#mjt in kennedy clothing
tomorrowusa · 5 months
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There are plenty of indications that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., politically disowned by the Kennedy family, is a stalking horse for Trump. Robert Reich makes the case for that at his Substack.
More evidence that RFK Junior is working for Trump (as if you needed it)
Trump and RFK Jr. share a lot of ground on conspiracy theories. Kennedy is an outright anti-vax conspiracy nutcase and Trump's MAGA cult is made up of a lot of science-loathing twits.
So if Republicans are counting on drawing votes away from Biden with RFK Jr., they could end up shooting themselves in the foot by dividing the anti-vax conspiracy vote.
The situation has at least some similarity to the topic of abortion. For decades, Republicans saw their anti-abortion fanaticism as a winner for them. But when the GOP US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade Republicans discovered how Americans really felt about reproductive freedom. Republican candidates are now hoping voters forget the party's decades of fanatical opposition to abortion.
If low information Dems who are nostalgic about the Kennedy years are made aware of the true nature of RFK Jr.'s leanings, then the major party candidate hurt most by him would be Donald Trump.
So it's helpful to speak up if you hear any Kennedy-curious chatter from reality-based individuals.
Anybody thinking that RFK Jr. is a true representative of Kennedy political philosophy should talk to his relatives.
Kennedy family members call RFK Jr.’s independent bid ‘dangerous to our country’
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