#mk not sfw alphabet
mrstsung · 2 years
Raiden NSFW abcs 💙⚡
Ok y'all come get your food.
Here's some spicy raiden. Tried to make it x reader friendly. But its very self indulgent too. Because i fucking love raiden.
CW: its smut. You know the drill. 18+ only
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex): raiden i hc to be cuddly afterwords. He values the closeness. This is kinda important and special for him. He's also the type to take a hot bath afterwards. Unless it was really that good. Then well he falls asleep in your arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): he loves all of his partner. He favors not one thing more than the other. (Tho i hc he does love my booty and thighs. And my eyes and smile too. Because raiden's a softie cutie) but for himself? Dunno,he takes good care of himself. And he's not generally the type to feel that way about his physical looks as he is a god. But he does love it when you compliment his eyes and his strong arms. But most of all,when yoy gently run your fingers through his hair or brush it out of his face. (Rai, you Romantic you! Uwu)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically): ok look raiden has to have some good coom ok? Aint no way he dont. And he cums big loads. Because thats mostly due to pent up feels. But oh boy when he do,you're gonna need a towel.....or two. He apologizes afterwards but you dont mind. He can go all night but he cuts it to two rounds at most. Its only fair. Heehee
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): ok you can't tell me he hasn't stared. Like he'd eye you up n down. But you'd never know,or he'll deny it. He's a soft tsundere. He hates thinking about you this way,especially if it's at an inappropriate time. But he can't help but think of how beautiful you are. And how gracefully you move. Even if you arent a graceful person. He still get heartstruck whenever he looks at you. Its not dirty per say but for raiden? Subtle is better. But for something really dirty? He fantasizes about you strip teasing with his staff. Because let's be honest....that would be hot af.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?): he's a god,and been around for a long ass time. What do you think?! Like come on. Of course he knows. Tho he may not know specifically how to please you. He knows how to please in general.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying): mating press,any kama sutra sex. Or any position he can see your face. But sometimes he'll do doggy or laying you on your stomach if he really wants to be rough. Its rare he is ever rough,however don't underestimate him. He can get heavy and dirty if he so happens to be in the mood for it. But he'd never pressure you. (Ok look rough and angry sex with raiden is delicious. Yes plz)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.): depends on the mood but he tries to be serious but sometimes things happen. And he's ok with that.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.): he keeps himself well groomed. And its slightly darker grey than his hair on his head. (But i hc his hair to change colors depending on how calm or not he is. I.e. if he's pissed tf off he hair can turn pitch black. And if he is super calm and relaxed its white. It glows when he's summoning a storm or his lightning. So this means all of his hair. Lol)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect): he's very romantic. And very gentle n sweet. And even when he's rough,he's still sweet. He'll kiss all the sore spots and tenderly caress you and tend to your every need. And he loves if you do the same. (Look rai is fucking husband and hella comfort character for me so dont at me bro. I have a lotta love for gods of thunder n storms ok?!)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon): oh he most certainly thinks about you when he masturbates. Whenever,if ever. He has time. You bet your sweet ass he has moaned your name. All the heavens probably know. But in the moment? He doesn't give a damn. All he can think about is you,how you feel. How you smell. Your kiss. Your hands,wandering. You just embracing him. Where he can just melt away and all is just bliss and peace. But afterwards?....WALK OF SHAME. LMFAO. Jk. Kinda. Look he gets flustered easy. But he does try to keep his composure.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks): shibari. Maybe eating sushi off his beloved. Thats kinda hit ngl. Maybe fucking in nature? He has probably a praise kink,giving and receiving. He is tender ok? Like he can get kinky definitely. But raiden is primarily a tender lover. He'd never degrade you. Ever. Even if you are into that. Thats probably a hard no. Mostly because he genuinely doesn't believe in that kinda talk to his lover. Kink or not. He's more sassy or teasing if anything,but never ever EVER degrading.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do): his bed. His gardens. Maybe his hot spring. The comfort of the sky temple. But as long as its secluded and private thats fine with him. He's a one on one type guy.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going): ok look the last thing you want is to tease the God of thunder. He may not show it right away but he'll get back at you most definitely. But a sure fire way i think is the subtle things.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): again heavy degradation. Anything super dangerous or harmful. But he's down as long as its nothing super harmful.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.): giving. He's very generous. Like he's never gonna say no to a BJ. But tbh raiden is a gentleman. And definitely loves eating you out. He likes to take his time too.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.): most of the time slow,soft,sensual. But like i mentioned,he can get rough if you want. But he won't hold back. So be prepared. But he'd never hurt you and would back off if it genuinely did hurt. But again. Play in a thunderstorm,you gonna get wet and it may be a bit rough honey.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.): He'd rather take his time. He can do quickies but he doesn't enjoy them much. Unless its sprinkled throughout the day.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.): depends. But he tries to keep his sex life private.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?): he can go all night like i said. But two rounds is fair and average.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?): well he doesn't use them. No need. But he'll have a few for you to use. Just in case he can't,you know. Be there to please. But sometimes he'll watch you use them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): he teases a fair amount. But never pushy.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.): depends on how good it is. Sometimes he's a roaring storm. Other times he's gentle as can be. He mostly loves to hear you than anything.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character): raiden has the sexiest fucking sleepy morning voice. Unf thunder fucking take me! 😫💖💙⚡
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes): he's big. Fight me. 8-9inch. Thick. Big,smooth,balls. Like its fucking immaculate. All gods are packing and gorgeous. Fucking fight me bro!
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?): higher than you'd think. Keeps it under lock n key well. You'd never know. But he can easily get hot under the collar as he can calm himself. But that build up is not to be fooled with.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): depends on how good it was. But he can sleep better if he knows you're satisfied. Thats all that matters most to him.
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theelderhazelnut · 24 days
Ombra Fluff Alphabet
Note: This the first post of the “x reader” headcanon series I’m doing for my OCs :3 Reader is gender neutral.
Warnings: none.
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
The first thing that catches her attention is your intelligence and creativeness. Ombra adores a capable mind that is able to come up with unique ideas, and from which she can learn some new things. If you’re an expert in a certain field, especially one that she has no clue about, she’ll eagerly listen to you talking her ear off about it.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
After a while, She’ll begin to realize that she wants to be near you all the time. Ombra just wants to live with you and you only. She really doesn’t like kids, and really doesn’t want to have her own. She knows she’d be a terrible mother. So she just wants this little family of the two of you.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Let’s be honest, Ombra LOVES cuddles. However, she can be pretty busy during the day that the only time she can cuddle with properly you is at night during the bedtime. She’s okay with all of the existing positions. She loves it especially when your head is on her chest. Since she naturally sleeps on her back, she also likes to have your head resting on her arm or shoulder.
But mommy also wants to be the little spoon sometimes, so she’ll crawl on top of you and have you trapped beneath her.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Ombra usually takes you on a date during which you can some quiet time together. She really enjoys sitting with you in silence and do nothing, enjoying your mere presence. However, she does like to take you on some adventures too. Amusement parks? Water parks? Showing off Metalrealm’s cool places to you? She’s down for it. You’ll be surprised when you see this stoic boss screaming and laughing.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
You are the living soul to her dead body ;)
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Obviously, she doesn’t fall in love easily. In fact, 98% of people she meets are boring to her and she despises them. Well, now you caught her attention with your skillful and mature mind, and you proved to her that you understand her deeply and that you’re patient with her until she lets her gaurd down and opens up to you. Her heart is, gradually, all yours.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Pretty gentle and charming, yes. She treats you like you’re a fragile crystal. You’re surprised how much she cares about you while she’s totally indifferent about others.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Of course, she likes any kind of physical contact with you, but holding your hand will be a distraction most of the time. When you two are walking somewhere, she prefers to have her hands free. Given this fact, Ombra prefers to hold your hand when she’s doing nothing.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
When Ombra met you for the first time, she only saw you as a pawn in her game, someone she could use and manipulate as she desired.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Not really. She only feels that way, and interferes, when things get serious.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Usually, she gives you a quick but powerful peck. Probably the both of you initiated the first kiss. You confessed how much she means to you, then she leaned closer for the kiss.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Definitely you. Ombra is not a person to express her true feelings verbally, but before you said that three words for the first time, she had showed you how she feels through actions.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Probably the first time you two kissed. In that moment, she felt truly happy, and finally tasted true love.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Oh hell yes she does. She buys you whatever you want. She’ll even buy you things you don’t know you want.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Black and your favorite color. Black is her favorite color, and you’re her favorite person.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Ombra is not a big fan of nicknames. Why use them when your precious name is right here? She only uses them when she’s whispering sweet nothings in your ear. She usually says them in Persian. Some of them may even make you laugh.
Her favorites are: “نفسم” (my breath), “زندگیم” (my life), “همه کسم” (you’re everyone to me, you’re the only one I have) and “موش بخورتت” (may a mouse come and eat you)
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Traveling to all the odd places with you. (If this counts as non-modern)
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
She likes to either read with you, or take a nap with you.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Ombra either distracts herself, overthinks about the situation until the negative feeling subsides, or talks to Gizem if she can. It takes a while for her to fully open up to you since she isn’t used to sharing her emotions with others. Don’t take this personal. Just give her some time.
If you’re sad, however, she knows exactly how to cheer you up. She knows you perfectly. She talks to you, if you want to, and lets you lie on her chest as much as you want to.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
When she’s FINALLY comfortable around you, she talks your ear OFF about poetry, her favorite books, chess, favorite movies etc etc. She also shares with you her observations of people. For example someone says or does something, and then she leans in and goes like. “Do you know why they said/did that? That’s because abcdefg…” She’ll give you a comprehensive data about that person’s character and mentality.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Either You or being all alone in her room. As a very introverted person, Ombra needs to have a space for herself usually. But sometimes, she just cuddles with you.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Ombra has a huge ego. She usually show off her powers and social status to you. The way your eyes sparkle when you see her using her powers, or when she’s doing her job as the Chief of the Interrealm Forces, fills her with so much joy.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
It takes her a while to think about marriage seriously since she really isn’t sure about her future, and what will happen to her and you as her spouse. But if things work out, she’ll take you on a date somewhere beautiful and quiet, then she’ll take your hands and ask you to be with her forever.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
This is her theme song.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Marriage is something she never really consideres, given what Falkus and her are planning to do. This is the reason why she’ll struggle a lot with this relationship. She doesn’t want you to get hurt, so she tries to push you away before her feelings for you become any more deeper. She may even be mad at you AND herself, and be a little harsh like: “If you can’t keep up with me, you better leave.”
But if she learns that you two can get married and overcome the hardships, she’ll be like “:3”
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Cats! They’re one of her weaknesses.
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moronkombat · 8 months
Welcome to my blog where I write fanfiction for a goofy fighting game!
Some of what I accept but not limited to are: headcanons, drabbles, intros, nsfw alphabets
Who do I take requests for: MK1 characters ONLY (with the exception of Noob Saibot because im weak) at the moment (including kombat pack MK characters an) with readerxcharacter content
Rules for submitting requests:
Try not to make the prompts TOO specific/niche. Additionally, avoid requesting the reader having similar abilities to a character from a different fandom. I do this because I most likely am not familiar with these other fandoms and so am at a loss
You may submit as much as you like, however, from now on I will be choosing what I answer. If your ask is not going to be answered and you didn't submit it on anon, I will let you know that I will not be getting to it. So not all asks will be gotten too even though I really want to as there are simply far too many for me to keep up with and tumblr will actually begin deleting them T_T
A few examples (there are more) of themes I will write:
NSFW of many varieties
Yandere/Other dark or taboo themes
Unrequited love
Family dynamics
If you ever have a question about what to submit you can always ask/message me and I will let you know!
Thank you for supporting my blog!
Request status: Open
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kryptofancientdreams · 9 months
Shinnok Masterlist
Know one I may have missed? Message.
Shinnok x Reader
SFW Alphabet: Shinnok
Mortal Kombat: The Mark of Shinnok
MK Villains and their child Part 2
Reincarnated Goddess Reader
Shinnok X Nature Goddess
Jealous and protective Pt2
And They Were Roommates (Shinnok's Head x Reader)
Oh My God They Were Roommates (Shinnok's Head x Reader Part 2)
So No Head? (Shinnok's Head X Reader Part 3)
To The Place I Belong... (Shinnok's Head X Reader Part 4) [Finale]
Self-Aware MKX Shinnok x Reader (1/2)
Self-Aware MKX Shinnok x Reader (2/2)
Yandere(?) Shinnok x Reader (1/3)
Yandere(?) Shinnok x Reader (2/3)
Yandere(?) Shinnok x Reader (3/3)
Gods/Titans x Sick! Reader
Shinnok + "royalty"
A,I,K,M for Shinnok
Mortal Kombat S/O Kombat intro’s (Part 3)
Caught in his Web Pt. 1
Shinnok x Reader Part 1/2 Lemon
Shinnok x Reader Part 2/2 Lemon
Shinnok NSFW alphabet
NSFW Alphabet: Shinnok
Mix (Sfw/Nsfw)
Shinnok x reader
Shinnok x reader x Quan Chi
Quan Chi x Reader x Shinnok
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pamgkrthwrites · 2 years
Sun Wukong the Monkey King Masterlist
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Normal Text = SFW Red Bold and Italic Text = NSFW(You must be over the age of 18 to view this content) Some words have been censored because Tumblr said so. Characters have their own master lists and Poly x Reader also has it's own master list.
Crazy Love
How does Yandere!Wukong Seduce?
Yandere!Wukong being forceful
Wukong’s ex Wife(Regarding Crazy Love)
Yandere Heacanons
Blind Reader
Joining the other side
Thankful Darling
MK’s Reaction to a Yandere!Wukong x Reader
Phone Addiction
Thicc Reader
K/nksK/nk Files (Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)(Part 5)(Part 6)(Part 7)
Interest in Silver and Gold
Social Class
Dom Read
Omega Reader
Hand Made Gift
Rules and Punishments
Alt Clothing
Crying on the Phone
S/O has Cancer
S/O has Cancer aftermath
Parent Yandere Wukong and Daughter Reader(Domestic, not Romantic)
Would Wukong teach his S/O the 72 Transformations 
Can’t have kids by choice
Yandere!MK vs Yandere!Wukong, Part 2, Part 3
Stable Boy
100 Day Old Baby
S/O had a kid and didn’t tell them
What are they attracted to
Wukong goes for Yandere!Macaque’s darling
You are a str/pper
Wukong’s seducing Immortal-Peach-Orchard-maiden!SO
On the cloud
Beautiful Lashes
S/O is a low ranking Demon
Wukong’s S/O has a giant plush of him
Sun Wukong’s S/O has Psoriasis
Macaque meets Wukong’s S/O
Him planning to propose
Yandere Wukong vs Yandere Macaque vs Yandere Nezha for Y/N
Dating Headcanons
His kids
Your friend calls you bunny while you have Yandere
Walk-in on him while naked
Being a flirty Fox Demon
Cringy/Embarrassing moments during sex
"If you leave me I'll k/ll you." (Yandere!Sun Wukong x Yandere!Reader)
You don't love your kids(Yandere!Sun Wukong x reader)
Platonic Yandere!Sun Wukong and Yandere!Macaque fighting over Child!Reader
You want to be a Milf
Panic Attacks over LBD
You got Isekaied into LMK Universe (Part 2)
First Meeting and the Personalities of his children
Yandere Wukong and how he deal with you having a child
You got Iskiaed and have returned home
Would he train you?
Cuddles and Scratches
Their Princess Fiancé reader gets kidnapped by demons, again
A housewife with a breeding kink
“Hm yeah no I’d rather die than be stuck with your crazy ass”
NSFW Alphabet Challenge
Reader is Curvey
Using Clones during sex
Yandere!Nezha vs Yandere!Wukong over you
Yandere!Wukong with Deaf!Reader
You Spoil Yandere!Wukong
Wukong X F!reader who is an adrenaline junky
He is a yandere, mates and breed you on your birthday
You are a product a one-night stand, and are his daughter
You are Atustic, Chubby, Tomboy and he loves you
You like to run off and get bruises(Yandere)
You don't feel pain
Would they allow your support animal?
You nibble and headbutt as affection
What would happen if their children started dating while they are your yandere?
Reader is a single mother tiger demon
Harpy Reader hits her heat around her Yandere
Reader kills someone
You relapse into suicidal thoughts
You Peg Them
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okadaes · 5 years
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— requests opening up for the mk ladies!!
– Headcannons, scenarios, dialogues, fics, fluff, angst, or whatever ( SFW/NSFW ) that also includes the NSFW alphabet ;)
- I won’t accept rqs that I feel involves some extreme stuff!
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mrstsung · 2 years
⚡💙Raiden sfw abc hcs💙⚡
Cw: none really,it's pretty tame. uwu
These are just my personal interpretations. So plz don't shoot the messenger ok? It took me a couple of days to write this up. Because I've been doing other writing and kontent creating. Oof.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?): Raiden is more physically affectionate in private than in public or in front of others. However he isn't above holding hands,an arm around yours or your waist. Gentle but respectful praises and soft and knowing glances are what you'll get the most of. It's not that he isn't affectionate or is embarrassed to say i love you. Far from it. He just wants to keep his composure. Especially since i hc he is a hella empath and gets overwhelmed by his emotions sometimes. As a god of thunder and lightning this is especially important. Especially being a protector of earthrealm too. But his most trusted friends and allies. They know. They know the real raiden. Him a softie. He just has to put a front to deal with the bullshit and burdens. Tho he will let you be physically affectionate if that truly is your love language.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?): oh raiden is the bestest friend you could ask for. He is a big bro type. Honestly any relationship may or may not be started by training under him in general or being protected by him specifically. (Which is how my au self insert starts out. She is a warrior mortal chosen by the elder gods to help give raiden aid and grounding.)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?): raiden is hella cuddly. He loves to hold you from behind with his arms around you. He feels more protective of you this way. His other fave way,is to have you lay on his chest with one arm around you. Either way he's holding onto you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?): of course raiden does. But only if you are absolutely certain you are comfortable with knowing the fact that he,will indeed,outlive you. (I assume you are mortal. So yeah) but i assumed you already know the drill beforehand anyways. Raiden is fair with chores. But he doesn't usually need to do so as most of it's taken care of before you even think about it. Being a god has benefits. But he still prefers to do it himself.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?): oh honey why? Why would you ever wanna do that?! But if he had to it would be hella formal but you can hear a crack under his voice. Truly only way i can see this truly happening is by death because like hell I'd let it get that bad. But knowing raiden he would probably wanna do it to protect me. But again raiden has his brother and allies to help too. So this wouldn't likely happen. So again only death would separate you. But oooooh boy would it hurt like hell for raiden either way. Also why do you want this to happen again?
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?): ok look raiden WANTS to as soon as love strikes hard at the god of thunder. But he may take a while to get the guts to even get to that point. Because of his fears,his walls,and honestly i feeeeeel raiden deeply on that shit. Being an empath sucks sometimes but it's a gift too. But once he gets over himself. Oh he's in for life. Or as long as yours is that is. Marriage to a god is quite an event. This means you have a choice to either be a muse(a lesser power but more or less a partial of raidens power would be also connected to you. You has long life as well but you are still mortal. Muses can be connected to anyone mortal or gods they kind just follow them around as a retainer. They can travel to any realm and not lose powers but they are stronger in their main realm however) a kami (higher up than a muse. You will be immortal like a god but have heavier responsibilities and a tad less freedom than a muse. But you only have 3 domains at max. And one realm only) or a full God. Or remain mortal. Either way you have a ride or die man ok?
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?): he is somft (tm). Not to say he can't get rough. But he is very gentle with life. Especially yours. He would never try to harm you on purpose. He'd never forgive himself if he did.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?): ok raiden hugs are a blessing. They are comforting af. And also you always feel safe in his arms. He can be a bit reserved at times but overall. He'd let you hug him if that's how you show affection. He won't complain. He actually loves hugs and needs them more often. But he reserves his best hugs for you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?): it may take a bit. But once you hear it. He means it. Genuinely. From the bottom of his heart. I'd say at most....give him at least a year or two to figure it out. But honestly this depends on y'all. He'll show it before he says it tho. But again hearing raiden say "i love you" or even "aishiteru" . Be still my heart if he ever said that. Like holy shit. He'd have all my uwus.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?): eh he ain't the jealous type. At least lasting jealousy. Like its extremely fleeting. And if anything,its more of beating himself up over it. "Why do they get to see her everyday,meanwhile I'm stick here in the temple?" Type thing. But it's fleeting like i said more just passing thoughts.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?): electric. Lol. Jk,kinda. His kisses are passionate,gentle,full of love and that kind of kiss that is reassuringly sweet. But sometimes....you may get a saucy raiden. This raiden...oh boy lemme tell you. That is something absolutely heavenly. No pause. His fave place to kiss you besides your lips. Is your hand,a chaste kiss on the cheek or a reassuring kiss of respect and love on your forehead. Bonus points if you short. Its so cute. But then again raiden tol af canonlly. Sooooo. Everyone is shorter than the god of thunder n lightning. (My fave place to kiss him is under his chin or a cute quick kiss on the cheek, may blow a kiss too. If it's on the lips,well there may be a steamy storm coming thru. But anywhere is fine by me tbh)
L = Little ones (How are they around children?): raiden loves children. He's a good dad figure tbh. Canon and fanon. Like him dilf material. He is very protective. And also a lot more playful and even childlike himself around young ones. This brings out the raiden that many don't see. It's not that he doesn't show it. He does. It's just he's been through hell and back so much. But to see him like this,it warms your heart. Because this is the true raiden.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?): Raiden usually just has short rests,he don't really sleep like we do. Unless he is in mortal form. Then he is more likely to sleep. But even then,he has a hard time sleeping. However with you by his side,he sleeps or rests a bit more comfortably. But mornings with the thunder god is just sweet. A morning kiss. He makes tea quietly as to not wake you. In fact he often just likes watching you peacefully slumber. Knowing you are safe with him and in a gentle state like this is enough to melt his heart. Overall,a calm morning.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?): As i mentioned he rests more than sleeps,but he loves to have you sit in his lap while he reads old scrolls or tells you storys or tales about liu kangs and kung laos early days or the days where he and fujin were young gods,playing among the clouds. He'll read or talk to you till you fall asleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?): well it may take a bit as raiden while he deeply wants to share everything with you. He is cautious about letting people in. He has many enemies and is very protective of those he loves and the realm he protects. But once that ice is broken,and trust is gained. He is absolutely 100% honest with you. No secrets,nothing to hide. (There are exceptions and certain scenarios where he might hide something from you but he'd never ever lie to you. But this has to be something that is important. Or it's to protect you. He actually hates doing this tbh)
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?): Ok let this be a warning. NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EVER PISS OFF THE GOD OF THUNDER! EVER!!!! Do you have a death wish?! He rarely gets that pissed. He has excellent composure. He has the patience of a well...god. However,when he is pissed? Run. RUN FOR YOU LIFE BOIIII! Don't mess with the Thunder God's Wife/Spouse
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?): He remembers pretty well. However sometimes he gets caught up in things. So plz be easy with him. He doesn't mean to tho. But he's pretty observant.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?): Tbh when he first brought you to the sky temple. He loved the look on your face. To him it's not as huge of a deal. But to you. It was everything. And he just wanted to see you smile tbh. Raiden's such a sweetie.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?): very. Not overbearingly so. But in a "don't touch my Wife/Spouse or you are gonna eat lighting bolts for days". He would wrap a hand around your waist and hold you closer. Or hold your hand,especially if you need reassurance. But it only takes a glance from raiden,a tiny flash across his eyes to the other person as a warning. "Don't even think about it" . He would definitely defend your name. I know you'd do the same,we all would. I mean we'll call it like we see it. But honestly,i don't think many people would dare go against the god of thunder like that. Cept maybe shang but he's like that with everyone.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?): he tries to do as best as he can. But more just the simple things matter most to him. And tbh this depends on the individual. But if you are more like me and just want a simple alone time with some nice food and a hot bath type thing. Then he's all for that. But if you need a bit more,raiden will accommodate. Either way he does little things to make you smile. ♡ again sweetest thunder god ever.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?): beats himself up. Raiden plz,it's not your fault. Shit happens. You may have to reassure him a lot. He may be wise,composed,chill,etc. But even he has moments. Gods aren't perfect. And you have to sometimes help him with that in reminding him to breathe and forgive himself. Poor rai.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?): he takes good care of himself. But he isn't vain. A reasonable amount. But if he just is not feelin himself. Then oh boy scruffy,hair tousled and unkempt,this raiden you don't wanna cross. The clouds are exxtra heavy today. Oof. But for the most part,he's chill.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?): well yes but also no? Life would go on. But oh boy would he be depressed af.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.): raiden keeps the small trinkets left to him by children at his shrines. A whole box of them sits in his temple.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?): well besides the obvious things you shouldn't want in a partner. I dunno really. He's a pretty accepting guy. I guess as long as you are patient with him. And take care of yourself for the most part. And all that junk. He's pretty chill. Honestly he doesn't have a "type" he just wants genuine love as any other person.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?): he loves to have a breeze on him when resting. Windows and or doors would be open when sleeping. If you get cold however,he will get more blankets or cuddle closer. He will only shut them during the winter months. As to not bring snow into the temple. Lol.
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mrstsung · 2 years
🐍💚Shang Tsung sfw abcs hcs💚🐍
Cw: may be a few things here n there. Maybe a death mention. And cussing. But none really you should be alarmed by. Y'all should know by now if you read the rules.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?): well shang at first isn't the most...physically affectionate guy. But he over time is. He is more acts of service and quality time and gift giving type of guy. And words of affirmation like physical affection,is more so over time than initially. But in private,he is more so affectionate than in public but especially in front of his adversaries...at least at first. But don't worry,its not because he doesn't love you. He's just cautious is all. But also he may show you off too. It really really depends on the "type" of relationship you have too. The closer and more intimate,the more protective and territorial he may become. Again he can be physically affectionate,just give him some time. Tho he isn't the one to say no 100% if you are the "huggy" type. He finds this endearing believe it or not. But again getting it back may take some time and trust build up.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?): ok you want shang as your friend. Because him as an enemy is most unwise. But he's a good ally. When you can have him as one. Again he's a slippery snake. So be cautious. But a genuine friendship with him? Omg loyal till you give a reason not to be. He'd kill a man for you...plz dont shang.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?): in private. Of course. (Again he is a show off buuuuut within reason)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?): well he has servents,so most of the time they do these things for you two. but he's pretty chill when he's domestic. He's actually a pretty doting husband. Surprisingly as that is to some people. But he does tend to you as you to him. Again he has servents to do so but sometimes he wants to actually spoil his beloved you know? He wants to make you a meal or tea every now n then. Just let him when he does ok? Somft shang is a good thing remember? (Less trouble for everyone else) (he's not that lazy ok?)
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?): just leaves. Look i aint gonna sugar coat that. But he'd be devastated. May go on a rampage. Depending on how you left. If you were killed in a tournament or worse by his enemies. Oh elder gods help them because he's about to flip his shit! If you just left because you wanna "break up" . It wouldn't be easy to say the least. But honestly i don't know what his reaction would be. Because it could be many things. Honestly shang may even just cry,we dunno with him. He's an enigma of emotions. But either way it would hurt. Also why do you wanna do that? Bruh you got it good with shang tsung,wealth,power,status,a whole island yo yourself,an no offense shang tsung is a gorgeous man. Even shang in his foxy grandpa look is pretty good looking. And rejuvenated shang tsung is a fucking babe! An absolute hunk! Why in elder gods name would you break up with that?! What's wrong with you?!
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?): once he makes up his mind about you. You damn well bet you're gonna be Mrs.Tsung soon. I'm sorry once he is in deep,he is absolutely obsessed about you. Your soul is his! Lol
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?): to his lover? Like the softest petals. To his enemies? Bitter and ruthless.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?): at first he's gonna be like "what is this?!" But he'll be tsundere af about it. Over time he's "omfg plz hug me T_T" but as soon as his adversaries come in the vicinity. He may be back to tsundere. But you know,only you knows ♡ ^-^ teehee
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?): tbh it may be a bit to say it. He'll show it before saying it. Buuuuut he while being the snake he is. He is serious about love. Once he says it. He means it. (Tbh shang saying i love you for the first time would have me all 🥺💖)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?): ahahahahha! Let's just say don't push your luck with the dark sorcerer. If someone he doesn't like,or at worst yet,hates. Breathes wrong in your direction. There'll be hell to pay. Don't make him your enemy. Ever.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?): i hc his kisses to be passionate,sweet,soft but in control. He definitely knows what he's doing honey. He loves to kiss the crook of your neck or neck in general. Lips of course. And your hand. He is a classy man after all. He loves it when you kiss him anywhere really. Forehead kisses are sweet and reassuring to him. Hand kissing is respectful. But if he's feeling spicy,his inner thigh. ;) ♡
L = Little ones (How are they around children?): indifferent. He doesn't hate them. But he doesn't harm them,and actually finds that abhorrent. (Despite all his other atrocities),he'd rather not have kids if he can help it. but if he did had children of his own officially? Oh he's a proud pappa. And always makes sure his kids are given the best,nothing less. Again,not to say he couldn't or wouldn't want children. It's just more of he doesn't want them to get hurt,considering of what he is,what he does,his enemies,the fact mortal kombat could have anytime and anywhere. Yeah. Not a place for tiny ones. But again,if that happens. He would want you to go through with it if you so choose. And he will be there every step of the way. Again he's not broken up if you have or don't have kids. This to him is entirely up to you,and even if you change your mind and want out of said pregnancy before it becomes a problem,  he will also support that decision as well(yeah i said it! Shang is pro choice. Fuck what ya think!!!). Either way he leaves the whole thing for you to decide.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?): calm,serene. A cup of tea. Silk sheets. Finest luxury.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?): same but steamier. Sometimes nightly walks in his garden.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?): it truly depends. But most of the time,tbh. It's slow. But it's on a need to know basis at first and at his own terms. Until trust is established. But once he's made up his mind. Like i said. Oof freight train hits you with the knowledge and affection.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?): depends on who you are and the situation. But dont press your luck honey. But he'd never harm his beloved. At least on purpose. He is patient until you push him not to be.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?): oh he wants to know evvvvvverything about you. And shang tsung will remember that.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?): well in my self ship with him. I guess him just opening up to me. Or the day i practically became his queen in a way i guess.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?): oh boy. Well he is definitely protective. Nobody is gonna fuck with you as shang tsungs wife/spouse. Like he is the type to get really pissed at someone for messing with his queen. While normally his is cunning,calm,and collected even angered in a fight. With you....oh no,that simply won't do. He's quiet or hot angered words. Stinging you in every way. He will bring hell upon anyone who dares to go against him and his beloved. Like he's ruthless. Not just your soul he will take,he will destroy it. He expects the same from you/reader as his beloved.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?): all the effort. How he gets it or affords it. He is loaded. Canonlly he is. Very wealthy,mostly from his time serving shao kahn i assume.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?): well......a lot of things tbh. But a tame one might be smoking hookah.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?): he takes pride in his appearance. He always smells and looks good.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?): he would be crushed. He may become even more vengeful and unhinged than before. Oof. Plz halp him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.): he writes poetry,and loves tending to his bonsai tree. Also has a house shrine he prays to. Even tho he is a sorcerer of the dark arts. He still has his beliefs in a way. There is a sliver of shang tsung that hopes that maybe people will see the one truth in life,one certainty in life. Is death. And to live life in its fullest and become more powerful than you were yesterday is the only goal one should have. At least he used to believe heavily. Deep down he wants power but because simply he was told he was never to amount to greatness. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?): well he loves canonlly strong willed women and women who are sassy and holds her own. Not necessarily in fighting,but in spirit and attitude. But i think he wouldn't like a woman who is too harsh either? I dunno. He likes balance. If you can't fight,he will teach you to hold yourself in battle. Because no wifey of shang will not know basic defense. Also the harder you play "coy" or "hard to get" the harder he will chase. He definitely expects you to defend him not just physically but also defend his name and word too.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?): he loves sleeping in the nude. But on occasionally he will wear his robes and silk undergarments.
As stated. Hcs are Subject to change. But these are what i have so far.
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