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lilyflowerss · 11 days ago
plotted starter: with @mkmarlene
"marlene, you can't sit here and do nothing! bloody hell, drinking is not going to solve anything!" being passionate was something lily did often, but right now, her best friend needed her, she needed someone to lead her in the right direction and lily potter was not going to let marlene mckinnon, the girl who had fires in her eyes, step away from this.
her family had been MURDERED. the utter thought made lily quake in her shoes, but she knew that she couldn't do anything to erase what had happened, she could only avenge marlene's family alongside her. her eyes looked at her and pursed her lips, her hands moving through the air to get her attention. "earth to marlene, we cannot let this HAPPEN!"
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ofxsorcery · 10 days ago
Marlene McKinnon, a few years younger than her and definitely from a different side of the social worlds they lived in. And also definitely not the first one to be surprised to see her there. “Andromeda is currently in an appointment, so you can wait for her. But they have given me the first tips to go with when someone got a burn, muggle style?” Cool it for a bit with streaming water was even something she could do without a medical license behind her name.
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For the first time in what seemed a long while, Marlene was visiting St. Mungo's for a domestic injury that had not involved alcohol in any way. She'd been trying to make Mary's favorite muggle cake, definitely not too handy when it came to cooking, which eventually led to her burning her forearm in an attempt to save the cake from falling to the floor. The face greeting her wasn't the one she was used to, though, surprised to see a Malfoy working even if she knew Tib and their relationship. "I was looking from Andromeda, I got burnt. Hot pan, not a hex. It looks kind of bad, doesn't hurt as much."
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dorcasxaxmeadowes · 2 months ago
where: the streets - the three broomsticks who: @franklongbottom-fm & @mkmarlene & @gideonscprewett when: nye
Dorcas was in her glory. She was out with all her friends and tonight she wanted to celebrate her way. Which meant, a little bit of craziness, on her end. With two shots in hand, her eyes land on her next victim, sauntering her way over.
She placed a glass down in front of them, before moving to sit across from them. "You have to do a shot with me." A devious smirk on her lips, holding her glass up.
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apollinebeausejour · 7 months ago
where: three broomsticks who: @jamesffleamont, @mkmarlene, & open
Returning back to London left her in a constant state of tension. Always glancing over her shoulder, wondering if they were truly done with her. What happened to her would remain her story, a truth that only a few may ever learn. Though, that tension, being around the people that were in the Three Broomsticks, the tension seemed to wane, and her shoulders dropped.
Apolline ordered a glass of wine, turning to the person at the bar. "Is birthday wizard here?" A smile on her face.
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siriusbpadfoot · 4 days ago
who: @mkmarlene where: sirius' appartment
Sirius dragged a towel over his hair, ruffling the wet strands with the cloth before tossing it into his dirty clothes basket. For once he hadn't worked the closing shift at work, finishing at 9pm instead of the usual 3am drawl, but he was still desperate for a shower afterwards, sure the smell of ale clung to him if he didn't. He tossed the towel into the hamper as his doorbell buzzed, a small frown creasing his brows. He reacher for his wand, the unease that almost always accompanied him these days growing. It quickly lowered however when the doorbell rang again and he rolled his eyes, sure he only knew one person who would show up this time and would also be so impatient with the doorbell.
He opened the door, leaning against the door with a smirk curving his lips. "I'm not dressed for company," he said of way of greeting; just in tracksuit bottoms, still damp and half undressed from the shower.
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fcrox · 5 days ago
Amycus did nothing but observe as the drink he had ordered was placed in front of him. The offer still stood and yet he was too amused listening to her ramble. Was fire that odd a choice for the spitfire of a witch in front of him? “Is it? Is it peculiar?” His head moved, eyes scanning as they had done countless times before. Somewhere within the depth of his eyes lay a threat hidden, an unspoken darkness that the wizard knew how to seal up. Oh, he liked fire. It was fun to play with it, if only one could master it, knowing fully well that taming something as rash and brazenly dangerous was never quite possible. It was respect, something he had none of for those lesser than him.
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Observing meant to allow things to happen, allow the witch in front of him an idea – the feeling of security planted so easily into the softest of soil. Would it take root? “You see, that is your assumption.” A smirk. “Whoever said I wanted you to be scared?” The alchemist’s eyes darted around, taking in her features before simply taking a step back. There was something so much more interesting about simply not letting the other know just what he wanted. Fear, fear was easy. Such a simple emotion. Knowing intentions came with security. No, Amycus Carrow revelled in the unknown, never quite letting an opponent know what he was up to if he could help it. “I just offered you a drink. Not exactly the thing I would do to someone I want quivering, now, would I? Your thoughts betray you, McKinnon. They're much too simple.” - @mkmarlene
It had become a terribly annoying situation, how she kept running into those who hid behind the secrecy of a mask and then roamed around the streets with their heads held high. They played a funny act, but even she had to recognise they were masters at their art, carrying out their pretense even when faced upon someone who knew the truth that lied within. Marlene had always been a bit too loud and a bit too proud, her bold personality getting her out of messes just as much as it got her right into them. Tonight seemed like a perfect opportunity to slip, unable to hold back as the wizard in front of her presented himself charmingly and nonchalantly, she might even fall for it had she not been in such a feisty mood. "Fire, such a peculiar choice of word, as if it might get to me someway." She shot back, letting her muscles relax as she leaned forwards at the bar and nodded her head to the bartender so he would indeed bring her a double shot. "Yet somehow, in spite of everything, you haven't managed to burn me." A chuckle leaving her lips, the witch turned to look up at him, a finger hooking on the hem of his shirt and pulling him towards her-- their faces only inches away as she whispered, a daring smirk on her lips as she made eye contact. "I'm not one bit scared, but you're welcome to try me."
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tonksxandromeda · 2 months ago
Where: New Years Street Party With: @mkmarlene
Andromeda had lost track of Ted and Dora in the crowd, but had no doubt that Ted was keeping an eye on her. She was the center of the universe, and she was just happy to see them having fun. To see Ted relaxed and enjoying himself when it had become so rare. She stood in line, waiting to grab the three of them a sweet treat. She turned to see if she could spot the two of them, instead catching sight of Marlene. She didn't know Marlene well, though she'd seen her with Sirius often enough. "Marlene! Happy New Year."
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edgarebones · 6 months ago
where: the order headquarters who: @mkmarlene
He had received letter from the blonde, left on his desk, and after reading it over a few times, he had decided what to do with the question she posed. An owl was delivered to the young witch and he waited for her in the meeting room.
A smile stretched on his face when she walked in, standing from his seat. "Marlene, thanks for coming." He moved around to pull out a seat for her, pushing it in when she sat. "I got your message." Edgar took his seat back in his spot. "Are you sure this is what you want?" He had no problem being her mentor.
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aurorasinistrax · 6 months ago
where: cafe in diagon alley who: @mkmarlene
Aurora needed a friend with everything she was going through. It was out of anger and hurt that she went to the wedding with Jeff, yet most times, a certain one slipped into her mind. She had no idea how to process them, finding it hard to trust that Remus would be true to his words.
That is why she asked Marlene to meet with her. They had all grown up around each other, all part of that group, and knowing how close she was with Remus, at least maybe she could get a better insight to the situation.
She stood up from the seat on the patio when she saw the blonde coming towards her. "Mar," a smile on her face, giving her friend a hug. "It's so nice to see you."
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xmollyweasleyx · 6 months ago
Marlene seemed to be having a great time at the party. Just as it should have been. She was a ray of light, especially considering what she had been through. Molly was proud to have been able to be there for the younger witch when her family was murdered. She knew she couldn't do much but just being there seemed to have helped even in the slightest. Molly -- and family -- would always be there for her if and when she ever needed anything. She hoped Marlene knew that.
"The best drink, hm? Are you not even going to tell me what it is? Or is it a surprise? I'm not sure which I'm hoping for," Molly chuckled. She took the glass and sniffed it. "Smells good," she raised her brow. We shall toast to love and light, she said as the two glasses clinked and she took a sip. "Mmm, yummy. You weren't wrong, my dear. I should know to trust you more by now. Although you doing karaoke with James seems questionable. He'll make a fool of you both to be sure." Molly smirked as she took another drink.
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The Weasleys had been nothing but kind to her from the very first moment they'd met, their generousity only increasing when her family had been murdered. They'd been around and that was very much appreciated by Marlene. She thought Molly was a wonderful human being and seeing how much she cared for her family, it made the blonde feel both comfortable around her and quite nostalgic.
"Trust me, this is the best drink you can have tonight, Molls." The witch assured with a nod of her head, grabbing the glass once the bartender had finished pouring one for each of them. She raised her glass to her companion, hoping for a quick cheers before taking the first sip. "I'd be asolutely delighted to be your drinking buddy for the night, but you will have to excuse me in a bit since I promised James we were doing karaoke." She said with a chuckle. "You can imagine how that'll go."
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lilyflowerss · 11 days ago
lily & @mkmarlene
hushed whispers moved through the air as lily looked at marlene mckinnon, the femme who had always been her best friend, the femme who had never let her down; even though she knew that she could have one-thousand times over. lily was a hand-ful, filled with wanderlust and curiosity, but marlene took it with stride: that was why they were best friends, something that came without fault or ease.
"you know how i feel about your career, mar, it worries me. what if something happens to you? this...world is dangerous now." lily mused, her eyes on her best friend as she tried to fathom how marlene could be a hit-witch, something that was so...dangerous. lily hadn't committed to her career, being feverishly passionate about the order, but she knew marlene was different: she respected that. however, it didn't worry her any less.
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alaraselwyn · 6 months ago
where: little tart bakery who: @mkmarlene
It had been a few days since the wedding, since the announcement of her engagement, that she found herself hiding away in her bakery. Alara had no idea on to tell her friends about the betrothal, knowing how some felt about the wizard. Stuck in a position that held such tight roots to pureblood society and she would never be able to escape their grasps.
She was closing one of the glass displays when the front door chime went off. "Welcome to little tart bakery, how can I help you?" Words that came unconsciously. Azure hues glancing up to a familiar face. "Marlene?" Alara was surprised to see her friend standing there. "Everything okay?"
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lumosfm · 3 months ago
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The following have not posted in character for five or more days and therefore have 48 hours to resume activity to avoid having their roles reopened:
Agatha Bulstrode @bsagatha
Alastor Moody @alastormagnusmoody
Amycus Carrow, Beatrice Abbott, Clara Ivanova, Estelle Fawley, Hestia Jones, Leta Rosier, Rita Skeeter @fcrox
Antonin Dolohov @xantoninxdolohovx
Arthur Weasley @arthurxweasleyx
Astrid Avery @astridavery
Charity Burbage @cxrissima
Daisy Hookum @dysxnia
Emmeline Vance @notdelicatc
Kendall Zabini @kendallzabini
Marlene McKinnon @mkmarlene
Sinistra Lowe @xsinistralowex
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xremus-lupinx · 1 day ago
With a small laugh Remus steadied Marlene. "You're quite alright, dear. It's great that you ran into me as opposed to many others. Especially considering I haven't seen you in forever."
Remus hadn't spent a lot of time with his friends over the last few months. Everyone, including himself, was busy bees as of late. Life got in the way unfortunately but it made the time spent together that much more worthwhile. -- even if it's a few brief moments for a smile and laugh.
"You may be clumsy, but you're a klutz to be loved." Remus took in a tired inhale. "Oh yes. Finally going home. It's been a very slow day. I'd prefer to stand in and enjoy the snow," he smiled. "You heading home? Seems like you're in a hurry."
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After some last minute shopping, the witch was running back home, eager to get a cup of tea to warm herself up. She was so keen on making it back as soon as possible that she almost didn't see the person in front of her, no time to change her trajectory and bumping into him. "Oh, Remus, I'm so sorry." Marlene excused herself, glad to recognize the wizard as one of her close friends. "You know how clumsy I can be. How are you, darling? Heading home already?"
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alastormagnusmoody · 6 months ago
Where: The Three Broomsticks Who: @mkmarlene
The late night crowd was dwindling. The Three Broomsticks, one of the few bars in the only all-wizard community in Britain, was one of those places that was usually busy right up until closing. Tonight, the crowd had tapered off, most likely due to the work week that was due to start in just a few hours. Moody walked through the door, a cool, late summer night's breeze rushing into the large room. Few heads turned, and those that did paid him no mind-- his hood of his robes was pulled up, hiding his face from view. He walked with a limp, something that was to become a signature of sorts for him. Alastor collected a bottle of firewhiskey and a glass, slipping into the back of the bar and passing quietly through a hidden door and into the secret room that was often used by the Order.
When he closed the door behind him and his eyes adjust to the darkness, he saw he was not the only one looking for a place to drink alone tonight. "Great minds think alike, eh?" He murmured, making his way to the table where the woman sat. "I can't drink this all by myself. If you're interested."
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lumosfm · 12 days ago
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The following have not posted in character for five or more days and therefore have 48 hours to resume activity to avoid having their roles reopened:
Agatha Bustrode @bsagatha
Andromeda Tonks @tonksxandromeda
Antonin Dolohov @xantoninxdolohovx
Augustus Rookwood @augustusxxrookwood
Charity Burbage @bbcharity
Cressida McLaggen, Fabian Prewett, Rosmerta Abbott @ofxsorcery
Evan Rosier @rsrevan
Evelyn Zabini @evelynxzabini
Georgette Ollivander @xgeorgetteollivanderx
Marlene McKinnon @mkmarlene
Mary MacDonald @stvrdsts
Mira Selwyn @miraxselwyn
Rodolphus Lestrange @xrodolphusxlestrangex
Sirius Black @siriusbpadfoot
Tiberius McLaggen @tiberiusxmclaggen
Valeria Flint @valeria-flint
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