#mkdir int/infil_merc
techtal · 3 years
14/04/2021 +++ training space {{ @ofvalentina​ }}
tal has a quick question for the universe. just a quick one, bit of a byte, barely a space or a breath. how, exactly, did they end up here.
or rather, no even a breath, because he’s all out of them, laid out on his back, arms spread and lungs heaving, staring up at the lights on the ceiling. his lungs are burning, and his arms feel like weak jelly, the muscles utterly useless. it’s nothing like the ache after typing too long, hands turned into claws. right now, he couldn’t fold them up if he wanted to, too weak for any kind of grip.
‘ please don’t tell me this is the average level of exhaustion you’re expecting. why do you all do this? ‘
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techtal · 3 years
to st beekeeper [14:57]
gimm 1 !!!!!!!!! [voice message 02:21] m 🙏
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