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dragonfang-photography · 2 days ago
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Lillehammer with Lysgårdsbakkene Hoppanlegg in the back.
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blueiscoool · 1 year ago
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1400-Year-Old Gold Foil Figures Found at Pagan Temple in Norway
Archaeologists have discovered a votive gold hoard during road development works in Vingrom, south of Lillehammer on the shores of Lake Mjøsa Norway.
The 5 gold pieces are tiny, about the size of a fingernail. They are flat and thin as paper, often square, and stamped with a motif. Usually, they depict a man and a woman in various types of clothing, jewelry, and hairstyles.
The objects were discovered in the remains of a pagan temple, where previous excavations have uncovered thirty similar stamped gold objects in the vicinity over the past three decades.
Archaeologist Kathrine Stene was the project leader for the excavation, which has been ongoing along the road here all summer and into autumn, due to the upgrade of the E6 highway between Mjøsa Bridge and Lillehammer.
“It was incredibly exciting,” Kathrine Stene said.
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The pagan temple measures around fifteen meters in length. Archaeologists have found five gold foil figures in the last couple of weeks.
According to the researchers, the objects date from the Merovingian era sometime between AD 550 to the Viking Age.
The latest objects were found beneath the structure in the wall runs and in adjacent postholes, suggesting that they were ritually placed as votive offerings in the form of a sacrifice or a religious act to protect the building before it was constructed.
In 1993, the temple at Hov was discovered entirely by chance. County conservator Harald Jacobsen noticed the soil while driving along the E6. He thought it looked like what archaeologists call cultural layers, or soil containing human traces. A quick investigation proved him correct, and the discovery of two gold foil figures indicated that this was no ordinary location.
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Smaller excavations during the 2000s led to the discovery of 28 gold foil figures, and what is referred to as a temple, a house for pagan religious practices.
In Norway, findings of gold foil figures are rare. The 35 from the temple in Vingrom represent the largest collection found in this country.
However, 100 gold foil figures were found in a similar temple at Uppåkra in Sweden, and more than 2,500 gold foil figures were found in a field on the Danish island of Bornholm.
So, “There must be more of them here,” researchers believe.
By Oguz Kayra.
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jontycrane · 9 months ago
Best known for hosting the 1994 Winter Olympic Games, Lillehammer is a quiet and attractive small town at the head of Lake Mjøsa, Norway’s largest lake. It was a pleasant place to spend a day or so, very walkable and low key. The Norwegian Olympic Museum is a good place to start. It isn’t huge but tells well the story of the Olympic Games from Ancient Greece through to the modern day, before…
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ltwilliammowett · 10 months ago
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A sonar image of a maybe 700 years old "viking" ship
Archaeologists have discovered the remains of a mysterious ship in 2022 while searching for tonnes of unexploded munitions from WWII that were dumped at the bottom of a lake near Oslo.
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So far, there are only sonar images and these show the hull of the 10-metre-long wooden ship at a depth of 410 metres below the surface of Lake Mjøsa, about 100 kilometres north of the Norwegian capital. The fact that it is probably a Viking ship (which must be older then just 700 years, if it is one) can be recognised by the way the ship was built, as it is a clinker construction, and by the shape of the ship itself. What exactly is behind it will become clear after further investigations, which are still ongoing.
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missedditart · 1 year ago
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Her dirty paws and furry coat
She ran down the forest slopes
The forest of talking trees
They used to sing about the birds and the bees
Finally I have worked up the courage to share her. Introducing my Lackadaisy oc: Åse, you can call him Ace if you want. I've teased her in a previous post but i've finally gotten around to making her bio card thingy. And as previously mentioned he is an old d&d pc. He tends to show up here and there so this is just one of her many incarnations. 
Art thoughts below
The illustration it is based on this postcard and other Norwegian postcard illustrations depicting people and creatures in red winter hats and clothing. The hat in itself is called a Nisselue. The patterns on her clothes are based on different folk stories/myths. The pattern on the hem of her skirt is based on the children's story called The Foxes Widow and her mittens are based on Kråkevisa/Bonden Og Kråka and her stockings are based on a mythical creature called a Fossegrim. All of them are in a way relevant to her backstory.
The pin is based on a Maiblomst (Mayflower), a paper flower attached to a pin that is sold to raise money for charity originating in Sweden but has later been used in other countries as well. The colors change each year, this one is based on the 1915 version from Norway. 
She grew up near Kapp which is a small town on the edge of the Mjøsa river which is why I chose for her to be depicted near water.
some fun facts
They laugh like a hyena
He has an intense rivalry with crows
She has sleep paralysis
Isn't interested in alcohol but when at parties, she drinks water in a martini glass to feel fancy
He's 163cm tall
Uses she/him pronouns but isn't picky
Anyone is welcome to ask about her if they so wish 🙂
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fransopdefiets · 8 months ago
17-6 Hamar
Gisterenavond werd het een pitabroodje met kebab, ui, tomaat en groene pepers, bedekt met een dikke laag witte en bruine smurrie. Calorierijk was het zeker, want ik heb afgelopen nacht geen honger gehad.
Op de camping heb ik nog wat gelezen in Terry Pratchett en met Mayke gebeld, die weer thuis is. ‘s Nachts begint het af en aan zachtjes te regenen en tegen de ochtend regent het stevig door. Zo om een uur of half tien begint de regen af te nemen, ik heb dan alles al droog ingepakt met uitzondering van de tent zelf. Ik vouw de natte lappen zo goed en kwaad als het gaat op, stop ze in de grote gele tas en off we go.
Het begint met een lange route over een oude spoorbaan langs het Mjøsa Meer en dat gaat goed totdat ik oo wegwerkzaamheden stuit. Deze
onverwachte tegenvaller bestaat uit een steile klim van 1,5 km, maar wordt beloond met een wegrestaurant op de top. Koffie! Helaas zijn alle koeken en cakes uitverkocht, maar als troost krijg ik de tweede bak gratis.
In Tangen sla de lunch in voor een picknick en als ik na een pittige klim over een gravelweg een picknicktafel zie, denk ik, hoera het hoogste punt, tijd voor de lunch. Maar wat een deceptie, het hoogste punt van vandaag ligt niet op 190 maar op 290 meter. En om daar te komen, moet je nog een lange golvende gravelweg volgen, bedekt met een verse natte laag bestaande uit een nog niet ingereden mengsel van zand en leem. Telkens korte steile hellinkjes, gevolgd door nog kortere afdalinkjes en dan weer omhoog ploegen door die zachte bovenlaag. Regelmatig duw ik de fiets omhoog omdat ik het gewoon niet trek. Maar aan alle ellende komt een eind en op een gegeven moment mag ik toch weer naar beneden glibberen.
In de buurt van Stange staat een 13e eeuwse kerk, helaas wel gerenoveerd in de 16e eeuw, maar met een bijzonder beschilderd gewelf. Het is een pelgrimskerk op de St. Olavsroute en binnen word ik vriendelijk begroet door een Noor die me wat te eten aanbiedt.
Dan is het nog drie kwartier naar mijn Airbnb, een tiny house in Hamar. En tiny it is, maar er zit een flinke zonnige tuin bij. Ik ata nog te prutsen met de sleutelkluis als Anton aankomt. Die is achteneenhalf uur onderweg geweest om hier te komen!
Gefietste afstand: 54 km
Gefietste tijd: 4,5 uur
Afstand tot de Noordkaap als je er met een katapult op mikt: 1.319 km
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mondosol · 2 months ago
Gjøvik Norway: A Language Learning Adventure
Experience the enchanting beauty of Gjøvik, Norway. Discover a blend of tradition and innovation in this lakeside town.
Dawn breaks over Lake Mjøsa, casting golden ripples across Norway’s largest lake as Gjøvik awakens. This charming lakeside town uniquely blends tradition and innovation, offering an enriching environment for Gjøvik Norway tourism. It also supports local culture. My unexpected language learning adventure began here, intertwining my journey of acquiring Norwegian with rich cultural experiences.…
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gazetadoleste · 3 months ago
Misterioso naufrágio no maior lago da Noruega intriga pesquisadores
Um naufrágio foi descoberto durante um trabalho de busca de munição de guerra no Lago Mjøsa, na Noruega. Após anos de estudos, pesquisadores descobriram detalhes importantes sobre o ocorrido e finalmente foram capazes de chegar ao local onde a embarcação afundou. A conclusão é que se trate de um “føringsbåt”, um barco construído entre 1300 e 1700 e utilizado para o transporte de cargas e de…
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svalastog · 5 months ago
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Kveldshimmel over Mjøsa (Brumunddal)
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daily-coat-of-arms · 10 months ago
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Gjøvik, Norway
The arms are based it off the symbol of the side-wheel steamer, the "white swan of Mjøsa" witch is usually docked near the town harbor
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elmartillosinmetre · 1 year ago
El caso Flagstad: acoso y cancelación de una diva
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[La soprano Kirsten Flagstad (1895-1962) / KIRSTEN FLAGSTAD MUSEUM]
Fórcola edita en castellano una biografía de Kirsten Flagstad, una de las más grandes cantantes del siglo XX
En Hamar, su villa natal, una ciudad de poco más de 30.000 habitantes situada en la orilla oriental del lago Mjøsa, el mayor de Noruega, existe desde 1985 un museo dedicado a Kirsten Flagstad (1895-1962), la más importante cantante noruega de la historia, pero la relación de la artista con su país no fue siempre sencilla. Ingeborg Solbrekken había tratado ya su caso en trabajos anteriores aparecidos en las dos últimas décadas, y en 2021 amplió su mirada con la publicación de una biografía que ahora edita en castellano Fórcola. Merced a un exhaustivo trabajo de investigación en los archivos oficiales de Noruega, Solbrekken penetra hasta los más nimios detalles de un caso aleccionador, analizando las circunstancias que condujeron al acoso sufrido por la soprano durante años tanto en Noruega como en Estados Unidos.
Hija de una pianista a la que siempre sintió distante, Kirsten Flagstad carecía de la ambición de su madre, y por eso cuando en 1920, con 24 años, da a luz a una niña sólo piensa en quedarse en casa, cuidar de su hija y hacer feliz a su marido. Pero las cosas no van bien, termina separándose de su esposo y cantando en funciones de opereta, en las que a menudo tenía también que bailar ligera de ropa. En 1926, el Teatro Casino de Oslo decide por sorpresa programar algo más serio y escoge el Fausto de Gounod. La Margarita de Flagstad es un triunfo que sobrepasa fronteras y en 1928 es contratada por una compañía de Gotemburgo, que solía ofrecer cuatro grandes títulos de ópera por temporada: debutó en otoño de aquel año con El cazador furtivo de Weber causando auténtico pasmo entre el público y la crítica.
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[Kirsten Flagstad. La voz del siglo Ingeborg Solbrekken Traducción de Lotte K. Tollefsen. Edición y notas de Javier Jiménez Madrid: Fórcola, 2023. 479 páginas. 34,50 €]
De un día para otro la cantante se hace famosa. Aida y Tosca asentaron su reputación, y cuando incluyó fragmentos de Wagner en algunos conciertos con orquesta, su futuro artístico pareció quedar sellado. En 1929 el Teatro Nacional de Oslo le ofrece un Lohengrin que causó sensación (diecinueve salidas a saludar). Conoce entonces al que será su segundo marido, Henry Johansen, un magnate de la madera, viudo y padre de cuatro hijos, que le garantiza una vida cómoda. Se casan en el verano de 1930 y ella vuelve a pensar en la retirada. Acababa de cumplir 35 años.
Sin embargo, el destino le tenía preparado un camino bien distinto. La mujer tímida y chapada a la antigua, que se distraía haciendo solitarios de naipes, se prepara Isolda en seis semanas para una función que le piden en Oslo. La repercusión es tal que enseguida le ofrecen una audición para Bayreuth, donde debuta en 1933 con una 9ª de Beethoven, la llaman de Bruselas para cantar Sieglinde, vuelve a Bayreuth en el 34 para mayores empeños y en enero de 1935 desembarca en Nueva York para convertirse en la gran wagneriana de su tiempo, primero del Metropolitan y después del mundo entero.
Son años de una actividad frenética, que la llevan continuamente de América a Europa en todos los roles relevantes de Wagner: Brunilda, Elsa, Elisabeth y, sobre todo, Isolda, el rol que la marca absolutamente y que cantará 188 veces en escena entre 1932 y 1954.
Pero se interpone la guerra. Johansen se ha afiliado en 1933 a la Unión Nacional, el partido ultraderechista de Vidkun Quisling, quien cuando Noruega es atacada por la Alemania hitleriana en abril de 1940, da un golpe de estado y encabeza un gobierno títere supervisado por los invasores. Flagstad tuvo que cancelar su previsto viaje de Nueva York a Noruega de aquel mes y se refugió en el trabajo. Pasan los meses, su marido se impacienta y le pide encarecidamente que regrese: la diva lo hará (vía Lisboa-Madrid-Barcelona-París-Berlín-Estocomo) en abril de 1941.
Empieza entonces una historia que parece sacada del guion de una película actual de temática woke. Un diplomático noruego, convertido en embajador en Washington, que había sido desairado varias veces por la cantante, reacia a participar en sus recepciones, y a través de él diversos ministerios del país, con el apoyo de sectores de la prensa amarillista tanto en Noruega como en Estados Unidos, montaron una campaña de desprestigio de la artista, que se encarnizó al terminar la guerra y alcanzó el culmen de los desatinos cuando la policía noruega utilizó a dos antiguos agentes de la Gestapo para difundir la existencia de un (absolutamente ilusorio) entramado económico antipatriótico que habría dirigido Johansen (quien en 1941 no sólo había abandonado el partido sino que, sin dejar de hacer negocios con los alemanes, empezó a financiar a diversas organizaciones de la resistencia) y en el que Flagstad habría participado.
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[Kirsten Flagstad junto a su segundo esposo, HenryJohansen / KIRSTEN FLAGSTAD MUSEUM]
En este punto la información de Solbrekken se vuelve minuciosa: cada telegrama, cada nota confidencial, cada reunión confirmada y con huella en los archivos es colocada en su sitio para desvelar la montaña de mentiras, tergiversaciones y falsificaciones con las que Flagstad fue primero obligada a permanecer en Noruega hasta 1946, todas sus propiedades ilegalmente bloquedas hasta 1950 y sometida a un acoso brutal en cada una de sus actuaciones americanas, pues la cantante decidió no rendirse y luchó por recuperar su carrera. Johansen había sido encarcelado tras la guerra y murió poco después en un hospital. Aún en 1953, el rey Haakon se negó a inaugurar el Festival de Bergen si tenía que ser en su presencia, y por ello sus recitales se programaron para el segundo y el tercer día del certamen. Una humillación que se quiso reparar –tarde y mal– cuando en 1958 fue nombrada directora de la nueva Ópera Nacional de Noruega, puesto que hubo de abandonar en enero de 1960, agostada por la enfermedad.
Sus pecados para tanto sufrimiento: una mezcla de ingenuidad, falta de formación intelectual y notoria incapacidad para entender los entresijos de la política y la diplomacia internacionales. Eso es al menos lo que se trasluce de toda la documentación que Solbrekken aporta para este ilustrativo estudio.
El editor Javier Jiménez completa la obra con un trabajo soberbio de anotación y añadido de archivos contextualizadores de audio y vídeo.
[Diario de Sevilla. 3-03-2024]
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dragonfang-photography · 2 days ago
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Bit larger photo here; may have to open in new tab to see it at full size.
Mjøsa, Norway's largest lake, with Lillehammer visible over at the distant far left.
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thereallordgrape · 2 years ago
❤️Love Languages❤️
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I had this idea in mind for a while and now I'm finally posting it! For a hot minute, I was highly interested in love languages and took a test of my own. Apparently, I'm a gift-giver which isn't really surprising if you know me personally. So I decided to write down what I think my characters' love languages are.
Mjøsa's would be acts of service, she'd bend hell over backward for the Bevy. If she cares about you, she'll go out of her way to make sure you're okay. Need something? She'll get it in an hour. Hungry? Here's some fish she caught. Tired? She'll carry you home. She's sweet deep down, but please don't take advantage, she's been through a lot.
Lucille would be a gift giver. She has a strange way of showing love and buying stuff is one of the healthiest ways she knows how. Money talks to this fashionista. Hence her giving Olevia most of her clothes. Jose definitely benefits from the relationship and holds no shame in being known as her "sugar baby." She mostly gives clothes and jewelry since they are important to her and a major factor in her career.
Nedjem is a terrible gift giver, but what he is great at is words of affirmation. He excels at encouraging others to do their best. When he does take time to think through his words, they hold value. He channels his father when the moment is right. Also, he gives great hugs, so he has a hint of physical touch as a love language too.
To Olevia, quality time is important. Growing up isolated is not ideal for her, so going out of her way to spend time with someone and get to know them is important. Whether it's baking with someone, training with Dai Tai, flying with her kids, or reading with Renee, Olevia takes the time to heart and carries those moments with her. The ultimate proof of love (for Olevia's case lol) she's sentimental like that. Also, she loves to dance (not the best but can hold a rhythm). Dancing can be intimate for her, holding someone close. Guess that ties to physical touch as well.
Empusa is a touchy person, there's not a moment where she isn't touching her mother or one of her cult members. If she has genuine feelings of love for you, physical touch is a must, she needs to feel skin-on-skin contact. Whether skimming her hand along their back, massaging shoulders, or even playing with fingers are proclamations of love. Surprisingly, if she's feeling especially touchy, she enjoys holding hands. There's an intimacy to it she can't explain, so holding hands is a big step lol.
Sophia is a tricky one, but arguably hers are words of affirmation. Let's be honest though if she' even wants to talk to you outside of her work speaks volumes to your character. Also what she'll say to you won't necessarily be compliments, but back-handed ones. Again, be glad she wants to speak with you, means you meet her high standards for a decent person.
Jodie when she finds someone she likes, she'll stick to them. Become attached to the hip, so to speak. Arthur and Dottie can attest, that Jodie enjoys sticking close to those she cares for. Family scavenger hunts, picnics, nap times, Jodie is always down for quality time and group relaxation.
For Arthur, you know how when you laugh you make eye contact with the person closest to you? Or how when Scooby is scared, he jumps into Shaggy's arms and vice versa? Physical contact with someone he's closest to brings him great comfort. Although he does get annoyed when Jodie highjacks his cases, he's low-key happy to have another presence to join him for the ride.
Gem has the best taste when it comes to gift giving. Growing up with only his mother, he learns to pay attention to what she likes and, especially when a sale goes right, he splurges on his mom (definitely a momma's boy). However, knowing Gem he can use it in a nefarious fashion gifting others to manipulate them to get what he wants. Similar to this scene in Arcane with Mel gifting the councilor that trinket, knowing it would make him favor her. Gem knows how to turn a diamond into coal, so just pay attention to what you have that he may want.
BONUS: Drew values quality time. Growing up in a circus, she enjoyed stretching and working out with her parents. She'd love to share her passion for keeping herself fit with someone who holds the same values. Helping them stretch while talking about their day sounds like a good time for Drew.
Welp, that's all for now! Once I get more adjusted to my new job, I'll hopefully be able to hop on here more. Send in asks if you want, take care!
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vintagenorway · 4 years ago
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Two boys and a turkey, Mjøsa, 1960
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i12bent · 3 years ago
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Karl Schou (March 9, 1870 - 1938) was a Danish landscape painter, trained at Zahrtmann’s school. He usually painted in small formats with a restrained palette, but occasionally he did epic murals, for instance for Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen. His motto was “To paint is to be quiet.”
He is represented well in Danish museums, and also in the Norwegian National Gallery. The painting here is privately owned, though.
View of Mjøsa, Norway, 1928 or 1937 - oil on canvas
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norway-in-pictures · 6 years ago
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Only minutes apart. Feiring, Akershus, Norway.
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