#mizu makes disgusted noises at this
clarisimart · 9 months
You know what would be sooo funny for season 2 of Blue eyed Samurai? if no matter whoever Mizu's bio dad ends up being, after being forced together in close proximity for a while, Fowler keeps getting more and more examples of just how unhinged Mizu is and ends up being genuinely fond of her and goes like, "you know what, I'm officially your dad now", all the while Mizu still hates him and has to fight the urge to kill him every single second while she still needs him.
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artsyfangirl · 3 years
So, as I said in a previous post, she gets attached to at least one person in each adventure, rather like how Karl falls in love with each Sapnap.
Her attachments are as follows:
In The Village That Went Mad, her attachment is formed with Robin, as she sees herself in him to some degree, and thinks it ridiculous that a child is being accused of murder. She has to watch him be executed despite her protests, and is executed herself soon after.
In The Lost City Of Mizu, she forms an attachment to Isaac, unsurprisingly. She forms an attachment with each of the boys (Isaac, Cletus, and Charles), but is particularly close with Isaac, unconsciously because of the two both being time travelers. This is strengthened by Isaac attempting to save her from her death, something she remembers very clearly.
In The Masquerade, she forms two attachments, one to James, and one to the Butler. James makes her feel safe, and she admires him, and attempts to cheer him up, continuing to do so even after people start dying. After his death she’s suspected alongside Oliver for her closeness with James, and how she had spent much of her time there with him.
She is kind to the Butler, and though she doesn’t show it, she’s disgusted by Billium’s treatment of him. Often when he makes a mess or has to clean something up she’ll offer words of comfort, she even helps when no one else is around, for most of the guests would talk about it if they saw, which would lead to Billium learning about her behavior. She’s very gentle with the boy, and every now and then she tries to touch his elbow or shoulder to comfort him, despite knowing how he’ll probably react. She can’t help herself, it’s her instinct. Like me, one of her prime love languages is physical affection, and general touching. It’s how she comforts others, and a huge part of how she receives comfort.
He’s understandably confused by her treatment of him, and it makes her blood boil. The one time she made the mistake of not masking her anger about this he shrank back like he’d been backhanded across the face, and she didn’t know what to do. She quickly started reassuring him that she wasn’t mad at him, just everyone else, mainly Billium. He didn’t understand why she would be upset, but knowing she wasn’t mad with him made him feel better.
She was one of the last to die. She died before Karl, however. Probably before Oliver, too. It’s why the Butler was so merciless when killing Oliver and Karl. He didn’t understand it, but he’d just lost the one person who had ever treated him like he mattered.
She had separated from the remaining guests after James’ death, grieving, telling them she was going for a walk, and since they suspected her, they didn’t want to send anyone with her in case she killed that person when the two of them were alone. Billium hadn’t cared, and the Butler stayed with the others.
She ended up finding a long flight of downwards stairs, and found the basement. The Butler started to get worried since she hadn’t reappeared, and slipped away at the closest opportunity. He wasn’t sure why, but his gut was directing him to the basement. It took a few moments for him to realize, then he ran down there, hoping he wouldn’t be too late.
She had already found the Egg’s room by the time he caught up to her. He called out to her quietly, not wanting to alert any possible other people, and she turned around, and when their eyes met he understood that she somehow understood what it was, to some degree. He panicked. He didn’t want her to fall under the Egg’s control, as surely the Egg would want someone so kind on it’s side, to manipulate even more people. She looked at him, and saw the panic in his eyes. She was about to reassure him that everything was okay, until the two heard a noise coming from the stairs. The two panicked, both knowing the only person who would know how to get to the room was Billium. The Butler told her to hide, possibly more terrified than he’d ever been in his life, and she did.
Billium had grown tired of waiting. His butler wasn’t responding to his calls (he would be punished for that (unbeknownst to Billium, it was because the boy had entered such a state of panic when realizing that the lady had gone to the Egg’s direct zone of influence that he became blind to the world around him)) and one of the guests had gone missing, and he knew for a fact she wasn’t dead. Strangely enough, she just so happened to be one of the two strangers who had shown up uninvited (we don’t count the poor man here).
He went to consult the Egg, but upon entering found his butler there. At first he was going to yell at him, until he noticed the boy’s behavior. Behavior that was faintly familiar. He faintly remembered back when he had first started training the boy, and how he would avert his eyes from Billium’s shoes when he was misbehaving, something that was quickly squashed.
He almost could’ve chuckled. He thought he had eliminated all disobedience from the boy, but he had noticed that his butler had started acting strangely in the past few hours, so this should’ve been a possibility Billium prepared for.
Now his only question was; what was his butler hiding?
When asked, the boy only stuttered that he wasn’t hiding anything. Billium would’ve punished him for speaking without permission in any other scenario, but he found this too funny.
Suddenly, he heard the Egg. And the knowledge it bestowed on him had everything clicking into place in an instant. Oh. Ohh. Of course. It made perfect sense. The boy had formed a little crush. At least, that’s what Billium thought, as he knew the boy was the age where that would happen (not speaking from personal experience here, no way).
And of course he would. Someone who treated the boy with kindness undeserving of his station would certainly gain the boy’s favor. And the funny thing was, the boy didn’t even know! Billium was suddenly reminded that his isolation and alienation of the boy had caused him to be alienated from even such simple things as emotional attachments.
Oh, he couldn’t blame the boy, no matter how furious he was. But this wouldn’t go unpunished. The Egg seemingly agreed, and told Billium where the girl was hiding. A sick, twisted grin grew on Billium’s face as he strode toward her hiding spot, hearing his butler protest in a panicked manner, and the heightened breathing pace of his quarry.
He threw open her hiding spot, and drug her out.
He told the boy to kill her. And they both knew what the boy would choose, and Billium could only imagine how much that made the boy hate himself.
She looked at the Butler, smiling despite her watering eyes. She told him that she didn’t blame him, and that she was only sorry she wasn’t able to help him.
And then he killed her. He made it quick, despite his trembling hands and the fact that he didn’t feel connected to his body anymore.
In The Wild West, she forms an attachment with the Karaoke Kid, as when she sees him for the first time she instantly knows that he’s the boy she had tried so hard to save last time. But this time he’s but a child. And she tries so hard. She learns about Billiam’s plague on the town, and she suddenly understands the Butler so much more. The day that Billiam attacks once more, she hides the boy, telling him to stay out of sight. However, he still gets caught, and once she sees Billium dragging the boy away, she runs to intercept him, trying to free the child. Billium shoots her with hardly a second thought.
In The Haunted Mansion, she gets attached to the twins. Thankfully, she was the only one to die in that one.
In The Pit, she forms an attachment to Jackie and Watson, she doesn’t understand why a child is fighting in an arena, but doesn’t baby him regardless. She gets along with him. She sees Watson as a father figure. She gets killed by Watson in the bow and arrow event.
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