Could’ve fooled me, Stinky Sock,’ she teased as she did a lap around the room with him hot on her tail.
He growled as he tried to overtake her, almost whacking into a Tupperware while Tikki weaved through the assortment of salt and pepper shakers with ease. He flew straight through the centre of the cookie cutters that were standing on their sides on the bench, digging deep within himself to close the gap that had been growing between him and his cookie-loving counterpart. He almost had her-
‘And she’s over the finish line! Tikki wins!’ Tom crowed, handing Tikki a tiny medal Marinette had made.
‘Gah, I was so close!’ Plagg groaned, floating down to land next to his partner. ‘You were unfairly fast.’
‘I don’t weigh myself down with mountains of cheese,’ she joked lightheartedly, before handing him a slice of Camembert from the platter Sabine had prepared earlier. ‘You raced well today, Plagg.’
‘Thanks, Sugarcube,’ he said, taking the cheese, ‘but you know that I’ll totally beat you next time, right?’
Tikki’s eyes sparkled with the challenge. ‘You’re on!’
‘The next contenders in the Kwami Obstacle Course is… Kaalki and Fluff!’ Adrien announced. ‘Come on up to the starting line!’
Plagg watched as the two kwamis excitedly flew up into Marinette’s room.
‘Wait,’ said Tikki, sounding concerned, ‘doesn’t that leave Roaar and Orikko to compete against each other? We’ve gone through everyone else, haven’t we?’
Plagg dropped his Camembert. The last time Roaar and Orikko teamed up for something fun like this, Roaar tried to boost morale and excitement with friendly jests and words of encouragement… words which Orikko misinterpreted as insults, and did not take it too kindly. Orikko, feeling snubbed, wasn’t too polite to Roaar, who really didn’t like the rude attitude after her attempts to help her teammate’s mood. Things escalated, and, well, it wasn’t pretty. They haven’t been paired up since.
‘Okay!’ Marinette called from above. ‘Ready-’
The last time Roaar and Orikko were paired up, they were in the safety of the Miracle Box.
This time, they were in Marinette’s family home, in the outside world.
Plagg looked at Tikki, despair in his gut. ‘Oh, shit.’
Ask game: Give me the first sentence and I'll write a short piece for it!
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frostedpuffs · 1 year
Thank you for not shitting on the ML movie. My dash is full of salt posts about it so I'm glad you aren't joining in on the hate
i didn't hate the movie so im not gonna hate on it! i have to admit the excessive amount of salt posts is really surprising to me. i have like 4 tags blocked to avoid the salt and somehow it still isn't enough. people are very much free to post whatever they want on their blogs and are absolutely entitled to their own opinions, so no judgment from me there. you do you, you know? but i am just surprised by how much a lot of people are seeming to HATE this movie. i can sort of understand why it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but im still just blown away by the negative reception. sure the movie has its faults but i really didn't think it was all that bad. the animation was pretty, the score was beautiful, and i enjoyed some of the songs.
the way i see it, the movie and the show are set in two different universes, so im not comparing the two of them. im enjoying them as the separate products that they are. they each have something to offer that i enjoy. it shouldn't really be a competition over which is "better" anyway, since they're separate from each other. the show and movie are set in two different worlds with two different stories to tell 🤷‍♀️ the movie is just an au of the show and a relatively enjoyable one imo
im not afraid to admit that i liked the movie. i may not agree with some of the characterization or story points but it was cute. ladynoir the musical will live fondly in my heart
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ourpickwickclub · 5 months
The unfortunate reality is a lot of ML fans have been around forever (admittedly a lot longer than we have) and are almost always right about song narratives because they understand the history there. While I don’t believe it’s about Blake I totally believe that it is deliberately on the nose and inspired by him like they are predicting. I also remember them discussing the background Republic deal as early as June last year. Imperial looks like a place card under which she could release music until the official Republic deal could be made.
Her fans are delusional so I do take what they say with a huge grain of salt!
- B
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flightfoot · 2 years
What fanon takes that make you cringe/irritated/disgusted?
Personally I always find fanon that said Jagged as Marinette's friend as cringe, even more so than marichat "purrrincess". It's because mostly it's being used in salt fic often and even it's not the author always make it as if they're communicating in daily basis to the point Marinette can always call him whenever she need him which I find it weird considering Jagged is an international celebrity and very busy person and while Marinette did make a great impression on him I don't think he would bother to be involved in middle school drama. Especially considering that he choose his career over his own child's pre s4.
I have no problem with Chat calling Marinette "purrincess", it's cute and harmless.
The whole "Uncle Jagged" thing is okay in principle and I like the idea of Marinette talking with him a decent amount. I think there's some grounding to that idea, since he asked her advice on who to get as his back-up guitarist in Desperada for... some reason.
Now the concept that he'd be a better parent than Tom and Sabine are is obviously based on demonizing Tom and Sabine, because they're amazing parents, honestly. Thankfully that take seems to have decreased a lot with the revelation that Jagged ran out on his own children because he felt like he wouldn't be a good parent. And then wrote a song about how his only family is his guitar afterwards which is so messed up it crosses the line into funny again.
And yeah I don't think he'd get hugely involved in middle school drama beyond saying "hey don't bully, it's not cool".
As for fanon that leaves me cringing/irritated/disgusted... look it's gonna be anything that's frequently used in demonizing the ML characters. I'm fine with pretty much anything as long it's not THAT. The intense, incessant demonization of the characters has led me to the point where I'll see say, Alya being made into Lila's lackey so the other characters can insult her and team up to viciously punish her, and then that gives me flashbacks to all the other times I've seen it and seen people celebrate how much she deserves to be demonized and hurt, and then that won't leave my head for hours. I will sometimes check people's AO3 accounts or tumblr accounts to see whether there's any of that in their most recent stuff, to see whether the person is safe to interact with.
Other stuff might occasionally be mildly irritating, but I really don't care that much unless it's something that's to the point of inescapability and horrificness of the insane levels of bashing.
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blaqkpen · 1 year
I saw the Miraculous Movie today and I hope my attitude isn't too much of a bummer and that this doesn'tcome off as being sensitive or whiny. I also hope that the things I did not like doesn't come off like I'm bashing the movie or trying to write a ML Salt.
This post will have some spoilers if you haven't watched the movie already.
But I did not like the extra violence that was going on. I was really heated with that scene with the little girl at the duck shooting range with her dad. Why did they have to have the Mine Villain shoot through a child like that? I get people can handle violence and this is what you should expect with superhero movies, but for Ladybug and Cat Noir, my stomach was turning.
And when you get past the way the movie did the reveal and when you get past the songs, the special effects, the visuals and look at the writing, the pacing, and the overall presentation, it came off rushed. The way the characters were fleshed out in the movie and the story line chosen for the movie didn't present anything new. It's divided by two different paths, either the TV path or the Theatrical path, both limited with some similarities. Albeit the movie was written with some similarities so it's familiar with the audience that it has built and established.
Miraculous Ladybug has shown that it has potential to be an extensive and an expansive universe, but between the movie and the TV series the writing comes off as limited, reintroducing cliches, common themes and similarities shared between the two, that does not go past the potential this show has.
However despite my take on the writing and the presentation of the movie, it'll still be interesting to see which direction they will take in the sequel.
I give this movie a 6.5/10
I know those of you who have watched the movie will have different takes. Tell me in the comments below what you loved, liked, or disliked about the movie.
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reminiscentreader · 11 months
hi hi my lovely silly willly table i just wanted to ask u smths just bc you did. if u dont feel like answering them then dont. if any of them feel personal, dont. but here,
fav nickname?
city youd love to go to when older?
your fav aesthetic?
favorite flavor of almost anything? like a go to flavor for anything
go to karaoke song?
fav sport?
fav word?
your personal definition of life?
first thing you do in the morning?
first thing you do after school?
rate school from 1-10
fav subject other than english? cause we both know that u n i r both english nerds
origami works u actually know how to do by the back of ur hand?
fav hour of the day?
opinion on the half empty / half full glass controversy?
best memory?
a word / sentence that someone would say and could cheer u up no matter the time / state ur in?
howd u find tumblr?
the most magical- not the best but magical, book youve ever read in your whole life? im making you choose 1.
favorite quote?
mwah, here are my questions fr u ml <# once again dont answer if u dont feel comfy with some
-love, your silly table, nqds.
heiiii xxxx I’ll do my best to answer these
jas def
ooo I’d love to live in London or New York or boston
Light/dark/romantic academia
hmm salted caramel or chocolate
Blank space (the best karaoke song)
minimum 😭
This is kind of a hard one, but I think the purpose of life is to achieve something y’know
wake up 😭 jk I check tumblr
walk home then do homework
Hmm idk like a 7 because I hateeee maths but I love English and I like to see my friends, plus if I didn’t go to school I wouldn’t have a social life 😭
history, oml im such a history nerd
the heart, the paper rings 🤭❤️❤️
like 19:00 it just feels right
ugh don’t even get me started on that, it doesn’t make any sense, if the glass was originally empty and someone filled it, it would be half full, but if it was full and poured out it would be half empty (sorry I feel very strongly about this 😭)
I really struggle with these questions I really can’t remember I’m so so sorry, but maybe going to London?
honestly just a hug would be nice
well I guess I had no friends with the same interests as me so I came here x
ahhhh stop 😭 okay so since you said most MAGICAL I’ll have to say once upon a broken heart, not acftl and not tbona
”never be so clever, you forget to be kind”
Thank you so so much for these xxx I love you smm to my lovely xx my silly little Christmas tree
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gizkasparadise · 2 years
wait you didn’t like mr.queen or our beloved summer?? how?? (respectfully lmao)
LOL bless @ respectfully. ty friend :'D
i recognize these are unpopular opinions here, but to hell with it let's shake some salt.
mr. queen
i adored jang bong hwan (and their theme song is a bop, i still loop it on spotify), shin hye sun's incredible performance, the maid sidekicks, and when it was doing comedy it was 100
but jesus christ the political plots were such a gd chore to get through. i felt like someone was frankensteining a wacky and wild fusion sageuk (that was fun! and enjoyable!) with a palace drama that was as engaging as watching overnight oats ferment. the jo family was annoying. the kim family was annoying. it was just tedious machination after machination and none of it was particularly imaginative or compelling (and, like. i made it through princess weiyoung with 0 fastforwarding so clearly i can deal with circular palace politics). i was so annoyed by consort jo. and super unpopular opinion, but the male lead did absolutely nothing for me in this drama either and i found him really unpalatable for a good chunk of the show (which is wild, because the actor plays one of my favorite MLs in another drama)
and the ending...sort of forgot to include the title character for a good chunk of it. bong hwan was done so dirty in terms of character resolution and the romance post-transmigration came off kind of yikes for me with kim so young returning (also the body horror component of someone regaining consciousness/agency in their now pregnant body i just. if you're going to include these elements address them????)
idk it had some high notes and it was really charming at the beginning of the drama. but then it spiraled down a well (that fucking well. oy.)
our beloved summer
ON PAPER THIS IS EVERYTHING I LOVE. second chance romances are my favorites. bickering couples are my favorites. having to work with the ex is my favorite. i loved the 3/4 of the main actors that i knew from other dramas (kim sung cheol is a particular favorite!), the OST is amazing (another set of songs i still loop on spotify!), and the art direction and acting were also great. i remember really enjoying the first half-ish of the show.
but it totally lost me in the second half with the writing. im trying to remember specifics, because it's been over a year since i've watched it, but i recall the distinct impression that the couple was really setting themselves up for the same shit down the road regarding their communication, their differing emotional needs, and their other issues. at the end when they revealed they were getting married my first reaction wasnt YAY LOVE but rather oh fuck not again. i left watching the show thinking both the leads would be better off if they tried dating other people-- it felt like they outgrew the other and the show didnt do a good enough job of convincing me that they would be able to make it work this time around. from ep 11ish onwards, it was frustrating and annoying to watch and the only reason i made it through all 16 eps is because i was watching it with a friend
i also remember there was this totally "?!" subplot/reveal about the ML basically being adopted as a replacement goldfish for his parents' deceased son and it was in focus for like 2 eps despite how deeply deeply fucked up that whole premise was (obs isnt unique in a "trauma focus of the week" kdrama narrative, it just struck out as glaringly bad to me for some reason this time around)
so LOL. uh. there it is. oy this was longer than i intended it to be, sorry :'D
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