#mizuki itagaki
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Kozo Miyauchi (Binzo) x Fem!Reader

This classroom is freezing, too cold to be tolerable. Even with the heat of summer blazing outside, the chilled airflow of the schools air conditioner sends a rhythmic shiver through my body. The low temperature making me pull the long sleeves of my school uniform blazer over my hands, crossing my arms to try and insulate the small amount of heat my body is producing.
This is the last class of the day. The teacher drones on about Calculus, I really should be paying attention, exams are getting close. But as I look around the classroom, most of the other students aren't focusing either. Some are stealthily using their phones while the teacher has his back turned, others are either looking out the windows or drawing on the edges of their notebooks.
I watch the hands on the clock, ticking closer and closer to the end of the day. Sure, I still had to help clean up after the bell, but knowing I'm one step closer to leaving, makes my leg bounce impatiently. I'd never been the most enthusiastic about school but I tried my best to do well academically, studying hard and getting decent grades. My mind wanders to how I might spend my afternoon, I know a few of my friends are going to the arcade later, celebrating the last day of the week and the start of the weekend appropriately. Maybe I'll just head home, fit in some studying and enjoy my weekend when it's actually here.
Suddenly, my thoughts are on something else, someone else. The enigma that is Binzo, a man I'd met a few months back by complete coincidence. Our first run in was oddly wholesome.
I had been walking back home from school one day, Spring being in full swing, cherry blossoms in bloom and falling from the trees in a pink cascade. A ginger cat was lounging on a short ledge that separates the riverside walkway and the park, I took a short break and kneeled down to start petting it. The soft sound of rustling leaves, flowing water and the content purrs of the cat were tranquil.
An out of place yell and the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps comes from my left, my hand pauses its petting to turn towards the commotion that is getting uncomfortably close. Before I can even catch a glimpse of what's going on, something heavy collides with my body and I'm toppled onto my butt. The cat meows loudly before making it's escape into the park. I let out a hiss at the pain that shoots up my spine and stings my hands. As open my eyes to look at the scene around me, all I see is a beaten man lying to my left, much more injured than he should be from tripping over me. I always knew that gangs were incredibly common between the all boys schools around Toaru City, but up until now, I'd never encountered any trouble. He holds his head and groans in pain before looking towards me, we exchange worried and confused looks.
Another set of footsteps approach quickly, a figure emerging from around the corner of the walkway. Suddenly, I feel like I've fallen into something I shouldn't have. The man who looks between the two of us on the floor, pauses for a moment like he's trying to figure out how this even happened. The man next to me takes this opportunity to scramble to his feet, sprinting off towards a main road. I turn my head to watch him leave before sighing and brushing my hands off, small red scrapes covering my palms.
My gaze returns to the other man as I move to stand up straight, brushing off my knees and uniform. He lets out an annoyed groan yet it doesn't seem to be directed at me. I look to where the cat had once been, feeling a pang of disappointment at it's absence.
"Shouldn't you go after him?" I speak up first, gaining his attention as he turns to look at me. I really shouldn't have said anything, he seems pretty dangerous, especially after seeing the other guys condition.
I take in his appearance for a moment, his unruly, poofy hair, the way he slouches slightly and his uniform seemingly the same as most other high school students yet tweaked in some aspects. His hands twitch by his sides and his knuckles are bruised and bloodied.
"What's the point? He's learned his lesson" His voice comes out in a slight rasp, seemingly still catching his breath after the chase.
A silence falls over us, we just stand there... staring at each other, I'm honestly waiting for him to move on so that I can as well. I mean, he's standing between me and my way home. I try not to stare but it's hard when his gaze is so intense. As he takes a few steps towards me I take a few backwards, unsure of what he wants.
"I'm not trying to hurt you" He says bluntly. "Your hand is bleeding" He adds gently, almost like he's trying to reassure me.
I turn my hand over, noticing the red that seeps out of the scrapes on my palm and gathers on my skin. I furrow my brows at the sight, I hadn't thought I'd damaged it that badly. In the few seconds I'd looked away from him, he'd closed the distance between us and is only two feet away when I look back up, causing me to take a step back involuntarily. His arm is outstretched and in between his fingers is a band aid. He offers a small, reassuring smile as he urges me to take it from him.
After I had thanked him, returned the smile and applied the band aid, he wandered off without another word, disappearing around the corner he had come from and leaving me to question the interaction on the rest of my walk. He was definitely odd but in an endearing way.
The second encounter I had with him was a few months later at the vending machines outside of a corner store. I'd recognized him from his unmistakable, wild hair and began to approach him. Although I'd been cautious of him in our first meeting, I felt more reassured as I proceeded towards him. Not only because this was a more public setting, but because of how he had acted towards me previously, he didn't seem as threatening. His drink had gotten stuck and he was getting frustrated by the fact it wasn't falling no matter what he did, shaking the machine and mumbling under his breath.
As I stopped to ask if he needed help, he seemed to remember me, recognizing my school uniform. I spent the next half an hour helping him get his drink out, laughing as we both collectively shook the machine until it fell down. He'd thanked me and made some small talk before I had to leave once again.
After that, we seemed to run into each other more often, perhaps we'd always crossed paths and just never recognized each other as more than just another face in the crowd. We grew closer with every encounter, he began walking me home if we happened to be going the same way, which slowly seemed to be every day. We gained each others social medias, started hanging out without excuse and became close friends quickly. He'd grown protective of me, keeping me away from any gang activity and always making sure I was in good health, mentally and physically. There was no mistaking the way he made my heart leap in my chest and though I'd tried to suppress my feelings, it was hard not to fall for him and his unique self.
I'm brought out of my deep state of thought at the familiar and relieving sound of the end of day bell. I scramble to pack away my things, my peers doing the same. I slip my textbooks and stationary into my bag, placing it back on my desks hook as I stand and push in my chair. My classmates are already grabbing cleaning supplies as I make my way to start my duties as well.

The hinges of the supply closet squeak loudly in strain as I push it shut, double checking I had locked it properly. Letting out a tired sigh, I adjust my book bag over my shoulder, it's weight pushing down on me. The chatter of others surround me as I join a crowd of leaving students, their conversations all mix together, the noise making my head ache. I slowly drift further away, hanging back in a leisurely pace, hoping to put some distance between me and them.
As I reach the entrance of the school, I give a few small goodbyes to my passing friends and acquaintances as I change my shoes, tucking them into my cubby in routine. Straightening from my bent position, I let out a short groan before adjusting my book bag over my shoulder again as it began to slip.
I rub my eyes with a knuckle as I step out into the small front area of the school, being met with the orange and pink sky and something more unexpected. By the front gate, stood a neat looking Binzo. His hair still unruly and his usual jacket keeping his upper body warm, but under it is a white, ironed button up, the collar sticking out over the top. As my eyes trail down slightly, I notice his pants aren't stained with dirt or dust like they usually are.
I start in his direction with a smile gracing my lips, he seems to mirror my expression. Though we always ran into each other on my walk home, this was different, this was more obviously deliberate. He'd showed up and waited for me to come out, something he had never done before. As I draw closer, I push down the rapid beating of my heart. The glances from other students don't seem to phase him as much as he seems to disturb them. Though now at a closer proximity I take note of how his jacket bulges oddly on one side, but Binzo being Binzo, it wasn't unusual for him to do unusual things, so I try to will myself not to question it.
"Binzo!" I stop in front of him, "What brings you all the way here? Began to miss me already?" My voice deepens and pitches with my slight teasing. His smile beams like usual, he was always so genuine. He'd always thought there was no real point in doing anything half assed, to live life at a hundred percent all the time.
The way he looks down at his feet then back up to me, his grin somehow widening, makes me raise an eyebrow at his behavior. It's only then that I notice the way his cheeks are tinted pink. Was he... blushing? There was absolutely no way, it must be the heat. Today has been beyond hot and he walked all the way over here so that must be it, I tried to rationalize with myself, not wanting to get my hopes up.
"Thought I'd save you the trouble of meeting me half way" His voice comes out enthusiastically, his crazed joy shining through, or was it just joy? I can't quite tell.
"You do know we'd still be walking the same distance, right?" I note with a sly smirk that forms a small, breathy laugh on the tip of my lips.
"Of course I do! I just... wanted to walk with you today" He stiffens as he responds, almost like he's embarrassed. "Besides, it's dangerous for girls to walk alone at this time of day"
"You never had a problem with it before" I retort, watching as he removes his hands from his pockets with that scrunched expression he always got when he wasn't winning an arguement.
"I've had a problem with it! Just..." He stops mid sentence like he'd forgotten what he was going to say, reaching out to take ahold of my wrist before gently tugging me away from the gate of the school, beginning the route to my house. "I don't have to explain myself to you!" He concludes in a small huff.
I can't deny the way my skin prickles from the contact he's made with my wrist, even after he removes his hand and shoves it back into his pocket. I softly jog to close the small gap and match his pace, which is as leisurely as usual. I can't seem to shake the feeling in my chest, the one that tells me to pour my heart out whenever I'm around him. A comfortable silence settles over us, though it's odd when Binzo isn't talking, he always seems to ramble when he's with his friends.
As the school disappears behind us, he stops. It's sudden enough for me to take another few steps before coming to a stop as well, turning back to face him with furrowed brows. He's just staring at me, which in any other circumstance wouldn't be uncommon, but with how silent he's become and how he looks at me with an indifferent expression. It leaves me a bit puzzled and slightly worried.
"Earth to Binzo, are you okay?" I question, leaning forward in a tilt, trying to decipher whether he's randomly zoned out or if he's finally having an internal crisis about his existence. I hope for the latter but as his eyes follow me, it's probably something else. I can practically see the cogs turning in his head as he continues to stare.
"Okay, you're starting to frea-"
"Please, go out with me!"
His words come out rushed, desperate and his hands grip the bottom of his jacket, almost like he's trying to calm his nerves. His face is contorted in something between seriousness and passion. I'm so taken aback by his sudden interruption that I almost stumble backwards, my eyes growing wide as his words register in my mind. I sort of stand there, frozen, unsure if I'd heard him correctly. My heartbeat is in my ears as I try to settle it back into my chest. All I can manage is a shy half smile, my gaze not leaving his.
"You... want me to go out with you?" I try and wipe away my shocked expression as I ask him. My thoughts going a mile a minute, what if I'd heard him wrong? What if he was being cruel and only joking?
"Y... es?" His responds which sounds more like a question than an answer. He almost seems to deflate right in front of my eyes, his short spurt of confidence slipping away, no matter how hard he tried to grip into it.
My face grows hot as a blush rises to my cheeks, the confirmation of his confession has my head spinning. After my initial shock fades and I realize he's just stood there, looking at me in hope and self inflicted insecurity, I grin widely at him. I can practically see the way his body becomes less tense and I take a small step towards him.
"Well, if you're so sure" I tease a little. My expression softens and I straighten my posture to show I'm more assured in my answer. "Then, I'd love to go out with you"
My laugh is genuine at his reaction, like the verbal confirmation was the last thing he expected to hear. Maybe he thought I'd reject him, I guess I had been pretty subtle about my feelings, never really showing direct interest in him romantically. But I also don't think I'd hid it very well either, although Binzo was known to be pretty oblivious to most things.
"Yes, of course!" My voice rings out in joy as he cycles through a list of emotions before settling on a grin as wide as anything. To my surprise his cheeks are also a shade of pink that I'd never seen him sport before, a color deeper than earlier. It reminds me of how genuine he's always been, how it was silly of me to assume he'd be so heartless to make a joke out of this.
"Oh, wait!" He quickly says, he seems to remember something he meant to before now.
Pulling the right side of his jacket open, it reveals a teddy bear. It's eyes are a beady black, matching the small bow toe that decorates its neck. He's carefully as he pulls it out, holding it out to me with a wide smile.
"I almost forgot to give this to you" His voice is warm, happy.
"Oh my God" I say slowly, taking the bear into my hands and looking at it lovingly. "It's so cute!"
"Mercy said that, when you confess to someone, you never go empty handed." He stops for a moment, admiring the way I'm gently pulling on the teddy bears ears, having quickly become distracted by the stuffed animal. "I didn't really know what he meant, but he said that flowers are good. But they die, I didn't want to get you something that could die."
"It's perfect" I say softly, holding the bear under one arm as I turn my head to look back up at him. My grin softens slightly, "Thank you"
"You don't need to thank me" He clears his throat as he speaks, clearly still trying to rid himself of what's left of his anxiety. He felt more calm now. Having a weight lifted off his shoulders after the confession, something he'd also been keeping in for a while now.
"We should get going before it gets too late" I raise my arm and hold out my hand to him, giving him an expectant look.
He immediately reaches out to place his hand in mine, both of us turning to continue our walk. His palm is warm against mine and despite the heat of the day, I can't bring myself to mind. Not when this is what I'd thought was only fantasy for months now. Our steps are in sync and the comfortable silence returns, it's never spoken but it all falls into place. I feel the plush of the teddy bear under my arm and how our shoulders brush against each other's every so often. Binzo keeps his stare on the environment around us before speaking a few soft words.
"So, can I call you tonight?"
#high and low x reader#high & low#high and low#high & low x reader#high and low the worst x cross#high and low the worst x reader#high and low the worst#high and low the worst x cross x reader#suzuran#binzo#kozo miyauchi#kozo miyauchi x reader#binzo x reader#SWORD#miyauchi kozo x reader#miyauchi kozo#suzuran high#mizuki itagaki
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Okay I know I probably seem a bit weird for this but I feel like I’m the only one who thinks that Binzo from High and Low is really hot. Idk if it’s because the actor himself is like one of my favorites, or if it’s because I would like a boyfriend like Binzo.
You know, a bit crazy, silly, but is willing to fight to protect you at a drop of a hat. Idk I just really like him.

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Shojiki Fudosan / The Honest Real Estate Agent (S2E6)
When you thought you're having it tough in life and then you meet someone's going through much worse than you.
He's always been apathetic and unhappy about life, has the luxury to leave work on time everyday and take many leaves.
Then he encounters a girl working odd jobs to pay her rent and for her parents, and despite her circumstance, strives to be happy.
#shojiki fudosan#shojiki fudousan#the honest real estate agent#miyama karen#karen miyama#itagaki mizuki#mizuki itagaki#japanese drama#jdrama#j drama#dorama#asian drama#japan#life
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Yume de Mita Ano Ko no Tame ni (夢で見たあの子のために) | Jdrama | Whump List
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Crime, Drama
Synopsis: 13 years ago, Nakajou Senri's parents were brutally murdered and his older twin brother Kazuto was taken away by a man with a ‘fire’ scar on his arm. Since then, Senri has lived only for revenge. He continues to search for the ‘fire’ man. Together with his childhood friend Enan and detective Wakazono, he attempts to track down the truth behind the incident and exact his revenge.
Length: 10 eps
Whump meter: ▲▲▲▲▲ (Whump p much every episode) Whumpy things: Supernatural whump, bro whump.
✨ A nice slow burn thriller with an interesting story✨
⚠️Trigger Content: Usual action/thriller CWs (violence, blood, etc) ⚠️⚠️Some SPOILERS will be found, proceed with caution⚠️⚠️
Whumpee: Nakajo Senri (left) portrayed by Itagaki Mizuki
Ep 1 | Punched, stumbles back and falls on the floor, bleeding from the mouth, chokes on blood | Grunting, in pain | Bandage on his face | In pain from hurting his arm with an ashtray.
Ep 2 | Fought, tased briefly on the leg, clutching leg, stumbles back, falls onto the floor, in pain, struggling to get up, saved | [10:15] Hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat, passes out (off screen) | Wakes up, blurry vision, on his knees, hands bound behind his back, grabbed, watching his friend being beaten, shoved onto the floor, manhandled, threatened with friend | Scared, hiding | Tearing up | Suddenly dizzy due to a vision, resting head on hand.
Ep 3 | [03:45] Tased in the back, falls to the floor, groaning in pain, repeatedly kicked while on the ground, forced to his feet then punched, stumbles against the wall then falls back onto the ground, labored breathing, writhing on the ground, pulled to his feet again and punched, hits the wall and sinks onto the floor leaving a trail of blood on the wall, bleeding from the head and from the mouth, coughing, heavy breathing, spits blood, struggling to get up | Coughing, concerned looks from strangers, clutching head | Sudden pain from a vision, clutching head, seeing a disturbing vision, calling out for his brother, on the ground | Disturbed, teary eyed | Fought, kicked and falls to the ground, hit on the head, falls back down onto the ground and is kicked again, repeatedly kicked and beaten with sticks, coughing, panting, struggling to get up, struggling to walk, bloody lip. Face and lip bruised | Sudden headache due to a vision | Angry, slapped.
Ep 4 | Sudden pain, clutching head, groaning, having a vision, concern for him | Angry, crying.
Ep 5 | Concerned for loved one, panting, sweating, frustrated with concern, threatened with a blade, fought, repeatedly kneed in the stomach, punched and knocked to the ground, overpowered a couple of times, knocked to the ground x2, taunted, bruised and bloody lip.
Ep 6 | Emotional, crying | Having a vision, gasps, emotional.
Ep 7 | None.
Ep 8 | Yelled at | Publicly wrongfully accused and in hiding/on the run.
Ep 9 | Distressed, cornered, chased | Faints suddenly onto couch, having a vision, concern for him, wakes up suddenly in fear, labored breathing, struggling to stand up.
Ep 10 | Runs in front of a shooting gun to protect loved one, shot twice in the torso, falls to the ground, unresponsive, bleeding from the mouth. Holding loved on in his arms as they die, emotional, crying | Wakes up suddenly from a vision, panting.
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
Whumpee: Yuki Kazuto (right) portrayed by Itagaki Mizuki
Ep 1-3 | No appearance.
Ep 4 | [11:55] Vision blurs, sudden pain, faints and falls over, caught by ally, concern for him, scar visible on his forehead | Regains consciousness, refuses help, struggling to get up, groaning, stumbles, labored breathing | Vision blurs, crashes motorcycle into railing, falls over and rolls down a hill, in pain, coughs, wheezing, calling out for brother.
Ep 5 | Taken away in a hospital stretcher, oxygen mask on his face, sweating, has flashback, calling out for brother | Captured away from hospital by ally (off-screen), unconscious in the car, head bandaged, weak, recalling painful memory, struggling to walk.
Ep 6 | (in past) Distressed, crying. Watching loved one die in front of him, screams in agony.
Ep 7 | None.
Ep 8 | Wakes up in a hospital bed on IV, drowsy.
Ep 9 | Attacked, held at gunpoint, saved, fought.
Ep 10 | Fought, vision blurring, collapses onto the ground, struggling to remain upright, held at gunpoint, weak, saved, in shock, concerned for loved one, unable to see, coughs up blood, distressed, angry, unable to hold up weapon, held at gunpoint again, apologizing to loved ones, whimpering, labored breathing, lying in his brother's arms, barely responsive, emotional, crying.
Whumpee: Sejima Akira portrayed by Fujiwara Itsuki
Ep 1 | None.
Ep 2 | Captured & bound (off screen), bound to a chair, blood all over his face, barely responsive, grabbed by the hair and head forced back, punched in the face, bleeding from the mouth, kicked in the face, falls off chair, bleeding from the mouth and nose, shivers, grabbed by the jacket and forced back onto the chair | Held hostage in the trunk of a car, trembling, shaky breathing, helped to walk.
Ep 3-10 | None.
#asian whump#whump list#whumplist#whump#jdrama#japanese drama#yume de mita ano ko no tame ni#夢で見たあの子のために#itagaki mizuki#fujiwara itsuki
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KOI TO SHITTA HI The Day I Realized I'm in Love (2023)
#the day i realized i'm in love#koi to shitta hi#恋と知った日#itagaki mizuki#minami sara#userdramas#userstorge#lextag#clairedaring#mostlyfate#jdramasource#filmedit#dailyflicks#japanese film#jdramaedit#jmovie#they don't get to do this to meeee 😭😭😭#like honestly me and whoooooo???#belleparkgif
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#shoujiki fudousan#正直不動産#jdramaedit#jdrama#asiandramasource#dailyasiandramas#honest real estate#shoujiki fudousan season 2#yamashita tomohisa#itagaki mizuki#haruka fukuhara#japanese drama#jdramasource#series: shoujiki fudousan#series tag#type: gif#jdramasource: gifs#jdramasource: all#by: mostlyfate
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Suzuran Boys in High & Low The Worst Cross (2022)
#high and low the worst x#high & low the worst cross#suzuran boys#itagaki mizuki#mikami henry daichi#yagi yusei#kimura keito#takahashi yuuri#tokito yuki
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This "Tatsuya" that you've been talking about since earlier, is he more of a sociable person? Hmmm... he's more of an aggressive person.
ITAGAKI MIZUKI as Iguchi Tatsuya Drop (2023)
#drop#drop 2023#jdramaedit#userdramas#jdrama#asiandramanet#dramasource#japaneseartistsinc#asiancentral#asiandramasource#itagaki mizuki#subs: shinsubs#lextag#usermare#tobelle#userginpotts#syaring#useryd#mymymy#jactor#HIMMMMMMMMMMM#Mizuki always giving me the gooodsssssssss and giving hiro's old role a nice lil flavor#he cray cray and unhingedddd and fights like allllll the timeee which is always a fun combo#he is a bit muchhhhh at times but this show is a bit muchh so lololol#ahhh i must say this drop adaptation is not bad like yeahhhh its alrighttt its fun#anddd him thank you dramagodsssss#he has now really done his blondie delinquent right of passage
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板垣瑞生 24才 178cmスターダスト
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FAKE MOTION: Takkyu no Osho | s01e03
Japanese Drama - 2020, 8 episodes
Episodes | Gaga | Viki | YouTube |iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Youku | Catalogue
#Drama: FAKE MOTION: Takkyu no Osho#JDrama#Youth#Sports#Friendship#Bromance#Miniseries#FAKE MOTION ―卓球の王将―#FAKE MOTION - King of Ping Pong -#Sano Hayato#Furukawa Tsuyoshi#Kitamura Takumi#Tachibana Toi#Kusakawa Takuya#Ogasawara Kai#Morisaki Win#Itagaki Mizuki
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my son hes a little crazy...
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Found a Movie called Drop from 2009, it’s got Mizushima Hiro in it who was in the live action black butler and also in one of the Kamen riders but then there’s a drama series and that has not only the guy who plays Binzo in the worst x but also Sukai from jo1 and Sway from Doberman Infinity 😩🤚. Anyway Drop is crazy it’s very crows zero and high & low but I guess that’s a popular theme for dramas and movies in Japan? I was surprised to see Binzo but I wanna see that now. The movie is ok I really like Lupin and Mizushima’s character. Also why drop, high & low, crows zero and from today it’s my turn and demekin all the guys have jojo’s bizarre adventure x buckaroo banzai lookin ass haircuts? Also they all about fighting but the actors weave in between the different dramas it’s really cool.
Also tagging @straysugzhpe cause idk if you know about it but I tried to watch Drop with Binzo and the only site I found it on was really laggy but yeah he has blonde hair and it’s yummy
#drop#high & low#high & low the worst x#crows zero#kaman rider#mizushima hiro#itagaki mizuki#also also nobuyuki Suzuki is in the from now thingy#with hayato isomura who I think is in Tokyo Revengers#suzuki nobuyuki#hayato isomura#jo1#kinjo sukai
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When Gen Z calls Millennial, Boomer. 😭
Shojiki Fudosan / The Honest Real Estate Agent (S2E3)
#shojiki fudosan#shojiki fudousan#the honest real estate agent#yamashita tomohisa#rika izumi#tomohisa yamashita#izumi rika#mizuki itagaki#matsumoto wakana#itagaki mizuki#wakana matsumoto#japanese drama#jdrama#j drama#dorama#asian drama#japan
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DROP ドロップ (2023) ep. 3
#drop#drop 2023#itagaki mizuki#hyodo katsumi#hosoda kanata#jdrama#userdramas#lextag#userstorge#userginpotts#clairedaring#syaring#jdramasource#asiandramasource#dailyasiandramas#asiandramaedit#tvedit#“mustard” was always ready to fight people lmao#like i wished they actually fought each other but nopeeee#“ketchup” had a showdown with katsumi's character instead hahaha#i take no credit of mustard and ketchup lolssssss#and hello terrible coloring bc im too lazy to edit it any more#belleparkgif#subs shinjsubs
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