#mj watson: 001
spellbcok · 10 months
@tragcdysewn asked: ♫ + 17 for lydia and mj (pretty — yang yoseop)
“you look so pretty today,” lydia complimented as mj came into view. “actually, you look pretty every time i see you.”
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supersxn · 4 years
[ piggyback ] my muse gives yours a piggyback ride @farfromhelpless​
It had been a purely instinctive decision. Jon had been on his way back home after grabbing a bite to eat to avoid the apartment while Kon and Cassie were in one of their lovey, dovey moods (gross). He had passed by a girl the moment her heel had snapped on her shoe. Quickly, Jon surged forward to steady her so that she didn’t fall. “Oh geez, are you alright?” He asked quickly with a frown on his face, it turned into a grimace at the state of the shoe. “That doesn’t look good or wearable.” 
The thought crosses Jon’s mind and he pauses as he looks at the girl, “you need a piggyback? I promise I don’t mean anything by it!” He added quickly as an afterthought, “if it helps I’m not into girls. Like at all. You’re all beautiful and terrifying, but I bat for my own team.” There was an embarrassed expression a beat late and he sighed heavily, “seriously though. You don’t want to walk the New York streets like that. Who knows what kinda gunk you’ll step into. Promise I can make it to at least a nearby store if you plan to buy shoes or wherever you’re headed. I’m your guy.”
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demiwonder-a · 4 years
[ taste ] for your muse to cook for mine @farfromhelpless​
“Is it supposed to, uh, be smoking like that?” Cassie tried not to grimace, she really did, but sitting at MJ’s apartment kitchen counter and seeing the state of the food she was making was more than enough cause for concern. She was glad to have MJ as a friend, to have a female friend in general. Her best friends were all guys, and as much as she loved them, loved her team, it was hard to feel fully included sometimes with the three boys. Some days it felt like it was the boys then it was Cassie, wanting desperately to feel like a part of the group than just an attempt at keeping them in line for the most part. MJ was a breath of fresh air, glad she had someone she could talk to and not feel like she was totally out of her depth.
“Do you want me to help...?” Cassie finally decided to offer, knowing MJ was deadset on cooking for her while they were having their girls' day. “I’m the kid of a single mom, I’m used to having to cook for myself. I got a few skills I could show you—that’s boiling over—if you want! It’s up to you.” She held back her fond laughter at how hard her friend was trying. 
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flamboyantdesire · 3 years
closed starter for @sarcasmpersonified181
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Usually, they wouldn't have dragged Peter into shopping with them. But their graduation was a relevant occasion, and they both valued his opinion. And, secretly, they have been hoping that watching them try on fancy dress after fancy dress would spur him to get himself a new suit. It wasn't that his old suit wasn't proper or that it was ugly. But there were very few excuses in life to buy a brand new three pieces suit, and graduating at University with summa cum laude honors was one of them. They both wanted him to acknowledge his achievements, but he was the same humble boy from Queens that had met so many years ago.
"What do you think of this one?" MJ asked, coming out from the dressing room wrapped in a green gown that hung to her every curve. The low neckline almost reached her belly button. "I think it might be a bit too much."
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Peeking her head from the opposite dressing room, Gwen nodded appreciatively. Green was most definitely MJ's color. It made her red hair stand out even more than usual. "You look beautiful," she breathed out, coming out to have a better look. She was wearing a light blue dress with a mermaid cut. "I don't think anyone would pay attention to the dean if you showed up wearing this." Granted, they would be covered for most of the ceremony, but it was all the same.
"What do you think, Pete? Do we have a winner?"
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faultliines · 3 years
*   𝒐𝒇𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒙𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔  .  𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑  𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑  &  𝐌𝐉  𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐎𝐍
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         𝐢𝐭  𝐰𝐚𝐬  𝐚  𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞  𝐭𝐨  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐨𝐧  girl  how  they  could  all  keep  it  up  .  half  of  her  friends  were  superheroes  and  she  just  couldn’t  possibly  conceive  the  thought  of  having  to  sort  out  the  spectacular  mess  of  young  adulthood  while  trying  to  save  the  rest  world  .  it  was  simply  impossible  .  yet  the  proof  was  all  around  her  .  the  aspiring  copycats  in  costumes  ,  the  glossy  comic  book  covers  ...  she  was  just  in  constant  awe  of  all  of  them  .  she  spots  a  familiar  figure  in  the  crowd  and  a  smile  immediately  appears  upon  her  lips  ,  “  hey  superstar  !  ”  mj  elbows  the  other  jokingly  ,  “  tell  me  how  does  it  feel  to  be  a  national  phenomenon  ?  ”
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pndorawrites · 3 years
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@spiderbitten​ sent : 🐕 Rest their head on my muse’s shoulder/knee ( @ MJ )
she was looking at something, but whatever it was wasn’t enough to keep her attention when the boy appeared and just like that placed his head on her shoulder. a soft smile showed too, soon her eyes went to look at him. ▬ hey there, champ.
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ashenvoid · 4 years
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   ❝ So. What do you think? Can you take a BREAK from your          studies and go with me to the flea market down the road?          Or will that take up TOO MUCH of your time, Mr. Parker? ❞
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  ---   𝔰𝔲𝔯𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔯.   for @arachnrd​ from mj watson.
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rxdfeeling-archive · 5 years
@iinnocentlust​ continuation
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         “ god, i can’t get enough of you. ”   he chuckled against mj’s lips, hand moving down to cradle her butt to hold her up and bring her closer to him as she placed her on top of the dining table.  now free, his hands began to roam her smaller frame, too eager to feel every inch of her body.  he didn’t know how he ended up like this, fallen so deep, practically craving the girl every day of the week.  not even just sexually  –  he simply got too used to having her around, at first it was only for sam, but now he needed her around for himself. too.  parting from the kiss only to press his lips down to her neck, one of his hands slipped under her shirt to palm a taut breast a bit roughly, thumb rolling over her nipple.   “ sam’s mother won’t be dropping her off for another hour,”   he mumbled against her skin, leaving marks behind as he pressed kisses.   “ come on, baby  –  let me fuck you one more time … ”
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it was supposed to be a job like any other. taken care of a little girl was something she could combine with her job as an actress. but sam was downright adorable and what started as a job quickly turned into a vital part of her day. spending time with the girl felt less like an obligation and more like a natural part of her life. on her free days, she missed her. when her shift was over, she couldn’t wait till the next day. and then there was lucas - whose presence she grew more and more accustomed to until he too became the best part of her day. she never expected things between them to be anything but professional but at some point, it simply happened. now sitting on the dining table, she chuckled softly into the kiss before a moan left her lips when his hands found her breast. “i don’t know, tiger. do you think you deserve to fuck me again?” sam was bound to notice the marks eventually but for now, she had been pretty good at covering them up. “what if she drops her by sooner?” there was teasing in her voice but her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him in closer. 
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quexnside-blog · 6 years
[ @redhotxredhead ]
[ txt mgs: Watson, MJ] : Just checking in on you after NYE [ txt mgs: Watson, MJ ]: I assume you...had a hard time with it all?
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moonreflected-a · 6 years
“okay,  so i may be completely losing it  ---  but i woke up this morning,  and your clothes were on the kitchen floor again.  i assume it was a spidey incident,  but i SWEAR we’ve already had this conversation,”
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@assembletm   |   peter & mj!
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theultradork · 6 years
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I do put my money where my mouth is. GOD it’s good AND Slott-free! Cover A and the Midtown variant.
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storiescrafted2 · 6 years
“oookay,”   eyebrows shoot up,  and she shrugs,  thinking for a moment.   “would you prefer something more along the lines of ‘what happens in vegas stays in vegas’?  would that work better for you?”
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@breaksnews   ╎   cont!
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wcbslingerr-blog · 8 years
tag dump;
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brainsnbeauty-ar · 7 years
send a symbol for an “ open when “ letter / @citystarlet / ACCEPTING !
DEAR MJ ( for when things won’t stop going wrong ),
001. i empathize with you. you are not alone.  at this point, i guess i’m kind of an expert in all things gone wrong. this was all unexpected, but i’m trying to remember not to blame myself. what for, i’m not even really sure but i guess that’s my point: i know what it’s like to not have it figured out when all of this horrible stuff is happening at once &, even i struggle to believe this but … eventually, everything is going to be okay. of course, before things are to improve, sometimes it’s beneficial to remember we can’t always be in control. which is beyond frustrating & one of the hardest things i’ve come to accept ; however, i’d like to think that from all of this we strong, intelligent, kind ladies will grow to be better, wiser versions of ourselves.
002. you’re a forced to be reckoned with. did i ever tell you how much i admire you? because i do, mj. so much more than you can even fathom. the light & love you radiate is empowering ! so, believe me when i say that if there’s anyone i believe has the power to make things go right when they are all awry, it’s you. so much easier said than done, i know, but i’ll be damned if anyone tried to tell me that mary jane watson couldn’t turn each entirely crappy situation into something extraordinary ! seriously, i’d place every single bet on the fact that you’re sure to preserve throughout all of the shots life takes at you. & if all else fails, you’ll still have the biggest heart around & that wonderful knack of yours for making those around you smile. hopefully their joy will be able to bring you the same & heal all emotional wounds. … that sounded like it was straight from a horoscope or fortune cookie, but i swear all these cheese is straight from the heart, girly !
003. it’s okay not to be okay. with all of that said, if you can’t seem to find it within to overcome what’s bringing you down, please don’t beat yourself up any further. believe it or not, i have found a great deal of comfort in the saying “ this too shall pass “. short, sweet, & to the point —— but also, totally true. all things are temporary and you really don’t know what you have until it’s gone. i learned that the hard way. instead of using that to mourn all that i’ve lost, i imagine that all of this loss allows for better things to come. “ better “ may not come today, tomorrow, two months from now, but all the things going wrong will eventually make way for something right. until then, give yourself time to heal & to take a moment to do some introspection to work through how you feel about everything that’s occurring. swear it does wonders for the soul !!
004. i love you. i’d like to think you’re already well aware of what this friendship means to me, but i had to write this in here to be sure ! you know, in case you ever forget. this time difference is killer but i will always be just a phone call or text or letter away, okay ? i won’t lie, i am terrified of growing apart, but at least there won’t be any confusion about the difference our bond has made in my life. you’ve been a major light the entirety of the time i’ve known you & just writing this to you has made smile more in an hour than i have in two whole days. so, thank you.
p.s. please don’t ever forget that i am rooting for you & i will always be rooting for you, mj ! this too shall pass. ♡
~ sincerely, your friend & biggest fan,  elizabeth allan.
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flamboyantdesire · 3 years
// @sarcasmpersonified181​​ sent SMUT MEME: WEDDING EDITION. 6A-Peter and MJ
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"I have something for you," she had muttered in his ear, already dragging him to one of the many empty bathrooms in the hotel. Music was blaring, people laughing and screaming and dancing. No one would notice they were gone. No one would come looking for them. Gwen would cover for them. Especially because MJ planned on doing the same for her later. And if they did, well, bad luck. MJ was fully convinced there was no point in marrying someone if you weren't up for a quickie in the bathroom while your guests put the open bar to good use. Movies always had the newlyweds first time in a king-size bed covered in rose petals, where they could revel in the feeling of their bodies pressed together, take their sweet time and be as loud as they wanted. It was a nice concept but MJ had been watching Peter looking dapper in his tuxedo all night long and it had taken all her willpower for her to not jump him as soon as the music had started playing. She wanted to run her hands through his hair, rip his shirt open and lick every inch of exposed skin, and get rid of those annoying pants on his so she could have the real dessert.
And that's exactly what she did, as soon as the door to the bathroom shut close behind them, she pushed him flat against the wall and clashed their lips in a heated kiss. "You don't understand the things you have been doing to me," her words were low, barely a whisper. Her hands worked on undoing his clothes. "I have been thinking about this since I saw you by the altar." Fingertips groped his crotch, palming his length over the fabric of his pants. "So big and hard and all mine." Well, hers and Gwen’s but she could claim ownership over it on behalf of the both of them. She sank to her knees, locking eyes with him as she worked on freeing his cock. "Hands off," she warned with a wink before taking his whole length into her mouth.
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faultliines · 3 years
*   𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒔  .   𝐆𝐖𝐄𝐍   𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐘
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         “  𝒈𝒘𝒆𝒏  ,  ”  𝐦𝐣  𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬  𝐨𝐮𝐭  𝐟𝐨𝐫  𝐡𝐞𝐫  𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝  as  she  pops  a  popcorn  in  her  mouth  ,  dreamily   gazing  at  a  comic  book  poster  of  the  guardians  of  the  galaxy  .    “  would  you  happen  to  know  whether  star  lord  is married  in  2012  ?  or  in  general  ?  i  mean  half  -  aliens  aren’t  usually  my  type  .  but  damn  !  right  ?  ”
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